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Manoucher Yektai Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1922 - d. 2019

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    • Manoucher Yektai (Iranian, 1922-2019) Oil on Canvas, 1967, "The Letter", H 18.125" W 26"
      Jan. 16, 2025

      Manoucher Yektai (Iranian, 1922-2019) Oil on Canvas, 1967, "The Letter", H 18.125" W 26"

      Est: $40,000 - $60,000

      Signed and dated in the lower left. Heavy impasto oil on canvas. Abstract floral still life with a letter and a vase. Having a giltwood frame, H 19.25", W 27.25". Birmingham Gallery Inc., MI label on the verso. Provenance: One owner. Property from a private collection, Bingham Farms, Michigan; Purchased circa 1970 from Gertrude Kasle Gallery, 3010 Fisher Building, Detroit, MI 48202; Framed by John McKinney, Birmingham Gallery, Inc., 1025 Haynes, Birmingham, MI 48011

    • Manoucher Yektai (Iran, 1921 - 2019) Untitled (Still Life with plants)
      Dec. 19, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai (Iran, 1921 - 2019) Untitled (Still Life with plants)

      Est: €40,000 - €60,000

      Manoucher Yektai (Iran, 1921 - 2019) Untitled (Still Life with plants) Signé et daté "Yektai 59" (en bas à gauche) huile sur toile peint en 1959 83,8 x 86.7 cm *** Signed and dated "Yektai 59" (lower left) oil on canvas peint in 1959 Provenance Prominent Abdo Family collection. Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) a su se distinguer par sa technique picturale unique, combinant des empâtements audacieux et une application généreuse de couleurs épaisses, caractéristiques de son style inimitable. L'œuvre présentée dans ce catalogue est un exemple rare et magistral de sa série de natures mortes. Elle met en scène un vase de fleurs accompagné d’un livre, témoignant de son habileté à fusionner le sujet avec une expressivité vibrante. La composition, d'une densité texturale exceptionnelle, synthétise la puissance artistique de Yektai et illustre la reconnaissance internationale qu’il a acquise en ouvrant la voie aux collections prestigieuses à travers le monde. Cette œuvre exceptionnelle provient directement de la collection renommée de la famille Abdo, un nom étroitement lié à l’art moderne iranien. La famille, amie proche de figures majeures comme Bahman Mohasses et Monir Farmanfarmaian (la première épouse de Yektai), a joué un rôle essentiel dans la promotion et la préservation des œuvres de ces artistes visionnaires. Ce tableau, par son origine et sa qualité, incarne un moment clé de l’histoire de l’art moderne iranien. *** Manoucher Yektai (1921–2019) distinguished himself through his unique painting technique, characterized by bold impasto and a generous application of thick, vibrant colors that defined his inimitable style. The work featured in this catalog is a rare and masterful example of his still-life series. It depicts a vase of flowers alongside a book, showcasing his ability to merge subject matter with vibrant expressiveness. The composition, with its exceptional textural density, epitomizes Yektai’s artistic strength and highlights the international recognition he garnered, opening the doors to prestigious collections worldwide. This outstanding piece comes directly from the renowned Abdo family collection, a name closely associated with modern Iranian art. The family, close friends of major figures such as Bahman Mohasses and Monir Farmanfarmaian (Yektai’s first wife), played a pivotal role in promoting and preserving the works of these visionary artists. This painting, through its provenance and quality, embodies a significant moment in the history of modern Iranian art.

      Millon & Associes
    • Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019), Nature morte aux cyclamens, 1973, huile sur toile, signée et datée, 40,5x51 cm
      Dec. 11, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019), Nature morte aux cyclamens, 1973, huile sur toile, signée et datée, 40,5x51 cm

