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Paul Constant Soyer Sold at Auction Prices

Genre Painter, Etcher, Wood cutter

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31 Lots

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      • Paul Soyer (1823-1903) Camellias
        Dec. 12, 2024

        Paul Soyer (1823-1903) Camellias

        Est: €2,200 - €4,000

        Paul Soyer (1823-1903) Camellias Oil on canvas The stretcher frame with stamp from the 1885 SALON (minor restoration) 73x92 cm

        Veritas Art Auctioneers
      • PAUL SOYER, FRENCH 1823 - 03, ENAMEL PLAQUE, 19TH C, H 10.5", W 5.75", MUSKETEER
        Jan. 21, 2022

        PAUL SOYER, FRENCH 1823 - 03, ENAMEL PLAQUE, 19TH C, H 10.5", W 5.75", MUSKETEER

        Est: $500 - $800

        Signed P. Soyer. "Entree" courtier as actor copper plaque enameled. Ebony frame measure H 18" x L 13". Paul Constant Soyer. Provenance: Estate of George Palmer, Indian Village, Detroit, MI.

      • Tableaux SOYER Paul (1823 - 1903)
        Nov. 02, 2021

        Tableaux SOYER Paul (1823 - 1903)

        Est: €300 - €400

        TABLEAUX Huile sur toile "Portrait d'un moine à la lecture". Signé en haut à gauche Paul Soyer. Ecole française. Dim.:+/-73x59,5cm. SOYER Paul (1823 - 1903)

      • Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823 - 1903), a young woman reading by a kitchen stove, signed and dated 1864, oil on panel, 27cm x 21cm.
        May. 27, 2021

        Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823 - 1903), a young woman reading by a kitchen stove, signed and dated 1864, oil on panel, 27cm x 21cm.

        Est: £500 - £800

        Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823 - 1903), a young woman reading by a kitchen stove, signed and dated 1864, oil on panel, 27cm x 21cm.

        Dawsons Auctioneers
      • Attribué à Paul Constant SOYER (1823-1903) Les travaux de peinture Attr. to P. C. Soyer, The painting works, on its original canvas a
        Apr. 24, 2020

        Attribué à Paul Constant SOYER (1823-1903) Les travaux de peinture Attr. to P. C. Soyer, The painting works, on its original canvas a

        Est: €1,000 - €2,000

        Attribué à Paul Constant SOYER (1823-1903) Les travaux de peinture Attr. to P. C. Soyer, The painting works, on its original canvas and stretcher 30 3/4 x 38 5/8 in. 1 000 €1,000-2,000 ATTRIBUE A PAUL CONSTANT SOYER (1823-1903) LES TRAVAUX DE PEINTURE Sur sa toile et son châssis d'origine 78 x 98 cm

      • Painting, Paul Constant Soyer
        Jan. 19, 2020

        Painting, Paul Constant Soyer

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823-1903), Untitled (Interior Scene, Reading to Grandmother), oil on canvas, signed lower left, canvas: 18"h x 14.5"w, overall (with frame): 29"h x 26"w

        Clars Auctions
      • Paul Soyer (French, 1823-1903), Grandfather and Grandson
        Jan. 04, 2020

        Paul Soyer (French, 1823-1903), Grandfather and Grandson

        Est: $25 - $25,000

        Paul Soyer (French, 1823-1903), Grandfather and Grandson watercolor on paper, signed at lower left, matted and framed under glass. DOA 15 x 12.5 in. Estate of the late Millicent G. Diehl, Sanford, North Carolina Additional high-resolution photos are available at LelandLittle.com

        Leland Little Auctions
      • Painting, Paul Constant Soyer
        Dec. 15, 2019

        Painting, Paul Constant Soyer

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823-1903), Untitled (Interior Scene, Reading to Grandmother), oil on canvas, signed lower left, canvas: 18"h x 14.5"w, overall (with frame): 29"h x 26"w

