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Adolphe Willette Sold at Auction Prices

Caricaturist, Painter, Lithographer, b. 1857 - d. 1926

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              • Adolphe Willette, French (1857 - 1926), Le Jamedi (on January), 1892, oil on wood panel, 14 1/2"H x 18"W
                Dec. 14, 2024

                Adolphe Willette, French (1857 - 1926), Le Jamedi (on January), 1892, oil on wood panel, 14 1/2"H x 18"W

                Est: $800 - $1,200

                Adolphe Willette French, (1857 - 1926) Le Jamedi (on January), 1892 oil on wood panel Signed and dated lower right. Signed, titled, dated verso. Adolphe Léon Willette (30 July 1857, Châlons-sur-Marne – 4 February 1926, Paris) was a French painter, illustrator, caricaturist, and lithographer, as well as an architect of the famous Moulin Rouge cabaret. Willette ran as an "anti-semitic" candidate in the 9th arrondissement of Paris for the September 1889 legislative elections. Biography Willette studied for four years at the École des Beaux-Arts under Alexandre Cabanel. His graphical work ranged from dainty triviality or political satire: he made Pierrot an imaginary hero of France, and established Mimi Pinson as frail, lovable, and essentially good-hearted. He could also be bitter and fierce, a partisan of political ideas. The guillotine and the figure of Death appear in his caricatures.[1] At the time of the Dreyfus affair he was an anti-dreyfusard;[2] with Jean-Louis Forain, he moved to the political right.[3] Works The artist was a prolific contributor to the French illustrated press under the pseudonyms "Cémoi", "Pierrot", "Louison", "Bébé", and "Nox", but more often under his own name. He illustrated Melandri's Les Pierrots and Les Giboulles d'avril, Le Courrier français, and published his own Pauvre Pierrot and other works, in which he tells his stories in scenes in the manner of Busch. He decorated several "brasseries artistiques" with wall-paintings, stained glass, and so on notably Le Chat noir and La Palette d'or, and he painted the ceiling for La Cigale music hall. Willette contributed to the Salon des Cent and six of his posters were published in Les Maîtres de l'Affiche. A collection of his works was exhibited in 1888. His V'almy is in the Luxembourg, Paris.[1] Willette's characteristically fantastic Parce Domine was commissioned by Rodolphe Salis for Le Chat Noir in Montmartre. It was shown in the Franco-British Exhibition in 1908.[1][4]

                Ripley Auctions
              • FRENCH WORLD WAR I POSTER "VIVE LA NATION!" Circa 1917 45" x 29". Unframed.
                Oct. 30, 2024

                FRENCH WORLD WAR I POSTER "VIVE LA NATION!" Circa 1917 45" x 29". Unframed.

                Est: $300 - $500

                FRENCH WORLD WAR I POSTER "VIVE LA NATION!" Circa 1917 By Adolphe Willette (France, 1857-1926). "Semaine de la Charente Infre 1917 Vive la Nation!" with Marianne in French Revolutionary dress beating a drum. Linen-backed.

              • Poster by Adolph L. Willette - Cacao van Houten
                Oct. 26, 2024

                Poster by Adolph L. Willette - Cacao van Houten

                Est: €100 - €400

                Cacao van Houten - 76x182, 1896, 2-sheet on hardboard by Adolph L. Willette (1857-1926)

                Van Sabben Poster Auctions
              • Original ca. 1890s French Art Nouveau Poster Willette
                Oct. 19, 2024

                Original ca. 1890s French Art Nouveau Poster Willette

                Est: $500 - $700

                Willette, Adolphe Leon 1857 - 1926 Le Boulou (before text) Lithograph ca. 1895 40.5 x 29.1 in. (103 x 74 cm) Printer: no information Condition Details: (A) on linen, minor browning and minimal staining in the margins#France #Art Nouveau #Travel #Food & Beverages

                PosterConnection Inc.
              • Militaria – Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) – Banque de l'Union Parisienne. Po
                Oct. 17, 2024

                Militaria – Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) – Banque de l'Union Parisienne. Po

