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Jan Wildens Sold at Auction Prices

Landscape painter, b. 1586 - d. 1653

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    • Jan Wildens, Pieter Nolpe - Tableaux Vivants with marriage of Peleus and Thetis
      Dec. 12, 2024

      Jan Wildens, Pieter Nolpe - Tableaux Vivants with marriage of Peleus and Thetis

      Est: €140 - €180

      One of the 'tableaux vivants' exhibited at the entry of Queen Henrietta Maria into Amsterdam in 1642: a scene with the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, witnessed by the Olympian Gods. Engraving made by Pieter Nolpe after Jan Wildens around 1642.

      Old Master Print
      Oct. 01, 2024


      Est: €15,000 - €16,500

      WILDENS JAN (1586-1653) 'Paesaggio con figure' olio cm.200x120 pubblicato in 'La pittura del '600 a Genova' a cura di Piero Pagano e Maria Clelia Galassi Longanesi Milano 1988 fig. 620

      Aste Boetto SRL
    • JAN WILDENS Antwerp (1584 / 1653) "Landscape with figures"
      Sep. 24, 2024

      JAN WILDENS Antwerp (1584 / 1653) "Landscape with figures"

      Est: €24,000 - €32,000

      Oil on canvas. Signed in the central part. Provenance: Galerie Fusll & Jacob, Munich; Private collection, Madrid. Bibliography: VV.AA., Landschafen und seestucke, 2001, pp. 298-301, cat. No. 79. Exhibitions: Den Bosch 2001; Paderborn 2001; Erfurt 2002. Jan Wildens was a painter of mythological, religious compositions, portraits and landscapes. Father of Jeremias Wildens and student of Pieter Verbinist, he was teacher of the Gilda of Antwerp in 1604. He collaborated with Rubens, Paul de Vos, Jordaens, Teniers and Boskhorst, being in charge of painting the backgrounds of the paintings and the trees. He frequently signed his landscapes and city views, using the monogram W, as seen in this same work. Measurements: 65 x 94 cm.

    • JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1585⁄6-1653). Allegory of the month of June. oil on ca
      Jul. 03, 2024

      JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1585⁄6-1653). Allegory of the month of June. oil on ca

      Est: £25,000 - £35,000

      JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1585⁄6-1653). Allegory of the month of June. oil on canvas 47 7⁄8 x 73 5⁄8 in. (121.5 x 187 cm.).

    • Painting oil on canvas (doubled in the 19th C) - Animated landscape - attributed to WILDENS Jan
      Feb. 18, 2024

      Painting oil on canvas (doubled in the 19th C) - Animated landscape - attributed to WILDENS Jan

      Est: €1,200 - €3,000

      Tableau HST (rentoilé au 19eS) -Paysage animé- attribué à *WILDENS J.* (Jan) (Anvers 1586. 1653) 68x86cm cadre de style doré a/ justificatif galerie Paul Bijtebier Painting oil on canvas (doubled in the 19th C) - Animated landscape - attributed to WILDENS Jan

    • Painting oil on canvas (doubled in the 19th C) - Animated landscape - attributed to WILDENS Jan
      Dec. 10, 2023

      Painting oil on canvas (doubled in the 19th C) - Animated landscape - attributed to WILDENS Jan

      Est: €2,200 - €4,000

      Tableau HST (rentoilé au 19eS) -Paysage animé- attribué à *WILDENS J.* (Jan) (Anvers 1586. 1653) 68x86cm cadre de style doré a/ justificatif galerie Paul Bijtebier Painting oil on canvas (doubled in the 19th C) - Animated landscape - attributed to WILDENS Jan

    • JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1584⁄6-1653) - River landscape with a carriage transporting passengers and a ferry crossing
      Dec. 08, 2023

      JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1584⁄6-1653) - River landscape with a carriage transporting passengers and a ferry crossing

      Est: £20,000 - £30,000

      JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1584⁄6-1653) River landscape with a carriage transporting passengers and a ferry crossing oil on canvas 54 x 82 5⁄8 in. (137.2 x 210 cm.)

    • Jan Wildens, Antwerpen 1586 – 1653, und Cornelis De Wael, 1592 – 1667, zug.
      Dec. 07, 2023

      Jan Wildens, Antwerpen 1586 – 1653, und Cornelis De Wael, 1592 – 1667, zug.

