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Jonas Suyderhoff Sold at Auction Prices

Engraver, Etcher, copperplate engraver, b. 1613 - d. 1686

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      • J. SUYDERHOEF (*1613), Gelehrter Adriaan Heereboord, 1659, Copper engraving
        Feb. 15, 2025

        J. SUYDERHOEF (*1613), Gelehrter Adriaan Heereboord, 1659, Copper engraving

        Est: €75 - €125

        Jonas Suyderhoef (around 1613 - 1686 ibid.): Portrait of the scholar Adriaan Heereboord (1613 Leiden - 1661 Leiden), Dutch philosopher and logician, 1659, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: 1659 Description: Inscribed with the sitter's name and dates of life, signed lower right in the print. The print comes from the Rosenthal Collection - Munich/Hilversum. Keywords: 17th century, Renaissance, Portraits, Netherlands, Size: Paper: 20,0 cm x 14,7 cm (7,9 x 5,8 in), Plate: 19,0 cm x 14,5 cm (7,5 x 5,7 in), Depiction: 16,6 cm x 13,8 cm (6,5 x 5,4 in)

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • Suyderhoff, Jonas.
        Feb. 14, 2025

        Suyderhoff, Jonas.

        Est: €70 - €100

        Die vier Bürgermeister von Amsterdam. Kupferstich nach T. Keyser. 32 x 37,7 cm. Unter Passep. Nagler 94/III (v. III) "Seltenes Hauptblatt"; Wurzb. 102. - C. v. Davelaer (ganz links stehend) überbringt den Bürgermeistern A. O. v. Waweren, A. C. Burgh, P. Hasselaer u. A. Boom die Nachricht der Ankunft der Königin Maria de Medici. - Knapp in bzw. an den Plattenrand beschnitten. Kaum sichtbare geglättete Bugfalte.

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        Nov. 29, 2024

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: €400 - €600

        (Haarlem ca. 1613-1686 ebda.), Der Sturz der Verdammten. Kupferstich (von 2 Platten) nach P. P. Rubens. In der Textplatte sign. und dat. 1642. 64 x 53,3 cm (Blattgr.: 71,1 x 54,5 cm). (47) Hollstein XXVIII, 2, I (von III). Wurzbach 104. Le Blanc III, 109, I (von II). - Erster Zustand, vor der Abdeckung der Geschlechtsteile und mit gestoch. zweizeiliger lateinischer Widmung von P. Soutman an C. Hugens von eigener Platte.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas: Die Grablegung
        Nov. 27, 2024

        Suyderhoef, Jonas: Die Grablegung

        Est: €1,000 - €1,200

        Die Grablegung. Kupferstich nach Caravaggio. 32,2 x 20 cm. Hollstein 1 I (von IV). Wz. Bekröntes Lilienwappen. Prachtvoller, klarer und kontrastreicher Frühdruck mit schmalem Rand um die teils gratig druckende Plattenkante, vor allen Adressen und den Überarbeitungen. Die Hilfslinien für die Schrift deutlich erkennbar. Minimale Altersspuren, sonst in ausnehmend schöner Erhaltung. Im ersten Zustand und in dieser Druckqualität selten. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • [Portraits]. Suyderhoef, Jonas (±1613-1686). (Portrait of admiral Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp).
        Nov. 22, 2024

        [Portraits]. Suyderhoef, Jonas (±1613-1686). (Portrait of admiral Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp).

        Est: €50 - €70

        [Portraits]. Suyderhoef, Jonas (±1613-1686). (Portrait of admiral Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp). Engr. oval portrait after Hendrick Gerritsz. POT, dec. border of laurel and palm leaves and w. i.a. conches, cannons and smoking cannon balls, 40,7x31,7 cm., captions within cartouche and "H. Pot Pinxit" and "I. Suiderhoef Sculp." in the plate. - On paper w. grapes watermark. Vague oblique crease; one corner carefully restored (unobtrusive) and another corner sl. thin; a few specks. = Hollstein 125; F.M. 5439c. Dyck, Anthony van (1599-1641) (after). (Portrait of Peter Symons). Engraving, 26,8x19,2 cm., "Jacobus de Man" in the plate in lower right corner below the image. - Sl. foxed in blank margins; image trifle foxed; two sm. closed tears in lower blank margin. = Hollstein (Van Dyck) 171, 2nd state of 4. With the collector's stamp of L.A. de Vries on verso (not in Lugt). AND 2 other portraits: Johan Philip de Monté (by M. SALLIETH after Schmidt) and the mayor of Leyden, Peter Adrianus van der Werff by P. PHILIPPE.

        Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
      • J. SUYDERHOEF (*1613) after DUBORDIEU (*1609), Portrait of Louis de Dieu, Copper engraving
        Oct. 26, 2024

        J. SUYDERHOEF (*1613) after DUBORDIEU (*1609), Portrait of Louis de Dieu, Copper engraving

        Est: €120 - €200

        Jonas Suyderhoef (around 1613 - 1686 ibid.) after Pieter Dubordieu (1609 L'Ile-Bouchard (Indre-Et-Loire) - 1678 ): Portrait of Louis de Dieu, bust in three-quarter profile to the right, 17th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: At the lower part inscribed in the printing plate: "LUDOVICUS DE DIEV. GALLOBELGICI COLLEGII REGENS. & IN ECCLESIA LVGDVNO-BAT. VERBI DIVINI MINISTER". Date: 17th century Description: The present work is a portrait in portrait format, depicting a male figure in an oval frame. The figure is shown up to the chest and wears traditional clothing, a striking ruff and a dark-coloured robe. The detailed engraving shows fine line work and a precise rendering of the facial features, indicating a high level of craftsmanship. Keywords: portrait; portrait format; male figure; oval frame; traditional clothing; ruff; dark robe; engraving; line work; facial features; craftsmanship; paper, 17th century, Baroque, Portraits, Germany, Size: Paper: 15,0 cm x 11,3 cm (5,9 x 4,4 in), Depiction: 13,5 cm x 10,3 cm (5,3 x 4,1 in)

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • Suyderhoff, Jonas.
        Sep. 27, 2024

        Suyderhoff, Jonas.

        Est: €80 - €120

        Die vier Bürgermeister von Amsterdam. Kupferstich nach T. Keyser. 32 x 37,7 cm. Unter Passep. Nagler 94/III (v. III) "Seltenes Hauptblatt"; Wurzb. 102. - C. v. Davelaer (ganz links stehend) überbringt den Bürgermeistern A. O. v. Waweren, A. C. Burgh, P. Hasselaer u. A. Boom die Nachricht der Ankunft der Königin Maria de Medici. - Knapp in bzw. an den Plattenrand beschnitten. Kaum sichtbare geglättete Bugfalte. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • J. SUYDERHOEF (*1613), Gelehrter Adriaan Heereboord, 1659, Copper engraving
        Jul. 27, 2024

        J. SUYDERHOEF (*1613), Gelehrter Adriaan Heereboord, 1659, Copper engraving

        Est: €75 - €125

        Jonas Suyderhoef (around 1613 - 1686 ibid.): Portrait of the scholar Adriaan Heereboord (1613 Leiden - 1661 Leiden), Dutch philosopher and logician, 1659, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: 1659 Description: Inscribed with the sitter's name and dates of life, signed lower right in the print. The print comes from the Rosenthal Collection - Munich/Hilversum. Keywords: 17th century, Renaissance, Portraits, Netherlands, Size: Paper: 20,0 cm x 14,7 cm (7,9 x 5,8 in), Plate: 19,0 cm x 14,5 cm (7,5 x 5,7 in), Depiction: 16,6 cm x 13,8 cm (6,5 x 5,4 in)

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas: Bildnis des Francisco de Moncada
        May. 29, 2024

        Suyderhoef, Jonas: Bildnis des Francisco de Moncada

        Est: €300 - €400

        [*] Bildnis des Franciscus de Moncada. Kupferstich und Radierung nach Anthonie van Dyck. 40,6 x 27,7 cm. Hollstein 46 I (von II). Prachtvoller, kräftiger Druck vor der Nummer 21 und mit sehr feinem Rändchen um die gratig zeichnende Plattenkante. Nur kleine Montierungsreste verso, minimal fleckig, sonst vollkommen erhaltenes und tadelloses Exemplar. Aus der Sammlung Friedrich August II. von Sachsen (Lugt 971). - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas: Der Sturz der Verdammten
        May. 29, 2024

        Suyderhoef, Jonas: Der Sturz der Verdammten

        Est: €600 - €750

        Der Sturz der Verdammten. Kupferstich von zwei Platten nach Peter Paul Rubens. 69 x 53,6 cm. 1642. Wurzbach 104, Hollstein 2 I (von III). Vor der Adresse von Frederick de Wit. Ganz ausgezeichneter Druck knapp in die Darstellungen geschnitten, unten mit dem Schriftrand. Die beiden Blätter zusammengefügt und auf einem Untersatzkarton aufgezogen. Etwas angestaubt und vereinzelt stärker fleckig, umlaufend kleinere Randschäden und vereinzelt geschlossene Randeinrisse, oben rechts offener Randeinriss, weitere Erhaltungsmängel, sonst noch gut. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas: Die Löwenjagd
        May. 29, 2024

        Suyderhoef, Jonas: Die Löwenjagd

        Est: €700 - €900

        Die Löwenjagd. Kupferstich nach Peter Paul Rubens. 45,7 x 57,6 cm. Wurzbach 129, Hollstein 28. Wz. Lilie. Das Gemälde, das als Vorlage diente, befindet sich heute in der Gemäldegalerie, Dresden. Prachtvoller, äußerst harmonischer Abzug mit feinem Rändchen um die Einfassungslinie, unten mit dem Schriftrand. Vertikale Mittelfalz, dort verso mit Spuren alter Bindung, umlaufend mit schmalem Papierstreifen hinterlegt, oben rechts hinterlegter Randeinriss bis in den Pferdeschweif, weitere Gebrauchsspuren, sonst gut erhalten. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas (±1613-1686). "Samuel Ampzingius Harlemensis".
        May. 17, 2024

        Suyderhoef, Jonas (±1613-1686). "Samuel Ampzingius Harlemensis".