                Est: €10 - €20

                Militaria – Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) – Banque de l'Union Parisienne. Pour que la France soit victorieuse comme à Valmy. 1918. Imprimeur Devambez. 120x80cm. Affiche originale, lithographie, non entoilée. Condition A-, déchirures marginales.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Journées révolution…
                Jun. 05, 2024

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Journées révolution…

                Est: €60 - €80

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Journées révolutionnaires 1830-1848 d'après les peintures, sculptures, dessins, lithographies, médailles, autographes, objets du temps. Par Armand Dayot. 1897. Imprimeur Hérold. 99,5x141,5cm. Affiche originale, lithographie, entoilée. Condition B, restaurations.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Exposition des oeuv…
                Jun. 05, 2024

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Exposition des oeuv…

                Est: €80 - €100

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Exposition des oeuvres de Charlet. 1893. Imprimeur Belfond. 65x94,5cm. Affiche originale, lithographie, non entoilée. Condition A-, traces de plis.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Le Pays. Ils n'ont …
                Jun. 04, 2024

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Le Pays. Ils n'ont …

                Est: €200 - €300

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Le Pays. Ils n'ont qu'une seule pensée : Le Pays. 1917. Imprimeur Devambez. 159x119,5cm. Affiche originale, lithographie, entoilée. Condition B, froissures, déchirures et manques.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Le Pays. Ils n'ont …
                Jun. 04, 2024

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Le Pays. Ils n'ont …

                Est: €400 - €500

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Le Pays. Ils n'ont qu'une seule pensée : Le Pays. 1917. Imprimeur Devambez. 159x119,5cm. Affiche originale, lithographie, entoilée. Condition A.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Le courrier françai…
                Jun. 04, 2024

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Le courrier françai…

                Est: €80 - €100

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Le courrier français illustré. 1885. Imprimeur Veillemard. 83x57,5cm. Affiche originale, lithographie, entoilée. Condition A-, petites traces de déchirures, marges courtes. Affiche érotique.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - A cause de l'été. L…
                Jun. 04, 2024

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - A cause de l'été. L…

                Est: €150 - €200

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - A cause de l'été. L'événement Parisien. Circa 1900. Imprimeur Delatre. 82,5x62cm. Affiche originale, lithographie, entoilée. Condition A-, traces de plis et déchirures. Très belle impression du célèbre imprimeur.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Pauvre Pierrot. 188…
                Jun. 04, 2024

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Pauvre Pierrot. 188…

                Est: €80 - €100

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Pauvre Pierrot. 1887. Dessin original à la plume et encre de Chine sur papier. 27,5x24,5cm. Ce dessin est préparatoire à la couverture éponyme du livre de Willette, dans lequel il met en scène un de ses personnage favoris qu'est Pierrot. Édité chez Vanier, il était préfacé par Théodore de Banville et Paul Arène.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - OEuvres choisies de…
                Jun. 04, 2024

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - OEuvres choisies de…

                Est: €50 - €60

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - OEuvres choisies de Willette, 100 dessins parus dans le Courrier Français. 1901. Imprimeur Creté. 38x27,5cm. Affiche originale, lithographie, non entoilée. Condition A- déchirures, salissures et petits manques marginaux. L'amusante affiche nous montre l'artiste s'affairant dans un cartonnier pour y trouver des dessins, pendant qu'une jeune femme en sous-vêtements les accroche. Erotica.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Kleinmann 8 rue de …
                Jun. 04, 2024

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Kleinmann 8 rue de …

                Est: €60 - €80

                Adolphe Willette (1857-1926) - Kleinmann 8 rue de la Victoire. Circa 1880. 44x34cm. Lithographie sur papier japon nacré. Parfait état. En bas à droite, envoi de Kleinmann à l'encre de Chine. « Pour Monsieur Saint Blancard » ? Kleinmann est un personnage étonnant de Paris. Maire de Montmartre, il fut extrêmement actif pour son territoire. Mais aussi collectionneur et surtout éditeur d'estampes d'artistes d'avant garde pour l'époque. Ce qui explique le sujet du dessin, où apparaissent les noms de Boutet, Steinlen, Ibels, Willette, Forain, Lautrec, Somm, Chéret ou Heidbrinck. Référence : « Affichomanie, collectionneurs d'affiches, affiches de collections ». Musées de l'affiche de Paris. 1980. n°17.

