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Yun Shouping Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1633 - d. 1690

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        • YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Pomegranate. Fan leaf, mounted as a horizontal sc
          Feb. 26, 2025

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Pomegranate. Fan leaf, mounted as a horizontal sc

          Est: $30,000 - $50,000

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Pomegranate. Fan leaf, mounted as a horizontal scroll, ink and colour on paper17.5 x 51 cm. (6 7/8 x 20 1/8 in.).

        • A Group of Six Chinese Prints of Flowers, Based on Paintings by Yun Shouping
          Feb. 09, 2025

          A Group of Six Chinese Prints of Flowers, Based on Paintings by Yun Shouping

          Est: $50 - $100

          Prints of painting of flowers originally created by Yun Shouping, 17 in. x 11.1/4 in. for the prints, 20.1/2 in. x 16.3/4 in. for the frames.

          Feb. 06, 2025


          Est: $100 - $150

          Artist: Yun Shou-P'ing, Chinese (1633 - 1690) Title: Cherry Blossoms and Wild Roses Year: 1979 Medium: Offset Lithograph Size: 19.5 x 21 in. (49.53 x 53.34 cm)

        • YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Peonies. Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 1
          Nov. 27, 2024

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Peonies. Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 1

          Est: $120,000 - $200,000

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Peonies. Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 191.2 x 98.2 cm. (75 ¼ x 38 5⁄8 in.).

        • YUN RICHU (1601-1678), YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Album of Correspondences.
          Nov. 27, 2024

          YUN RICHU (1601-1678), YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Album of Correspondences.

          Est: $1,300,000 - $1,600,000

          YUN RICHU (1601-1678), YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Album of Correspondences. A set of thirty-five leaves mounted as an album, ink on paper Various sizes.

        • 惲壽平  花鳥 | Yun Shouping, Birds and Flowers
          Nov. 19, 2024

          惲壽平  花鳥 | Yun Shouping, Birds and Flowers

          Est: $60,000 - $120,000

          惲壽平 1633-1690 花鳥 設色絹本 立軸 署簽:南田桃柳春禽圖。鈐印:二印漫漶不辨 款識: 柳影送遥碧,山桃新破紅。登樓花不見,春在墨池中。戊辰(1688)暮春,甌香館製,雲溪漁壽平。鈐印:壽平印、正尗、寄岳雲 150.8 x 65 cm. 59 ⅓ x 25 ½ in. ---------------------------------------------- Yun Shouping 1633 - 1690 Birds and Flowers ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll signed Shouping, dated wuchen (1688) and with three seals of the artist 150.8 x 65 cm. 59 ⅓ x 25 ½ in.

        • 惲壽平  梅花 | Yun Shouping, Plum Blossom
          Nov. 19, 2024

          惲壽平  梅花 | Yun Shouping, Plum Blossom

          Est: $200,000 - $400,000

          1633-1690 (1675) 113.5 x 53.5 cm. 48 x 21 in. ---------------------------------------------- Yun Shouping 1633 - 1690 Plum Blossom ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Yun Shouping, dated yimao (1675) and with three seals of the artist with one collectors seal 113.5 x 53.5 cm. 48 x 21 in.

        • AN INCISED HONGMU BRUSHPOT Inscriptions attributed to Yun Shouping (1633-1690), Wang Qisun (1755-1817) and Cao Zhenxiu (1762-1822), 19th century
          Nov. 05, 2024

          AN INCISED HONGMU BRUSHPOT Inscriptions attributed to Yun Shouping (1633-1690), Wang Qisun (1755-1817) and Cao Zhenxiu (1762-1822), 19th century

          Est: £2,000 - £3,000

          AN INCISED HONGMU BRUSHPOT Inscriptions attributed to Yun Shouping (1633-1690), Wang Qisun (1755-1817) and Cao Zhenxiu (1762-1822), 19th century Of cylindrical form, finely incised with a prunus and a willow tree beside poetic inscriptions, a circular aperture to the base. 17cm (6 3/4in) high.

        • A Chinese Painting of Birds and Plum Bloosm, Attributed to Yun Shouping
          Nov. 03, 2024

          A Chinese Painting of Birds and Plum Bloosm, Attributed to Yun Shouping

          Est: $100 - $200

          61.1/2 in. x 15 in.

        • Yun Shouping: Color and ink on Silk 'Pines and Chrysanthemums'
          Nov. 02, 2024

          Yun Shouping: Color and ink on Silk 'Pines and Chrysanthemums'

          Est: $5,000 - $8,000

          Color and ink on silk. Hanging scroll. Pines and Chrysanthemum. Inscribed and signed Yun Shouping, with six seal marks of the artist and collectors. Accompanied with Japanese wood box and two jadeite beads.

