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Albert Wille Sold at Auction Prices

Sculptor, b. 1884 - d. 1961

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    • Albert Wille (1884-1961) German, Prowling Panther, an Art Deco style bronze with black patination, signed, on an integral rectangular base, 18 cm high x 43 cm wide.
      Feb. 27, 2025

      Albert Wille (1884-1961) German, Prowling Panther, an Art Deco style bronze with black patination, signed, on an integral rectangular base, 18 cm high x 43 cm wide.

      Est: £250 - £350

      Albert Wille (1884-1961) German, Prowling Panther, an Art Deco style bronze with black patination, signed, on an integral rectangular base, 18 cm high x 43 cm wide.

      Dawsons Auctioneers
    • Albert Wille (1884 - 1961) Bronze Bison
      Jun. 23, 2024

      Albert Wille (1884 - 1961) Bronze Bison

      Est: $200 - $400

      A bronze bison, signed and dated for 1908 as pictured.    Dimensions: 14 1/2" x 6", the height is 9 1/2". 

      Locati LLC
    • Bufalos
      Nov. 30, 2023


      Est: -

      Firmado "Wille"

      Isbilya Subastas
    • Albert Wille (1884-1961), posi
      Nov. 03, 2022

      Albert Wille (1884-1961), posi

      Est: -

      Albert Wille (1884-1961), posing female nude on the back of a balancing bear, brown patinated bronze on serpentine base, in the block signed a. stamped ''H. Noack. Berlin Friedenau'', slightly rubbed, h. 22,5 cm

      Historia Auctionata
    • Albert Wille, Prowling Panther Bronze
      Aug. 27, 2022

      Albert Wille, Prowling Panther Bronze

      Est: $500 - $600

      (German, 1884-1961). Signed on edge, "Wille," 7 in. H., 17 in. L.

      Alex Cooper
    • Albert Wille (1884 - 1961) - two fighting bison bulls
      Feb. 03, 2022

      Albert Wille (1884 - 1961) - two fighting bison bulls

      Est: -

      Bronze, dunkel patiniert, seitlich signiert "Wille" und "Ernst Kraas Bildgiesserei Berlin". Zwei vollplastisch durchgeformte Bisonbullen, sich mit den Hörnern stoßend. Auf grauem, weiß geädertem Marmorsockel (etwas bestoßen). Partiell leicht beschädigt, Altersspuren. Länge 37 cm, Gewicht ca. 10,5 kg. Eindrucksvolle, naturalistische Darstellung eines energiegeladenen Kampfes aus massiver Bronze. Condition: II

      Hermann Historica GmbH
    • Albert Wille (1884 - 1961) - two fighting bison bulls
      Jun. 24, 2021

      Albert Wille (1884 - 1961) - two fighting bison bulls

      Est: -

      Bronze, dunkel patiniert, seitlich signiert "Wille" und "Ernst Kraas Bildgiesserei Berlin". Zwei vollplastisch durchgeformte Bisonbullen, sich mit den Hörnern stoßend. Auf grauem, weiß geädertem Marmorsockel (etwas bestoßen). Partiell leicht beschädigt, Altersspuren. Länge 37 cm, Gewicht ca. 10,5 kg. Eindrucksvolle, naturalistische Darstellung eines energiegeladenen Kampfes aus massiver Bronze. Condition: II

      Hermann Historica GmbH
    • *Albert Wille (German 1884-c.1961)
      Oct. 06, 2020

      *Albert Wille (German 1884-c.1961)

      Est: £300 - £500

      *Albert Wille (German 1884-c.1961) *Albert Wille (German 1884-c.1961) Prowling panther bronze with black patina, on a separate wooden base, signed on the side of base 14cm wide 46cm deep 27cm high including base *Artist's Resale Right may apply to this lot.