                Limoges Encheres
              • Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )
                May. 18, 2024

                Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )

                Est: €1,000 - €2,000

                Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. ) Affiche entoilée/ Vintage Poster on Linnen WILLETTE ADOLPHE T.B.E. A - vers 1900 105 x 75 cm Rare Vintage Poster mostly in lithograph exhibited in the streets at the time of it's release

                Maison de Ventes Good
              • Adolphe Willette, French (1857 - 1926), Le Jamedi (on January), 1892, oil on wood panel, 14 1/2"H x 18"W
                Apr. 27, 2024

                Adolphe Willette, French (1857 - 1926), Le Jamedi (on January), 1892, oil on wood panel, 14 1/2"H x 18"W

                Est: $1,200 - $1,500

                Adolphe Willette French, (1857 - 1926) Le Jamedi (on January), 1892 oil on wood panel Signed and dated lower right. Signed, titled, dated verso. Adolphe Léon Willette (30 July 1857, Châlons-sur-Marne – 4 February 1926, Paris) was a French painter, illustrator, caricaturist, and lithographer, as well as an architect of the famous Moulin Rouge cabaret. Willette ran as an "anti-semitic" candidate in the 9th arrondissement of Paris for the September 1889 legislative elections. Biography Willette studied for four years at the École des Beaux-Arts under Alexandre Cabanel. His graphical work ranged from dainty triviality or political satire: he made Pierrot an imaginary hero of France, and established Mimi Pinson as frail, lovable, and essentially good-hearted. He could also be bitter and fierce, a partisan of political ideas. The guillotine and the figure of Death appear in his caricatures.[1] At the time of the Dreyfus affair he was an anti-dreyfusard;[2] with Jean-Louis Forain, he moved to the political right.[3] Works The artist was a prolific contributor to the French illustrated press under the pseudonyms "Cémoi", "Pierrot", "Louison", "Bébé", and "Nox", but more often under his own name. He illustrated Melandri's Les Pierrots and Les Giboulles d'avril, Le Courrier français, and published his own Pauvre Pierrot and other works, in which he tells his stories in scenes in the manner of Busch. He decorated several "brasseries artistiques" with wall-paintings, stained glass, and so on notably Le Chat noir and La Palette d'or, and he painted the ceiling for La Cigale music hall. Willette contributed to the Salon des Cent and six of his posters were published in Les Maîtres de l'Affiche. A collection of his works was exhibited in 1888. His V'almy is in the Luxembourg, Paris.[1] Willette's characteristically fantastic Parce Domine was commissioned by Rodolphe Salis for Le Chat Noir in Montmartre. It was shown in the Franco-British Exhibition in 1908.[1][4]

                Ripley Auctions
              • Aux Ambassadeurs / La Revue en Fêtes. 1898.
                Mar. 03, 2024

                Aux Ambassadeurs / La Revue en Fêtes. 1898.

                Est: $1,700 - $2,000

                ARTIST: ADOLPH L. WILLETTE (1857-1926) SIZE: 15 3/8 x 23 1/8 in./39 x 58.7 cm PRINTER: Imp. Delanchy, Paris DESCRIPTION: "The rise of cabarets and the music-hall in Belle Époque Montmartre made it possible to popularize mixed couple dancers: the 1900 woman, whimsical and free of her body, happily slums with the Negro in the style of minstrel's shows. Adolphe Willette, caricaturist of Courrier Français and L'Assiette au Beurre, designed the costumes for the music hall show. There was the character of Mr. Brown who was simultaneously a Negro deputy, brother chauffeur, secretary of the theater, and soldier of the regiment. The revue allowed comments on political events: the anti-Semitic refrain 'down with the Jews, down with the Jews' punctuated the numbers" (Negripub, p. 182). (Art Nouveau; Music; Cabaret)

                Poster Auctions International Inc
              • ADOLPH L. WILLETTE (1857-1926). FER BRAVAIS CONTRE L'ANÉMIE. 1898. 23½x16 inches, 59½x40½ cm. Delachy & Cie., Paris.
                Feb. 29, 2024

                ADOLPH L. WILLETTE (1857-1926). FER BRAVAIS CONTRE L'ANÉMIE. 1898. 23½x16 inches, 59½x40½ cm. Delachy & Cie., Paris.