      Est: €15,000 - €20,000

      LANDSCHAFT MIT FIGUREN Öl auf Leinwand. 120 x 202 cm. Antiker Rahmen. Dieses besonders schöne Landschaftsgemälde mit Figuren entstand in einer kunsthistorischen Epoche, in der sich Genua, das in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts seine kommerzielle Blütezeit erlebte, zu einem bedeutenden künstlerischen Zentrum entwickelte und somit für viele weltberühmte nordeuropäische Künstler zum beliebten Ziel wurde. Natürlich müssen hier Rubens und Van Dyck erwähnt werden, die beide die Stadt besuchten, jedoch sollte man auch Cornelis De Wael und Jan Wildens und deren Einfluss in diesem Zusammenhang nicht unterschätzen. Cornelis De Wael kam erstmals 1610 nach Genua und war von 1627 bis 1657 dort ansässig. Er malte mit Vorliebe Schlachten sowie Hafen- und Genrebilder, war jedoch auch ein hervorragender Figurenmaler und versuchte sich sogar vereinzelt in religiösen Darstellungen. Jan Wildens hingegen verweilte wahrscheinlich von 1613 bis mindestens 1614 in der Stadt. In dieser Zeitspanne entstanden eine Anzahl den Monaten gewidmete, datierte Bilder, die heute in den Musei di Strada Nuova in Genua zu sehen sind. Wildens war ein exzellenter Landschaftsmaler. Ihm gelang eine meisterhafte Synthese zwischen niederländischer Detailtreue und Analytik und typisch italienischem Lichteinfall sowie Erhabenheit und perspektivischer Raffinesse. Während der Zeit seines Aufenthalts arbeitete de Wael an einigen Werken mit Jan Wildens zusammen, hierzu existieren zwei Publikationen aus den Jahren 2006 und 2010 von Anna Orlando. Das vorliegende monumentale und doch feinsinnige Landschaftsgemälde ähnelt den in Zusammenarbeit entstandenen Werken und auch anderen, die bisher allein Wildens zugeschrieben wurden. Besonders auffallend ist diese Affinität bei der Darstellung des Monats „Mai“, zu sehen in den Musei di Strada Nuova in Genua, sowie bei zwei weiteren Gemälden im Kunstmuseum Sevilla und Museo di Palazzo Bianco, Genua. Das vorliegende Werk weist dieselbe klare Raumaufteilung auf mit der charakteristischen, in der Mitte gelegenen langen, von vier Baumreihen gesäumten Straße, welche die gesamte Perspektive bestimmt. Auch die Gebäude im Hintergrund weisen bei all diesen Gemälden, die alle von ungefähr gleicher Größe sind, dieselbe Verquickung nordischer und italienischer Architekturen auf. Eine weiter Parallele stellen die Hauptfiguren im Vordergrund dar und die bäuerlichen Szenen am Rand dieser weitläufigen Ausführung. Literatur: Vgl. Ausstellungskatalog, I fiori del barocco. Pittura a Genova dal naturalismo al rococò, Musei di Strada Nuova, Mailand, 2006, S. 114-117 und 122-125. Vgl. A. Orlando, Dipinti genovesi dal Cinquecento al Settecento, Turin, 2010, S. 105. (1381555) (4) (10) Jan Wildens, 1586 Antwerp – 1653 and Cornelis De Wael, 1592 Antwerp – 1667 Rome, attributed LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Oil on canvas. 120 x 202 cm. Antique frame. This exceptionally beautiful landscape painting with figures belongs to an historic era in which Genoa developed into an important artistic centre. Cornelis De Wael first arrived in Genoa in 1610 and remained resident between 1627 and 1657. He had a preference for battle scenes, harbour scenes and genre painting, but he was also an excellent figure painter. On the other hand, Jan Wildens probably stayed in the town from 1613 until at least 1614; in this period a number of dated paintings dedicated to the months were created which are today on display at the Musei di Strada Nuova in Genoa. Wildens was an excellent landscape painter. During this time of his stay, De Wael worked on a few paintings together with Jan Wildens. The present monumental yet sophisticated landscape painting resembles those paintings, which were created in collaboration, and also other paintings, which until now were solely attributed to Wildens. This affinity is particularly striking considering the depiction of the month “May”, which is, as already mentioned, held at the Musei di Strada Nuova in Genoa, as well as two further paintings at the Seville Art Museum and the Museo di Palazzo Bianco, Genoa. Literature: cf. exhibition catalogue Genoa, I fiori del barocco. Pittura a Genova dal naturalismo al rococò, Musei di Strada Nuova, Milan, 2006. pp. 114-117 and 122-125. cf. A. Orlando, Dipinti genovesi dal Cinquecento al Settecento, Turin, 2010, p. 105.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Jan Wildens, 1586 Antwerpen – 1653 ebenda, zugeschrieben
      Dec. 07, 2023