        Est: €100 - €150

        Suyderhoef, Jonas (±1613-1686). "Samuel Ampzingius Harlemensis". Engr. portrait, 31x22,2 cm. (incl. captions.), w. engr. "F. Hals pinxit" and "J. Suyderhoef sculp." in the image and a 5-line caption below. = Hollstein 59, 2nd state (of 4) with the address of G. Banheynigh. AND an engr. portrait of Theodorus Schrevelius by the same. = Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.

        Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
      • Jonas Suyderhoef (1613-1686) - The philosopher Claude Saumaise
        Apr. 18, 2024

        Jonas Suyderhoef (1613-1686) - The philosopher Claude Saumaise

        Est: €240 - €320

        Large format portrait of Portrait of Claude Saumaise (Claudius Salmasius), bust to left; Engraving made by: Jonas Suyderhoef after the Dutch painter Nicolaes Van Negre and published by Johannes Maire in 1641. "CLAVDIVS DE SALMASIA". Lettered within image, at left: "N. Van Negre / I. Suÿderhoef Sculp.". Lettered in Latin in lower margin, two columns with four lines each by Kaspar van Baerle: "GALLIA quo nuper ... / ... Circulus orbis erit. / C. Barlaeus" and "Lugd. Batau. Excudeb. Ioan Maire. MDCXLI".

        Old Master Print
      • J. SUYDERHOEF (*1613) after DUBORDIEU (*1609), Portrait of Louis de Dieu, Copper engraving
        Dec. 30, 2023

        J. SUYDERHOEF (*1613) after DUBORDIEU (*1609), Portrait of Louis de Dieu, Copper engraving

        Est: €450 - €600

        Jonas Suyderhoef (around 1613 - 1686 ibid.) after Pieter Dubordieu (1609 L'Ile-Bouchard (Indre-Et-Loire) - 1678 ): Portrait of the reform theologian and preacher Lodewijk de Dieu, 17th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Stamp: Verso Collector's stamp, Lugt no.: 3549. Erhard Oskar Kaps (1915 Leipzig - 2007 Leipzig) . Leipzig. 20th century Inscription: At the lower part signed in the printing plate: "P. Dubordieu Pinxit / I. Suyderhoef sculp. / Cornelius Banheinningh ecudit". At the lower part inscribed in the printing plate: "LVDOVICVS DE DIEV: GALLOBELGICI COLLEGII REGENS. & in ECCLESIA LVGDVNO-BAT. VERBI DIVINI MINISTER". Date: 17th century Description: Portrait of the Huguenot pastor in Leiden Louis de Dieu Person: Lodewijk; Ludovicus de Dieu (1590 Flushing - 1642 Leiden) was a Dutch Protestant clergyman and a leading Orientalist. He became known, among other things, for his comparisons of the Latin and Greek texts of the Bible with the older translations in Oriental languages and the publication of a Hebrew grammar and that of a comparative grammar of Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac. Keywords: Language, Orient, Pastor, Holland, Netherlands, Printmaking, Bible, Hebrew, Huguenot, 17th century, Baroque, Portraits, Netherlands,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • Jonas Suyderhoef, Rembrandt van Rijn - The preacher Eleazar Swalmius
        Dec. 14, 2023

        Jonas Suyderhoef, Rembrandt van Rijn - The preacher Eleazar Swalmius

        Est: €280 - €360

        An early first state of this nice large portrait after an unknown painting by Rembrandt. Portrait of the preacher Eleazar Swalmius, seated in an arm-chair, half-length directed to right but looking at the viewer, wearing a fur-trimmed coat and a skull-cap, his right hand placed on his chest; first state with address of Goos. Beneath the subject Latin verses by Henricus Geldorpius:and "Rembrandt Pinxit" and "I. Suÿderhoef Sculpsit." and "P. Goos Excudit.". Striking depiction of the head looking straightforward towards the viewer, showing the great power of Rembrandt portraits.

        Old Master Print
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas: Der trunkene Silen mit Bacchanten
        Nov. 29, 2023

        Suyderhoef, Jonas: Der trunkene Silen mit Bacchanten

        Est: €1,200 - €1,500

        Der trunkene Silen. Radierung nach Peter Paul Rubens. 34,7 x 28,5 cm. (1642). Le Blanc (Soutman) 17 IV (von V), Hollstein 7 II (von V). Wz. Fleur-de-lis mit Nebenmarke -- -- Prachtvoller, lebendiger Druck mit schönem Plattenton und zahlreichen Wischkritzeln sowie mit schmalem Rand um die scharfzeichnende Plattenkante. Geglättete horizontale Mittelfalte verso, vereinzelt minimal fingerfleckig, schwache diagonale Knickspuren in der linken oberen Ecke, zarte kleine Quetschfältchen rechts oben, verso in den oberen Ecken kleine Montierungsreste, sonst ganz vorzügliches Exemplar. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas: Die Grablegung
        Nov. 29, 2023