                Est: $800 - $1,200

                ADOLPH L. WILLETTE (1857-1926) FER BRAVAIS CONTRE L'ANÉMIE. 1898. 23½x16 inches, 59½x40½ cm. Delachy & Cie., Paris. Condition B+: repaired tear, restored losses and slight overpainting along horizontal fold; minor creases and abrasions in margins and image. Matted and framed. Advertising medicine to fight anemia, Willette depicts a case study of the effect the illness can have. It is "a poster with social connotations, along the lines of Zola's epic realism. Dimly lit by an oil lamp, a miserable garret room opens out onto a vista [of Paris], touches of color brighten up the darkness, with flowers, pets - symbols of life and human feeling. The pallid glow from the oil lamp distinguishes two key elements: the sewing machine, the tool of work and of alienation, and the young worker, who, exhausted by the previous night's work, has dropped her scissors" (Health p. 82). Willette rarely designed full color posters, most of his work is monochromatic. The image was also printed as a supplement for the March 6, 1898 Le Courrier Francais, which issued full color reproductions of famous posters of the era in smaller formats. This is the smaller format. DFP-II 892, Maitres 1900 p. 59, Health 105.

                Swann Auction Galleries
              • Original 1896 Maitre de l´Affiche Willett Enfant Prodig
                Feb. 08, 2024

                Original 1896 Maitre de l´Affiche Willett Enfant Prodig

                Est: $200 - $250

                Willette, Adolphe Leon 1857 - 1926 L'Enfant Prodigue (Maitre) Lithograph 1896 15.3 x 11.4 in. (39 x 29 cm) Printer: Chaix, Paris Condition Details: (B+) minor light-staining from removed matting, minor staining#France #Art Nouveau #Small #Maitres & Prints #Theater

                PosterConnection Inc.
              • Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )
                Dec. 03, 2023

                Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )

                Est: €1,000 - €2,000

                Lot de 2 aff. Entoilées / Lot of 2 Vintage posters lined

                Maison de Ventes Good
              • Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )
                Nov. 17, 2023

                Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )

                Est: €1,000 - €2,000

                Lot de 2 aff. Entoilées / Lot of 2 Vintage posters lined

                Maison de Ventes Good
                Oct. 24, 2023


                Est: $300 - $500

                ADOLPHE WILLETTE (France, 1857-1926) lithograph advertisement poster, "En Vogue Elysee Montmartre," circa 1891, 31.5" x 23" (opening), 43.5" x 34.75" (frame).

              • Adolphe Leon Willette, drawing
                Oct. 13, 2023

                Adolphe Leon Willette, drawing

                Est: $150 - $250

                Adolphe Leon Willette (French, 1857-1926), "Scene Galante", pen and ink on paper, signed lower left, matted and framed under glass, 6"h x 4.25"w (sight), 14.5"h x 13"w (frame)

                Millea Bros Ltd
              • Adolphe Willette, lithographic poster, c. 1900
                Oct. 12, 2023

                Adolphe Willette, lithographic poster, c. 1900

                Est: $100 - $150

                Adolphe Willette (French, 1857-1926), "La Revue en Fetes de M.M. Jules Roques et H. Delorme", printed by Ed Delanchy & Cie, Paris, framed under glass, 23"h x 15.5"w (sheet), 24.25"hx 16.75"w (frame)

                Millea Bros Ltd
              • Adolphe WILLETTE (1857-1926) - "Portrait of Willette"
                Sep. 27, 2023

                Adolphe WILLETTE (1857-1926) - "Portrait of Willette"

