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Zhou Tiehai Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1966 -

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        • ZHOU TIEHAI (1966 Shanghai)
          Dec. 01, 2024

          ZHOU TIEHAI (1966 Shanghai)

          Est: -

          Farbserigrafie auf Bütten, "Pure" (2004), unten rechts in Bleistift signiert, Ex. 19/100, ca. 88x63,5cm, gerahmt (109,5x85cm)

          Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
        • ZHOU TIEHAI | Bamboo
          Nov. 17, 2024

          ZHOU TIEHAI | Bamboo

          Est: S$20,000 - S$30,000

          148 x 135 cm ; 153 x 139.5 cm (with frame) air brush on canvas signed and dated 2004 verso 周铁海《竹子》2004年作 喷漆 画布 款识:ZHOU TIEHAI 2004(画背)

          33 Auction
        • Zhou Tiehai, Placebo IV
          Oct. 10, 2024

          Zhou Tiehai, Placebo IV

          Est: $7,000 - $9,000

          Zhou Tiehai Placebo IV 2002 acrylic on canvas on motorized roller installation: 132 h x 142 w x 40 d in (335 x 361 x 102 cm) Signed, titled and dated to lower right 'Placebo IV Zhou Tiehai 2002 Jan 31'. Provenance: ShanghART, Shanghai | The Jake and Ruth Bloom Collection This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.

          Los Angeles Modern Auctions
        • TIEHAI ZHOU (1966) SENZA TITOLO CM. 120X110
          Dec. 10, 2021

          TIEHAI ZHOU (1966) SENZA TITOLO CM. 120X110

          Est: €10,000 - €20,000

          Olio su tela, 2004 Firma e data sul verso.

          Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
        • ZHOU TIEHAI 1966 Towers-Towers
          Nov. 09, 2021

          ZHOU TIEHAI 1966 Towers-Towers

          Est: €7,000 - €10,000

          Towers 2000 Aerografo su velo da sposa su tela. 200 x 140 cm Opera accompagnata da autentica della Galleria Marella, Milano. - Towers 2000 Airbrush on wedding veil on canvas. 78.74 x 55.12 in. Work accompanied by authentication from the Galleria Marella, Milan.Provenienza/Provenance Galleria Marella, Milano. Collezione privata, Torino. TAGS - Arte del 900 twentieth century art

          Aste Bolaffi
        • Zhou Tiehai (né en 1966) Golitsyn acrylique sur toile de jute 198 x 149 cm.
          Oct. 13, 2021

          Zhou Tiehai (né en 1966) Golitsyn acrylique sur toile de jute 198 x 149 cm.

          Est: €8,000 - €12,000

          Zhou Tiehai (né en 1966) Golitsyn acrylique sur toile de jute 198 x 149 cm.

        • Zhou Tiehai: Fake Covers (6x)
          Sep. 16, 2021

          Zhou Tiehai: Fake Covers (6x)

          Est: CHF5,999 - CHF6,000

          Zhou Tiehai (Shanghai 1966 - lebt und arbeitet in Shanghai) Fake Covers (6x) 6 C-Prints auf Metall / 1998 Diverse Masse / Signatur / Signature Alle Metallplatten rückseitig vom Künstler signiert und datiert "Tiehai 1998", darunter jeweils nummeriert "1/6" Zustand / Condition Eines der Covers mit Gebrauchsspuren Konvolut / Group lot Zus. 6 Metallplatten Erläuterungen / Comments Gefälschte Magazin-Cover, die Zhou Tiehai als aufsteigenden Kunststar anpreisen. Mit einfachsten Mitteln gelang es dem Künstler sich in der internationalen Kunstwelt einen Namen zu machen, die Vorteile des Marktes zu nutzen und gleichzeitig dessen Absurditäten aufzudecken Erwartete Ausrufzeit / Estimated Auction Time of Lot (+/- 30min) 16. September 2021; 18:00 h (MEST / CET) For further information visit our Website.

          Galerie Kornfeld Auktionen AG
        • Tiehai Zhou (1966) Senza titolo 2000
          Dec. 12, 2020

          Tiehai Zhou (1966) Senza titolo 2000

          Est: €18,000 - €25,000

          Olio su tela, cm. 210x194 Sul verso: firma e data. Certificato di provenienza Marella Arte Contemporanea, Milano.

          Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
          Sep. 27, 2019


          Est: €10,000 - €20,000

          „WILL/WE MUST“ BY ZHOU TIEHAI (BORN 1966 IN SHANGHAI, CHINA) Collage from ca. 90 single A4 pages of the movie script to the black and white silent movie “Will/We Must”, mostly on newsprint, created between 1996 and 1997. Drawing in pencil, felt and ball pen above the collage. Will/We Must consists of a black-and-white soundless video that Zhou Tiehai created in 1996 and a group of works on paper and canvas that he made based on it. The characteristically humorous video dramatically exposes the strange phenomena of the Chinese art world at the time. Its imitation of the style of silent movies exaggerates the absurdity of the content to the point of becoming satire. During the nineties, Chinese artists frequently participated in exhibitions abroad. Reflecting on this period of prosperity, Zhou Tiehai satirizes the overseas curators and collectors, as well as the Chinese artists themselves, in this footnote to the history of contemporary Chinese art. Provenance: From the collection of Andreas Krüger, Germany. Acquired directly from the artist ca. 1998 via his gallery Lorenz Helbling, Shanghart. Exhibited: Kunstverein Museum Schloss Morsbroich e.V. Leverkusen, Germany, October 17th – November 12th, 2000. Published: “Zhou Tiehai / Met in Shanghai”, catalogue to the exhibition at Museum Schloss Morsbroich e.V. Leverkusen, Germany, page 23, published in October 2000. Scans of the respective catalogue pages are accompanying this lot. Condition: Good condition with intentional creases, minor wear and losses, one tear of ca. 25 cm. Dimensions: 273 x 194 cm The movie Will/We Must has 9 independent soundless scenes. The first is a mock military meeting that dramatizes an artist’s need to establish his own status independently from museum directors, critics, and gallery owners. The second scene demonstrates an artist’s wish to befriend critics and media in order to have his works exhibited. In the third scene, we see one patient after another queuing to be examined by a “foreign expert”; this is a parody of the need for Chinese artists to be “treated” by foreign critics before successfully exhibiting abroad. The fourth scene is a conversation between a collector who has traveled to China from afar and a guide taking him to an artist’s studio; we witness the guide’s taste and the collector’s list of artists to visit. In the fifth scene, we see an artist calling five curators to say only, “Whatever show you curate I am willing to participate in.” In the sixth scene, a Qing-dynasty official receives a foreign emissary, who denigrates China for having only traditional medicine and witchcraft but no art. The Qing official snaps, “Must our art suit your taste?” Here Zhou Tiehai articulates the prejudices held by foreign critics about the Chinese art world. Following all these absurd and bizarre situations, the last scene features 10 desperate artists on a raft, unable to move forwards or backwards, embodying the embarrassment and anger Chinese artists felt as they attempted to interface with the outside world in the nineties. This scene—and the video as a whole—ends with a line filled with pathos: “Goodbye, Art!” The series Will/We Must includes works that recreate important scenes from the video. Some of these are on newsprint, others on white paper. Will/We Must expresses Zhou Tiehai’s artistic philosophy and documents his creative direction. Satirizing the art system itself has become an important topic in his subsequent works, including the renowned Placebo and Tonic series. Zhou Tiehai is a contemporary Chinese artist. Trained as a painter in his native Shanghai, Zhou co-founded Shanghai’s first international art fair, SH Contemporary, in 2007, assumed the directorship of the Minsheng Art Museum in 2010, and founded West Bund Art & Design in 2014. Zhou’s art often attempts to satirize modern Chinese art. He does not paint his own works, though he earned a M.F.A. from the School of Fine Arts at Shanghai University in 1989. He was quick to perceive the subtle colonialism that undergirded the Chinese art world of the early 1990s. Zhou takes on the role of both artist and patron, as many of his airbrush paintings are rendered by assistants under his supervision. A typical process for Zhou Tiehai is to conceptualize a work, realize it on the computer, then rely upon the help of assistants to physically create it. He is mostly known for appropriating the Camel advertising character that he calls Joe Camel (playing on his family name “Zhou”) and making large paintings that reference famous western motifs from art history. Even though Zhou’s work is exhibited widely in China and abroad, he does not produce any new work. Auction result comparison: Compare with a related lot at Sotheby’s Hong Kong on October 6th, 2014, in Asian Contemporary Art, lot 800. 周鐵海(1966年出生於上海)《必須》 來自諷刺短片《必須》中約90頁拼貼畫,大多是新聞紙,創作于1996 及1997年。拼貼畫上使用鉛筆畫,毛氈及圓珠筆。 來源:德國Andreas Krüger收藏;1998年直接通過Lorenz Helbling的香格納畫廊在藝術家処購得。 展覽: 2000年10月17日-11月12日德國Morsbroich 宮博物館藝術展 出版: 2000年10月上述展覽目錄 《Zhou Tiehai / Met in Shanghai》,第23頁,隨附該頁複印件 品相:品相良好,一些摺痕,輕微磨損和缺失,約25厘米的水漬 尺寸:273 x 194 厘米 RefJad18919 , RefPor18919

