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Géza Vastagh Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Animal painter

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      • Geza Vastagh Singed Charcoal and Pastel Drawing, Two Marabou Storks
        Feb. 01, 2025

        Geza Vastagh Singed Charcoal and Pastel Drawing, Two Marabou Storks

        Est: $7,000 - $10,000

        VASTAGH, Geza (Budapest, 1866-1919). Two Marabou Storks (Leptoptilos Crumenifer). Charcoal and pastel on paper. Signed: "Vastagh Geza". 19 1/8" x 11 3/8" sheet, 25 1/2" x 19" framed. Provenance: The artist's studio, and by descent to the previous owner. Like many of his countrymen, Geza Vastagh worked throughout Europe before settling in his homeland. He exhibited at the Paris Salon, and received an honorable mention at the Exposition Universelle in 1900. He is best known as a painter of exotic animals, and the present work is a typical example of the artist's ability to capture the majesty of these magnificent creatures.

        Arader Galleries
      • VASTAGH Géza (1866 - 1919) Tableaux
        Jan. 14, 2025

        VASTAGH Géza (1866 - 1919) Tableaux

        Est: €800 - €1,000

        Huile sur toile "Le troupeau de vaches sur fond de paysage lacustre". Monogrammé en bas à gauche Gz pour Vastagh Géza. Ecole hongroise. Dim.:+/-69x106,5cm.

      • VASTAGH Géza (1866 - 1919) Tableaux Huile sur toile "Le troupeau de vaches
        Nov. 13, 2024

        VASTAGH Géza (1866 - 1919) Tableaux Huile sur toile "Le troupeau de vaches

        Est: €1,200 - €1,800

        VASTAGH Géza (1866 - 1919) Tableaux Huile sur toile "Le troupeau de vaches sur fond de paysage lacustre". Monogrammé en bas à gauche Gz pour Vastagh Géza. Ecole hongroise. Dim.:+/-69x106,5cm.

        Jun. 15, 2024


        Est: -

        VASTAGH, Géza(1866 Koloszvár - 1919 Budapest) Geflügelhof Öl/Malkarton. Links unten signiert. 22,5 x 33 cm. Gerahmt : 34 x 44,5 cm (rot-goldener Rahmen). Die Hühner und der Hahn beim Stall im Sonnenschein . Ungarischer Maler, studierte in München. Literatur : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 15. | Juni 2024 | voraussichtlich 19:29 Uhr (CET) VASTAGH, Géza(1866 Koloszvár - 1919 Budapest) Poultry yard Oil/painting card. Signed lower left. 22.5 x 33 cm. Framed : 34 x 44.5 cm (red-gold frame). The hens and the cockerel in the barn in the sunshine . Hungarian painter, studied in Munich. Literature : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 15. | June 2024 | probably 19:29 (CET) *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

        Auktionshaus Wendl
      • Emlékkönyv Vastagh Géza rajzával
        Jun. 12, 2024

        Emlékkönyv Vastagh Géza rajzával

        Est: -

        Emlékkönyv Vastagh Géza rajzával Budapest, Bécs, Csertő. Góga, Kalocsa 1905 - 1909 51 folio. A Katalin nevű hölgy számára 1905 és 1909 között készített 39, magyar, német és francia nyelvű bejegyzés, valamint 8 rajz között találjuk Vastagh Géza (1866 – 1919) magyar festőművész egy talányos gouache rajzát is (folio 23), aláírással, dátummal („Góga, 1905. jun. 25.”). Megfejtésre vár, hogy a kötetben többször is előforduló Góga miként köthető a nemzetközileg is elismert állatfestőhöz. Ahogy az is, hogy kibontakozzon az emlékkönyvbe író és rajzoló személyek kapcsolati hálója. Ennek egy közös pontja lehet a művészet, hiszen a kézirat egy másik neves személyisége, a festőművésznek készülő és ismert művészek társaságában forgó Lovassy Ödön (1882-1934) gyógyszerész is rajzzal kedveskedett Katalinnak. Talán így került kapcsolatba a kötetben szintén figyelemre méltó művészi alkotással emlékező Münich Aladárral (folio 21) és Stielly Walterral (folio 30). Korabeli aranyozott bőrkötésben, virágdíszítésű előzéklapok. A bejegyzések között üres beíratlan oldalak. Kijáró lapok, rongálódott gerinc. Az előzéklapon possessori bejegyzés: Katóka 1904. XII.24.

