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Giovanni (1732) Volpato Sold at Auction Prices

copperplate engraver, Etcher, Stone-cutter, b. 1733 - d. 1803

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          • Volpato (Giovanni, 1733-1803). Raphael's Stanze for Pope Pius VI, circa 1770-80, 14 engravings
            Mar. 12, 2025

            Volpato (Giovanni, 1733-1803). Raphael's Stanze for Pope Pius VI, circa 1770-80, 14 engravings

            Est: £700 - £1,000

            Volpato (Giovanni, 1733-1803). Raphael's Stanze for Pope Pius VI, circa 1770-80, 14 engravings * Volpato (Giovanni, 1733-1803). Raphael's Stanze for Pope Pius VI, circa 1770-80, a series 14 engravings on India laid paper by Giovanni Volpato, Raphael Morghen, Aloysius Fabri, and Vincenzo Salandri after drawings by Joseph Cades, Bernardino Nocchi, Stefano Tofanelli, Jacopo Conca, Tommaso Minardi, Ferdinando Cavalleri, and Gaetano Palmaroli, of the original frescoes by Raphael, printed by the Calcographia Camerale, Rome, and sold by Giovanni Volpato, each with circular blindstamp of the Calcographia Camerale to lower outer corners, with very wide blank margins, some marks and soiling to margins, with short closed tears to sheet edges (without loss), plate size 56.5 x 74.5 cm (22 1/4 x 29 1/4 ins) QTY: (14) NOTE: The prints illustrate Raphael's decorations for the Vatican Stanze: The School of Athens, The Disputa, The Expulsion of Heliodorus, The Meeting of Leo and Attila, Parnassus, The Fire in the Borgo, The Mass at Bolsena, The Deliverance of Saint Peter, The Coronation of Charles the Great, and others.

            Dominic Winter Auctions
          • Giovanni Volpato, Italian (1733 - 1803), L ' Arrotino (The Grinder), c. 1764, etching and engraving on laid paper, 14"H x 10 3/4"W, 18 1/2"H x 14 3/4"W (mat)
            Feb. 19, 2025

            Giovanni Volpato, Italian (1733 - 1803), L ' Arrotino (The Grinder), c. 1764, etching and engraving on laid paper, 14"H x 10 3/4"W, 18 1/2"H x 14 3/4"W (mat)

            Est: -

            Giovanni Volpato Italian, (1733 - 1803) L ' Arrotino (The Grinder), c. 1764 etching and engraving on laid paper After a painting by Francesco Maggiotto (Italian, 1750 - 1805). Some discolorations.

            Ripley Auctions
          • Giovanni VOLPATO (Bassano 1735 - Rome 1803) et Abraham DUCROS (Moudon 1748
            Dec. 15, 2024

            Giovanni VOLPATO (Bassano 1735 - Rome 1803) et Abraham DUCROS (Moudon 1748

            Est: €800 - €1,200

            Giovanni VOLPATO (Bassano 1735 - Rome 1803) et Abraham DUCROS (Moudon 1748 - Lausanne 1810). Vue animée des jardins de la villa Borghèse à Rome. Gravure réhaussée 50.5 x 64 cm (à vue)

          • Volpato, Giovanni
            Dec. 06, 2024

            Volpato, Giovanni

            Est: €50 - €75

            (1733 Bassano del Grappa - Rom 1803). Dixit Dominus ad Moysen: Altare de terra facietis mihi. Moses errichtet einen Altar. Aus der Folge von 4 Bl. Kupferstich n. Amiconi u. Bartolozzi bei Ridne, Venedig. 37,8 x 49,2, Blgr. 45 x 56 cm. Mit den Namensz. u. 4 Zeilen lat. Text i.d. Platte. Ob. u. unt. Rd. wegen einiger Einrisse breit unterlegt, etw. gebr. u. stockfl., li. Rd. mit Wasserrd. D

