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Anton Wierix Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1555 -

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    • Anton Wierix (1552-1604) - Christ and the crucified martyrs - First state
      Dec. 12, 2024

      Anton Wierix (1552-1604) - Christ and the crucified martyrs - First state

      Est: €350 - €450

      In the central scene, we find Mary and John the Evangelist at the foot of the cross. The suffering Christ stands out against an inky black sky. Above the cross God spreads his arms. 'Veni Coronaberis' he speaks to his son; 'Come and be crowned’. On the right and left of the central scene martyrs are depicted, all of whom suffered on the cross: Peter, Calliopius, Pioneers, Victorinus, Andrew, Timotheus, Paphnutius and Hadrian. Below these are three more side scenes illustrating the passion story: the agony in the garden, the flagellation and the crowning of thorns. This is a first state made and published by Anthony Wierix, before the publishers address of Hieronymous Wierix on the second state.

      Old Master Print
    • Anton Wierix II, Maerten de Vos, Complete series: The life and passion of Christ.
      Dec. 12, 2024

      Anton Wierix II, Maerten de Vos, Complete series: The life and passion of Christ.

      Est: €2,700 - €4,200

      Very rare complete series of 25 engravings, title and 24 engravings: The life and passion of Christ. After drawings of Maerten de Vos, engraved by Anthon Wierix II and Plate 14,17,18, engraved by Pieter de Jode. First edition published by Gerard de Jode in Antwerp ca 1583-1587. Complete with the text page nr° 24 which is often missing. All engravings first state or only state impressions. References: Hollstein Dutch 90 only state - Hollstein Dutch 111 only state. The engravings are all printed on the same kind of laid paper with large margins. Good dark impressions. Several with the same watermark.

      Old Master Print
    • ANTON WIERIX (1552-1624)
      Jun. 20, 2024

      ANTON WIERIX (1552-1624)

      Est: €300 - €500

      A set of four Old Master engravings with work by Wierix, Hollar, Goltzius and Callot. Description FR Le Christ et le Croix. Gravure sur cuivre. Signée dans la planche. On joint trois autres gravures des maîtres anciens tels que Hollar, Goltzius et Callot. Beschrijving NL Christus bij het Kruis. Kopergravure. Getekend in de plaat. Geplakt op drager, gesneden tot net buiten het werk, licht vlekkig. Bijgevoegd: -) Wenzel Hollar (1607-1677), De Kruisafneming, 1648. Ets naar Hans Holbein. Getekend en gedateerd in de plaat. Volledig gemonteerd op drager. 215 x 180 mm -) Hendrik Goltzius (1558-1617), De Gevangenneming van Christus, 1598. Kopergravure uit de reeks 'De Passie van Christus'. Datum en monogram in de plaat. Geplakt op drager. 200 x 130 mm -) Jacques Callot (1592-1635), Het martelaarschap van Sint-Sebastiaan. Ets. Getekend in de plaat. Aan bovenzijde gemonteerd. 161 x 327 mm Tot.: 4 ex.

      Bernaerts Auctioneers
    • Wierix, Anton (±1552-±1624). "Ordines sacri Romani imp. ab Ottone III instituti."
      Nov. 24, 2023

      Wierix, Anton (±1552-±1624). "Ordines sacri Romani imp. ab Ottone III instituti."

      Est: €300 - €500

      Wierix, Anton (±1552-±1624). "Ordines sacri Romani imp. ab Ottone III instituti." Handcol. engraving on 2 loose sheets, total size 74,5x51,5 cm., "Anton Wierinx. fe." and "Gerard de Jode. Exc." in the plate, from C. DE JODE, Speculum orbis terrarum (in A. Ortelius, Theatrum orbis terrarum, Antwerp, 1593). - Lower half partly mounted. = Hollstein 52.1, first state (of 2); Mauquoy-Hendrickx III.1 no. 1983, first state; cf. Koeman II, p.211. The fine large print depicts 49 important church- or military leaders in costume. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXII.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • ANTON WIERIX (1552-1624)
      Jun. 15, 2023

      ANTON WIERIX (1552-1624)

      Est: €150 - €250

      'Filius Ecce Dei...', Engraving. Small margins. Board at bottom reinforced with paper tape along verso (minor restoration). Rust soiling on verso. Provenance: Frans Leytens. Description FR 'Filius Ecce Dei...', Gravure. Petites marges. La partie inférieure de la planche a été renforcée par du papier adhésif au verso (restauration minime). Infimes rousseurs au verso. Provenance: Frans Leytens. Beschrijving NL 'Filius Ecce Dei...', Gravure. Kleine marges. Boord onderaan verstevigd met papiertape langs verso (kleine restauratie). Roestzweem op verso. Herkomst: Frans Leytens.