        Központi Antikvárium
        Feb. 16, 2024


        Est: $500 - $800

        Oil painting on canvas of lions attributed to Geza Vastagh (1866 - 1919) of Hungary and known for animal paintings. Dimensions: 10" x 17" Image size

        New Hampshire Auctions and Appraisals LLC
      • Géza Vastagh Mother cat with her kittens
        Dec. 07, 2023

        Géza Vastagh Mother cat with her kittens

        Est: €4,000 - €5,000

        Géza Vastagh 1866 Koloszvár - 1919 Budapest Mother cat with her kittens Signed and dated 1894 lower right. Numbered 244 verso. Oil auf cardboard. 26.8 x 34.3 cm. Minor damage. Framed (32.5 x 40 cm). Der älteste Sohn des bekannten ungarischen Portrait- und Genremalers György Vastagh d. Ä. (1834-1922), ging nach einer ersten künstlerischen Ausbildung 1886 an die Akademie nach München, wo er u. a. unter Gabriel von Hackl studierte. Bereits 1887 stellte er erstmals im Glaspalast aus. Sein Werk ist bestimmt von Tierdarstellungen, insbesondere Löwen, aber auch die Tiere der ungarischen Puszta prägten seine Arbeiten. Mit einem staatlichen Stipendium reiste er 1898 nach Nordafrika, Algerien und Tunis und konnte die Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum portraitieren. Er fand seine Motive aber auch in den Tiergärten von Berlin, Hamburg oder Leipzig. provenance: from the artists family.

      • Géza Vastagh Landscape with bushes and reeds
        Dec. 07, 2023

        Géza Vastagh Landscape with bushes and reeds

        Est: €1,300 - €1,500

        Géza Vastagh 1866 Koloszvár - 1919 Budapest Landscape with bushes and reeds Signed lower right. Oil auf canvas. 36 x 55 cm. Restored. Craquelure. Framed (48 x 67.5 cm). Der älteste Sohn des bekannten ungarischen Portrait- und Genremalers György Vastagh d. Ä. (1834-1922), ging nach einer ersten künstlerischen Ausbildung 1886 an die Akademie nach München, wo er u. a. unter Gabriel von Hackl studierte. Bereits 1887 stellte er erstmals im Glaspalast aus. Sein Werk ist bestimmt von Tierdarstellungen, insbesondere Löwen, aber auch die Tiere der ungarischen Puszta prägten seine Arbeiten. Mit einem staatlichen Stipendium reiste er 1898 nach Nordafrika, Algerien und Tunis und konnte die Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum portraitieren. Er fand seine Motive aber auch in den Tiergärten von Berlin, Hamburg oder Leipzig. provenance: from the artists family.

      • Géza Vastagh Three marabous
        Dec. 07, 2023

        Géza Vastagh Three marabous

        Est: €2,000 - €2,500

        Géza Vastagh 1866 Koloszvár - 1919 Budapest Three marabous Signed, inscribed with the place name Berlin and dated 1909 lower right. Pastel drawing auf thin cardboard. 38 x 48.5 cm. Framed (51.5 x 62.5 cm). Der älteste Sohn des bekannten ungarischen Portrait- und Genremalers György Vastagh d. Ä. (1834-1922), ging nach einer ersten künstlerischen Ausbildung 1886 an die Akademie nach München, wo er u. a. unter Gabriel von Hackl studierte. Bereits 1887 stellte er erstmals im Glaspalast aus. Sein Werk ist bestimmt von Tierdarstellungen, insbesondere Löwen, aber auch die Tiere der ungarischen Puszta prägten seine Arbeiten. Mit einem staatlichen Stipendium reiste er 1898 nach Nordafrika, Algerien und Tunis und konnte die Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum portraitieren. Er fand seine Motive aber auch in den Tiergärten von Berlin, Hamburg oder Leipzig. provenance: from the artists family.