                Est: €200 - €300

                "Portrait of Willette" photograph by Paul NADAR (1856-1939), 16.5 x 10.8 cm, dedicated, dated and signed: "To my friend Bryais - A. Willette - March 91". Included is "Madeleine", a 30-page notebook of a monologue with 9 drawings by Willette, one of 20 off-trade notebooks printed in 270 copies. We also include eleven engravings including "Le cirque" 23 x 44 cm countersigned in pencil and L'Assiette au Beurre Le Rire Willette designed for the Chat Noir cabaret, the sign with a black cat sitting on a silver crescent moon and the stained glass windows illuminating the large room evoking the biblical episode of the "Golden Calf". Provenance: Ornella VOLTA (1927-1920) author of nine books and countless articles on Érik SATIE, she created the Érik SATIE Foundation in 1981. Delivery of the lots without transport costs to Paris (rue Drouot), Lyon or Marseille a few days after the sale or dispatch at the buyer's expense by the carrier of their choice. "Portrait de Willette" photographie par Paul NADAR (1856-1939), 16,5 x 10,8 cm, dédicacée, datée et signée : "A mon ami Bryais - A. Willette - mars 91". On y joint "Madeleine" cahier de 30 pages d’un monologue avec 9 dessins de Willette, un des 20 hors commerce cahier tiré à 270 exemplaires. On y joint aussi, onze gravures dont "Le cirque" 23 x 44 cm contresignée au crayon et L’Assiette au Beurre Le Rire Willette dessina pour le cabaret du Chat Noir, l’enseigne avec un chat noir assis sur un croissant de lune argenté et les vitraux illuminant la grande salle évoquant l’épisode biblique du "Veau d’Or". Provenance : Ornella VOLTA (1927-1920) auteur de neuf livres et d’innombrables articles sur Érik SATIE, elle a créé la Fondation Érik SATIE en 1981. Remise des lots sans frais de transport à Paris (rue Drouot), Lyon ou Marseille quelques jours après la vente ou l'envoi à la charge de l’acheteur par le transporteur de son choix.

                Hotel des ventes de Lausanne
              • Adolphe Léon Willette (1957-1926) - Alcazar d'éte, Tous Les Soirs à 10 heures chacun sa muse - 1900 Original French vintage stone lithograph poster
                Jul. 16, 2023

                Adolphe Léon Willette (1957-1926) - Alcazar d'éte, Tous Les Soirs à 10 heures chacun sa muse - 1900 Original French vintage stone lithograph poster

                Est: €400 - €800

                Adolphe Léon Willette (1957-1926) - Alcazar d'éte, Tous Les Soirs à 10 heures chacun sa muse - 1900 French vintage poster First edition poster. This is not a later reprint Printed by Imprimerie Chaix, Paris Dimensions: 60x40 cm / 23,62 x 15,74 in. Conditions: Fairly Good. Bright colors. Fragile paper. Creases. Tears restored. Minor lack of paper on edges. glued on cardboard

                MDP Auction
              • Adolphe Willette, French (1857 - 1926), Le Jamedi (on January), 1892, oil on wood panel, 14 1/2"H x 18"W
                Jul. 01, 2023

                Adolphe Willette, French (1857 - 1926), Le Jamedi (on January), 1892, oil on wood panel, 14 1/2"H x 18"W