          Galerie Zacke
        • ZHOU TIEHAI | Autumn Water's Rippling
          Oct. 01, 2017

          ZHOU TIEHAI | Autumn Water's Rippling

          Est: $60,000 - $100,000

          acrylic and airbrush on canvas

        • ZHOU TIEHAI | Young woman with a child
          Oct. 01, 2017

          ZHOU TIEHAI | Young woman with a child

          Est: $40,000 - $60,000

          signed in Pinyin and dated  2006 on the reverse

        • ZHOU TIEHAI - Placebo
          Apr. 06, 2017

          ZHOU TIEHAI - Placebo

          Est: £20,000 - £30,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI - Placebo

        • ZHOU TIEHAI (NE EN 1966)
          Dec. 12, 2015

          ZHOU TIEHAI (NE EN 1966)

          Est: €15,000 - €25,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI (NE EN 1966) JEFF KOONS / ILONA WITH ASS UP, 2006 Acrylique et peinture au pistolet sur toile Signée et datée au dos 183,5 x 230 cm 15 000 / 25 000 € Provenance : - Art & Public, Genève - Vente Sotheby's New York, 15 mai 2008, lot 538 - Collection particulière, Paris

          Cornette de Saint-Cyr
        • ZHOU TIEHAI (NE EN 1966)
          Oct. 27, 2015

          ZHOU TIEHAI (NE EN 1966)

          Est: €30,000 - €50,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI (NE EN 1966) MARIKO MORI / BIRTH OF A STAR, 2006 Acrylique sur toile de lin Signée et datée au dos 239 x 160 cm - 94 x 93 in. Provenance : - Art & Public, Genève - Collection particulière, Strasbourg

          Cornette de Saint-Cyr
        • ZHOU TIEHAI | Placebo Series 5-3
          Oct. 05, 2015

          ZHOU TIEHAI | Placebo Series 5-3

          Est: $150,000 - $250,000

          acrylic airbrush on canvas

        • TIEHAI Zhou, *1966 [CN]. "Sunset Glow Camel", c. 2
          Aug. 02, 2015

          TIEHAI Zhou, *1966 [CN]. "Sunset Glow Camel", c. 2

          Est: CHF10,000 - CHF15,000

          TIEHAI Zhou, *1966 [CN]. "Sunset Glow Camel", c. 2000, aérographie sur toile (100 x 80 cm).

          Galartis SA
        • ZHOU TIEHAI | The Avant-Garde is Not Afraid of a Long March
          Apr. 05, 2015

          ZHOU TIEHAI | The Avant-Garde is Not Afraid of a Long March

          Est: $500,000 - $700,000

          titled in Chinese, framed

        • ZHOU TIEHAI | Ego Project: Cindy Sherman
          Apr. 05, 2015

          ZHOU TIEHAI | Ego Project: Cindy Sherman

          Est: $150,000 - $250,000

          signed in Pinyin and dated 2006 on the reverse 

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          Jun. 27, 2013

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: £12,000 - £18,000

          B.  1966 EMPEROR  CAMEL  WEARING  SUNGLASSES signed  and  dated  2005  on  the  reverse acrylic  on  canvas 150.5  by  131.6cm.;  59  1/4    by  51  3/4  in.