      • Géza Vastagh Striding lion
        Dec. 07, 2023

        Géza Vastagh Striding lion

        Est: €2,500 - €3,000

        Géza Vastagh 1866 Koloszvár - 1919 Budapest Striding lion Signed, inscribed with the place name Berlin and dated 1907 lower right. Pastel drawing auf thin cardboard. 36.5 x 50.5 cm. Framed (47 x 61 cm). Der älteste Sohn des bekannten ungarischen Portrait- und Genremalers György Vastagh d. Ä. (1834-1922), ging nach einer ersten künstlerischen Ausbildung 1886 an die Akademie nach München, wo er u. a. unter Gabriel von Hackl studierte. Bereits 1887 stellte er erstmals im Glaspalast aus. Sein Werk ist bestimmt von Tierdarstellungen, insbesondere Löwen, aber auch die Tiere der ungarischen Puszta prägten seine Arbeiten. Mit einem staatlichen Stipendium reiste er 1898 nach Nordafrika, Algerien und Tunis und konnte die Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum portraitieren. Er fand seine Motive aber auch in den Tiergärten von Berlin, Hamburg oder Leipzig. provenance: from the artists family.

      • Lion
        Nov. 14, 2023


        Est: €30,000 - €50,000

        Géza Vastagh Cluj-Napoca 1866 - 1919 Budapest Lion Oil on canvas Signed lower left Vastagh Géza 81,7 x 130,8 cm ; 32⅛ by 51½ in.  ____________________________________________ Géza Vastagh Cluj-Napoca 1866 - 1919 Budapest Lion Huile sur toile Signé en bas à gauche Vastagh Géza 81,7 x 130,8 cm ; 32⅛ by 51½ in. 

      • Lion on the rock | Lion sur son rocher
        Nov. 14, 2023

        Lion on the rock | Lion sur son rocher

        Est: €30,000 - €50,000

        Géza Vastagh Cluj-Napoca 1866 - 1919 Budapest Lion on the Rock Oil on canvas Signed lower right (barely legible) Vastagh 85,4 x 55,5 cm ; 33⅝ by 21⅞ in. ____________________________________________ Géza Vastagh Cluj-Napoca 1866 - 1919 Budapest Lion sur son rocher Huile sur toile Signé en bas à droite (peu lisible) Vastagh 85,4 x 55,5 cm ; 33⅝ by 21⅞ in.

      • Young Boy Sitting on a Sofa
        Sep. 08, 2023

        Young Boy Sitting on a Sofa

        Est: £30,000 - £50,000

        Géza Vastagh Hungarian 1866 - 1919 Young Boy sitting on a Sofa signed and dated Vastagh Gy. 1895. lower right oil on canvas Unframed: 150 by 84cm., 59 by 33in. Framed: 187 by 120cm., 73¾ by 47¼in.

        Jul. 07, 2023


        Est: £200 - £300

        AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY OIL ON CANVAS OF A LION AND LIONESS RESTING AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY OIL ON CANVAS OF A LION AND LIONESS RESTING after the original by Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919), the reverse of the canvas with old Christie's label, the back of the canvas stamped 'RATHBONE LONDON W1', 76cm wide x 51cm high

        Curated Auctions
      • Geza Vastagh ( 1866-1919)- attributed
        Jun. 29, 2023

        Geza Vastagh ( 1866-1919)- attributed

        Est: €300 - €600

        Geza Vastagh ( 1866-1919)- attributed, drinking Tigers , oil on canvas , signed bottom right, framed. 35X50 cm

        Deutsch Auktionen
      • Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) A portrait of two children with their favorite dog in a flowering landscape 56 x 75in (142.3 x 190.5cm)
        Apr. 18, 2023

        Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) A portrait of two children with their favorite dog in a flowering landscape 56 x 75in (142.3 x 190.5cm)

