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Franz Wacik Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Illustrator, Caricaturist

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      • FRANZ WACIK (Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna)
        Nov. 28, 2024

        FRANZ WACIK (Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna)

        Est: €400 - €800

        FRANZ WACIK (Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna) Boat house at Hallstatt, 1934 gouache and chalk/paper 31,1 x 39,9 cm signed FRANZ WACIK verso inscribed Bootshaus Hallstatt 1934 SCHÄTZPREIS / ESTIMATE °€ 400 - 800 STARTPREIS / STARTING PRICE °€ 400 Franz Wacik was an Austrian artist. His artistic training began at the Strehblow painting school, which Wacik attended after business school in addition to his work as an office clerk. Afterwards, Alfred Roller was his teacher at the Vienna School of Applied Arts. From 1902 to 1908 Wacik studied painting with Christian Griepenkerl, Franz Rumpler and Heinrich Lefler at the Vienna Art Academy. Wacik made a name for himself as a book illustrator, particularly of children's and young people's literature, for example with colored illustrations of works by E. T. A. Hoffmann, Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, Clemens Brentano, fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and the folk books by Till Eulenspiegel. For the book series “Austria's Hall of Fame” he illustrated the volumes about Franz Schubert and Franz Grillparzer. Wacik also worked for the magazines “Die Muskete”, “Jugendrotkreuz” and “Gerlach’s (sic) Jugendbibliothek”. In 1913, he designed the poster for the spring exhibition of the Vienna Secession. PLEASE NOTE: The purchase price consists of the highest bid plus the buyer's premium, sales tax and, if applicable, the fee of artists resale rights. In the case of normal taxation (marked ° at the estimate), a premium of 24% is added to the highest bid. The mandatory sales tax is added to the sum of the highest bid and the buyer's premium. This amounts to 13% for paintings, drawings, graphic works and sculptures and 20% for photographs and all other items. The buyer's premium amounts to 28% in case of differential taxation. The sales tax is included in the differential taxation.

        Widder Auctions
      • FRANZ WACIK (Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna)
        Nov. 28, 2024

        FRANZ WACIK (Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna)

        Est: €300 - €400

        FRANZ WACIK (Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna) Doll on a dresser clock gouache/cardboard 33,3 x 19,8 cm SCHÄTZPREIS / ESTIMATE € 300 - 400 STARTPREIS / STARTING PRICE € 300 Franz Wacik was an Austrian artist. His artistic training began at the Strehblow painting school, which Wacik attended after business school in addition to his work as an office clerk. Afterwards, Alfred Roller was his teacher at the Vienna School of Applied Arts. From 1902 to 1908 Wacik studied painting with Christian Griepenkerl, Franz Rumpler and Heinrich Lefler at the Vienna Art Academy. Wacik made a name for himself as a book illustrator, particularly of children's and young people's literature, for example with colored illustrations of works by E. T. A. Hoffmann, Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, Clemens Brentano, fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and the folk books by Till Eulenspiegel. For the book series “Austria's Hall of Fame” he illustrated the volumes about Franz Schubert and Franz Grillparzer. Wacik also worked for the magazines “Die Muskete”, “Jugendrotkreuz” and “Gerlach’s (sic) Jugendbibliothek”. In 1913, he designed the poster for the spring exhibition of the Vienna Secession. PLEASE NOTE: The purchase price consists of the highest bid plus the buyer's premium, sales tax and, if applicable, the fee of artists resale rights. In the case of normal taxation (marked ° at the estimate), a premium of 24% is added to the highest bid. The mandatory sales tax is added to the sum of the highest bid and the buyer's premium. This amounts to 13% for paintings, drawings, graphic works and sculptures and 20% for photographs and all other items. The buyer's premium amounts to 28% in case of differential taxation. The sales tax is included in the differential taxation.

        Widder Auctions
      • Wacik, Franz (1883 Wien - 1938 ebenda) - Werbeplak…
        Sep. 07, 2024

        Wacik, Franz (1883 Wien - 1938 ebenda) - Werbeplak…

        Est: €180 - €540

        Wacik, Franz (1883 Wien - 1938 ebenda) - Werbeplakat "Blumennacht Künstlerfest 18.Juni Künstlerhaus Karlsplatz", Farblithografie auf Papier, im Stein signiert "Original Steinzeichnung v. Franz Wacik", Druck bei "Secession" Graphische Kunstanstalt, Wien um 1920, horizontale und vertikale Faltspuren, leichte Altersspuren, Blattmaße ca. 83x 53cm, Blatt liegt lose