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Giovanni Volpato, Italian (1733 - 1803), L ' Arrotino (The Grinder), c. 1764, etching and engraving on laid paper, 14"H x 10 3/4"W, 18 1/2"H x 14 3/4"W (mat)
            Dec. 04, 2024

            Giovanni Volpato, Italian (1733 - 1803), L ' Arrotino (The Grinder), c. 1764, etching and engraving on laid paper, 14"H x 10 3/4"W, 18 1/2"H x 14 3/4"W (mat)

            Est: -

            Giovanni Volpato Italian, (1733 - 1803) L ' Arrotino (The Grinder), c. 1764 etching and engraving on laid paper After a painting by Francesco Maggiotto (Italian, 1750 - 1805). Some discolorations.

            Ripley Auctions
          • Giovanni Volpato (Bassano del Grappa 1732-Roma 1803) - Sorrowful Madonna
            Sep. 18, 2024

            Giovanni Volpato (Bassano del Grappa 1732-Roma 1803) - Sorrowful Madonna

            Est: €3,500 - €7,000

            white earthenware sculpture 24.5 x 14 x 16 cm signed in paste G. Volpato Roma defects and shortcomings

          • Volpato, Giovanni
            Jul. 05, 2024

            Volpato, Giovanni

            Est: €70 - €100

            (1733 Bassano - Rom 1803). "Torna da i patrii Campi e da i lavori" Ca. 46 x 32 cm. Je mit Namensz. in der Pl. R

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803), AFTER
            Jun. 24, 2024

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803), AFTER

            Est: -

            Giovanni Volpato (1733-1803), after Raphael, later reprint/facsimile after the pilaster decorations from 'Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano', framed behind glass 112 x 35 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803), AFTER
            Jun. 24, 2024

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803), AFTER

            Est: -

            Giovanni Volpato (1733-1803), after Ludovicus Teseo Taurinensis, colored copper engraving, pilaster decorations from "Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano", horizontal folds, stained, longer tear at lower margin, framed behind glass 110 x 54 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Italien - Padua - "Pianta di Padova".
            Jun. 06, 2024

            Italien - Padua - "Pianta di Padova".

            Est: €1,200 - €1,800

            Grundrissplan mit ornamentaler Bordüre und Detailansichten. Kupferstich (von 20 Platten; nicht zusammengesetzt) nach G. Valle, von und bei G. Volpato in Rom, dat. 1781/84. Gesamtgröße: Ca. 177 x 205 cm. (75) - Semenzato, Padova illustrata, S. 20, Abb. 9 und 10. - Zu Giovanni Volpato (1733-1803) siehe Thieme/Becker XXXIV, 530. - Unter dem italienischen Kopftitel der aus 9 Blättern bestehende Grundrissplan mit einer dekorativen Kartusche mit Maßstab und architektonischen Elementen in der rechten unteren Ecke, zu beiden Seiten 10 Detailansichten der wichtigsten Gebäude der Stadt, die Zwischenräume mit grotesken Ornamenten besetzt und unter dem Plan abschließend zwei Legenden, dazwischen die Ansicht "Veduta del Prato della Valle".

            Zisska & Lacher
          • VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803) - Spring
            Apr. 16, 2024

            VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803) - Spring

            Est: €50 - €100

            VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803). Spring. Inventor Francesco Zuccarelli. Publisher Joseph Wagner.. 53,00 x 43,00 cm.