      Est: CHF20,000 - CHF30,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019), Nature morte aux cyclamens, 1973, huile sur toile, signée et datée, 40,5x51 cmProvenance: Collection de Son Excellence Ardeshir Zahedi, acheté aux Etats-Unis lorsqu'il était ambassadeur à Washington lors de son deuxième mandat entre 1973 à 1979 Collection de S. E. Ardeshir Zahedi Son Excellence Ardeshir Zahedi (1928-2021) vécut à Montreux depuis son exil d'Iran en 1979, dans la Villa Les Roses acquise par son père une vingtaine d'années plus tôt. Aussi généreux que discret, il a su tisser des liens tout au long de sa vie avec les personnes les plus influentes et les recevait chez lui en toute amitié. Très actif dans la vie locale en tant que mécène de festivals de musique, de causes humanitaires ou de toutes sortes d'associations, il s'était vu décerné le titre honorifique d'ambassadeur de Montreux tant il avait fait découvrir la région à d'innombrables personnalités du monde entier pendant plus de 50 ans. S.E. Ardeshir Zahedi force l'admiration tant par sa carrière exceptionnelle que par sa prestigieuse famille. Ministre des Affaires étrangères d'Iran et ambassadeur d'Iran en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis, proche conseiller du Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi dont il avait toute la confiance sa vie durant, cet homme d'Etat et éminent diplomate a été une figure de toute première importance dans l'histoire de son pays des années 1950 à 1979. Son père, le général Fazlollah Zahedi (1892-1963), était un excellent militaire et fin stratège politique qui devint Premier ministre d'Iran en 1953 avant de rétablir le Shah sur son trône et de se retirer en toute loyauté. Ardeshir Zahedi, venant d'une des grandes familles d'Iran devint gendre du Shah. Il a épousé en 1957 S.A.I. la princesse Shahnaz Pahlavi, fille unique de S.M. le Shah et de S.A.R. la princesse Fawzia d'Egypte (fille de S.M. le roi Fouad Ier). De cette union naîtra sa fille unique. Plus de 370 lots composent cette vente exceptionnelle et proviennent de sa collection personnelle. Il les a acquis ou reçus en héritage et tous se trouvaient en son lieu de résidence, la Villa les Roses, lieu de vie, de rencontres diplomatiques et d'échanges influents... Il s'agit de tableaux, meubles, tapis précieux, vaisselle ou encore de l'argenterie, des objets précieux ou des souvenirs qu'il affectionnait et, qui souvent, le suivaient lors de déménagements. Ce mobilier garde la mémoire historique des dirigeants de ce monde qui sont passés pour une visite ou un séjour, des présidents, des monarques ou des têtes couronnées tels que le Roi Fouad, le Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, Richard Nixon, Kofi Annan, le président de la Confédération Pierre Aubert ou Claude Nobs... De très nombreux objets inclus dans ce catalogue sont aussi des cadeaux reçus de personnalités tout au long de sa vie. Citons par exemple Ronald Reagan, Georges Bush, Henry Kissinger, Benazir Bhutto, le roi Hassan II du Maroc, dont les photos, souvent dédicacées, témoignent de l'amitié qu'ils portaient à leur ami Ardeshir. Les lots se répartissent en 3 sections : - Le mardi 10 décembre, vente online pour l'ensemble du mobilier, objets précieux, numismatique, tableaux, etc. - Le mercredi 11 décembre vente en salle pour deux tableaux (lot 26 et 38) - Le jeudi 12 décembre, vente online pour la collection de bijoux, montres, pendulettes, etc. Notes : Les photos de personnalités illustrant les lots ne sont pas vendues avec les lots. Elles demeurent dans les archives familiales ou déposées dans des fonds universitaires. Conformément aux valeurs de partage et de transmission chères à la famille Zahedi, une partie du produit de la vente sera reversée à des oeuvres caritatives.

      Piguet Hôtel des Ventes | Genève
    • Manoucher Yektai
      Nov. 20, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai

      Est: $30,000 - $50,000

      Iranian/American, 1922-2019 Untitled (Landscape), 1984 Signed and dated Yektai 84 (lr) Oil on canvas 30 x 32 inches (76.2 x 81.3 cm) Unframed Qty: (1) Faint rubs to lower left and lower right corners. A paint crack with lifting at center, within white pigment. A paint crack with lifting at lower center within white pigment. An abrasion to canvas with associated grime at upper center. Thickest areas of impasto show no additional evidence of cracking or losses. No signs of compression to high points of impasto. No evidence of restoration under UV inspection.

      DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
    • Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Tree
      Nov. 13, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Tree

      Est: £20,000 - £30,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Tree oil on canvas, framed signed 'Yektai' and dated '57' (lower right), executed in 1957 54.5 x 42cm (21 7/16 x 16 9/16in).

    • Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Still Life
      Nov. 13, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Still Life

      Est: £25,000 - £35,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Still Life oil on canvas, framed signed 'Yektai' and dated '67' (lower left), executed in 1967 74.5 x 69cm (29 5/16 x 27 3/16in).

    • MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK). Untitled. oil on canvas 3
      Oct. 31, 2024

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK). Untitled. oil on canvas 3

      Est: £50,000 - £70,000

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK). Untitled. oil on canvas 36 x 30 1⁄8in. (91.5 x 76.5cm.).

      Oct. 20, 2024


      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      Manoucher Yektai, (Iranian, American, 1922 - 2019), oil painting on canvas depicting an abstract figurative composition, 1966. Signed and dated lower left. Framed. Note: Manoucher Yektai was an Iranian born American artist. He is associated with the New York School art movement. Yektai's work reflects a somewhat different philosophy. The metaphysical absolutism that attracted what Rosenberg called the theological branch of Abstract Expressionism did not attract him. His natural approach combined the celebration of the beautiful with something of the painting of everyday life approach. Far from seeing himself as a destroyer of beauty, Yektai believes in the dignity of human life and celebrates the beauty of the forms it transpires among. Yektai has many works in North American and European collections and museums, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and numerous private collections such as the Yellowstone Art Museum.

      Helios Auctions
      Oct. 20, 2024


      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      Manoucher Yektai, (Iranian, American, 1922 - 2019), oil painting on canvas depicting a composition with bright red roses among green leaves, 1994. Signed and dated lower left. Framed. Note: Manoucher Yektai was an Iranian-born American artist. He is associated with the New York School art movement. Yektai's work reflects a somewhat different philosophy. The metaphysical absolutism that attracted what Rosenberg called the theological branch of Abstract Expressionism did not attract him. His natural approach combined the celebration of the beautiful with something of the painting of everyday life approach. Far from seeing himself as a destroyer of beauty, Yektai believes in the dignity of human life and celebrates the beauty of the forms it transpires among. Yektai has many works in North American and European collections and museums, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and numerous private collections such as the Yellowstone Art Museum.

      Helios Auctions
    • After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life
      Aug. 24, 2024

      After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life

      Est: -

      Measures approximately 19 by 27 inches. Bh14536 Ja

      EJ'S Auction & Appraisal
    • After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life
      Aug. 24, 2024

      After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life

      Est: -

      Measuring approximately 27 by 19 inches. Bh14536 Ja

      EJ'S Auction & Appraisal
    • After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life
      Aug. 24, 2024

      After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life

      Est: -

      Measuring approximately 27 by 19 inches. Bh14536 Ja

      EJ'S Auction & Appraisal
    • After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life
      Aug. 24, 2024

      After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life

      Est: -

      Measuring approximately 27 by 19 inches. Bh14536 Ja

      EJ'S Auction & Appraisal
    • After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life
      Aug. 24, 2024

      After Manoucher Yektai Mixed Media Still Life

      Est: -

      Measuring approximately 27 by 19 inches. Bh14536 Ja

      EJ'S Auction & Appraisal
    • Manoucher Yektai (Iranian/American, 1922-2019) Untitled, 1964
      Jul. 18, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai (Iranian/American, 1922-2019) Untitled, 1964

      Est: $1,000 - $2,000

      Manoucher Yektai (Iranian/American, 1922-2019) Untitled, 1964 charcoal on paper signed Yektai and dated (lower left) 24 3/4 x 19 inches.