        Auktionshaus Blank
        Apr. 13, 2024


        Est: $1,350 - $2,000

        Artist: Franz Wacik, Austrian (1883 - 1938) Title: Wirtschaftsver. Year: circa 1913 Medium: Lithograph Poster Size: 20.5 in. x 16 in. (52.07 cm x 40.64 cm) Frame Size: 23 x 19 inches Printer: A. Berger, Wien

      • Franz Wacik (1883-1938)
        Nov. 21, 2023

        Franz Wacik (1883-1938)

        Est: €100 - €200

        Franz Wacik (1883-1938), Rübezahl, black chalk with Indian ink, white hightened on paper, illustration for the book Rübezahl around 1910/20, framed under glass, 22 x 18 cm

        Deutsch Auktionen
      • Franz Wacik, Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna, "Undine" cycle for Gerlach's youth library
        Nov. 14, 2023

        Franz Wacik, Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna, "Undine" cycle for Gerlach's youth library

        Est: €200 - €400

        Franz Wacik Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna "Undine" cycle for Gerlach's youth library (not published) Around 1920 Mixed media on paper 29 x 25.5 cm, with frame 31 x 27.5 cm Signed b.l.

        Tiberius Auctions
      • Franz Wacik, Sweet Dreams
        Oct. 10, 2023

        Franz Wacik, Sweet Dreams

        Est: $700 - $900

        Franz Wacik Sweet Dreams watercolor, ink and crayon on paper sight: 13.625 h x 11.625 w in (35 x 30 cm) Signed to lower right 'Franz Wacik'. Provenance: Estate of Toni Schulman This work will ship from Lambertville, New Jersey.

        Toomey & Co. Auctioneers
      • Franz Wacik, Senza titolo. Inizio del XX secolo.
        May. 24, 2023

        Franz Wacik, Senza titolo. Inizio del XX secolo.

        Est: €300 - €600

        Franz Wacik, Senza titolo. Inizio del XX secolo. Acquerello su carta greve. mm 505x615. Firma a matita in basso a destra. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Franz Wacik, Senza titolo. Inizio del XX secolo.
        May. 24, 2023

        Franz Wacik, Senza titolo. Inizio del XX secolo.

        Est: €300 - €600

        Franz Wacik, Senza titolo. Inizio del XX secolo. Acquerello su carta greve. mm 505x615. Firma a matita in basso a destra. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Franz Wacik, Senza titolo. Inizio del XX secolo.
        May. 24, 2023

        Franz Wacik, Senza titolo. Inizio del XX secolo.

        Est: €300 - €600

        Franz Wacik, Senza titolo. Inizio del XX secolo. Acquerello su carta greve. mm 505x615. Il presente disegno e quelli a seguire rivelano uno stile diverso rispetto a quello più conosciuto dell'artista, tipico della sua produzione decorativa, umoristica e favolistica legata all'ambiente della Secessione viennese e della Wiener Werkstätte. Non troviamo infatti l'usuale segno calligrafico e minuzioso bensì un utilizzo più dinamico della linea e sintetico delle forme, legato piuttosto all'attività meno conosciuta e occasionale di Wacik nel campo dei costumi e dei bozzetti teatrali. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Wacik, Franz: Tête-à-Tête
        Apr. 20, 2023

        Wacik, Franz: Tête-à-Tête

        Est: €150 - €260

        Wacik, Franz. Tête-à-Tête. Tuschezeichnung weiß gehöht auf dunklem Velin, links unten signiert "Wacik". Unter Passepartout 53 x 43 cm. Wien 1912. -- Darstellung eines Liebespaares, das in feiner Abendgarderobe vor einem Rundtisch sitzt, der umzufallen droht, mit gekippter Weinflasche sowie Gläsern. Die Dame fällt ihm stürmisch in die Arme, dabei wirkt er überrumpelt, erschrocken reißt er einen Arm und das Bein in die Höhe. Im Hintergrund schaut ein kleiner Junge neugierig hinter einem Vorhang hervor. – Vereinzelt kleine Randläsuren, sonst in sehr guter Erhaltung. – Dabei: 1. Derselbe. Zeichnung in Graphit mit feinen Weißhöhungen, links unten signiert "Franz Wacik" auf festem Karton montiert, dieser bezeichnet und datiert "Aus 'Der Esel' ... vom I. Febr. 1919 / 'Die neue Zeit' Franz Wacik". Unter Passepartout 43,5 x 30,5 cm." - Dargestellt wird eine sitzende, barbusige Frau in Ganzfigur in antikisch anmutender Gewandung mit offenem wallenden Haar und phrygischer Mütze. Sie sitzt auf einem Grashügel und erscheint übergroß im Vergleich zu den zwei kleineren männlichen Figuren, die aus kleinen Höhlen hervorschauen. - 2. Gefalteter Bogen. Recto eine Skizze in blauem Buntstift mit feinen Weißhöhungen eines neckischen Gnoms. Er wird sitzend mit überschlagenen Beinen in einem weiten Mantel und großem Hut in Ganzfigur dargestellt, Daumen und Zeigefinger der rechten Hand hat er ans Kinn gelegt. Auf der Innenseite in Graphit die Skizze eines liegenden Mädchens mit hinter dem Kopf verschränkten Armen. Recto eine Skizze in blauem Buntstift eines Mannes mit schiefem Grinsen und erhobenem Zeigefinger. Er trägt einen zu große Anzug und einen Hut.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Wacik, Franz: 2 Zeichnungen. 1 Federzeichnung. Der Bär und die Prinzessin
        Apr. 20, 2023

