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Ernesto Michahelles Thayaht Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Sculptor, copperplate engraver, Wood cutter

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        • THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) (1893 - 1957) - face
          Mar. 12, 2025

          THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) (1893 - 1957) - face

          Est: €400 - €600

          THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) (1893 - 1957). face. Accatino collection. 21 x 27,50 cm.

          Capitolium Art
        • ITALY, Prima Adunata Professionisti e Artisti, Rome [First Meeting of Professionals and Artists], 1932, a bronze medal by E. Michahelles [E. Thayaht] for Carlo Baese, stylised head of Mussolini left, fasces behind, rev. saluting hand divides...
          Mar. 05, 2025

          ITALY, Prima Adunata Professionisti e Artisti, Rome [First Meeting of Professionals and Artists], 1932, a bronze medal by E. Michahelles [E. Thayaht] for Carlo Baese, stylised head of Mussolini left, fasces behind, rev. saluting hand divides...

          Est: £60 - £80

          Michahelles, Ernesto, aka Ernesto Thayaht (Italian, 1893-1959); b. Florence, and Carlo Baese (Florence, fl. 1915-1935) ITALY , Prima Adunata Professionisti e Artisti , Rome [First Meeting of Professionals and Artists], 1932, a bronze medal by E. Michahelles [E. Thayaht] for Carlo Baese, stylised head of Mussolini left, fasces behind, rev . saluting hand divides bolts of lightning, star above, 50mm, 63.58g (Maffei II, 164; Casolari X, 96; cf . Asta e11, 502). Very fine £60-£80 --- Provenance: Bt Simmons April 2009. The synthetic effigy of il Duce was modelled in 1928 and presented to him for approval on 3 June 1929. The medals struck in silver and bronze were distributed in 1932 to opera-goers at the Teatro Adriano, Rome. The artist is best known for inventing the trouser suit, or ‘tuta’, in 1920, and for his passion for flying saucers, or UFOs ------ For more information , additional images and to bid on this lot please go to the auctioneers website, www.noonans.co.uk

          Noonans Mayfair
        • Anonimo futurista, Il Duce.
          Nov. 28, 2024

          Anonimo futurista, Il Duce.

          Est: €400 - €800

          Acquerello, penna e inchiostro di china su carta greve. mm 340x248.

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • Ernesto Michahelles THAYAHT La Vague. Costume de bain, de Madeleine Vionnet
          Nov. 14, 2024

          Ernesto Michahelles THAYAHT La Vague. Costume de bain, de Madeleine Vionnet

          Est: €100 - €150

          Color lithograph, approx. 225 x 172 mm. Plate 11 from the "Gazette du Bon ton", 1923 n°3, a fashion magazine published by Lucien Vogel in Paris. In very good condition, with mat and frame. The print has not been examined outside the frame.

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        • Ernesto Michahelles THAYAHT
          Nov. 14, 2024

          Ernesto Michahelles THAYAHT

          Est: €200 - €400

          Woodcut, 250 x 260 mm. Futurist print from the 9-volume work "Gli Adornatori del libro in Italia". A very fine example with rich tones on thin wove paper. In very good condition, except for foxing and uniform browning.

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        • Ernesto Michahelles THAYAHT Two sketches of textile motifs
          Nov. 14, 2024

          Ernesto Michahelles THAYAHT Two sketches of textile motifs

          Est: €400 - €500

          Watercolor on paper, 128 x 205 mm and 135 x 204 mm. One of two signed Framed together. Frame (52 x 43 x 6 cm). The drawings have not been examined outside the frame.