      Freeman’s | Hindman
    • Manoucher YEKTAI (Iran, 1921-2019) Untitled
      Jul. 11, 2024

      Manoucher YEKTAI (Iran, 1921-2019) Untitled

      Est: €1,800 - €2,500

      Manoucher YEKTAI (Iran, 1921-2019) Untitled Technique mixte sur papier 15 x 21 cm peint en 1961 signé et daté "Yektai 61" en bas à gauche porte au dos du carton de montage les annotations manuscrites Collection de Feugas n°75 Paris 1965; ainsi qu'une ancienne étiquette mentionnant Yektai - acheté à Paris en 1965 à Jean Claude de Feugas *** Mixed media on paper painted in 1961 signed and dated 'Yektai 61' at the lower left on the back of the mounting board, it bears the handwritten annotations Collection de Feugas n°75 Paris 1965; as well as an old label mentioning Yektai - purchased in Paris in 1965 from Jean Claude de Feugas"

      Millon & Associes
      Jul. 06, 2024


      Est: $100 - $150

      Manoucher Yektai, Iranian, American, 1922 to 2019, oil painting on canvas depicting a still life with flowers, 1967. Signed and dated lower left. Manoucher Yektai was an Iranian born American artist. He is associated with the New York School art movement. His version of cultural hybridity is not so much shaped by different layers as by different channels: a traditional Persian poet, a Modernist American painter. In 1945, he moved to France, in search of the Modernist freedom to seek oneself through expression that the School of Paris offered. But the war was not over and Yektai waited in New York for several months, where he began studying at Ozenfant's studio on 20th Street and at the Art Student League. Far from seeing himself as a destroyer of beauty, Yektai believes in the dignity of human life and celebrates the beauty of the forms it transpires among. One of a kind artwork.

      Antique Arena Inc
    • YEKTAI MANOUCHER (1921 - 2019) - UNTITLED,1952
      Jun. 25, 2024

      YEKTAI MANOUCHER (1921 - 2019) - UNTITLED,1952

      Est: €30,000 - €40,000

      YEKTAI MANOUCHER (1921 - 2019). UNTITLED,1952. signature and date PROVENANCE Artist's studio Private collection, Rome. 62,50 x 46,50 cm.

      Capitolium Art
    • Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Still Life with Fruits
      Jun. 05, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Still Life with Fruits

      Est: £25,000 - £50,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Still Life with Fruits oil on canvas, framed signed 'Yektai' and dated '53' (upper right), executed in 1953 35 x 70cm (13 3/4 x 27 9/16in).

    • MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK) Untitled oil on canvas 15
      May. 31, 2024

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK) Untitled oil on canvas 15

      Est: $40,000 - $60,000

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK) Untitled oil on canvas 15 ¾ x 24in. (40 x 61cm.)

      May. 25, 2024


      Est: $100 - $150

      Attributed to Manoucher Yektai, Iranian, American, 1922 to 2019, oil painting on canvas depicting a Figurative composition, 1953. Signed and dated, lower right. Manoucher Yektai was an Iranian born American artist. He is associated with New York School art movement. His version of cultural hybridity is not so much shaped by different layers as by different channels: a traditional Persian poet, a Modernist American painter. In 1945, he moved to France, in search of the Modernist freedom to seek oneself through expression that the School of Paris offered. But the war was not over and Yektai waited in New York for several months, where he began studying at Ozenfant's studio on 20th Street and at the Art Student League. Far from seeing himself as a destroyer of beauty, Yektai believes in the dignity of human life and celebrates the beauty of the forms it transpires among. One of a kind artwork.

      Antique Arena Inc
    • MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1922-2019) Untitled oil on canvas 38 ¾ x 60 in. (97.3 x 1
      May. 17, 2024

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1922-2019) Untitled oil on canvas 38 ¾ x 60 in. (97.3 x 1

      Est: $120,000 - $180,000

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1922-2019) Untitled oil on canvas 38 ¾ x 60 in. (97.3 x 152.5 cm.)

      May. 11, 2024


      Est: $100 - $150

      Oil on paper painting by Manoucher Yektai, 1921 to 2019, an Iranian-born American artist associated with the New York School. The artwork depicts a flower vase. Signed by the artist and dated 1960 in the lower right. White mat, wooden frame. Collectible Modernist Graphic Art.

      Antique Arena Inc
    • Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Sans titre huile sur toile 194.7 x 129.1 cm. P
      Apr. 30, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Sans titre huile sur toile 194.7 x 129.1 cm. P

      Est: €50,000 - €70,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Sans titre huile sur toile 194.7 x 129.1 cm. Peint en 1961.

      Apr. 06, 2024


      Est: $100 - $150

      Manoucher Yektai, Iranian, American, 1922 to 2019, oil painting on canvas depicting a still life with flowers and fruits, 1969. Signed and dated, lower right. Manoucher Yektai was an Iranian born American artist. He is associated with New York School art movement. His version of cultural hybridity is not so much shaped by different layers as by different channels: a traditional Persian poet, a Modernist American painter. In 1945, he moved to France, in search of the Modernist freedom to seek oneself through expression that the School of Paris offered. But the war was not over and Yektai waited in New York for several months, where he began studying at Ozenfant's studio on 20th Street and at the Art Student League. Far from seeing himself as a destroyer of beauty, Yektai believes in the dignity of human life and celebrates the beauty of the forms it transpires among. One of a kind artwork.

      Antique Arena Inc
    • Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Untitled, 1960
      Mar. 13, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Untitled, 1960

      Est: €20,000 - €30,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Untitled, 1960 Oil on canvas Signed and dated on the bottom right 81 x 60 cm Provenance : - Purchased directly from the artist by the current owner - European private collection Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Sans titre, 1960 Huile sur toile Signée et datée en bas à droite 81 x 60 cm Provenance : - Acquis directement auprès de l'artiste par l'actuel propriétaire - Collection particulière européenne

      Mar. 02, 2024


      Est: $100 - $150

      Manoucher Yektai, Iranian, American, 1922 to 2019, oil painting on canvas depicting a still life with flowers, 1966. Signed and dated, lower left. Manoucher Yektai was an Iranian born American artist. He is associated with New York School art movement. His version of cultural hybridity is not so much shaped by different layers as by different channels: a traditional Persian poet, a Modernist American painter. In 1945, he moved to France, in search of the Modernist freedom to seek oneself through expression that the School of Paris offered. But the war was not over and Yektai waited in New York for several months, where he began studying at Ozenfant's studio on 20th Street and at the Art Student League. Far from seeing himself as a destroyer of beauty, Yektai believes in the dignity of human life and celebrates the beauty of the forms it transpires among. One of a kind artwork.

      Antique Arena Inc
      Mar. 02, 2024


      Est: $100 - $150

      Manoucher Yektai, Iranian, American, 1922 to 2019, oil painting on canvas depicting a still life with flowers and fruits, 1966. Signed and dated, lower right. Manoucher Yektai was an Iranian born American artist. He is associated with New York School art movement. His version of cultural hybridity is not so much shaped by different layers as by different channels: a traditional Persian poet, a Modernist American painter. In 1945, he moved to France, in search of the Modernist freedom to seek oneself through expression that the School of Paris offered. But the war was not over and Yektai waited in New York for several months, where he began studying at Ozenfant's studio on 20th Street and at the Art Student League. Far from seeing himself as a destroyer of beauty, Yektai believes in the dignity of human life and celebrates the beauty of the forms it transpires among. One of a kind artwork.

      Antique Arena Inc
    • Manoucher Yektai (1922 - 2019) Charcoal and Oil
      Jan. 31, 2024

      Manoucher Yektai (1922 - 2019) Charcoal and Oil

      Est: $3,000 - $5,000

      22" x 30" Charcoal and Oil on Arches Paper. Signed and dated lower left "Yektai 62". This lot is being offered on behalf of the New York Public Administrators Office from the Estate of Medoff (230012)

      Weiss Auctions
      Jan. 13, 2024


      Est: $100 - $150

      Manoucher Yektai, French, American, 1922 to 2019, oil painting on canvas depicting an abstract composition, 1954. Signed and dated, upper right. Framed. Manoucher Yektai was an Iranian born American artist. He is associated with New York School art movement. Yektais work reflects a somewhat different philosophy. The metaphysical absolutism that attracted what Rosenberg called the theological branch of Abstract Expressionism did not attract him. His natural approach combined the celebration of the beautiful with something of the painting of everyday life approach. Far from seeing himself as a destroyer of beauty, Yektai believes in the dignity of human life and celebrates the beauty of the forms it transpires among. Yektai has many works in North American and European collections and museums, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and numerous private collections such as the Yellowstone Art Museum. One of a kind artwork.

      Antique Arena Inc
    • YEKTAI MANOUCHER (1921 - 2019) - UNTITLED
      Dec. 19, 2023

      YEKTAI MANOUCHER (1921 - 2019) - UNTITLED

      Est: €40,000 - €50,000

      YEKTAI MANOUCHER (1921 - 2019). UNTITLED. signature and year PROVENANCE: Artist's studio Private collection, Rome Private collection, Brescia. 39,50 x 27,80 cm. 1952.

      Capitolium Art
    • Manoucher Yektai (Iran, 1921 - 2019) Untitled (Still Life with plants) Huile sur toile
      Nov. 30, 2023

      Manoucher Yektai (Iran, 1921 - 2019) Untitled (Still Life with plants) Huile sur toile

      Est: €80,000 - €120,000

      Manoucher Yektai (Iran, 1921 - 2019) Untitled (Still Life with plants) Huile sur toile 99,5 x 110 cm Peint en 1969 Signé et daté "Yektai '69" en bas à gauche *** Oil on canvas Painted in 1969 Signed and dated "Yektai '69" lower left Property from a distinguished private collection, Paris The artwork was sold at Sotheby's, 20th Century Art / Middle East, 23 October 2018, London, lot n°25, and was acquired directly from this auction by the present owner. Private Collection, USA: Prior to being in the Paris collection, the artwork was owned by a private collector in the United States. This collector acquired the artwork directly from the artist in the 1970s. Millea Bross Ltd. auction in New Jersey in 2015.

      Millon & Associes
    • Untitled (Flower Vase)
      Nov. 16, 2023

      Untitled (Flower Vase)

      Est: $30,000 - $40,000

      Manoucher Yektai 1922 - 2019 Untitled (Flower Vase) signed and dated 68 (lower edge)  oil on canvas 18 by 16 in. 45.7 by 40.6 cm. Executed in 1968.

    • Untitled (Blue Vase)
      Nov. 16, 2023

      Untitled (Blue Vase)

      Est: $40,000 - $60,000

      Manoucher Yektai 1922 - 2019 Untitled (Blue Vase) signed and dated 65 (lower edge) oil on canvas 34 by 24 in. 86.4 by 61 cm. Executed in 1965.

    • Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Still Life
      Nov. 15, 2023

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Still Life

      Est: £15,000 - £30,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Still Life oil on canvas signed 'Yektai' and dated '64' (lower left), executed in 1964 40.6 x 22.8cm (16 x 9in).

    • MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK) Untitled (Tomato Plant) oi
      Nov. 09, 2023

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK) Untitled (Tomato Plant) oi

      Est: £35,000 - £45,000

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK) Untitled (Tomato Plant) oil on canvas 18 ¼ x 23 7⁄8in. (46.5 x 60.5cm.)

    • MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK) Bowl of Fruit oil on canva
      Nov. 09, 2023

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK) Bowl of Fruit oil on canva

      Est: £15,000 - £20,000

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921, TEHRAN - 2019, NEW YORK) Bowl of Fruit oil on canvas 12 x 14 1⁄8in. (30.5 x 35.9cm.)

    • Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Untitled, 1960
      Oct. 11, 2023

      Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Untitled, 1960

      Est: €20,000 - €30,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Untitled, 1960 Oil on canvas Signed and dated on the bottom right 60 x 81 cm Provenance : - Purchased directly from the artist - European private collection Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) Sans titre, 1960 Huile sur toile Signée et datée en bas à droite 60 x 81 cm Provenance : - Acquis directement auprès de l'artiste - Collection particulière européenne

    • MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921-2019) Untitled oil on canvas 38 ¼ x 51 1/8 in. (97.2
      Sep. 29, 2023

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921-2019) Untitled oil on canvas 38 ¼ x 51 1/8 in. (97.2

      Est: $50,000 - $70,000

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1921-2019) Untitled oil on canvas 38 ¼ x 51 1/8 in. (97.2 x 130 cm.)

    • MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1922-2019) Untitled oil on canvas 16 x 9 in. (40.6 x 22.
      Jul. 18, 2023

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1922-2019) Untitled oil on canvas 16 x 9 in. (40.6 x 22.

      Est: $10,000 - $15,000

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (1922-2019) Untitled oil on canvas 16 x 9 in. (40.6 x 22.9 cm.)

      Jul. 08, 2023


      Est: $100 - $150

      Manoucher Yektai, Iranian, French, American, 1922 to 2019, mixed media, oil and pastel, paintng on paper depicting a still life, 1977. Signed and dated upper right. Manoucher Yektai is an Iranian and French artist, known for Abstract figurative painting. Manoucher Yektais life has brought him through three cultures: Iran, France, the United States. This trajectory can be seen as a search for Modernism, and for a participation in Modernism, indeed, for a home in it. For a painter, the itinerary seems clear in its meaning: from Iran where, under Islamic strictures about imagery, free artistic expression was not available, first, with a brief pause in New York, to the ripe ambience of the School of Paris, then more permanently to the fledgling excitement of the emerging New York School. But Yektais development, seen in a larger frame, has not been entirely simple and linear. His trajectory through three cultures seems nomadic, and his identification with Modern New York seems an acceptance of hybridity in the post-Modernist sense; but at the same time, in a kind of artistic double life, he has been careful to maintain his rootedness directly in Persian culture. One of a kind artwork.

      Antique Arena Inc
    • Manoucher Yektai (Iran, 1921 - 2019) Portrait
      Jul. 06, 2023

      Manoucher Yektai (Iran, 1921 - 2019) Portrait

      Est: €7,000 - €10,000

      Manoucher Yektai (Iran, 1921 - 2019) Portrait Huile sur papier 60,5 x 45,5 cm Peint en 1964 Signé en bas à gauche (Yektai 64) *** Oil on paper Painted in 1964 Signed lower left (Yektai 64) Private collection, USA $US 7500 - 10 000 7 000/ 10 000 €

      Millon & Associes
      Jun. 22, 2023


      Est: CHF30,000 - CHF40,000

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (Tehran 1921–2019 New York) Untitled. 1963. Oil on canvas. Signed and dated lower centre: Yektai 63. 100 × 130 cm. Provenance: Private collection Switzerland. "I believe that art has the power to transform both the artist and the viewer. It can challenge us, inspire us, and help us to see the world in new ways." Manoucher Yektai Manoucher Yektai's atmospheric works with their refreshing explosions of colour and impasto paint strokes depict expressive colour fields, portraits, still lifes and landscapes. His extensive oeuvre is characterised by a vibrant fusion of diverse cultures from Iran, France and the United States. Although the artist did not consider himself an Abstract Expressionist, his work was influenced by this North American art movement. Yektai found inspiration amongst his artist friends Mark Tobey, Mark Rothko, de Kooning, Philip Guston and others. Yektai worked primarily with oil paints and experimented with various techniques to create intense painterly textures and illusory depths in his works. In his works of the 1960s, the Iranian-American Manoucher Yektai gradually left behind the realm of pure abstraction. The present oil painting from 1963 moves between abstraction and figuration. The work bears no title; it invites the viewer to use their perception and imagination and interpret it in their own way. The formation of organic shapes in the foreground, rendered in a bold green, can be seen as a simple gestural abstraction. It extends beyond the upper edge and dominates the painting. Here the artist employs the heavy impasto technique which he developed earlier. If we look at the work for a while, the shapes and colours of the central arrangement are reminiscent of a perennial plant with twigs, leaves and tomatoes winding upwards and in various stages of ripeness. The sweeping brushstrokes breathe a certain liveliness and movement into the expressive work. The warm soothing pastel colours and the white-brown colours in the background add a subtle complexity to the work, conveying a pleasant sense of freedom of movement and creating a harmonious contrast to the green-brown composition in the foreground. --------------- MANOUCHER YEKTAI (Teheran 1921–2019 New York) Ohne Titel. 1963. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten mittig signiert und datiert: Yektai 63. 100 × 130 cm. Provenienz: Privatsammlung Schweiz. "I believe that art has the power to transform both the artist and the viewer. It can challenge us, inspire us, and help us to see the world in new ways." Manoucher Yektai Manoucher Yektais stimmungsvolle Arbeiten mit erfrischenden Farbexplosionen und pastosen Farbaufstrichen zeigen expressive Farbfelder, Porträts, Stillleben und Landschaften. Sein umfangreiches Œuvre zeichnet sich durch eine lebendige Verschmelzung der verschiedenen Kulturen des Iran, Frankreichs und der Vereinigten Staaten aus. Obwohl sich der Künstler nicht als Abstrakter Expressionist sieht, ist sein Werk von der nordamerikanischen Kunstrichtung der modernen Malerei beeinflusst. Inspiration findet Yektai bei seinen Künstlerfreunden Mark Tobey, Mark Rothko, de Kooning, Philip Guston u.a. Yektai arbeitet vorwiegend mit Ölfarben und experimentiert mit verschiedenen Techniken, um intensive malerische Texturen und illusorische Tiefen in seinen Werken zu erzeugen. In seinen Arbeiten aus den 60er Jahren verlässt der iranisch-amerikanische Künstler Manoucher Yektai allmählich den Bereich der reinen Abstraktion. Das vorliegende Ölgemälde aus dem Jahr 1963 bewegt sich zwischen Abstraktion und Figuration. Das Werk trägt keinen Titel, es lädt den Betrachter ein, seine Wahrnehmung und Vorstellungskraft zu nutzen und es auf seine eigene Art und Weise zu interpretieren. Die mit kräftigem Grün dargestellte Formation mit organischen Formen im Vordergrund kann als einfache gestische Abstraktion angesehen werden. Sie erstreckt sich bis über den oberen Rand hinaus und dominiert das Gemälde. Der Künstler wendet dabei seine früher entwickelte, schwere pastose Technik an. Betrachtet man das Werk eine zeitlang, erinnern die Formen und Farben der mittigen Anordnung an eine Staude mit emporschlängelnden Zweigen, Blättern und Tomaten, die sich in verschiedenen Reifestadien befinden. Die schwungvoll aufgetragenen Pinselstriche hauchen dem expressiven Werk eine gewisse Lebendigkeit und Bewegung ein. Die warmen, beruhigend wirkenden Pastellfarben und die weiss-braunen Farben im Hintergrund verleihen der Arbeit eine subtile Komplexität, vermitteln ein angenehmes Gefühl von Bewegungsfreiheit und erzeugen einen harmonischen Kontrast zur grün-braunen Komposition im Vordergrund. ---------------

      Koller Auctions
    • Manoucher YEKTAI: Still Life - Painting
      Jun. 03, 2023

      Manoucher YEKTAI: Still Life - Painting

      Est: $12,000 - $15,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1921-2019) oil on canvas painting of a floral still life in a vase on a table, signed lower right and dated '69. [Art: 29" H x 19" W; Frame: 32 1/2" H x 22 1/2" W].

      Roland Auctions NY
    • Manoucher Yektai (Iran, born 1922) Still Life
      May. 24, 2023

      Manoucher Yektai (Iran, born 1922) Still Life

      Est: £25,000 - £50,000

      Manoucher Yektai (Iran, born 1922) Still Life oil on canvas, framed signed 'Yektai' and dated '1967' (lower right), executed in 1967 71 x 77cm (27 15/16 x 30 5/16in).

    • Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Tomato Plant
      May. 24, 2023

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Tomato Plant

      Est: £15,000 - £25,000

      Manoucher Yektai (1922-2019) Tomato Plant oil on canvas signed 'Yektai' and dated '62' (lower right), executed in 1962 45.4 x 61cm (17 7/8 x 24in).

    • MANOUCHER YEKTAI (IRANIAN, 1921 - 2019) Untitled (Still Life) oil on canvas
      May. 16, 2023

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (IRANIAN, 1921 - 2019) Untitled (Still Life) oil on canvas

      Est: $50,000 - $70,000

      MANOUCHER YEKTAI (IRANIAN, 1921 - 2019) Untitled (Still Life) oil on canvas 40 x 50 1/8in. (101.5 x 127.2cm.)

      May. 13, 2023


      Est: $100 - $150

      Charcoal and oil pastel on paper painting by Manoucher Yektai, 1922 to 2019, an American artist of Iranian descent. The artwork represents a still life with a pineapple, mango, and newspaper. Signed by the artist and dated 1975 in the upper left. Collectible Mid Century Postwar American Graphic Art.

      Antique Arena Inc
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