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          May. 26, 2013

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: -

          ZHOU TIEHAI (Chinese, B. 1966) Aiming at the Museum gouache on paper 247.5 x 274 cm. (97 1/4 x 107 7/8 in.) Painted in 1998

        • Tiehai Zhou (b. 1966)
          May. 26, 2013

          Tiehai Zhou (b. 1966)

          Est: -

          Tiehai Zhou (b. 1966) Break Painted in 1991 gouache and ink on paper 201 x 362 cm. (79 1/8 x 142 1/2 in.) 20th Century

        • ¤ Zhou TIEHAI (né en 1966) RICHARD PRINCE II, 2006 Diptyque, acrylique et aérosol sur toile synthétique
          Dec. 05, 2012

          ¤ Zhou TIEHAI (né en 1966) RICHARD PRINCE II, 2006 Diptyque, acrylique et aérosol sur toile synthétique

          Est: €10,000 - €15,000

          Zhou TIEHAI (né en 1966) RICHARD PRINCE II, 2006 Diptyque, acrylique et aérosol sur toile synthétique signé et daté sur chaque partie "Zhou Tiehai, 2006" h: 238 w: 150 cm

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          May. 27, 2012

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: $120,000 - $180,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI (Chinese, B. 1966) Boot acrylic on canvas 122.4 x 157.2 cm. (87 1/2 x 61 7/8 in.) Painted in 2001

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          May. 29, 2011

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: $100,000 - $200,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI (B. 1966) Blue Camel signed in English; dated '2001' (on the reverse) airbrush on synthetic fabric 100 x 85.8 cm. (39 3/8 x 33 3/4 in.) Painted in 2001

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          Apr. 03, 2011

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: $200,000 - $300,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI B. 1966 CAN'T THE RIGHT MAKE THE LEFT HAPPY? Executed in 1998, framed gouache on paper mounted on canvas 246 by 348 cm.; 96 7/8 by 137 in.

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          Apr. 03, 2011

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: $200,000 - $300,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI B. 1966 PLACEBO 5-3 Executed in 1999 acrylic airbrushed on canvas 311 by 250 cm.; 122 1/2 by 98 3/8 in.

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          Apr. 03, 2011

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: $200,000 - $300,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI B. 1966 MADEMOISELLE RIVIÈRE executed in 2000, framed Gouache on newspaper mounted on canvas 300 by 225 cm.; 118 1/8 by 88 5/8 in.

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          Oct. 04, 2010

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: $120,000 - $180,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI B. 1966 BAMBOO signed in Pinyin and dated 2006 on the reverse acrylic airbrushed on canvas 180 by 180 cm.; 70 7/8 by 70 7/8 in.

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          Oct. 04, 2010

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: $200,000 - $300,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI B. 1966 RICHARD PRINCE / COWBOY IV executed in 2006 acrylic airbrushed on canvas 230 by 150 cm.; 90 1/2 by 59 in.

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          Oct. 04, 2010

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: $220,000 - $280,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI B. 1966 THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON signed in Pinyin and dated 2005 on the reverse acrylic airbrushed on canvas 240 by 190 cm.; 94 1/2 by 74 3/4 in.

        • ¤ Zhou TIEHAI (né en 1966) CINDY SHERMAN IV-FILM STILL, 2006 Acrylique et aérosol sur toile synthétique
          Jul. 05, 2010

          ¤ Zhou TIEHAI (né en 1966) CINDY SHERMAN IV-FILM STILL, 2006 Acrylique et aérosol sur toile synthétique

          Est: €30,000 - €40,000

          Zhou TIEHAI (né en 1966) CINDY SHERMAN IV-FILM STILL, 2006 Acrylique et aérosol sur toile synthétique signé et daté "2006" au dos h: 150 w: 220 cm Provenance : Art & Public, Genève Collection particulière, Paris Acrylic and aerosol spray paint on synthtic canvas signed and dated "2006" on the reverse H.: 150 W.: 220 cm

        • ZHOU TIEHAI (Chinese, b. 1966) Fisherman, 2001 Airbrush
          Jun. 09, 2010

          ZHOU TIEHAI (Chinese, b. 1966) Fisherman, 2001 Airbrush

          Est: $4,000 - $6,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI (Chinese, b. 1966) Fisherman, 2001 Airbrush on canvas 49-1/2 x 66-1/2 inches (125.7 x 168.9 cm)

          Heritage Auctions
        • Zhou Tiehai Fisherman
          Jun. 09, 2010

          Zhou Tiehai Fisherman

          Est: $4,000 - $6,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI (Chinese, b. 1966) Fisherman, 2001 Airbrush on canvas 49-1/2 x 66-1/2 inches (125.7 x 168.9 cm)

          Heritage Auctions
        • Artist ZHOU Tiehai 80'S MOVIE STAR - LI LING
          May. 28, 2010

          Artist ZHOU Tiehai 80'S MOVIE STAR - LI LING

          Est: $250,000 - $350,000

          Artist ZHOU Tiehai 80'S MOVIE STAR - LI LING

          New Art Est-Ouest Auctions
        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          Apr. 23, 2010

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: £8,000 - £12,000

          Liu Xiaoqing Signed and dated ‘ZHOUTIEHAI 2005’ on the reverse.

