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Emile Charles Wauters Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1846 - d. 1933

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      • 19th/20th Cent. Belgian oil on canvas - signed Emile Charles Wauters
        Nov. 16, 2024

        19th/20th Cent. Belgian oil on canvas - signed Emile Charles Wauters

        Est: €250 - €400

        WAUTERS ÉMILE CHARLES (1846 - 1933) 19th/20th Cent. Belgian oil on canvas - signed Emile Charles Wauters WAUTERS ÉMILE CHARLES (1846 - 1933) olieverfschilderij op doek : "Leielandschap met koeien" - 38 x 51 getekend

        Sep. 26, 2024


        Est: $60 - $80

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933), Belgian/French UNTITLED (BOY STANDING IN A BOAT); UNTITLED (A SMALL GATHERING OF PEOPLE) each with studio stamp Estimate: $60—80 CAD

      • painting oil on panel - Oriental character - attributed to WAUTERS Emile Charles
        Jun. 23, 2024

        painting oil on panel - Oriental character - attributed to WAUTERS Emile Charles

        Est: €100 - €150

        Tableau HSP -Personnage oriental- attribué à *WAUTERS E.* (Emile Charles) (1846-1933) 28x22.5cm cadre de style doré painting oil on panel - Oriental character - attributed to WAUTERS Emile Charles

      • WAUTERS Emile Charles (1846 - 1933) Huile sur toile marouflée sur carton "Paysage aride". Signé
        May. 15, 2024

        WAUTERS Emile Charles (1846 - 1933) Huile sur toile marouflée sur carton "Paysage aride". Signé

        Est: €300 - €400

        WAUTERS Emile Charles (1846 - 1933) Huile sur toile marouflée sur carton "Paysage aride". Signé en bas à gauche E. Wauters. Ecole belge. Dim.:+/-28x37cm.

      • Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 2 drawings, signed and added drawing in East Indian ink, signed and dated 1919
        Feb. 17, 2024

        Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 2 drawings, signed and added drawing in East Indian ink, signed and dated 1919

        Est: €150 - €300

        Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 2 drawings, signed and added drawing in East Indian ink, signed and dated 1919 Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 2 tekeningen, getekend en toegevoegd tekening in Oost Indische inkt, getekend en gedateerd 1919

        Maison Jules Veilinghuis
      • Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 2 drawings, signed and added drawing in East Indian ink, signed and dated 1919
        Nov. 25, 2023

        Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 2 drawings, signed and added drawing in East Indian ink, signed and dated 1919

        Est: €300 - €500

        Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 2 drawings, signed and added drawing in East Indian ink, signed and dated 1919 Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 2 tekeningen, getekend en toegevoegd tekening in oost Indische inkt, getekend en gedateerd 1919

        Maison Jules Veilinghuis
      • Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 3 drawings, monogrammed (2) and signed (1), dated '71 and 1928
        Nov. 25, 2023

        Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 3 drawings, monogrammed (2) and signed (1), dated '71 and 1928

        Est: €300 - €500

        Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), 3 drawings, monogrammed (2) and signed (1), dated '71 and 1928 Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), lot van 3 tekeningen, monogram (2) en getekend (1), gedateerd '71 en 1928

        Maison Jules Veilinghuis
      • WAUTERS Emile (1846-1933) (attrib)
        Sep. 28, 2023

        WAUTERS Emile (1846-1933) (attrib)

        Est: €100 - €150

        Huile sur panneau attribuée à Emile Wauters "Vue d'Egypte". 15x11 cm

        Hotel des vente Legros
      • Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), charcoal drawing Male head, signed
        Sep. 23, 2023

        Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), charcoal drawing Male head, signed

        Est: €200 - €300

        Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), charcoal drawing Male head, signed Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846-1933), houtskooltekening Mannenhoofd, getekend

        Maison Jules Veilinghuis
      • EMILE CHARLES WAUTERS (1846 - 1933)
        Sep. 18, 2023

        EMILE CHARLES WAUTERS (1846 - 1933)

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Emile Charles WAUTERS (1846 - 1933) Jean IV and the trades of Brussels, 1873 oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, label on back framed H : 128 cm W : 101 cm