        Est: $8,000 - $12,000

        Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) A portrait of two children with their favorite dog in a flowering landscape signed and dated 'Vastagh Geza / 1898' (lower left) oil on canvas 56 x 75in (142.3 x 190.5cm)

      • Geza Vastagh Lion and Lioness Painting
        Mar. 21, 2023

        Geza Vastagh Lion and Lioness Painting

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Geza Jeno Ferenc Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919). Oil on board painting depicting a lion and lioness. Signed along the lower left. With stickers from Christie's New York affixed to the verso. Provenance: Christie's, New York, Sale 8165: 19th Century & Impressionist, October 28, 1998, Lot 6; Private Minnesota Collection. Vastagh came from an artistic family. His father, Gyorgy Vastagh, was a painter, and his brother, Gyorgy, his niece, Eva, and his nephew, Laszlo, all became sculptors. He studied under Gabriel von Hackl at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, Germany. He initially rose to fame for his paintings of animals, notably cows, for which he was awarded a gold medal. A scholarship awarded to him in 1898 allowed him to travel to Algeria and Tunisia where he studied lions. He followed this interest in animals by studying creatures in zoos in Hamburg, Leipzig, and Berlin.

        Revere Auctions
      • Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Lions
        Oct. 18, 2022

        Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Lions

        Est: €5,000 - €7,500

        Pastel on paper; Signed bottom left: Vastagh Géza

        Virág Judit Gallery
      • Geza Vastagh (After) (Hungarian, 1866 - 1919)
        Aug. 04, 2022

        Geza Vastagh (After) (Hungarian, 1866 - 1919)

        Est: $300 - $500

        "Repose (Lion and Lioness)." Oil on canvas. Circa 1899. Note: The Vastagh painting was reproduced by Pears Soap in their 1899 annual. Subsequently, that painting became a popular painting for American artists to copy and this painting dates to the same year and given the quality is likely by an accomplished American artist. 19 x 28; 24 x 33 inches (overall). Framed.

        Vallot Auctioneers
      • Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) A portrait of two children with their favorite dog in a flowering landscape 56 x 75in (142.3 x 190.5cm)
        May. 05, 2022

        Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) A portrait of two children with their favorite dog in a flowering landscape 56 x 75in (142.3 x 190.5cm)

        Est: $15,000 - $20,000

        Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) A portrait of two children with their favorite dog in a flowering landscape signed and dated 'Vastagh Geza / 1898' (lower left) oil on canvas 56 x 75in (142.3 x 190.5cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Hungarian Gray Cattle
        Dec. 09, 2021

        Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Hungarian Gray Cattle

        Est: Ft440,000 - Ft550,000

        Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Hungarian Gray Cattle; oil on canvas; 66 x 55 cm; Signed left below: Vastagh Géza

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • Géza Vastagh (1866 Koloszvár - 1919 Budapest) - Pair of lions
        Dec. 02, 2021

        Géza Vastagh (1866 Koloszvár - 1919 Budapest) - Pair of lions

        Est: €3,500 - €4,000

        Signed lower left. Oil on canvas. 63.5 x 78.5 cm. Restored. Damage to frame.

      • Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Lion portrait, 1910
        Dec. 15, 2020

        Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Lion portrait, 1910

        Est: Ft1,800,000 - Ft2,200,000

        Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Lion portrait, 1910 ; oil on canvas ; 51 x 46 cm ; Signed left above: Vastagh Géza Berlin 1910

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • Geza Vastagh (1834-1922)-attributed
        Oct. 20, 2020

        Geza Vastagh (1834-1922)-attributed

        Est: €180 - €360

        Geza Vastagh (1834-1922)-attributed, Dog and hens, oil on cardboard, signed bottom right, framed.

