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Enoch (1694) Seemann Sold at Auction Prices

Portrait painter, Miniature painter, b. 1694 - d. 1744

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    • Enoch Seeman il giovane ( Danzica 1689 circa - Londra 1745)
      Feb. 25, 2025

      Enoch Seeman il giovane ( Danzica 1689 circa - Londra 1745)

      Est: €1,000 - €1,500

      Enoch Seeman il giovane ( Danzica 1689 circa - Londra 1745) Ritratto di giovane nobildonna Olio su tela 76 x 63 cm Seeman seguì il padre a Londra dalla natia Danzica, da suo padre, anch'egli Enoch (nato intorno al 1660), intorno al 1704. Circa ventenne firmò il suo primo dipinto, Ritratto della famiglia Bisset, dove mostrò l’influenza del ritrattista Godfrey Kneller. Verso il 1730 eseguì i ritratti dell'incoronazione di Giorgio II e di sua moglie, la regina Carolina di Ansbach, conservati al Castello di Windsor nel Berkshire, in Inghilterra, come parte della Collezione Reale. Fu un attivo ritrattista nell’Inghilterra della prima metà del Settecento e oggi i suoi dipinti sono conservati nei più prestigiosi musei inglesi e degli USA. Enoch Seeman the Younger (Danzig ca. 1689 - London 1745) Portrait of a Young Noblewoman Oil on canvas 76 x 63 cm

      Lucas Aste
    • ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (Germany/Poland/England, c. 1694-1745), Portrait of a young woman., Oil on canvas, 29" x 24.75". Framed 31" x 25.5".
      Jan. 09, 2025

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (Germany/Poland/England, c. 1694-1745), Portrait of a young woman., Oil on canvas, 29" x 24.75". Framed 31" x 25.5".

      Est: $500 - $1,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN Germany/Poland/England, c. 1694-1745 Portrait of a young woman. Unsigned.

    • ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG c.1694-1744 LONDON)
      May. 01, 2024

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG c.1694-1744 LONDON)

      Est: £4,000 - £6,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG c.1694-1744 LONDON) ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG c.1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of Ms. Gybbon-Monypenny, seated three-quarter length, holding a Lamb and flowers in a landscape, an allegory of innocence signed and dated Enoch Seeman 1738 (lower right) oil on canvas 126.6 x 101 cm Property of a private collection. Enoch Seeman was brought to London by his father in 1704 and established himself as a great portraitist from a young age. Seeman was heavily inspired by European artists such as Van Dyck and Holbein, whose influence can be admired throughout his portraits. Seeman established royal patronage throughout his career, painting sitters such as George II and Queen Caroline (whose portrait is now held by the Royal Collection Trust). The sitter in the present portrait is traditionally held to be Ms. Elizabeth Monypenny (1716-1761), the daughter of James Monypenny of Maytham and Mary Nee Gybbon. The presence of a lamb in this work could be traditionally interpreted as symbolic of a gentle nature and childhood innocence.

      Chiswick Auctions
    • Enoch Seeman (Circa 1694-1745). An 18th Century Oil on Canvas: Half Length Portrait of a Gentleman p
      Feb. 25, 2024

      Enoch Seeman (Circa 1694-1745). An 18th Century Oil on Canvas: Half Length Portrait of a Gentleman p

      Est: £1,500 - £2,500

      Enoch Seeman (Circa 1694-1745). An 18th Century Oil on Canvas: Half Length Portrait of a Gentleman painted in a feigned oval, wearing a white cravat and velvet coat, 30'' x 25'' (76 cm x 64 cm). In an elaborately decorated gilt frame 37¾'' x 32'' (96 cm x 81.5 cm).