        Suyderhoef, Jonas: Die Grablegung

        Est: €1,200 - €1,800

        Die Grablegung, nach Caravaggio. Kupferstich. 32,2 x 20 cm. Hollstein 1 I (von IV). Wz. Bekröntes Lilienwappen. -- -- Prachtvoller, klarer und kontrastreicher Frühdruck mit schmalem Rand um die teils gratig druckende Plattenkante, vor allen Adressen und den Überarbeitungen. Die Hilfslinien für die Schrift deutlich erkennbar. Minimale Altersspuren, sonst in ausnehmend schöner Erhaltung. Im ersten Zustand und in dieser Druckqualität selten. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
        Nov. 11, 2023


        Est: $600 - $800

        Two Men Drinking in a Tavern, captioned "Vivamus, Bacchi-plenos fumamus et haustus; / Vita alÿs alia est, vivere mi, bibere est." and "A. Ostaden pinxit" and "Frans Carelse, excudit" and "I. Suyderhoef sculpsit", engraving on wove paper, in black stick frame, matted under non-glare glass, OS: 15" x 13", sheet size: 9 1/4" x 7 1/2". Suyderhoef entered the Haarlem guild in 1677, and was Franz Hals's principal engraver. From the George Way Collection, Staten Island, NY.

        Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
      • J. Suyderhoef '..Philip III of Spain' Limited Etching
        Oct. 14, 2023

        J. Suyderhoef '..Philip III of Spain' Limited Etching

        Est: $50 - $100

        A Jonas Suyderhoef (Dutch, 1613-1686) limited etching titled 'Portrait of Philip III of Spain' depicting the monarch in a vignette of floral, fruit and cherub motifs. Stamped in print bottom right. Artist information and editioned '12841' stickered on verso. Presented in a gilt frame behind glass. Provenance: From the private collection of William Baum of New Canaan, Ct. Purchased from Marche aux Puces in Paris. Sight: 16" x 10.75"

        Atlanta Auction Gallery, ltd
      • J. Suyderhoef '..Philip II of Spain' Limited Etching
        Oct. 14, 2023

        J. Suyderhoef '..Philip II of Spain' Limited Etching

        Est: $50 - $100

        A Jonas Suyderhoef (Dutch, 1613-1686) limited etching titled 'Portrait of Philip II of Spain' depicting the monarch in a vignette of floral, fruit and cherub motifs. Stamped in print bottom right. Artist information and editioned '12840' stickered on verso. Presented in a gilt frame behind glass. Provenance: From the private collection of William Baum of New Canaan, Ct. Purchased from Marche aux Puces in Paris. Sight: 16" x 10.75"

        Atlanta Auction Gallery, ltd
        Jun. 20, 2023


        Est: €80 - €150

        Guilielmus Nassavius princeps Auriacus, etc. Engr. portrait of William of Orange, 43.5 x 35.5 cm, after Pieter Soutman (1593-1657) and publ. by the same, signed and w. address in the plate. Remnants of former owner's ticket in right margin, collector's mark of Theodor Falkeisen (1768-1814) & Johann Friedrich Huber (1766-1823) (Lugt 1008) verso. Some restored sm. holes/ sm. tears, sl. foxed and traces of former mount verso. Very fine, contemp. impression on paper w. sun watermark. (2) Christoph Wilhelm Bock (1755-1836). "Iacobus Theophilus Rudolphus Volcamer (...)". Engr. portrait, 42.5 x 29 cm, after A. Urlaub (painting from 1776), signed in the plate. Sm. tears in (very wide) blank margins, some minor other imperfections, but a good copy of this fine large portrait. -and engr. portraits of Louis Marie Grave van Welderen (1784), Jan van Borssele (1754) and Sir Walter Raleigh (1739), and a tinted lithogr. portrait of Laurens Janszoon Coster. (total 6)

        Zwiggelaar Auctions
      • Jonas Suyderhoef, Haarlem Engraving of a Tavern Scene.
        Jun. 10, 2023

        Jonas Suyderhoef, Haarlem Engraving of a Tavern Scene.

        Est: $100 - $150

        1610-1685, after Van Ostade, image 8.75 x 7 inches. Framed, 15 x 13 inches.

        Casco Bay Auctions
      • Suyderhoef (Jonas). Three Peasants in an Inn, 1647-1652, after A. van Ostade, engraving
        Mar. 08, 2023

        Suyderhoef (Jonas). Three Peasants in an Inn, 1647-1652, after A. van Ostade, engraving

        Est: £200 - £300

        Suyderhoef (Jonas). Three Peasants in an Inn, 1647-1652, after A. van Ostade, engraving * Suyderhoef (Jonas, 1613-1686). Three peasants merrymaking in an Inn, after Adriaen van Ostade, 1647-1652, engraving, a very good, black impression on firm laid paper, with thread margins, sheet 28.4 x 22.3 cm (11 1/4 x 8 3/4 ins), framed and glazed QTY: (1) NOTE: Hollstein 22.