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
          Sep. 26, 2024


          Est: €1,800 - €2,200

          STUDI PER LAMPADE (STUDIEN FÜR LAMPEN), 1930 Bleistift auf Papier. 28 x 23 cm. Unter Passepartout hinter Glas gerahmt. Provenienz: Eredi Michahelles. Literatur: Guido Cribiori, Thayaht. The eye of the future. Works 1917/1958, Mailand 2024, S.136, Kat. Nr.65. (14111919) (4) (18)

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
          Sep. 26, 2024


          Est: €2,500 - €3,500

          BOZZETTO PER IL MONUMENTO AL PRIGIONIERO POLITICO IGNOTO: STUDIO N. 12, 1952 (SKIZZE FÜR DAS DENKMAL FÜR DEN UNBEKANNTEN POLITISCHEN HÄFTLING: STUDIE NR. 12), 1952 Rotes Pastell auf geöltem Papier. 36 x 24 cm. Unter Passepartout hinter Glas gerahmt. Provenienz: Ernesto Michahelles´ Erben. Literatur: Guido Cribiori, Thayaht. The eye of the future. Works 1917/1958, Mailand 2024, S.244-245, vgl. Kat.Nr. 100. (14111920) (4) (18)

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Ernesto Michahelles (Thayaht) Wall mirror with lacquered and gilded wooden frame with geometric motifs. Florence, 1922. Unique prototype for Macy's New York, US. (105.5x46.5 cm.) Provenance Private collection, Florence Exhibition III B...
          Jul. 03, 2024

          Ernesto Michahelles (Thayaht) Wall mirror with lacquered and gilded wooden frame with geometric motifs. Florence, 1922. Unique prototype for Macy's New York, US. (105.5x46.5 cm.) Provenance Private collection, Florence Exhibition III B...

          Est: €10,000 - €15,000

          (Firenze 1893 - Pietrasanta (LU) 1959) Wall mirror with lacquered and gilded wooden frame with geometric motifs. Florence, 1922. Unique prototype for Macy's New York, US. (105.5x46.5 cm.) Provenance Private collection, Florence Exhibition III Biennale di Monza, 1927 Accompanied by a certificate released by the Thayaht & RAM archive in Florence Literature Thayaht. Futurista irregolare [11 giugno - 11 settembre 2005, Museo di Arte Moderna, Rovereto], catalogo della mostra a cura di D. Fonti, Skira, Ginevra-Milano 2005, p. 121 IT Specchiera con cornice in legno laccato e dorato a motivi geometrici. Firenze, 1922. Prototipo unico per Macy's New York, US. (cm 105,5x46,5) Provenienza Collezione privata, Firenze Esposizioni III Biennale di Monza, 1927 L'opera è accompagnata da certificato rilasciato dall'Archivio Thayaht & RAM di Firenze Bibliografia Thayaht. Futurista irregolare [11 giugno - 11 settembre 2005, Museo di Arte Moderna, Rovereto], catalogo della mostra a cura di D. Fonti, Skira, Ginevra-Milano 2005, p. 121

          Il Ponte Auction House
        • Thayaht (1893-1959) - Passo del Pasubio, 1930s
          Jun. 18, 2024

          Thayaht (1893-1959) - Passo del Pasubio, 1930s

          Est: €300 - €400

          Vintage gelatin silver print cm 11,7 x 17,8 | 4.6 x 7 in. Photographer's credit blindstamp on the image and photographer's credit stamp on the verso

        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Ritratto maschile. 1943.
          May. 15, 2024

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Ritratto maschile. 1943.

          Est: €200 - €400

          Matita su carta. mm 137x105. Timbro d'artista ad inchiostro nero in basso a sinistra. Datato "22 Nov. 1943" a matita in basso a destra. Nome della persona ritratta iscritto a matita al margine destro del foglio. (1)

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Il malato. 1934.
          May. 15, 2024

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Il malato. 1934.

          Est: €240 - €480

          Pastello celeste su carta leggera filigranata. mm 290x230. Titolata al margine inferiore, Datata secondo l'era fascista in carboncino rosso al margine superiore. Firma e data in basso a sinistra. Opera accompagnata da certificato di autenticità su fotografia con timbro e firma dell'Archivio Thayaht & Ram. (1)

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , La cura. 1934.
          May. 15, 2024

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , La cura. 1934.

