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Simon Vouet Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Porträtmaler, Historical-scenes painter, b. 1590 - d. 1649

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        • The Rape of Proserpina, from the tapestry of The Loves of the Gods, after S
          Dec. 18, 2024

          The Rape of Proserpina, from the tapestry of The Loves of the Gods, after S

          Est: -

          The Rape of Proserpina, from the tapestry of The Loves of the Gods, after Simon Vouet (1590-1649) Louis XVI tapestry in wool and silk, in which, on the right, we see Pluto taking Proserpina in his chariot pulled by three seahorses; on the left, three nymphs, one of whom holds a crown, lament on the shore against a leafy background. All of this is surrounded by a large Neoclassical border with medallions in the corners joined by garlands of flowers and angels. On the right edge with initials PD. Restored with losses in the lower right part. France, late 18th century Measurements: 340 x 516 cm An exact same one, without a border, is in the collection of the Louvre museum, in this case from the Louis XV period (1625/50)

          Subastas Segre
        • Simon Vouet 1590 Parigi-1649 Parigi, ambito di Madonna con bambino
          Dec. 12, 2024

          Simon Vouet 1590 Parigi-1649 Parigi, ambito di Madonna con bambino

          Est: €2,000 - €3,000

          olio su tela

          Cambi Casa d'Aste
        • VOUET SIMON (1590 - 1649) - After. Saint Guillaume d'Aquitaine (?)
          Dec. 10, 2024

          VOUET SIMON (1590 - 1649) - After. Saint Guillaume d'Aquitaine (?)

          Est: €6,000 - €8,000

          VOUET SIMON (1590 - 1649). After. Saint Guillaume d'Aquitaine (?). Provenance: Private Collection, Milan.. 88 x 101 cm.

          Capitolium Art
        • Vouet, Simon (1590-1649) attr. "Bacchanal", oil/canvas, magnificent frame, 64,5x47,5cm (w.f. 84x66,5cm), fine craquelure, rest., darkened
          Nov. 23, 2024

          Vouet, Simon (1590-1649) attr. "Bacchanal", oil/canvas, magnificent frame, 64,5x47,5cm (w.f. 84x66,5cm), fine craquelure, rest., darkened

          Est: -

          Vouet, Simon (1590-1649) attr. "Bacchanal", oil/canvas, magnificent frame, 64,5x47,5cm (w.f. 84x66,5cm), fine craquelure, rest., darkened Vouet, Simon (1590-1649) zugeschr. "Bacchanal", Öl/Leinwand, Prunkrahmen, 64,5x47,5cm (m.R. 84x66,5cm), feines Craquelé, rest., nachgedunkelt

        • Voüet, Simon (1590-1649). Lot of 15 engravings,
          Nov. 22, 2024

          Voüet, Simon (1590-1649). Lot of 15 engravings,

          Est: €80 - €100

          Voüet, Simon (1590-1649). Lot of 15 engravings, all 36x27,5 (leaf), w. the address of Melchior Küsell, all from Forticus Reginae in Arcis (1680).

          Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
        • Follower of Simon Vouet,  French 1590-1649-  The Education of the Virgin;  oil on canvas, 68.5 x 5
          Nov. 20, 2024

          Follower of Simon Vouet,  French 1590-1649-  The Education of the Virgin;  oil on canvas, 68.5 x 5

          Est: £250 - £350

          Follower of Simon Vouet,  French 1590-1649-  The Education of the Virgin;  oil on canvas, 68.5 x 55 cm.  Provenance:  Property from a European Private Collection. 

        • SIMON VOUET (Paris, 1590 - 1649) "Saint Catherine and the Angel". Oil on canvas.
          Sep. 25, 2024

          SIMON VOUET (Paris, 1590 - 1649) "Saint Catherine and the Angel". Oil on canvas.