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        Feb. 18, 2023

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: €80 - €120

        (1613 Harlem 1686). Aprilis. Junger Mann mit Blumenkorb u. Laute. Aus der Monatsfolge. Kupferstich n. Joachim Sandrart auf Bütten. 29,8 x 24,3, Blgr. 44 x 30,5 cm. Mit den Namensz., Titel u. 2x 4 lat. Versen unter d. Darst. Mit Rand. Am li. ob. Eck auf Karton geklebt u. dort mit Einriss. Ho. 10. Vgl. Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-60.657. - Leicht gebr., tls. etw. fleckig, Knickf. im ob. w. Rd. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Ornament.- Suyderhoef (Jonas) Philip II, wearing collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece, after Antonis Mor, engraving, [c. 1645]; ]; together with a good group of 70 old master ornamental prints, …
        Jan. 19, 2023

        Ornament.- Suyderhoef (Jonas) Philip II, wearing collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece, after Antonis Mor, engraving, [c. 1645]; ]; together with a good group of 70 old master ornamental prints, …

        Est: £150 - £200

        NO RESERVE Ornament.- Suyderhoef (Jonas) Philip II, wearing collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece, after Antonis Mor, engraving with ornamental border by Pieter Soutman, sheet 415 x 290 mm (16 1/4 x 11 1/2 in), small margins, tipped onto paper support, unframed, [circa 1645]; together with a good group of 70 old master ornamental prints, including engravers such as Lemoyne, Deny, Le Pautre, Dorigny, and Georg Hertel, amongst others, mainly French, various sizes, all unframed, [mainly 18th century] (c.70)

        Forum Auctions - UK
      • JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686)
        Jan. 11, 2023

        JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686)

        Est: £150 - £250

        JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686) JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686) Portrait of Hendrick Goltzius, 1649 etching, first state (of two); a good, strong impression on thin laid paper without watermark, trimmed just inside the margins; localised surface dirt a slight water staining; a small tear, repaired, with staining centre right edge; a pinhole upper right. sheet: 407 x 268 mm LITERATURE: Holl. 78 *Please note, the lot has been imported from outside the UK for sale and placed under the Temporary Admission regime. Import VAT is payable at 5% on the hammer price.

        Chiswick Auctions
      • J.SUYDERHOEF (*1613) after LAER (*1595), Satyrs with leopards, around 1613, Copper engraving
        Oct. 22, 2022

        J.SUYDERHOEF (*1613) after LAER (*1595), Satyrs with leopards, around 1613, Copper engraving

        Est: €750 - €1,000

        Jonas Suyderhoef (around 1613 - 1686 ibid.) after Pieter Jacobsz van Laer (1595 Haarlem - 1642 Rom): Satyrs with leopards, c. 1613, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper, mounted on Paper Date: c. 1613 Description: Excellent print quality! After a painting by Pieter Bodding van Laer, Dutch painter and engraver, who spent more than a decade in Rome after study trips through France and is known for his genre scenes, animal paintings and landscapes in the surroundings of Rome. There he also made the acquaintance of the painters Claude Lorrain, Nicolas Poussin and Joachim von Sandrart. Jonas Suyderhoef was a Dutch engraver, his reproductions with finely graded grey values are striking for their perfection. He was therefore in great demand among the painters of his time, working with Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Anthony van Dyck and Frans Hals, among others. Signed below the image "P. Van Laar pinxit. / Suyderhoff sculpsit, Nicolaus Vischer excudit." and inscribed in Latin: "Hic Satyri Satyraque tuas, Semeleie, tigres Demulcent, plenis dum lactent pignora mammis. ..." Keywords: 17th century, Figurative, Animals, Netherlands,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • J.SUYDERHOEF (*1613), Portrait of the scholar Adriaan Heereboord, 1659, Copper engraving
        Oct. 22, 2022

        J.SUYDERHOEF (*1613), Portrait of the scholar Adriaan Heereboord, 1659, Copper engraving

        Est: €75 - €125

        Jonas Suyderhoef (around 1613 - 1686 ibid.): Portrait of the scholar Adriaan Heereboord (1613 Leiden - 1661 Leiden), Dutch philosopher and logician, 1659, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Date: 1659 Description: Inscribed with the sitter's name and dates of life, signed lower right in the print. The print comes from the Rosenthal Collection - Munich/Hilversum. Keywords: 17th century, Renaissance, Portraits, Netherlands,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686)
        Oct. 19, 2022

        JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686)

        Est: £250 - £350

        JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686) JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686) Portrait of Hendrick Goltzius, 1649 etching, first state (of two); a good, strong impression on thin laid paper without watermark, trimmed just inside the margins; localised surface dirt a slight water staining; a small tear, repaired, with staining centre right edge; a pinhole upper right. sheet: 407 x 268 mm LITERATURE: Holl. 78

        Chiswick Auctions
      • JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686)
        Oct. 19, 2022

        JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686)

        Est: £400 - £600

        JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686) JONAS SUYDERHOEF (HAARLEM 1613-1686) Drunken Silenus after Rubens, 1633-57 etching, a good, clear impression with plate tone on laid paper with a fleur-de-lis watermark; thread margins and minor creases sheet: 348 x 286 mm PROVENANCE: with Arsène Bonafous-Murat where acquired; thence by descent LITERATURE: Hollstein XXVIII.204.7.ii; Dutuit VI.152.58; Schneevoogt 133.128.ii The print formerly attributed to Pieter Soutman.