      Wilkinson's Auctioneers
      Feb. 21, 2024


      Est: £7,000 - £10,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (BRITISH CIRCA 1694-1744)SELF PORTRAIT AGED EIGHTEEN Signed and inscribed 'AETATIS.18.' (lower right)Oil on canvas53.3 x 43.1cm (20 x 16¾ in.)Provenance:Denis Cowell Collection, Lewes, Sussex The self-portraits of Enoch Seeman ''in the finical manner of [Balthasar] Denner'' [1] that he painted in the early 1700s are impressive statements of the artist's virtuosity. The combination of elegance of execution, personal beauty and exceptional talent is no doubt intended to recall the early self-portraits of Van Dyck in the previous century, whilst alluding further to the intellectual inner life of the Rembrandt School. This painting, which, with the ambitious Colonel Andrew Bisset and his family, appears to be the painter's earliest datable work in this country is a striking demonstration of excellence in such a young painter. Indeed the prominence of the inscription suggests that this painting may well have acted as an advertisement for the painter as he began to build a portrait practice in London. The exceptional precocity of these self-portraits was recognised by no less a connoisseur than the Earl of Burlington. George Vertue [2] records that Seeman ''did his own picture in that finished manner extremely well, when he was about 19 years old this picture was much admired. & Sig Ricci when he was here advised Lord Burlington to give him 100 guineas for it but understanding he had a mind to make another therefore bought it not. Since that Lord bought it and is in his pose.'' This entry of 1723 refers to events a decade previously, as Sebastiano Ricci was working for Burlington in 1713 - 1714. As a comparison with the price suggested by Ricci it is worth noting that at the same date Sir Godfrey Kneller, the most fashionable of portraitists, was charging around sixty guineas for a privately commissioned full-length.That Seeman was particularly taken with painting himself at this date is confirmed by the number of self-portraits that exist from the period. A contemporary example (Historical Portraits, exhibited Southampton City Art Gallery 2001) is of similar composition and dimensions, and the untraced three-quarter-length self-portrait engraved by J. Faber (example National Portrait Gallery) must likewise be close in date, and is a dynamic suggestion of the artist in the very moment of inspiration. The most conceptually daring of these self-portraits is the artist's placing of himself in the background of Colonel Andrew Bisset and his family. Behind the Colonel and his wife and daughters there is a further shadowy figure, which was long believed to be a posthumous depiction of Bisset's son. Comparison with this Self Portrait suggests that it is a further image of Seeman himself. In confirmation of this, the figure gestures towards a pedestal on which is inscribed Enoch Seeman. Pinx. AE. 18 1708.The continental manner that Seeman employs in these self-portraits would, nonetheless, seem not to have been congenial to his clients for their own images. He sufficiently impressed Society to be able to pursue a career into the 1740s - in 1723 Vertue remarks that ''Enoch. for portrait painting. is in the greatest vogue'' [3] - and his aristocratic and royal patronage makes him a rival to Charles Jervas, but his portraits are painted in a solid version of the prevailing London manner, plainly more to the public taste.1. Horace Walpole Anecdotes of Painting ed. Dallaway 1876 vol II p2942. Notebooks III p 15 - 163. ibid.

      Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
      Jan. 17, 2024


      Est: £7,000 - £10,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Property of a private collection. ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG c.1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of Mary Gybbon, standing three-quarter length alongside an organ holding the sheet music for Aria dall’amor piu sventurato signed and dated with initials 'E. S/ pix. 1738' (lower right) oil on canvas 126.6 x 101 cm Property of a private collection. The sitter is shown in the present work, possibly about to perform and is represented as a talented young female artist. Enoch Seeman was brought to London by his father in 1704 and established himself as a great portraitist from a young age. Seeman was heavily inspired by European artists such as Van Dyck and Holbein, whose influence can be admired throughout his portraits. Seeman established royal patronage throughout his career, painting sitters such as George II and Queen Caroline (whose portrait is now held by the Royal Collection Trust). The sitter in the present portrait is traditionally held to be Mary Gybbon, daughter of Phillips Gybbon and Catherine Bear, and sister of Elizabeth Jordell. She stands poised by an organ holding a sheet of music which is believed to be a section of Aria dall’amor piu sventurato which is typically sung by a female mezzo-soprano, perhaps therefore, the present sitter is preparing to sing. The piece originates from L'Orfeo, an opera by Claudio Monteverdi. The piece tells the story of Orpheus, recalling his decent to Hades and his unsuccessful attempt to bring his deceased bride, Eurydice, back to life.

