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Konstantin Andreevic Somov Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Illustrator, b. 1869 - d. 1939

Konstantin Andreyevich Somov (November 30, 1869 – May 6, 1939)[1] was a Russian artist associated with the Mir iskusstva. Born into a family of a major art historian and Hermitage Museum curator Andrey Ivanovich Somov, he became interested in 18th-century art and music at an early age.

Early life: Konstantin Somov was born on November 30, 1869 in St. Petersburg in the family of an art historian, famous museum figure, curator of the Hermitage Museum Andrei Somov. Konstantin was the second son in the family. His mother, Nadezhda Konstantinovna, who came from the noble family of the Lobanovs was a good musician and a well-educated person. She instilled in her children a love of theater, music and painting. In addition, the Somovs' house had a huge private collection of old prints, paintings and drawings. Painting and art were a constant subject of conversation and an integral part of their lives and young Konstantin dreamed of becoming an artist from a very young age.[2]

For the first time Alexandre Benois met with Somov in the private gymnasium of Karl May. Dmitry Filosofov also studied there, and Somov found a common language and even became friends with him. Benois in his memoirs says that their manner of sticking together, but apart from everyone else, for some reason attracted Benois himself. Later, Dmitry Filosofov was sent to Italy due to illness, and Somov, who had a hard time studying science, was taken from the gymnasium by his father. At the age of 20, Konstantin Somov entered the Imperial Academy of Arts. He studied their under Ilya Repin from 1888 to 1897. While in academy, Benois introduced him to Sergei Diaghilev and Léon Bakst. When the three founded the World of Art, Somov liberally contributed to its periodicals.

Studying in the academy was not easy for Somov, but in 1897 he successfully completed it and moved to Paris to continue his education at the legendary Académie Colarossi.[3]

Inspired by Watteau and Fragonard, he preferred to work with watercolours and gouache. For three years he worked upon his masterpiece, Lady in Blue, painted in the manner of 18th-century portraitists.

The artist's first serious success came a year before graduation from the Academy. Somov and Benois spent the summer of 1896 at their dacha near Oranienbaum, in the village of Martyshkino. The landscapes and sketches he brought from there were highly praised by critics and colleagues from the academic environment. In the same summer, he creates illustrations for the works of Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann.

During the 1910s, Somov executed a number of rococo harlequin scenes and illustrations to the poems by Alexander Blok. Many of his works were exhibited abroad, especially in Germany, where the first monograph on him was published in 1909.

After the revolution: Somov, like many of his contemporaries, greeted the revolution in Russia with enthusiasm. But living conditions gradually deteriorated: at first, his apartment was nationalized, and at the end the artist was completely evicted from it. Only by a miracle he managed to defend the rights to his own works.

In December 1923, Konstantin Somov, together with the Russian Exhibition, went to the United States as an authorized representative of Petrograd. In the USA, he becomes close to the family of Sergei Rachmaninoff and paints portraits of the composer and his daughter. He never returned to his homeland, forever remaining in France. Somov found Soviet Russia "absolutely alien to his art" and moved to Paris. There, a community of Russian émigré artists had developed by this time. Somov found inspiration in the "world of artists" living in Paris - his old friend Benoit, Bakst and Serebryakova.

Private life: Somov was homosexual, like many of the World of Art members.[4]

In the last years of his studies, Somov who was already a well-known artist, led a very reclusive lifestyle. Judging by the letters from that period, loneliness was a burden for him. In the winter of 1899, Somov wrote to his friend and colleague Liza Zvantseva: “Unfortunately, I still have no romance with anyone - flirting is, perhaps, very light. But I'm tired of being without romance - it's time, otherwise life goes away and youth, and it becomes scary. I am terribly sorry that my character is heavy, boring, gloomy. I would like to be cheerful, light, so that everything is knee-deep, amorous and rip-off. Only such people have fun, interesting and not scared to live!".

Model Methodiy Lukyanov became his closest person. They meet in 1910, a forty-year-old artist and an eighteen-year-old Lukyanov. Methodiy settled with the Somovs, where he quickly became part of the family. They lived together and he helped Somov to run the household, organize exhibitions. He was also his art advisor and critic of works. In 1918, Somov painted a large portrait of Lukyanov, sitting on the sofa in pajamas and a dressing gown. This portrait can be seen in the Russian Museum. Somov called him "Myth". The artist and the model will be together until the death of Methodiy in Paris from tuberculosis. Myth fell ill in the spring of 1931, and his illness shocked Somov. In letters to his sister in Russia, he writes: “Every minute of my life is now torment - although I do everything I need to - eat, talk with visitors, even work a little - the thought of Methodius and the upcoming separation does not leave me. Now I absorb into myself his face, his every word, knowing that soon I will not see him again "..." Yesterday, lying on a mattress, on the floor by his bed, I tried to pray mentally - it's me! God, if you exist and care about people, prove, save Methodius to me, and I will believe in you! " But it's all in vain. The last, dying words of Methodius, addressed to Somov, were: "Kostya ... goodbye."