          Est: €400,000 - €450,000

          SIMON VOUET (Paris, 1590 - 1649) "Saint Catherine and the Angel Oil on canvas. Provenance: Possibly Cardinal de la Valette, Rome, 1625. Galerie Electorale de Düsseldorf (1752 - 1805). Size: 109 x 73 cm; 123 x 95 cm (frame). Exhibitions: New York, Finch College, "Vouet to Rigaud: Frenc Masters of the Seventeenth Century", 1967 (cat. No. 3). Jacksonville, Florida, The Cummer Gallery of Art, "The Age of Louis XIII", 1969 (cat. No. 48, illus.); Florida, Museum of Fine Arts, 1970; College Park, University of Maryland Art Gallery, "The Works of Simon Vouet", 1971. Bibliography: LIONI, Ottavio and AMIDEI, Fausto, "Ritratti di alcuni celebri Pittori del secolo XVII...", p. 55; DEZAILLIER D'ARGENTVILLE, "Abrégé de la vie des plus fameux peintres", 1752, vol. IV, p. 14; PIGAGE, Nicolas, "La Galerie Electorale de Düsseldorf.Catalogue raisoné e figuré de ses tableaux...", pl. IV, no. 56; FRANC, Charles, "Histoire des peintres de toutes les ecoles...", vol. 8; DUSSIEUX, "Les artistes francaise a l'etranger", 1876, p. 428.; L. DEMONTS, "Essai sur la formation de Simon Vouet en Italie" in "Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire d'Art Francais" 1913, pp. 315 and 341; CRELLY, "Les artistes francaises a l'étranger", 1876, p. 428. 315 and 341; CRELLY, William "The Paintings of Simon Vouet", 1962, pp. 238-239, no. 187 (as a lost work); DARGENT, G. and THUILLIER, J. WSimone Vouet en Italie" in "Saggi et Momorie di Storia dell'Arte,", 1965, vol. IV, p. 45, no. A23 (as a lost work). A23 (as a lost work). The work was engraved by Claude Mellan in 1625, with the coat of arms of Cardinal de la Valette and a dedication to him. Both Crelly's book and that of Dargent and Thullier identify the present work as the one on which Mellan based his engraving, listing it in both studies as a lost work and considering it to be the one mentioned in the Collection of the Electoral Gallery in Düsseldorf in 1752 by Dezaiilier d'ARgenville. The painting was reproduced in an engraving of 1775 in an 18th-century catalogue of the Düsseldorf collection. It is possible to appreciate slight variations between Mellan's and Mechel's engravings. Desmonts, however, deduces that the Düsseldorf painting is a different one from the Mellan engraving, although Crelly argues that these variations are minor. The painting was in the Düsseldorf Collection and disappeared during its transfer to Munich. A French Baroque painter, Simon Vouet probably began his training with his father, the painter Laurent Vouet, and is mentioned by André Félibien in England at the age of fourteen as a professional portraitist. His mastery of this genre led him to visit Constantinople in 1611, accompanying the French ambassador, and then to Venice the following year. Finally, two years later, he settled in Rome, protected by the Barberini family and the French Crown. He remained in the Italian capital until 1627, where he achieved great success among the nobility and clergy sympathetic to France. In fact, he was appointed director of the Academy of Saint Luke in 1624. In Rome Vouet particularly admired the work of Caravaggio, whose language would define the French master's youthful style. However, his painting rapidly evolved towards forms more akin to classicism through the influence of the Neo-Venetianist trend that was spreading through Rome through artists such as Lanfranco. He was also receptive to the influence of the Roman-Bolognese classicism of the Carracci, Guercino and Reni, particularly in his chromaticism, which evolved towards greater clarity, and also in his increasingly harmonious compositions. In 1627 he returned to France, summoned by Louis XIII to become court painter. In Paris Vouet became the most influential painter of his time, and in fact introduced the influence of the Italian Baroque into France, especially the trends derived from the work of Veronese. The influence of Veronese can be seen in the large-scale decorations that Vouet executed during the reign of Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelie.

          Setdart Auction House
        • Follower of Simon Vouet,  French 1590-1649-  The Education of the Virgin; 
          Jul. 09, 2024

          Follower of Simon Vouet,  French 1590-1649-  The Education of the Virgin; 

          Est: £400 - £600

          Follower of Simon Vouet,  French 1590-1649-  The Education of the Virgin;  oil on canvas, 68.5 x 55 cm.  Provenance:  Property from a European Private Collection. 

        • STUDIO OF SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) The Virgin and Child with an angel
          Jun. 18, 2024

          STUDIO OF SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) The Virgin and Child with an angel

          Est: $8,000 - $12,000

          STUDIO OF SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) The Virgin and Child with an angel (The Rest on the Flight into Eygypt) oil on canvas 31 5⁄8 x 38 7⁄8 in. (80.3 x 98.7 cm.)

        • VOUET Simon (1590 - 1649) Huile sur toile marouflée sur panneau de chêne ovale "Vierge à l'enfa
          May. 14, 2024

          VOUET Simon (1590 - 1649) Huile sur toile marouflée sur panneau de chêne ovale "Vierge à l'enfa

          Est: €600 - €800

          VOUET Simon (1590 - 1649) Huile sur toile marouflée sur panneau de chêne ovale "Vierge à l'enfant". Suiveur de Simon Vouet. Ecole française. Epoque: fin XVIIème. Portant au dos la mention à l'encre "Vouet Pinxit". Dim.:+/-31x24cm.

        • Simon Vouet (attr.)
          Apr. 18, 2024

          Simon Vouet (attr.)

          Est: €3,000 - €5,000

          Portrait of a young nobleman oil on canvas, cm. 74x60

          Bolli & Romiti s.r.l
        • SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) Étude de femme nue en buste, son bras gauche
          Mar. 20, 2024

          SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) Étude de femme nue en buste, son bras gauche

          Est: €40,000 - €60,000

          SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) Étude de femme nue en buste, son bras gauche levé tenant une torche pierre noire, rehaussé de blanc, sur papier brun 23,8 x 18,5 cm (9 3⁄5 x 7 3⁄5 in.)

