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Darwin Cabiness Tsoodle Art for Sale and Sold Prices

b. 1964 -

Darwin Cabiness Tsoodle (Kiowa, Montana, Oklahoma, born 1964) Of Kiowa/Kiowa-Apache descent Darwin Tsoodle specializes in a broad use of bright color as well as traditional Indian art subjects and perspective. He focuses on peyote meetings, traditional dancers, Indian maidens and all types of warrior subject matter.Tsoodle decided early on to embrace the artistic style of the late Doc Tate Nevaquaya and others instead of following the beat of the contemporary drum.Born in 1964 in the Anadarko, Oklahoma area, he studied traditional art at Bacone College in Muscogee, Oklahoma, working under the last of the traditional Indian instructors, Dr. Richard West. He then went on to study at the Colorado Institute of Art in Denver, Colorado and the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico.Tsoodle has won numerous awards including an honorable mention at the Gathering of Nations in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. He also placed second with honorable mention at the alumni show at the IAIA museum in Santa Fe. He has been in shows throughout the United States and has paintings in private collections around the world.

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About Darwin Cabiness Tsoodle

b. 1964 -


Darwin Cabiness Tsoodle (Kiowa, Montana, Oklahoma, born 1964) Of Kiowa/Kiowa-Apache descent Darwin Tsoodle specializes in a broad use of bright color as well as traditional Indian art subjects and perspective. He focuses on peyote meetings, traditional dancers, Indian maidens and all types of warrior subject matter.Tsoodle decided early on to embrace the artistic style of the late Doc Tate Nevaquaya and others instead of following the beat of the contemporary drum.Born in 1964 in the Anadarko, Oklahoma area, he studied traditional art at Bacone College in Muscogee, Oklahoma, working under the last of the traditional Indian instructors, Dr. Richard West. He then went on to study at the Colorado Institute of Art in Denver, Colorado and the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico.Tsoodle has won numerous awards including an honorable mention at the Gathering of Nations in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. He also placed second with honorable mention at the alumni show at the IAIA museum in Santa Fe. He has been in shows throughout the United States and has paintings in private collections around the world.