        Clars Auctions
      • Paul Soyer - Mother and Child
        Aug. 04, 2017

        Paul Soyer - Mother and Child

        Est: $1,200 - $1,800

        Paul Soyer Fr. 1823–1903 Mother and Child Signed "Paul Soyer" and faintly dated l.r. Oil on panel 18 x 14 1/2 in. 45.7 x 36.8 cm

        Barridoff Auctions
      • Paul Constant Soyer (1823-1903) French. 'The Bird Cage', a Kitchen Interior, with a Lady and Two Children, Oil on Canvas, Signed, 21" x 17".
        Oct. 12, 2016

        Paul Constant Soyer (1823-1903) French. 'The Bird Cage', a Kitchen Interior, with a Lady and Two Children, Oil on Canvas, Signed, 21" x 17".

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        Paul Constant Soyer (1823-1903) French. 'The Bird Cage', a Kitchen Interior, with a Lady and Two Children, Oil on Canvas, Signed, 21" x 17".

        John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
      • PAUL CONSTANT SOYER (FRENCH, 1823-1903) GRANDMOTHER AND CHILDREN Watercolor: 9 x 7 in.
        Apr. 09, 2016

        PAUL CONSTANT SOYER (FRENCH, 1823-1903) GRANDMOTHER AND CHILDREN Watercolor: 9 x 7 in.

        Est: $400 - $600

        PAUL CONSTANT SOYER (FRENCH, 1823-1903) GRANDMOTHER AND CHILDREN Watercolor: 9 x 7 in. Framed; lower left signed and dated: Paul Soyer 1863 Provenance: Private Maryland collection

        Potomack Company
      • Paul Soyer [1823-1903]- 'Tender Moments'; mother a
        Oct. 06, 2015

        Paul Soyer [1823-1903]- 'Tender Moments'; mother a

        Est: £1,800 - £2,500

        Paul Soyer [1823-1903]- 'Tender Moments'; mother and sleeping child in an interior:- signed bottom left oil on canvas 100 x 85cm.

        Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood
      • PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)
        Mar. 20, 2015

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)

        Est: €40,000 - €60,000

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903) Exceptionnelle et rare pendule de forme architecturale néo-renaissance en bronze et émail peint en grisaille et rehaussée de dorure. La partie centrale de forme cubique abrite le mécanisme et le cadran en chiffres romains. Celle-ci est flanquée de quatre colonnes ornées d'un chapiteau coiffé de volutes et agrémenté de guirlandes de feuillages. Les colonnes sont reliées entre elles par un arc habité de chimères et reposent sur une base godronnée terminée par des pieds d'angle. La partie haute figure une coupole agrémentée de sculptures en bronze à têtes de béliers. L'ensemble est orné d'émaux peints en grisaille et rehaussés de dorure à décor d'entrelacs, de végétaux, de grotesques, de putti ainsi que de deux personnages en pied, un homme en costume du siècle d'or hollandais et une femme jouant de la mandoline, à la manière de la Ronde de nuit de Rembrandt. Vers 1876. H : 67 cm l : 27 cm P : 23 cm An exceptional and rare neo-renaissance style clock in bronze and enamel painted in grisaille and heightened in gold. The central part has a dial with Roman figures and is flanked by four columns topped by a capital decorated with garlands of leaves and joined by an arch with chimeras. Bronze ram's heads decorate the higher part and all is adorned with painted enamel in grisaille heightened in gold with two figures, one in a costume dating from the Dutch golden period and a woman playing a mandolin as in Rembrandt's night dance in a ring. Circa 1876. H : 26 ½ in W : 10 ¾ in D : 9 in

      • PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)
        Mar. 20, 2015

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)

        Est: €500 - €600

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903) Petit pot couvert tripode à panse bombée et anses latérales en cuivre émaillé à décor de motifs floraux et d'oiseaux en polychromie. Daté 1881. H : 15 cm (léger décollement au pied) A small covered enamelled copper pot decorated with polychrome floral motifs and birds. Dated 1881. H : 6 in

      • PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)
        Mar. 20, 2015

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903) Coffret écritoire à caisson à pente en bois noirci ouvrant par un tiroir en partie basse et un abattant en partie haute découvrant un intérieur garni de velours vert. L'ensemble est agrémenté en façade de plaques émaillées, de différentes formes et dimensions, dont les motifs figurés, à vocation allégorique, sont peints uniquement en camaïeu de grisaille tandis que les plaques strictement décoratives comportent des rehauts d'or. Vers 1880. H : 36 cm L : 31 cm P : 18 cm A blackened wood writing case lined in green velvet and adorned with enamelled plates decorated with allegorical motifs painted in a monochrome of grisaille. The strictly decorative plates are heightened with gold. Circa 1880. H : 14 ¼ in L : 12 ¼ in D : 7 in

      • PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)
        Mar. 20, 2015

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)

        Est: €8,000 - €10,000

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903) Plaque bombée ovale en émail en camaïeu or et grisaille sur cuivre figurant un buste de femme portant un coiffure et des vêtements contemporains. Cadre en bois teinté mouluré et velours. Signée «Paul Soyer» et cadre daté 1880. H : 46 cm l : 36 cm (hauteur maximale avec cadre : 69 cm) Monochrome gold and grisaille plate representing the bust of a woman wearing a hat and contemporary style clothes. Tinted wood and velvet frame; Signed «Paul Soyer» dated 1880. H : 18 in W : 14 ¼ in (maximum height with frame: 27 in)

      • PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)
        Mar. 20, 2015

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903)

        Est: €8,000 - €10,000

        PAUL SOYER (1832-1903) Plaque bombée ovale en émail en camaïeu or et grisaille sur cuivre figurant un buste de femme portant un coiffure et des vêtements contemporains. Cadre en bois teinté mouluré et velours. Signée «Paul Soyer» et cadre daté 1880. H : 46 cm l : 36 cm (hauteur maximale avec cadre : 69 cm) Monochrome gold and grisaille enamelled plate representing the bust of a woman in contemporary clothes. Tinted wood and velvet frame; Signed «Paul Soyer» frame dated 1880. H : 18 in W : 14 ¼ in (maximum height with frame: 27 in)

      • Paul Constant Soyer (1823-1903) French. An Interior Scene, with a Lady and Two Young Girls, Looking at a Bird Cage, Oil
        Feb. 25, 2015

        Paul Constant Soyer (1823-1903) French. An Interior Scene, with a Lady and Two Young Girls, Looking at a Bird Cage, Oil

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        Paul Constant Soyer (1823-1903) French. An Interior Scene, with a Lady and Two Young Girls, Looking at a Bird Cage, Oil on Canvas, Signed and Dated 1868, 22" x 18".

        John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
      • Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823-1903)
        Mar. 20, 2012

        Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823-1903)

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823-1903) The summer garden signed 'P. Soyer' (lower right) oil on canvas 29¼ x 49 in. (74.3 x 124.5 cm.)

      • SOYER Paul (1823-1903). Huile sur panneau d'acajou
        Feb. 14, 2012

        SOYER Paul (1823-1903). Huile sur panneau d'acajou

        Est: €400 - €600

        SOYER Paul (1823-1903). Huile sur panneau d'acajou "Jeune fille à la couture". Signé en bas à droite Paul Soyer. Ecole française. Dim.:24.5x18.7cm.

      • SOYER Paul (1823-1903). Huile sur panneau d'acajou
        Oct. 11, 2011

        SOYER Paul (1823-1903). Huile sur panneau d'acajou

        Est: €350 - €500

        SOYER Paul (1823-1903). Huile sur panneau d'acajou "Baby's bedtime". Signé en bas à gauche Paul Soyer. Ecole française. Dim.:36x28cm.

