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Tomonory Toyofuku Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1925 -

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            • TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925 - 2019) - UNTITLED
              Dec. 19, 2024

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925 - 2019) - UNTITLED

              Est: €15,000 - €20,000

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925 - 2019). UNTITLED. signature and date sculpture measures without base: 34.5x81.5x6 cm The work is accompanied by a declaration of authenticity by Natsuko Toyofuku PROVENANCE Work acquired directly from the artist by the current owner Private collection, Milan. 81 x 45 x 15 cm. 1980.

              Capitolium Art
            • Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925-Fukuoka 2019) - Untitled, 1973
              Dec. 03, 2024

              Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925-Fukuoka 2019) - Untitled, 1973

              Est: €800 - €1,200

              steel, ed. 2/60 cm 40 x 33 x 3 Signature engraved lower right: Toyo 73

            • Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925-Fukuoka 2019) - Untitled
              Dec. 03, 2024

              Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925-Fukuoka 2019) - Untitled

              Est: €800 - €900

              wood cm 11 x 16 x 1 Signature engraved lower right: Toyo

            • Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925-Fukuoka 2019) - Untitled, 1963
              Dec. 03, 2024

              Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925-Fukuoka 2019) - Untitled, 1963

              Est: €300 - €500

              wood cm 22 x 16 x 10 Signature and date engraved lower center:  Toyo 1963

            • TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925 - 2019) - UNTITLED
              Jul. 05, 2024

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925 - 2019) - UNTITLED

              Est: €700 - €900

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925 - 2019). UNTITLED. signature and edition engraved on the base, ex. 8/300 Edizioni Tecno Bersani, brand at the base. 11,50 x 19,00 x 8,00 cm.

              Capitolium Art
            • Tomonori Toyofuku 1925 Kurume (JP)-2019 Fukuoka (JP) Senza titolo
              Jul. 03, 2024

              Tomonori Toyofuku 1925 Kurume (JP)-2019 Fukuoka (JP) Senza titolo

              Est: €30,000 - €40,000

              firma e data incise sulla base

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925-Fukuoka 2019) - Greeting card from the Galleria del Naviglio, Milan - Venice
              Jun. 27, 2024

              Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925-Fukuoka 2019) - Greeting card from the Galleria del Naviglio, Milan - Venice

              Est: €100 - €150

              silver and gold colored metal sheet, numbered 80/200 cm 17 x 14 Signed in pencil lower right

            • Tomonori Toyofuku 1925–2019
              Jun. 19, 2024

              Tomonori Toyofuku 1925–2019

              Est: CHF15,000 - CHF20,000

              Tomonori Toyofuku 1925–2019 Caelum VI, 1966 Holz, geschnitzt rückseitig signiert und datiert TOYO 1966 78 x 65 x 20 cm (mit Sockel) *For this lot VAT of 8,1% will also be charged on the hammer price.

              Artcurial Beurret Bailly Widmer
            • Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1974 partially patinated and polished bronze cm 20.8x19x7 Signed, dated 74 and inscribed P.A. Provenance Private collection, Milan...
              May. 29, 2024

              Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1974 partially patinated and polished bronze cm 20.8x19x7 Signed, dated 74 and inscribed P.A. Provenance Private collection, Milan...

              Est: €1,500 - €2,500

              (Kurume 1925 - Fukuoka 2019) "Untitled" 1974 partially patinated and polished bronze cm 20.8x19x7 Signed, dated 74 and inscribed P.A. Provenance Private collection, Milan IT "Senza titolo" 1974 bronzo parzialmente patinato e lucidato cm 20,8x19x7 Firmato, datato 74 e inscritto P.A. Provenienza Collezione privata, Milano

              Il Ponte Auction House
            • Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1973 multiple, steel cm 44.5x33x3 Signed, dated 73 and numbered 19/60 Provenance Private collection...
              May. 29, 2024

              Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1973 multiple, steel cm 44.5x33x3 Signed, dated 73 and numbered 19/60 Provenance Private collection...