        Chiswick Auctions
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        Jul. 09, 2022

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: €60 - €80

        (1613 Harlem 1686). Aprilis. Junger Mann mit Blumenkorb u. Laute. Aus der Monatsfolge. Kupferstich n. Joachim Sandrart auf Bütten. 29,8 x 24,3, Blgr. 44 x 30,5 cm. Mit den Namensz., Titel u. 2x 4 lat. Versen unter d. Darst. Mit Rand. Am li. ob. Eck auf Karton geklebt u. dort mit Einriss. Ho. 10. Vgl. Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-60.657. - Leicht gebr., tls. etw. fleckig, Knickf. im ob. w. Rd. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • [Portraits]. Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Charles I King of Great Britain.
        May. 20, 2022

        [Portraits]. Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Charles I King of Great Britain.

        Est: €100 - €150

        [Portraits]. Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Charles I King of Great Britain. Engraving after A. VAN DYCK, 40,6x28 cm., address of P. Soutman below, ±1650. - One sm. brown spot. Otherwise fine. = From the series Fernandus IIus et IIIus Imperatorum domus Austriacae. Hollstein 40, 2nd state of 3. Rare. Delff, W.J. van (1580-1638). Arnoldus Cornely. Engraving after M.J. VAN MIEREVELD, engr. text below image, 21,3x14,2 cm., publ. C.J. Visscher. - Tipped on mount; lower left corner waterstained; cut just on/ inside the platemark. = Hollstein 22, 5th state (of 6). Idem. Peter Moraeus. Engraving, engr. text below image, 18,3x12,3 cm. - Partially mounted on laid paper; cut outside the platemark. = Hollstein 48, only state. Rare. AND 1 other.

        Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        May. 14, 2022

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: €80 - €120

        (1613 Harlem 1686). Portrait Moritz von Nassau. Kupferstich. J. Suyderhoef nach P. Soutman. 17. Jhdt. 44,5 x 35 cm. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        Feb. 19, 2022

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: €60 - €90

        (1613 Harlem 1686). Aprilis. Junger Mann mit Blumenkorb u. Laute. Aus der Monatsfolge. Kupferstich n. Joachim Sandrart auf Bütten. 29,8 x 24,3, Blgr. 44 x 30,5 cm. Mit den Namensz., Titel u. 2x 4 lat. Versen unter d. Darst. Mit Rand. Am li. ob. Eck auf Karton geklebt u. dort mit Einriss. Ho. 10. Vgl. Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-60.657. - Leicht gebr., tls. etw. fleckig, Knickf. im ob. w. Rd. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • J.SUYDERHOEF (*1613) after DUBORDIEU (*1609), Portrait Louis de Dieu, Copper engraving
        Jan. 29, 2022

        J.SUYDERHOEF (*1613) after DUBORDIEU (*1609), Portrait Louis de Dieu, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Jonas Suyderhoef (um 1613 - 1686 ebd.) nach Pieter Dubordieu (1609 L'Ile-Bouchard (Indre-Et-Loire) - 1678 ): Portrait of the reform theologian and preacher Lodewijk de Dieu, 17th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: inscribed in the printing plate "LVDOVICVS DE DIEV: GALLOBELGICI COLLEGII REGENS. & in ECCLESIA LVGDVNO-BAT. VERBI DIVINI MINISTER", inscribed below the image and signed by the artist "P. Dubordieu Pinxit", "I. Suyderhoef sculp." and "Cornelius Banheinningh ecudit", collection stamp "EK" on verso, collection Ernst Oskar Kaps, Leipzig (Lugt No. 3549). Date: 17th century Description: Portrait of the Huguenot pastor at Leiden Louis de Dieu Person: Lodewijk; Ludovicus de Dieu (1590 Flushing - 1642 Leiden) was a Dutch Protestant clergyman and a leading Orientalist. He became known, among other things, for his comparisons of the Latin and Greek texts of the Bible with the older translations in Oriental languages and the publication of a Hebrew grammar and that of a comparative grammar of Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac. Keywords: Language, Orient, Pastor, Holland, Netherlands, Print, Bible, Hebrew, Huguenot, 17th century, Baroque, Portraits, Netherlands, Size: 37,6 cm x (14,8 x 0 in), Plate: 32,8 cm x 23,4 cm (12,9 x 9,2 in), Depiction: 27,7 cm x 22,6 cm (10,9 x 8,9 in), additional specification: Condition: Good condition. The paper is pale foxed and slightly discoloured due to its age. On the right side of the sitter as well as on the fur trimming of the coat there is a small dot-shaped damage.