            Capitolium Art
          • VOLPATO, Giovanni (1735-1803), a partir de Correggio (1489-1534) "JESUS CRISTO ORANDO DE JOELHOS NO MONTE OLIVETE", gravura s/ papel. Emoldurado
            Apr. 04, 2024

            VOLPATO, Giovanni (1735-1803), a partir de Correggio (1489-1534) "JESUS CRISTO ORANDO DE JOELHOS NO MONTE OLIVETE", gravura s/ papel. Emoldurado

            Est: €30 - €60

            VOLPATO, Giovanni (1735-1803), a partir de Correggio (1489-1534) "JESUS CRISTO ORANDO DE JOELHOS NO MONTE OLIVETE". Com a seguinte legenda em latim : "Cum pervenisset Jesus ad Montem Olivarum positis genibus orabat". Ex tabula Madriti in Pinacotheca Regis. Gravura sobre papel, aberta a água - forte e a ponteado, no seu estado primitivo a negro. Desenhada por Ant. Allegri da Coreggio e gravada por Joh. Volpato, em Roma, em 1773. Bom estado de conservação, mas com manchas nas margens brancas do papel. Emoldurada. Destaque para a bonita e sólida moldura em madeira, decorada com pequeno friso dourado. Dim. aprox. mancha: 32 x 34,5 cm; Dim. aprox. total: 66 x 80.5 cm.

            Palácio do Correio Velho
          • Giovanni Volpato, Italian (1733 - 1803), L ' Arrotino (The Grinder), c. 1764, etching and engraving on laid paper, 14"H x 10 3/4"W, 18 1/2"H x 14 3/4"W (mat)
            Mar. 02, 2024

            Giovanni Volpato, Italian (1733 - 1803), L ' Arrotino (The Grinder), c. 1764, etching and engraving on laid paper, 14"H x 10 3/4"W, 18 1/2"H x 14 3/4"W (mat)

            Est: $200 - $300

            Giovanni Volpato Italian, (1733 - 1803) L ' Arrotino (The Grinder), c. 1764 etching and engraving on laid paper After a painting by Francesco Maggiotto (Italian, 1750 - 1805). Some discolorations.

            Ripley Auctions
          • Giovanni Volpato - Pilaster decoration from Raphael's Loggias in the Vatican, after Ludovicus Teseo Taurinensis 
            Feb. 27, 2024

            Giovanni Volpato - Pilaster decoration from Raphael's Loggias in the Vatican, after Ludovicus Teseo Taurinensis 

            Est: £300 - £500

            Giovanni Volpato,  Italian 1733-1803 Pilaster decoration from Raphael's Loggias in the Vatican, after Ludovicus Teseo Taurinensis;  copper engraving on laid paper, 102 x 47.2 cm.  Provenance:  Private Collection, UK.  Note:  The present engraving derives from Raphael's (1483-1520) decoration of the walls of the Vatican Loggia, with Volpato producing a collection of engravings illustrating the Vatican Loggias between 1772 and 1776. Volpato was a prominent printmaker, specialising in the depiction of 16th-century monuments, including the frescoes of the Palazzo Farnese in Rome. 

          • Giovanni Trevisan detto Volpato (Angarano 1735 - Roma 1803)
            Feb. 20, 2024

            Giovanni Trevisan detto Volpato (Angarano 1735 - Roma 1803)

            Est: €100 - €150

            Giovanni Trevisan detto Volpato (Angarano 1735 - Roma 1803) Primavera e Inverno Coppia di acquaforte 43 x 57 cm Giovanni Trevisan also called Volpato (Angarano 1735 - Rome 1803) Spring and Winter A pair of etchings 43 × 57 cm

            Lucas Aste
          • Volpato, Giovanni
            Feb. 16, 2024

            Volpato, Giovanni

            Est: €70 - €100

            (1733 Bassano del Grappa - Rom 1803). Dixit Dominus ad Moysen: Altare de terra facietis mihi. Moses errichtet einen Altar. Aus der Folge von 4 Bl. Kupferstich n. Amiconi u. Bartolozzi bei Ridne, Venedig. 37,8 x 49,2, Blgr. 45 x 56 cm. Mit den Namensz. u. 4 Zeilen lat. Text i.d. Platte. Ob. u. unt. Rd. wegen einiger Einrisse breit unterlegt, etw. gebr. u. stockfl., li. Rd. mit Wasserrd.