      Jan Wildens, 1586 Antwerpen – 1653 ebenda, zugeschrieben

      Est: €18,000 - €25,000

      JÄGER VOR WEITER LANDSCHAFT Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 78 x 107,5 cm. Rückseitig königlich schwedisches Sammlungsetikett. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Beigegeben ein Zertifikat von Stéphane Pinta, Cabinet Turquin, vom 3. November 2023, in Kopie. Im Vordergrund des Gemäldes mehrere Jäger mit ihren Hunden, von denen einer sein Gewehr reinigt sowie ein Paar, das sich unter einem hohen Baum ausruht. Dahinter ein bräunlicher Feldstreifen mit Kühen, einem Fuhrwerk sowie einem Hirten mit Tieren, deren Weg zu zwei alten Häusern führt. Rechtsseitig ein Teich mit Enten, auf die gerade ein Jäger mit seinem Gewehr zielt. Dahinter in der mittleren Ebene eine weite grüne Landschaft unter hohem grau-blauen Himmel mit mehreren fliegenden Vögeln. Am linken Bildrand ein hoher, in den Himmel reichender Baum als Repoussoir. Malerei mit farblicher, horizontal hintereinanderliegender Staffelung mit vielen Details in überwiegend beige-brauner und grünlicher Farbgebung. (1381362) (18) Jan Wildens, 1580 Antwerp – 1653 ibid., attributed HUNTSMEN IN VAST LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas. Relined. 78 x 107.5 cm. Accompanied by a certificate by Stéphane Pinta, Cabinet Turquin, dated 3 November 2023, in copy.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Painting oil on canvas (doubled in the 19th C) - Animated landscape - attributed to WILDENS Jan
      Oct. 29, 2023

      Painting oil on canvas (doubled in the 19th C) - Animated landscape - attributed to WILDENS Jan

      Est: €3,000 - €4,000

      Tableau HST (rentoilé au 19eS) -Paysage animé- attribué à *WILDENS J.* (Jan) (Anvers 1586. 1653) 68x86cm cadre de style doré a/ justificatif galerie Paul Bijtebier Painting oil on canvas (doubled in the 19th C) - Animated landscape - attributed to WILDENS Jan

      Jun. 15, 2023


      Est: €40,000 - €50,000

      Jan Wildens Anversa 1586-1653 coppia di oli su tela 'paesaggio con il buon samaritano' 'paesaggio con figure' uno con traccia di firma e data in basso a sx l dipinto è corredato da schede critiche di Fred G. Meijer e di Marco Chiarini Bibliografia di riferimento: W. Adler 'Jan Wildens der Landschaftsmitarbeiter des Rubens' Fridingen 1980 ad vocem Y. Thierry 'Les peintre flamands de paysage au XVIIe Siecle. Des precurseurs a Rubens' Parigi 1986 pp. 271 ; 275

      Casa d'aste Martini
    • ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1585-1653) AND ATTRIBUTED TO FRANS FRANCKEN Alexander and Diogenes in an extensive landscape oil on canvas 47 1/4 x 75 1/4 in. (120 x 191.2 cm.) 75
      May. 25, 2023

      ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1585-1653) AND ATTRIBUTED TO FRANS FRANCKEN Alexander and Diogenes in an extensive landscape oil on canvas 47 1/4 x 75 1/4 in. (120 x 191.2 cm.) 75

      Est: $15,000 - $20,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1585-1653) AND ATTRIBUTED TO FRANS FRANCKEN Alexander and Diogenes in an extensive landscape oil on canvas 47 1/4 x 75 1/4 in. (120 x 191.2 cm.)

      May. 23, 2023


      Est: €1,500 - €2,500

      Jan Wildens (Anversa 1586 - 1653) attribuito Scena di caccia Olio su tela 96 x 148 cm A supporto della nostra tesi attributiva si veda l'opera Paesaggio con cacciatori e castello dell'Hermitage di San Pietroburgo, oppure la serie dei mesi Settembre della Galleria di Palazzo Rosso a Genova. Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586 - 1653) attributed Hunting scene Oil on canvas 96 x 148 cm In support of our thesis you should see the artwork Landscape with hunters and castle, Hermitage of St. Petersburg, or the series of the months of September, Galleria di Palazzo Rosso, Genoa.