        • ATTRIBUTED TO SIMON VOUET (1590 - 1649)
          Nov. 07, 2023

          ATTRIBUTED TO SIMON VOUET (1590 - 1649)

          Est: €2,500 - €3,500

          Virgin and Child, gouache and ink wash. Approximate Time: 14:53 Lot No: 324

        • Ecole FRANCAISE du XIXe siècle d'après Simon VOUET (1590-1649)
          Nov. 04, 2023

          Ecole FRANCAISE du XIXe siècle d'après Simon VOUET (1590-1649)

          Est: €200 - €300

          La Vierge à l'Enfant à la Rose Huile sur toile H. 57 cm - L. 50 cm Frottements et quelques manques à la surface picturale, quelques griffures L'original est conservé au musée des Beaux-Arts de Marseille

        • VOUET, SIMON, nach, (S.V.: 1549 - 1649), Madonna mit Kind, 17th/18th Jh.,
          Oct. 28, 2023

          VOUET, SIMON, nach, (S.V.: 1549 - 1649), Madonna mit Kind, 17th/18th Jh.,

          Est: €1,200 - €1,800

          VOUET, SIMON, after, (S.V.: 1549 - 1649), Madonna with Child, 17th/18th c. Mary with the baby Jesus facing her sitting in front of a tree, unsigned, oil/canvas mounted on panel, HxW: approx. 99 x 68 cm (approx. 116 x 85.5 cm with frame). Signs of age and rubbing, scratches in the canvas, craquelé, small paint defects. With frame (traces of rubbing). NOTE: The composition of the present painting resembles that of a painting known from an engraving by Michael Lasne, which Crelly lists as lost. ( see: Crelly, W.R.,The Paintings of Simon Vouet, New Haven 1962, p.236, No.177K.). Only the drapery mentioned is missing in the present exhibit. A preparatory drawing for the upper half of the Virgin is in the Statens Museum fur Kunst, Copenhagen ( see Brejon de Lavergnée, Barbara, Dessins de Simon Vouet: 1590 - 1649, Inventaire général des dessins école française, Paris 1987, no. XCVII.

          Auktionshaus Eppli
        • SIMON VOUET (Paris, 1590 - 1649) "Saint Catherine and the Angel". Oil on canvas.
          Oct. 17, 2023

          SIMON VOUET (Paris, 1590 - 1649) "Saint Catherine and the Angel". Oil on canvas.

          Est: €400,000 - €450,000

          SIMON VOUET (Paris, 1590 - 1649) "Saint Catherine and the Angel Oil on canvas. Provenance: Possibly Cardinal de la Valette, Rome, 1625. Galerie Electorale de Düsseldorf (1752 - 1805). Size: 109 x 73 cm; 123 x 95 cm (frame). Exhibitions: New York, Finch College, "Vouet to Rigaud: Frenc Masters of the Seventeenth Century", 1967 (cat. No. 3). Jacksonville, Florida, The Cummer Gallery of Art, "The Age of Louis XIII", 1969 (cat. No. 48, illus.); Florida, Museum of Fine Arts, 1970; College Park, University of Maryland Art Gallery, "The Works of Simon Vouet", 1971. Bibliography: LIONI, Ottavio and AMIDEI, Fausto, "Ritratti di alcuni celebri Pittori del secolo XVII...", p. 55; DEZAILLIER D'ARGENTVILLE, "Abrégé de la vie des plus fameux peintres", 1752, vol. IV, p. 14; PIGAGE, Nicolas, "La Galerie Electorale de Düsseldorf.Catalogue raisoné e figuré de ses tableaux...", pl. IV, no. 56; FRANC, Charles, "Histoire des peintres de toutes les ecoles...", vol. 8; DUSSIEUX, "Les artistes francaise a l'etranger", 1876, p. 428.; L. DEMONTS, "Essai sur la formation de Simon Vouet en Italie" in "Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire d'Art Francais" 1913, pp. 315 and 341; CRELLY, "Les artistes francaises a l'étranger", 1876, p. 428. 315 and 341; CRELLY, William "The Paintings of Simon Vouet", 1962, pp. 238-239, no. 187 (as a lost work); DARGENT, G. and THUILLIER, J. WSimone Vouet en Italie" in "Saggi et Momorie di Storia dell'Arte,", 1965, vol. IV, p. 45, no. A23 (as a lost work). A23 (as a lost work). The work was engraved by Claude Mellan in 1625, with the coat of arms of Cardinal de la Valette and a dedication to him. Both Crelly's book and that of Dargent and Thullier identify the present work as the one on which Mellan based his engraving, listing it in both studies as a lost work and considering it to be the one mentioned in the Collection of the Electoral Gallery in Düsseldorf in 1752 by Dezaiilier d'ARgenville. The painting was reproduced in an engraving of 1775 in an 18th-century catalogue of the Düsseldorf collection. It is possible to appreciate slight variations between Mellan's and Mechel's engravings. Desmonts, however, deduces that the Düsseldorf painting is a different one from the Mellan engraving, although Crelly argues that these variations are minor. The painting was in the Düsseldorf Collection and disappeared during its transfer to Munich. A French Baroque painter, Simon Vouet probably began his training with his father, the painter Laurent Vouet, and is mentioned by André Félibien in England at the age of fourteen as a professional portraitist. His mastery of this genre led him to visit Constantinople in 1611, accompanying the French ambassador, and then to Venice the following year. Finally, two years later, he settled in Rome, protected by the Barberini family and the French Crown. He remained in the Italian capital until 1627, where he achieved great success among the nobility and clergy sympathetic to France. In fact, he was appointed director of the Academy of Saint Luke in 1624. In Rome Vouet particularly admired the work of Caravaggio, whose language would define the French master's youthful style. However, his painting rapidly evolved towards forms more akin to classicism through the influence of the Neo-Venetianist trend that was spreading through Rome through artists such as Lanfranco. He was also receptive to the influence of the Roman-Bolognese classicism of the Carracci, Guercino and Reni, particularly in his chromaticism, which evolved towards greater clarity, and also in his increasingly harmonious compositions. In 1627 he returned to France, summoned by Louis XIII to become court painter. In Paris Vouet became the most influential painter of his time, and in fact introduced the influence of the Italian Baroque into France, especially the trends derived from the work of Veronese. The influence of Veronese can be seen in the large-scale decorations that Vouet executed during the reign of Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelie.