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • J.SUYDERHOEF (*1613), Portrait Daniel Heinsius, Copper engraving
        Jan. 29, 2022

        J.SUYDERHOEF (*1613), Portrait Daniel Heinsius, Copper engraving

        Est: €450 - €600

        Jonas Suyderhoef (um 1613 - 1686 ebd.): Portrait of the Dutch scholar Daniel Heinsius (1580 Ghent - 1655 The Hague), 17th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: inscribed in the printing plate "DANIEL HEINSIVS. D. MARCIEQVES,ILLVTR. HOLLANDIÆ ORDINVM HISTORICVS, POLITICES ET HISTORIARVM PROFESSOR, BIBLIOTHECARIVS ACADEMIÆ ET SECRETARIVS", and in the printing plate signed by the artist "Merck pinxit" and "I. Suyderhoef sculp.", inscribed at the bottom, verso b collection stamp "EK". Collection Erhard Oskar Kaps, Leipzig (Lugt no. 3549). Date: 17th century Description: Bust portrait in three-quarter profile to the left of the Dutch scholar Daniel Heinsius (Daniël Heinsius or also Heyns) in an oval frame. Keywords: Poet, Scholar, Portrait, Printmaking, Netherlands, 17th century, Baroque, Portraits, Netherlands, Size: 32,1 cm x 22,6 cm (12,6 x 8,9 in), additional specification: 32.1 x 22.6 cm Condition: Very good condition. Surface rubbing is visible in places. There is a rough rubbing at the bottom right, which was probably used to erase the publisher's address.

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • - Suyderhoef, Jonas (Haarlem um 1613-1686 ebda.), Die Hölle.
        Dec. 02, 2021

        - Suyderhoef, Jonas (Haarlem um 1613-1686 ebda.), Die Hölle.

        Est: - €250

        Kupferstich nach P. P. Rubens. Nicht sign. und dat. (um 1660). 12,3 x 17,3 cm. (24) - - Thieme/Becker XXXII, 328 (Biographie). Le Blanc III, 619, 110. Hollstein XXVIII, 202, 3.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        Aug. 08, 2021

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: - €400

        (Haarlem um 1613-1686 Haarlem), Die Hölle. Kupferstich nach P. P. Rubens. Nicht sign. und dat. (um 1660). 12,3 x 17,3 cm. (19) • Thieme/Becker XXXII, 328 (Biographie). Le Blanc III, 619, 110. Hollstein XXVIII, 202, 3.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        Jul. 23, 2021

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: - €400

        (Haarlem um 1613-1686 Haarlem), Die Hölle. Kupferstich nach P. P. Rubens. Nicht sign. und dat. (um 1660). 12,3 x 17,3 cm. (19) • Thieme/Becker XXXII, 328 (Biographie). Le Blanc III, 619, 110. Hollstein XXVIII, 202, 3.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        Jul. 10, 2021

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: €80 - €120

        (1613 Harlem 1686). Aprilis. Junger Mann mit Blumenkorb u. Laute. Aus der Monatsfolge. Kupferstich n. Joachim Sandrart auf Bütten. 29,8 x 24,3, Blgr. 44 x 30,5 cm. Mit den Namensz., Titel u. 2x 4 lat. Versen unter d. Darst. Mit Rand. Am li. ob. Eck auf Karton geklebt u. dort mit Einriss. Ho. 10. Vgl. Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-60.657. - Leicht gebr., tls. etw. fleckig, Knickf. im ob. w. Rd. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        May. 08, 2021

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: €100 - €150

        (1613 Harlem 1686). Aprilis. Junger Mann mit Blumenkorb u. Laute. Aus der Monatsfolge. Kupferstich n. Joachim Sandrart auf Bütten. 29,8 x 24,3, Blgr. 44 x 30,5 cm. Mit den Namensz., Titel u. 2x 4 lat. Versen unter d. Darst. Mit Rand. Am li. ob. Eck auf Karton geklebt u. dort mir Einriss. Ho. 10. Vgl. Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-60.657. - Leicht gebr., tls. etw. fleckig, Knickf. im ob. w. Rd. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas
        May. 08, 2021

        Suyderhoef, Jonas

        Est: €70 - €100

        (1613 Harlem 1686). Bergpass mit Hirten u. Tieren. Kupferstich n. Berghem n. P.Goos. Blgr. 44,2 x 37,2 cm. Mit den Namensz. i.d. Platte. Mit Rändchen um die Einfassung. - Etw. gebr., tls. stockfl. u. tls. unterl. randrissig. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • * Suyderhoef (Jonas, circa 1613-1686). King Charles I and other etchings after van Dyck
        Mar. 25, 2021

        * Suyderhoef (Jonas, circa 1613-1686). King Charles I and other etchings after van Dyck