      Lucas Aste
    • Circle of Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586-1653) Travellers on a country path; and A coastal scene with figure approaching a village (2)
      Apr. 04, 2023

      Circle of Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586-1653) Travellers on a country path; and A coastal scene with figure approaching a village (2)

      Est: £1,500 - £2,000

      Circle of Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586-1653) Travellers on a country path; and A coastal scene with figure approaching a village a pair, oil on panel 8.6 x 20.6cm (3 3/8 x 8 1/8in). (2)

      Mar. 31, 2023


      Est: CHF40,000 - CHF60,000

      JAN WILDENS (1586 Antwerp 1653) Broad river landscape with a ferry. Oil on canvas. Signed lower right on the barrel: I WILDENS FECIT. Monogrammed on a bale: IW. 141 × 206 cm. Provenance: - Private collection, Italy. - Sale Christie's, Rome, 18.5.1979, Lot 129. - Collection of Stefan and Monika Schminck, Frankfurt a. M. - European private collection. Literature: Wolfgang Adler: Jan Wildens. Der Landschaftsmitarbeiter des Rubens, Fridingen 1980, p. 107, no. G62, fig. 89, p. 183. --------------- JAN WILDENS (1586 Antwerpen 1653) Weite Flusslandschaft mit einer Fähre. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten rechts auf dem Fass signiert: I WILDENS FECIT. Auf einem Ballen monogrammiert: IW. 141 × 206 cm. Provenienz: - Italienische Privatsammlung. - Auktion Christie's, Rom, 18.5.1979, Los 129. - Sammlung Stefan und Monika Schminck, Frankfurt a. M. - Europäische Privatsammlung. Literatur: Wolfgang Adler: Jan Wildens. Der Landschaftsmitarbeiter des Rubens, Fridingen 1980, S. 107, Nr. G62, Abb. 89, S. 183. Das hier angebotene Gemälde entstand wahrscheinlich in den späten 1630er-Jahren und ist besonders reich staffiert mit einem klaren Aufbau von senkrechten und vertikalen Ebenen, wie sie für Wildens charakteristisch sind. Wolfgang Adler hebt bei diesem Gemälde die Leuchtkraft der Farben insbesondere des Seegrüns hervor. ---------------

      Koller Auctions
    • Jan Wildens (Anversa 1586 - 1653) attribuito
      Feb. 21, 2023

      Jan Wildens (Anversa 1586 - 1653) attribuito

      Est: €3,000 - €5,000

      Jan Wildens (Anversa 1586 - 1653) attribuito Scena di caccia Olio su tela 116 x 231 cm A supporto della nostra tesi attributiva si veda "Paesaggio con cacciatori e castello" dell'Hermitage di San Pietroburgo, oppure la serie dei mesi "Settembre" della Galleria di Palazzo Rosso a Genova. Jan Wildens rimase orfano di padre in tenera età, la madre si risposò con Cornelis Cock. La sorellastra sposò nel 1617 il pittore Cornelis de Vos, fratello di Paul de Vos e cognato di Frans Snyders. Il suo primo apprendistato ebbe luogo presso Pieter Verhulst, in seguito entrò nella Corporazione di San Luca. Dal 1613 soggiornò a Genova e Roma, ove conobbe Pieter Paul Rubens. I figli Jan Baptist e Jeremias seguirono le orme paterne e furono entrambi pittori. Nei suoi lavori fu influenzato dall'arte di Jan Brueghel il Vecchio, Joos de Momper il Giovane e Paul Brill. Nella sua attività collaborò spesso con altri artisti a lui conterranei, tra questi ricordiamo Cornelis de Wael, Frans Snyders, Jacob Jordaens, Gonzales Coques e Theodoor Rombouts. Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586 - 1653) attributed A hunting scene Oil on canvas 116 x 231 cm To support our thesis, you should see "Landscape with hunters and castle" of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, or the series of the months "September" at the Galleria di Palazzo Rosso, Genoa.

      Lucas Aste
    • JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1585-1653) A rocky landscape with travelers on a path oil on panel 19 3/8 x 15 1/4 in. (49.1 x 38.7 cm.) 75
      Jan. 31, 2023

      JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1585-1653) A rocky landscape with travelers on a path oil on panel 19 3/8 x 15 1/4 in. (49.1 x 38.7 cm.) 75

      Est: $10,000 - $15,000

      JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1585-1653) A rocky landscape with travelers on a path oil on panel 19 3/8 x 15 1/4 in. (49.1 x 38.7 cm.)

    • Attributed to Jan Wildens : Wooded landscape with an ambush in front of a village
      Dec. 06, 2022

      Attributed to Jan Wildens : Wooded landscape with an ambush in front of a village

      Est: €4,000 - €8,000

      Attributed to Jan Wildens Wooded landscape with an ambush in front of a village oil on canvas 67.5 x 96 cm private property, Europe

      Im Kinsky
    • Jan Wildens (1586-1653)- circle
      Nov. 30, 2022

      Jan Wildens (1586-1653)- circle

      Est: €1,200 -

      Jan Wildens (1586-1653)- circle, idyllic Dutch landscape with farmers by the sea, oil on oak panel, framed, 75 x 112 cm

      Deutsch Auktionen
    • Jan WILDENS Anvers, vers 1585 - 1653 Paysage fluvial animé de personnages Huile sur panneau, une planche, préparé au verso
      Nov. 09, 2022