      Chiswick Auctions
    • ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG c.1694-1744 LONDON)
      Jan. 17, 2024

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG c.1694-1744 LONDON)

      Est: £5,000 - £7,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG c.1694-1744 LONDON) Property of a private collection ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG c.1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of Ms. Gybbon-Monypenny, seated three-quarter length, holding a Lamb and flowers in a landscape, an allogory of innocence signed and dated Enoch Seeman 1738 (lower right) oil on canvas 126.6 x 101 cm Property of a private collection Enoch Seeman was brought to London by his father in 1704 and established himself as a great portraitist from a young age. Seeman was heavily inspired by European artists such as Van Dyck and Holbein, whose influence can be admired throughout his portraits. Seeman established royal patronage throughout his career, painting sitters such as George II and Queen Caroline (whose portrait is now held by the Royal Collection Trust). The sitter in the present portrait is traditionally held to be Ms. Elizabeth Monypenny (1716-1761), the daughter of James Monypenny of Maytham and Mary Nee Gybbon. The presence of a lamb in this work could be traditionally interpreted as symbolic of a gentle nature and childhood innocence.

      Chiswick Auctions
    • ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of a gent
      Nov. 29, 2023

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of a gent

      Est: £1,200 - £1,800

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in a red jacket with gilt... oil on canvas, unlined 50 x 40 in. (127 x 101.6 cm.)

    • ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG, NOW GDANSK C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of a gentle
      Nov. 29, 2023

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG, NOW GDANSK C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of a gentle

      Est: £5,000 - £8,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG, NOW GDANSK C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, probably The Hon. Montague Blundell, in a... oil on canvas 30 1⁄8 x 24 7⁄8 in. (76.5 x 63.3 cm.)

    • ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of Letitia, Lady Sandys
      Nov. 29, 2023

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of Letitia, Lady Sandys

      Est: £8,000 - £12,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of Letitia, Lady Sandys, née Tipping (1699-1779),... oil on canvas 50 x 40 in. (127 x 101.6 cm.)

    • ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Group portrait of Letitia, Lady S
      Nov. 29, 2023

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Group portrait of Letitia, Lady S

      Est: £30,000 - £50,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Group portrait of Letitia, Lady Sandys, née Tipping (1699-1779) with her two... oil on canvas 60 ¾ x 74 ½ in. (154.3 x 189 cm.)

    • ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (Germany/Poland, c. 1694-1745), Portrait of a young woman., Oil on canvas, 29" x 24.75". Framed 31" x 25.5".
      Jun. 01, 2023

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (Germany/Poland, c. 1694-1745), Portrait of a young woman., Oil on canvas, 29" x 24.75". Framed 31" x 25.5".

      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN Germany/Poland, c. 1694-1745 Portrait of a young woman. Unsigned.

      Apr. 14, 2023


      Est: £700 - £1,000

      CIRCLE OF ENOCH SEEMAN (BRITISH C.1694-1744)A PARTRIDGE IN A SCULPTED CARTOUCHE, WITH A SPANIELOil on canvas76.2 x 64.8cm (30 x 25½ in.)Provenance:Sale, Christie's, South Kensington, 5 July 2013, lot 37

      Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
    • Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of Sir John Shuckburgh, 3rd. Bt, three-quarter-length, in a blue velvet coat, holding a crop, standing in a landscape with his hound
      Dec. 07, 2022

      Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of Sir John Shuckburgh, 3rd. Bt, three-quarter-length, in a blue velvet coat, holding a crop, standing in a landscape with his hound

      Est: £6,000 - £8,000

      Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of Sir John Shuckburgh, 3rd. Bt, three-quarter-length, in a blue velvet coat, holding a crop, standing in a landscape with his hound bears inscription 'Sir John Shuckburgh B art' (lower left) oil on canvas 126.6 x 103.5cm (49 13/16 x 40 3/4in).