          Est: €240 - €480

          Pastello celeste su carta leggera filigranata. mm 290x230. Titolata al margine inferiore, Datata secondo l'era fascista in carboncino rosso al margine superiore. Timbro d'artista ad inchiostro nero in basso a destra. Opera accompagnata da certificato di autenticità su fotografia con timbro e firma dell'Archivio Thayaht & Ram. (1)

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Omaggio a Gauguin. Disegno recto/verso. 1925-30.
          May. 15, 2024

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Omaggio a Gauguin. Disegno recto/verso. 1925-30.

          Est: €650 - €1,300

          Matita e tempera su carta greve. mm 260x326 e mm 326x260. Provenienza: Sandro Michahelles, Firenze; Massimo Cirulli. Pubblicazioni: Panzetta A., Thayaht e Ram nel Massimo e Sonia Cirulli Archive di New York, 2006, pag. 41, T40A e T40B. La produzione gauguiniana di Thayaht ha una precisa originalità ed una propria evidente qualità pittorica. Il primo periodo, quello di maggiore fertilità creativa, si colloca tra la metà degli anni Venti e i primissimi anni Trenta. L'artista ha dato vita ad alcuni genuini capolavori che, pur partendo dalle suggestioni tahitiane, propongono tagli compositivi assolutamente originali e inconsueti nella pittura di questo periodo. Veri e propri close up cinematografici eseguiti con grande libertà pittorica che affrontano tematiche come il ritratto maschile, singole bellezze apollinee, scene idilliache di vita serena. (1)

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Alberto. 1940.
          May. 15, 2024

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Alberto. 1940.

          Est: €600 - €1,200

          Matite colorate su carta velina vergellata. mm 280x218. Firma in basso a destra, titolo e data in alto a sinistra. Provenienza: Sandro Michahelles, Firenze; Massimo Cirulli. Pubblicazioni: Panzetta A., Thayaht e Ram nel Massimo e Sonia Cirulli Archive di New York, 2006, pag. 124, T136. (1)

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
          Feb. 17, 2023


          Est: €400 - €700

          Tempera su velina, cm. 27x21. Timbro alto a sinistra: "Thayaht - Firenze"

          Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
        • Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - Figure, 1919
          Oct. 28, 2021

          Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - Figure, 1919

          Est: €800 - €1,200

          china ink and watercolor on card Signed upper right: Thayaht, 1919 This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

        • Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - Woman in bathing suit on the lake, 1919
          Oct. 28, 2021

          Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - Woman in bathing suit on the lake, 1919

          Est: €800 - €1,200

          tempera on paper laid on card Signed lower right: Thyaht, 1919 Artwork registered in the Archivio Thayaht, Rome (stamp on the back) This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

        • Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - Untitled (Icy landscape), years 1930
          Dec. 17, 2020

          Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - Untitled (Icy landscape), years 1930

          Est: €250 - €300

          Vintage gelatin silver print, applied on original cardboard Photographer's credit stamp on the recto of the cardboard This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

        • THAYAHT (1893 Florenz - 1959 Pietrasanta, Synonym für ERNESTO MICHAHELLES)
          Aug. 29, 2020

          THAYAHT (1893 Florenz - 1959 Pietrasanta, Synonym für ERNESTO MICHAHELLES)

          Est: -

          2 handkolorierte Pochoirs, ¨De la Fumée (Robe de Madeleine Vionnet)¨ bzw. ¨Pendant les ¨Modèles¨ (Chez Madeleine Vionnet)¨, beide mit Stempelsignatur und datiert ¨[19]22¨, je ca. 22x17cm (in Passepartout), gerahmt (41,5x35cm), gebräunt

          Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
        • Ernesto Thayaht La vittoria dell'aria 1930/31 Three vintage gelatin silver prints mounted on the same board with ink captions on original frame. Pencil sketch and artist data on the recto. 23.43 x 31.1 in. Provenienza/Provenance Collezion...
          Jul. 22, 2020

          Ernesto Thayaht La vittoria dell'aria 1930/31 Three vintage gelatin silver prints mounted on the same board with ink captions on original frame. Pencil sketch and artist data on the recto. 23.43 x 31.1 in. Provenienza/Provenance Collezion...

