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Franz von Schober Sold at Auction Prices


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    • SCHOBER, Franz von, Freund Schuberts, 1798 – 1882.
      Apr. 09, 2024

      SCHOBER, Franz von, Freund Schuberts, 1798 – 1882.

      Est: €300 - €400

      SCHOBER, Franz von, Freund Schuberts, 1798 – 1882. E. Br. m. U. Dresden 22.XII.1877. 31/2 S. gr.-8o. Mit zittriger Hand geschrieben. Etwas gebräunt. Kleine Faltenrisse. Schwermütiger Altersbrief des 82-jährigen Dichters an einen jungen Freund, dem er für seine Zuwendung dankt; er könne ihm nur "die Miseren des Alters" schildern. "... Ich bin wirklich halb todt, obgleich ich in diesem schändlichen Zustande leider noch sehr lange fortleben kann, denn der Arzt sagt der Puls gehe sehr normal, die Zunge sey rein, die Verdauung gut, u. die Leute finden daß man vortrefflich aussehe. Der eigentliche Zustand ist aber so: Meine Schwäche ist schrecklich u. peinigend. Die geringste Bewegung kostet mich Anstrengung, ja Schmerz. Mein Schwindel ist so arg geworden, daß ich ohne geführt zu werden nicht mehr durchs Zimmer gehen kann, ohne Gefahr hin zu stürzen … Wenn Du Dir den ganzen Zustand so zusammenstellst, wirst Du kein zu zu erfreuliches Resultat gewinnen. Dazu kommt noch die entsetzliche Einsamkeit. Ich sehe oft eine Woche keinen Menschen. Ich habe überhaupt hier wenig Bekannte u. einen Tauben zu besuchen ist für keinen ein Vergnügen. So gehen die Tage sehr trübselig mit Lesen vorüber u. man kann nur wünschen daß sie bald zu Ende wären u. daß es auf die wenigst schmerzhafte Art geschehe. Du bist so außerordentlich freundlich mir Hoffnung zu machen daß Du mir von Deinen Sachen was erscheint, schicken werdest. Damit wirst Du mir eine ungeheure Freude machen u. sey so gut das auch auf Zeitungsausschnitte auszudehnen, wenn in Blättern Aufsätze von Dir enthalten sind, die ich sonst nie zu Gesicht bekommen würde, da ich nirgends hinkomme wo Zeitungen aufliegen u. selbst keine halte …"

      Stargardt Autographenhandlung
    • Autographs - Franz Liszt
      Jul. 13, 2011

      Autographs - Franz Liszt

      Est: $6,000 - $8,000

      ALS in German, signed "F. Liszt," four pages on two adjoining sheets, 10.25 x 8, April 30, 1841. Letter to his friend, Austrian poet, librettist, lithographer, and actor, Franz von Schober (1796-1882), who was also a close friend of Schubert. In full (translated): "You most certainly are a good and loyal friend, my dear Schober. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your apprehension and kindness. I absolutely cannot understand Haslinger's behavior in this matter. I did have certain illusions about him and believed that we could count on being treated differently than ordinary scribblers and dealers of musical notes. Now, this is all over and done with. I shall send him my last manuscript in about 14 days. Let then happen what may. I would indeed be grateful for you to talk to Mr. von Spina in connection with this trying situation and explain to him the entire affair. At any rate, I want the medallions to be sent to Vienna, even if it should take an entire year getting on with the project. Once I receive a reply from you, I shall write directly to Spina and ask him to accept the crate for me when it arrives. Receiving your essay about Hungary would please my heart dearly. Please send it to the following address: [address penned in English] 18 Great Marlborough Street, London, (attention Mr. Erard) and make sure it is written on fancy paper.Unfortunately, all that talk about my financial losses is in part true-more than 15,000 florin in all. This unhappy situation surely is dragging me through hell right now. But by the grace of the good Lord, I am still steady in my saddle [next three words in French] although and because. My current stay in Paris turns out to be entirely [next two words in French] just right. At long last, my position here is also [next two words in French] crisp and clear. This certainly was a very important issue for me. My last concert of Beethoven's movement was in a different genre, but just as decisive as the Perther concert was for the Hungarian theater. I have to be in London in 3 days. Write to me as soon as possible. If you allow me to, I shall reply in French, I am [end of sentence in French] much more at ease, and I will write you more prolifically. Vienna, my excellent friend [ends sentence in French] count entirely on me, and always keep me your good and strong friendship." Letter has been professionally silked and removably encapsulated in acid free Mylar. In very good condition, with aforementioned silking, several areas of restoration of paper loss, scattered irregular toning and soiling, and fold and hinge reinforcement.This letter was composed five days after Liszt's performance at the infamous Beethoven fundraising concert in Paris on April 25, 1841, an event geared towards raising money to build a monument for Beethoven. A program consisting entirely of Beethoven movements, which featured Lizst as a soloist in the E-flat Concerto, the composer performed his wildly praised rendition of "The 'Reminiscences of Robert le Diable' - the 'Valse infernale'" to the crazed elation of the audience. "At long last, my position here is also [next two words in French] crisp and clear. This certainly was a very important issue for me. My last concert of Beethoven's movement was in a different genre, but just as decisive as the Perther concert was for the Hungarian theater." Once published, "Robert" sold over 500 copies, cementing Liszt's rendition of Beethoven's original in classical music history. This is a raw account of the emotional and financial state of the composer who mesmerized the Parisian musical community through Beethoven's work.

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