        Wacik, Franz: 2 Zeichnungen. 1 Federzeichnung. Der Bär und die Prinzessin

        Est: €160 - €240

        Wacik, Franz. Zwei Zeichnungen. Davon eine Federzeichnung, weiß gehöht "Wenn die Kinder fragen" und 1 Vorzeichnung "Der Bär und die Prinzessin". In Graphit auf verschiedenen Velinpapieren, unten rechts signiert und datiert. Unter Passepartout ca. 42 x 32 cm. Wien 1916-1917. -- 1. Der Bär und die Prinzessin - Märchenhafte Skizze des Wiener Künstlers Franz Wacik (1883-1938), der auch Märchen von Andersen und den Gebrüdern Grimm, ferner Werke von Brentano, E. T. A. Hoffmann und Hugo von Hofmannsthal illustrierte. Hier wird zentral ein auf einer Draperie kniender, weiblicher, sehr zarter Akt, dargestellt - eine Prinzessin auf einer Blumenwiese, mit wallendem Haar, die Augen geschlossen, den Kopf zur Seite gelegt. Neben ihr sitzt ein kraftstrotzender Bär, der mit einer Tatze ihren Brustkorb berührt. Die zierliche, fragile Frau versucht ihn wegzuschieben. - 2. Wenn die Kinder fragen - Dargestellt wird auf eine sitzende junge Frau bei der Strickarbeit. Auf der linken Bildseite liegt ein kleines Kind an ein buntes Kissen gelehnt. – Minimal fingerfleckig. – Derselbe. Gouachemalerei auf Velin. Ein Bär verfolgt ein Liebespaar bei Nacht. 23 x 20 cm. Wien 1912.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • WACIK, Franz (*1883 Wien †1938 ebd.),
        Mar. 25, 2023

        WACIK, Franz (*1883 Wien †1938 ebd.),

        Est: -

        WACIK, Franz (*1883 Wien †1938 ebd.), Paar Illustrationsskizzen zu Grimms Märchen, Der gestiefelte Kater und Der Rattenfänger von Hameln, Wasserfarben über Bleistift, mittig und rechts unten sign., Kartonmontage, hinter Glas, Metallleiste, 9 x 6,4 bzw 9 x 12,5 cm

        zeitGenossen Antiquitäten - Kunst - Design
        Mar. 11, 2023


        Est: $1,450 - $2,000

        Artist: Franz Wacik, Austrian (1883 - 1938) Title: Wirtschaftsver. Year: circa 1913 Medium: Lithograph Poster Size: 20.5 in. x 16 in. (52.07 cm x 40.64 cm) Frame Size: 23 x 19 inches

      • FRANZ WACIK (Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna)
        Nov. 28, 2022

        FRANZ WACIK (Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna)