          Setdart Auction House
        • A study of a bearded man, head and shoulders
          Jul. 06, 2023

          A study of a bearded man, head and shoulders

          Est: £120,000 - £180,000

          Property from a Private Collection Simon Vouet Paris 1590–1649 A study of a bearded man, head and shoulders oil on canvas unframed: 61.1 x 46 cm.; 24 x 18¼ in. framed: 86 x 70.5 cm.; 33⅞ x 27¾ in.

        • Simon Vouet (Paris 1590-1649) Portrait of a young man, bust-length, in a ruff, presumably a portrait of the artist (together with an engraving of Simon Vouet by Ottavio Leoni, unframed (2) )
          Jul. 05, 2023

          Simon Vouet (Paris 1590-1649) Portrait of a young man, bust-length, in a ruff, presumably a portrait of the artist (together with an engraving of Simon Vouet by Ottavio Leoni, unframed (2) )

          Est: £80,000 - £120,000

          Simon Vouet (Paris 1590-1649) Portrait of a young man, bust-length, in a ruff, presumably a portrait of the artist oil on canvas 56.1 x 43.8cm (22 1/16 x 17 1/4in). together with an engraving of Simon Vouet by Ottavio Leoni, unframed (2)

        • Französischer Meister aus dem Kreis des Simon Vouet (1590 – 1649)
          Jun. 29, 2023

          Französischer Meister aus dem Kreis des Simon Vouet (1590 – 1649)

          Est: €5,000 - €7,000

          VENUS UND ADONIS Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 113 x 93 cm. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Der junge Adonis, in einem braunen Fellgewand mit umgehängtem Horn vor weiter Landschaft, will zur Jagd aufbrechen und verabschiedet sich von seiner Geliebten Venus. Die vor einem langen, bis zum Himmel reichenden schmalen Baum auf einem blauen Tuch sitzende, fast nackte Venus versucht ihn von seinem Vorhaben abzuhalten, indem sie sich mit beiden Armen heftig um ihn geklammert hat und ihn direkt anblickt. Er schaut mit seinen dunklen Augen an ihr vorbei und hat seinen Arm nach rechts in Richtung des Waldes ausgestreckt, vor dem ein Eber zu erkennen ist, und weist sie erneut auf sein Vorhaben hin. Ihm zur Seite gestellt zwei Jagdhunde, von denen einer auf Adonis nach oben schaut. Rechtsseitig, auf einem Teil des blauen Tuchs liegend, der kleine geflügelte schlafende Cupido, der Sohn der Venus, mit seinem zur Seite gelegten Köcher. Malerei unter hohem blauem Himmel mit großen, teils von der Sonne beschienenen Wolkenformationen in meist frischer heller Farbgebung. Die Darstellung, inbesondere die des Abschieds der Venus von Adonis, war in der Malerei der Kunstgeschichte ein beliebtes Motiv, das sich auch bei Tizian (1485-1576) und Peter Paul Rubens (1544-1740) finden lässt. Verso eine Unterlegung, Retuschen. (1362073) (18)

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Simon Vouet, 1590 Paris – 1649 ebenda, zugeschrieben
          Jun. 29, 2023