          Est: €2,500 - €3,000

          (1893 - 1959) La vittoria dell'aria 1930/31 Three vintage gelatin silver prints mounted on the same board with ink captions on original frame. Pencil sketch and artist data on the recto. 23.43 x 31.1 in. Provenienza/Provenance Collezione Marinetti, Roma IT La vittoria dell'aria 1930/31 Collage composto da tre stampe fotografiche assemblate in successione montate su cartoncino originale manoscritto. Stampe fotografiche vintage alla gelatina sali d'argento. Opera in cornice originale d'epoca. Schizzo a matita grassa e dati dell'artista al retro. cm 59,5 x 79 Provenienza/Provenance Collezione Marinetti, Roma

          Il Ponte Auction House
          Jun. 16, 2020


          Est: €400 - €500

          ERNESTO MICHAELLES detto THAYAHT (Firenze 1893 - Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) PROFILO DEL DUCE Matita su carta, cm. 31 x 21 Firma in basso a destra In cornice L'opera è accompagnata da autentica del Dott. Massimiliano Vittori, in data 5 febbraio 2018

          Casa d'Aste Babuino
        • Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - Vaso di fiori, 1924
          May. 28, 2020

          Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - Vaso di fiori, 1924

          Est: €12,000 - €14,000

          Firmato in basso a sinistra: ThayahtSigned on the front: Thayaht This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

        • Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - La mano del tempo, 1936
          Dec. 25, 2019

          Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - La mano del tempo, 1936

          Est: €2,500 - €3,500

          pencil on paper, cm 28x22 Monogram on the front Dated and titled on the front: 1936, La mano del tempo PROVENANCE Private collection. Work registered with Archivio THAYAHT e RAM, Firenze. This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

        • Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - La mano del tempo, 1936
          Dec. 09, 2019

          Thayaht (Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959) - La mano del tempo, 1936

          Est: €2,500 - €3,500

          pencil on paper, cm 28x22 Monogram on the front Dated and titled on the front: 1936, La mano del tempo Work registered with Archivio THAYAHT e RAM, Firenze. This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

        • Thayaht Sorvolando l'Amba Alangi
          Dec. 03, 2019

          Thayaht Sorvolando l'Amba Alangi

          Est: €1,300 - €1,600

          Firma e data sul fronte in basso a destra "Zhayath XIV". Futurismo

          Casa d'aste ARCADIA
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto], Figure thaitiane. 1930 ca.
          Nov. 03, 2019

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto], Figure thaitiane. 1930 ca.

          Est: €300 - €600

          Matita di grafite su carta lucida mm 245x370. Timbro dell'Artista in alto a destra. L'opera è accompagnata da expertise dell'Archivio Thayaht & Ram. Sale room notice: L'expertise, diversamente da quanto indicato in catalogo, è stato redatto da Alessandro Michahelles.

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto], Figure thaitiane. 1930 ca.
          Oct. 02, 2019

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto], Figure thaitiane. 1930 ca.

          Est: €300 - €600

          Matita di grafite su carta lucida mm 245x370. Timbro dell'Artista in alto a destra. L'opera è accompagnata da expertise dell'Archivio Thayaht & Ram. Sale room notice: L'expertise, diversamente da quanto indicato in catalogo, è stato redatto da Alessandro Michahelles.

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • (Ernesto Michahelles) Thayaht (1893-1959), Targa anti sanzionista, 1935
          Jun. 05, 2019

          (Ernesto Michahelles) Thayaht (1893-1959), Targa anti sanzionista, 1935

          Est: €15,000 - €16,000

          bronze, cm 44,5x38x6

          Cambi Casa d'Aste
        • Thayaht - Il direttore d'orchestra n.1
          Jun. 04, 2019

          Thayaht - Il direttore d'orchestra n.1

          Est: €3,000 - €4,000

          pencil on paper cm 28,7x22,5 Movement n. 1 of four eseguited beteewn 1924 and 1929 Monogram in the front This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