      • * Soyer (Paul Constant, 1823-1903). Les Forgerons,
        Feb. 02, 2011

        * Soyer (Paul Constant, 1823-1903). Les Forgerons,

        Est: £200 - £300

        * Soyer (Paul Constant, 1823-1903). Les Forgerons, pen, ink & watercolour, heightened with gouache, signed lower left, 15.5 x 24.5cm (6 x 9.5ins), framed and glazed. A sketch for the oil painting bearing the same title by Soyer. (1) PLEASE NOTE: Buyer's premium for this lot is 21%

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • Soyer (Paul Constant, 1823-1903). Les Forgerons,
        Jul. 14, 2010

        Soyer (Paul Constant, 1823-1903). Les Forgerons,

        Est: £300 - £400

        Soyer (Paul Constant, 1823-1903). Les Forgerons, pen, ink & watercolour, heightened with gouache, signed lower left, 15.5 x 24.5cm (6 x 9.5ins), framed and glazed. A sketch for the oil painting bearing the same title by Soyer. (1)

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823-1903)
        Mar. 30, 2010

        Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823-1903)

        Est: £600 - £800

        Paul Constant Soyer (French, 1823-1903) Feeding time signed 'PAUL SOYER' (lower left) oil on panel 8¼ x 6½ in. (21 x 16.5 cm.)

      • Paul Constant Soyer (Paris 1823-1903 Ecouen)
        Dec. 11, 2009

        Paul Constant Soyer (Paris 1823-1903 Ecouen)

        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        Paul Constant Soyer (Paris 1823-1903 Ecouen) Feeding time signed 'PAUL SOYER' (lower left) oil on panel 8¼ x 6½ in. (21 x 16.5 cm.)

      • Paul Constant Soyer (Paris 1823-1903) Das
        Feb. 10, 2009

        Paul Constant Soyer (Paris 1823-1903) Das

        Est: €1,800 - €2,400

        Paul Constant Soyer (Paris 1823-1903) Das Abendgebet, signiert Paul Soyer, Öl auf Holz, 21,5 x 17 cm, gerahmt, (Rei)

      • Soyer (Paul Constant, 1823-1903). Learning to
        Jun. 25, 2008

        Soyer (Paul Constant, 1823-1903). Learning to

        Est: £150 - £200

        Soyer (Paul Constant, 1823-1903). Learning to Walk, pencil and coloured crayons on paper, signed, 22.5 x 17.5 cm (9 x 7 ins), framed and glazed (1)

        Dominic Winter Auctions
        May. 21, 2006


        Est: $5,000 - $7,000

        SOYER, PAUL CONSTANT (1823-1903 French) Young wine taster, framed oil on canvas, approximate image 18 1/4'' x 15 3/4'', carved and gilded European period frame 29'' x 26'', signed lower right and dated indistinctly 18??.

        Bunte Auction Services
      • Paul Constant Soyer
        Sep. 29, 2004

        Paul Constant Soyer

        Est: $1,200 - $1,800

        French, 1823-1903 THE BLACKSMITH'S SMOKE Signed Paul Soyer (ll) Oil on canvas laid to masonite 13 3/4 x 10 5/8 inches Dirty varnish. Frame rubbing. Difficult to determine extent of inpainting through the varnish under UV light. What I can detect is a 3/4 inch area of inpainting at upper right corner; 2 1/2 inch line of inpainting at upper center edge; 1 inch diameter area of inpainting to the right of his left shoulder in the background; along frame rubbing; large area around his right knee.

        Doyle New York
      • Paul Constant Soyer
        Mar. 29, 2001

        Paul Constant Soyer

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        Paul Constant Soyer French, 1823-1903 ses preferes signed and dated 71 l.r. oil on panel 20 by 16 cm., 8 by 6 1/4 in. Provenance: Eaton Gallery, London Private American Collector, London

        Jun. 14, 1995


        Est: $4,830 - $8,050

        signed l.l., oil on canvas 100 by 79 cm.; 39 1/2 by 31 in.

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