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Song Xu Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1525 - d. 1607

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      • SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1606). Bodhidharma. Hanging scroll, ink and colour on p
        Nov. 27, 2024

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1606). Bodhidharma. Hanging scroll, ink and colour on p

        Est: $60,000 - $80,000

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1606). Bodhidharma. Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 72.4 x 31.6 cm. (28 ½ x 12 ½ in.).

      • Song Xu
        Mar. 26, 2024

        Song Xu

        Est: $5,000 - $7,000

        Song Xu (Chinese, 1525-1606) Landscape in the Snow ink and color on paper, hanging scroll signed and dated lunar year xinchou (1601), with two artist seals, Song Xu zhi yin, shi men, and five collectors' seals, Xichen jian shang, Dingchou bing fen hou de, Yanghu Wang Xun, Yunjian Wang Weiyuan jian ding yin, and one other. 宋旭 (明,1525-1606) 雪景圖 纸本设色,立轴 款識:辛丑(1601)浴佛日。佛子宋旭敬寫。 鈐印:宋旭之印、石門 鑒藏印:樨臣鑑賞、丁丑兵焚後得、陽湖汪洵、雲間王渭元鑑定印、另一漫漶不清。 Image: 48 x 19 in., 121.9 x 48.3 cm. This lot is located in Chicago. Property from the Estate of Paul Wen-Shan Wang M.D., Michigan. Provenance: Born in Canton, China, Dr. Wang recounted tales of his boyhood village home with earthen floors and lychee trees in the front garden. During the Second Sino-Japanese War, he and his family fled to Chongqing where he came into contact with Catholic Missionaries and secured a scholarship to the University of Portland in Oregon. In 1948 at the age of 19 and speaking little English, he arrived and completed his undergraduate degree. He then moved to Ann Arbor to complete an MBA at the University of Michigan. After a stint in management at General Motors, he changed careers to pursue a medical vocation, thence practiced at the Kalamazoo Dermatology PC for nearly 45 years. Dr. Wang was an avid collector of Chinese art, an accomplished painter, and a calligrapher of the classical Chinese style. This Spring, we will present a curated selection of porcelains, jades, and paintings from his collection, as well as rubbings and rare books from his library. 來源: 密歇根州王聞善(1929-2019)醫生遺產。王醫生祖籍廣東中山,其父王商一(1905-1972)原係中央通訊社社員,從事黨國外宣,工書善畫,四十年代先後拜師溥心畬與黃君璧,和張大千相識。戰後移居香港,六十年代赴美。王醫生受乃父影響,作畫之餘收藏頗豐,尤昵石濤,早嵗藏有精品,生前已經釋出。所餘瓷器、玉器、古籍、拓片仍有可觀處,值得留意。

      • SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) Mountain Retreat Fan leaf, mounted for framing, i
        Jun. 01, 2023

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) Mountain Retreat Fan leaf, mounted for framing, i

        Est: $30,000 - $50,000

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) Mountain Retreat Fan leaf, mounted for framing, ink and colour on gold paper 17.5 x 52 cm. (6 7/8 x 20 1/2 in.)

      • SONG XU (1525-1606) Treading through Snow on Wufeng,1579
        Mar. 21, 2023

        SONG XU (1525-1606) Treading through Snow on Wufeng,1579

        Est: $20,000 - $30,000

        SONG XU (1525-1606) Treading through Snow on Wufeng,1579 Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk, inscribed by the artist with a title in clerical script, and dated Wanli jimao, signed Song Xu, with three artist's seals. 52 1/4 x 12 1/2in (132.8 x 31.8cm)

        Feb. 08, 2020


        Est: $600 - $800

        Song Xu: ink and color on silk painting 'Lady and Children' 宋旭 秘戲圖·園光·絹本·片 Length: 11 1/2 in (29.0 cm) Width: 11 1/2 in (29.0 cm)

        Mega International Auction
      • SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) - Mountain Retreat
        Nov. 25, 2019

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) - Mountain Retreat

        Est: $60,000 - $80,000

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) Mountain Retreat Fan leaf, mounted for framing, ink and colour on gold paper 17.5 x 52 cm. (6 7/8 x 20 ½ in.)

      • SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) River Landscape
        Nov. 28, 2016

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) River Landscape

        Est: $150,000 - $300,000

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) River Landscape

        Sep. 14, 2016


        Est: $200,000 - $300,000

        signed Zuili Song Xu, dated wuzi of the Wanli reign, the seventeenth day of the eighth lunar month (October 7, 1588), with one seal of the artist, chu yang Titleslip signature damaged, with two seals, er feng, one illegible Inscription on silk border by Lin Xiongguang (1897-1971), with one seal, lin lang an jian cang yin Colophon by Bao Dong (19th century), signed Shanyin Bao Dong Ziliang, with one seal, yun qi yang shou With three collector's seals of Lin Xiongguang, lin shi ji gu shu hua, xiong guang hao lang an zhen cang jin shi shu hua yin, lang an mi wan, and two other collectors' seals, zhi zhai zhen shang, one illegible

      • SONG XU (1525-ATTER 1606) Scholar under Locust ink and colour on paper 59 x
        Jun. 01, 2015

        SONG XU (1525-ATTER 1606) Scholar under Locust ink and colour on paper 59 x

        Est: $200,000 - $300,000

        SONG XU (1525-ATTER 1606) Scholar under Locust ink and colour on paper 59 x 33 cm. (23 1/4 x 13 in.)

      • SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605)
        May. 26, 2014

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605)

        Est: ¥200,000 - ¥300,000

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) >Admiring the Mountains<br>Hanging scroll >ink and colour on silk<br>115 x 35 cm. (45 1/4 x 13 3/4 in.) >Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two seals of the artist<br>Dated early summer, yiwei year of the Wanli era (1595) >Three collectors' seals<br>

      • Song Xu (1525-1607)
        Mar. 20, 2013

        Song Xu (1525-1607)

        Est: $30,000 - $50,000

        Mountain Streams After Rain, 1591 Hanging scroll, ink on paper, with a poetic inscription by the artist, dated xinmao zhong dong (mid-winter, 1591) followed by the signature Shimen Song Xu with two seals of the artist reading Song Xu zhiyin and Shimen, with three collectors' seals. 84 3/4 x 44in (215 x 112cm)

      • SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1606)
        Nov. 26, 2012

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1606)

        Est: - $262,500

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1606) Mountains in a Distance Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink on gold paper 17.1 x 53 cm. (6 5/8 x 20 3/4 in.) Signed, with one seal of the artist Dated spring, jiawu year (1594) 1

      • SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605)
        May. 28, 2012

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605)

        Est: $150,000 - $200,000

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) Fishing Boat in Return Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Two illegible collectors' seals Hanging scroll, ink on silk 129 x 57.2 cm. (50 7/8 x 22 1/2 in.)

      • SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605)
        May. 28, 2012

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605)

        Est: $250,000 - $300,000

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) Admiring the Mountains Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated early summer, yiwei year of the Wanli era (1595) Three collectors' seals Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 115 x 35 cm. (45 1/4 x 13 3/4 in.)

      • SONG XU 1525-1617
        Mar. 22, 2012

        SONG XU 1525-1617

        Est: $70,000 - $90,000

        FROM AN IMPORTANT PRIVATE COLLECTION (LOTS 746-757) THE FOREST GROTTO AT JUCHU, AFTER WANG MENG signed Song Xu Chuyang, dated renchen of the Wanli reign (1592), seventh lunar month, inscribed 'painted at the Studio at the Source of the Fen River and recorded by Song Xu from Yi, who is also called Chuyang', and with two seals of the artist, chu yang, song xu zhi yin ink and color on paper, hanging scroll 268.8 by 55.6 cm. 105 3/4 by 21 7/8 in.

      • 明 宋旭 (1525 - 1606) Song Xu Ming DynastyDeep into the Mountains
        Dec. 12, 2010

        明 宋旭 (1525 - 1606) Song Xu Ming DynastyDeep into the Mountains

        Est: $30,000 - $40,000

        明 宋旭 (1525 - 1606) 溪山深秀圖 設色水墨紙本 立軸 1588年作 款識:萬曆戊子之夏偶過 仰泉兄齊頭相與高論, 移日感而有贈 樵李雙弟宋旭初陽 鈐印: (宋旭山人)(初陽氏) 鑑藏印:安岐 (安)(儀周鑑賞) 高士奇 (蕉林秘玩) 邵松年 (海虞邵氏珍藏金石書畫之印) 吳榮光 (荷屋鑑賞) 伍元蕙 (南海伍元蕙寶玩) 徐紫珊 (徐紫珊秘篋印) 于騰 (飛卿過眼) Song Xu Ming Dynasty Deep into the Mountains Hanging Scroll,Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1588 Inscribed and signed,with two artist seals Eight collector’s seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605)
        Dec. 02, 2008

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605)

        Est: $400,000 - $600,000

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) Autumn Mountains and Waterfall Hanging scroll, ink on paper 130 x 32.5 cm. (51 x 12 3/4 in.) Inscribed and signed by the artist Dated autumn, ninth month, dinghai year of the Wanli era (1587) One collector's seal of Zhu Wenjun (1882-1937) on the mounting

      • Travels of a lofty scholar (album w/10 leaves)
        May. 26, 2008

        Travels of a lofty scholar (album w/10 leaves)

        Est: $150,000 - $200,000

        SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1605) Travels of a Lofty Scholar Album of ten leaves, ink and colour on paper Each leaf measures 24 x 32 cm. (9 1/2 x 12 5/8 in.) Inscribed and signed, with six seals of the artist One collector's seal

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