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        FRANZ WACIK (Vienna 1883 - 1938 Vienna) Nixe, around 1910 mixed media/cardboard, 32.5 x 25.5 cm verso stamp Arnold, Lanzenberger Wien, Operngasse 4; beschriftet aus dem Nachlass von Franz Wacik akad. Maler, Magda Daiml Wacik provenance: Kunstsalon Kovacek Vienna, private collection Vienna ESTIMATE °€ 3.000 - 5.000 STARTING PRICE °€ 2.500 "Among the most successful and best-known Austrian illustrators of books for children and young people is the Viennese Franz Wacik. His mostly colorfully executed pictorial motifs can be found in works by Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm, as well as in the stories of E. T. A. Hoffmann, Hugo von Hofmannsthal or Clemens Brentano. Wacik, who earned his living as a clerk after attending commercial school, first acquired his artistic skills at Strehblow's painting school. In 1901/1902 he found a place at the School of Applied Arts under Roller and from 1902 to 1908 at the Academy of Fine Arts under Professors Griepenkerl, Rumpler and Lefler. He passed his artistic practical test as an illustrator as a contributor to the humorous magazine "Die Muskete", for which he contributed more than 600 colored pictures between 1906 and 1919. In 1924 he created the frescoes on the ground floor of the Secession, of which he became a member in 1910 and where he was represented in exhibitions in 1918 and 1919. In the present composition, Wacik revolves around the fairy tale and legend motif of the mermaid, which can be found, for example, in the stories of the Brothers Grimm about the "The Water-Nixie" and "The Nixie of the Mill-Pond" or in Ludwig Bechstein's legend "The Miller and the Mermaid". Wacik presents the motif of the young mermaid with the white body and the ornamentally dissolved hair splendor in front of a background that is kept in blue tones. Wacik sketchily inserts the hanging branches of a willow in the background. A white, temple-like building with a flat yellow dome forms the actual background. The ornamental, brightly colored dissolution of the surrounding wall of this building, as well as the fish on its upper side, appears like a Klimt quotation. Wacik relies on a decorative-placative effect and forgoes spatiality. In doing so, he follows the design principles of Secessionist graphics." PLEASE NOTE: The purchase price consists of the highest bid plus the buyer's premium, sales tax and, if applicable, the fee of artists resale rights. In the case of normal taxation (marked °), a premium of 24% is added to the highest bid. The mandatory sales tax of 13%, for photographys 20%, is added to the sum of the highest bid and the buyer's premium. The buyer's premium amounts to 28% in case of differential taxation. The sales tax is included in the differential taxation.

        Widder Auctions
      • Franz Wacik (Vienna 1883 - 1938)
        Sep. 20, 2022

        Franz Wacik (Vienna 1883 - 1938)

        Est: €500 - €800

        Franz Wacik (Vienna 1883 - 1938) Figura allegorica orientale con nudo femminile Tecnica mista su carta 210 x 160 mm Franz Wacik (Vienna 1883 - 1938) Oriental allegorical figure with female nude Mixed media on paper 210 x 160 mm

        Lucas Aste
      • Wacik, Franz
        Jul. 09, 2022

        Wacik, Franz

        Est: €140 - €200

        (1883 Wien 1938). Blumennacht Künstlerfest 18.Juni Künstlerhaus Karlsplatz. Die Rose vorlieg. in beige gedruckt. Farblithographie bei "Secession" Graphische Kunstanstalt, Wien um 1920. 83,8 x 53 cm. Mit dem Namenszug u. Bez. "Original Steinzeichnung" im Stein. Aufgrund einiger Einrisse u. Knickf. auf Lwd. aufgezogen. Etw. gebr. - ╔Dabei: Björn Wiinblad╗ (1918-2006). Tusind og en nat (Tausend und eine Nach). Farbserigraphie bei TT. 100 x 70 cm. Mit dem Namenszug im Druck. - Ob. li. Eckabriss (ohne Darst.-Verlust), re. Randeinriss u. dort etw. fleckig. - ╔Richard Matouschek╗ (1925-1976). 12 Bl. mit phantastischen Darstellungen. Vergrößerte Offsetdrucke n. Radierungen u. Tuschfederzeichnungen bei Atelier Roland Korndörffer, ca. 1958-59. Zw. 30,5 x 19,5 u. 44,5 x 33,5 cm. Tls. mit dem Monogr. u. Datum im Druck, alle Bl. typogr. bez. - Richard Matouschek gehörter der Wiener Schule des Phantastischen Realismus an. D

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • The Age
        Feb. 15, 2022

        The Age

        Est: €120 - €140

        The Age Lithograph Signed in the Plate, inscribed and titled lower left Sheet Size: 17,7 x 22 in / Plate Size: 14,2 x 18,5 in

        Lehner Kunstauktionen
      • Wacik, Franz: Sommernachtstraum
        Dec. 03, 2021