      Jan WILDENS Anvers, vers 1585 - 1653 Paysage fluvial animé de personnages Huile sur panneau, une planche, préparé au verso

      Est: €12,000 - €15,000

      Jan WILDENS Anvers, vers 1585 - 1653 Paysage fluvial animé de personnages Huile sur panneau, une planche, préparé au verso Une ancienne étiquette portant le numéro '382' au verso River landscape with figures, oil on panel, by J. Wildens h: 52 w: 73 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Bruxelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 24 novembre 1965 ; Acquis lors de cette vente par les actuels propriétaires ; Collection particulière, Bruxelles Estimation 12 000 - 15 000 €

    • WILDENS, JAN, Umkreis - Circle: Landschaft mit Häusern, Bauern und Hirten.
      Nov. 04, 2022

      WILDENS, JAN, Umkreis - Circle: Landschaft mit Häusern, Bauern und Hirten.

      Est: CHF1,100 - CHF2,200

      WILDENS, JAN (um 1585 Antwerpen 1653); Umkreis - Circle : Landschaft mit Häusern, Bauern und Hirten; Öl auf Holz, parkettiert; 49x65 cm

      Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
      Sep. 23, 2022


      Est: CHF60,000 - CHF80,000

      JAN WILDENS (1586 Antwerp 1653) Broad river landscape with a ferry. Oil on canvas. Signed lower right on the barrel: I WILDENS FECIT. Monogrammed on a bale: IW. 141 × 206 cm. Provenance: - Private collection, Italy. - Sale Christie's, Rome, 18.5.1979, Lot 129. - Collection of Stefan and Monika Schminck, Frankfurt a. M. - European private collection. Literature: Wolfgang Adler: Jan Wildens. Der Landschaftsmitarbeiter des Rubens, Fridingen 1980, p. 107, no. G62, fig. 89, p. 183. --------------- JAN WILDENS (1586 Antwerpen 1653) Weite Flusslandschaft mit einer Fähre. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten rechts auf dem Fass signiert: I WILDENS FECIT. Auf einem Ballen monogrammiert: IW. 141 × 206 cm. Provenienz: - Italienische Privatsammlung. - Auktion Christie's, Rom, 18.5.1979, Los 129. - Sammlung Stefan und Monika Schminck, Frankfurt a. M. - Europäische Privatsammlung. Literatur: Wolfgang Adler: Jan Wildens. Der Landschaftsmitarbeiter des Rubens, Fridingen 1980, S. 107, Nr. G62, Abb. 89, S. 183. Das hier angebotene Gemälde entstand wahrscheinlich in den späten 1630er-Jahren und ist besonders reich staffiert mit einem klaren Aufbau von senkrechten und vertikalen Ebenen, wie sie für Wildens charakteristisch sind. Wolfgang Adler hebt bei diesem Gemälde die Leuchtkraft der Farben insbesondere des Seegrüns hervor. ---------------

      Koller Auctions
      Apr. 01, 2022


      Est: CHF25,000 - CHF35,000

      JAN WILDENS (1586 Antwerp 1653) Forest landscape with robbers. Oil on panel. 49.7 × 74 cm. Provenance: - With Julius Böhler, Munich, 1966. - Sale Christie’s, London, 17.12.1981, Lot 146. - Sale Sotheby’s, London, 14.4.2011, Lot 99. - European collection. Exhibited: Munich 1966, Gemälde alter Meister: Plastiken, Kunstgewerbe, Julius Böhler, June–September 1966, cat. no. 27. --------------- JAN WILDENS (1586 Antwerpen 1653) Bewaldete Landschaft mit Räubern. Öl auf Holz. 49,7 × 74 cm. Provenienz: - Kunsthandel Julius Böhler, München, 1966. - Auktion Christie’s, London, 17.12.1981, Los 146. - Auktion Sotheby’s, London, 14.4.2011, Los 99. - Europäische Sammlung. Ausstellung: München 1966, Gemälde alter Meister: Plastiken, Kunstgewerbe, Julius Böhler, Juni–September 1966, Kat.-Nr. 27. Bei dem hier angebotenen Gemälde handelt es sich sehr wahrscheinlich um eine Zusammenarbeit aus den 1650er-Jahren von Jan Wildens für die Landschaft und Peeter Snayers (1592–1666) für die Figuren. Die Ausführung ist sehr qualitätsvoll. Die Waldlandschaft besticht durch die Detailvielfalt der Vegetation und den dicken Pinselduktus. Die Personen zeichnen sich durch eine besondere, individuelle Gestaltung aus.