              Est: €500 - €700

              (Kurume 1925 - Fukuoka 2019) "Untitled" 1973 multiple, steel cm 44.5x33x3 Signed, dated 73 and numbered 19/60 Provenance Private collection IT "Senza titolo" 1973 multiplo in acciaio cm 44,5x33x3 Firmato, datato 73 e numerato 19/60 Provenienza Collezione privata

              Il Ponte Auction House
            • TOMONORI TOYOFUKU 1925-2019 Incontro boreale 1994-1995 - TOMONORI TOYOFUKU 1925-2019 Incontro boreale 1994-1995
              May. 15, 2024

              TOMONORI TOYOFUKU 1925-2019 Incontro boreale 1994-1995 - TOMONORI TOYOFUKU 1925-2019 Incontro boreale 1994-1995

              Est: €1,000 - €2,000

              Bronzo, ed. 275/300.  19,00 x 8,80 x 11,50 cm Firmato, numerato e logo sulla base - Bronze, ed. 275/300. 7.48 x 3.46 x 4.53 in. Signed, numbered and logo on the base.

              Aste Bolaffi
            • Senza titolo
              Mar. 27, 2024

              Senza titolo

              Est: €4,000 - €5,000

              Iscrizione in giapponese, firmato Toyo e datato sul retro La base è in ferro.

              Mediartrade Casa d'aste
            • Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925) - Untitled, 1961
              Dec. 05, 2023

              Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925) - Untitled, 1961

              Est: €2,000 - €3,000

              wood cm 32 x 33,5 x 6 Dated on the reverse: 1961

            • Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925) - Untitled
              Dec. 05, 2023

              Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925) - Untitled

              Est: €2,000 - €3,000

              wood cm 36,5 x 58 x 9,5 Signed on the reverse: Toyo

            • TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925 - 2019) - Untitled
              Nov. 21, 2023

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925 - 2019) - Untitled

              Est: €15,000 - €20,000

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925 - 2019). Untitled. Signature and year lower right. Dimensions: overall measurement with base: 93.00 x 41.00 x 20.00 cm; measurement of the work alone: 81.00 x 41.00 x 8.50 cm. 1983.

              Capitolium Art
            • Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925) - Untitled (Ventus), 60s
              Jul. 04, 2023

              Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925) - Untitled (Ventus), 60s

              Est: €8,000 - €12,000

              resin, ed. 3/3 cm 84 x 50 x 45 Signed and numbered on the reverse: Toyofuku 3/3

            • Tomonori Toyofuku
              Jun. 29, 2023

              Tomonori Toyofuku

              Est: €200 - €300

              Tomonori Toyofuku | 1925 - 2019 SENZA TITOLO, 1962 graphte on paper, cm 70,5x50,3. Signed and dated lower right: Toyofuku 62 Provenance Milan, Sebastiano Manzoni Collection. IT Tomonori Toyofuku | 1925 - 2019 SENZA TITOLO, 1962 grafite su carta, cm 70,5x50,3. Firmato e datato in basso a destra: Toyofuku 62 Provenienza Milano, Collezione Sebastiano Manzoni.

              Fondaco Aste
            • Untitled
              Jun. 09, 2023


              Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

              Tomonori Toyofuku 1925-2019 Untitled inscribed in Japanese, signed Toyo and dated 1966 on the reverse silver wood and iron base 30 x 24 x 4 cm (without base); 37,5 x 24 x 7 cm (including base) Executed in 1966.

            • Tomonori Toyofuku, Untitled. 1962.
              May. 25, 2023

              Tomonori Toyofuku, Untitled. 1962.

              Est: €1,500 - €3,000

              Tomonori Toyofuku, Untitled. 1962. Olio, vernice metallizzata e foglia d'oro su tela. cm 50x65. Firma e data al verso. Molto raro da trovarsi in pittura. (1)

              Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
            • Tomonori Toyofuku, Untitled. 1969.
              May. 25, 2023

              Tomonori Toyofuku, Untitled. 1969.