        Deutsch Auktionen
      • Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) A portrait of two children with their favorite dog in a flowering landscape 56 x 75in (142.3 x 190.5cm)
        Jul. 08, 2020

        Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) A portrait of two children with their favorite dog in a flowering landscape 56 x 75in (142.3 x 190.5cm)

        Est: $30,000 - $50,000

        Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) A portrait of two children with their favorite dog in a flowering landscape signed and dated 'Vastagh Geza / 1898' (lower left) oil on canvas 56 x 75in (142.3 x 190.5cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Lion
        Feb. 21, 2020


        Est: -

        s.b.r.: Vastagh G.

        Pintér Auctions
      • Géza Vastagh: Brahma chicken, 1896
        Dec. 10, 2019

        Géza Vastagh: Brahma chicken, 1896

        Est: Ft240,000 - Ft340,000

        Géza Vastagh (1866-1919): Brahma chicken, 1896; watercolor on cardboard; 29,5 x 22,5 cm; Signed right below: Vastagh Géza 1896

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • Géza Vastagh: Lion couple on the rock
        Dec. 10, 2019

        Géza Vastagh: Lion couple on the rock

        Est: Ft550,000 - Ft650,000

        Géza Vastagh (1866-1919): Lion couple on the rock; oil on canvas; 32 x 52cm; Signed right below and on the back-side: V G és Vastagh Géza

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • Géza Vastagh: Lion studies
        Dec. 10, 2019

        Géza Vastagh: Lion studies

        Est: Ft240,000 - Ft340,000

        Géza Vastagh (1866-1919): Lion studies; pencil on paper; 26 x 38,5 cm; Signed left above: Vastagh Géza

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • Géza Vastagh:Tiger cub
        Dec. 10, 2019

        Géza Vastagh:Tiger cub

        Est: Ft700,000 - Ft900,000

        Géza Vastagh (1866-1919):Tiger cub; oil on canvas; 50 x 40 cm; Signed left below: Vastagh Géza

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • Géza Vastagh: Lion cub
        Dec. 10, 2019

        Géza Vastagh: Lion cub

        Est: Ft700,000 - Ft900,000

        Géza Vastagh (1866-1919): Lion cub; oil on canvas; 50 x 40 cm; Signed left below: Vastagh Géza

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • GÉZA VASTAGH (BUDAPEST 1866-1919) Étude de tigre et buffle; et Tigre de profil pastel sur papier brun 30,6 x 26,1 cm. (1); 31 x 47,4 cm. (2) (2)
        Mar. 27, 2019

        GÉZA VASTAGH (BUDAPEST 1866-1919) Étude de tigre et buffle; et Tigre de profil pastel sur papier brun 30,6 x 26,1 cm. (1); 31 x 47,4 cm. (2) (2)

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        GÉZA VASTAGH (BUDAPEST 1866-1919) Étude de tigre et buffle; et Tigre de profil signé 'Géza Vastagh' en bas à droite (1) et en haut à gauche (2), et annoté pastel sur papier brun 30,6 x 26,1 cm. (1); 31 x 47,4 cm. (2) (2)

      • GÉZA VASTAGH (BUDAPEST 1866-1919) Deux marabouts d'Afrique; et Étude de Pélicans pastel, fusain, sur papier gris bleu 48,5 x 29 cm. (1); 45,8 x 63,3 cm. (2) (2)
        Mar. 27, 2019

        GÉZA VASTAGH (BUDAPEST 1866-1919) Deux marabouts d'Afrique; et Étude de Pélicans pastel, fusain, sur papier gris bleu 48,5 x 29 cm. (1); 45,8 x 63,3 cm. (2) (2)

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        GÉZA VASTAGH (BUDAPEST 1866-1919) Deux marabouts d'Afrique; et Étude de Pélicans signé 'Vastagh Géza' (en bas à droite,1) pastel, fusain, sur papier gris bleu 48,5 x 29 cm. (1); 45,8 x 63,3 cm. (2) (2)

      • GÉZA VASTAGH (BUDAPEST 1866-1919) Tête de Lionceau (recto); Croquis (verso); et Lionnes et lion (recto);... pastel, fusain sur papier gris (1) et bleu (2) 28,1 x 25 cm. (1); 35,7 x 31,2 cm. (2) (2)
        Mar. 27, 2019