          California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
        • 惲壽平 寒菊 | Yun Shouping, Chrysanthemum
          Oct. 16, 2024

          惲壽平 寒菊 | Yun Shouping, Chrysanthemum

          Est: $180,000 - $380,000

          Yun Shouping 1633-1690 Chrysanthemum ink and colour on paper, fan leaf signed Shouping and with two seals of the artist with one collector’s seal of Gong Benang 18.7 x 55.6 cm. 7 ⅜ x 21 ⅞ in. ---------------------------------------------- 惲壽平 1633-1690 寒菊 設色紙本 扇面 款識:霜滿籬邊色,花開研北枝。南山真想在,還與歲寒期。不為沒骨之上,不似石田之放,擬之于書,猶藁行之間。為靜巖會兄發笑。壽平。鈐印:壽平、正叔 鑑藏印:(宮本昂)宮子行玉父共欣賞 18.7 x 55.6 cm. 7 ⅜ x 21 ⅞ in.

        • 惲壽平 新篁白石 | Yun Shouping, Landscape
          Oct. 16, 2024

          惲壽平 新篁白石 | Yun Shouping, Landscape

          Est: $180,000 - $380,000

          Yun Shouping 1633-1690 Landscape ink and colour on paper, fan leaf signed Shouping and with one seal of the artist with four collector’s seals of Gong Benang and one other collector’s seal 18 x 54.3 cm. 7 ⅛ x 21 ⅜ in. ---------------------------------------------- 惲壽平 1633-1690 新篁白石 設色紙本 扇面 釋文:白石橫古苔,綠雲亂新篠。墨華留勝風,逸興自高妙。新篁白石,開先道兄粲。壽平。鈐印:雪衣居士 鑑藏印:(宮本昂)宮子行同弟玉父寶之(鈐於裱褙)、宮子行玉父共欣賞、泰州宮氏珍藏(鈐於裱褙)、賢者而後樂此(鈐於裱褙) 一印漫漶不辨 18 x 54.3 cm. 7 ⅛ x 21 ⅜ in.

        • 惲壽平 牡丹 | Yun Shouping, Peony
          Oct. 16, 2024

          惲壽平 牡丹 | Yun Shouping, Peony

          Est: $120,000 - $280,000

          Yun Shouping 1633-1690 Peony ink and colour on paper, fan leaf signed Shouping, dated yisi (1689) and with two seals of the artist 18.7 x 55.7 cm. 7 ⅜ x 21 ⅞ in. ---------------------------------------------- 惲壽平 1633-1690 牡丹 設色紙本 扇面 款識:春風三月暮,國色出新妝。己巳(1689)人日,臨徐祟嗣沒骨花圖。壽平。鈐印:壽平、正叔 18.7 x 55.7 cm. 7 ⅜ x 21 ⅞ in.

        • 惲壽平 石榴萱花 | Yun Shouping, Flowers and Fruit
          Oct. 16, 2024

          惲壽平 石榴萱花 | Yun Shouping, Flowers and Fruit

          Est: $120,000 - $280,000

          Yun Shouping 1633-1690 Flowers and Fruit ink on paper, fan leaf signed Shouping Di, with a dedication and with two seals of the artist 17.5 x 53 cm. 6 ⅞ x 20 ⅞ in. ---------------------------------------------- 惲壽平 1633-1690 石榴萱花 水墨紙本 扇面 釋文:絳囊粒粒皆明月,玉齒紅犀露半含。何事北堂多種此,愛他名草號宜男。長翁道光索筆,圖此為兆。壽平弟。鈐印:壽平、正叔 17.5 x 53 cm. 6 ⅞ x 20 ⅞ in.

        • 惲壽平 竹樹石圖 | Yun Shouping, Bamboo and Rock
          Oct. 16, 2024

          惲壽平 竹樹石圖 | Yun Shouping, Bamboo and Rock

          Est: $120,000 - $280,000

          Yun Shouping 1633-1690 Bamboo and Rock ink on paper, fan leaf signed Yunxi Shouping and with three seals of the artist with three collector’s seals of Gong Benang 19.6 x 55.5 cm. 7 ¾ x 21 ⅞ in. ---------------------------------------------- 惲壽平 1633-1690 竹樹石圖 水墨紙本 扇面 釋文:方壺老樹雲西石,竹似丹丘雪邨筆。莫笑離披點墨濃,天真幽澹無人識。方方壺畫樹石全不似,樹略得其象耳。畫石亦然。然余猶拘于形似,未能盡忘法度也。未識鑒者以為何如。雲溪壽平。鈐印:壽平、惲正叔、南田小隱 鑑藏印:(宮本昂)宮子行同弟玉父寶之(鈐於裱褙)、宮子行玉父共欣賞、賢者而後樂此(鈐於裱褙) 19.6 x 55.5 cm. 7 ¾ x 21 ⅞ in.