      Koller Auctions
      Mar. 03, 2022


      Est: €10,000 - €22,500

      Oil on canvas. Provenance: old Schäffer collection; private collection, Barcelona. After a print by Hendrick Hondius I, from a composition by Jan Wildens (1586-1653): an issue kept at the British Museum (1614, inv. no. 1113.6012). Jan Wildens made other similar compositions in oil, and the one titled "January. Skating on the Frozen River" (1st half 17th century) is very similar, now kept in Musei di Strada Nuova (Palazzo Rosso), Genoa (inv. no. PB 93). Among the numerous followers of this type of composition, the Dutch artist Jan Abrahamsz Beerstraaten is particularly noteworthy. 103 x 155 cm; 127 x 180 cm. (frame).

      Subarna Subastas
    • Jan Wildens (Anversa 1586 - 1653)
      Feb. 22, 2022

      Jan Wildens (Anversa 1586 - 1653)

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      Jan Wildens (Anversa 1586 - 1653) Scena di caccia Olio su tela 116 x 231 cm A supporto della nostra tesi attributiva si veda "Paesaggio con cacciatori e castello" dell'Hermitage di San Pietroburgo, oppure la serie dei mesi "Settembre" della Galleria di Palazzo Rosso a Genova. Jan Wildens rimase orfano di padre in tenera età, la madre si risposò con Cornelis Cock. La sorellastra sposò nel 1617 il pittore Cornelis de Vos, fratello di Paul de Vos e cognato di Frans Snyders. Il suo primo apprendistato ebbe luogo presso Pieter Verhulst, in seguito entrò nella Corporazione di San Luca. Dal 1613 soggiornò a Genova e Roma, ove conobbe Pieter Paul Rubens. I figli Jan Baptist e Jeremias seguirono le orme paterne e furono entrambi pittori. Nei suoi lavori fu influenzato dall'arte di Jan Brueghel il Vecchio, Joos de Momper il Giovane e Paul Brill. Nella sua attività collaborò spesso con altri artisti a lui conterranei, tra questi ricordiamo Cornelis de Wael, Frans Snyders, Jacob Jordaens, Gonzales Coques e Theodoor Rombouts. Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586 - 1653) Hunting scene Oil on canvas 116 x 231 cm To support our thesis, you should see "Landscape with hunters and castle" of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, or the series of the months "September" at the Galleria di Palazzo Rosso, Genoa.

      Lucas Aste
    • Jan Wildens (Amberes, Bélgica 1586 - 1653) "Escena capestre con palacio de fondo"
      Dec. 15, 2021

      Jan Wildens (Amberes, Bélgica 1586 - 1653) "Escena capestre con palacio de fondo"

      Est: €15,000 - €18,000

      Óleo sobre lienzo Procedencia: Colección Fournier Partearroyo 54 x 75 cm 15.000 - 18.000 €

      Greco Subastas
    • WILDENS, JAN, Umkreis - Circle: Landschaft mit Häusern, Bauern und Hirten.
      Nov. 05, 2021

      WILDENS, JAN, Umkreis - Circle: Landschaft mit Häusern, Bauern und Hirten.

      Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

      WILDENS, JAN (um 1585 Antwerpen 1653); Umkreis - Circle : Landschaft mit Häusern, Bauern und Hirten; Öl auf Holz, parkettiert; 49x65 cm

      Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
      Oct. 07, 2021


      Est: €12,000 - €22,500

      Oil on canvas. Provenance: old Schäffer collection; private collection, Barcelona. After a print by Hendrick Hondius I, from a composition by Jan Wildens (1586-1653): an issue kept at the British Museum (1614, inv. no. 1113.6012). Jan Wildens made other similar compositions in oil, and the one titled "January. Skating on the Frozen River" (1st half 17th century) is very similar, now kept in Musei di Strada Nuova (Palazzo Rosso), Genoa (inv. no. PB 93). Among the numerous followers of this type of composition, the Dutch artist Jan Abrahamsz Beerstraaten is particularly noteworthy. 103 x 155 cm; 127 x 180 cm. (frame).

      Subarna Subastas
    • Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586-1653) Panoramic view of the city of Antwerp acros
      Dec. 15, 2020

      Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586-1653) Panoramic view of the city of Antwerp acros

      Est: £120,000 - £180,000

      Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586-1653) Panoramic view of the city of Antwerp across the River Scheldt oil on canvas 47 ¼ x 93 1/8 in. (120 x 236.5 cm.)

    • Jan Wildens - Tree landscape with deer hunting
      Dec. 03, 2020

      Jan Wildens - Tree landscape with deer hunting

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      Oil on panel. 24.5 x 38.5 cm. Cradling. Restored, minor damage. Minor damage to frame. Provenance: private collection, South Germany.