    • Circle of Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of a Gentleman, Possibly Sir John Molesworth of Pencarrow
      Sep. 27, 2022

      Circle of Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of a Gentleman, Possibly Sir John Molesworth of Pencarrow

      Est: £500 - £800

      Circle of Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of a Gentleman, Possibly Sir John Molesworth of Pencarrow Oil on canvas 76 x 63.5cm (29 15/16 x 25in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    • Circle of Enoch Seeman, Polish / English c.1694-1745- Portrait of a Millington Hayford Esq. and
      Mar. 22, 2022

      Circle of Enoch Seeman, Polish / English c.1694-1745- Portrait of a Millington Hayford Esq. and

      Est: £700 - £1,000

      Circle of Enoch Seeman, Polish / English c.1694-1745- Portrait of a Millington Hayford Esq. and his wife; oils on canvas, each 26.2 x 21.5 cm., a pair (2). The first bears inscriptions 'Millington Hayford Esq, born about the year 1700, died about the year 1745 Eight months before the birth of his only child, who subsequently became Lady Thorold: She died in the year 1807' (on an old label attached to the reverse), 'Charles Thorold given to him by his mother in law at Whittington Rectory Dec. 1849' (on an old label attached to the reverse of the stretcher), 'Left to my son Algernon G. Thorold' (on an old label attached to the reverse of the frame). The second bears inscriptions 'Mrs Beardsley, wife of George Beardsley Esq....' with details concerning her becoming a widow in her nineteenth year before then marrying 'Millington Hayford Esq. of Millington Hall' (on an old label attached to the reverse), 'Charles Thorold given to him by his mother in law at Whittington Rectory Dec. 1849' (on an old label attached to the reverse of the stretcher), 'Left to my son Algernon G. Thorold' (on an old label attached to the reverse of the frame). Provenance: Private Collection, UK. Please refer to department for condition report

    • Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in a green coat, within a painted oval
      Oct. 26, 2021

      Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in a green coat, within a painted oval

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in a green coat, within a painted oval signed and dated 'Enoch Seeman fec/ 1734' (lower left) oil on canvas 76.7 x 63.5cm (30 3/16 x 25in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    • ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C.1694-1745 LONDON) Portrait of a gentle
      Sep. 14, 2021

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C.1694-1745 LONDON) Portrait of a gentle

      Est: £6,000 - £10,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG C.1694-1745 LONDON) Portrait of a gentleman, traditionally identified as Thomas Ward,... oil on canvas 49 ¾ x 40 ½ in. (126.5 x 102.8 cm.)

    • Attributed to Enoch Seeman (c.1694-1745)
      Jun. 29, 2021

      Attributed to Enoch Seeman (c.1694-1745)

      Est: £1,500 - £2,000

      Attributed to Enoch Seeman (c.1694-1745) Attributed to Enoch Seeman (c.1694-1745) Portrait of Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming of Cumberland, three-quarter length, in a brown coat and blue mantle, in a coastal landscape oil on canvas 127 x 103cm

    • ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG, NOW GDANSK C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of Katherine
      Apr. 23, 2021

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG, NOW GDANSK C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of Katherine

      Est: $10,000 - $15,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (DANZIG, NOW GDANSK C. 1694-1744 LONDON) Portrait of Katherine Watson Southwell (d. 1765) holding a book,... oil on canvas 46 x 36 in. (116.8 x 91.4 cm.)