        • 惲壽平 仿元人竹石 | Yun Shouping, Bamboo and Rocks
          Oct. 16, 2024

          惲壽平 仿元人竹石 | Yun Shouping, Bamboo and Rocks

          Est: $180,000 - $380,000

          Yun Shouping 1633-1690 Bamboo and Rocks ink and colour on paper, fan leaf signed Nantian Shouping, with a dedication and with two seals of the artist with one other collector’s seal 18.7 x 57 cm. 7 ⅜ x 22 ½ in. ---------------------------------------------- 惲壽平 1633-1690 仿元人竹石 設色紙本 扇面 釋文:石壁風篁翠靄浮,閑將筆法問丹丘。此中未覺天機遠,墨雨金池起白鷗。元人竹石臨為朝士老弟道契。南田壽平。鈐印:正叔、壽平 鑑藏印:學裘審定 18.7 x 57 cm. 7 ⅜ x 22 ½ in.

        • 惲壽平 管夫人墨竹 | Yun Shouping, Ink Bamboo
          Oct. 16, 2024

          惲壽平 管夫人墨竹 | Yun Shouping, Ink Bamboo

          Est: $200,000 - $400,000

          Yun Shouping 1633-1690 Ink Bamboo ink on paper, fan leaf signed Nantian Shouping, with a dedication and with three seals of the artist with two collector’s seals of Gong Benang 18.9 x 56.6 cm. 7 ½ x 22 ¼ in. ---------------------------------------------- 惲壽平 1633-1690 管夫人墨竹 水墨紙本 扇面 釋文:靜老索余管夫人墨竹,因用仲姬竹窩圖意作此景。曉窗馳豪立成,覺清風拂拂,生手腕間也。靜老以為何如?鈐印:叔子 拔得青鸞羽,空中墜墨精。曉窗風霧裡,片片作秋聲。北堂銷暑醉筆靜巖年翁清賞。南田壽平。鈐印:正叔、壽平 鑑藏印:(宮本昂)宮子行同弟玉父寶之(鈐於裱褙)、宮子行玉父共欣賞 18.9 x 56.6 cm. 7 ½ x 22 ¼ in.

        • 惲壽平 春山平遠 | Yun Shouping, Spring Landscape
          Oct. 16, 2024

          惲壽平 春山平遠 | Yun Shouping, Spring Landscape

          Est: $150,000 - $350,000

          Yun Shouping 1633-1690 Spring Landscape ink and colour on paper, fan leaf signed Nantianxueyi Yu Shouping, with a dedication and with two seals of the artist with three collector’s seals of Gong Benang 18 x 56.5 cm. 7 ⅛ x 22 ¼ in. ---------------------------------------------- 惲壽平 1633-1690 春山平遠 設色紙本 扇面 釋文:麥畦桑火過春蠶,沙渚人家隱翠嵐。紫燕寒潮三月雨,綠楊影裡是江南。《春山平遠圖》,寄似星翁道兄先生,鳴琴之暇,披圖嘯吟,家山風景,宛然在目,定有新詩寄我空谷也。南田雪衣惲壽平。鈐印:叔子、南田小隱 鑑藏印:(宮本昂)宮子行同弟玉父寶之(鈐於裱褙)、宮子行玉父共欣賞、賢者而後樂此(鈐於裱褙) 18 x 56.5 cm. 7⅛ x 22 ¼ in.

        • 惲壽平 江南山色 | Yun Shouping, Landscape
          Oct. 16, 2024

          惲壽平 江南山色 | Yun Shouping, Landscape

          Est: $200,000 - $400,000

          Yun Shouping 1633-1690 Landscape ink on paper, fan leaf signed Nantian Di Shouping, with a dedication and with two seals of the artist with four collector’s seals of Gong Benang 18 x 55.2 cm. 7⅛ x 21 ¾ in. ---------------------------------------------- 惲壽平 1633-1690 江南山色 水墨紙本 扇面 釋文:江南山色。癸亥(1683)秋爽,戲用曹雲西法,寫江南風景,漁贈蟹舍,芰浦菰汀,恍然在目。若老年道翁政事之暇,披圖嘯吟。嘗如與故人蹔對,舉杯引滿,庶幾一快,若翁以為何如?南田弟壽平。鈐印:正叔、壽平 鑑藏印:(宮本昂)宮子行玉父共欣賞、宮子行同弟玉父寶之(鈐於裱褙)、宮本昂印(鈐於裱褙)、賢者而後樂此(鈐於裱褙) 18 x 55.2 cm. 7⅛ x 21 ¾ in.