              Est: €5,000 - €10,000

              Tomonori Toyofuku, Untitled. 1969. Legno scolpito e dipinto e piedini in ferro. cm 100,5x59,5x13. Firma e data incisi al margine sinistro del verso. L'artista studia la sua originale espressione astratta manifestandola nelle sculture di bronzo, legno di mogano o pietra traforate ripetendo un motivo ovoidale infinite volte, con infinite variazioni; ha creato gioielli e monumenti pubblici, come per esempio la fontana in granito a Kurume (1983) e la scultura commemorativa in ferro nel porto di Fukuoka (1997). Il suo lavoro è incentrato sulla ricerca di una tridimensionalità ottenuta come processo di sottrazione puntuale. Le compatte masse lignee, dominate da una forte orizzontalità o verticalità, si mostrano attraverso l'ingannevole sembianza delle loro superfici planari, sulle quali però trovano spazio una fitta trama di concavità ovaliformi che finiscono per svelare la natura tridimensionale della materia. Queste "porosità" si addensano e infittiscono a tal punto da riuscire ad erodere i pesanti volumi di materia che a questo punto si trovano ad essere espressioni di trame e ritmi del tutto inattesi. Con il passare del tempo ai lavori su legno si aggiungono interventi ottenuti per fusione di bronzo, per traforatura della pietra e di materie plastiche, secondo un processo di semplificazione che lo porterà a raggiungere un notevole grado di monumentalità. Le sculture di Toyofuku fanno ormai parte delle più importanti collezioni pubbliche e private; si trovano al Museum of Modern Art di New York, al National Museum of Modern Art di Tokyo, alla Albright-Knox Art Gallery di Buffalo e alla Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma. (1)

              Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
            • Tomonori Toyofuku Ciondolo
              Dec. 14, 2022

              Tomonori Toyofuku Ciondolo

              Est: €500 - €1,000

              Tomonori Toyofuku Ciondolo Signature and date on the "Toyo '70" side. Collezione Getulio Alviani e Angioletta Brollo, Udine cm 7,5x6,8 1970

              Casa d'aste ARCADIA
            • TOYOFUKU Tomonori, Untitled
              Nov. 03, 2022

              TOYOFUKU Tomonori, Untitled

              Est: €8,000 - €10,000

              TOYOFUKU Tomonori, Untitled, 1993, wood sculpture, cm 46x35 Certificate issued by the artist dimension cm. 58x35 with the iron base Signed, dated "Toyo, '93" (on the reverse)

              Ambrosiana Casa D'Aste
            • Tomonori Toyofuku 1925–2019
              Jun. 22, 2022

              Tomonori Toyofuku 1925–2019

              Est: CHF10,000 - CHF15,000

              Tomonori Toyofuku 1925–2019 Ohne Titel, 1963 Holz, geschnitzt unten in der Mitte signiert und datiert TOYO 1963 H 73,5 cm (ohne Sockel) *For this lot VAT of 7,7% will also be charged on the hammer price.

              Artcurial Beurret Bailly Widmer
            • Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1973 bronze cm 40x23 Signed and dated 73 on the reverse and numbered I/III Provenance Galleria del Naviglio, Milan Attilio Bacci collection, Milan Orazio Bacci collection, Milan...
              May. 25, 2022

              Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1973 bronze cm 40x23 Signed and dated 73 on the reverse and numbered I/III Provenance Galleria del Naviglio, Milan Attilio Bacci collection, Milan Orazio Bacci collection, Milan...

