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Augusto Sezanne Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Water colorist, Engraver, Illustrator, Etcher

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      • AUGUSTO SEZANNE 1856-1935 X.ma Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della città di Venezia 1912
        Mar. 06, 2025

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE 1856-1935 X.ma Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della città di Venezia 1912

        Est: €300 - €375

        Litografia a colori, Stab. Dott. E Chappuis, Bologna. Qualità: B-. 79,00 x 57,00 cm - Color lithograph, Stab. Dott. E Chappuis, Bologna. Condition: B-. 31.10 x 22.44 in.

        Aste Bolaffi
      • AUGUSTO SEZANNE 1856-1935 IV Esposizione Internazionale D'Arte Della Città Di Venezia 1901
        Mar. 06, 2025

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE 1856-1935 IV Esposizione Internazionale D'Arte Della Città Di Venezia 1901

        Est: €375 - €450

        Litografia a colori, senza indicazione dello stampatore. Qualità: B. Telato.  49,50 x 68,50 cm - Color lithograph, printer unknown.  Condition B. Backed on linen.  19.49 x 26.97 in.

        Aste Bolaffi
      • Poster by Augusto Sezanne - IXième Exposition Internationale d'Art Venise
        Jun. 29, 2024

        Poster by Augusto Sezanne - IXième Exposition Internationale d'Art Venise

        Est: €380 - €600

        Poster by Augusto Sezanne - IXième Exposition Internationale d'Art Venise

        Van Sabben Poster Auctions
      • Augusto Sezanne - "La giovane guardiana" ("The Young Guardian")
        Oct. 07, 2023

        Augusto Sezanne - "La giovane guardiana" ("The Young Guardian")

        Est: €1,800 - €2,000

        Augusto Sezanne, Firenze 1856 - Venezia 1935

        Casa D'Aste Santa Giulia
      • Poster by Augusto Sezanne - 11ième Exposition Internationale des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Venise
        Feb. 11, 2023

        Poster by Augusto Sezanne - 11ième Exposition Internationale des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Venise

        Est: €360 - €800

        11ième Exposition Internationale des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Venise - 44x97, 1897 by Augusto Sezanne (1856-1935)

        Van Sabben Poster Auctions
      • Poster by Augusto Sezanne - 11ième Exposition Internationale des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Venise
        Feb. 05, 2022

        Poster by Augusto Sezanne - 11ième Exposition Internationale des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Venise

        Est: €400 - €1,000

        11ième Exposition Internationale des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Venise - 44x97, 1897 by Augusto Sezanne (1856-1935)

        Van Sabben Poster Auctions
      • AUGUSTO SEZANNE. Watecoloured fan in a case
        Jul. 13, 2021

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE. Watecoloured fan in a case

        Est: €900 - €1,200

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (Firenze, 1856 - Venezia, 1935). Ventaglio disegnato e parzialmente acquarellato raff. ''DONNA DI FRONTE A UN CANCELLO''. Firmato in basso a destra. In teca. Mis. Lung. cm. 82 Alt. cm. 52.5 ca. Val. 900/1200

        Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
      • AUGUSTO SEZANNE. Watercolor folding fan
        Mar. 19, 2020

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE. Watercolor folding fan

        Est: €1,500 - €2,500

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (Firenze, 1856 - Venezia, 1935). Ventaglio disegnato e parzialmente acquarellato raff. ''DONNA DI FRONTE A UN CANCELLO''. Firmato in basso a destra. In teca. Mis. Lung. cm. 82 Alt. cm. 52.5 ca. Val. 1500/2500

        Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
      • AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935). FÜNFTE INTERNATIONALE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG / VENEDIG. 1903. 27x19 inches, 68x49 cm. Chappuis, Bologna.
        Feb. 13, 2020

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935). FÜNFTE INTERNATIONALE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG / VENEDIG. 1903. 27x19 inches, 68x49 cm. Chappuis, Bologna.