        • Thayaht - Violinista
          Jun. 04, 2019

          Thayaht - Violinista

          Est: €8,000 - €10,000

          pencil on paper cm 21x30,7 Signed and dated on the front: THAYAHT 1916 Work registered with Archivio Thayaht & Ram, Florence. This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

        • Ernesto Michahelles (THAYAHT) - Carnival mask, 1928-30
          May. 29, 2019

          Ernesto Michahelles (THAYAHT) - Carnival mask, 1928-30

          Est: €1,500 - €2,500

          Ernesto Michahelles (THAYAHT) Florence, 1893 - Marina di Pietrasanta, 1959 Carnival mask, 1928-30 Plaster, 30,5 x 23,5 x 17 cm Single piece Signed and dated on the back with sealing wax: Thayaht 1928 Photo-certificate by Sandro Michahelles, Florence, 2018 PROVENANCE: Michahelles’ heirs

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        • THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) - Synthesis of the fascist universe, 1929
          May. 29, 2019

          THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) - Synthesis of the fascist universe, 1929

          Est: €2,000 - €4,000

          THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) Florence, 1893 - Marina di Pietrasanta, 1959 Synthesis of the fascist universe, 1929 Charcoal on paper, 35 x 26, 5 cm Signed and dated lower right: Thayhat 1929 Titled and dated lower right: Sintesi dell’universo fascita, 1929 Stamped and n. archive 806 of “Popolo d’Italia” on the back LITERATURE AND EXHIBITED: “Dal secondo futurismo all’arte concreta e dintorni, Marasco, Benedetto, Rotella e la ricerca astratta 1920/1970”, curated by Bruno Corà, Massimo di Stefano, Leonardo Passarelli, Tonino Sicoli, Maon, Museo dell’Arte dell’Otto e Novecento, Rende (CS), October 25th - Feburry 28th 2015, exhibition catalog Maon Editions, p. 48 (ripr.); “Sole Futurista. Futurismo e Aeropittura”, curated by C. Mazzoni, Galleria Pulcherrima, Rome, 2018, p. 139.

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        • THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) - The Flute, 1932
          May. 29, 2019

          THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) - The Flute, 1932

          Est: €5,000 - €7,000

          THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) Florence, 1893 - Marina di Pietrasanta, 1959 The Flute, 1932 Aluminum, copper and brass sculpture, h. 50 cm with the base Label on the base: 1932, X, Il flauto Photo Certificate by Sandro Michahelles, Florence, 2013 LITERATURE AND EXHIBITED: “Dal secondo futurismo all’arte concreta e dintorni, Marasco, Benedetto, Rotella e la ricerca astratta 1920/1970”, curated by Bruno Corà, Massimo di Stefano, Leonardo Passarelli, Tonino Sicoli, Maon, Museo dell’Arte dell’Otto e Novecento, Rende (CS), October 25th - February 28th 2015 Exhibition catalog Edizioni Maon, p. 49 (repr.); “Sole Futurista. Futurismo e Aeropittura”, curated by C. Mazzoni, Galleria Pulcherrima, Rome, 2018, p. 138. PROVENANCE: Michahelles’ Heirs

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        • (Thayaht Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959).Flying over the Amba Alangi 1936
          May. 22, 2019

          (Thayaht Firenze 1893-Marina di Pietrasanta 1959).Flying over the Amba Alangi 1936

          Est: €2,000 - €3,000

          Signature and date on the lower right in front "Zhayath XIV" Futurism. cm 40x23.

          Casa d'aste ARCADIA
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Figura indigena seduta.
          Feb. 04, 2019

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] , Figura indigena seduta.

          Est: €300 - €600

          Matita e carboncino su carta. mm 378x277. Siglato con timbro e annotato a matita in alto a sinistra. Si uniscono fotografia e certificato di autentica dell'Archivio Thayaht Ram.