        Wacik, Franz: Sommernachtstraum

        Est: €500 - €750

        "Sommernachtstraum" Gouache und Bleistift auf Velin. Um 1920. 32,7 x 43 cm. Unten links mit Bleistift signiert "Franz Wacik", mittig betitelt und die Figuren jeweils bezeichnet. Oberon, Snout (hier: Schnauz) der Kesselflicker und Zettel der Weber, in zügigen, kräftigen Bleistiftlinien sicher umrissen, effektvoll sparsam koloriert und in karikierendem Stil gezeichnet. – Beigegeben: Zwei weitere Zeichnungen von Franz Wacik. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Wacik, Franz: Fresken am Vogelweidplatz
        Dec. 03, 2021

        Wacik, Franz: Fresken am Vogelweidplatz

        Est: €500 - €700

        Fresken am Vogelweidplatz 5 Zeichnungen. Kreide in Schwarz, weiß gehöht, auf verschiedenen Velinpapieren. 1933. Bis ca. 48 x 32 cm. 4 Blatt mit Kreide in Schwarz signiert "Franz Wacik", 1 Blatt datiert. Müller, Schmied und Bäcker zeichnet Wacik in charakteristischen Posen, dazu eine Szene aus "Tischlein deck dich". Im Jahr 1924 entwarf Wacik die Fresken für den ersten Stock im Haus der Wiener Secession und 1927/28 die Fresken für das Haus am Vogelweidplatz, dem "Vogelweidhof", der als einer der am prächtigsten ausgestalteten Gemeindebauten in Wien gelten darf. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Franz Wacik [attribuito a], Viandante e strega.
        Oct. 27, 2021

        Franz Wacik [attribuito a], Viandante e strega.

        Est: €600 - €1,200

        Olio su tela. cm 75x56. Monogrammato F. W. in basso a sinistra. Il soggetto rientra nella tipologia fiabesca tipica di Franz Wacik, anche se la pittura appare in questo caso più corposa e meno piatta. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Wacik, Franz: Eulenspiegel
        Oct. 13, 2021

        Wacik, Franz: Eulenspiegel

        Est: €120 - €180

        Wacik, Franz. Eulenspiegel. 8 Bl. Mit 8 Farbbildern von Franz Wacik. 17,5 x 26 cm. Farbig illustrierte OBroschur (etwas fingerfleckig, obere Ecke mit Knickspur). Mainz, Joseph Scholz, (1914). -- Scholz' künstlerische Volks-Bilderbücher No. 329. Eine der seltensten Ausgaben der umfangreichen Reihe. Der österreichische Maler und Grafiker Franz Wacik (1883-1938) illustrierte auch Märchen von Andersen und den Gebrüdern Grimm, ferner Werke von Brentano, E. T. A. Hoffmann und Hugo von Hofmannsthal. – Block sauber aus der Drahtheftung gelöst, obere rechte Ecke etwas gestaucht. Über den KVK nur zwei bibliothekarische Standortnachweise in den beiden Nationalbibliotheken Frankfurt und Leipzig.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Sonnenblume, 1928
        Jun. 15, 2021

        Sonnenblume, 1928

        Est: €1,400 - €1,800

        Pastel chalk on paper Signed lower right, verso dated Passepartout Outcut unopened: 17,2 x 10,2 in framed

        Lehner Kunstauktionen
      • WACIK, Franz (*1883 Wien †1938 ebd.),
        Apr. 24, 2021

        WACIK, Franz (*1883 Wien †1938 ebd.),

        Est: -

        WACIK, Franz (*1883 Wien †1938 ebd.), Paar Illustrationsskizzen zu Grimms Märchen, Der gestiefelte Kater und Der Rattenfänger von Hameln, Wasserfarben über Bleistift, mittig und rechts unten sign., Kartonmontage, hinter Glas, Metallleiste, 9 x 6,4 bzw 9 x 12,5 cm

        zeitGenossen Antiquitäten - Kunst - Design
      • Franz Wacik; Mermaid
        Dec. 17, 2020

        Franz Wacik; Mermaid

        Est: €2,000 - €4,000

        Franz Wacik (Wien 1883-1938 Wien) Mermaid gouache, graphite on cardboard; 31 x 25,5 cm (cut-out), 31,5 x 26 cm (image size) estate confirmation on the reverse: aus dem Nachlass von Franz Wacik, akad. Maler / Majdo Deiml Wacik Provenance from the estate of the artist; private property, Austria

        Im Kinsky
      • Schaukal, Richard von, - Schriftsteller (1874-1942). Eh. Albumblatt mit
        May. 13, 2020

        Schaukal, Richard von, - Schriftsteller (1874-1942). Eh. Albumblatt mit

        Est: €67 - €100

        Schaukal, Richard von, Schriftsteller (1874-1942). Eh. Albumblatt mit Unterschrift. Ohne Ort, 25.X.1912. Qu.Gr.8°. 1 S. ╔Dabei:Wacik, Franz,╗ Maler (1883-1938). Eh. Federzeichnung über Bleistift auf Pergament. O.O.u.J. (Wien um 1910). Qu.12°. 1 S. - Entwurf für eine Vignette: aus stilisierten Wellen auftauchender Kopf eines Wassermannes.