        GÉZA VASTAGH (BUDAPEST 1866-1919) Tête de Lionceau (recto); Croquis (verso); et Lionnes et lion (recto);... pastel, fusain sur papier gris (1) et bleu (2) 28,1 x 25 cm. (1); 35,7 x 31,2 cm. (2) (2)

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        GÉZA VASTAGH (BUDAPEST 1866-1919) Tête de Lionceau (recto); Croquis (verso); et Lionnes et lion (recto); Esquisse d'une lionne (verso) signé, daté et localisé 'Vastagh Géza/ Bpst. 1908.' (1), 'Vastagh Géza/ Berlin 1906' (2) pastel, fusain sur papier gris (1) et bleu (2) 28,1 x 25 cm. (1); 35,7 x 31,2 cm. (2) (2)

      • Vastagh Géza: The fallen trunk
        Dec. 10, 2018

        Vastagh Géza: The fallen trunk

        Est: Ft280,000 - Ft340,000

        Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): The fallen trunk, oil on canvas, 39,5 x 50,5 cm, signed right below: Vastagh Géza

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • Vastagh Géza: Poultry-yard
        Dec. 10, 2018

        Vastagh Géza: Poultry-yard

        Est: Ft240,000 - Ft340,000

        Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Poultry-yard, oil on canvas, 21,5 x 34,5 cm, signed right above: Vastagh Géza

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • Vastagh Géza: Ducks, 1892
        Dec. 10, 2018

        Vastagh Géza: Ducks, 1892

        Est: Ft500,000 - Ft800,000

        Vastagh Géza (1866-1919): Ducks, 1892, oil on canvas, 41 x 80 cm, signed right below: Vastagh Géza. 892

        Bodo Gallery and Auction House
      • Attributed to Geza Vastagh.
        Aug. 29, 2018

        Attributed to Geza Vastagh.

        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        Painting has been professionally cleaned. In-painting above head of lioness and to the proper right of the lion's mane, visible under black light. No major restoration, tears or repairs noted. Overall good. Note: Additionally indistinctly signed on verso of canvas in broad stroke script.Dates: (Hungary, 1866 - 1919)Frame: Gold Gilt Molded Wood.Medium: Oil on Canvas.Signature: Lower RightTitle: "Resting Lion and Lioness". Condition: Dimensions: Frame : 28" x 36".

        Morphy Auctions
      • In the Field, 1892
        Dec. 18, 2017

        In the Field, 1892

        Est: Ft600,000 - Ft1,000,000

        signed lower right: Vastagh Géza 1892

      • GÉZA VASTAGH | Resting Lion and Lioness 
        Nov. 21, 2017

        GÉZA VASTAGH | Resting Lion and Lioness 

        Est: $15,000 - $20,000

        oil on board laid down on panel 

      • GÉZA VASTAGH | Resting Tigers
        Jun. 06, 2017

        GÉZA VASTAGH | Resting Tigers

        Est: £8,000 - £12,000

        oil on canvas

      • Lion (Africa)
        May. 26, 2017

        Lion (Africa)

        Est: Ft1,000,000 - Ft1,600,000

        signed upper left: Vastag Géza

      • GÉZA VASTAG | A Tiger Among Rushes in the Moonlight
        May. 24, 2017

        GÉZA VASTAG | A Tiger Among Rushes in the Moonlight

        Est: $40,000 - $60,000

        oil on canvas

      • Géza Vastagh (1866-1919), Two Lions, Oil Painting, c. 1902-1904
        Jun. 29, 2016