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • Bon Ton by Thayaht - Souvenir de Paques a Rome. 40
          Dec. 15, 2018

          Bon Ton by Thayaht - Souvenir de Paques a Rome. 40

          Est: $100 - $250

          The Gazette du Bon Ton features some of the most desirable pochoir, fashion lithographs. The fashion periodical ran from 1912 to 1925, and greatly influenced the style of the time. Great artists from the day, such as George Barbier and Andre Marty, contributed beautiful plates to the work. Gazette du Bon Ton was published by Lucien Vogel in Paris. The work was meant to appeal to the upper echelon of Parisian society. The fashion prints beauty and quality of the publication has taken on great appeal through the time. The prints feature dramatic pochoir coloring, which is created when single layers of color are added by hand to a lithograph using a stencil. Many prominent artists contributed the magazine including Barbier, Marty, Brissaud, Worth, Monvel, Lepape, Pacquin, & Poiret. George Barbier's contributions to this work are particularly desirable. He contributed greatly to design in this era and also had work featured in Vogue. Lucien Vogel, fashion publisher, (pictured above), was the brilliant creator of this famous Art Deco fashion magazine. He was well-known and well-connected paving the way for the Gazette's success

          Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
        • Bon Ton by Thayaht - L'Essayage a Paris. 27
          Dec. 15, 2018

          Bon Ton by Thayaht - L'Essayage a Paris. 27

          Est: $100 - $250

          The Gazette du Bon Ton features some of the most desirable pochoir, fashion lithographs. The fashion periodical ran from 1912 to 1925, and greatly influenced the style of the time. Great artists from the day, such as George Barbier and Andre Marty, contributed beautiful plates to the work. Gazette du Bon Ton was published by Lucien Vogel in Paris. The work was meant to appeal to the upper echelon of Parisian society. The fashion prints beauty and quality of the publication has taken on great appeal through the time. The prints feature dramatic pochoir coloring, which is created when single layers of color are added by hand to a lithograph using a stencil. Many prominent artists contributed the magazine including Barbier, Marty, Brissaud, Worth, Monvel, Lepape, Pacquin, & Poiret. George Barbier's contributions to this work are particularly desirable. He contributed greatly to design in this era and also had work featured in Vogue. Lucien Vogel, fashion publisher, (pictured above), was the brilliant creator of this famous Art Deco fashion magazine. He was well-known and well-connected paving the way for the Gazette's success

          Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto], Figure thaitiane. 1945 ca.
          Jul. 04, 2018

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto], Figure thaitiane. 1945 ca.

          Est: €360 - €720

          Carboncino su carta grigia. mm 405x280. Timbro dell'artista in basso a destra. Al verso schizzi geometrici e formule matematiche. Dopo il 1945 Thayaht si orienta nei suoi temi verso le figure tahitiane di Paul Gauguin, che riscopre come "grande colorista" e come pittore simbolico alla ricerca di una vita semplice alle origini del mondo realizzando trasformazioni thayahtiane delle sue opere, come "liberazione dalla miserabile civilizzazione". Volle riunire questo tipo di opere in una mostra a Forte dei Marmi nel 1950 dal titolo Omaggio a Gauguin, come una sorta di "ritorno all'indietro": dal Futurismo a Gauguin.

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • THAYAHT (1893 - 1959) - Materialisation, 1920
          May. 31, 2018

          THAYAHT (1893 - 1959) - Materialisation, 1920

          Est: €4,000 - €6,000

          watercolor and pencil on paper, cm 19x24.5 Signed and date lower wright: THAYAHT 1920 Titled lower left: MATERIALISATION

          Apr. 17, 2018


          Est: €250 - €300

          MICHAHELLES ERNESTO (1893-1959) Passo del Pasubio 1930 ca stampa vintage ai sali d'argento 11 5x17 cm 4 52x6 69 in timbro a secco in basso a destra sul retro timbro THAYAHT - Firenze

          Aste Boetto SRL
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto], Giovane thaitiano.
          Oct. 10, 2017

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto], Giovane thaitiano.