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Wacik, Franz (1883 - 1938), Landschaft bei Wien im Abendlicht, Öl/Karton, re. u. sign., rs. handschr
        Mar. 21, 2020

        Wacik, Franz (1883 - 1938), Landschaft bei Wien im Abendlicht, Öl/Karton, re. u. sign., rs. handschr

        Est: -

        Wacik, Franz (1883 - 1938), Landschaft bei Wien im Abendlicht, Öl/Karton, re. u. sign., rs. handschriftlich bez. "Wacik / unverkäuflich", ca. 34 x 50 cm, gerahmt. F. Wacik war ein österreichischer Maler u. Grafiker.

        Kunst- und Auktionshaus Wiesbaden
      • Das Alter, ca. 1919
        Feb. 12, 2020

        Das Alter, ca. 1919

        Est: €200 - €250

        Lithography Signed in the plate Plate size: 14,2 x 18,3 in framed

        Lehner Kunstauktionen
      • * Wacik (Franz, 1883-1938). Munchhausen, 1913,
        Jul. 18, 2018

        * Wacik (Franz, 1883-1938). Munchhausen, 1913,

        Est: £70 - £100

        colour lithograph on wove paper, published by the Vereinigung Bildender Kuenstler Wiener Secession, with their embossed stamp to centre of lower margin, image size 39.2 x 29.5 cm (15.5 x 11.6 ins), mounted - Quantity (1)

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • Franz Wacik (1883 - 1938), Orfeo. Progetto per decorazione. 1920-1930.
        Jun. 15, 2016

        Franz Wacik (1883 - 1938), Orfeo. Progetto per decorazione. 1920-1930.

        Est: €260 - €520

        Tempera, oro e argento su carta. mm 250x400. Firmato in basso a destra. Altri studi al verso.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Franz Wacik, Tree Fungi, Drawing, Austria, 1925
        Nov. 30, 2015

        Franz Wacik, Tree Fungi, Drawing, Austria, 1925

        Est: €200 - €260

        Oil pastel over watercolor on wove paper Austria, 1925 Franz Wacik (1883-1938) – Austrian painter and printmaker Signed in pencil lower right ‚FRANZ WACIK‘ On the reverse titled, dated and numbered in pencil ‚[Bau]mschwämme 1925 No. 16‘ Further sketches in pencil and charcoal on the reverse Sheet: 23 x 29 cm Provenance: from an important Austrian private collection Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 400 Euro Condition: The drawing show in spots minor imperfections and rests of an older mounting, which can be covered with a new mat. Further you can find scattered creases on the paper. The sheet dimensions are 23 x 29 cm. Franz Wacik (1883-1938) Franz Wacik was born in Vienna in 1883. He attended the painting school Strehblow and later studied at the School of Applied Arts as well as the Academy of Art in Vienna until 1908. Wacik was mostly working as a book illustrator for well-known authors such as the brothers Grimm, E.T.A. Hoffmann and many more. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Franz Wacik (1883-1938), Nobel, India Ink Drawing, c. 1900
        Nov. 30, 2015

        Franz Wacik (1883-1938), Nobel, India Ink Drawing, c. 1900

        Est: €300 - €390

        India ink with gouache Austria, c. 1900 Franz Wacik (1883-1938) – Austrian painter and print maker On the reverse titled ‚Nobel‘ as well as ‚Das Hemd‘ [The shirt] Image: 32.7 x 17.7 cm Sheet: 34.4 x 24.5 cm Good condition Provenance: from an important Austrian private collection Probably a illustration draft for the journal ‚Die Muskete‘ Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 600 Euro Condition: The sheet is mounted into a mat. The paper is overall a bit toned and soiled to the margins. Apart from that good condition. The image measures 32.7 x 17.7 cm, the sheet 34.4 x 24.5 cm. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Franz Wacik (1883-1938), Study of a Peasant, Chalk, c. 1900
        Nov. 30, 2015