In about 1930, Somov met Boris Mikhailovich Snejkovsky (born 23 July 1910), "the twenty-year old young man who would inspire several of Somov's best later works. He would sit for straightforward portrait drawings, beautiful, mildly suggestive oil paintings, and he may have been the model for more erotic watercolors. The exact nature of his relationship with his model and friend is unknown."

Somov was buried in the Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois Russian Cemetery to the south of Paris.

Read Full Artist Biography

272 Lots

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      Auction Date


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      Price Range

        Dec. 05, 2024


        Est: €1,600 - €2,000

        KONSTANTIN ANDREEVIČ SOMOV (San Pietroburgo 1869-Parigi 1939) Portrait of Helena Pavlovna Oliva 1914 Pencil on paper 42,5 x 30 cm Signed and dated lower left: K. C., 1914 Good conditions, framed with glass and passepartout

        Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
      • Konstantin Andreevic SOMOV (1869-1939) …
        Dec. 04, 2024

        Konstantin Andreevic SOMOV (1869-1939) …

        Est: €5,000 - €7,000

        Konstantin Andreevic SOMOV (1869-1939) Crépuscule. Paysage du soir avec un buisson de lilas à droite (1921) Huile sur toile 18x26,3 cm Signé et daté en bas à droite; signé en outre, portant le titre et les instructions d'encadrement (sur le châssis). PROVENANCE: Acquis auprès de l'artiste par Elena Pitts-Bilibina (1891-1974) à Paris en 1924 (inscription sur le châssis). Collection Alexandre Djanchieff. Par descendance jusqu'au dernier propriétaire puis vente Christies 03 juin 2019, lot 58. Константин Андреевич СОМОВ (1869-1939) Сумерки. Вечерний пейзаж с кустом сирени справа (1921) Холст, масло 18х26,3 см Подпись и дата внизу справа; дополнительно подписано, с заглавием и инструкциями по оформлению (на подрамнике). ПРОВЕНАНС: Приобретено у художницы Елены Питтс-Билибиной (1891-1974) в Париже в 1924 году (надпись на подрамнике). Коллекция Александра Джанчиева. По наследству до последнего владельца, затем продажа Christie's 3 июня 2019 года, лот 58.

        Nov. 10, 2024


        Est: $800 - $1,000

        Konstantin Andreevich Somov (Russian, 1869 -1939), pencil and ink on paper drawing depicting a portrait of a young lady dressed in a lush dress and a shawl decorated with a delicate floral pattern on her shoulders. Signed in Cyrillic lower right. Note: Konstantin Andreevich Somov was a Russian painter and graphic artist, master of portrait and landscape, illustrator, and one of the founders of the Mir Iskusstva association and the magazine of the same name. Konstantin Somov is known for numerous portrait works, as well as paintings and drawings depicting genre scenes resurrecting the world of court balls and masquerades of the 18th century. Please make all inquiries before bidding. All lots are sold "as-is", refer to our T&C. Helios Auctions does not ship in-house. A list of recommended shippers will be provided.

        Helios Auctions
      • Menu Cards with Vignettes (Seven Works)
        Oct. 15, 2024

        Menu Cards with Vignettes (Seven Works)

        Est: £8,000 - £12,000

        Konstantin Andreevich Somov 1869 - 1939 Menu Cards with Vignettes (Seven Works) (each) signed c. s. (lower left and lower right); inscribed with the menu (recto and verso) watercolour, gouache, and pen and ink on paper image size: largest 10.2 by 10.4 cm. 4 by 4⅛ in. smallest 3.9 by 4 cm. 1½ by 1½ in. sheet size: largest 19.6 by 13.9 cm. 11⅝ by 5⅜ in. smallest 17.5 by 11.5 cm. 6⅞ by 4½ in. Framed: 46 by 61.7 cm. 18⅛ by 23¼ in.

      • Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French
        Aug. 16, 2024

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) ; early 20th century ; watercolor on paper - framed ; dimensions 9 x 12 cm (3 1/2 x 4 3/4 in.) ; signed lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $160 / National post with tracking service - $80 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $100 / National post with tracking service - $40

      • SOMOFF Constantin Alexïévitch (1869-1939). Paysage de campagne en automne.
        Jul. 02, 2024

        SOMOFF Constantin Alexïévitch (1869-1939). Paysage de campagne en automne.