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
            Feb. 07, 2024


            Est: -

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (Bassano del Grappa 1735 - Roma 1803) LA VALLE DEL COLOSSEO CON GLI ARCHI DI COSTANTINO E TITO ED IL TEMPIO DI VENERE E ROMA Incisione a delineato, cm. 47 x 65 Foglio libero

            Casa d'Aste Babuino
          • Volpato, Giovanni
            Dec. 13, 2023

            Volpato, Giovanni

            Est: €100 - €150

            (1733 Bassano del Grappa - Rom 1803). Dixit Dominus ad Moysen: Altare de terra facietis mihi. Moses errichtet einen Altar. Aus der Folge von 4 Bl. Kupferstich n. Amiconi u. Bartolozzi bei Ridne, Venedig. 37,8 x 49,2, Blgr. 45 x 56 cm. Mit den Namensz. u. 4 Zeilen lat. Text i.d. Platte. Ob. u. unt. Rd. wegen einiger Einrisse breit unterlegt, etw. gebr. u. stockfl., li. Rd. mit Wasserrd.

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Giovanni VOLPATO (1733-1803),D'après
            Dec. 09, 2023

            Giovanni VOLPATO (1733-1803),D'après

            Est: €400 - €600

            Scène de la vie de saint Joseph Ensemble de quatre gravures en couleur numérotées 40 x 51 cm Pliures et traces d'humidité

          • Giovanni Volpato, 1733 – 1803 sowie Raphael Morghen, 1758 – 1833
            Dec. 08, 2023

            Giovanni Volpato, 1733 – 1803 sowie Raphael Morghen, 1758 – 1833

            Est: €40 - €60

            PIO SEXTO PONT. MAX. Paar Kupferstiche nach Raphael (1483-1520). Sichtmaß: 43 x 74 cm sowie 61 x 73,5 cm. Jeweils hinter Glas, in vergoldetem Rahmen. (13801540) (18)

            Hampel Fine Art Auctions
          • GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803), attribué Battaille romaine
            Oct. 23, 2023

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803), attribué Battaille romaine

            Est: €300 - €600

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803), attribué Battaille romaine Bas-relief en terre cuite figurant une bataille Romaine. Dimensions : 1,7 x 15,6 x 20 cm Provenance : Collection privée Londres en 1864 ( note au dos )

            Accademia Fine Art
          • Volpato (Giovanni, 1733-1803). Veduta di.. Foro Romano, & Anfiteatro Flavio oggidi Colosseo (2)
            Jul. 20, 2023

            Volpato (Giovanni, 1733-1803). Veduta di.. Foro Romano, & Anfiteatro Flavio oggidi Colosseo (2)

            Est: £200 - £300

            Volpato (Giovanni, 1733-1803). Veduta di.. Foro Romano, & Anfiteatro Flavio oggidi Colosseo (2) * Volpato (Giovanni, 1733-1803). Veduta di Campo Vaccino contenente il Foro Romano, il Comizio, il Vulcanale e parte del Tempio dello Pace e della Via Sacra, & Veduta dell' Anfiteatro Flavio oggidi Colosseo osservato dal Celio, Rome, 1773/1776 respectively [but later], two copper engraved views by Giovanni Volpato after Francesco Panini, published in Rome by the Calcografia della Reverenda Camera Apostolica, probably late 19th century, a few surface marks and light soiling to margins, each fully laid down on 20th century backing card, plate size 48 x 69 cm (19 x 27 ins), sheet size 53 x 74.5 cm (21 x 29 ins), matching black and gilt frames, glazed QTY: (2)

            Dominic Winter Auctions
            Jul. 12, 2023


            Est: $200 - $400

            Four Engravings Copied from Loggie Di Raffaello in Vaticano by Giovanni Volpato (1753-1803). Framed dimensions: H: 40 1/2 x W: 10 1/4 in. The absence of a condition statement does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free from wear and tear, imperfections or the effects of aging. Condition requests can be obtained via email or by telephone . Any condition statement given, as a courtesy to a client, is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. Gray's Auctioneers shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