        Franz Wacik (1883-1938), Study of a Peasant, Chalk, c. 1900

        Est: €300 - €390

        Chalk on black toned wove paper, mounted on cardboard Austria, c 1900 Franz Wicek (1883-1938) – Austrian painter and illustrator Signed in pencil ‚Franz Wacik‘ lower left Sheet: 49.5 x 25.5 cm Good condition Provenance: from an important Austrian private collection Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 600 Euro Condition: The sheet is mounted to a mat. It is in a good condition consistent with age with a horizontal crease and a scratch mark to the surface to the left margin. The dimensions are 49.5 x 25.5 cm. Franz Wacik (1883-1938) Franz Wacik was born in Vienna in 1883. He attended the painting school Strehblow and later studied at the School of Applied Arts, as well as the Academy of Art in Vienna until 1908. Wacik worked mostly as a book illustrator for well-known authors, such as the brothers Grimm, E.T.A. Hoffmann and many more. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • F. Wacik, Landscape during dawn, Watercolor, ca. 1920
        Nov. 30, 2015

        F. Wacik, Landscape during dawn, Watercolor, ca. 1920

        Est: €200 - €260

        Watercolor with gouache on wove paper Austria, c. 1920 Franz Wacik (1883-1938) – Austrian painter and print maker Signed in pencil lower right ‚Franz Wacik‘ Sheet: 21 x 25.5 cm Very good condition Provenance: from an important Austrian private collection Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 400 Euro Condition: The watercolor is in very good condition consistent with age. The wove paper is slightly toned. In the upper right quarter there are few tiny, hardly visible stains. The sheet measures 21 x 25.5 cm. Franz Wacik (1883-1938) Franz Wacik was born in Vienna in 1883. He attended the painting school Strehblow and later studied at the School of Applied Arts as well as the Academy of Art in Vienna until 1908. Wacik was mostly working as a book illustrator for well-known authors such as the brothers Grimm, E.T.A. Hoffmann and many more. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Five coloured fashion designs by Franz Wacik, 20th Century
        Aug. 21, 2015

        Five coloured fashion designs by Franz Wacik, 20th Century

        Est: €1 - €500

        Watercolour and pencil on paper Austria, 20th Century Franz Wacik (1883-1938) – Austrian painter and illustrator Signed “Franz Wacik” Dimensions: variable Good condition Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 500 EUR This set comprises three colourful watercolour designs by the Austrian artist Franz Wacik for fancy costumes and eccentric head pieces. The bright colours are very well-preserved. The drawings are in good condition with the usual signs of age and use. The paper is yellowed and lightly foxed due to age. There is minimal material loss, the corners and margins are kinked. All designs are signed “Franz Wacik” and partially titled. Two sheets show an unfinished sketch on the back. The works measure 20 x 14 cm, 22.5 x 16 cm and 25 x 23.5 cm respectively. Two measure 25 x 20 cm each. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Franz Wacik, Wirtschaftsver., Lithograph Poster
        May. 29, 2015

        Franz Wacik, Wirtschaftsver., Lithograph Poster

        Est: $1,500 - $2,000

        Artist: Franz Wacik, Austrian (1883 - 1938) || Title: Wirtschaftsver. || Year: circa 1913 || Medium: Lithograph Poster || Size: 20.5 in. x 16 in. (52.07 cm x 40.64 cm) || Frame Size: 23 x 19 inches

      • FRANZ WACIK (1883-1938). DORRGEMUSE / DORROBST / JULIUS MEINL. 1918. 35x23 inches, 86x60 cm.
        Dec. 18, 2013

        FRANZ WACIK (1883-1938). DORRGEMUSE / DORROBST / JULIUS MEINL. 1918. 35x23 inches, 86x60 cm.

        Est: $1,200 - $1,800

        FRANZ WACIK (1883-1938) DORRGEMUSE / DORROBST / JULIUS MEINL. 1918. 35 3/4x23 3/4 inches, 86x60 1/2 cm. Condition B+: vertical, horizontal and diagonal folds; abrasions in image; pencil notation in lower left corner. Paper. Austrian Posters p. 18.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • Franz Wacik, Oil Painting 'In the Crystal Cave', Vienna, 1918
        Nov. 29, 2013