        • Attributed to Yun Shouping (1633-1690) 惲壽平(款,1633-1690)
          Sep. 20, 2024

          Attributed to Yun Shouping (1633-1690) 惲壽平(款,1633-1690)

          Est: $5,000 - $7,000

          Attributed to Yun Shouping (1633-1690) 惲壽平(款,1633-1690) Possibly Lunar Year Jiazi (1684) Quail and Peonies in the Style of Northern Song Dynasty ink and color on silk, brocade mounts, framed and glazed signed and dated winter of lunar year jiazi (1684), inscribed, three artist's seals upper right: Nantian xiao yin, Shouping zhi yin, and Nantian cao yi, and two collector's seals lower left. 惲壽平(款) (清,1633-1690) 國香春霽圖 絹本設色,鏡框 款識:國香春霽。甲子(1684)臘月甌香草閣擬北宋沒骨華(花)圖。南田草衣惲壽平。 鈐印:南田小隱、壽平之印、南田草衣,鉴藏印两枚,皆漫漶不清。 Image 66 3/4 x 31 1/2 in., 169.5 x 82.5 cm. This lot is located in Philadelphia.

          Freeman’s | Hindman
        • A Chinese 'flower' painting, attributed to Yun Shouping (Chinese, 1633-1690)
          Sep. 15, 2024

          A Chinese 'flower' painting, attributed to Yun Shouping (Chinese, 1633-1690)

          Est: $100 - $200

          A Chinese 'flower' painting attributed to Yun Shouping (Chinese, 1633-1690) With inscription, signature, and two seals; on silk; framed. H: 28 1/8, W: 14 1/2 in. (H: 71.44, W: 36.83 cm. (sight)) Copy the following link for high resolution images: oag.smugmug.com/161-Chinese-Painting-and-Calligraphy

          Oakridge Auction Gallery
        • Yun Shouping's Landscape Long Scroll
          Sep. 07, 2024

          Yun Shouping's Landscape Long Scroll

          Est: $2,000 - $3,000


          Hotspot Auctions
        • YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Seven-character Poems in Running Script. Fan leaf
          Aug. 27, 2024

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Seven-character Poems in Running Script. Fan leaf

          Est: $30,000 - $50,000

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690). Seven-character Poems in Running Script. Fan leaf, mounted for framing, ink on gold paper 18 x 51 cm. (7 1⁄8 x 20 1⁄8 in.).

        • Chrysanthemum by Yun Shouping
          Jul. 12, 2024

          Chrysanthemum by Yun Shouping

          Est: $1,500 - $2,500

          silk scroll,107x39.5cm

          Hotspot Auctions
        • Yun Shouping's bird and flower painting on vertical axis
          Jun. 14, 2024

          Yun Shouping's bird and flower painting on vertical axis

          Est: $2,000 - $3,000


          Hotspot Auctions
        • p(lot of 2) Yun Shouping (attributed to, 1633-1690), pair of framed Chinese paintings of flowers. Ink and color on paper, mounted ...
          Jun. 12, 2024

          p(lot of 2) Yun Shouping (attributed to, 1633-1690), pair of framed Chinese paintings of flowers. Ink and color on paper, mounted ...

          Est: $200 - $400

          (lot of 2) Yun Shouping (attributed to, 1633-1690), pair of framed Chinese paintings of flowers. Ink and color on paper, mounted and framed. Image: 9.25"h x 13"w (23.5 x 33 cm) Overall (with frame): 15.5"h x 20.08"w (39.5 x 51 cm) Provenance: Property from the estate of T. V. Soong Family.  Song Ziwen (Tse-vung Soong, abbreviated as T. V. Soong, 1894-1971) was born in Shanghai. One of the famous members of the Song family during the Republic of China. His father, Song Jia Shu was the 29th generation grandson of Han Qi, prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty. He was a pastor and wealthy businessman of the Southern Supervisory Committee (today's Methodist Church) and a supporter of Sun Yat-sen's revolution. He has a close relationship with Kong Xiangxi, the husband of the eldest sister Soong Ailing, Sun Yat-sen, the husband of the second sister Soong Qingling, Song Ziliang, the younger brother, and Jiang Zhongzheng, the husband of the younger sister Soong Meiling. Since 1927, he has served as Minister of Finance of the National Government, President of the Central Bank, Executive Dean, Chairman of the Bank of China, Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Special Envoy to the United States, Chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Government, and Standing Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang. He went to France in 1949 and then lived in the United States for a long time.