                Est: $1,200 - $1,500

                Adolphe Willette French, (1857 - 1926) Le Jamedi (on January), 1892 oil on wood panel Signed and dated lower right. Signed, titled, dated verso. Adolphe Léon Willette (30 July 1857, Châlons-sur-Marne – 4 February 1926, Paris) was a French painter, illustrator, caricaturist, and lithographer, as well as an architect of the famous Moulin Rouge cabaret. Willette ran as an "anti-semitic" candidate in the 9th arrondissement of Paris for the September 1889 legislative elections. Biography Willette studied for four years at the École des Beaux-Arts under Alexandre Cabanel. His graphical work ranged from dainty triviality or political satire: he made Pierrot an imaginary hero of France, and established Mimi Pinson as frail, lovable, and essentially good-hearted. He could also be bitter and fierce, a partisan of political ideas. The guillotine and the figure of Death appear in his caricatures.[1] At the time of the Dreyfus affair he was an anti-dreyfusard;[2] with Jean-Louis Forain, he moved to the political right.[3] Works The artist was a prolific contributor to the French illustrated press under the pseudonyms "Cémoi", "Pierrot", "Louison", "Bébé", and "Nox", but more often under his own name. He illustrated Melandri's Les Pierrots and Les Giboulles d'avril, Le Courrier français, and published his own Pauvre Pierrot and other works, in which he tells his stories in scenes in the manner of Busch. He decorated several "brasseries artistiques" with wall-paintings, stained glass, and so on notably Le Chat noir and La Palette d'or, and he painted the ceiling for La Cigale music hall. Willette contributed to the Salon des Cent and six of his posters were published in Les Maîtres de l'Affiche. A collection of his works was exhibited in 1888. His V'almy is in the Luxembourg, Paris.[1] Willette's characteristically fantastic Parce Domine was commissioned by Rodolphe Salis for Le Chat Noir in Montmartre. It was shown in the Franco-British Exhibition in 1908.[1][4]

                Ripley Auctions
              • La Revue Déshabillée de Mr Jean D'Arc costumes de Willette
                Jun. 11, 2023

                La Revue Déshabillée de Mr Jean D'Arc costumes de Willette

                Est: €350 - €700

                Affiche entoilée/ Vintage Poster on Linnen

              • Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )
                Jun. 11, 2023

                Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )

                Est: €1,000 - €2,000

                Lot de 2 aff. Entoilées / Lot of 2 Vintage posters lined

              • A. Willette (1857-1926) French, A group of three interior scenes with figures, mixed media and paste
                May. 24, 2023

                A. Willette (1857-1926) French, A group of three interior scenes with figures, mixed media and paste

                Est: £50 - £100

                A. Willette (1857-1926) French, A group of three interior scenes with figures, mixed media and pastel, a lady seated on a chair adjusting her shoe, 8.75" x 6.5", (22.5x16.5cm) along with another seated on a green chair with a cat, 11.75" x 9", (30x23cm) and one lying on a bed, 12.25" x 9", (31x23cm), (3).

                John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
              • Adolphe WILLETTE (1857-1926). Lithogaphie agrémentée d'un dessin à l'encre de Chine avec dédicace. 22 x 27,5 cm
                May. 13, 2023

                Adolphe WILLETTE (1857-1926). Lithogaphie agrémentée d'un dessin à l'encre de Chine avec dédicace. 22 x 27,5 cm

                Est: €200 - €300

                Adolphe WILLETTE (1857-1926). Lithogaphie agrémentée d'un dessin à l'encre de Chine avec dédicace. 22 x 27,5 cm

                Les Andelys Enchères
              • Adolphe WILLETTE (1857-1926). Carte d'alimentation avec dessin humoristique de l'artiste à l'encre de Chine datée novembre 1918. 14 x 20,5 cm
                May. 13, 2023

                Adolphe WILLETTE (1857-1926). Carte d'alimentation avec dessin humoristique de l'artiste à l'encre de Chine datée novembre 1918. 14 x 20,5 cm

                Est: €150 - €200

                Adolphe WILLETTE (1857-1926). Carte d'alimentation avec dessin humoristique de l'artiste à l'encre de Chine datée novembre 1918. 14 x 20,5 cm

                Les Andelys Enchères
              • La Revue Déshabillée de Mr Jean D'Arc costumes de Willette
                May. 12, 2023

                La Revue Déshabillée de Mr Jean D'Arc costumes de Willette

                Est: €350 - €700

                Affiche entoilée/ Vintage Poster on Linnen

              • Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )
                May. 12, 2023

                Le Boulou Grande Eau Alcaline des Pyrénées lot de L'Affiche avec & Avant La lettre ( 2 affiches E. )

                Est: €1,000 - €2,000

                Lot de 2 aff. Entoilées / Lot of 2 Vintage posters lined

              • Adolphe Willette (French 1857-1926) "L'Automne" Pencil Drawing on Paper
                Apr. 18, 2023