            Gray's Auctioneers
            Jun. 27, 2023


            Est: €600 - €800

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (Bassano 1733 - Roma 1803) VEDUTA IN PROFILO DELLA CITTÁ DI ROMA Incisione a colori, cm. 46 x 206 Misure del foglio cm. 51 x 225 Sottotitolata In cornice

            Casa d'Aste Babuino
          • Volpato, Giovanni (1733 Italien 1803)
            Jun. 24, 2023

            Volpato, Giovanni (1733 Italien 1803)

            Est: €300 - €360

            "Veduta ini Profilo della città di Roma", nach Francesco Panini. Kupferstich (besch., fleckig, gebräunt). 48x 206 cm. Rahmen (best.).

          • Giovanni VOLPATO. (1735-1803) …
            Jun. 03, 2023

            Giovanni VOLPATO. (1735-1803) …

            Est: €40 - €50

            Giovanni VOLPATO. (1735-1803) « Jésus au Mont des Oliviers » Burin. 1773. D'après Le CORRÈGE (Allegri Da CORREGIO) (1489-1534) Épreuve sur papier vergé. Anciennement contrecollée sur papier. Dimensions image : 315 x 340 mm Dimensions papier : 367 x 375 mm

            Rois & Vauprès
          • GIOVANNI VOLPATO (BASSANO 1735-1803 ROME) Vue de la pyramide de Cestius à R
            Mar. 22, 2023

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (BASSANO 1735-1803 ROME) Vue de la pyramide de Cestius à R

            Est: €4,000 - €6,000

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (BASSANO 1735-1803 ROME) Vue de la pyramide de Cestius à Rome plume et encre brune, aquarelle et gouache, rehaussé de gomme arabique 52,8 x 75 cm (20 3/4 x 29 1/4 in.)

          • VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803) Corporal works of mercy
            Mar. 09, 2023

            VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803) Corporal works of mercy

            Est: €100 - €200

            VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803). Corporal works of mercy. Series of three plates out of seven titled in the lower margin and numbered on the left in Roman numerals. Giorgio Marini was responsible for assigning the work to the hand of Volpato who performed it for Remondini in 1768. In the Remondini Catalogue the series is part of the vast assortment of ""Stampe in foglio Reale"", the double title in Latin and Spanish declares that it was intended for export to Spain and the Spanish colonies. Cm 55,00 x 43,50.

            Capitolium Art
          • GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803),D'APRES Episodes de la vie de Joseph Suite de quatre gravures en co
            Jan. 22, 2023

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803),D'APRES Episodes de la vie de Joseph Suite de quatre gravures en co

            Est: €600 - €800

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1733-1803),D'APRES Episodes de la vie de Joseph Suite de quatre gravures en couleur, titrées et numérotées. 48 x 59 cm (pliures et déchirures)

          • G. VOLPATO (*1733) after RAFFAEL (*1483), Wedding of Alexander and Roxana, 1772, Copper engraving
            Jan. 06, 2023

            G. VOLPATO (*1733) after RAFFAEL (*1483), Wedding of Alexander and Roxana, 1772, Copper engraving

            Est: €450 - €600

            Giovanni Volpato (1733 - 1803 ) after Raffael: Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483 Urbino - 1520 Rom): The wedding of Alexander the Great and Roxana, 1772, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Signed and dated below in the printing plate and titled: Alexandri et Roxana Nuptiæ | Exstat Romæ in Aedibus suburbanis Marchionis Oligati". Date: 1772 Description: From the series Schola Italica Picturae, plate 10. After Raphael's model.   Keywords: Alexander the Great, Princess of Bactria, Wedding, Marriage, Antiquity, 18th century, Classicism, Fashion, Italy,