    • CIRCLE OF JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) - Stag hunting in a wooded landscape
      Oct. 15, 2020

      CIRCLE OF JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) - Stag hunting in a wooded landscape

      Est: £3,000 - £5,000

      CIRCLE OF JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) Stag hunting in a wooded landscape CIRCLE OF JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) Stag hunting in a wooded landscape oil on canvas 46 1/2 x 75 1/2 in. (118.2 x 191.8 cm.)

    • Jan Wildens (Nachfolge) - Landschaft mit dem barmherzigen Samariter (Landscape with the Good Samaritan)
      Nov. 08, 2019

      Jan Wildens (Nachfolge) - Landschaft mit dem barmherzigen Samariter (Landscape with the Good Samaritan)

      Est: €3,000 - €4,000

      Oil on canvas, relined (2nd half of the 17th century ). 83 x 122 cm.

      Karl & Faber
    • JAN WILDENS (ATTRIBUTED TO) (Antwerp 1586-1653 Antwerp) A Rocky Landscape with a Path along a Hill.
      Nov. 05, 2019

      JAN WILDENS (ATTRIBUTED TO) (Antwerp 1586-1653 Antwerp) A Rocky Landscape with a Path along a Hill.

      Est: $1,200 - $1,800

      JAN WILDENS (ATTRIBUTED TO) (Antwerp 1586-1653 Antwerp) A Rocky Landscape with a Path along a Hill. Black chalk on cream laid paper.185x291 mm; 7 3/8x11 1/2 inches. With an early attribution to Ruisdael in ink, verso. There are similar compositions cited by Bernt, Netherlandish Painters of the Seventeenth Century, London, 1970 numbers 687 and 688.

      Swann Auction Galleries
    • ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) - Winter: a landscape with
      Jul. 03, 2019

      ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) - Winter: a landscape with

      Est: £55,000 - £75,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) Winter: a landscape with elegant figures skating and boys fighting with snowballs in the foreground, beside a village and a view of Antwerp in the distance beyond oil on canvas 99.6 x 148.9cm (39 3/16 x 58 5/8in).

    • JAN WILDENS (1584/6-1653) Pan and Syrinx in a wooded lake landscape traces
      Dec. 04, 2018

      JAN WILDENS (1584/6-1653) Pan and Syrinx in a wooded lake landscape traces

      Est: £6,000 - £8,000

      JAN WILDENS (1584/6-1653) Pan and Syrinx in a wooded lake landscape traces of black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown and grey-blue wash, partial chalk and black ink framing lines 8 1/2 x 11 3/4 in. (21.7 x 29.9 cm.)

      Nov. 29, 2018


      Est: €20,000 - €30,000

      (Anversa, 1586 - 1653) Paesaggio con figure Olio su tela, cm 153X117 Jan Wildens completò il suo apprendistato con Peter van Hulst e divenne maestro nella corporazione di Anversa nel 1604 e tra il 1613 e il 1618 lo sappiamo in Italia dove soggiornò certamente Roma e a Genova, anche se la sua presenza non è menzionata dal Soprani né confermata da documenti. Tuttavia, come ben riassume Agnese Marengo, non poche opere dell'artista figurano nelle antiche collezioni cittadine e la data del 1614 che compare nella tela dedicata al mese di Luglio - e partecipe della serie Brignole Sale oggi nei Musei di Strada Nuova - suggerirebbero una permanenza genovese. Ad avvalorare questa ipotesi è anche il dipinto dedicato al mese di Novembre, dove la raffigurazione di Genova vista da levante attesterebbe una conoscenza diretta della città (cfr. A. Marengo, 'Genova per loro. Pittori fiamminghi nella prima metà del Seicento tra brevi soste e lunghe permanenze', in 'Van Dyck e i suoi amici fiamminghi a Genova 1600 - 1640', catalogo della mostra a cura di A. Orlando, Genova 2018, pp. 135 - 136). Ma a confermare con certezza l'attività genovese di Wildens sono le tele rese note da Anna Orlando raffiguranti il mese di Aprile e Agosto realizzate in collaborazione nei brani di figura con Cornelio de Wael (cfr. 'I Fiori del barocco. Pittura a Genova dal naturalismo al rococò', catalogo della mostra a cura di A. Orlando, Milano 2006, pp. 122 - 125, nn. 43 - 44). Tornando alle opere qui presentate rivelano non solo le qualità pittoriche dell'artista, ma attestano che Wildens più di ogni altro fu in grado di trovare sintonia con il paesismo di Pietro Paolo Rubens e la sua spiccata sensibilità estetica. Ciò si percepisce osservando l'ampiezza delle pennellate, la regia luministica e la gamma della tavolozza. Dal punto di vista stilistico possiamo invece collocarne l'esecuzione alla maturità, in analogia con il 'Paesaggio con pastore e gregge' firmato e datato 1631 del Museo Koninklijke di Anversa (cfr. Adler 1980, n. G49, fig. 76) e il 'Paesaggio roccioso' del Museo Mayer-Van den Borgh di Anversa (cfr. Adler 1980, n. G47, fig. 72). Il dipinto è corredato da schede critiche di Fred G. Meijer e di Marco Chiarini Bibliografia di riferimento: W. Adler, 'Jan Wildens, der Landschaftsmitarbeiter des Rubens', Fridingen 1980, ad vocem Y. Thierry, 'Les peintre flamands de paysage au XVIIe Siecle. Des precurseurs a Rubens', Parigi 1986, pp. 271 - 275