        • ¤Zhou TIEHAI (Né en 1966) JEFF KOONS OU JEFF IN POSITION OF AOLAM, 2006 Acrylique et aérosol sur toile synthétique
          Mar. 22, 2010

          ¤Zhou TIEHAI (Né en 1966) JEFF KOONS OU JEFF IN POSITION OF AOLAM, 2006 Acrylique et aérosol sur toile synthétique

          Est: €40,000 - €60,000

          Zhou TIEHAI (Né en 1966) JEFF KOONS OU JEFF IN POSITION OF AOLAM, 2006 Acrylique et aérosol sur toile synthétique signé et daté "2006" au dos h: 175 w: 240 cm Provenance : Art & Public, Genève Collection particulière, Paris Acrylic and aerosol spray paint on synthetic fabric signed and dated "2006" on the reverse Height: 68,25 Width: 93,60 in.

        • ZHOU TIEHAI
          May. 25, 2009

          ZHOU TIEHAI

          Est: $150,000 - $250,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI (b. 1966) Mountain Trails and Hardship airbrush on canvas 231 x 131 cm. (91 x 51 1/2 in.)

        • Untitled, 2003
          Nov. 14, 2008

          Untitled, 2003

          Est: $20,000 - $30,000

          Untitled , 2003 Acrylic airbrush on canvas.    39 1/3 x 31 1/2 in. (99.9 x 80 cm).  Signed and dated "Zhou Tiehai 2003" on the reverse. 

        • Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Flora acrylic on canvas
          Oct. 20, 2008

          Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Flora acrylic on canvas

          Est: £35,000 - £45,000

          signed in Pinyin and dated 2001 on the reverse acrylic on canvas

        • Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Edward VII acrylic on canvas
          Oct. 05, 2008

          Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Edward VII acrylic on canvas

          Est: $480,000 - $600,000

          signed in Chinese and pinyin and dated 2006 on the reverse, framed acrylic on canvas

        • Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Lotus acrylic on canvas
          Sep. 17, 2008

          Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Lotus acrylic on canvas

          Est: $18,000 - $22,000

          signed in Pinyin and dated 2004 on the reverse acrylic on canvas

        • Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Fisherman acrylic on canvas
          Sep. 17, 2008

          Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Fisherman acrylic on canvas

          Est: $20,000 - $30,000

          acrylic on canvas

        • Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Deity with Laurel Crown airbrush on canvas
          Sep. 10, 2008

          Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Deity with Laurel Crown airbrush on canvas

          Est: $80,000 - $120,000

          signed and dated 2003 on the reverse airbrush on canvas

        • Jeff Koons VII
          Jul. 01, 2008

          Jeff Koons VII

          Est: £40,000 - £60,000

          Zhou Tiehai (b. 1966) Jeff Koons VII signed in English and Chinese and dated 'Zhou Tiehai 2006' (on the reverse) acrylic on canvas 59 x 110¼in. (150 x 280cm.) Painted in 2006

        • Giacinta
          May. 25, 2008


          Est: $400,000 - $600,000

          ZHOU TIEHAI (Born in 1966) Giacinta signed and dated 'Zhou Tiehai; 2006' in Pinyin (on reverse) acrylic on canvas 200 x 149.5 cm. (78 3/4 x 58 3/4 in.) Painted in 2006

        • Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Jeff Koons / Ilona with Ass Up acrylic on canvas
          May. 15, 2008

          Zhou Tiehai , b. 1966 Jeff Koons / Ilona with Ass Up acrylic on canvas

          Est: $80,000 - $120,000

          signed and dated 2006 on the reverse acrylic on canvas

        • Zhou Tiehai
          Apr. 09, 2008

          Zhou Tiehai

          Est: $400,000 - $600,000

          each signed in Chinese and pinyin and dated 2004 on the reverse acrylic on canvas

        • Zhou Tiehai , B. 1966 Untitled acrylic airbrush on canvas
          Mar. 17, 2008

          Zhou Tiehai , B. 1966 Untitled acrylic airbrush on canvas

          Est: $80,000 - $100,000

          acrylic airbrush on canvas

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