                Adolphe Willette (French 1857-1926) "L'Automne" Pencil Drawing on Paper

                Est: $100 - $1,000

                DESCRIPTION: Pencil drawing on paper by Adolphe Willette titled: "L'Automne" illustrates a rendering of a young child being tempted to eat an apple by another child, a satyr, and a cherub. Finished with a rural landscape scenic backdrop and Signed lower left "A Willette 1925". This piece, drawn approximately a year before his death has been listed in the Benezit. Mounted in a gilt wood frame with scroll designs in relief. CIRCA: Early 20th Ct. ORIGIN: France DIMENSIONS: With Frame: H: 34.75" L: 50.5" Without Frame: H: 22" L: 37" Have a similar item to sell? Reach Out: https://www.akibagalleries.com/consign CONDITION: Scuffing and scratching to the frame. Otherwise good condition. See lot description for details on item condition. More detailed condition requests can be obtained via email (info@akibaantiques.com) or SMS (305)-332-9274. Any condition statement given, as a courtesy to a client, is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. Akiba Antiques shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

                Akiba Galleries
              • ADOLPHE WILLETTE (FRA/ 1857-1926) - Revue du Moulin Rouge
                Mar. 18, 2023

                ADOLPHE WILLETTE (FRA/ 1857-1926) - Revue du Moulin Rouge

                Est: €200 - €300

                ADOLPHE WILLETTE (FRA/ 1857-1926) Revue du Moulin Rouge Aquarelle et encre sur papier Signé deux fois ‘A. Willette secrétaire de Monsieur Abel Faivre / Noël 1906 A. Willette’ 30.5 x 26 cm. Watercolour and ink on paper, signed two once ‘A. Willette secrétaire de Monsieur Abel Faivre / Noël 1906 A. Willette’, 12 x 10 in

              • WILLETTE, Adolphe. [Le Boulou]. France, ca. 1910s. Lithogra...
                Mar. 16, 2023

                WILLETTE, Adolphe. [Le Boulou]. France, ca. 1910s. Lithogra...

                Est: $400 - $600

                WILLETTE, Adolphe. [Le Boulou]. France, ca. 1910s. Lithograph, proof before letters, of a woman drinking from a glass while holding her small dog and purse. 36 5/8 x 29 ½”. Linen backed. Slight crease upper left. A-.

                Potter & Potter Auctions Inc.
              • Adolphe D. Willette Candidat Anti Sémite
                Jan. 15, 2023

                Adolphe D. Willette Candidat Anti Sémite

                Est: €1,000 - €2,000

                1 Affiche Non-Entoilée / Vintage Poster on Paper not lined

                Millon Riviera
              • Adolphe Willette (France, 1857 - 1926) Lithograph
                Dec. 01, 2022

                Adolphe Willette (France, 1857 - 1926) Lithograph

                Est: $100 - $200

                Adolphe Willette (France, 1857 - 19260 pencil signed lithograph. Measures 16.25 x 12 inches image size. EX/EX+ condition. Unframed, loose and not glued or mounted. If lot is absent of a condition report one may be requested via email. Condition report is provided as an opinion only and is no guarantee as condition can be subjective. Buyer must view photographs or scans to assist in determining condition and ask further questions if so desired. Our in-house shipping department will gladly pack and ship any item that fits into a 14x14x14 inch or 30x5x24 inch or equivalent or smaller box/folio if it is not fragile or over 25lbs. We will charge for labor to pack and process based on actual time it takes, actual cost of materials used to pack and actual shipper charges that will include insurance and signature required. We generally use USPS and Fed Ex and compare the pricing between the two. Books maximum box size will be 14x14x14 inch or equivalent and will be shipped USPS Media Mail unless otherwise requested. We gladly will give shipping estimates prior to auction. Please make this request at least 24 hours prior to auction for our shipping department to respond. If your invoice is for multiple items, we will use our discretion on requiring the use of an outside shipper. We reserve the right to require an outside shipper on any item(s) in the auction even if not stated.