          Clars Auctions
        • Yun Shouping Mark, Chinese Rooster Paper Painting
          Apr. 23, 2024

          Yun Shouping Mark, Chinese Rooster Paper Painting

          Est: $2,500 - $3,500


          Hotspot Auctions
          Apr. 21, 2024


          Est: $3,000 - $5,000

          惲壽平 古柏菊花圖 設色絹本 及 翡翠掛珠一對 惲壽平 古柏菊花圖 設色絹本 及 翡翠掛珠一對 鈐印:南田小印,惲正叔、壽平 收藏印:寶綸堂圖書印(許纘曾私人印)俞氏寶訓堂收藏,后渠山房珍藏。許纘曾(1627年—1697年)字孝修,號鶴沙,直隸華亭(今上海市松江區)人,清初政治人物,同進士出身。堂號“寶綸堂”,著有《寶論堂稿》。為惲壽平同時期人物,有年譜記載清初六大家之一的吳曆曾送畫給许缵曾,可見其當時社會身份地位較高,和收藏同時期名家字畫的習慣。Color and ink on silk. Hanging scroll. Pines and Chrysanthemum. Inscribed and signed Yun Shouping, with six seal marks of the artist and collectors. Accompanied with Japanese wood box and two jadeite beads. Length: 41 5/8 in (105.5 cm) Width: 19 7/8 in (50.5 cm) 本場拍賣的藏品(Lot 2001 - 2200)為來自艾克哈德家族(Eckhardt Family)的私人收藏,是由理查德(Richard)和瑪麗(Mary)艾克哈德夫婦於1947年至1952年間在日本搜集而來。理查德和瑪麗均為德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧市的本地人。兩人於1942年結婚,當時理查德正效力於美國陸軍,擔任外科醫生。1947年,理查德被派駐到二戰後的東京,並在稍後與妻子團聚。在日本居住的這段時間裡,從1947年到1952年期間,這對夫婦積極並廣泛地從京都的山中商行(Yamanaka & Co.)、東京的T. Kasahara和小野藝廊(Ono Art Shop)以及知名的版畫出版商渡辺庄三郎(Watanabe Shozaburo)等知名商家和機構收集了大量優質的亞洲藝術品。他們的珍藏曾在2012年兩度展示於蘇富比紐約的亞洲藝術拍賣會上。

          California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
          Apr. 20, 2024


          Est: $1,500 - $2,500

          惲壽平(款) 花鳥圖 設色絹本 立軸Color and ink on silk. Birds and flowers. Hanging scroll. Signed and with two seal marks of the artist. Attributed to Yun Shouping. Height: 60 1/2 in (153.7 cm) Width: 15 in (38.1 cm) 釋文:苔華閣賦色,南田壽平 鈐印:南田,壽平来源:南加州約巴林達市私人收藏

          California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
        • AFTER YUN SHOUPING (1633-169
          Apr. 15, 2024

          AFTER YUN SHOUPING (1633-169

          Est: -

          After Yun Shouping (1633-1690): ''Die drei Freunde des Winters in des Mondes Silberglanz'', mounted as a hanging scroll, 38x85cm (picture field) 48x172cm (total) L 60cm (scroll)

          Historia Auctionata
        • 惲壽平 山水|Yun Shouping, Landscapes
          Apr. 07, 2024

          惲壽平 山水|Yun Shouping, Landscapes

          Est: $1,000,000 - $2,000,000

          Ancient Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy From the Wang Nan-ping Family Collection, Lot 2595-2616 Yun Shouping (1633-1690) Landscapes ink on paper; ink and colour on paper, album of six fan leaves each signed Shouping, and with 1-2 seals of the artist with 2 collector’s seals of Cha Ying (19th century), 2 collector’s seals of Tu Zhou (1781-1828) and 12 seals of the others (1) 17 x 50 cm. 6 1/2 x 19 1/2 in. (2) 17 x 52 cm. 6 1/2 x 20 1/2 in. (3) 16.7 x 52 cm. 6 1/2 x 20 1/2 in. (4) 17 x 53 cm. 6 1/2 x 20 3/4 in. (5) 17.8 x 54.3 cm. 7 x 21 1/4 in. (6) 16.8 x 51.7 cm. 6 1/2 x 20 1/4 in.  ---------------------------------------------- 王南屏「玉齋」及家族收藏古代書畫,拍品編號 2595–2616 惲壽平 山水 水墨紙本;設色紙本 扇面六幀冊 署簽:(查瑩)惲南田山水扇冊。竹南草堂珍藏 款識: (一)黃鶴山樵《松壑吟泉圖》。南田壽平臨意。鈐印:「惲」「壽平」(連珠印) (二)隨筆學癡翁,大癡如此不。南田壽平在白雲精舍畫。鈐印:「壽」「正叔」(連珠印) (三)三月春和松麝金池供我游索,雖躭整密,亦不作南宋院體也。與知者鑒之,壽平。鈐印:「壽」「正叔」(連珠印) (四)春嵐積翠。南田惲壽平倣馬文壁畫法。鈐印:「壽平」 (五)長夏橅王黃鶴《夏山圖》,惲壽平。鈐印:「壽平」 (六)巨然《溪山秋靄圖》,蒼渾靜密,瓊然澹古,未易得其神韻。偶為彥生道兄橅此,不識於古人筆,思有合否耳。重九後二日,南田惲壽平。鈐印:「壽平」 藏印:(查瑩) 「映山真賞」、「竹南珍藏」 (屠倬)「琴鄔」、「琴鄔珍賞」 「井字山房」(六鈐)、「黃日」、「黃孝子」、「黃」、「老琴」、一花押印、一印漫漶不辨 (1) 17 x 50 cm. 6 1/2 x 19 1/2 in. (2) 17 x 52 cm. 6 1/2 x 20 1/2 in. (3) 16.7 x 52 cm. 6 1/2 x 20 1/2 in. (4) 17 x 53 cm. 6 1/2 x 20 3/4 in. (5) 17.8 x 54.3 cm. 7 x 21 1/4 in. (6) 16.8 x 51.7 cm. 6 1/2 x 20 1/4 in.   