      Bernaerts Auctioneers
    • Anton Wierix, Portrait of Philippus III King of Spain, Duc of Brabant
      Apr. 27, 2023

      Anton Wierix, Portrait of Philippus III King of Spain, Duc of Brabant

      Est: €475 - €675

      Portrait of Philippus III King of Spain, Duc of Brabant. Very rare engraving made by Anton Wierix (1555-1604). he engraving is perforated at the top with very small needle pricks in the Renaissance scroll work. To transfer the engraving to a painting or drawing. Important Collectors mark L151: Alfred Morrison (1821-1897). Very good watermark: Antwerp hand. In excellent condition. Very good dark strong early impression on thin laid paper on the margins complete. In the middle printers crease nearly visible, not disturbing. Very rare with the very thin perforations of a needle for a transfer. The proof that engravings were used in painters ateliers.

      Old Master Print
    • Anton Wierix, Portrait of Philip Willem, Prince of Orange,
      Apr. 27, 2023

      Anton Wierix, Portrait of Philip Willem, Prince of Orange,

      Est: €650 - €850

      Portrait of Philip Willem, Prince of Orange, engraving made by Anton Wierix (1555-1604) ca 1586-1604. References: Hollstein Dutch 2141, Van Someren 836. In excellent condition. Very good dark strong early impression printed on thin laid paper, on the margins. Collectors mark: not known by lugt.

      Old Master Print
    • Anton Wierix (1552-1604) - The sleep of Jesus
      Apr. 27, 2023

      Anton Wierix (1552-1604) - The sleep of Jesus

      Est: €280 - €360

      The Christ Child is sleeping peacefully in a wicker basket. His body is covered with a silky fabric. Mary, with eyes closed, is in adoration before the infant. Within her ample halo there is a circle of 12 stars, like the crown John describes in Apocalypse 12.1. The pleating of her robe is accentuated by a delicate light-shadow effect. The caption (Dilectus meus candidus et rubicundus, electus ex millibus) is an excerpt from Song of Songs 5:10 and translates as: My love shines and shines, he was chosen among ten thousands.

      Old Master Print
    • Anton Wierix (1552-1604) -The vision of Theresa of Avila
      Apr. 27, 2023

      Anton Wierix (1552-1604) -The vision of Theresa of Avila

      Est: €300 - €400

      In 1572, when Teresa received communion from Juan de la Cruz, her spiritual adviser, she experienced a mystical ecstasy. In a vision, Christ appeared and showed her his right hand. "Look at this nail, it is the sign that you will be my bride," he said. In 1577, she wrote her famous mystical work, Castillo Interior (The Inner Fortress), in which she describes with great delicacy the mystical ascent in seven stages. In the print, we see how the vision takes place in the church. The life-sized Christ with the cross on his shoulder is accompanied at top left by two angels and God in a cloud formation. Important and somewhat larger size engraving amongst the work by this master.

      Old Master Print
    • ANTON WIERIX (1552-1624)
      Apr. 27, 2023

      ANTON WIERIX (1552-1624)

      Est: €200 - €300

      'Isabella Clara Eugenia Hisp. Infans ...', ca. 1598-1604. Engraving on laid paper without watermark. Signed in the plate. Some very faint rust spots, also on verso. Very large margins. Beautifull, dark impression. Provenance: Frans Leytens (stamp, L.4480). Description FR 'Isabella Clara Eugenia Hisp. Infans ...', ca. 1598-1604. Gravure sur papier vergé sans filigrane. Signée dans le cuivre. Quelques très légères rousseurs, également au verso. Très grandes marges. Très belle impression. Provenance : Frans Leytens (cachet, L.4480). Beschrijving NL 'Isabella Clara Eugenia Hisp. Infans ...', ca. 1598-1604. Gravure op gevergeerd papier zonder watermerk. Getekend in de plaat. Enkele hele vage roestplekjes, ook op verso. Zeer grote marges. Mooie, diepe druk. Herkomst: Frans Leytens (stempel, L.4480).