        Est: €8,000 - €10,000

        SOMOFF Constantin Alexïévitch (1869-1939). Paysage de campagne en automne. Gouache et mine de plomb sur carton, signée en bas à droite en lettres latines par l’artiste à l’encre noire « C. Somof, avril 1929 », conservée sous verre dans un encadrement moderne à baguette dorée. Identifiée au revers : « Grandvilliers, 1929, 1er avril (Danville, Eure) ». Bon état. À vue : H. : 26 cm – L. : 32 cm. Cadre : H. : 37 cm – L. : 43 cm Biographie : Constantin Alexïévitch Somoff est un peintre symboliste, dessinateur et illustrateur de livre. Il étudie de 1888 à 1897 à l’institut Supérieur d’art auprès de l’Académie des arts de Saint-Pétersbourg avec comme maîtres Vassili Verechtchaguine (1842-1904) et Pavel Tchistiakoff (1832-1919) et rentre en 1894 dans l’atelier de Ilya Répine. De 1897 à 1899, il travaille dans l’atelier de Colarossi à Paris. Il devient académicien en 1913 et membre du Monde de l’Art en 1899, et de 1903 à 1910 de l’Union des Artistes russes. Il meurt à Paris. Provenance : Collection de l’artiste puis offerte par lui à Boris Snejkovsky (1910-1978), conservée par descendance avant d’être mise en vente chez Christie’s à Londres le 4 juin 2018 sous le n°8.

      • KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), RUSSIAN P
        Jun. 25, 2024

        KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), RUSSIAN P

        Est: -

        Konstantin Somov (1869-1939), Russian painter who studied at the St. Petersburg Academy and in Paris from 1888-99 and was inspired by Watteau and Fragonard. Somov emigrated in 1923 and went to Paris in 1925. Represented in the Tretyakov Gallery, among others. Park landscape with playful-amorous rococo scenes, tempera on paper over cardboard, signed lower left marginal tears, rubbing and flaking paint, provenance: from the artist's family, enclosed a handwritten letter and a group photo, 34 x 43 cm

        Historia Auctionata
      • Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French
        Dec. 08, 2023

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) ; early 20th century ; watercolor on paper - framed ; dimensions 9 x 12 cm (3 1/2 x 4 3/4 in.) ; signed lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $160 / National post with tracking service - $80 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $100 / National post with tracking service - $40

      • Konstantin Andreyevich Somov
        Nov. 19, 2023

        Konstantin Andreyevich Somov

        Est: $40,000 - $50,000

        Konstantin Andreyevich Somov Title: Untitled Year: 1898 Medium: watercolor on Paper Size: 9.5 x 10.75in / 19.5 x 20.75in with frame

        Pasadena Antique Warehouse
        Oct. 01, 2023


        Est: $30,000 - $35,000

        Konstanin Somov (Russian, 1869-1939), oil on canvas backed on board painting depicting a summer day in the countryside. Signed and dated lower right. Provenance: MacDougall's London, November 28, 2018, lot 43. Russian Pictures, Works of Art and Icons, Sotheby’s London, 5-6 December 1989, lot 156. Konstantin Andreevich Somov (1869-1939) was a Russian painter and graphic artist, master of portrait and landscape, illustrator, and one of the founders of the Mir Iskusstva association and the magazine of the same name. Somov is known for numerous portrait works, as well as paintings and drawings depicting genre scenes resurrecting the world of court balls and masquerades of the "gallant" 18th-century.

        Helios Auctions
      • Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on Paper
        Aug. 04, 2023

        Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on Paper

        Est: $12,000 - $24,000

        Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache on Paper Excellent signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov (Russian/French 1869 - 1939). 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on paper, signed lower right C. Somof /Paris and dated 1927.   Konstantin Andreevich Somov was born in st. petersburg in 1869 into the family of the senior curator at the hermitage, artist and art historian, Andrei Ivanovich Somov and his wife, Nadezhda Constantinovna, an excellent musician. The family had a big collection of paintings, etchings, watercolors, and big library. Artists were frequent guests in the house. He started to learn to play piano, singing, and painting at an early age. In autumn of 1897 he left the academy and went to paris, where his friends, Benois, Lanceray, Bakst, Ober, Ostroumova had already moved. In paris they frequented various private studios and the académie colarossi. In 1898 after returning to st. petersburg, the friends founded the world of art (Mir Iskusstva) society, with their own magazine. Sergei Diaghilev devoted much to founding of the society. The world of art exhibitions attracted talented young artists of st. petersburg and moscow and their efforts played a very important role in the development of russian art at the beginning of the 20th century.  

        Collective Hudson, LLC
      • Somow, Konstantin Andrejewitsch (Attrib.): Erotische Szene im Pavillon
        Jul. 29, 2023

        Somow, Konstantin Andrejewitsch (Attrib.): Erotische Szene im Pavillon

        Est: -

        Somov, Konstantin Andreyevich - attributed to - Erotic scene in the pavilion (Saint Petersburg 1869-1939 Paris) Ink drawing. 24,8 x 17,5 cm; not framed. - Minor defects at the margins. // Somow, Konstantin Andrejewitsch (Attrib.) Erotische Szene im Pavillon (Sankt Petersburg 1869-1939 Paris) Tuschezeichnung. 24,8 x 17,5 cm; unger. - Kleinere Randmängel.

        Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
      • Russian / French painting Attributed Constantine (Russian 1869-1939) Somov, Bathers by a Streem, oil on canvas, 21-3/4 x 181/2, overall framed 28-1/2 x 24-1/2 inches
        Jul. 11, 2023

        Russian / French painting Attributed Constantine (Russian 1869-1939) Somov, Bathers by a Streem, oil on canvas, 21-3/4 x 181/2, overall framed 28-1/2 x 24-1/2 inches

        Est: $600 - $1,200

        Russian / French painting Attributed Constantine (Russian 1869-1939) Somov, Bathers by a Streem, oil on canvas, 21-3/4 x 181/2, overall framed 28-1/2 x 24-1/2 inches

        Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
      • Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on Paper
        Jun. 11, 2023

        Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on Paper

        Est: $12,000 - $24,000

        Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache on Paper Excellent signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov (Russian/French 1869 - 1939). 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on paper, signed lower right C. Somof /Paris and dated 1927.   Konstantin Andreevich Somov was born in st. petersburg in 1869 into the family of the senior curator at the hermitage, artist and art historian, Andrei Ivanovich Somov and his wife, Nadezhda Constantinovna, an excellent musician. The family had a big collection of paintings, etchings, watercolors, and big library. Artists were frequent guests in the house. He started to learn to play piano, singing, and painting at an early age. In autumn of 1897 he left the academy and went to paris, where his friends, Benois, Lanceray, Bakst, Ober, Ostroumova had already moved. In paris they frequented various private studios and the académie colarossi. In 1898 after returning to st. petersburg, the friends founded the world of art (Mir Iskusstva) society, with their own magazine. Sergei Diaghilev devoted much to founding of the society. The world of art exhibitions attracted talented young artists of st. petersburg and moscow and their efforts played a very important role in the development of russian art at the beginning of the 20th century.  

        Collective Hudson, LLC
      • Erotica.- Somov (Konstantin Andreievich, illustrator) Le Livre de la Marquise. Recueil de Poesie et Prose, one of 800 copies, St. Petersburg, 1918.
        Apr. 13, 2023

        Erotica.- Somov (Konstantin Andreievich, illustrator) Le Livre de la Marquise. Recueil de Poesie et Prose, one of 800 copies, St. Petersburg, 1918.

        Est: £600 - £800

        Erotica.- Somov (Konstantin Andreievich, illustrator) Le Livre de la Marquise. Recueil de Poesie et Prose, one of 800 copies, pictorial half-title, frontispiece, title printed in red and black, 20 plates and numerous illustrations by Somov, some with hand-colouring, scattered light foxing and offsetting, some cracking at gutter with a few gatherings loose, hinges tender, original green silk, rubbed and lightly soiled, spine faded, with portions of loss to silk and backstrip coming loose, joints split but holding, uncut, 4to, St. Petersburg, 1918. ⁂ Published during the temporary lull in censorship immediately after the October Revolution, with erotic illustrations by Russian symbolist artist Konstantin Somov accompanying a selection of 18th century French poetry and prose. This copy is from the library of cultural critic Gershon Legman, with short pencil notes in his hand to the front pastedown and limitation page, speculating a possible German provenance for the book.

        Forum Auctions - UK
      • Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French
        Apr. 07, 2023

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) ; early 20th century ; watercolor on paper - framed ; dimensions 9 x 12 cm (3 1/2 x 4 3/4 in.) ; signed lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $160 / National post with tracking service - $80 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $100 / National post with tracking service - $40

      • Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on Paper
        Feb. 05, 2023

        Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on Paper

        Est: $12,000 - $24,000

        Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache on Paper Excellent signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov (Russian/French 1869 - 1939). 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on paper, signed lower right C. Somof /Paris and dated 1927.   Konstantin Andreevich Somov was born in st. petersburg in 1869 into the family of the senior curator at the hermitage, artist and art historian, Andrei Ivanovich Somov and his wife, Nadezhda Constantinovna, an excellent musician. The family had a big collection of paintings, etchings, watercolors, and big library. Artists were frequent guests in the house. He started to learn to play piano, singing, and painting at an early age. In autumn of 1897 he left the academy and went to paris, where his friends, Benois, Lanceray, Bakst, Ober, Ostroumova had already moved. In paris they frequented various private studios and the académie colarossi. In 1898 after returning to st. petersburg, the friends founded the world of art (Mir Iskusstva) society, with their own magazine. Sergei Diaghilev devoted much to founding of the society. The world of art exhibitions attracted talented young artists of st. petersburg and moscow and their efforts played a very important role in the development of russian art at the beginning of the 20th century.  

        Collective Hudson, LLC
        Dec. 15, 2022


        Est: €5,000 - €8,000

        KONSTANTIN ANDREEVIC SOMOV (1869-1939), SCENE WITH FIGURES Oil on canvas. Signed. Dim.: 46x38.5 cm.