          Simon Vouet, 1590 Paris – 1649 ebenda, zugeschrieben

          Est: €35,000 - €50,000

          PORTRAIT EINER DAME, WOHL MADAME DE LONGUEVILLE Öl auf Leinwand. 127,5 x 86,5 cm Auf der rückseitigen Leinwand bezeichnet als „Duchesse de Longueville“ und „Vouet“, sowie durch einen Aufkleber auf Rahmen, dazu ein weiterer Aufkleber „MUSEE DU LOUVRE ECOLE ITALIENNE 17è...“ Ungerahmt Vor dunklem Hintergrund das Dreiviertelbildnis der vornehmen Dame nach links in grün glänzendem Kleid mit weitem Dekolleté, weissem Untergewand und in ihrer linken Hand einen kleinen bunten Blumenstrauß haltend. Sie trägt eine enganliegende Perlenkette, dazu passende Ohrringe, hat schulterlange offene braune Haare, ein zartes Inkarnat mit geröteteten Wangen und blickt mit ihren braunen Augen würdevoll aus dem Gemälde heraus. Provenienz: Das Gemälde gehörte zur Sammlung von Frau Charles Bénard le Pontois. Es wurde in ihrem Haus in Paris entdeckt und von Walter Bornheim in der Münchner Galerie „Für Alte Kunst“ für Hermann Göring September 1941 erworben. Das Gemälde ist in der Sammlung Hermann Göring unter der Inventarnummer RM 1065 registriert. Wenige Monate nach dem Tod von Frau Bénard le Pontois, geb. Gabrielle Philippson, am 23. Dezember 1941 wurde der Inhalt ihrer Wohnung beschlagnahmt. Während der Kriegszeit befand sich das Gemälde in Berchtesgaden; dort ist es unter der Nummer 87 registriert. Der Transport zum Central Collecting Point in München erfolgt am 25. Juli 1945; es ist dort unter der Nummer 5125 registriert. Das Gemälde wurde am 18. April 1946 mit dem sechsten Konvoi aus München in den Sitz der Kommission für künstlerische Wiederherstellung nach Frankreich transportiert; dann wurde es während der vierten Kommission zur Auswahl von Werken zur künstlerischen Wiederherstellung am 21. Dezember 1949 aufbewahrt. Das Gemälde wurde 1950 vom Amt für Eigentum und private Interessen dem Louvre-Museum (Abteilung für Gemälde) zugeschrieben; es wurde 1953 im Musée Granet in Aix-en-Provence deponiert; die Kaution wurde im Februar 1956 storniert. Das Gemälde wurde dann im November 1956 im Bordeaux-Museum deponiert; die Kaution wurde im Juli 1957 storniert. Die Kommission für die Entschädigung von Enteignungsopfern empfahl am 6. September 2021 die Rückgabe. Das Werk wurde am 7. Februar 2022 an die Erben von Gabrielle Philippson, die Witwe Bénard le Pontois, zurückgegeben. (1362389) (18) Simon Vouet, 1590 Paris – 1649 ibid., attributed PORTRAIT OF A LADY, PROBABLY MADAME DE LONGUEVILLE Oil on canvas. 127,5 x 86,5 cm. On the reverse canvas inscribed as “Duchesse de Longueville” and “Vouet”, and by a sticker on frame, plus another sticker “MUSEE DU LOUVRE ECOLE ITALIENNE 17è...” Unframed.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Simon Vouet
          May. 03, 2023

          Simon Vouet

          Est: €50,000 - €70,000

          (Paris 1590–1649) The Penitent Mary Magdalen, oil on canvas, 129.5 x 96 cm, framed Provenance: (possibly) Cardinal Francesco Maria del Monte collection, Rome, before 1626; sale, Sotheby’s, Olympia, 24 April 2007, lot 277 (as Studio of Simon Vouet); where acquired by the present owner Documentation: (possibly) inventory of Cardinal Francesco Maria del Monte, 1627, Rome, Archivio di Stato, 30 Notai Capitolini, Ufficio 28, vol. 139, c 577v: ‘Una Santa Maria Maddalena con cornice negra di palmi cinque’ Exhibited: Nantes, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Simon Vouet (les années italiennes 1613/1627), 21 November 2008 – 23 February 2009 / Besançon, 27 March – 29 June 2009, no. 14 (as Simon Vouet) Literature: (possibly) C. Frommel, Caravaggios Frühwerk und der Kardinal Francesco Maria del Monte, in: Storia dell’arte,1971, p. 32; D. Jacquot, in: Simon Vouet (les années italiennes 1613/1627), exhibition catalogue, ed. by D. Jacquot/A. Collange, Paris 2008, p. 115, cat. no. 14 (as Simon Vouet); M. Weil-Curiel, Review: Simon Vouet (les années italiennes 1613/1627), in: Les cahiers d’histoire de l’art, 2009, p. 163 (pas de Vouet); S. Loire, Simon Vouet en Italie (1612–1627). Questions d’attributions et de datations, in: Simon Vouet en Italie. Actes du colloque international, 6 – 8 December 2008, Rennes 2011, p. 187 (as copy after Vouet); D. Jacquot, Enjeux et bilan – provisoire – d’une exposition, in: Simon Vouet en Italie. Actes du colloque international, 6 – 8 December 2008, Rennes 2011, p. 262 (as Simon Vouet) The present painting will be included in Dominique Jacquot’s forthcoming catalogue raisonné of the paintings of Simon Vouet (under cat. no. 5) as a fully autograph work by Simon Vouet. Jacquot dates this work to Vouet’s Italian period: it reflects the artist’s appreciation of Tintoretto’s work, as well as an understanding of the work of Jusepe de Ribera, who was active in Rome between 1612 and 1616. Taking these influences into account, we can deduce that the present Mary Magdalen was created during the early period of Vouet’s time in Rome, in around 1616. The composition of the painting is known from an engraving, in reverse, by Antoine Garnier (1611–1694), published by Jean Leblond (see A. Tzeutschler Lurie, ‘The Repentant Magdalene’ by Simon Vouet, in: The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, vol. 80, no. 4, April 1993, p. 161, fig. 4). Archival sources document that one of Simon Vouet’s patrons, Cardinal Francesco Maria Del Monte (1549–1626), owned a painting of this subject which is cited in his post-mortem inventory of 1627 (see Frommel in literature). Indeed, as well as its similarity in size, many elements of the composition including the economy of range of the palette, the grey green colour of the flesh tones and the Madonna’s expression of intense pathos could be suggestive of this important patron’s commission. Vouet’s reputation as a painter in Rome allowed him to benefit from the patronage of important patrons including Cardinal Francesco Maria del Monte, Cassiano dal Pozzo and the Barberini family. Here the artist was exposed to the artistic revolution initiated by Caravaggio, leading him to adopt both its realism and its dramatic use of light. He also absorbed influences from other artistic currents evolving other Italian cities, such as Genoa, which he visited in 1621 and Parma, Bologna and Florence, which he probably visited on his return to Rome.