      Bernaerts Auctioneers
    • Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia, archduchess of Austria, Burgundy, Brabant, Flandren..., Anton Wierix (1555-1604)
      Dec. 15, 2022

      Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia, archduchess of Austria, Burgundy, Brabant, Flandren..., Anton Wierix (1555-1604)

      Est: €325 - €525

      Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia, archduchess of Austria Burgundy, Brabant, Flandren... With four allegorical figures. Engraving made by Anton Wieirx (1555-1604) in Antwerp ca 1598-1604. Hollstein Dutch 2042.I first state, Mauquoy-Hendrickx 1848, Alvin 1954. In good condition. Very good strong dark early impression on thin laid paper, trimmed on the margins and just 1 mm in the right margin, image nearly complete.

      Old Master Print
    • Anton Ii Wierix (c.1552-c.1604):
      May. 18, 2022

      Anton Ii Wierix (c.1552-c.1604):

      Est: -

      Anton Ii Wierix (c.1552-c.1604)

      Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    • Frans Floris, Anthony Wierix II, Holy Family with Elizabeth and John the Baptist.
      Dec. 14, 2021

      Frans Floris, Anthony Wierix II, Holy Family with Elizabeth and John the Baptist.

      Est: €1,250 - €1,750

      Holy Family with Elizabeth and John the Baptist, After a drawing/painting of Frans Floris (1517-1570), engraving made by Anton Wierix II(1555-1614) after Cornelis Cort ca 1565-1591. New Hollstein Dutch 37-1(4) First state, Hollstein Mauquoy-Hendrickx 449, Alvin Brothers Wierix 524. From a Belgian collection. In excellent condition, very good dark grey early impression. Printed on very thin laid paper on the margins, image complete. Very rare first state.

      Old Master Print
    • Anton Wierix, Ambrosius Vrancken, Maerten de Vos, Complete set of Christ, the twelve apostles and Saint Paul
      Dec. 14, 2021

      Anton Wierix, Ambrosius Vrancken, Maerten de Vos, Complete set of Christ, the twelve apostles and Saint Paul

      Est: €1,600 - €2,200

      Complete set of Christ, the twelve apostles and Saint Paul. 14 engravings made by Anthony Wierix II (1555-1604) . Christ and Saint Paul after Maerten de Vos (1532-1603). The twelve apostles after Ambrosius Francken (1544-1618). Engraved ca 1585 in Antwerp. Published by Gerard de Jode in Antwerp ca 1585. Two prints on one sheet. In total seven sheets. In excellent condition. Printed on thin laid paper with watermark: Gothic P. All with margins. Very good dark/grey early impressions with lot of details. Very rare set.

      Old Master Print
    • Anton III Wierix, "Victima per Manuen, domino mactatur opima..." (Der Engel entfernt sich von Manoah und seiner Frau)
      May. 08, 2021

      Anton III Wierix, "Victima per Manuen, domino mactatur opima..." (Der Engel entfernt sich von Manoah und seiner Frau)

      Est: -

      flämischer Kupferstecher (1552 - 1624), Kupferstich/Büttenpapier, unten mittig in der Platte Stechersignatur, um 1600, betitelt, illustrierte Szene aus dem Alten Testament, Buch der Richter 13 (Die Geburt Samsons), gezeigt wird das Opfer Manoahs und die Himmelfahrt des verkündenden Engels in den Opferflammen, Wierix nach Maarten de Vos, publ. bei CJ Visscher, Amsterdam, altersgemäßer Zustand, angebräunt und berieben, etwas fleckig, Darstellung 21 x 28 cm (HxB), Passepartout, Gesamtmaß 40 x 46 cm (HxB); The angel departing from Manoah and his wife, copperplate engraving by Wierix after Maarten de Vos, publ. at Visscher (Amsterdam) around 1600, signed in the plate, illustration of Old Testament, Judges 13, age-appropriate condition, tanned and rubbed, a bit spotty, mounted

      Kunst- und Auktionshaus Quedlinburg
    • Extremely Rare Signed Anton Wierix III Engraving of "St. Matthew" from Martinus Boschman's "Paradisus Precum" c. 1610
      Nov. 11, 2019

      Extremely Rare Signed Anton Wierix III Engraving of "St. Matthew" from Martinus Boschman's "Paradisus Precum" c. 1610

      Est: $750 - $1,500

      Very rare Anton Wierix III (Flemish, 1552-1604), "St. Matthew" engraving, signed in plate "Anton Wierx Fecit Et Excud" with the following title "et surgens secutus es F 'Iesum Matt. 9" [He got up and followed Jesus, Mathew 9] One of four plates representing the four evangelists engraved by Antonius Wierix in Antwerp | Depicts St. Matthew, three-quarters length, holding a spear and an open book, presumably the Bible open to the book of Matthew; an angel seen behind him to right. Illustration from Martinus Boschman "Paradisus Precum" Poland, Pelplin 1610. Framed, not examined out of frame. Sight size: 3 1/4" high, 2 3/8" wide. Frame size: 12 1/2" high, 9 1/4" wide.