        Géza Vastagh (1866-1919), Two Lions, Oil Painting, c. 1902-1904

        Est: €18,000 - €23,400

        Oil on canvas Presumably Germany, c. 1902-1904 Géza Vastagh (1866-1919) - Hungarian painter and sculptor Signed ‘Vastagh Géza’ lower right Remains of an exhibition label of the spring exhibition in Szeged, dated 1912, on the frame Dimensions: 98 x 99.5 cm Mounted in ebonized wooden frame: 127.5 x 128.5 cm Good condition Provenance: Private collection, Hungary (since 1931) Besides some landscapes, Géza Vastagh painted mainly animals, most of which were brought to England and America. Next to lions, he repeatedly depicted bulls and poultry. Condition: The painting is in good condition with fresh looking colors and minor abrasion to the margins. The inspection under UV light reveals several strokes of retouching to the sky and above the signature. The frame is slightly chipped. The dimensions are 98 x 99.5 cm, while the frame measures 127.5 x 128.5 cm. Géza Vastagh (1866-1919) After his school education in Hungary, Géza Vastagh went to Munich. There he studied under Simon Hollósy and attended the Academy of Arts as a student of Gabriel von Hackl. In 1888, he returned to Budapest. In 1889, he made a study trip to France. A year later, he sojourned in Algeria and Tunisia, devoting himself to the depiction of lions for the first time. Around the turn of the century, he traveled to Hamburg, Leipzig and Berlin and created depictions of animals at the zoo. 1910 was followed by a stay in the Tatras. Today, works of Vastagh are in the Hungarian National Gallery and the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture in Budapest, amongst others. (cko) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Géza Vastagh (1866-1919), Two Lions, Oil Painting, c. 1902-1904
        Apr. 28, 2016

        Géza Vastagh (1866-1919), Two Lions, Oil Painting, c. 1902-1904

        Est: €20,000 - €26,000

        Oil on canvas Presumably Germany, c. 1902-1904 Géza Vastagh (1866-1919) - Hungarian painter and sculptor Signed ‘Vastagh Géza’ lower right Remains of an exhibition label of the spring exhibition in Szeged, dated 1912, on the frame Dimensions: 98 x 99.5 cm Mounted in ebonized wooden frame: 127.5 x 128.5 cm Good condition Provenance: Private collection, Hungary (since 1931) Besides some landscapes, Géza Vastagh painted mainly animals, most of which were brought to England and America. Next to lions, he repeatedly depicted bulls and poultry. Condition: The painting is in good condition with fresh looking colors and minor abrasion to the margins. The inspection under UV light reveals several strokes of retouching to the sky and above the signature. The frame is slightly chipped. The dimensions are 98 x 99.5 cm, while the frame measures 127.5 x 128.5 cm. Géza Vastagh (1866-1919) After his school education in Hungary, Géza Vastagh went to Munich. There he studied under Simon Hollósy and attended the Academy of Arts as a student of Gabriel von Hackl. In 1888, he returned to Budapest. In 1889, he made a study trip to France. A year later, he sojourned in Algeria and Tunisia, devoting himself to the depiction of lions for the first time. Around the turn of the century, he traveled to Hamburg, Leipzig and Berlin and created depictions of animals at the zoo. 1910 was followed by a stay in the Tatras. Today, works of Vastagh are in the Hungarian National Gallery and the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture in Budapest, amongst others. (cko) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • GEZA VASTAGH (Hungarian, 1866-1919) LION AND LIONESS.
        Feb. 03, 2016

        GEZA VASTAGH (Hungarian, 1866-1919) LION AND LIONESS.

        Est: $2,500 - $3,500

        Oil on canvas. Housed in its original gilt wood frame with major losses. Unsigned SIZE: 10" x 17". Overall: 17-1/2" x 24-1/2" CONDITION: Surface dirt, some scrapes and flake losses, otherwise good 50064-4

        James D. Julia
      • Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919)
        Oct. 29, 2015

        Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919)

        Est: $400 - $800

        17 5/8" x 15 7/8" paper Winter Landscape. Pastel on paper, signed lower left, framed under UV protectant glass, overall 22 1/2" x 20 3/4". Online Bidding and additional information at AspireAuctions.com

        Aspire Auctions Fine Art & Antiques
      • After Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) Oil on Canvas
        Apr. 20, 2015

        After Geza Vastagh (Hungarian, 1866-1919) Oil on Canvas

        Est: $250 - $350

        Depicting a lion and a lioness, apparently unsigned.

        Locati LLC
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