        Mar. 04, 2023


        Est: -

        WAUTERS, Emile Charles(1846 Brüssel - 1933 Paris) Bildnis eines Mädchens Pastell. Links unten signiert, verso auf altem Ausstellungszettel bezeichnet. 1922. 41 x 33 cm. Gerahmt48 x 40 cm. Porträt einer jungen Frau mit modischem Kurzhaarschnitt Leichte Altersspuren. Belgischer Maler, studierte bei Ch. Albert und J. Portaels in Brüssel. Mitglied der Akademie München. Literatur : Thieme/Becker. WAUTERS, Emile Charles(1846 Brussels - 1933 Paris) Picture of a Girl Pastel. Signed lower left, verso inscribed on old exhibition slip. 1922. 41 x 33 cm. Framed48 x 40 cm. Portrait of a young woman with fashionable short haircut Slight signs of age. Belgian painter, studied under Ch. Albert and J. Portaels in Brussels. Member of the Academy of Munich. Literature : Thieme/Becker. *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

        Auktionshaus Wendl
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) "Personage Marocain," olieverf op board, l.o. gesigneerd - voorzien van te
        Mar. 25, 2022

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) "Personage Marocain," olieverf op board, l.o. gesigneerd - voorzien van te

        Est: €600 - €900

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) "Personage Marocain," olieverf op board, l.o. gesigneerd - voorzien van tentoonstellingssticker van: Le cercle artistique et littéraire de Bruxelles, 1947. (B) 25 x 22 cm / 45.5 x 42.5 cm

        Veilinghuis Onder de Boompjes
      • EMILE CHARLES WAUTERS (1846-1933) Self portrait, half-length pastel on pape
        Sep. 21, 2021

        EMILE CHARLES WAUTERS (1846-1933) Self portrait, half-length pastel on pape

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        EMILE CHARLES WAUTERS (1846-1933) Self portrait, half-length pastel on paper 31 ¼ x 24 ½ in. (79.4 x 62.2 cm.)

      • Huile sur panneau "Le prêche". Signé en bas à droite Ch. Wauters. Ecole belge. Voir au dos, une marq
        Sep. 14, 2021

        Huile sur panneau "Le prêche". Signé en bas à droite Ch. Wauters. Ecole belge. Voir au dos, une marq

        Est: €600 - €800

        Huile sur panneau "Le prêche". Signé en bas à droite Ch. Wauters. Ecole belge. Voir au dos, une marque sur le panneau et un cachet armorié à la cire rouge. Dim.:+/-40x54,5cm.

      • Wauters, Emile Charles: Bildnis einer jungen Dame
        Nov. 27, 2020

        Wauters, Emile Charles: Bildnis einer jungen Dame

        Est: -

        Wauters, Emile Charles — Portrait of a young Lady (Brussels 1846-1933 Paris) Pastel on paper. At lower left fully signed and dated ''1922'', at the back side old exhibition label with title. About 40 x 32 cm; framed under glass. // Wauters, Emile Charles Bildnis einer jungen Dame (Brüssel 1846-1933 Paris) Pastell/Papier. Links unten voll sign. und dat. ''1922'', verso altes Ausstellungsetikett mit Titel. Ca. 40 x 32 cm; unter Glas ger.

        Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
      • Lettres aut. s., correspondants divers.
        Oct. 16, 2020

        Lettres aut. s., correspondants divers.