      Sep. 22, 2020


      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (1694-1744) PORTRAIT OF THE POET JOHN GAY (1685-1732) oil on canvas 73.0 x 58.0 cm / 28 3/4 x 22 3/4in Provenance: The Earl of Darnley By whom sold at his sale^ Christie~s^ London^ 01.05.1925^ Lot 4 (as John Gay^ by William Aikman^ bought Hugh Blaker for £31.10) Christie~s^ London^ Anonymous Sale^ 29.06.1934^ Lot 107 (sold as above) Christie~s^ London^ Anonymous Sale^ 17.02.1984^ Lot 120 (as Gay by Circle of Jonathan Richardson) The present work may relate to an unfinished portrait^ thought to be of John Gay^ that was sold at Christie~s^ South Kensington^ Old Masters & 19th Century Art^ 10.12.2010^ Lot 2071. There is also another version of the present work at Marble Hill House^ Twickenham (Acc. No. 88029593). William Aikman~s portrait of circa 1720 (Scottish National Portrait Gallery^ Acc. No. PG 718) is the work to which other portraits must be compared. Other important portraits of Gay with good claims to authenticity are the miniature by Christian Friedrich Zincke^ now known only from engravings^ and a portrait by Michael Dahl^ both of which are directly comparable in their likenesses to the present work.

      Olympia Auctions
      Aug. 27, 2020


      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (GDANSK 1694 - LONDON 1745) Portrait of a Gentleman thought to be John Gay in a black coat and red cap oil on canvas 50.8 x 41.6 cm (20 x 16 3/8 in.) PROVENANCE: Miles Wynn Cato, London; sale, Christie's, London,10th December 2010, lot 2071

      Chiswick Auctions
    • Enoch Seeman (British 1694-1745) Portrait of Lady Margaret Herbert (d. 1752)
      Mar. 10, 2020

      Enoch Seeman (British 1694-1745) Portrait of Lady Margaret Herbert (d. 1752)

      Est: £5,000 - £8,000

      Enoch Seeman (British 1694-1745)Portrait of Lady Margaret Herbert (d. 1752), daughter of Thomas, 8th Earl of PembrokeOil on canvas118 x 141cm (46¼ x 55½ in.)Provenance: The Earl of Guilford Sale, Christie's, London, 21 November 1980, Lot 88Literature: Waldershare Park catalogue, no. 188Lady Margaret Herbert was one of twelve children to come from Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of Pembroke and 5th Earl of Montgomery's marriage to and his first wife Margaret Sawyer. Herbert, and English and later British statesman, was the third son of Philip Herbert, 5th Earl of Pembroke (1621-1669) and Catharine Villiers. Upon the death of both his brothers, the 6th and 7th Earl respectively, and without the presence of an heir, Herbert succeeded to the earldoms in 1683.Sawyer in turn was the only child of Sir Robert Sawyer (1633-1687) and Margaret Suckeley. Sir Robert Sawyer was the Attorney General for England and Wales (1681-1687) and briefly speaker of the English House of Commons. After settling in Highclere, Hampshire, Sawyer built the house which preceded the present castle. Lady Margaret Herbert's brother, Robert Sawyer Herbert (1693-1769) went on to inherit Highclere Castle in 1706, when he succeeded to his mother's estates, inheriting Highclere from his maternal grandfather. Enoch Seeman (1694-1745) was a Polish painter who travelled to England from his home in Flanders in 1704, with his father, Enoch Seeman the Elder. As a painter to the Royal Court the younger Seeman was commissioned to paint portraits of George I and George II, the latter now being held in the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle.

      Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
      Nov. 27, 2019


      Est: £3,000 - £5,000

      oil on canvas, in an early 18th Century acanthus enriched frame with flowered spandrels (Dimensions: 240 x 150 cm) (240 x 150 cm) Footnote: Provenance: The Dukes of Leeds, Hornby Castle, Lancashire, and by descent; Christie's, South Kensington, 1 Dec 2000, lot 10; Wood Dalling Hall, Norfolk Condition report: Oil on canvas which has been lined. There is canvas patch on the reverse repairing an old damage. The damage has been repaired from the front, the fill is uneven and the retouching mismatched. The picture is in plane with good tension. Old tears and damages have been repaired. In the lower half of the painting areas of overpaint have darkened. There are smaller touches of overpaint in the red robes which have darkened. The varnish is semi-matte and even. The mitre corners of the frame are opened and there are several losses to the black paint.

    • ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (1694 - 1744)Portrait of a young boy with attendant king Charles spaniel, half-length; together with a companion portrait of a young girl in a blue dressA pair, oils on canvas, each 70.5 x 58.5cm In carved wooden frames
      Oct. 15, 2019

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (1694 - 1744)Portrait of a young boy with attendant king Charles spaniel, half-length; together with a companion portrait of a young girl in a blue dressA pair, oils on canvas, each 70.5 x 58.5cm In carved wooden frames

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (1694 - 1744)Portrait of a young boy with attendant king Charles spaniel, half-length; together with a companion portrait of a young girl in a blue dressA pair, oils on canvas, each 70.5 x 58.5cm In carved wooden frames

    • James Macardell (c.1729-1765) British after Enoch Seeman (c.1694-1744) British. "Sir Isaac Newton", Engraving, Unframed, 10.5" x 7".
      May. 01, 2019

      James Macardell (c.1729-1765) British after Enoch Seeman (c.1694-1744) British. "Sir Isaac Newton", Engraving, Unframed, 10.5" x 7".

      Est: £30 - £50

      James Macardell (c.1729-1765) British after Enoch Seeman (c.1694-1744) British. "Sir Isaac Newton", Engraving, Unframed, 10.5" x 7".

      John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
    • ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (1694-1745) FRAMED OIL ON CANVAS, half length portrait of a lady holding a peach, unsigned. 73 cm x 61 cm.
      Feb. 20, 2019

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (1694-1745) FRAMED OIL ON CANVAS, half length portrait of a lady holding a peach, unsigned. 73 cm x 61 cm.

      Est: £500 - £800

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN (1694-1745) FRAMED OIL ON CANVAS, half length portrait of a lady holding a peach, unsigned. 73 cm x 61 cm.

      Hannam's Auctioneers
    • Enoch Seeman (attrib.), Portrait of Henry VIII
      Nov. 17, 2018

      Enoch Seeman (attrib.), Portrait of Henry VIII

      Est: $3,000 - $5,000

      Attributed to Enoch Seeman (Polish, 1694-1754), oil on canvas, signed indistinctly with artist cipher lower left, Scottish Art Heritage exhibition card verso, 29.5"h x 22"w (sight), 38.25"h x 31"w (frame)

      Millea Bros Ltd
    • ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN THE YOUNGER (POLISH 1694-1744) SELF PORTRAIT 76cm x 61cm (30in x 24in)
      Nov. 14, 2018

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN THE YOUNGER (POLISH 1694-1744) SELF PORTRAIT 76cm x 61cm (30in x 24in)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN THE YOUNGER (POLISH 1694-1744) SELF PORTRAIT Bears signature, oil on canvas, in a framed oval 76cm x 61cm (30in x 24in)

      Lyon & Turnbull
    • Attr. Enoch Seeman (German, c.1694-1745)
      Apr. 21, 2018

      Attr. Enoch Seeman (German, c.1694-1745)

      Est: $1,000 - $2,000

      Unsigned, oil on canvas portrait of a young woman. Canvas has stretcher marks, repair at the figure’s forehead, lower left and lower center, no patches or relining visible on the back. 29 x 24 inches. Stripped pine frame, measures 36 x 31 inches. Weight: 11.75 lbs.

      Fontaine's Auction Gallery
    • Attribué à Enoch SEEMAN (1694 – 1744) Portrait d’un jeune homme à l’habit rouge
      Mar. 23, 2018

      Attribué à Enoch SEEMAN (1694 – 1744) Portrait d’un jeune homme à l’habit rouge

      Est: €3,000 - €4,000

      Attribué à Enoch SEEMAN (1694 – 1744) Portrait d’un jeune homme à l’habit rouge Toile Provenance : Collection du duc de Castres ; Collection du duc d’Harcourt ; resté depuis dans sa descendance.