        • 惲壽平 山水、行書《贈莊太史澹菴納姬》|Yun Shouping, Landscape; Poem in Running Script
          Apr. 07, 2024

          惲壽平 山水、行書《贈莊太史澹菴納姬》|Yun Shouping, Landscape; Poem in Running Script

          Est: $80,000 - $120,000

          Property from a Private Asian Collection, Lot 2501-2510 Yun Shouping (1633-1690) Landscape; Poem in Running Script ink on gold paper, a set of two fan leaves (Painting) signed Shouping, with a dedication and with 1 seal of the artist with 1 collector’s seals (Calligraphy) signed Hongshou, dated dingsi (1677), with a dedication and with 3 seals of the artist with 2 collectors’ seals Calligraphy: 17.5 x 51 cm. 6 7/8. x 20⅛ in.; Landscape: 18 x 53.8 cm. 7⅛x 21¼ in. ---------------------------------------------- 亞洲私人收藏,拍賣編號2501-2510 惲壽平 山水、行書《贈莊太史澹菴納姬》 水墨金箋 扇面兩幀 釋文: (畫)巨然煙浮遠岫圖意,為元煥道兄。壽平。鈐印:「壽平」 藏印:「陳鴻所藏」 (書)不戀金華侍從班,明珠何惜換紅顏。自將五色雕龍管,坐倚芺蓉畫遠山。同心羅帶鎖文龍,峽雨三春荳蔻封。繡出彩雲遮不得,西湖亦有美人峰。綠酒同斟鸚鵡杯,絳綃人在避風臺。生憐客館非金屋,亦放蓮花貼地來。黃鸝百囀上花枝,霜簟微風過曲池。不捲重帷知夜短,楚雲遮斷夢來遲。丁巳(1677)初秋,武林客館為澹菴先生納姬之賀。南田弟壽平拜草。鈐印:「東園」、「園客」、「壽平」 藏印:「陳鴻所藏」、「李菘畠秘笈」 詩文著錄:《甌香館集》,卷五,頁七,見於《別下齋書》,清印本。 Calligraphy: 17.5 x 51 cm. 6 7/8. x 20⅛ in.; Landscape: 18 x 53.8 cm. 7⅛x 21¼ in.

        • Attributed to Yun Shouping
          Mar. 26, 2024

          Attributed to Yun Shouping

          Est: $4,000 - $6,000

          Attributed to Yun Shouping (Chinese, 1633-1690) Flowers of Four Seasons ink and color on silk, handscroll signed and dated the lunar year wuxu (1658), with two artist seals, Shouping, Nantian cao yi, and two other seals. 惲壽平(款) (清,1633-1690) 四時花卉圖 絹本設色,手卷 款識:戊戌(1658)九秋壽平製沒骨法十二種于甌香舘中。南田草衣客。 鈐印:壽平、南田草衣、另二漫漶不清。 Image: 115 1/4 x 11 1/2 in., 292.7 x 29.2 cm. Property from the Collection of Tusha Buntin, Honolulu, Hawaii 來源: 夏威夷州檀香山市Tusha Buntin先生藏。

          Mar. 13, 2024


          Est: £300 - £500

          [FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE STEVENSON FAMILY] ATTRIBUTED TO YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690) INK PAINTING OF CHRYSANTHEMUM 惲壽平款 《南山真想》 紙本設色 鏡框款識: 紫雪丹霞粉一團、含豪移入畫圖看、卻教青女無尋處、坐擁群花過歲寒、甲子初冬、梁溪客館對菊寫生、戲用北宋徐崇嗣沒骨法、南田壽平鈐印: 惲正叔、壽平ink and colour on paper, titled and inscribed with a poem on upper left, signed and sealed, dated to the year of Jia Zi, corresponding to 1684AD, framed  108cm x 43.8cm  From the collection of the Stevenson family, Edinburgh. The Stevenson family’s involvement in lighthouse engineering began with the famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson’s (1850-1894) grandfather, Robert Stevenson (1772-1850). Between roughly 1790 and 1940, six members of the Stevenson family planned, designed, and built over 150 lighthouses that can still be found along the Scottish coast today.