        Est: $800 - $1,200

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935) FÜNFTE INTERNATIONALE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG / VENEDIG. 1903. 27x19 1/2 inches, 68 1/2x49 1/2 cm. Chappuis, Bologna. Condition B+: speckling in lower image and margins; creases, tears and tape-repaired tears at edges; losses at bottom edge; ink stamp in lower right corner. Paper. This is the German version. Bolaffi p. 205

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935). III. ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE DELLA CITTA DI VENEZIA. 1899. 28x20 inches, 71x52 cm. Ist. Ital. d
        Feb. 13, 2020

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935). III. ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE DELLA CITTA DI VENEZIA. 1899. 28x20 inches, 71x52 cm. Ist. Ital. d

        Est: $800 - $1,200

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935) III. ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE DELLA CITTA DI VENEZIA. 1899. 28 1/4x20 3/4 inches, 71 3/4x52 3/4 cm. Ist. Ital. d'Arti Grafiche, Bergamo. Condition B+: repaired tears, creases and abrasions at edges; cardboard strips along top and bottom on verso; pin hole at top; faint ink stamp in bottom right corner. Paper. This is the version printed in black and gold ink on red paper.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935). III. ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE DELLA CITTA DI VENEZIA. 1899. 28x20 inches, 71x52 cm. Ist. Ital. d
        Feb. 13, 2020

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935). III. ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE DELLA CITTA DI VENEZIA. 1899. 28x20 inches, 71x52 cm. Ist. Ital. d

        Est: $800 - $1,200

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935) III. ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE DELLA CITTA DI VENEZIA. 1899. 28 1/4x20 3/4 inches, 71 3/4x52 3/4 cm. Ist. Ital. d'Arti Grafiche, Bergamo. Condition B+: tears, creases and abrasions at edges; slight foxing in margins; cardboard strips along top and bottom on verso; pin hole at top. Paper. Highly regarded as a landscape painter and an engraver, Sezanne also designed a series of posters for the International Art Exposition in Venice (which later became the Biennale).

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • Poster by Augusto Sezanne - IXième Exposition Internationale d'Art Venise
        Jun. 30, 2018

        Poster by Augusto Sezanne - IXième Exposition Internationale d'Art Venise

        Est: €450 - €700

        IXième Exposition Internationale d'Art Venise - 43,5x73, 1910 by Augusto Sezanne (1856-1935)

        Van Sabben Poster Auctions
      • Augusto Sezanne, Testa di fanciullo. 1899
        Oct. 10, 2017

        Augusto Sezanne, Testa di fanciullo. 1899

        Est: €280 - €560

        Matita nera su carta. mm 220x230. Siglato e datato in basso a destra. Studio per il fregio della cappella Stucky in S. Michele in Isola, di gusto preraffaellita come l'intera decorazione della cappella. Bibl.: Il Liberty a Bologna e nell'Emilia Romagna, catalogo mostra, Bologna 1977, n. AG 314, p. 135. A Rubbiani, La cappella Stucky in S. Michele in Isola, opera di Augusto Sezanne, Bergamo, s.d.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • AUGUSTO SÈZANNE (1856-1935). DATE IL VOSTRO DENARO PER CACCIARE IL NEMICO DALL'ITALIA. 1916. 38x26 inches, 97x66 cm. Chappuis, Bologna
        Aug. 05, 2015

        AUGUSTO SÈZANNE (1856-1935). DATE IL VOSTRO DENARO PER CACCIARE IL NEMICO DALL'ITALIA. 1916. 38x26 inches, 97x66 cm. Chappuis, Bologna

        Est: $500 - $750

        AUGUSTO SÈZANNE (1856-1935) DATE IL VOSTRO DENARO PER CACCIARE IL NEMICO DALL'ITALIA. 1916. 38 1/2x26 inches, 97 3/4x66 cm. Chappuis, Bologna. Condition B+: repaired tears at edges; minor loss in lower left corner; creases in margins and image and along horizontal fold; tape on verso. Hinged to board at top edge. Paper. Framed. IWM PST 4827.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • Original 1890s Italian Art Poster AUGUSTO SEZANNE Art
        Oct. 25, 2014

        Original 1890s Italian Art Poster AUGUSTO SEZANNE Art

        Est: $600 - $1,000

        Sezanne, Augusto 1856 - 1935. Exposition Internationale des Beaux-Arts Venise. Lithograph 1897. Size: 37 x 16.9 in. (94 x 43 cm). Printer: G. Ricordi & C., Milan. Condition Details: (A-/B+) on linen, slight horiz. fold above dates at the top, small tears and minor creasing at the edges.