      Wannenes Art Auctions
      Nov. 29, 2018


      Est: €20,000 - €30,000

      (Anversa, 1586 - 1653) Paesaggio con il buon samaritano Olio su tela, cm 153X117

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • "Jan Wildens(1586-1653) (attribué à / toegeschreven aan)"Le retour des champs
      Jun. 05, 2018

      "Jan Wildens(1586-1653) (attribué à / toegeschreven aan)"Le retour des champs

      Est: €2,500 - €3,500

      Huile sur toile.

      Brussels Art Auctions
    • Jan Wildens - (1586-1653) (attribué à / toegeschreven aan) - Le retour des champs
      Jan. 30, 2018

      Jan Wildens - (1586-1653) (attribué à / toegeschreven aan) - Le retour des champs

      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      Huile sur toile.

      Brussels Art Auctions
    • Attributed to Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586-1653) Milkmaids and a drover with
      Dec. 06, 2017

      Attributed to Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586-1653) Milkmaids and a drover with

      Est: -

      Attributed to Jan Wildens (Antwerp 1586-1653) Milkmaids and a drover with cattle in a landscape

    • Attribué à Jan Wildens Anvers, 1586 - 1653 Paysage boisé animé de personnages Huile sur panneau
      Sep. 26, 2017

      Attribué à Jan Wildens Anvers, 1586 - 1653 Paysage boisé animé de personnages Huile sur panneau

      Est: €3,000 - €4,000

      Attribué à Jan Wildens Anvers, 1586 - 1653 Paysage boisé animé de personnages Huile sur panneau (Restaurations) h: 74 w: 68 cm Estimation 3 000 - 4 000 €

    • † ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) Bandits in a wooded landscape; and Fi
      Jul. 05, 2017

      † ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) Bandits in a wooded landscape; and Fi

      Est: £10,000 - £15,000

      † ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS (ANTWERP 1586-1653) Bandits in a wooded landscape; and Figures in a wooded landscape, a village beyond a pair, oil on panel 41.5 x 67.8cm (16 5/16 x 26 11/16in). (2)

    • JAN WILDENS (1586-1653) ATTRIBUE Paysage animé
      Apr. 27, 2017

      JAN WILDENS (1586-1653) ATTRIBUE Paysage animé

      Est: €2,400 - €2,800

      JAN WILDENS (1586-1653) ATTRIBUE Paysage animé Très importante huile sur toile rentoilée Dimensions : 110 x 170 cm

      Accademia Fine Art
    • JAN WILDENS (1586-1653) ATTRIBUE
      Mar. 09, 2017

      JAN WILDENS (1586-1653) ATTRIBUE

      Est: €2,800 - €3,200

      JAN WILDENS (1586-1653) ATTRIBUE Paysage anime Tres importante huile sur toile rentoilee Dimensions : 110 x 170 cm

      Accademia Fine Art
    • Jan Wildens (Anversa 1586-1653), Paesaggio con corso d'acqua e cavalieri
      Nov. 15, 2016

      Jan Wildens (Anversa 1586-1653), Paesaggio con corso d'acqua e cavalieri

      Est: €10,000 - €15,000

      olio su tela, cm 83,5x129

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
      Sep. 26, 2016


      Est: €18,000 - €20,000

      WILDENS JAN (1586-1653) Caccia all'orso olio cm. 168x116

      Aste Boetto SRL
    • Omgeving Jan Wildens (1586-1653)
      May. 25, 2016

      Omgeving Jan Wildens (1586-1653)

      Est: €6,000 - €9,000

      Elegant gezelschap in heuvellandschap olieverf op doek, 97x80,5 cm

      Venduehuis der Notarissen
    • ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS | Mercury and Argus
      Jan. 30, 2016

      ATTRIBUTED TO JAN WILDENS | Mercury and Argus

      Est: $8,000 - $12,000

      oil on copper

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