                Grant Zahajko Auctions, LLC
              • Adolphe D. Willette Candidat Anti Sémite
                Nov. 30, 2022

                Adolphe D. Willette Candidat Anti Sémite

                Est: €1,000 - €2,000

                1 Affiche Non-Entoilée / Vintage Poster on Paper not lined

                Millon Riviera
              • ADOLPHE WILLETTE (FRA/ 1857-1926) Projet d'éventail Graphite
                Nov. 27, 2022

                ADOLPHE WILLETTE (FRA/ 1857-1926) Projet d'éventail Graphite

                Est: €60 - €80

                ADOLPHE WILLETTE (FRA/ 1857-1926) Projet d'éventail Graphite et sanguine sur papier Signé de l'initiale "W" (en bas à droite) 30.5 x 18.5 cm Graphite and sanguine on paper, signed «W» on lower right, 12 x 7.2 in

              • Willette, A. (1857-1926). (The seven immortal sins).
                Nov. 24, 2022

                Willette, A. (1857-1926). (The seven immortal sins).

                Est: €150 - €250

                Willette, A. (1857-1926). (The seven immortal sins). Series of 7 lithograph w. remarque, each ±23x16 cm., signed and "1916" or "1917" on the stone, titled in letterpress below. - Slightly yellowed; occas. foxed spots. = Comprises: "L'orgueil". "La Luxure", "L'Avarice", "La Paresse", "L'envie", "La Gourmandise" and "La Colère".

                Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
              • Côte d'Azur. 1898.
                Nov. 13, 2022

                Côte d'Azur. 1898.

                Est: $1,700 - $2,000

                ARTIST: ADOLPH L. WILLETTE (1857-1926) SIZE: 30 x 41 3/4 in./76.2 x 106 cm PRINTER: Ateliers d’Alesi, Paris DESCRIPTION: Overflowing with characters, this fanciful pastel design for the PLM Railway seems more like a painting than an advertising poster. Shown are the various delights, from shopping to entertainment, by which one can get swept up along the Côte d'Azur. (Art Nouveau; Travel; Railway)

                Poster Auctions International Inc
              • RARE Original 1890s Cacao Van Houton Poster WILLETTE
                Nov. 05, 2022

                RARE Original 1890s Cacao Van Houton Poster WILLETTE

                Est: $500 - $750

                Willette, Adolphe Leon 1857 - 1926 Cacao Van Houten Lithograph 1893 73.6 x 25.1 in. (187 x 64 cm) Printer: Belfond & Co., Paris Condition Details: (B-) on linen (old), was in two sheets, horiz. fold creases, vertical edges slightly trimmed and cut unevenly, surface creases, minor tears and losses at the edges and in image, paper appears brittle#Netherlands #Food & Beverages #Cacao #Chocolate #Art Nouveau

                PosterConnection Inc.
              • ADOLPHE WILLETTE (1857-1926) - La bêtise au front de taureau est vaincue par la France
                Oct. 29, 2022

                ADOLPHE WILLETTE (1857-1926) - La bêtise au front de taureau est vaincue par la France

                Est: €100 - €200

                ADOLPHE WILLETTE (1857-1926) La bêtise au front de taureau est vaincue par la France signed, dated and numbered ‘A. Willette1915 248/500’ (lower left) and titled (along lower margin) lithograph on paper 74 x 56 cm

                Hermitage Fine Art
              • Adolphe Willette, French Poster
                Oct. 16, 2022

                Adolphe Willette, French Poster

                Est: $100 - $500

                A circa 1900 poster, anti-alcohol, printed by Reunies, Lyon.

                Locati LLC
              • Adolphe WILLETTE. A la mer - Ciel ! C’est encore Léopold ! Crayon bleu e
                Oct. 01, 2022

                Adolphe WILLETTE. A la mer - Ciel ! C’est encore Léopold ! Crayon bleu e

                Est: €100 - €150

                Adolphe WILLETTE. A la mer - Ciel ! C’est encore Léopold ! Crayon bleu et encre sur papier, 30 x 24. Petits manques marginaux aux coins inférieurs, quelques piqures mais bel état général.

                Sep. 19, 2022


                Est: $150 - $300

                Adolphe Willette (French, 1857-1926) - Color Pencil on Paper. Stamped - A. Willette. 23x20.5cm. Provenance: Horace Richter Gallery Estate.

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