              Est: €4,000 - €5,000

              (Kurume 1925 - Fukuoka 2019) "Untitled" 1973 alluminio cm 40x23 Signed and dated 73 on the reverse and numbered I/III Provenance Galleria del Naviglio, Milan Attilio Bacci collection, Milan Orazio Bacci collection, Milan IT "Senza titolo" 1973 aluminium cm 40x23 Firmato e datato 73 al retro e numerato I/III Provenienza Galleria del Naviglio, Milano Collezione Attilio Bacci, Milano Collezione Orazio Bacci, Milano

              Il Ponte Auction House
              Nov. 19, 2021


              Est: €2,000 - €2,500

              signature date and edition engraved at the bottom

              Fidesarte Italia SRL
            • Tomonori Toyofuku (1925-2019), Senza titolo, 1972
              Jul. 08, 2021

              Tomonori Toyofuku (1925-2019), Senza titolo, 1972

              Est: €3,000 - €4,000

              bronzo, cm 33x19,5 firmato e datato es. 2/3

              Cambi Casa d'Aste
            • Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925) - Six Toyofuku lithographs, 1962
              Jun. 16, 2021

              Tomonori Toyofuku (Kurume 1925) - Six Toyofuku lithographs, 1962

              Est: €200 - €300

              Porfolio of 6 lithographs in colours, numbered 40/40,  cm 51 x 71 (each sheet size), (unframed) Signed in pencil on the lower right of each sheet In & nbsp; bottom right dry stamp of Il Torchio printer, Milan Publisher Galleria del Grattacielo, Milan In original case This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

            • Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1969 wood sculpture cm 31x19.5x3 Signed and dated 69 on the reverse Provenance Galleria del Naviglio, Milan Orazio Bacci collection, Milan...
              May. 26, 2021

              Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1969 wood sculpture cm 31x19.5x3 Signed and dated 69 on the reverse Provenance Galleria del Naviglio, Milan Orazio Bacci collection, Milan...

              Est: €1,800 - €2,500

              (Kurume 1925) "Untitled" 1969 wood sculpture cm 31x19.5x3 Signed and dated 69 on the reverse Provenance Galleria del Naviglio, Milan Orazio Bacci collection, Milan IT "Senza titolo" 1969 scultura in legno cm 31x19,5x3 Firmata e datata 69 al retro Provenienza Galleria del Naviglio, Milano Collezione Orazio Bacci, Milano

              Il Ponte Auction House
            • Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1972 bronze cm 48x35x5 Signed, dated 72 and numbered 1/3 Provenance Private collection, Milan...
              May. 26, 2021

              Tomonori Toyofuku "Untitled" 1972 bronze cm 48x35x5 Signed, dated 72 and numbered 1/3 Provenance Private collection, Milan...

              Est: €4,000 - €6,000

              (Kurume 1925) "Untitled" 1972 bronze cm 48x35x5 Signed, dated 72 and numbered 1/3 Provenance Private collection, Milan IT "Senza titolo" 1972 bronzo cm 48x35x5 Firmato, datato 72 e numerato 1/3 Provenienza Collezione privata, Milano

              Il Ponte Auction House
              Nov. 24, 2020


              Est: €1,000 - €1,500

              Kurume, 1925 - Fukuoka 2019 Senza titolo, 1972 Bronzo, cm 21 x 19 x 6 Esemplare 1/3 Firmata sul lato destro, numerata e datata sul lato sinistro Provenienza: Galleria Del Naviglio, Milano

              Wannenes Art Auctions
            • TOYOFUKU TOMONORY (n. 1925) Untitled.
              Sep. 13, 2018

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORY (n. 1925) Untitled.

              Est: €800 - €1,200

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORY (n. 1925). Untitled.. Provenance: Sirio Musso.. Cm 50,00 x 53,00 x 18,00.

              Capitolium Art
            • Tomonori Toyofuku
              Jun. 20, 2018

              Tomonori Toyofuku

              Est: CHF3,000 - CHF5,000

              Ohne Titel RefContemporaryArt

              Artcurial Beurret Bailly Widmer
            • TOYOFUKU TOMONORY (n. 1925) Lot composed of 3 sheets.
              May. 24, 2018

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORY (n. 1925) Lot composed of 3 sheets.

