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Wang Shu Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1668 - d. 1743

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      • WANG SHU (1668-1743). Calligraphy in Seal Script. Hanging scroll, ink on pa
        Nov. 27, 2024

        WANG SHU (1668-1743). Calligraphy in Seal Script. Hanging scroll, ink on pa

        Est: $80,000 - $150,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743). Calligraphy in Seal Script. Hanging scroll, ink on paper 322.3 x 104.5 cm. (126 7⁄8 x 41 1⁄8 in.).

      • 王澍 草書節錄《畫禪室隨筆》| Wang Shu, Calligraphy in Running Script
        Oct. 16, 2024

        王澍 草書節錄《畫禪室隨筆》| Wang Shu, Calligraphy in Running Script

        Est: $60,000 - $120,000

        Wang Shu 1668-1743 Calligraphy in Running Script ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Wang Shu and with one seal of the artist with two collector's seals Gong Benang 17.4 x 46.3 cm. 6 ⅞ x 18 ¼ in. ---------------------------------------------- 王澍 1668-1743 草書節錄《畫禪室隨筆》 水墨金箋 扇面 釋文:大都詩以山川為境,名山以詩為境。名山遇賦客,何異士人遇知己?一入品題,情貌都盡。後之遊者,不待按諸圖經,詢諸樵牧,望而可舉其名矣。嗟嗟,澄江淨如練,齊魯青未了。寥落片言,遂關千古登臨之口,豈獨勿作常語哉?以其所境真也。象先荊南集,不盡象先才之變。而洞庭漢陽上下氣勢,取境之真,特有賞會云。象先能詩,又好遊,安得象先為東西南北之人?窮夫所謂州有九岳有五者,而皆被以奇音雋響。得隱几而讀之。以收象先之巧,而用象先之足,歷遊四海,處處留題,不負花影無虛月夕,不大愉快也哉。已秋憩平山書此。王澍。鈐印:澍 鑑藏印:(宮本昂)宮子行玉父共欣賞、宮子行同弟玉父寶之(鈐於裱褙) 17.4 x 46.3 cm. 6⅞ x 18 ¼ in.

      • Attributed to Li Gonglin, Figure of Tao Kan, ink on silk, one album leaf
        Sep. 18, 2024

        Attributed to Li Gonglin, Figure of Tao Kan, ink on silk, one album leaf

        Est: $60,000 - $80,000

        with spurious signature, Longmian jushi; inscription on painting by Yu Yuan (Early Qing Dynasty), signed Yu Yuan, with two seals; with one collector's seal of Wang Shu (1668-1743); one collector's seal of An Qi (1683-?); and one collector's seal of Wang Jisun (1755-1817) Height 11 in., 27.9 cm; Length 8¼ in., 21 cm

      • Wang Shu, Anonymous (Qing dynasty) 王澍(款)、佚名
        Jun. 14, 2024

        Wang Shu, Anonymous (Qing dynasty) 王澍(款)、佚名

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Property from the Collection of Chen Ding (1894-1971) Wang Shu, Anonymous (Qing dynasty) Calligraphy ink on paper four leaves per scroll (Wang Shu) signed Wang Shu with two seals of the artist and one seal (Anonymous) signed and with five seals (2) 35.7 x 97.5 cm, 14 by 38⅜ in. __________________________________________________________________________ Collection Chen Ding (1894-1971) Wang Shu, Anonyme (dynastie Qing) Calligraphie encre sur papier, quatre feuilles par rouleau __________________________________________________________________________ 陳定先生舊藏 (1894-1971) 王澍(款)、佚名 書法 水墨紙本 四開兩幅 款識 (王澍款)王澍臨。鈐印:「王澍印」、「虛舟」、漫漶不辨 (佚名)藏山居士。鈐印:五枚

      • 王澍 節錄顏真卿《祭姪文稿》|Wang Shu, Running Script after Yan Zhenqing
        Apr. 07, 2024

        王澍 節錄顏真卿《祭姪文稿》|Wang Shu, Running Script after Yan Zhenqing

        Est: $100,000 - $200,000

        Property From a Private North American Collection, Lot 2514-2548 Wang Shu (1668-1743) Running Script after Yan Zhenqing ink on paper, album of thirteen leaves  signed Xuzhou and Wang Shu, dated 1728 and 1729 and with 4 seals of the artist with 6 collectors’ seals various sizes ---------------------------------------------- 北美私人收藏,拍品編號2514-2548 王澍 節錄顏真卿《祭姪文稿》 水墨紙本 十三開冊 釋文: (一)(行書節錄顏真卿《祭姪文稿》,文略)。右魯公祭姪季明文真跡,後戊申(1728)夏五月朔旦虛舟老農臨於九龍山齋。 鈐印:「澍」、「虛舟」 (二)(行草五言自作詩,文略)。雍正七年(1729)秋九月廿有一日琅琊王澍書於九龍山齋。 鈐印:「澍」、「虛舟」 藏印:「果堂審定」、「題銥館」、「紗吉祥盦」、「白門李氏珍藏」(二鈐)、「雲華僊館秘笈」 尺寸不一

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy after Mi Fu Hanging scroll,
        Jun. 01, 2023

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy after Mi Fu Hanging scroll,

        Est: $50,000 - $70,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy after Mi Fu Hanging scroll, ink on satin 132 x 45 cm. (52 x 21 5/8 in.)

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743) Five-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script A p
        May. 30, 2022

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Five-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script A p

        Est: $20,000 - $40,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Five-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper 70.5 x 17.2 cm. (27 3/4 x 6 3/4 in.) (2)

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy in Regular Script – A Trip to Baizhang...
        Mar. 02, 2022

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy in Regular Script – A Trip to Baizhang...

        Est: $50,000 - $70,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy in Regular Script – A Trip to Baizhang... Hanging scroll, ink on silk 172 x 44 cm. (67 3/4 x 17 3/8 in.) (8)

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy in Running Script Hanging scroll, ink on p
        Dec. 01, 2021

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy in Running Script Hanging scroll, ink on p

        Est: $30,000 - $50,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy in Running Script Hanging scroll, ink on paper 116.5 x 47.5 cm. (45 7/8 x 18 ¾ in.)

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy after Mi Fu Hanging scroll,
        Dec. 02, 2020

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy after Mi Fu Hanging scroll,

        Est: $50,000 - $70,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy after Mi Fu Hanging scroll, ink on satin 132 x 45 cm. (52 x 21 5/8 in.)

        Mar. 19, 2019


        Est: €300 - €400

        WANG HONG SHU (Cina XX secolo) La mano destra racconta alla mano sinistra, 1987 La mano sinistra racconta alla mano destra Venti Chine su carta velina in cartella rilegata, cm 49,5 x 38,5 Testo sulla seconda e terza di copertina Firma in lingua cinese, data e dedica sulla terza di copertina PROVENIENZA Fabrizio Pozzilli Louise Reed, Ed. Socrates La mano destra racconta alla mano sinistra 'Mi hanno raccontato che a Erodoto fu raccontato durante il suo dialogo con il sacerdote Egiziano che il sole aveva cambiato il suo corso quattro volte due volte tramontò dove ora sorge penso di svegliarmi rivolto verso il mare all'alba sulla costa adriatica sentendomi cosi orgogliosa penso nell'universo'

        Casa d'Aste Babuino
        Jun. 12, 2018


        Est: €15,000 - €25,000

        titre dans le style des scribes, encre sur soie, montée en rouleau, signé WANG SHU, et avec deux cachets de l'artiste

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy
        May. 29, 2017

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy

        Est: $80,000 - $120,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy Album of fifty-one leaves, ink on paper Each leaf measures 29 x 15.3 cm. (11 3/8 x 6 in.) Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

        Mar. 21, 2015


        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        signed, with a dedication and two seals of the artist

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy After Yan Zhenqin
        Nov. 23, 2014

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy After Yan Zhenqin

        Est: HKD350,000 - HKD450,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy After Yan Zhenqing

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743)
        May. 26, 2014

        WANG SHU (1668-1743)

        Est: ¥60,000 - ¥80,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) >Calligraphy in Running Script<br>Album of twenty-four leaves >ink on paper<br>Each leaf 26.4 x 15.2 cm. (10 1/2 x 6 in.) >Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist<br>Further inscribed and signed by artist, with two seals >Dated spring, second month, sixth year of the Yongzheng era (1728)<br>Two collector's seals

      • "QINDING ZHUAN WEN LIUJING SISHU" - COURT ORDERED GROUP OF BOOKS Woodblock print: 7 5/8 x 5 in. (19.5 x 12.5 cm)
        Oct. 06, 2013

        "QINDING ZHUAN WEN LIUJING SISHU" - COURT ORDERED GROUP OF BOOKS Woodblock print: 7 5/8 x 5 in. (19.5 x 12.5 cm)

        Est: $100 - $150

        "QINDING ZHUAN WEN LIUJING SISHU" - COURT ORDERED GROUP OF BOOKS 子部/藝術類; 欽定篆文六經四書十種(存九種) (清)李光地等奉勑編; 清光緒九年(1883)上海同文書局石印本,一夾板十冊(缺第九冊)19.5x12.5cm; 收藏印:各冊封面書「菊仙」鈐「一日三秋」(朱方);「出入日利」(朱方)二印; 各冊鈐「王濟遠」(朱白方),王濟遠見第1條。 Woodblock print: 7 5/8 x 5 in. (19.5 x 12.5 cm) 9 of 10 books (missing no. 9) enclosed in 1 folding case; compiled by Li Guang Di (1642-1718) and others; edited by Wang Shu (1668-1743); printed by Tong Wen Shu Ju, Shanghai, 1883; collector's seal and writing on every cover; 2 additional collectors seals in each book Provenance: Asian book collection of over one hundred lots from the personal library of Wang Jiyuan (1893-1975) including many from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Together with 10 pieces of calligraphy dedicated to him by Yun Yufren, Wang Fang Yu, Tan Yan Kai, and Liu Jiang Duan. Wang Jiyuan was an established watercolorist and oil painter by 1919, and founded the renowned Tien Ma Society in Shanghai with Liu Haisu to promote Western Style. In the 1920s he lived in Europe and in the early 1940s he moved to the United States and established the School of Chinese Brushwork in New York. Wang Jiyuan was a colleague of many well-known Chinese artists, including Chang Dai-Chien, Wang Yachen, and Pan Yuliang. Please contact the gallery for further information regarding the sale of an important privately held collection of Wang Jiyuan works.

        Potomack Company
      • WANG SHU (1668-1743)
        Nov. 26, 2012

        WANG SHU (1668-1743)

        Est: - $400,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Calligraphy in Standard Script Calligraphy in Running Script Handscroll, ink on paper 30 x 395 cm. (11 3/4 x 155 1/2 in.) Standard Script: signed, with five seals of the artist Dated summer, sixth month, xinhai year, ninth year of the Yongzheng era (1731) Running Script: signed, with four seals of the artist Dated summer, sixth month, xinhai year of the Yongzheng era (1731) Colophons by Yong Xing (11th son of Emperor Qianlong) (1752- 1823), Mian Yi (grandson of Emperor Qianlong) (1764-1815) and Pei Jingfu (1854-1926) Colophons by Pei Jingfu: Beginning of the scroll: dated sixth month, gengxu year (1910) End of the scroll: signed Eleven collectors' seals 1

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743)
        Nov. 26, 2012

        WANG SHU (1668-1743)

        Est: $80,000 - $100,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Clerical Script Inscriptions of Liqi Stele Album of thirty-eight leaves, ink on paper Each leaf measures 24 x 14 cm. (9 3/8 x 5 1/2 in.) Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated summer, fifth month, renzi year of the Yongzheng era (1732) 1

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743)
        May. 28, 2012

        WANG SHU (1668-1743)

        Est: $80,000 - $100,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Stone Drum Calligraphy Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated summer, twenty-seventh day, sixth month, wushen, sixth year of the Yongzheng era (1728) Seven collectors' seals including two of Yong Xing (Prince Cheng, 1752-1823) Four colophons including one by Yong Xing, signed with one seal Dated third month, wushen year of the Qianlong era (1788) Handscroll, ink on paper 28 x 700 cm. (11 x 275 1/2 in.)

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743)
        Nov. 30, 2010

        WANG SHU (1668-1743)

        Est: $60,000 - $80,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Running Script Calligraphy Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated guimao year of the Yongzheng era (1723) Seven collectors' seals Album of twenty one leaves, ink on paper Each leaf measures 24.5 x 12.7 cm. (9 5/8 x 5 in.)

      • WANG SHU 1668-1743
        Apr. 06, 2010

        WANG SHU 1668-1743

        Est: $45,000 - $60,000

        WANG SHU 1668-1743 CALLIGRAPHY IN ZHUANSHU signed DIBA DONGTIAN REN WANG SHU , dated xin hai of the Yongzheng reign, 1731, the fifth lunar month, and with two seals of the artist. Titleslip by famous Shanghai collector Sun Yufeng (1901-1967) ink on paper, hanging scroll 94.4 by 43.8 cm. 37 1/8 by 17 1/4 in.

      • WANG SHU (1668-1743)
        May. 26, 2009

        WANG SHU (1668-1743)

        Est: $160,000 - $240,000

        WANG SHU (1668-1743) Standard Script Calligraphy A set of twelve hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 169.5 x 43.5 cm. (66 3/4 x 17 1/8 in.) Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Illustrated here the first and last scrolls of the set of twelve. (12)

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