        Est: £300 - £500

        * Suyderhoef (Jonas, circa 1613-1686). King Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria, circa 1650, two etchings with engraving after the portraits by Anthony van Dyck, the decorative borders by Pieter Soutman, on laid paper with watermark, plate size 405 x 282 mm (16 x 11.1 ins), sheet size 430 x 307 mm (17 x 12 ins), except the portrait of Henrietta Maria trimmed to plate mark, together with: Franciscus de Moncada, & Albertus, Archidux Austriae, circa 1650, two etchings with engraving on laid paper, with watermark by Suyderfhoef, after Anthony van Dyck, with borders by Pieter Soutman, both generally in good condition, with narrow blank outer margins, sheet size 410 x 280 mm (16.1 x 11 ins), plus: Louys (Jacob, circa 1595-1673). Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, circa 1650, etching with engraving on laid paper with watermark, after Pieter Soutman, with margins, sheet size 440 x 305 mm (17.3 x 12 ins), and: Van Sompel (Pieter, circa 1600-after 1644). Isabella Clara Eugenia, 1644, etching with engraving on laid paper with watermark, after Pieter Soutman (after van Dyck), trimmed to plate margins, sheet size 405 x 268 mm (16 x 10.5 ins) Qty: (6)

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • Suyderhoef, Jonas: Bildnis der Amalia van Solms
        Nov. 25, 2020

        Suyderhoef, Jonas: Bildnis der Amalia van Solms

        Est: €300 - €400

        Bildnis der Amalia van Solms, Gattin des Frederik Hendrik von Nassau: Bildnis des Willem II von Nassau. 2 Radierungen nach Gerrit van Honthorst. 44 x 35,7 cm. Hollstein 51, 57. Ausgezeichnete Drucke mit feinem Rändchen. Geringfügige Erhaltungsmängel, der Gesamteindruck jedoch sehr gut. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Peasant interior with trac-trac players. Engraving after A. VAN OSTADE,
        Nov. 30, 2018

        Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Peasant interior with trac-trac players. Engraving after A. VAN OSTADE,

        Est: €100 - €150

        Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Peasant interior with trac-trac players. Engraving after A. VAN OSTADE, 34x27,3 cm., "A. v. Ostade pinxit" and "J. Suijderhoef fecit" in the plate below the image. - Trifle spotted. = Hollstein 24, 5th and final state (18th cent.). AND 19 miscell. other prints, 17th-19th cent., i.a. "Het perk van Anguien" (large etching by R. DE HOOGHE, w. the address of N. Visscher, ±1690), "Tweede Corps de garde van Hollandsche Officiers" (by J. HOUBRAKEN after C. TROOST, supplied in 2 copies, Amst., 1760), "Afbeelding der Illuminatie ter Gelegenheid van 't Jubilaeum van de Hondert en vijftig Jaar der Opregting van de Utrechtsche Academie (...)" (engr. after P.J. MULLER, 1786), "La basse cour" and a winter village view both after D. TENIERS, "De gedienstige herder" (handcol. and gommé mezzotint w. the address of A. Poncia & Co., Amst., early 19th cent.) and "Ware afbeeldinge na het Leven van het overstroomen der Revieren, en het doorbreeken van den Dyck by Elden gelegen naby de stat Aarnhem (...) Anno 1740" (etching by J. SMIT, w. letterpress "Verklaaringen van deze Print-verbeeldingen" below, Amst., 1741). - Most prints w. (marginal) imperfections/ defects.

        Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
      • Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Maurice of Nassau. Engr. portrait within engr. allegorical border after
        Nov. 30, 2018

        Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Maurice of Nassau. Engr. portrait within engr. allegorical border after

        Est: €150 - €250

        Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Maurice of Nassau. Engr. portrait within engr. allegorical border after P. SOUTMAN, 44x36 cm. numb. "6" in the plate, tipped onto mount. - Sl. foxed (especially verso); verso remains of paper tape along outer margins. = Hollstein 54, probably the 2nd state (of 3). AND 15 other prints, i.a. 12x by the same, i.a. after A. VAN OSTADE and 9 portraits, i.a. F.M. Portretten 2271, 4475, 5215a, 5489, 6590a and 6058.

        Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
      • Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Peasants about to bra
        Nov. 25, 2016

        Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Peasants about to bra

        Est: €100 - €150

        Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Peasants about to brawl at a table. Engraving after A. VAN OSTADE, 44x37,3 cm., "A. Ostaden pinxit I. Suijderhoef sculpsit. F. de Wit excudit" engraved below image. - Trifle thin spot in upper right corner. = Hollstein 26, 4th state (of 4).

        Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
      • Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Fall of the damned. E
        Nov. 25, 2016

        Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Fall of the damned. E

        Est: €100 - €150

        Suyderhoef, J. (±1613-1686). Fall of the damned. Engraving after P.P. RUBENS, printed on 2 loose sheets, in total 71x54 cm., "P. Paulo Rubens Pinxit", "I.Suyderhoef sulp. A.o 1642" and a 2-line Latin caption engr. below the image. - Lower part trifle frayed along extremities; 1 tear in right margin. Upper part frayed along extremities; lacking lower right corner and parts of left margin; closed tear in left margin; tear in upper margin. = Holstein 2, 3rd state (of 3).

        Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
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