              Est: €300 - €400

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORY (n. 1925). Lot composed of 3 sheets.. N.1: 34x23.5 cm, dedication and signature lower. N.2: 51x36.5 cm; Signature lower right. N.3: 51x36.5 cm..

              Capitolium Art
            • TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925-) Senza
              Oct. 24, 2017

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925-) Senza

              Est: €500 - €550

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORI (1925-) Senza titolo bronzo cm 19x115x88 esemplare 308/400 firmato e numerato sul lato destro logo T (Tecno) sul lato sinistro Untitled bronze 748x452x346 in edition 308/400 signed and numbered on the right side logo T (Tecno) on the left side

              Aste Boetto SRL
            • TOYOFUKU TOMONORY (n. 1925) Untitled.
              May. 04, 2017

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORY (n. 1925) Untitled.

              Est: €18,000 - €24,000

              TOYOFUKU TOMONORY (n. 1925). Untitled.. Signature and year at the base.. Cm 36,00 x 50,00. 1969

              Capitolium Art
            • Tomonori TOYOFUKU (né en 1925) A spectacular vegetable-shaped blackened wood sculpture with a travertin base. Signed and dated 1963. He
              Jun. 04, 2014

              Tomonori TOYOFUKU (né en 1925) A spectacular vegetable-shaped blackened wood sculpture with a travertin base. Signed and dated 1963. He

              Est: €4,000 - €6,000

              Tomonori TOYOFUKU (né en 1925) A spectacular vegetable-shaped blackened wood sculpture with a travertin base. Signed and dated 1963. Height. 23 5/8 IN. - Lenght. 32 7/8 IN. - Depth. 5 7/8 IN. Haut. 60 cm - Long. 83,5 cm - Prof. 15 cm Tomonori TOYOFUKU (né en 1925) Importante sculpture en bois teinté noir représentant un grand motif alvéolé déployé, socle en travertin, signé de l’artiste et daté 1963. Haut. 60 cm - Long. 83,5 cm - Prof. 15 cm

            • TOMONORI TOYOFUKU, Japanese (b. 1925), Untitled, wood, signed and dated 1963., 29"H, 10"W
              Apr. 26, 2012

              TOMONORI TOYOFUKU, Japanese (b. 1925), Untitled, wood, signed and dated 1963., 29"H, 10"W

              Est: $3,000 - $5,000

              TOMONORI TOYOFUKU Japanese (b. 1925) Untitled wood, signed and dated 1963. 29"H, 10"W Provenance: Galleria George Lester, Rome, Italy; descended in the family to the present owner, Connecticut.

            • TOMONORI TOYOFUKU, Japanese (b. 1925), Untitled, wood, signed and dated 1963., 12"H, 21 1/2"W
              Apr. 26, 2012

              TOMONORI TOYOFUKU, Japanese (b. 1925), Untitled, wood, signed and dated 1963., 12"H, 21 1/2"W

              Est: $2,500 - $3,500

              TOMONORI TOYOFUKU Japanese (b. 1925) Untitled wood, signed and dated 1963. 12"H, 21 1/2"W Provenance: Galleria George Lester, Rome, Italy; descended in the family to the present owner, Connecticut.

            • TOYOFUKU, TOMONORI.(1925).'Caelum VI'. 1966.Carved
              Nov. 13, 2010

              TOYOFUKU, TOMONORI.(1925).'Caelum VI'. 1966.Carved

              Est: CHF6,000 - CHF8,000

              TOYOFUKU, TOMONORI. (1925). 'Caelum VI'. 1966. Carved wood. Signed Toyo and dated on back. 70x65x10 cm. Provenance: Galerie Pauli, Lausanne. TOYOFUKU, TOMONORI (1925) 'Caelum VI'. 1966 Bois sculpté. Signé Toyo et daté à l'arrière. 70x65x10 cm.

              Koller Auctions
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