      • Constantin Somoff - Das Lesebuch der Marquise.
        Nov. 27, 2022

        Constantin Somoff - Das Lesebuch der Marquise.

        Est: €200 - €300

        Ein Rokokobuch von Franz Blei und Constantin Somoff. München, Hans von Weber 1908. Mit acht Tafeln, davon drei koloriert, und zahlreichen Textillustrationen von Constantin Somoff. Roter Originalmaroquinband. Rückentitel, figürliche Deckelillustration, Innenkantenfileten und Kopfschnitt vergoldet. Eins von 800 Exemplaren auf Van Gelder-Bütten, 50 weitere wurden auf Japan gedruckt. – Auswahl und Übersetzung der Texte von Franz Blei. – Constantin Somoff entwarf auch die schöne Vorderdeckelillustration. – »Der Text des Buches gibt eine Auswahl des besten aus der französischen Literatur von 1750 bis 1785, in der Novelle und der Erzählung, im Dialog und im Gedicht« (Verlagsprospekt, zitiert nach Hayn/Gotendorf). 22,0 : 16,2 cm. [2], 141, [3] Seiten, 8 Tafeln. Hayn/Gotendorf IV, 148 [Keywords: ; ]

        Christian Hesse Auktionen
      • Somow, Konstantin Andrejewitsch (Attrib.) — Erotische Szene im Pavillon
        Nov. 25, 2022

        Somow, Konstantin Andrejewitsch (Attrib.) — Erotische Szene im Pavillon

        Est: -

        Somov, Konstantin Andreyevich - attributed to — Erotic scene in the pavilion (Saint Petersburg 1869-1939 Paris) Ink drawing. 24,8 x 17,5 cm; not framed. - Minor defects at the margins. // Somow, Konstantin Andrejewitsch (Attrib.) — Erotische Szene im Pavillon — (Sankt Petersburg 1869-1939 Paris) Tuschezeichnung. 24,8 x 17,5 cm; unger. - Kleinere Randmängel.

        Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
      • Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache on Paper
        Nov. 13, 2022

        Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache on Paper

        Est: $10,000 - $20,000

        Signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov, 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache on Paper Excellent signed Konstantin Andreevich Somov (Russian/French 1869 - 1939). 'Woman with a Parasol in a Garden'. Gouache painting on paper, signed lower right C. Somof /Paris and dated 1927.   Konstantin Andreevich Somov was born in st. petersburg in 1869 into the family of the senior curator at the hermitage, artist and art historian, Andrei Ivanovich Somov and his wife, Nadezhda Constantinovna, an excellent musician. The family had a big collection of paintings, etchings, watercolors, and big library. Artists were frequent guests in the house. He started to learn to play piano, singing, and painting at an early age. In autumn of 1897 he left the academy and went to paris, where his friends, Benois, Lanceray, Bakst, Ober, Ostroumova had already moved. In paris they frequented various private studios and the académie colarossi. In 1898 after returning to st. petersburg, the friends founded the world of art (Mir Iskusstva) society, with their own magazine. Sergei Diaghilev devoted much to founding of the society. The world of art exhibitions attracted talented young artists of st. petersburg and moscow and their efforts played a very important role in the development of russian art at the beginning of the 20th century.  

        Collective Hudson, LLC
      • KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), MALE NUDE
        Oct. 26, 2022

        KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), MALE NUDE

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), MALE NUDE Oil on canvas. Recanvased. Signed. Dim.: 47x22 cm.

      • Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French
        Aug. 12, 2022

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) ; early 20th century ; watercolor on paper - framed ; dimensions 9 x 12 cm (3 1/2 x 4 3/4 in.) ; signed lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $160 / National post with tracking service - $80 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $100 / National post with tracking service - $40

      • Somow, Konstantin Andrejewitsch (Attrib.) — Erotische Szene im Pavillon
        Jul. 29, 2022

        Somow, Konstantin Andrejewitsch (Attrib.) — Erotische Szene im Pavillon

        Est: -

        Somov, Konstantin Andreyevich - attributed to —Erotic scene in the pavilion (Saint Petersburg 1869-1939 Paris) Ink drawing. 24,8 x 17,5 cm; not framed. - Minor defects at the margins. // Somow, Konstantin Andrejewitsch (Attrib.) Erotische Szene im Pavillon (Sankt Petersburg 1869-1939 Paris) Tuschezeichnung. 24,8 x 17,5 cm; unger. - Kleinere Randmängel.

        Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
      • Konstantin Andreevich Somov (Russian, 1869-1939), Woman with parasol in a garden, 1927, gouache on paper, 12 3/4 x 13 3/4in (32 x 35cm)
        Mar. 27, 2022

        Konstantin Andreevich Somov (Russian, 1869-1939), Woman with parasol in a garden, 1927, gouache on paper, 12 3/4 x 13 3/4in (32 x 35cm)

        Est: $5,000 - $7,000

        Konstantin Andreevich Somov (Russian, 1869-1939) Woman with parasol in a garden, 1927 gouache on paper signed lower right C. Somof / Paris and dated

        Andrew Jones Auctions
        Mar. 05, 2022


        Est: $15,000 - $25,000

        Masquerade, 1925, gouache on paper, 14 1/4 x 11 1/8 in (36 x 28 cm), framed 22 3/5 x 19 1/4 in (57.5 x 48.6 cm), signed lower left, dated 1925,

        Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
      • Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French
        Aug. 12, 2021

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) ; early 20th century ; watercolor on paper - framed ; dimensions 9 x 12 cm (3 1/2 x 4 3/4 in.) ; signed lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $160 / National post with tracking service - $80 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $100 / National post with tracking service - $40

      • *SOMOV, KONSTANTIN (1869–1939) - Lady with Lapdog
        Jun. 10, 2021

        *SOMOV, KONSTANTIN (1869–1939) - Lady with Lapdog

        Est: £5,000 - £7,000

        *SOMOV, KONSTANTIN (1869–1939) Lady with Lapdog, signed and dated 1927. Watercolour, heightened with white, on paper, laid on cardboard, 5 by 4.5 cm. Provenance: Raydon Gallery, New York. Private collection, USA. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert O. Glebova. Related literature: For the later version of the work, see L. Salmina-Haskell, Russian Paintings and Drawings in the Ashmolean Museum by Larissa Salmina-Haskell, Oxford, 1989, p. 82, No. 119. Starting Bid: 5000

        May. 24, 2021


        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        KONSTANTIN ANDREEVIC SOMOV (1869-1939), SCENE WITH FIGURES Oil on canvas. Signed. Dim.: 46x38.5 cm.

      • Konstantin Andreevich Somov Russian, 1869-1939 Study of Trees, 1923
        May. 12, 2021

        Konstantin Andreevich Somov Russian, 1869-1939 Study of Trees, 1923

        Est: $20,000 - $30,000

        Konstantin Andreevich Somov Russian, 1869-1939 Study of Trees, 1923 Signed with Cyrillic initials KC and dated 1923 (lr) Oil on canvas laid to panel 10 5/8 x 12 3/4 inches (27 x 32.4 cm) Exhibited: New York, Grand Central Palace, The Russian Art Exhibition, 1924, no. 699 Literature: Igor Grabar, The Russian Art Exhibition, Grand Central Palace, New York, 1924, no. 699 C 

        DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
      • KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), MALE NUDE
        Oct. 22, 2020

        KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), MALE NUDE

        Est: €7,000 - €10,000

        KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), MALE NUDE Oil on canvas. Recanvased. Signed. Dim.: 47x22 cm.

      • Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French
        Oct. 09, 2020

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) ; early 20th century ; watercolor on paper - framed ; dimensions 9 x 12 cm (3 1/2 x 4 3/4 in.) ; signed lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $160 / National post with tracking service - $80 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $100 / National post with tracking service - $40

      • Konstantin Somov, oil on canvas, 1923
        Jun. 05, 2020

        Konstantin Somov, oil on canvas, 1923

        Est: $70,000 - $100,000

        Konstantin Andreevich Somov (Russian, 1869-1939), "An Old Ballet", signed and dated center right, paper exhibition label verso, canvas and stretcher each stamped "Russian Art Exhibition/ Grand Central Palace/New York City", 16"h x 21"w (stretcher), unframed

        Millea Bros Ltd
        Mar. 21, 2020


        Est: $5,000 - $7,000

        A MAGAZINE COVER BY KONSTANTIN SOMOV (RUSSIAN 1869-1939) FOR PARIZHANKA, 1908 KONSTANTIN SOMOV (RUSSIAN 1869-1939), Parizhanka. Kuznetsky Most, 4 (1908), lithograph, signed in plate lower right, 36 x 25.5 cm (14 1/8 x 10 in.) [sight sheet size]

        Shapiro Auctions LLC
      • KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), MALE NUDE
        Mar. 11, 2020

        KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), MALE NUDE

        Est: €7,000 - €10,000

        KONSTANTIN SOMOV (1869-1939), MALE NUDE Oil on canvas. Recanvased. Signed. Dim.: 47x22 cm.

      • Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French
        Dec. 07, 2019

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) Russian / French

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Konstantin SOMOV (1869-1939) ; early 20th century ; watercolor on paper - framed ; dimensions 9 x 12 cm (3 1/2 x 4 3/4 in.) ; signed lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $160 / National post with tracking service - $80 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $100 / National post with tracking service - $40

      • Signed Somov, Jester and Woman
        Nov. 30, 2019

        Signed Somov, Jester and Woman

        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        Jester and woman with frog in a jar, watercolor on paper, signed 'C. Somov' and dated 1918 L/R (Konstantin Andreevich Somov, Russian/French, 1869-1939), 11 1/4" x 8 3/4", framed 20" x 17 3/4". Authentication: Analyst report from French Institute. Provenance: Private collection, Palm Springs, California.