    • ALBERT WILLE (1884 - ca. 1961) Bronzefigur ¨Kämpfende Bisons¨
      Aug. 29, 2020

      ALBERT WILLE (1884 - ca. 1961) Bronzefigur ¨Kämpfende Bisons¨

      Est: -

      dunkel patiniert, um 1920, signiert ¨Wille¨, auf naturalistischem, flachem Marmorsockel (schwarz), L ca. 67cm, H ca. 20cm, Reparaturstelle am Schwanz eines Bisons

      Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
    • Albert Wille (1884-1961),
      Aug. 20, 2020

      Albert Wille (1884-1961),

      Est: -

      Albert Wille (1884-1961), Berlin animal sculptor, who studied at the local academy near Meyerheim. Female nude poses on the back of a bear balancing on a cuboid. Rare figure with the combination of wit, erotic and exotic that is typical of Art Deco. Patinated brown with foundry mark by H. Noack u. Signature ''Alb. Wille'', on serpentine pedestal, Ges.-H. 22.5 cm

      Historia Auctionata
    • Albert Wille (1884-1961), Berl
      Jun. 11, 2020

      Albert Wille (1884-1961), Berl

      Est: -

      Albert Wille (1884-1961), Berlin animal sculptor, who studied at the local academy near Meyerheim. Female nude poses on the back of a bear balancing on a cuboid. Rare figure with the combination of wit, erotic and exotic that is typical of Art Deco. Patinated brown with foundry mark by H. Noack u. Signature ''Alb. Wille'', on serpentine pedestal, Ges.-H. 22.5 cm

      Historia Auctionata
    • ALBERT WILLE (1884 - ca. 1961) Bronzefigur ¨Kämpfende Bisons¨
      Mar. 28, 2020

      ALBERT WILLE (1884 - ca. 1961) Bronzefigur ¨Kämpfende Bisons¨

      Est: -

      dunkel patiniert, um 1920, signiert ¨Wille¨, auf naturalistischem, flachem Marmorsockel (schwarz), L ca. 67cm, H ca. 20cm

      Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
    • ALBERT WILLE (1884 - ca. 1961) Bronzefigur ¨Kämpfende Bisons¨
      Jan. 04, 2020

      ALBERT WILLE (1884 - ca. 1961) Bronzefigur ¨Kämpfende Bisons¨

      Est: -

      dunkel patiniert, um 1920, signiert ¨Wille¨, auf naturalistischem, flachem Marmorsockel (schwarz), L ca. 67cm, H ca. 20cm

      Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
      Dec. 07, 2019


      Est: -

      dunkel patiniert, um 1920, signiert ¨Wille¨, auf naturalistischem, flackem Marmorsockel (schwarz), L ca. 67cm, H ca. 20cm

      Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
    • Wille, Albert (1884-1961) - Zwei kämpfende Wisentb…
      Nov. 30, 2019

      Wille, Albert (1884-1961) - Zwei kämpfende Wisentb…

      Est: -

      Wille, Albert (1884-1961) - Zwei kämpfende Wisentbullen,Bronzefigur,dunkel patiniert, naturalistische Darstellung zweier mit den Hörnern stoßenden Wisentbullen,signiert "Alb. Wille",auf einem viereckigen Marmorsockel, L.ca.35cm, H.ca.17cm

      Auktionshaus Blank
    • Wille, Albert: Fischreiher
      Nov. 29, 2019

      Wille, Albert: Fischreiher

      Est: €400 - €600

      Fischreiher - Bronze mit dunkelbrauner Patina, auf graugrünen Serpentinsockel montiert. - 20 x 15 x 8 cm. - Auf dem Bronzesockel vorne signiert "A. Wille". -- Elegant streckt der Reiher sein linkes Bein nach hinten unter den leicht abgespreizten linken Flügel und neigt den Kopf in dieselbe Richtung. Der Berliner Bildhauer Albert Wille war Schüler an der Unterrichtsanstalt des Kunstgewerbemuseums und studierte bei Paul Meyerheim an der Berliner Kunstakademie. Wille schuf Skulpturen für den öffentlichen Raum in Berlin. Ausgezeichneter Guss mit homogener Patina. -- Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

      Bassenge Auctions
      May. 12, 2018


      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      Albert Wille (Germany, 1884 - 1961) "Wisent Bull" 1908, bronze, signed and dated, 9 1/2"h x 13"w

      Wiederseim Associates, Inc.
    • Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908
      Jul. 14, 2016

      Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908

      Est: €700 - €910

      Bronze with black-brown patina Germany, 1908 Alfred Wille (1884-?) – German sculptor, lived in Berlin Signed ‘A. Wille’ as well as inscribed and dated ‘fec 08’ in the cast on the plinth Overall dimensions: 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm Very good condition Condition: The bronze is overall in very good condition with minor rubbing on the back of the bull. The overall dimensions are 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm. Albert Wille (1884-?) The Berlin sculptor Albert Wille was a student at the educational institution of the Museum of Decorative Arts and studied with Paul Meyer at the Berlin Academy of Arts. Wille created sculptures for public spaces. The otter fountain on the outer wall of the St. Cecilia School in Berlin-Wilmersdorf and a new cast of a little goat in the Bosepark in Berlin-Tempelhof are still preserved. (fea) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

      Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    • Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908
      Jan. 21, 2016

      Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908

      Est: €800 - €1,040

      Bronze with black-brown patina Germany, 1908 Alfred Wille (1884-?) – German sculptor, lived in Berlin Signed ‘A. Wille’ as well as inscribed and dated ‘fec 08’ in the cast on the plinth Overall dimensions: 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm Very good condition Condition: The bronze is overall in very good condition with minor rubbing on the back of the bull. The overall dimensions are 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm. Albert Wille (1884-?) The Berlin sculptor Albert Wille was a student at the educational institution of the Museum of Decorative Arts and studied with Paul Meyer at the Berlin Academy of Arts. Wille created sculptures for public spaces. The otter fountain on the outer wall of the St. Cecilia School in Berlin-Wilmersdorf and a new cast of a little goat in the Bosepark in Berlin-Tempelhof are still preserved. (fea) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

      Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    • Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908
      Nov. 09, 2015

      Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908

      Est: €800 - €1,040

      Bronze with black-brown patina Germany, 1908 Alfred Wille (1884-?) – German sculptor, lived in Berlin Signed ‘A. Wille’ as well as inscribed and dated ‘fec 08’ in the cast on the plinth Overall dimensions: 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm Very good condition Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 1,600 Euro Condition: The bronze is overall in very good condition with minor rubbing on the back of the bull. The overall dimensions are 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm. Albert Wille (1884-?) The Berlin sculptor Albert Wille was a student at the educational institution of the Museum of Decorative Arts and studied with Paul Meyer at the Berlin Academy of Arts. Wille created sculptures for public spaces. The otter fountain on the outer wall of the St. Cecilia School in Berlin-Wilmersdorf and a new cast of a little goat in the Bosepark in Berlin-Tempelhof are still preserved. (fea) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

      Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    • Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908
      Jul. 29, 2015

      Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908

      Est: €850 - €1,105

      Bronze with black-brown patina Germany, 1908 Alfred Wille (1884-?) – German sculptor, lived in Berlin Signed ‘A. Wille’ as well as inscribed and dated ‘fec 08’ in the cast on the plinth Overall dimensions: 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm Very good condition Condition: The bronze is overall in very good condition with minor rubbing on the back of the bull. The overall dimensions are 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm. Albert Wille (1884-?) The Berlin sculptor Albert Wille was a student at the educational institution of the Museum of Decorative Arts and studied with Paul Meyer at the Berlin Academy of Arts. Wille created sculptures for public spaces. The otter fountain on the outer wall of the St. Cecilia School in Berlin-Wilmersdorf and a new cast of a little goat in the Bosepark in Berlin-Tempelhof are still preserved. (fea) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

      Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    • Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908
      Apr. 17, 2015

      Albert Wille (1884-?), Wisent Bull, Bronze, 1908

      Est: €1,920 - €2,400

      Bronze with black-brown patina Germany, 1908 Alfred Wille (1884-?)) - German sculptor, lived in Berlin Signed 'A. Wille' as well as inscribed and dated 'fec 08' in the cast on the plinth Overall dimensions: 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm Very good condition Condition: The bronze is overall in very good condition with minor rubbing on the back of the bull. The overall dimensions are 24 x 34.5 x 18 cm. Albert Wille (1884-?) The Berlin sculptor Albert Wille was a student at the educational institution of the Museum of Decorative Arts and studied with Paul Meyer at the Berlin Academy of Arts. Wille created sculptures for public spaces. The otter fountain on the outer wall of the St. Cecilia School in Berlin-Wilmersdorf and a new cast of a little goat in the Bosepark in Berlin-Tempelhof are still preserved. (fea) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good - if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given - starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

      Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    • Wille, Albert (geb. 1884 Berlin) Kämpfende Bisons.
      Dec. 02, 2011

      Wille, Albert (geb. 1884 Berlin) Kämpfende Bisons.

      Est: - €400

      Wille, Albert (geb. 1884 Berlin) Kämpfende Bisons. Bronze mit brauner Patina (Gebrauchsspuren). Naturalistische Plinthe sign. und mit Gießerstempel Kraas, Berlin. 23x 66x 17 cm. Auf unregelmäßiger, schwarzer Marmorplatte, 3,5x 72x 21 cm.

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