          Mar. 28, 2023


          Est: €15,000 - €25,000

          SIMON VOUET e AIUTI (Parigi 1590 - 1649) SANTA CECILIA Olio su tela, cm. 131 x 98 PROVENIENZA Famiglia napoletana Il dipinto, di grande qualità nell'esecuzione sia disegnativa sia pittorica, è una replica dell'opera ubicata a Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, USA. La nostra versione si può considerare realizzata all'interno della bottega di Simon Vouet con probabile intervento del maestro come si evince dalla fattezza del broccato e dal volto la cui espressione rivela un intenso trasporto. Questa versione si differenzia da quella statunitense per una maggiore incidenza chiaroscurale CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO Rintelo recente. Punti di restauro sparsi, una linea orizzontale continua di restauro attraversante la figura CORNICE Cornice in legno a lacca nera e oro con decori vegetali e bordi a punti, linee e nastrino, della fine del XIX secolo

          Casa d'Aste Babuino
        • VOUET SIMON
          Feb. 27, 2023

          VOUET SIMON

          Est: €60,000 - €67,000

          Madonna col Bambino (Vergine del panno) olio cm. 85x102 Il dipinto di qualità esecutiva molto alta fu probabilmente realizzato intorno al 1627 a conclusione dell'esperienza italiana del celebre pittore parigino e proviene dal palazzo genovese di via XXV aprile del barone Giovanni Giuseppe Francesco Martinez (Genova 1793-1876) fondatore del Pio Istituto Martinez ricovero genovese per anziani. Opera dichiarata di interesse culturale ai sensi dell'art. 10 comma 1 del D.Lgs 22 Gennaio 2004 e come tale sottoposto a tutte le disposizioni di tutela

          Aste Boetto SRL
        • 17th CENTURY FRENCH ARTIST Europa and Zeus
          Feb. 21, 2023

          17th CENTURY FRENCH ARTIST Europa and Zeus

          Est: €300 - €500

          17th CENTURY FRENCH ARTIST. Europa and Zeus. On the back it bears an attribution to Simon Vouet (1590-1649). Cm 27,50 x 16,00.

          Capitolium Art
        • Perrier, François
          Dec. 17, 2022

          Perrier, François

          Est: €160 - €240

          (1590 Salins - 1650 Paris). Minerva begleitet Ludwig XIII. Radierung nach Simon Vouet. 1632. Blgr. 26 x 21,4 cm. Über den Plattenrand beschnitten. Auf Papier montiert. - Etw. stockfl. R

          Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
        • Simon Vouet, 1590 – 1649, nach
          Dec. 08, 2022

          Simon Vouet, 1590 – 1649, nach

          Est: €15,000 - €20,000

          Maria mit dem Jesuskind Rosen empfangend Öl auf Leinwand. 123 x 99 cm. In goldverziertem ebonisiertem Rahmen. Neben einem von einem polychromem Teppich geschmückten Tisch die sitzende Maria mit dem Jesuskind auf ihrem Schoß. Dieses mit emporgestreckten Armen nach Blüten greifend, die ein fliegender Putto niederlässt. (13407131) (13) Simon Vouet, 1590 – 1649, after THE VIRGIN AND CHRIST CHILD RECEIVING ROSES Oil on canvas. 123 x 99 cm.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Simon Vouet – Die Heilige Familie mit dem Vogel (The Holy Family with the bird)
          Nov. 18, 2022

          Simon Vouet – Die Heilige Familie mit dem Vogel (The Holy Family with the bird)

          Est: €1,400 - €1,600

          Etching on laid paper. (1633). 20.7 x 22.3 cm (sheet size).

          Karl & Faber
        • 17th CENTURY FRENCH ARTIST Europa and Zeus
          Oct. 18, 2022

          17th CENTURY FRENCH ARTIST Europa and Zeus

          Est: €500 - €700

          17th CENTURY FRENCH ARTIST. Europa and Zeus. On the back it bears an attribution to Simon Vouet (1590-1649). Cm 27,50 x 16,00.

          Capitolium Art
        • Tableaux Huile sur toile marouflée sur toile "Cléopâtre dissolvant une perle dans du vinaigre". A
          Oct. 11, 2022

          Tableaux Huile sur toile marouflée sur toile "Cléopâtre dissolvant une perle dans du vinaigre". A

          Est: €7,000 - €10,000

          Tableaux Huile sur toile marouflée sur toile "Cléopâtre dissolvant une perle dans du vinaigre". Attribué à un entourage de Simon Vouet. Ecole française. Epoque: XVIIème. Dim.:+/-124x95cm. VOUET Simon (1590 - 1649). Entourage de.

        • Vouet, Simon
          Jun. 22, 2022

          Vouet, Simon

          Est: €250 - €400

          Vouet, Simon (1590-1649), nach. Hl. Margarete bezwingt den Drachen. Rad. von Michel Dobigny (1617-1665), dat. 1639. 34,2:19,6 (49,3:34) cm. Le Blanc 33. Dumesnil 70. – Mit Schrift und breitem Rand, makelloser Druck. – Provenienz: Sammlung Dr. Gisela Scheffler.