      Leclere - Maison de ventes
    • Circle of Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London)
      Dec. 19, 2017

      Circle of Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London)

      Est: £1,000 - £1,500

      Circle of Enoch Seeman (Danzig circa 1694-1745 London) Portrait of a lady, half-length

    • ENOCH SEEMAN (1694-1975
      Dec. 03, 2017

      ENOCH SEEMAN (1694-1975

      Est: $250 - $350

      The Child. Young boy standing (Framed) Signature: SLL

      Lotus International Auctions
    • ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN THE YOUNGER (POLISH 1694-1744) SELF PORTRAIT 76cm x 61cm (30in x 24in)
      Nov. 22, 2017

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN THE YOUNGER (POLISH 1694-1744) SELF PORTRAIT 76cm x 61cm (30in x 24in)

      Est: £4,000 - £6,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN THE YOUNGER (POLISH 1694-1744) SELF PORTRAIT Bears signature, oil on canvas, in a framed oval 76cm x 61cm (30in x 24in)

      Lyon & Turnbull
    • ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN THE YOUNGER (POLISH 1694-1744) SELF PORTRAIT 76cm x 61cm (30in x 24in)
      May. 24, 2017

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN THE YOUNGER (POLISH 1694-1744) SELF PORTRAIT 76cm x 61cm (30in x 24in)

      Est: £5,000 - £7,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO ENOCH SEEMAN THE YOUNGER (POLISH 1694-1744) SELF PORTRAIT Bears signature, oil on canvas, in a framed oval 76cm x 61cm (30in x 24in)

      Lyon & Turnbull
    • ENOCH SEEMAN | Portrait of Mrs. Finch with her son and daughter
      Jan. 27, 2017

      ENOCH SEEMAN | Portrait of Mrs. Finch with her son and daughter

      Est: $10,000 - $15,000

      oil on canvas

    • ENOCH SEEMAN | Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in a blue coat and red waistcoat with gold brocade
      Jul. 07, 2016

      ENOCH SEEMAN | Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in a blue coat and red waistcoat with gold brocade

      Est: £6,000 - £8,000

      oil on canvas

      Jun. 29, 2016


      Est: €12,000 - €18,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (POLISH/ENGLISH, 1694-1744) Bewigged gentleman Oil on canvas 126 x 102 cm. Worldwide shipping available. Contact shipping@sheppards.ie for quotes prior to auction.

    • Attributed to Enoch Seeman the Younger (1694-1744). A Pair of Large 18th Century Oils on Canvas: Three quarter length Portraits of Lord & Lady with Child dressed in finery; the lady sat by a window with classical garden beyond, 50 ins x 40 ins (127
      Jun. 19, 2016

      Attributed to Enoch Seeman the Younger (1694-1744). A Pair of Large 18th Century Oils on Canvas: Three quarter length Portraits of Lord & Lady with Child dressed in finery; the lady sat by a window with classical garden beyond, 50 ins x 40 ins (127

      Est: £8,000 - £12,000

      Attributed to Enoch Seeman the Younger (1694-1744). A Pair of Large 18th Century Oils on Canvas: Three quarter length Portraits of Lord & Lady with Child dressed in finery; the lady sat by a window with classical garden beyond, 50 ins x 40 ins (127 cm x 102 cms). Contained in carved giltwood frames with brass plaques engraved; 'Ritratto di Lord John Whitfeild and Ritratto di Lady Anna Whitfeild col figlio ENOCH SEEMAN (Danzioa 1694-Londra 1744)', 58 ins x 48½ ins (147 cm x 123 cms).

      Wilkinson's Auctioneers
    • After Enoch Seeman (1694 - 1744), Coloured engraving of Sir Isaac Newton'(
      May. 27, 2016

      After Enoch Seeman (1694 - 1744), Coloured engraving of Sir Isaac Newton'(

      Est: £60 - £80

      After Enoch Seeman (1694 - 1744), Coloured engraving of Sir Isaac Newton'(1642-1727), by William Jeans, Signed in pencil by the engraver lower right, 10 ¾'' x 14''

      Claydon Auctioneers
    • Attr: Enoh Seeman O/C Portrait of a Woman
      May. 21, 2016

      Attr: Enoh Seeman O/C Portrait of a Woman

      Est: $2,000 - $4,000

      Enoch Seeman (c.1694-1745, Germany, Poland) oil on canvas portrait of a young woman. Canvas has stretcher marks, repair at the figure’s forehead, lower left and lower center, no patches or relining visible on the back. 29 in. high x 24 in. wide. Stripped pine frame, measures 36 in. high x 31 in. wide. Weight: 11.75 lbs.

      Fontaine's Auction Gallery
    • Enoch Seeman (Germany/Poland, ca.1694-1745)
      Feb. 18, 2016

      Enoch Seeman (Germany/Poland, ca.1694-1745)

      Est: $2,000 - $4,000

      50" x 40-1/8" canvasPortrait of a lady. The sitter is said to be Alice Cope, wife of Sir John Cope. Oil on canvas, in a magnificent period gilt wood and gesso frame with name plaque, overall 48-6/8" x 58-1/4". "Old Hall Gallery LTD. Eden Rye Sussex" and "John Hobbs & Co. Oklahoma City Individualized Interior Furnishings" labels verso. Online Bidding and additional information at AspireAuctions.com

      Aspire Auctions Fine Art & Antiques
    • ENOCH SEEMAN | Portrait of a Gentleman in Moroccan dress, probably John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu (1690-1749)
      Dec. 10, 2015

      ENOCH SEEMAN | Portrait of a Gentleman in Moroccan dress, probably John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu (1690-1749)

      Est: £50,000 - £70,000

      oil on canvas, unlined

    • ENOCH SEEMAN | A set of full length portraits, one gentleman with his greyhound, and five ladies
      Apr. 29, 2015

      ENOCH SEEMAN | A set of full length portraits, one gentleman with his greyhound, and five ladies

      Est: £15,000 - £20,000

      a set of six, all oil on canvas

    • ENOCH SEEMAN (British, c.1694-1745)
      Feb. 07, 2015

      ENOCH SEEMAN (British, c.1694-1745)

      Est: $2,000 - $4,000

      ENOCH SEEMAN (British, c.1694-1745), portrait of Sir John Baynes, Serjeant-at-Law, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, inscribed top right ''Sergeant Baines 1733'', label to verso ''#209, Port. of Serg. Baines, 40/50, SYY''. 50''h, 40''w. Relined, small losses and inpaint around edges.

      South Bay Auctions Inc
    • Attributed to Enoch Seeman (British, 1694-1745) Portrait of a lady in a feathered hat, oil on canvas
      Jun. 19, 2014

      Attributed to Enoch Seeman (British, 1694-1745) Portrait of a lady in a feathered hat, oil on canvas

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      Attributed to Enoch Seeman (British, 1694-1745) Portrait of a lady in a feathered hat, pearls in her hair and a blue and white dress and gem-set stomacher oil on canvas, in a carved and giltwood frame h:74 w: 62 cm Provenance: By descent from the supposed sitter to her grandson, Lieutenant General Christopher Jeaffreson of Dullingham, maternal grandfather of Christopher Pigott (d. 1889) and on the death of his widow in 1939, bequeathed to the grandmother of the present owner. An ink inscription on the stretcher, in the hand of Algernon Dunn Gardner, suggests this is a lady of the Dayrell family. If so, it is probably Elizabeth Witchcomb, co-heir of Sir Brownlow Sherrard, Bt., who married Francis Dayrell of Shudy Camps, Cambridgeshire.

    • Attributed to Enoch Seeman (1694-1744), PORTRAIT
      Jun. 03, 2014

      Attributed to Enoch Seeman (1694-1744), PORTRAIT

      Est: £400 - £600

      Attributed to Enoch Seeman (1694-1744), PORTRAIT OF A LADY, HALF LENGTH, IN A WHITE DRESS AND RED WRAP, POSSIBLY A MEMBER OF THE CONYERS FAMILY Inscribed on stretcher 'The Gift of Sophia Conyers to Hannah Warner 1742', with painted heraldic crest u.l., oil on canvas 76 x 64cm

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