          Lyon & Turnbull
        • Yun Shouping; Chinese Silk Painting Tea & Flowers
          Feb. 18, 2024

          Yun Shouping; Chinese Silk Painting Tea & Flowers

          Est: $1,600 - $2,000

          Yun Shouping (1633-1690); Chinese early Qing Dynasty ink & color painting on Silk; Teapot, Butterfly & Garden Fruit & Flowers; with ink calligraphy inscription and 4 red seals. Height of art 32 1/4 inches (82 cm.) X width 11 inches (28 cm.).

          Eddie's Auction
          Dec. 29, 2023


          Est: $20,000 - $30,000

          A CHINESE PAINTING OF PEONY AND FALCON SIGNED YUN SHOUPING Painting depicting flowers and bird , with wood frame, ink color on paper, signed Yun Shouping. with two seals of artist or collector. Dimension: Image only size 110 cm by 34 cm.

          Berkeley Auction Gallery
        • Cooperation Between Yun Shouping and Lin Chun, Chinese Painting Ink and Color on Silk Hanging Scroll
          Dec. 16, 2023

          Cooperation Between Yun Shouping and Lin Chun, Chinese Painting Ink and Color on Silk Hanging Scroll

          Est: $1,000 - $2,000


          Hotspot Auctions
        • Attributed to Yun Shouping (1633-1690) Peony
          Dec. 07, 2023

          Attributed to Yun Shouping (1633-1690) Peony

          Est: $5,000 - $8,000

          Attributed to Yun Shouping (1633-1690) Peony Ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Yun Shouping, with two seals of the artist, and one collector's seal 165.0 x 40.0cm

        • YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690) - Lingzhi
          Dec. 02, 2023

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690) - Lingzhi

          Est: $200,000 - $300,000

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690) Lingzhi Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 78.5 x 31 cm. (30 7⁄8 x 12 ¼ in.)

        • AFTER YUN SHOUPING(1633-1690):
          Nov. 13, 2023

          AFTER YUN SHOUPING(1633-1690):

          Est: -

          After Yun Shouping(1633-1690): ''The Three Friends of Winter in the Moon's Silver Shine'', mounted as a hanging scroll, 38x85cm(picture field) 48x172cm(total) L 60cm(scroll)

          Historia Auctionata
        • Yun Shouping Tree Ding Fuzhi Calligraphy
          Nov. 11, 2023

          Yun Shouping Tree Ding Fuzhi Calligraphy

          Est: $800 - $1,000

          恽寿平古木苍石丁辅之书法 Yun Shouping Tree Ding Fuzhi CalligraphyYun Shouping Tree Ding Fuzhi Calligraphy USD800-1000 日本收藏家旧藏 10.5x16cm,21x16cm 恽寿平1633-1690年,初名格,字寿平,改字正叔,号南田,又号云溪外史,白云外史,常州府武进县人,清朝画家。丁辅之1879-1949年,近代篆刻家,书画家,原名仁友,后改名仁,字辅之,号鹤庐,又号守寒巢主,后以字行。浙江杭州人,晚清著名藏书家八千卷楼主人丁松生从孙。

        • ATTRIBUTED TO YUN SHOUPING (Wujin, China, 1633 – 1690) 清 惲壽平 (款) Scholar in a pavilion 林中高士
          Nov. 07, 2023

          ATTRIBUTED TO YUN SHOUPING (Wujin, China, 1633 – 1690) 清 惲壽平 (款) Scholar in a pavilion 林中高士

          Est: £1,000 - £2,000

          ATTRIBUTED TO YUN SHOUPING (Wujin, China, 1633 – 1690) Scholar in a pavilion Ink and colour on paper, mounted as a hanging scroll Inscription and four red seals of the artist 131cm high, 45cm wide - 清 惲壽平 (款) 林中高士 設色紙本 立軸 款識: 鈐印: 「奇山」、「南田小隱」 - PROVENANCE: Property of a French Private Collection formed in Hong Kong during the 1960s 來源: 法國私人收藏,1960年代在香港組成

          Chiswick Auctions
          Oct. 14, 2023


          Est: $6,000 - $9,000

          Ink on paper. Eight leaves. Album. Landscapes. Inscribed, signed, and dated, with a total of 21 seal marks of both artists. Height: 8 in (20.3 cm) Width: 5 1/8 in (13.0 cm) X 8 Provenance: Property from a Los Angeles family collection, acquired from Beijing Antique & Curio Store during the 1950s and remains in the family.

          California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
        • Attributed to Yun Shouping
          Sep. 27, 2023

          Attributed to Yun Shouping

          Est: $1,500 - $2,500

          Attributed to Yun Shouping (Chinese, 1633-1690) Mandarin Ducks in Lotus Pind ink and color on silk, unframed signed and inscribed, dated lunar year bingwu (1666), with two artist seals, Zhengshu, Shouping. 惲壽平 (款) (清,1633-1690) 荷塘鸳鸯 絹本設色,鏡片 款識:藕節瑤絲翠帶長,凌波艷露不沾裳。曉來無力調朱粉。瘦畫徐妃半面妝。丙午(1666)夏六月畫于重香閣。毗陵惲壽平。 鈐印:正尗、壽平 Image: 69 x 27 in., 175.3 x 68.6 cm. Provenance: Ex. Collection of Major Edward Copleston Radcliffe (1898-1967), no. V2 Acquired as part of a lot of 6 works from Sotheby's, 1944 Ex. Collection of Lt-Col. G.F Menzies 來源: Edward Copleston Radcliffe (1898-1967) 少校私人收藏(編号V2),1944年購自蘇富比,前Lt-Col. G.F Menzies舊藏。

        • In the Style of Yun Shouping
          Sep. 27, 2023

          In the Style of Yun Shouping

          Est: $1,000 - $2,000

          In the Style of Yun Shouping (Chinese, 1633-1690) Birds and Flowers ink and color on silk, framed with a colophon and one collector's seal. 仿惲壽平筆意 (清晚期) 花鳥圖 絹本設色,鏡框 題跋:蟄翁出示家藏無款花鳥殘屏,謂據鑒家云係南田草衣的筆。余審其設色妍雅,規矩準繩,逼近南沙相國,或爲青相軒中至遺筆,質之鑒家以爲何如?庚辰春䱐庐誌。 鈐印一 Image: 50 x 14 1/4 in., 127 x 36 cm. This lot is located in Chicago.

        • YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690) Landscapes and Flowers, 1665-1686 (12)
          Sep. 19, 2023

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690) Landscapes and Flowers, 1665-1686 (12)

          Est: $300,000 - $500,000

          YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690) Landscapes and Flowers, 1665-1686 Twelve fans mounted as an album, ink and color on gold paper, each leaf inscribed by the artist, leaf four, six, seven, nine and twelve dated 1671, 1670, 1669, 1686 and 1665 respectively, signed Shu shi Shouping, Yun Shouping, Dongyuan Shouping, Nantian Shouping, Shouping and Piling Yun Shouping, each fan with one or two artist's seals, including Zhengshu, Shouping and Yun Ge in intaglio and relief, ran han in relief and Yun Zhengshu in intaglio, with eleven imperial seals of Qing emperors reading Shiqu Baoji, Shiqu ding jian, Baoji chongbian, Qianlong yulan zhi bao, Jiaqing yulan zhi bao, Leshoutang jiancang bao, Ningshougong xu ru Shiqu Baoji, Xuantong yulan zhi bao, Qianlong jianshang, Sanxitang jingjian xi and yi zisun. 7 1/4 x 19 1/2in (18.4 x 49.5cm) each (12).

        • A Chinese painting of shells with calligraphy, Attributed to Yun Shouping (Chinese, 1633-1690); Wang Yirong (1845-1900)
          Sep. 18, 2023

          A Chinese painting of shells with calligraphy, Attributed to Yun Shouping (Chinese, 1633-1690); Wang Yirong (1845-1900)

          Est: $100 - $200

          A Chinese painting of shells with calligraphy Attributed to Yun Shouping (Chinese, 1633-1690); Wang Yirong (1845-1900) The painting attributed to Shouping with signature and two seals; the calligraphy by Yirong with signature and one seal. (2). H: 19 1/4, W: 11 1/2 in. H: 48.89, W: 29.21 cm. (painting) Click here for high resolution images. ?????????

          Oakridge Auction Gallery
        • After Yun Shouping (1633-1690) - Landscape in Spring
          Aug. 11, 2023

          After Yun Shouping (1633-1690) - Landscape in Spring

          Est: $500 - $700

          After Yun Shouping (1633-1690) - Landscape in Spring, hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed, dated, signed and with two seals, 41"h. x 13.5"w.

          Clars Auctions
        Lots Per Page: