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Andreas Wolff Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1652 - d. 1716

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      • Attributed to Johann Andreas Wolff (1652-1716). Study for an Altarpiece...,
        Mar. 13, 2024

        Attributed to Johann Andreas Wolff (1652-1716). Study for an Altarpiece...,

        Est: £700 - £1,000

        Attributed to Johann Andreas Wolff (1652-1716). Study for an Altarpiece..., * Attributed to Johann Andreas Wolff (1652-1716). Study for an Altarpiece of the Assumption of the Virgin, pen, brown ink, and watercolour on laid paper, some surface marks, including several restored wormholes, sheet size 468 x 334 mm (18 1/2 x 13 1/4 ins), later gilt frame, glazed, with faint inscription to verso in the hand of Michael Jaffé Andreas Wolff (B. Bushant 1969)' QTY: (1) NOTE: Provenance: Estate of Michael Jaffé (1923-1997), art historian and former director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • Figure of a dying saint, attributed to Johan Andreas Wolf (Munich 1652-1716)
        Jul. 05, 2022

        Figure of a dying saint, attributed to Johan Andreas Wolf (Munich 1652-1716)

        Est: £500 - £800

        Figure of a dying saint Attributed to Johan Andreas Wolf (Munich 1652-1716) Inscribed beneath in pencil Pen and ink 27cm x 21cm

        The Pedestal
      • Andreas Wolff, 1652 München – 1716, nach
        Jul. 03, 2020

        Andreas Wolff, 1652 München – 1716, nach

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        GROßES ALTARBLATT MIT DARSTELLUNG DES ERRETTETEN MOSESKINDES Öl auf Leinwand, partiell hinterlegt. 186 x 124 cm. In teilvergoldetem ebonisierten Holzrahmen. Das Altarblatt geht zurück auf das 1705 datierte Altarbild von Andreas Wolff in der St. Lorenz-Kirche in Kempten. Wir danken Herrn Dr. Straßer, München, für seine freundlichen Hinweise.   Andreas Wolff war Sohn des bekannten Malers Jonas Wolff und Hofmaler des bayerischen Kurfürsten Max Emanuel, welcher sich besonders durch seine Altarbilder auszeichnete. Gemälde seiner Hand befinden sich z. B. in der katholischen Pfarrkirche Sankt Michael in München und auch in der Liebfrauenkapelle im Freisinger Dom. Das Kind hält in seiner Hand die Gesetzestafeln, zu seiner Linken die Allegorie des Papsttums bzw. der katholischen Kirche. Um ihn herum weitere allegorische Figuren mit Blitzbündel und ihm dargereichte Salbgefäße und Trauben. In restaurierungswürdigem Zustand. (1230374) (13)

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • Wolff (Christian Johann von) Mathematisches Lexicon, first edition, Leipzig, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, 1716; and another by the same (2)
        Mar. 12, 2020

        Wolff (Christian Johann von) Mathematisches Lexicon, first edition, Leipzig, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, 1716; and another by the same (2)

        Est: £100 - £150

        Wolff (Christian Johann von) Mathematisches Lexicon, first edition, Gothic letter, title printed in red and black, diagrams and illustrations, engraved frontispiece, ink stamp and inscription to title, bookplate, contemporary calf, Leipzig, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, 1716 § Heilbronner (Johann Christoph) Versuch einer mathematischen Historie, erster Theil, Gothic letter, browning, eighteenth-century blue wrappers, uncut, preserved in custom drop-back box, Frankfurt und Leipzig, Samuel Wohler, 1739, [Tomash & Williams W104; H95], 8vo (2)

        Forum Auctions - UK
      • Johann Andreas Wolff (Monaco 1652 - 1716) Adorazione dei pastori
        May. 27, 2014

        Johann Andreas Wolff (Monaco 1652 - 1716) Adorazione dei pastori

        Est: €700 - €1,000

        penna e inchiostro bruno acquerellato su carta, cm 42,5 x 23,4, con sommità centinata firmato e datato in basso a sinistra.: JA Wolff/1698 Provenienza: Già libreria Antiquaria Pregliasco, Torino JOHANN ANDREAS WOLFF (MUNCHEN 1652 - 1716) ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS, PEN AND DARK WATERCOLORED INK ON PAPER, 42.5 X 23.4 CM, SIGNED AND DATED LOWER LEFT

        Finarte Roma
      • Johann Andreas Wolf (Munich 1652 - 1716) Mary
        Apr. 16, 2008

        Johann Andreas Wolf (Munich 1652 - 1716) Mary

        Est: €16,000 - €19,000

        Johann Andreas Wolf (Munich 1652 - 1716) Mary Magdalene consoled by an angel, oil on canvas, 109 x 78 cm, framed, (Wo) Without reserve This unconventional depiction shows Mary Magdalene almost naked, resting on a plain cot underneath a tree. The saint's features express remorse about her extravagant life. The artist created a deliberate contrast between Mary Magdalene's lap, which his emphasised and eroticised by the influx of light, and the minutely rendered skull as a symbol of vanitas appearing in this very place. The figure's softly shimmering flesh, rich curls, and relaxed pose stress the traditional sensuality of her appearance. The subject of an angel consoling a penitent saint was introduced in Italian painting around 1600. The figure type, colours, chiaroscuro, and drapery, as well as the texture of the angel's wings, are suggestive of the Munich court painter Johann Andreas Wolf. For comparison see his altarpieces The Birth of Christ (1700) and St. John the Evangelist Presenting the Euchar st to the Virgin Mary (1716), which were shown in the exhibition Mit Kalkül und Leidenschaft in Landshut in 2004. In spite of his employment at the Munich court, Wolf's oeuvre is dominated by religious subjects; the paintings in the monasteries of Kremsmünster and Göttweig can be considered his masterpieces. The present picture can be said to be a link between religious and profane subject matter (saint and female nude) and was probably not destined for a church interior, but for the picture gallery of an aristocratic or clerical art lover.

      • Johann Andreas Wolff German (1652-1716) Pen, Ink
        Mar. 26, 2008

        Johann Andreas Wolff German (1652-1716) Pen, Ink

        Est: $600 - $800

        Johann Andreas Wolff German (1652-1716) Pen, Ink and Wash on Paper Laid Down on Heavier Stock "The Conversion of Saint Paul" Unsigned. Brass Tag with Name of Artist and Title. Good to Very Good Condition. Measures 11-1/4 Inches by 7-1/4 Inches (sight) Frame Measures 34-1/4 Inches by 30-1/4 Inches.

        Bruce Kodner Galleries
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