      Worthington Galleries
    • The Christ Child of the Passion
      Sep. 24, 2019

      The Christ Child of the Passion

      Est: €550 - €825

      The Christ Child of the Passion, oil on canvas, Iberian school, 17th/18th C., restoration, relined, unsigned. Notes: based on an engraving by Anton Wierix (circa 1552 – circa 1604)., Dim. - 44,5 x 53,3 cm

      Cabral Moncada Leilões
    • Extremely Rare Signed Anton Wierix III Engraving of "St. Matthew" from Martinus Boschman's "Paradisus Precum" c. 1610
      Jul. 27, 2019

      Extremely Rare Signed Anton Wierix III Engraving of "St. Matthew" from Martinus Boschman's "Paradisus Precum" c. 1610

      Est: $750 - $1,500

      Very rare Anton Wierix III (Flemish, 1552-1604), "St. Matthew" engraving, signed in plate "Anton Wierx Fecit Et Excud" with the following title "et surgens secutus es F 'Iesum Matt. 9" [He got up and followed Jesus, Mathew 9] One of four plates representing the four evangelists engraved by Antonius Wierix in Antwerp | Depicts St. Matthew, three-quarters length, holding a spear and an open book, presumably the Bible open to the book of Matthew; an angel seen behind him to right. Illustration from Martinus Boschman "Paradisus Precum" Poland, Pelplin 1610. Framed, not examined out of frame. Sight size: 3 1/4" high, 2 3/8" wide. Frame size: 12 1/2" high, 9 1/4" wide.

      Worthington Galleries
    • Anton Wierix III "St. Matthew" Engraving, Signed
      Oct. 02, 2016

      Anton Wierix III "St. Matthew" Engraving, Signed

      Est: $300 - $400

      Anton Wierix III (Flemish, 1552-1604), "St. Matthew" engraving, signed in plate "Anton Wierx Fecit Et Excud." Illustration from Martinus Boschman "Paradisus Precum" Poland, Pelplin 1610. Framed, not examined out of frame. Sight size: 3 1/4" high, 2 3/8" wide. Frame size: 12 1/2" high, 9 1/4" wide. Condition: toning, edge losses.

      Schwenke Auctioneers
    • [Portraits]. Wierix II, A. (±1555/59-1604). Philips Willem, Prince of Orange. Engr. portrait, 7.9x5,8 cm., "Anton. Wierix fecit", "Hieronymus Wierix excud." and 3-line caption below the image. - Good impression w. ample margins. = Hollstein (Wierix
      Nov. 28, 2014

      [Portraits]. Wierix II, A. (±1555/59-1604). Philips Willem, Prince of Orange. Engr. portrait, 7.9x5,8 cm., "Anton. Wierix fecit", "Hieronymus Wierix excud." and 3-line caption below the image. - Good impression w. ample margins. = Hollstein (Wierix

      Est: €150 - €250

      [Portraits]. Wierix II, A. (±1555/59-1604). Philips Willem, Prince of Orange. Engr. portrait, 7.9x5,8 cm., "Anton. Wierix fecit", "Hieronymus Wierix excud." and 3-line caption below the image. - Good impression w. ample margins. = Hollstein (Wierix Family) 2141, 2nd state (of 2), w. the address of H. Wierix. Van Someren 836 ("Fraaie grav."). Wierix, J. (1549-±1620) (after). Philips Willem, Prince of Orange. Engr. portrait, 9,5x14,2 cm., 2-line caption and "Paulcs dela Houve excudebat" below the image. - Good impression w. margins; foxed. = Hollstein (Wierix Family) 2142, copy after the fourth state. Nice, threequarter-length portrait. Custos, D. (±1550-1612). (Philips Willem, Prince of Orange). Engr. oval portrait, 6,5x11,7 cm., monogrammed "DC" in lower right corner, w. 2-line caption below the image, mounted. - Left margin cut sl. short (other margins trimmed to platemark). = Van Someren 831. AND 7 others, all but one showing the same, i.a. by C. DE PASSE I.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
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