        • Vouet, Simon
          Jun. 22, 2022

          Vouet, Simon

          Est: €350 - €500

          Vouet, Simon (1590-1649), nach. Allegorie auf Stärke und Sieg. Radierung von François Tortebat (um 1616-1690), dat. 1666. 31,7:20,7 (52,3:35,5) cm. Dumesnil 13. British Museum 1841, 1211.39.79. – F. Tortebat radierte zahlreiche Werke seines Schwiegervaters S. Vouet, dessen Schüler er war. – Mit Text, breitrandig.

        • Daret, Pierre
          Jun. 22, 2022

          Daret, Pierre

          Est: €250 - €400

          Daret, Pierre (um 1604-1678). Der Jesusknabe erhält Palmzweige und -früchte. Kupferstich, nach Simon Vouet (1590-1649). 41,5:25 cm. Le Blanc 13. – Einfassungslinie erhalten, mit Textband. – Provenienz: Sammlung Dr. Gisela Scheffler.

        • Simon Vouet (1590-1649)-school
          Apr. 29, 2022

          Simon Vouet (1590-1649)-school

          Est: €300 - €600

          Simon Vouet (1590-1649)-school, Portrait of a flute player, oil on oak panel, frame not included; 43x34cm

          Deutsch Auktionen
        • Simon Vouet (nach), Die Heilige Familie mit der heiligen Elisabeth und dem heiligen Johannes. Wohl um 1642.
          Mar. 26, 2022

          Simon Vouet (nach), Die Heilige Familie mit der heiligen Elisabeth und dem heiligen Johannes. Wohl um 1642.

          Est: €180 - €200

          Simon Vouet 1590 Paris – 1649 ebenda Michel Dorigny 1616 ? – 1665 ? Bleistiftzeichnung auf Bütten nach dem Stich von Michel Dorigny. Verso u.Mi. alt in Tusche nummeriert "22". Das als Vorlage für den Stich dienende Gemälde Simon Vouets "La Sainte Famille avec sainte Élisabeth et le petit saint Jean", um 1640/42, Öl auf Leinwand, befindet sich heute im Museé de Louvre, Paris, InvNr. RF 1983 87. Wir danken Frau Laura Lestani MA, Chicago, für freundliche Hinweise.

          Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
        • SIMON VOUET (cerchia di)
          Mar. 15, 2022

          SIMON VOUET (cerchia di)

          Est: €700 - €1,200

          (Parigi, 1590 - 1649) Riposo nella fuga in Egitto olio su tela, cm 77X63,5 Riferibile alla cerchia di Simon Vouet, questa tela è ancora influenzata dal tardo stile romano del pittore, quando dedicò al tema mariano diverse opere come: La Vergine col Bambino, San Giovanni Battista, Santa Elisabetta e Santa Caterina del Prado (Dargent e Thuillier, 1965, P. 53 n. 13 tav. 4l) e il Riposo durante la fuga in Egitto oggi a San Francisco (Schleier, 1971, fig. 10), dipinto nel 1626 per il cardinale Francesco Barberini. Bibliografia di riferimento: Vouet, catalogo della mostra a cura di J. Thuillier, B. Brejon de Lavergnée e D. Lavalle, Paris, 1990, pp. 220-222, n. 18

          Wannenes Art Auctions
        • SIMON VOUET (1590-1649) D’APRES La Sainte Famille avec sainte Elisabeth et
          Dec. 18, 2021

          SIMON VOUET (1590-1649) D’APRES La Sainte Famille avec sainte Elisabeth et

          Est: €500 - €700

          SIMON VOUET (1590-1649) D’APRES La Sainte Famille avec sainte Elisabeth et le petit saint Jean-Baptiste Huile sur toile 53.5 x 45 cm (restaurations et manques) Le tableau original est conservé dans les collections du musée du Louvre.

        • Caridade Romana, Óleo sobre tela, 82 x 61,5 cm
          Dec. 15, 2021

          Caridade Romana, Óleo sobre tela, 82 x 61,5 cm

          Est: €500 - €1,000

          Segundo modelo de Simon Vouet (1590-1649) Caridade Romana - Pero e Simon Óleo sobre tela Dim. aprox.: 82 x 61,5 cm.

          Palácio do Correio Velho
        • Simon Vouet, Dionot, Saint Catherine of Alexandria
          Dec. 14, 2021

          Simon Vouet, Dionot, Saint Catherine of Alexandria

          Est: €350 - €450

          Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Engraving made by Nicolas Vienot worjing in Paris after 1630. After a painting of Simon Vouet (1590-1649) published by Mariette in Paris. After IFF 17e siècle 106In good condion, several tears skillfully repaired. Good dark impression of this rare engraving printed on laid paper with narrow margins. Early impression with the ruling lines visible at "Sancta".

          Old Master Print
        • SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) Head and shoulders of a bearded man oil on ca
          Oct. 14, 2021

          SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) Head and shoulders of a bearded man oil on ca

          Est: $300,000 - $500,000

          SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) Head and shoulders of a bearded man oil on canvas 24 x 18 in. (61 x 45.8 cm.)