        Kaminski Auctions
      • SOMOV, KONSTANTIN (1869-1939) Meeting in the Park
        Nov. 27, 2019

        SOMOV, KONSTANTIN (1869-1939) Meeting in the Park

        Est: £300,000 - £400,000

        SOMOV, KONSTANTIN (1869–1939) Meeting in the Park signed and dated 1919. Oil on canvas, 40.5 by 31 cm. Provenance: Collection of N. Kozhevnikov, Leningrad, from 1936. Private collection, Europe. Meeting in the Park is one of Konstantin Somov’s famous “gallant scenes” of the early post-revolutionary years. At that time, near-contemporary figures and events quite often appear in his compositions, replacing the sensual masked balls of the 18th century, the gallant marquises, and the Pierrots and Harlequins. Now we have ordinary, elegant young ladies and their beaux, peasant couples, picnics in the countryside and in the grounds of country estates, bathing parties and firework displays. The harder life around him became in the late 1910s and early 1920s, the more brightly coloured and carefree Somov’s pictures grew, transforming into a chronicle of the artist’s world of reverie and reminiscence, a wistful stream of idyllic images that were unlikely to have existed previously and were definitely out of place in the new, harsh 20th century. His bright landscapes, flooded with light and invariably providing the background for such gallant scenes, nearly always show favourite spots in the grounds of country estates that the artist had known since childhood – a wooden bench on the shore of a lake, the inevitable birch saplings, shrubs and green lawns. The very same models quite often feature in these pictures. For instance, the coquettish woman in Meeting in the Park, who is sitting on a bench, holding her hat and seemingly failing to notice the admirer who is watching her, while coyly blushing, is undoubtedly the same model who is the central protagonist in Summer (1919, The State Russian Museum). The fresh-faced adolescent girl relaxing in the grounds with a female friend is portrayed in absolutely the same pose and seen from the same angle. The artist merely alters the sitter’s hair colour and dress, and “transplants” her from green summer grass to a bench beneath a birch tree covered with golden autumn foliage. But while repeating his compositional innovations, Somov never actually copies them. Each time, he changes the setting, the detail, the lighting and the colour scheme, and creates new variations on his favourite themes and pictures. These luminous, outdated daydreams proved to be so popular among patrons that the artist had to return again and again to his most successful pictures, inventing new settings and ringing the changes on subjects that had taken the public’s fancy. So, as the 1910s became the 1920s, there appeared whole series of paintings in which young ladies and their merry companions could be seen “sleeping on the grass” and gazing at a rainbow or firework display. Intrinsically, however, the content of these pictures remains unchanged. Regardless of their historical surroundings and the part they are trying to play – peasant girl, young city lady, histrionic prude or lascivious and haughty aristocrat – Somov’s main female figures are still an expression of the artist’s own outlook on life. The artist once said: “The women in my pictures are brooding; the expression of love on their faces, their sadness or lust are a reflection of myself and my soul... And their unnatural poses ... amount to self-mockery and at the same time to mockery of the eternal feminine that is repugnant to my being.”

      • Konstantin Somov (1869-1939) Young lady with a garden beyond
        Nov. 25, 2019

        Konstantin Somov (1869-1939) Young lady with a garden beyond

        Est: £4,000 - £6,000

        Konstantin Somov (1869-1939) Young lady with a garden beyond pencil, ink, watercolour and gouache on silk 3 ½ x 4 5/8 in. (9 x 12 cm.)

      • Signed Konstantin Somov, Lady with Harlequin
        Sep. 22, 2019

        Signed Konstantin Somov, Lady with Harlequin

        Est: $40,000 - $60,000

        Signed Konstantin Somov (Russian, 1869-1939), lady with harlequin, oil on canvas, bears signature in Cyrillic L/R, 18" x 15", framed 21 1/2" x 19".

        Kaminski Auctions
      • Konstantin Andreevich Somov, (1869-1939 Russian/French), Masquerade figures, 1925, Gouache and ink on paper under glass, Oval: 10.5" H
        Jul. 21, 2019

        Konstantin Andreevich Somov, (1869-1939 Russian/French), Masquerade figures, 1925, Gouache and ink on paper under glass, Oval: 10.5" H

        Est: $40,000 - $60,000

        Konstantin Andreevich Somov (1869-1939 Russian/French) Masquerade figures, 1925 Gouache and ink on paper under glass Signed, inscribed and dated right center: C. Somoff / Paris Oval: 10.5" H x 8" W

        John Moran Auctioneers
      • Konstantin Andreevic SOMOV (1869-1939) Combat d hommes à l Antique Crayon gras signé et annoté 209-1
        Jul. 21, 2019