        PosterConnection Inc.
      • Augusto Sezanne"In attesa dell' esame orale" (Warten auf die mündliche Prüfung). Um 1925.
        Sep. 18, 2010

        Augusto Sezanne"In attesa dell' esame orale" (Warten auf die mündliche Prüfung). Um 1925.

        Est: €1,000 - €1,200

        Oil on cardboard. In Rot und Schwarz signiert u.re. "ASézanne". Verso in Tinte ausführlich bezeichnet. In originaler, goldfarbener Holzleiste gerahmt.Malschicht gesamtflächig mit feinem Krakelee, am rechten Rand Fehlstelle im Firnis, an Oberkante minimal bestoßen. Kleinere fachgerecht ausgeführte Retuschen im Bereich des rechten Stuhls. Im Umfeld des linken Hutes leicht angeschmutzt.In seiner Position als Professor an der Kunstakademie Venedig hatte Sezanne diese Situation wohl häufiger vor Augen: bangend wartende Studenten und Studentinnen, die mit abwesendem Blick kurz vor der Prüfung im Geiste nochmals das bereits Verinnerlichte rekapitulieren, sich gegenseitig Mut zusprechen oder zum wiederholten Male abhören lassen.

        Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
      • Sezanne, Augusto: IV. Esposizione internazionale d'arte. 1901
        Apr. 17, 2010

        Sezanne, Augusto: IV. Esposizione internazionale d'arte. 1901

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Sezanne, Augusto IV. Esposizione internazionale d'arte della città di Venezia 1901. Lithographie. Quer ca. 190 x 230 cm. Mailand, Ricordi, 1901. Offizielles Großplakat der vierten Kunstbiennale von Venedig. Auf rotbraunem Grund eine große Vedute der Piazetta di San Marco zur Giudecca hin, gesehen von der Terrasse der Markuskirche. Links wird das Bild begrenzt von der Quadriga der spätantiken byzantinischen Goldbronzepferde, rechts von der Bibliotheca Marciana mit dem Campanile, davor die Flagge mit dem Stadtwappen. Über dem Wasser sieht man die Silhouette der Dogana mit Santa Maria della Salute, die sich im Wasser spiegelt. Unten links in der Darstellung signiert mit Monogramm "AS Sezanne". - Vielfach gefaltet, teils hinterlegte Randeinrisse und Läsuren, feuchtigkeits- und sporfleckig, Gebrauchsspuren aller Art, insgesamt aber dem Alter und der Größe entsprechend sehr gutes Plakat von außergewöhnlich eindrucksvoller Werbewirkung.

        Galerie Bassenge
        Dec. 19, 2007


        Est: $1,500 - $2,000

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935) X ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE. 1912. 30 3/4x22 1/2 inches. Chappuis, Bologna. Condition B+: tears and creases at edges; metal strips affixed to top and bottom margin. Paper. Here in a no less detailed but slightly more allegoric image, Sezanne shows maidens clad in robes, ringing the bells in Venice's bell tower. They are surrounded by the golden details of weathervanes, and elegant and regal banners and flags.

        Swann Auction Galleries
        Dec. 19, 2007


        Est: $1,500 - $2,000

        AUGUSTO SEZANNE (1856-1935) VII ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE. 1907. 31x20 inches. Chappuis, Bologna. Condition B+: tears at edges; staining in margins; metal strips affixed to top and bottom margins. Paper. Highly regarded as a landscape painter and an engraver, Sezanne also designed a series of posters for the International Art Exposition in Venice (which later became the Biennale). His skill as an engraver is apparent in the details of this poster, which include intricate floral representations and the elaborate rigging of many different ships, each flying a different, discernable flag. The words "Artium Portus" (Haven of Art), are engraved above the door of the Customs House in the foreground. "The elements of the design were selected by the artist from old drawings and erudite publications and have been combined with admirable taste." (New York Times, February 12, 1910). This image was reused again in 1909 and 1910. Manifesto p. 19 (var).

        Swann Auction Galleries
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