          Est: €300 - €600

          Carboncino su carta avorio. mm 419x270. Timbro dell'artista parzialmente illeggibile. Al verso studio di figura maschile da tergo. Dopo il 1945 Thayaht si orienta nei suoi temi verso le figure tahitiane di Paul Gauguin, che riscopre come "grande colorista" e come pittore simbolico alla ricerca di una vita semplice alle origini del mondo realizzando trasformazioni thayahtiane delle sue opere, come "liberazione dalla miserabile civilizzazione". Lui stesso volle riunire questo tipo di opere in una mostra a Forte dei Marmi nel 1950 dal titolo Omaggio a Gauguin. Una sorta di "ritorno all'indietro": dal Futurismo a Gauguin.

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • Thayaht, Ernesto Michahelles (Italian, 1893-1959)
          Aug. 26, 2017

          Thayaht, Ernesto Michahelles (Italian, 1893-1959)

          Est: $80 - $120

          Art Deco woman facing a mirror. Lithograph, 1922. Signed in plate and dated upper right. Sight size 8 x 5.5 inches. Matted and framed. Notice to bidders: Condition reports and additional photographs are provided by request as a courtesy to our clients, as such any condition report is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. The absence of a condition report does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free of defects, imperfections, restoration, wear and tear, or the effects of aging. Capo Auction shall have no responsibility for any error or omission, additionally all lots are sold 'As Is' and in accordance with the conditions of sale.

          Capo Auction
        • THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) (1893 - 1957) Untitled.
          Feb. 21, 2017

          THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) (1893 - 1957) Untitled.

          Est: €1,400 - €1,800

          THAYAHT (ERNESTO MICHAHELLES) (1893 - 1957). Untitled.. Signature engraved lower right.. Cm 20,00 x 30,00.

          Capitolium Art
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] (1893 - 1959), Virgo Solis. 1930
          Jun. 15, 2016

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] (1893 - 1959), Virgo Solis. 1930

          Est: €280 - €560

          Matite colorate su carta. mm 155x125. Titolato, firmato e datato in basso: "Ernesto Thayaht 1930 VIII".

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] (1893 - 1959), Nudo di giovinetto da tergo. 1922
          Jun. 15, 2016

          Thayaht [pseud. di Michahelles Ernesto] (1893 - 1959), Nudo di giovinetto da tergo. 1922

          Est: €300 - €600

          Matita nera su carta leggera. mm 280x210. Firmato e datato a matita in alto a destra: "20 May / Thayath /1922".

          Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
        • THAYAHT (Ernesto Michahelles) - Dancer, 1916
          Jun. 09, 2016

          THAYAHT (Ernesto Michahelles) - Dancer, 1916

          Est: €1,800 - €2,000

          THAYAHT (Ernesto Michahelles)Florence 1893 – Marina di Pietrasanta (LU) 1959 Dancer, 1916Mixed media on paper, 51 x 38 cm ca.Signed, dated and inscribed lower right: THAYAHT 23. 3. 1916 Florence Photo-certificate of authenticity by Sandro Michahelles, Florence, April 15th 2015 Condition reportTwo small defects on the left THAYAHT (Ernesto Michahelles)Firenze 1893 – Marina di Pietrasanta (LU) 1959 Danzatore, 1916Tecnica mista su carta, 51 x 38 cm circaFirma, data e luogo in basso a destra: THAYAHT 23. 3. 1916 Florence Autentica su foto di Sandro Michahelles, Firenze 15 aprile 2015 Condition reportDue piccoli tagli lungo il lato sinistro (senza mancanze)

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        • THAYAHT (Ernesto Michahelles) - Farmhouses, 30’s/40’s
          Jun. 09, 2016

          THAYAHT (Ernesto Michahelles) - Farmhouses, 30’s/40’s

          Est: €700 - €800

          THAYAHT (Ernesto Michahelles)Florence 1893 – Marina di Pietrasanta (LU) 1959 Farmhouses, 30’s/40’sBlack pastel on paper, 21,5 x 29 cmStamp THAYAHT lower right THAYAHT (Ernesto Michahelles)Firenze 1893 – Marina di Pietrasanta (LU) 1959 Casolari, Anni ‘30/‘40Pastello nero su carta, 21,5 x 29 cmTimbro THAYAHT in basso a destra

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
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