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Papiers, formats et étendues divers. - Charles-Marie-Émile Wauters (Bruxelles 1846-Paris 1933) est un peintre belge, élève de Portaels à Bruxelles et de Gérôme à Paris ; il voyagea aux Pays-Bas, en Allemagne, en Italie, en Égypte, au Maroc, en Espagne et en France et vécut longtemps à Paris. Il obtint le succès très jeune avec ses peintures d'histoire, notamment "La folie de Hugo van der Goes", achetée comme d'autres de ses toiles par l'État belge. Son fameux "Panorama du Caire" long de plus de 110 mètres, peint pour une exposition viennoise en 1880, revint ensuite à Bruxelles où il fut exposé en 1897 dans un bâtiment spécialement conçu (aujourd'hui la Grande Mosquée au Cinquantenaire) ; abîmée, la toile fut restaurée en 1923 par Alfred Bastien puis en 1950, et finit démantelée. Wauters connut aussi un grand succès comme portraitiste de personnalités belges ou étrangères de la noblesse ou du High Life, avec plus de 200 oeuvres. Le MRBA de Bruxelles conserve plusieurs de ses oeuvres ; Wauters fit aussi un legs au Musée Charlier. Notre ensemble est constitué de lettres : - À Lucien Solvay (1851-1950), journaliste, critique artistique et musical, homme de lettres, 1er rédacteur en chef de "La Libre Belgique", +/- 50 pcs (certaines peut-être fragmentaires), certaines signées "Charles" (son 1er prénom, modifié par la suite en "Émile"), une datée 1889, 3 datées 1925, 1926 ou 1929, qqs cachets postaux c. 1924-1930 mais pour la plupart non datées (à classer). Solvay et Wauters étaient tous deux membres de l'Académie Royale de Belgique. Correspondance amicale, très touffue, avec parfois des lettres de plusieurs pages. - Entre autres sujets : il lui fait part de son désir de partir pour Paris ("Bruxelles est bête et morne"). Il remercie pour des articles et s'informe sur ce qu'on écrit de lui dans la presse, lui demande parfois d'intervenir pour lui auprès de certaines personnalités belges. Il espère une expo d'ensemble de son oeuvre pour le mois de mai, une exposition à Stockholm, veut vendre ses portraits d'Émile Solvay et lui demande s'il a des amateurs dans sa famille, évoque sa santé et ses rhumatismes, mentionne le pointillisme pour le critiquer ("je ne suis pas encore dans le mouvement du petit point, du jaune de chrome et du violet [...] du je m'enfoutisme pictural [...] je suis trop vieux aussi"). Il parle de sa vue panoramique du Caire, des sociétés panoramiques qui se créent à Bruxelles, Anvers, en Amérique..., du succès que cette vue connaît à Vienne (ou à Bruxelles ?). Plusieurs lettres évoquent sa préoccupation quant à la vente ou la donation de ses collections - dont une de dessins anciens qu'il détaille - mais qu'il ne veut faire qu'à certaines conditions, se montrant assez amer quant aux dispositions de l'État belge à son égard. Il se plaint du coût de la vie à Paris, évoque un portrait d'Albert qui a fait florès à l'ouverture [d'un salon], mentionne Alfred Stevens "confiné au Jeu de Paume dans un trou étroit et obscur", Alfred Bastien qui se remue pour que les artistes peintres aient les mêmes droits que les autres, un voyage en Allemagne, un projet de voyage en Algérie, son désir de travailler au grand air pour se fortifier, un "horrible gouvernement socialiste" et ses méfaits envers les contribuables, etc. - L'ensemble contient aussi un brouillon, probablement par L. Solvay en vue de publication, c. 1920. Il y retrace avec véhémence tous les titres de gloire de son ami depuis le début de sa carrière et explique son refus d'accepter un titre nobiliaire "[...] ns ne ns étonnons point du refus de l'artiste. Ce n'est pas 10 ou 12 ans après [une expo en 1910], quand on a systématiquement écarté un peintre de sa valeur, des honneurs que l'on réservait à certains de ses confrères - certes méritants mais non plus que lui - que l'on puisse espérer que ce peintre acceptera le titre "retardataire" qui lui est offert". Et encore 3 lettres de Mme de Somzée à Lucien Solvay concernant le portrait de son mari Gaëtan de Somzée peint par Wauters (actuellement au MRBA). - À Mme Bérardi, épouse du journaliste français Léon Bérardi (1817-1897), établi à Bruxelles et directeur de "L'Indépendance belge", 6 pcs, c. mars 1879. Il s'aprête à réaliser son portrait et lui recommande la tenue qu'il souhaite : un corsage de satin rouge et une sortie de bal or et argent. "Tachez si possible de rattraper la coiffure de la photographie que vous m'avez envoyée, elle est originale. Avez-vous pensé au diadème ?". Le portrait appartint à Mme de Zualart née Bérardi et passa ensuite dans la collection Lamberts-Cortenbach, cfr lettre aut. jointe, signée Baronne de Lamberts-Cortenbach, 2/5/1942, au directeur du Musée Charlier. - À Jean-Théodore Radoux (1835-1911), compositeur liégeois, membre de l'Académie royale de Belgique. Paris, [1881]. Le fauteuil d'Eugène Verboeckhoven venant de se libérer, le peintre sollicite son appui. "Ce siège me revient de droit après ma médaille d'honneur de Paris, les succès du Caire et du salon de Bruxelles Personne n'a les titres que j'ai [...] Si cette fois encore on me fesais un deni de justice il est inutile de me proposer au premier siège vacant je n'accepterai plus". Wauters fut élu membre le 5/1/1882. Lucien Solvay publia sa notice nécrologique en 1934. - Affaire Florence Parker Deacon, 21 pcs, 1891-1898. De Florence Parker Deacon (1859-1918) née Baldwin à Émile Wauters, 10 lettres ou "petits bleus". Alors que le peintre réalise son portrait, la beauté bostonienne lui envoie plusieurs petits mots pour fixer des rendez-vous ou pour décommander une séance de pose. Suite de l'"Affaire" (le 18 février 1892, le mari de Florence Parker Deacon assassinait Émile Abeille qu'il supposait être l'amant de sa femme) : 11 pcs, émanant essentiellement de divers avoués, relatives à la récupération du portrait par Mme Parker Deacon + 2 coupures de presse de l'époque. Ce portrait se trouve maintenant au Musée Charlier à Bruxelles. - "Régénération des images" : 11 pcs, c. 1913. Wauters découvrit par hasard un procédé photographique de "régénération" qu'il expose longuement à son frère Jules, évoquant notamment des dessins de Raphaël dont il a réussi à retrouver le tracé et le Prix Nobel de physique Gabriel Lippmann auquel il a soumis une plaquette décrivant le procédé. Avec aussi 1 lettre et 2 ff. de Jules Wauters mentionnant Léon Crismer (chimiste belge) en relation avec sa découverte, 1 lettre de L. Crismer à Jules, 1 lettre du critique français Robert de la Sizeranne le remerciant pour son étude sur le dessin de Raphaël [Un carton inconnu de Raphaël, Paris, 1911] et 2 ff. mss (copie ?) relatifs au même sujet. (Plus de 70 pcs)

        Arenberg Auctions
      • Wauters Emile (1846 - 1933) Belgium - The Nile in Bulaq, Cairo (ca. 1880)
        Sep. 26, 2020

        Wauters Emile (1846 - 1933) Belgium - The Nile in Bulaq, Cairo (ca. 1880)

        Est: €26,000 - €33,000

        Oil on canvas - Sig. Boulacq - With documentation

        De Vuyst
      • Emile Charles Wauters (1846-1933)
        Dec. 16, 2019

        Emile Charles Wauters (1846-1933)

        Est: €400 - €600

        Portrait of a lady over the shoulder Oil on marouflaged canvas. Signed at the bottom. 39.5 x 32.5 cm -

      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Nov. 09, 2019

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Oct. 19, 2019

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Aug. 31, 2019

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Jul. 31, 2019

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • WAUTERS, Emile Archive of and documentation about Emile Wauters. [19th - 20
        Jun. 15, 2019

        WAUTERS, Emile Archive of and documentation about Emile Wauters. [19th - 20

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        WAUTERS, Emile Archive of and documentation about Emile Wauters. [19th - 20th C.] Two boxes (most items in good condition). Documentation of the utmost importance concerning the Belgian painter Emile Wauters (Brussels 1846-1933 Paris), pupil of Portaels and Gérôme, who was active in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Egypt, Morocco, Spain and France. He made a career as a history painter and secured the Grand Medal of the Salon de Paris with his "(The madness of) Hugo van der Goes". In 1880-1881 he made a famous panorama, more than 110m long, entitled "Cairo and the banks of the Nile". He was equally eminent as a portraitist. His portraits, numbering over two hundred, include many of the greatest names in Belgium, France and America (Baron and Baroness Goffinet, Princess Clementine of Belgium, Princess de Ligne, etc.). Awarded different medals of honour. Honorary member of the Vienna, Berlin and Munich academies. This collection of documents gives a good impression of the artist and his personality and contains among other things: a few dozen sketches (mainly people and buildings) and a few watercolours, correspondence (Ministère de Sciences et des Arts, Chambre des Représentants, City of Brussels, Direzione delle R(R). Gallerie e Museo nazionale in Firenze, Luigi Cavenaghi, Edouard Empain, A. Greger, Charles and Henri Wauters, F. Lugt, F. Friedlaender, C. Bechstein, C. Renard, lawyers De Rijckman and De Mot,...), numerous newspaper articles relating to the artist and his exhibitions, communication and documentation concerning his masterpiece "Cairo and the banks of the Nile", numerous art historical searches and images of some important works from art history, some exhibition catalogues and some lists of works, photographs (exhibitions, family portraits, some photos of the artist himself and some atelier views), research and communication relating to "un carton inconnu de Raphael", articles on Wauters by Frederic Lees and Joseph Anderson, handwritten and typed text of lectures by Wauters for La Société de Photographie (topics: Brabant, Bruges, Walcheren, Dolomites and Stelvio and Lucerne; with 21 photos of castles) and many other documents: poetry work by the artist, printed lyrics, some text posters, a certificate, communication about his awards, school reports for Jules Wauters, collection of post and business cards (different countries), etc. Ref. Piron II:1567. - Dict. peintres belges II:1181.

        Arenberg Auctions
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Jun. 08, 2019

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Charles Wauters (Belgian, 1846-1933) Portrait of an elegant woman at three
        Jun. 07, 2019

        Emile Charles Wauters (Belgian, 1846-1933) Portrait of an elegant woman at three

        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        Emile Charles Wauters (Belgian, 1846-1933) Portrait of an elegant woman at three-quarter length with a Papillon spaniel, 1895 Oil pastel on paper on canvas 50-3/4 x 35-1/4 inches (128.9 x 89.5 cm) Signed center right on the background wall: Emile Wauters 1895 PROVENANCE: Estate of Wiley Fuqua, Dallas, Texas; Private collection, acquired from the above, circa late 1970s; Thence by descent in the family to the current owner, Austin, Texas. HID01801242017

        Heritage Auctions
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        May. 11, 2019

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Apr. 03, 2019

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • EMILE WAUTERS (BRUXELLES 1846-1933 PARIS) Portrait présumé de Florence Emily Sharon, lady Fermor-Hesketh... pastel sur papier 50,8 x 42 cm.
        Mar. 27, 2019

        EMILE WAUTERS (BRUXELLES 1846-1933 PARIS) Portrait présumé de Florence Emily Sharon, lady Fermor-Hesketh... pastel sur papier 50,8 x 42 cm.

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        EMILE WAUTERS (BRUXELLES 1846-1933 PARIS) Portrait présumé de Florence Emily Sharon, lady Fermor-Hesketh (1858-1924) signé 'Emile Wauters' (en haut à gauche) pastel sur papier 50,8 x 42 cm.

      • WAUTERS Emile Charles (1846 - 1933) Huile sur panneau d'acajou "Portraits d
        Feb. 19, 2019

        WAUTERS Emile Charles (1846 - 1933) Huile sur panneau d'acajou "Portraits d

        Est: €400 - €600

        WAUTERS Emile Charles (1846 - 1933) Huile sur panneau d'acajou "Portraits de Sara et d'Albert Wauters accompagnés de leur chien". Signé en bas à gauche Ch. Wauters et daté 1891. Ecole belge. Dim.:70x56cm.

      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Feb. 14, 2019

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Dec. 15, 2018

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Nov. 03, 2018

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • WAUTERS, Emile Charles (Attrib.) (1846-1933)
        Jun. 24, 2018

        WAUTERS, Emile Charles (Attrib.) (1846-1933)

        Est: €250 - €300

        WAUTERS, Emile Charles (Attrib.) (1846-1933) " Portrait de vieillard" Huile sur panneau. H : 55 cm L : 41 cm

      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Jun. 20, 2018

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_r_me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933)
        May. 30, 2018

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933)

        Est: €700 - €1,000

        'Carmen', signed 'Emile Wauters' (upper left); titled 'Carmen' (upper right) pastel on paper, 59x43,5 cm Exhibited: -Dresden, Königlicher Technische Hochschule, 'Internationale Ausstellung von Aquarellen, Pastellen, Handzeichnungen und Radirungen', 10 August-25 September 1890, no. 2071 (no. 485 according to a label on the reverse). -Munich, Königlicher Glaspalast München, 'Münchener Jahresausstellung von Kunstwerken aller Nationen', 1891, no. 2023 (no. 2272 according to a label on the reverse). Provenance: -With Dicksee & Co, Liverpool, 1889.

        Venduehuis der Notarissen
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Mar. 15, 2018

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L_on G_rŽme, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L_gion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • WAUTERS, Emile Charles (Attrib.) (1846-1933)
        Feb. 25, 2018

        WAUTERS, Emile Charles (Attrib.) (1846-1933)

        Est: €300 - €400

        WAUTERS, Emile Charles (Attrib.) (1846-1933)" Portrait de vieillard"Huile sur panneau.H : 55 cm L : 41 cm

      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter
        Jan. 10, 2018

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter

        Est: $125 - $225

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-Léon Gérôme, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on. In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the Légion d'honneur, among other awards. ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Huile sur panneau "Coin d'un port animé en Orient". Attribué à Emile Wauter
        Oct. 10, 2017

        Huile sur panneau "Coin d'un port animé en Orient". Attribué à Emile Wauter

        Est: €250 - €350

        Huile sur panneau "Coin d'un port animé en Orient". Attribué à Emile Wauters. Ecole belge. Dim.:21.5x26cm.