        Konstantin Andreevic SOMOV (1869-1939) Combat d hommes à l Antique Crayon gras signé et annoté 209-1

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Konstantin Andreevic SOMOV (1869-1939) Combat d hommes à l Antique Crayon gras signé et annoté 209-1-39 34 x 25,5 cm à vue

        Tradart Deauville
      • [Konstantin Somov] Le livre de la Marquise: Recueil de poesie et de pr
        Jul. 06, 2019

        [Konstantin Somov] Le livre de la Marquise: Recueil de poesie et de pr

        Est: €5,500 - €6,000

        [Konstantin Somov] Le livre de la Marquise: Recueil de poesie et de prose. St. Petersburg: R. Golicke et A. Wilborg, 1918. - [2], VII, 194, [10] p., il., 2 p. front., 20 l. il.; 26x20 cm. [«Средняя Маркиза»; художник Константин Сомов] Книга Маркизы: Сборник поэзии и прозы; [худ. Константин Сомов]. СПб.: тип. Р. Голике и А. Вильборг, 1918. - [2], VII, 194, [10] с.: ил., 2 л. фронт., 20 л. ил.; 26х20 см. Тираж 800 экз. На французском языке. Экземпляр на бумаге верже ручной отливки, в иллюстрированной издательской обложке. Незначительные надрывы краёв обложки. Изящный сборник эротической литературы «галантного века». Впервые увидел свет в 1907 г. на немецком языке всего с восемью иллюстрациями («Малая Маркиза»). Через восемь лет К. Сомов решил вернуться к своему замыслу. Обновлённая антология выросла более чем вдвое: в неё вошли отрывки произведений Вольтера, Кребийона сына, Эвариста Парни, фрагменты «Опасных связей» Шодерло де Лакло, отдельные эпизоды «Записок» Казановы. Интересным является тот факт, что книга появилась из печати в середине 1918 г. в революционном Петрограде, в уже национализированном издательстве, о чём Сомов писал в дневнике: «Голике реквизирован, но «Le Livre» выйдет без задержки». Таким образом, «Книга Маркизы» стала последним изданием этого знаменитого предприятия.

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • Signed Somov, Jester and Woman
        Jun. 30, 2019

        Signed Somov, Jester and Woman

        Est: $7,000 - $9,000

        Jester and woman with frog in a jar, watercolor on paper, signed 'C. Somov' and dated 1918 L/R (Konstantin Andreevich Somov, Russian/French, 1869-1939), 11 1/4" x 8 3/4", framed 20" x 17 3/4". Authentication: Analyst report from French Institute. Provenance: Private collection, Palm Springs, California.

        Kaminski Auctions
      • SOMOV, KONSTANTIN (1869–1939) Reclining Young Man (Boris Snezhkovsky) 
        Jun. 05, 2019

        SOMOV, KONSTANTIN (1869–1939) Reclining Young Man (Boris Snezhkovsky) 

        Est: £6,000 - £8,000

        SOMOV, KONSTANTIN (1869–1939) Reclining Young Man (Boris Snezhkovsky)  signed and dated twice 1931. Sanguine and crayon on paper, 32 by 48 cm.

      • Konstantin Somov (1869-1939) Twilight. Evening landscape with a lilac bush on the right oil on canvas 7 1/8 x 10 3/8 in. (18 x 26.2 cm.)
        Jun. 03, 2019

        Konstantin Somov (1869-1939) Twilight. Evening landscape with a lilac bush on the right oil on canvas 7 1/8 x 10 3/8 in. (18 x 26.2 cm.)

        Est: £12,000 - £18,000

        Konstantin Somov (1869-1939) Twilight. Evening landscape with a lilac bush on the right signed in Cyrillic and dated 'K. Somov 1921' (lower right); further signed, inscribed with title and framing instructions (on the stretcher) oil on canvas 7 1/8 x 10 3/8 in. (18 x 26.2 cm.)

      • Attributed : Konstantin Andreevich Somov (RUSSIAN,
        May. 06, 2019

        Attributed : Konstantin Andreevich Somov (RUSSIAN,

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Attributed Konstantin Andreevich Somov (RUSSIAN, 1869–1939) watercolor on paper. Signed Lower Right. Erotic Subject. Watercolor Measures approx 7 1/2 diameter. Total Work 11 inches high x 9 1/2 inches wide.

        Joshua Kodner
      • Signed Somov, Jester and Woman
        Apr. 28, 2019

        Signed Somov, Jester and Woman

        Est: $8,000 - $10,000

        Jester and woman with frog in a jar, watercolor on paper, signed C. Somov and dated 1918 L/R (Konstantin Andreevich Somov, Russian/French, 1869-1939), 11 1/4" x 8 3/4", framed 20" x 17 3/4". Authentication: Analyst report from French Institute. Provenance: Private collection, Palm Springs, California.

        Kaminski Auctions
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