        Franz Wacik, Oil Painting 'In the Crystal Cave', Vienna, 1918

        Est: €1,280 - €1,600

        Oil on cardboard Austria, Vienna, 1918 Franz Wicek (1883-1938) - Austrian painter and illustrator Annotated on reverse 'Im Kristallberg, gemalt von Franz Wacik, 1918 Wien' ('In the crystal cave, painted by Franz Wacik, 1918 Vienna') Dimensions, framed: 80 x 60 cm Very good condition Franz Wacik was a master of illustrations; comparable oil paintings by the artist fetch up to 15,000 Euro at international auctions The painting 'In the crystal cave' was painted by the Austrian artist Franz Wacik in Vienna in 1918. Wacik was renowned for his illustrations for well-known children book authors, such as the brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, as well as his graphic work for the Vienna Secession. The painting shows a fairy-tale setting in with a sleeping princess in a crystal cave. The princess is depicted in a wide, draped gown and seems threatened by the monstrous crystals that are growing from the ceiling. A young cavalier approaching her with a crossbow has most certainly come to save her. The painting shows elements of Art Déco, in the finely rendered figures and crystals, as well as the colour scheme. The painting is in good condition with slight traces of framing around the edges, which are not visible when the work is framed. The frame shows some signs of age and wear. The dimensions framed are 80 x 60 cm and the dimensions of the cardboard are 69.5 x 49.5 cm. The work is annotated by hand on the reverse 'Im Kristallberg, gemalt von Franz Wacik, 1918 Wien' ('In the crystal cave, painted by Franz Wacik, 1918 Vienna'). Franz Wacik (1883-1938) Franz Wacik was born in Vienna in 1883. He attended the painting school Strehblow and later studied at the School of Applied Arts as well as the Academy of Art in Vienna until 1908. Wacik was mostly working as a book illustrator for well-known authors such as the brothers Grimm, E.T.A. Hoffmann and many more.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Franz Wacik (Austrian, 1883-1938) Fairy Tale Illustration: Old Woman Knitting in a Tree. Signed and dated "Franz/Wacik/1921" l.l. Water
        Jul. 17, 2013

        Franz Wacik (Austrian, 1883-1938) Fairy Tale Illustration: Old Woman Knitting in a Tree. Signed and dated "Franz/Wacik/1921" l.l. Water

        Est: $500 - $700

        Franz Wacik (Austrian, 1883-1938) Fairy Tale Illustration: Old Woman Knitting in a Tree. Signed and dated "Franz/Wacik/1921" l.l. Watercolor and mixed media on paperboard, 24 x 16 in., framed. Condition: Slight warping to paperboard, surface grime.

      • Wacik, Franz
        Apr. 20, 2013

        Wacik, Franz

        Est: -

        Wacik, Franz (1883 Wien 1938). Das Alter (alte Frau bei einem gefällten Baum sitzend). Lithographie mit Tonplatte auf Velin, um 1919. 36,3 x 47,3 cm. Mit Bleistift signiert. Gerahmt. Signierter Vorzugsdruck der Gesellschaft f. vervielfältigende Kunst in Wien; die Auflage erschien in der Jahresmappe für 1919. SchaetzPreis 60

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Franz Wacik, Wirtschaftsver, Lithograph Poster
        Dec. 15, 2011

        Franz Wacik, Wirtschaftsver, Lithograph Poster

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Artist: Franz Wacik, Austrian (1883 - 1938) - Title: Wirtschaftsver. - Year: circa 1913 - Medium: Lithograph Poster - Size: 20.5 in. x 16 in. (52.07 cm x 40.64 cm) - Frame Size: 23 x 19 inches

      • Franz Wacik, Wirtschaftsver., Lithograph Poster
        Nov. 11, 2010

        Franz Wacik, Wirtschaftsver., Lithograph Poster

        Est: $1,500 - $2,000

        Artist: Franz Wacik, Austrian (1883 - 1938) Title: Wirtschaftsver. Year: circa 1913 Medium: Lithograph Poster Size: 20.5 in. x 16 in. (52.07 cm x 40.64 cm) Frame Size: 23 x 19 inches

      • Franz Wacik (Vienna 1883-1938) The Meatless Day, signed Franz Wacik, chalk, pen, Pencil
        Nov. 08, 2004

        Franz Wacik (Vienna 1883-1938) The Meatless Day, signed Franz Wacik, chalk, pen, Pencil

        Est: €380 -

        ink on paper, Cropped and mounted 39 x 29 cm, framed, (K)

      • R. FRANZ WACIK
        Sep. 26, 2004

        R. FRANZ WACIK

        Est: $400 - $600

        R. FRANZ WACIK (Austrian, 1883-1938) FOREST CHAPEL signed R.F. Wacik l.r.; inscribed Munich 011, l.r.; oil on canvas; 16 x 15 inches

        Grogan & Company
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