            Fichter Kunsthandel
          • Volpato, Giovanni
            Dec. 17, 2022

            Volpato, Giovanni

            Est: €200 - €300

            (1733 Bassano del Grappa - Rom 1803). Al dolce sussurar dell'auve e l'onda Dorme e di canna al suon la Pastorella (...). Kupferstich n. Paolo Panini, gest. v. Girol. Carattoni bei I. Wagner Venedig. 1779. Blgr. 65,7 x 48 cm. Plgr. 52 x 35 cm. - Vermehrt stockfl. außerhalb der Darstellung. R

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Volpato, Giovanni
            Dec. 17, 2022

            Volpato, Giovanni

            Est: €140 - €200

            (1733 Bassano del Grappa - Rom 1803). Der Brand im Borgo in Rom. Kupferstich n. B.Nocchi nach dem Gemälde von Raffael im Vatikan, um 1780. 52,5 x 74,5, Blgr. 63 x 83,5 cm. Mit den Namensz. u. Titel "Pio Sexto Pont. Max." i.d. Platte. - Etw. gebr. u. lichtrandig, tls. stockfl., in den Ecken Rostflecken von Klammern.

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • GIOVANNI VOLPATO (BASSANO 1735-1803 ROME) Vue de la pyramide de Cestius à R
            Nov. 28, 2022

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (BASSANO 1735-1803 ROME) Vue de la pyramide de Cestius à R

            Est: €7,000 - €10,000

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (BASSANO 1735-1803 ROME) Vue de la pyramide de Cestius à Rome plume et encre brune, aquarelle et gouache, rehaussé de gomme arabique 52,8 x 75 cm (20 3/4 x 29 1/4 in.)

          • Giovanni Volpato, 1735 - 1803, Copperplate
            Nov. 15, 2022

            Giovanni Volpato, 1735 - 1803, Copperplate

            Est: €100 - €200

            Giovanni Volpato 1735 - 1803 Copperplate 18th century 32 x 22 cm print, 49 x 37 cm paper

            Tiberius Auctions
          • VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803) Corporal works of mercy
            Oct. 18, 2022

            VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803) Corporal works of mercy

            Est: €150 - €300

            VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803). Corporal works of mercy. Series of three plates out of seven titled in the lower margin and numbered on the left in Roman numerals. Giorgio Marini was responsible for assigning the work to the hand of Volpato who performed it for Remondini in 1768. In the Remondini Catalogue the series is part of the vast assortment of ""Stampe in foglio Reale"", the double title in Latin and Spanish declares that it was intended for export to Spain and the Spanish colonies. Cm 55,00 x 43,50.

            Capitolium Art
          • Giovanni Volpato (Italian, 1733-1803) after Raphael
            Oct. 11, 2022

            Giovanni Volpato (Italian, 1733-1803) after Raphael

            Est: £150 - £250

            Giovanni Volpato (Italian, 1733-1803) after Raphael Giovanni Volpato (Italian, 1733-1803) after Raphael The School of Athens; The Mass at Bolsena; The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple three engravings overall 72.5 x 90cm, mounted over boards, unframed (3) Condition Report: Foxing and some time staining, Heliodorus has staining to left side, a couple of tears to edges, please see images.

          • Giovanni Volpato (Italian, 1733-1803) after Raphael
            Sep. 14, 2022

            Giovanni Volpato (Italian, 1733-1803) after Raphael

            Est: £300 - £500

            Giovanni Volpato (Italian, 1733-1803) after Raphael Giovanni Volpato (Italian, 1733-1803) after Raphael The School of Athens; The Mass at Bolsena; The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple three engravings overall 72.5 x 90cm, mounted over boards, unframed (3) Condition Report: Foxing and some time staining, Heliodorus has staining to left side, a couple of tears to edges, please see images.

          • GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1735 - 1803) after RAFAEL (1483 - 1520) "The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila"
            Jun. 15, 2022

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1735 - 1803) after RAFAEL (1483 - 1520) "The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila"

            Est: €400 - €450

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (Bassano del Grappa, 1735 - Roma 1803) after RAFAEL SANZIO (1483 - 1520) "The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila" Engraving 57 x 75,5 cm 400 - 450 €

            Bayeu Subastas
          • Volpato Giovanni
            Jun. 03, 2022

            Volpato Giovanni

            Est: CHF400 - CHF500

            18. Jh. "Joseph venditus a fratibus", "Joseph eductus e cisterna", "Joseph tentatus aufugit", "Joseph in carcere" und "Fratres frumentum petunt a Joseph". Leicht fleckig

            Auktionshaus Zofingen
          • Giovanni Volpato, Pilasterdekoration im Vatikan
            May. 21, 2022

            Giovanni Volpato, Pilasterdekoration im Vatikan

            Est: -

            Giovanni Volpato, Pilasterdekoration im Vatikan großformatige Darstellung eines üppig verzierten und bemalten Pilasters in den Loggien des Vatikans, Kupferstich auf zwei Bögen Papier, unter der Darstellung im Druck bezeichnet und datiert rechts "Joannes Volpato sculp. Romae 1776" und links "Ludovicus Teseo Taurinensis delin.", minimal fleckig, unter Passepartout und hinter Glas gerahmt, Darstellungsmaße ca. 101 x 46,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: auch Johannes Volpato, italienischer Radierer (1733 Bassano bis 1803 Rom), Lehre als Steinmetz, 1760–62 Schüler an der Calcografia Remondini in Bassano, folgte anschließend Bartolozzi nach Venedig, ab 1772 in Rom ansässig, betrieb hier auch eine Schule für Kupferstich, 1786 gründete er in Via Pudenziana eine Porzellanfabrik, Papst Pius verlieh ihm das Privileg der Nachbildung von Altertümern, Quelle: Thieme-Becker und Internet.

            Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
          • Giovanni Volpato, Pilasterdekoration im Vatikan
            May. 21, 2022

            Giovanni Volpato, Pilasterdekoration im Vatikan

            Est: -

            Giovanni Volpato, Pilasterdekoration im Vatikan großformatige Darstellung eines üppig verzierten und bemalten Pilasters in den Loggien des Vatikans, Kupferstich auf zwei Bögen Papier, unter der Darstellung im Druck bezeichnet und datiert rechts "Joannes Volpato sculp. Romae 1776" und links "Ludovicus Teseo Taurinensis delin.", minimal fleckig, unter Passepartout und hinter Glas gerahmt, Darstellungsmaße ca. 101 x 47 cm. Künstlerinfo: auch Johannes Volpato, italienischer Radierer (1733 Bassano bis 1803 Rom), Lehre als Steinmetz, 1760–62 Schüler an der Calcografia Remondini in Bassano, folgte anschließend Bartolozzi nach Venedig, ab 1772 in Rom ansässig, betrieb hier auch eine Schule für Kupferstich, 1786 gründete er in Via Pudenziana eine Porzellanfabrik, Papst Pius verlieh ihm das Privileg der Nachbildung von Altertümern, Quelle: Thieme-Becker und Internet.

            Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
          • Giovanni Volpato (1735-1803):
            May. 18, 2022

            Giovanni Volpato (1735-1803):

            Est: -

            Giovanni Volpato (1735-1803)

            Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
          • VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803) Six engravings taken from the works of Raffaello Sanzio in the Vatican Rooms.
            Mar. 01, 2022

            VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803) Six engravings taken from the works of Raffaello Sanzio in the Vatican Rooms.

            Est: €150 - €250

            VOLPATO GIOVANNI (1733 - 1803). Six engravings taken from the works of Raffaello Sanzio in the Vatican Rooms.. Defects.. Cm 83,00 x 63,00.

            Capitolium Art
          • GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1735 - 1803) after RAPHAEL SANZIO (1483 - 1520) "Pio Sexto Pontifex Max"
            Dec. 20, 2021

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1735 - 1803) after RAPHAEL SANZIO (1483 - 1520) "Pio Sexto Pontifex Max"

            Est: €1,600 - €1,800

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (1735 - 1803) after RAPHAEL SANZIO (1483 - 1520) "Pio Sexto Pontifex Max" Four engravings Isabella II of Spain giltwood frames, 19th Century 58 x 76 cm Acquired by the present owner from Marina Fernandez de Cordoba Antiques in Madrid in the 90's

            Bayeu Subastas
          • Giovanni Ottaviani (1735-1808) and Giovanni Volpato (1740-1803) after drawings by Pietro Camporesi (1726-81) and Gaetano Savorelli (d. 1791), a bound folio containing an incomplete series of 11 copperplate engravings with later hand colouring...
            Oct. 21, 2021

            Giovanni Ottaviani (1735-1808) and Giovanni Volpato (1740-1803) after drawings by Pietro Camporesi (1726-81) and Gaetano Savorelli (d. 1791), a bound folio containing an incomplete series of 11 copperplate engravings with later hand colouring...

            Est: £3,000 - £5,000

            Giovanni Ottaviani (1735-1808) and Giovanni Volpato (1740-1803) after drawings by Pietro Camporesi (1726-81) and Gaetano Savorelli (d. 1791), a bound folio containing an incomplete series of 11 copperplate engravings with later hand colouring taken from Volume I Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano, 3 plates being single page, 1 folding plate and 7 double page size, all in a worn binding Footnote: These 18th century hand-coloured engravings are from the famous series Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano, which consisted of 43 plates published in 3 volumes. The plates show the 'grotesque style' decorations executed by Raphael and his assistants in the Loggie of the Vatican palace for Pope Leo X (1475-1521) in 1515-1519. Raphael’s pilaster frescoes for the walls of the Loggie, featuring plants, flowers, fruit tendrils, mythological creatures and architectural elements were directly inspired by the then recently excavated ancient Roman decorations in the Domus Aurea of Nero. Over 200 years later, the engravers Giovanni Ottaviani (1735-1808) and Giovanni Volpato (1740-1803) were commissioned by Pope Clement XIII (1693-1769) to print a series of copperplate engravings after Raphael’s Loggie. Each engraving was made in 2 parts, based on the designs drawn by the architect Pietro Camporesi (1726-1781), painter Gaetano Savorelli (d. 1791) and draughtsman Lodovico Teseo (1731-1782). The present lot includes one title-plate showing a view along the loggia with an oval portrait of Raphael (61 x 40cm), plates A and B showing the two doors at the end of the loggia (75 x 42cm), three unnumbered plates placed together showing a plan and elevation captioned 'Spaccato per il longo del secondo piano della loggia nel Cortile del Palazzo Vaticano corrispondente nel Cortile grande detto di S. Damaso, ove si dimostra l'Architettura ed Ornati della medema dipinti da Giovanni da Udine con la direzzione di Rafaele Sanzio da Urbino' (24 x 160cm), and fourteen plates showing the decoration of pilasters between windows on the inner side of the loggia pasted as mismatched pairs on seven sequential pages each inscribed 'Joann. Ottaviani sculp. cum privilegio SS.D.N. Clementis XIII.' and 'Cai Savorelli Piet., et Pet. Camporesi Arch. delin.', including numbers I to XIII and another unnumbered (100 x 78cm pasted together)

            Oct. 21, 2021


            Est: £100 - £200

            GIOVANNI VOLPATO (ITALIAN 1733-1803) AFTER PAOLO VERONESE GIOVANNI VOLPATO (ITALIAN 1733-1803) AFTER PAOLO VERONESE Christ In the House of Simon published 1772 engraving 43 x 56 cm togther with AFTER JACOPO AMIGONI (ITALIAN 1682-1752) Rebecca engraving c.1740s 47 x 56 cm (2)

            Chiswick Auctions
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