      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte
        Sep. 13, 2017

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte

        Est: $125 - $175

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L?on G?r?me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on.? In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L?gion d'honneur, among other awards.? ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte
        Jun. 26, 2017

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte

        Est: $125 - $175

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L?on G?r?me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on.? In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L?gion d'honneur, among other awards.? ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte
        May. 09, 2017

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte

        Est: $125 - $175

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L?on G?r?me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on.? In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L?gion d'honneur, among other awards.? ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • WAUTERS Emile (1846 - 1933), "Etude pour la folie de Hugo Van der Goes", sa
        Apr. 25, 2017

        WAUTERS Emile (1846 - 1933), "Etude pour la folie de Hugo Van der Goes", sa

        Est: €200 - €300

        WAUTERS Emile (1846 - 1933), "Etude pour la folie de Hugo Van der Goes", sanguine sur papier. Signée en haut à droite E. Wauters et datée (18)71. Ecole belge. Dim.:35.9x23.5cm.

      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte
        Feb. 08, 2017

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte

        Est: $125 - $175

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-L?on G?r?me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on.? In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the L?gion d'honneur, among other awards.? ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte
        Dec. 28, 2016

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painte

        Est: $125 - $175

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933) Belgian painter. He was born in Brussels. Successively the pupil of Portaels and Jean-LŽon GŽr™me, he produced in 1868 The Battle of Hastings: the Finding of the body of Harold by Edith, a work of striking, precocious talent. As his youth disqualified him for the medal of the Brussels Salon, which otherwise would have been his, he was sent, by way of compensation, by the minister of fine arts, as artist-delegate to Suez for the opening of the canal, a visit that was fruitful later on.Ê In 1870, when he was yet only twenty-two years of age, Wauters exhibited his great historical picture of Mary of Burgundy entreating the Sheriffs of Ghent to pardon the Councillors Hugonet and Humbercourt (Liege Museum) which created a veritable furore, an impression which was confirmed the following year at the London International Exhibition. It was eclipsed by the celebrated Madness of Hugo van der Goes (1872, Brussels Museum), a picture which led to the commission for the two large works decorating the Lions staircase of the Hotel de Ville Mary of Burgundy swearing to respect the Communal Rights of Brussels, 1477 and The Armed Citizens of Brussels demanding the Charta from Duke John IV of Brabant. His other large compositions comprise Sobieski and his Staff before Besieged Vienna (Brussels Museum) and the Harvest of a journey to Spain and Tangiers, The Great Mosque, and Serpent Charmers of Sokko, and a souvenir of his Egyptian travel, Cairo, from the Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil (Antwerp Museum). His vast panorama probably the noblest and most artistic work of this class ever produced Cairo and the Banks of the Nile (1881), 380 ft. by 49 ft., executed in six months, was exhibited with extraordinary success in Brussels, Munich, and the Hague. He received the Order of Merit of Prussia, and is Commander of the Order of Leopold, and of that of St. Michael of Bavaria, Officer of the LŽgion d'honneur, among other awards.Ê ALS, no date, 1p., approx. 4-1/2 x 7". Very Fine condition.

        East Coast Books
      • EMILE CHARLES WAUTERS. (Belgian, 1846 - 1933). LANDSCAPE WITH TREES, signed on stretcher verso. Oil on canvas.
        May. 01, 2016

        EMILE CHARLES WAUTERS. (Belgian, 1846 - 1933). LANDSCAPE WITH TREES, signed on stretcher verso. Oil on canvas.

        Est: $900 - $1,200

        EMILE CHARLES WAUTERS. (Belgian, 1846 - 1933). LANDSCAPE WITH TREES, signed on stretcher verso. Oil on canvas - Unframed, 25 in. x 19 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • WAUTERS EMILE (1846 - 1933) potloodtekening :
        Mar. 20, 2012

        WAUTERS EMILE (1846 - 1933) potloodtekening :

        Est: -

        WAUTERS EMILE (1846 - 1933) potloodtekening : 'Portret van een man' - 20 x 15 gemonogrammeerd en gedateerd '71

      • Emile Wauters (1846-1933). Dimensions: 0m46 x 0m50
        Sep. 06, 2011

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933). Dimensions: 0m46 x 0m50

        Est: €500 - €800

        Emile Wauters (1846-1933). Dimensions: 0m46 x 0m50

        Galerie Moderne
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