        • Französischer Meister aus dem Kreis des Simon Vouet (1590 - 1649)
          Sep. 23, 2021

          Französischer Meister aus dem Kreis des Simon Vouet (1590 - 1649)

          Est: €8,000 - €10,000

          RefOld13921 VENUS UND ADONIS Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 113 x 93 cm. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Der junge Adonis, in einem braunen Fellgewand mit umgehängtem Horn vor weiter Landschaft, will zur Jagd aufbrechen und verabschiedet sich von seiner Geliebten Venus. Die vor einem langen, bis zum Himmel reichenden schmalen Baum auf einem blauen Tuch sitzende, fast nackte Venus versucht ihn von seinem Vorhaben abzuhalten, indem sie sich mit beiden Armen heftig um ihn geklammert hat und ihn direkt anblickt. Er schaut mit seinen dunklen Augen an ihr vorbei und hat seinen Arm nach rechts in Richtung des Waldes ausgestreckt, vor dem ein Eber zu erkennen ist, und weist sie erneut auf sein Vorhaben hin. Ihm zur Seite gestellt zwei Jagdhunde, von denen einer auf Adonis nach oben schaut. Rechtsseitig, auf einem Teil des blauen Tuchs liegend, der kleine geflügelte schlafende Cupido, der Sohn der Venus, mit seinem zur Seite gelegten Köcher. Malerei unter hohem blauem Himmel mit großen, teils von der Sonne beschienenen Wolkenformationen in meist frischer heller Farbgebung. Die Darstellung, inbesondere die des Abschieds der Venus von Adonis, war in der Malerei der Kunstgeschichte ein beliebtes Motiv, das sich auch bei Tizian (1485-1576) und Peter Paul Rubens (1544-1740) finden lässt. Verso eine Unterlegung, Retuschen. (1281141) (18)

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Vouet, Simon: Die Heilige Familie mit dem Vogel
          Jun. 09, 2021

          Vouet, Simon: Die Heilige Familie mit dem Vogel

          Est: €900 - €1,200

          Die Heilige Familie mit dem Vogel. Radierung. 18,7 x 21 cm. 1633. Robert-Dumesnil 1. Wie Rubens hat Simon Vouet lediglich ein einziges Mal selbst zur Radiernadel gegriffen und die vorliegende Radierung geschaffen; sie besitzt größten Seltenheitswert. Ganz ausgezeichneter Druck mit Rändchen. Vereinzelte Stockfleckchen, sonst in tadelloser Erhaltung. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

          Bassenge Auctions
        • Vouet, Simon (1590-1649) attr. "Bacchanal", oil/canvas, 63x46cm (w.f. 84,5x67cm), heavily darkened
          May. 08, 2021

          Vouet, Simon (1590-1649) attr. "Bacchanal", oil/canvas, 63x46cm (w.f. 84,5x67cm), heavily darkened

          Est: -

          Vouet, Simon (1590-1649) attr. "Bacchanal", oil/canvas, 63x46cm (w.f. 84,5x67cm), heavily darkened

        • CIRCLE OF SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) Portrait of a man, bust-length, we
          Apr. 23, 2021

          CIRCLE OF SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) Portrait of a man, bust-length, we

          Est: $8,000 - $12,000

          CIRCLE OF SIMON VOUET (PARIS 1590-1649) Portrait of a man, bust-length, wearing a red coat and white ruff oil on canvas, unframed 25 ½ x 24 ½ in. (65 x 62.5 cm.)

        • Simon Vouet (1590-1649), Circu
          Mar. 29, 2021

          Simon Vouet (1590-1649), Circu

          Est: -

          Simon Vouet (1590-1649), Circumcircle. Assumption of the Virgin Mary, black chalk and white heightening on brownish paper, bottom left inscribed ''Simon Vouet'', light margin, 31,8 x 27,6 cm, behind mount 38 x 34 cm

          Historia Auctionata
        • DESSINS
          Mar. 23, 2021


          Est: €800 - €1,200

          "La naissance de Vénus" pierre noire et rehauts d'encre brune sur papier collé sur papier. Portant en bas à droite une signature de Simon Vouet. Ecole française. Epoque: XVIIème. Dans un encadrement en bois sculpté du XVIIIème. Dim.(feuille):+/-201x146mm.

        • Manner of Simon Vouet (French, 1590-1649)
          Feb. 23, 2021

          Manner of Simon Vouet (French, 1590-1649)

          Est: $7,000 - $9,000

          Manner of Simon Vouet (French, 1590-1649) Bacchus and Ariadne oil on canvas 28 1/2 x 21 1/4 inches. Provenance: Alfred Bader, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, January 14, 1987 (with invoice) Property from the Collection of William and Sharon Treul, Pewaukee, Wisconsin

        • Roman Charity, Oil on canvas, 82 x 61.5 cm
          Dec. 14, 2020

          Roman Charity, Oil on canvas, 82 x 61.5 cm

          Est: €800 - €1,600

          Second model by Simon Vouet (1590-1649) Roman Charity - Pero and Simon Oil on canvas Dim. approx .: 82 x 61.5 cm.

          Palácio do Correio Velho
          Dec. 04, 2020


          Est: €2,000 - €3,000

          FOLLOWER OF SIMON VOUET (Paris, 1590 - 1649) Roman Charity (Cimon and Pero) Oil on canvas, cm. 75x57. Framed PROVENANCE: Private collection, Lazio.

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        Lots Per Page: