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Ren Yi Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1840 - d. 1896

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      • A Chinese Painting of Flower and Inset, Attributed to Ren Yi
        Feb. 09, 2025

        A Chinese Painting of Flower and Inset, Attributed to Ren Yi

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Ink and color on paper, signed Bonian (Ren Yi), with one artist's seal Yi Yin. Ren Yi (1840-1896), also known as Ren Bonian, was a painter and the son of a rice merchant who supplemented his income by creating portraits. Born in Zhejiang, he moved to Shanghai after his father's death in 1855, where he became part of the city's more urban and Western-influenced environment. In Shanghai, he joined the Shanghai School, a movement that blended popular and traditional artistic styles. Ren Bonian was recognized as one of the "Four Rens," alongside Ren Xiong, Ren Xun, and Ren Yu. Ren Bonian was renowned for his bold brushwork and vibrant use of color. Early in his career, he was influenced by Song dynasty painters, but later adopted a freer style inspired by the works of Zhu Da. 12 in. x 13.5/8 in. for the painting, 32 in. x 32 in. for the frame.

      • A Chinese Painting of Flower, Bird, and Inset, Attributed to Ren Yi
        Feb. 09, 2025

        A Chinese Painting of Flower, Bird, and Inset, Attributed to Ren Yi

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Ink and color on paper, signed Bonian (Ren Yi), with one artist's seal Yi Yin. Ren Yi (1840-1896), also known as Ren Bonian, was a painter and the son of a rice merchant who supplemented his income by creating portraits. Born in Zhejiang, he moved to Shanghai after his father's death in 1855, where he became part of the city's more urban and Western-influenced environment. In Shanghai, he joined the Shanghai School, a movement that blended popular and traditional artistic styles. Ren Bonian was recognized as one of the "Four Rens," alongside Ren Xiong, Ren Xun, and Ren Yu. Ren Bonian was renowned for his bold brushwork and vibrant use of color. Early in his career, he was influenced by Song dynasty painters, but later adopted a freer style inspired by the works of Zhu Da. 12 in. x 13.5/8 in. for the painting, 32 in. x 32 in. for the frame. An identical comparable please see Attributed to Ren Yi (1840-1895) Flowers, Bird and Insect, Bonhams Los Angeles, 8-17 December 2024, lot 321.

      • REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) Turtles
        Dec. 10, 2024

        REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) Turtles

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) Turtles Ink and colour on paper, framed and glazed With a colophon by Puhua, dated bingwu year (1906), with one seal. 39.5 x 53 cm (15 1/2 x 20 7/8 in)

      • REN YI (1840-1895). Turtledove. Round fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and
        Nov. 27, 2024

        REN YI (1840-1895). Turtledove. Round fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and

        Est: $100,000 - $200,000

        REN YI (1840-1895). Turtledove. Round fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on silk 28 cm. (11 in.) in diameter.

      • REN YI (1840-1895). Wisteria and Sparrow. Round fan leaf, mounted and frame
        Nov. 27, 2024

        REN YI (1840-1895). Wisteria and Sparrow. Round fan leaf, mounted and frame

        Est: $100,000 - $200,000

        REN YI (1840-1895). Wisteria and Sparrow. Round fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on silk 26.3 cm. (10 3⁄8 in.) in diameter.

      • Ren Yi (1840-1896) : Ink on Paper 'Figure'
        Nov. 02, 2024

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) : Ink on Paper 'Figure'

        Est: $1,500 - $2,500

        Ren Yi (1840-1896). Ink on paper. Hanging scroll. Figure and Landscape. Inscribed and signed Ren Yi Bonian, two seal marks of the artist.

        California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
      • 任頤 策杖行吟 | Ren Yi, Strolling by the Shore
        Oct. 23, 2024

        任頤 策杖行吟 | Ren Yi, Strolling by the Shore

        Est: $80,000 - $160,000

        任頤 策杖行吟 設色灑金絹本 扇面 一八七八年作 款識:誼卿仁兄大人雅正。戊寅首夏,伯年任頤寫於春申浦。 鈐印:「任頤印」。 上款:「誼卿」即吳大衡(1838-1896),號運齋,江蘇蘇州人,吳大澂三弟。光緒三年(1877)進士,授翰林院編修,曾遊李鴻章、張之洞幕。次女適潘祖蔭弟祖年,育女潘静淑。 18.6 x 52.5 cm 7⅜ x 20¾ in. ---------------------------------------------- Ren Yi 1840 - 1896 Strolling by the Shore ink and colour on gold-flecked silk, fan leaf signed, dated 1878, with a dedication and 1 seal of the artist 18.6 x 52.5 cm 7⅜ x 20¾ in.

      • Ren Yi (1840-1896); Cheng Gongshou (19th Century)
        Mar. 26, 2024

        Ren Yi (1840-1896); Cheng Gongshou (19th Century)

        Est: $3,000 - $5,000

        Ren Yi (1840-1896); Cheng Gongshou (19th Century) (1) Ren Yi (Chinese, 1840-1896) Bird and Flowers ink and color on silk, rounded fan leaf signed with an artist's seal, Ren Yi. Dated lunar year gengwu (1870), with a dedication. (2) Cheng Gongshou (Chinese, 19th Century) ink on gilt paper, folding fan leaf signed with dedication, and one artist seal, Cheng Gongshou. (1)任頤 (清,1840-1896) 花鳥圖 絹本設色,圓光 款識:曙亭仁兄大人正。同治庚午(1870)夏日效周少白法。任頤。 鈐印:任頤私印 (2)程恭壽 (清中期) 行書陸飛詩 金箋水墨,扇面 款識:筱饮解元詩。少村五兄屬正。容伯程恭壽時年七十又一。 鈐印:程恭壽印 Length of larger 20 1/2 in., 52 cm.

      • ATTRIBUTED TO REN YI (1840-1896) Hibiscus and Birds, 1885 (2)
        Mar. 19, 2024

        ATTRIBUTED TO REN YI (1840-1896) Hibiscus and Birds, 1885 (2)

        Est: $4,000 - $6,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO REN YI (1840-1896) Hibiscus and Birds, 1885 Two paintings, each ink and color on silk and framed and glazed, each inscribed, the first painting dated Guangxu Yiyou and signed Ren Yi with three seals, the second signed Ren Yi with two seals. 12 1/4 x 18 1/2in (31 x 47cm), each (2).

      • REN YI (1840-1896) - Su Wu and Rams
        Dec. 02, 2023

        REN YI (1840-1896) - Su Wu and Rams

        Est: $300,000 - $500,000

        REN YI (1840-1896) Su Wu and Rams Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 137.2 x 65.5 cm. (54 x 25 ¾ in.)

        Nov. 03, 2023


        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) BIRD ON RICE PLANT ????1840-1895? ????? ????? ?? ?? ??: ??????????????????? ??: ??? ink and slight colour on silk, circular fan leaf, signed, one seal of the artist (26cm wide) Qty: (1) Provenance: Private collection, London; has been in the family collection for over 60 years Note: Ren Yi, a leader of the late Qing Shanghai school of painting, was a disciple of the painter Ren Xiong (1820-1857). A prolific artist, Ren Yi commanded a wide range of techniques. In this depiction of Zhong Kui, the legendary Demon Queller, for example, he adopted the figural style of Chen Hongshou (1598-1652).

        Lyon & Turnbull
      • 任頤 紈扇仕女 | Ren Yi, Lady
        Oct. 08, 2023

        任頤 紈扇仕女 | Ren Yi, Lady

        Est: $200,000 - $400,000

        任頤 紈扇仕女 設色紙本 立軸 吳昌碩題跋 題識︰不去采夫客,采來無可贈。獨立望牽牛,晚涼花欲暝。欲歌少知音,躊躇步芳徑。伯年先生畫意全本老遲,摘舊句題之。安吉吳俊卿。 鈐印︰〈任〉「伯年」、「任頤之印」。 〈吳〉「吳中」。 藏印︰「錢鏡塘鑒定任伯年真蹟之印」。 118.2 x 31.6 cm 46½ x 12½ in. --------------------------------------------- Ren Yi 1840 - 1896 Lady ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll with 2 seals of the artist, annotation by Wu Changshuo 118.2 x 31.6 cm 46½ x 12½ in.

      • REN YI (1840-1896) Farmer with Loquat Basket
        Jun. 02, 2023

        REN YI (1840-1896) Farmer with Loquat Basket

        Est: $100,000 - $200,000

        REN YI (1840-1896) Farmer with Loquat Basket Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Signed Bonian Ren Yi, with two artist's seals and one collector's seal Dated Guangxu dingchou (1877) 130 x 65.5cm (51⅛ x 25¾in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • 清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 游侠图 Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty A Travelling Master
        Mar. 25, 2023

        清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 游侠图 Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty A Travelling Master

        Est: $12,000 - $20,000

        清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 游侠图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1875 年作 款识: 辉山仁兄大人雅属即正 乙亥夏日伯年任颐 写于春申江上 钤印:(伯年)(任伯年) Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty A Travelling Master Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1875 Inscribed and signed Ren Yi, with two artist seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • Chinese Art Ren Yi (Ren, Bonian 1840 - 1895) (attr.) China, Qing, 19th century
        Jan. 31, 2023

        Chinese Art Ren Yi (Ren, Bonian 1840 - 1895) (attr.) China, Qing, 19th century

        Est: €1,200 - €1,600

        Chinese Art. Ren Yi (Ren, Bonian 1840 - 1895) (attr.) China, Qing, 19th century. A fine watercolor on paper in the manner of the Chinese painter Ren Yi (also known as Ren bonian) depicting a rooster and a hen next to a bush of blooming peonies. The auspicious subject of the rooster and the peony is recurrent in Chinese painting, linked to the chinese pun fu gui you qi which can be interpreted as ""prestige and wealth will flourish for you"".. Cm 113,00 x 68,00.

        Capitolium Art
      • Ren Yi (Ren Bonian) Ink on Gold Paper Painting
        Jan. 24, 2023

        Ren Yi (Ren Bonian) Ink on Gold Paper Painting

        Est: $800 - $1,000

        Ren Yi "Ren Bonian" (Chinese, 1840-1895). Ink on gold paper painting depicting a bird on a flowering branch. Marked with his seal in red and inscribed along the margin of the painting.

        Revere Auctions
      • 清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1895) 听乐图 Qing Dynasty Ren Yi (Bonian) Flute Music
        Sep. 24, 2022

        清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1895) 听乐图 Qing Dynasty Ren Yi (Bonian) Flute Music

        Est: $8,000 - $15,000

        清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1895) 听乐图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:任颐 钤印:(任颐之印)(伯年) Qing Dynasty Ren Yi (Bonian) Flute Music Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Ren Yi, with two artist seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • A Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Paper Scroll by Ren Bonian (also known as Ren Yi - 1840-1896). He was noted for his bold brushstrokes and use of colour - as in this piece: Maids serving their master. 89 x 42cm.
        Aug. 09, 2022

        A Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Paper Scroll by Ren Bonian (also known as Ren Yi - 1840-1896). He was noted for his bold brushstrokes and use of colour - as in this piece: Maids serving their master. 89 x 42cm.

        Est: £1,000 - £1,200

        A Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Paper Scroll by Ren Bonian (also known as Ren Yi - 1840-1896). He was noted for his bold brushstrokes and use of colour - as in this piece: Maids serving their master. 89 x 42cm.

        Cadmore Auctions
      • A Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Paper Scroll by Ren Bonian (also known as Ren Yi - 1840-1896). He was noted for his bold brushstrokes and use of colour - as in this piece: Maids serving their master. 89 x 42cm.
        Jul. 25, 2022

        A Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Paper Scroll by Ren Bonian (also known as Ren Yi - 1840-1896). He was noted for his bold brushstrokes and use of colour - as in this piece: Maids serving their master. 89 x 42cm.

        Est: £1,000 - £1,200

        A Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Paper Scroll by Ren Bonian (also known as Ren Yi - 1840-1896). He was noted for his bold brushstrokes and use of colour - as in this piece: Maids serving their master. 89 x 42cm.

        Cadmore Auctions
      • Ren Yi (1840-1896), Wu Guxiang (1848-1903), Zhang Xiong (1803-1886) and Zhang Zuyi (1849-1917) Sharing Karma with the Buddha (Portrait of Xugu)
        Mar. 21, 2022

        Ren Yi (1840-1896), Wu Guxiang (1848-1903), Zhang Xiong (1803-1886) and Zhang Zuyi (1849-1917) Sharing Karma with the Buddha (Portrait of Xugu)

        Est: $200,000 - $300,000

        Ren Yi (1840-1896), Wu Guxiang (1848-1903), Zhang Xiong (1803-1886) and Zhang Zuyi (1849-1917) Sharing Karma with the Buddha (Portrait of Xugu) Horizontal handscroll, ink and color on paper, a collaborative work by Ren Yi, Wu Guxiang and Zhang Xiong, inscribed by Zhang Xiong, with artists' seals reading Zhang Zixiang, Qiunong shuo zuo and Ren Yi zhi yin; mounted with a calligraphic frontispiece by Zhang Zuyi, ink on paper, with two calligrapher's seals Zhang Zuyi and Tixian. the painting: 10 1/2 x 50 3/8in (26.6 x 128cm) the frontpiece: 10 1/2 x 29 5/8in (26.6 x 75.3cm)) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Ren Yi (1840-1896) Landscape, 1892
        Mar. 21, 2022

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Landscape, 1892

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Landscape, 1892 Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist with a date of Guangxu renchen, and signed Shanyin Ren Yi, with two artist's seals Bonian and Ren Yi zhi yin, the outer titleslip inscribed by Jilin and dated jisi, with a collector's seal of Tsao Jung Ying. 68 1/8 x 18 3/4in (173 x 47.6cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • 清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 鹧鸪丛竹图 Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty Quail in Bamboo Groove
        Jan. 15, 2022

        清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 鹧鸪丛竹图 Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty Quail in Bamboo Groove

        Est: $20,000 - $30,000

        清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 鹧鸪丛竹图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1890 年作 款识:光绪庚寅夏五月 山阴任颐伯年 写扵沪上客次 钤印:(伯年大利) Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty Quail in Bamboo Groove Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1890 Inscribed and signed Ren Yi, Bonian, with one artist seal

        Gianguan Auctions
      • Ren Yi (1840-1896) Crane and Pine Tree
        Dec. 09, 2021

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Crane and Pine Tree

        Est: $180,000 - $250,000

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Crane and Pine Tree Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Signed Bonian, with one seal of the artist and four collectors' seals 117.8 x 46.5cm (46⅜ x 18¼in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Ren Yi ptg of fruit
        Mar. 20, 2021

        Ren Yi ptg of fruit

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Attributed to Ren Yi (Chinese, 1840-1895/6), Fruit, watercolor, artist stamp upper right, sight: 7.5"h x 10.5"w, overall with frame: 13.25"h x 18.25"w

        Clars Auctions
      • Ren Yi (1840-1896) Hanging scroll Guanyin
        Mar. 15, 2021

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Hanging scroll Guanyin

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Hanging scroll Guanyin Signed, seals Ink and color on paper Image 48 x 19 1/2 inches. C 

        DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
      • Ren Yi (1840-1895) Flower and Dove, 1870
        Mar. 15, 2021

        Ren Yi (1840-1895) Flower and Dove, 1870

        Est: $8,000 - $10,000

        Ren Yi (1840-1895) Flower and Dove, 1870 Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist and datd Tongzhi gengwu, and signed Bonian Ren Yi with an artist's seal Yi yin. 8 1/8 x 7 7/8in (20.6 x 20cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Ren Yi (1840-1895) Flower and Birds, 1879
        Mar. 15, 2021

        Ren Yi (1840-1895) Flower and Birds, 1879

        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        Ren Yi (1840-1895) Flower and Birds, 1879 Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist and dated jimao, and signed Bonian with an artist's seal Ren Yi yin. 14 3/4 x 14 1/4in (37.4 x 36.1cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Ren Yi ptg of fruit
        Feb. 21, 2021

        Ren Yi ptg of fruit

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Ren Yi (Chinese, 1840-1895/6), Fruit, watercolor, artist stamp upper right, sight: 7.5"h x 10.5"w, overall with frame: 13.25"h x 18.25"w

        Clars Auctions
      • Ren Yi (1840-1896) Scholar Sitting by the Chrysanthemum Fence
        Nov. 30, 2020

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Scholar Sitting by the Chrysanthemum Fence

        Est: $200,000 - $300,000

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Scholar Sitting by the Chrysanthemum Fence Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Ren Yi Bonian, with two seals of the artist Dated gengyin year (1890) Titleslip signed Yiting studio, dated the thirty-second year of Guangxu reign, bingwu year (1906) 132.4 x 64.2cm (52⅛ x 25¼in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Attributed to Ren Yi (1840-1896) Riding Water Wheel
        Jun. 24, 2020

        Attributed to Ren Yi (1840-1896) Riding Water Wheel

        Est: $3,000 - $5,000

        Attributed to Ren Yi (1840-1896) Riding Water Wheel Ink and colour on paper, mounted for framing Inscribed and signed Ren Bonian, with one seal of the artist 28.0 x 32.5cm For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Ren Yi (1840-1896) Meng Haoran under the Plum Blossoms
        Jun. 24, 2020

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Meng Haoran under the Plum Blossoms

        Est: $3,000 - $5,000

        Ren Yi (1840-1896) Meng Haoran under the Plum Blossoms Ink and colour on silk, framed Inscribed and signed Bonian, with one seal of the artist Dated jimao year of the Guangxu reign (1879) 25.0cm diam. For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • REN YI(Ren Bonian, 1840-1895)
        Jun. 14, 2020

        REN YI(Ren Bonian, 1840-1895)

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        A Hanging Scroll in ink and colour on paper. Dated to Guangxu period. Signed and sealed. Size: 55 x 26 (inch) Provenance: Bonhams Auction.

        Getty's Auction & Gallery
      • REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) - Flowers and Birds
        Nov. 26, 2019

        REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) - Flowers and Birds

        Est: $1,500,000 - $2,500,000

        REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) Flowers and Birds A set of four hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper Each scroll measures 160.5 x 44 cm. (63 ¼ x 17 3/8 in.) (4)

      • Wu Deyi (d.1920); and Ren Yi (Bonian) (1840–1896) 'Lotus' and 'Parrot' (2)
        Nov. 05, 2019

        Wu Deyi (d.1920); and Ren Yi (Bonian) (1840–1896) 'Lotus' and 'Parrot' (2)

        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        Wu Deyi (d.1920); and Ren Yi (Bonian) (1840–1896) 'Lotus' and 'Parrot' The first, ink and pigment on silk, a fan painting, bearing signature, long inscription and red seal; the second, ink and pigment on paper, bearing title, date, signature and two red seals, album leaf mounted onto silk; both framed and glazed. The second: 32cm (12 5/8in) x 47cm (18 1/2in) (2). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) Flowers and Birds A set of four hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper Each scroll measures 160.5 x 44 cm. (63 ¼ x 17 3/8 in.) (4)
        May. 28, 2019

        REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) Flowers and Birds A set of four hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper Each scroll measures 160.5 x 44 cm. (63 ¼ x 17 3/8 in.) (4)

        Est: $1,500,000 - $2,500,000

        REN YI (REN BONIAN, 1840-1895) Flowers and Birds A set of four hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper Each scroll measures 160.5 x 44 cm. (63 ¼ x 17 3/8 in.) (4)Each scroll inscribed and signed, with a total of seven seals of the artist Dated summer, jichou year (1889) One scroll dedicated to Yitang

      • REN YI (REN BONIAN, Chinese, 1840-1895), ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll.
        May. 21, 2019

        REN YI (REN BONIAN, Chinese, 1840-1895), ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll.

        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        REN YI (REN BONIAN, Chinese, 1840-1895), ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll, study of cranes and pine, two artist's 'Bonian Changshou', 'Yi Yi Cao Tang', and a collector's seal 'Tian Jian', with presentation inscription, 163cm x 93cm Note: The combination of cranes and pine trees could refer to a Chinese term ????, which symbolises longevity. The painting is likely to be a birthday gift. The inscriptions were written by He Tianjian (1891-1977) who presented good wishes to Mr. Pei Liang, (possibly referring to Xiang Peiliang (1905-1959), the famous playwright in the first half of the 20th century). It seems that He Tianjian gifted this painting to Xiang Peiliang for his birthday. This is also reflected on the ink title at the opening part of the scroll.

      • A Chinese Scroll, Ink & Colour on Paper, Ren Yi, Gathering Lotus Flowers & Inscription, Bearing Signature Ren Bonian, [1840-1896]
        May. 12, 2019

        A Chinese Scroll, Ink & Colour on Paper, Ren Yi, Gathering Lotus Flowers & Inscription, Bearing Signature Ren Bonian, [1840-1896]

        Est: $200 - $300

        A Chinese Scroll, Ink & Colour on Paper, Ren Yi, Gathering Lotus Flowers & Inscription, Bearing Signature Ren Bonian, [1840-1896] Note: Label on verso, acquired from China International Bookstore, Beijing, published by Rong Bao Zhai Gallery, No. C-175P, dated in August 1960 See a painting by Ren Bonian in the Art Gallery of New South Wales collection Provenance: Acquired by Margo Lewers in the 1950s on a trip to China - thence by descent to her niece the granddaughter of A G Plate. 168 x 53 cm

        Theodore Bruce Auctioneers & Valuers
      • REN YI 1840-1896 | BIRDS ON CYPRESS
        Mar. 22, 2019

        REN YI 1840-1896 | BIRDS ON CYPRESS

        Est: $12,000 - $18,000

        signed Bonian Ren Yi, dated  xinwei (1871) of the Tongzhi reign, spring, with one seal of the artist,  ren yi si yin

      • Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty Ducks in Lotus Pond 清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 荷池双鸟图
        Mar. 18, 2019

        Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty Ducks in Lotus Pond 清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 荷池双鸟图

        Est: $6,000 - $10,000

        清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 荷池双鸟图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1885 年作 款识: 光绪乙酉三月 山阴任颐 伯年 鈐印:(颐印) Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty Ducks in Lotus Pond Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1885 Signed Ren Yi, Bonian, with one artist seal

        Gianguan Auctions
      • Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty A Hermit 清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 登高远望
        Dec. 12, 2018

        Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty A Hermit 清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 登高远望

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 登高远望 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:任颐写于沪城 钤印:(任伯年) (任千秋) (山阴任润次远甫印信) Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty A Hermit Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Ren Yi, with three artist seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty Mynah in Willow 清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 八哥杨柳
        Dec. 12, 2018

        Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty Mynah in Willow 清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 八哥杨柳

        Est: $5,000 - $6,000

        清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896) 八哥杨柳 设色水墨纸本立轴 1891 年作 款识: 辛卯春三月 山阴任颐伯年写 钤印:(任颐印)(颐颐草堂) Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty Mynah in Willow Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1891 Signed Ren Yi, Bonian, with two artist seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • A Chinese Hanging Scroll, Ink & Colour on Paper, Ren Yi, Gathering Lotus Flowers & Inscription, Bearing Signature Ren Bonian, [1840-...
        Dec. 02, 2018

        A Chinese Hanging Scroll, Ink & Colour on Paper, Ren Yi, Gathering Lotus Flowers & Inscription, Bearing Signature Ren Bonian, [1840-...

        Est: $500 - $800

        A Chinese Hanging Scroll, Ink & Colour on Paper, Ren Yi, Gathering Lotus Flowers & Inscription, Bearing Signature Ren Bonian, [1840-1896] Note: Label on verso, acquired from China International Bookstore, Beijing, published by Rong Bao Zhai Gallery, No. C-175P, dated in August 1960 See similar painting by Ren Bonian in the Art Gallery of New South Wales collection Provenance: Acquired by Margo Lewers in the 1950s on a trip to China - thence by descent to her niece the granddaughter of A G Plate. 168 x 53 cm

        Theodore Bruce Auctioneers & Valuers
      • A Chinese Hanging Scroll, Ink & Colour on Paper, Ren Yi, Gathering Lotus Flowers & Inscription, Bearing Signature Ren Bonian, [1840-...
        Nov. 11, 2018

        A Chinese Hanging Scroll, Ink & Colour on Paper, Ren Yi, Gathering Lotus Flowers & Inscription, Bearing Signature Ren Bonian, [1840-...

        Est: $2,000 - $5,000

        A Chinese Hanging Scroll, Ink & Colour on Paper, Ren Yi, Gathering Lotus Flowers & Inscription, Bearing Signature Ren Bonian, [1840-1896] Note: Label on verso, acquired from China International Bookstore, Beijing, published by Rong Bao Zhai Gallery, No. C-175P, dated in August 1960 See similar painting by Ren Bonian in the Art Gallery of New South Wales collection Provenance: Acquired by Margo Lewers in the 1950s on a trip to China - thence by descent to her niece and the granddaughter of A G Plate. 168 x 53 cm

        Theodore Bruce Auctioneers & Valuers
      • PEINTURE VERTICALE EN ROULEAUà l'encre et polychromie sur papier, représentant un faucon au plumage blanc posé sur une branche de pi...
        Oct. 04, 2018

        PEINTURE VERTICALE EN ROULEAUà l'encre et polychromie sur papier, représentant un faucon au plumage blanc posé sur une branche de pi...

        Est: €500 - €700

        PEINTURE VERTICALE EN ROULEAU à l'encre et polychromie sur papier, représentant un faucon au plumage blanc posé sur une branche de pin. Signature et cachets apocryphes de Ren Yi (1840-1895), dit "Ren Bonian", en haut à droite. (Quelques accidents). Chine, fin de la dynastie Qing-début de la période République. A SCROLL, INK AND COLOURS ON PAPER, AFTER REN YI ("REN BONIAN"), CHINA, LATE QING DYNASTY-EARLY REPUBLIC PERIOD. DIM. 171 X 43,7cm (55 1/2 X 17 3/16 IN.) €500-700

      • REN YI (1840-1896) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS (19TH CENTURY) Plantain, Cat, Flowe
        May. 28, 2018

        REN YI (1840-1896) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS (19TH CENTURY) Plantain, Cat, Flowe

        Est: $80,000 - $160,000

        REN YI (1840-1896) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS (19TH CENTURY) Plantain, Cat, Flowers and Birds Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 140 x 84 cm. (55 1/8 x 33 1/8 in .)

      • REN YI (1840-1896) Watching Goldfishes Hanging scroll, ink and colour on p
        May. 28, 2018

        REN YI (1840-1896) Watching Goldfishes Hanging scroll, ink and colour on p

        Est: $200,000 - $400,000

        REN YI (1840-1896) Watching Goldfishes Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 120 x 53.5 cm. (47 1/4 x 21 1/8 in.)

      • REN YI (1840-1896)
        Dec. 18, 2017

        REN YI (1840-1896)

        Est: $5,500 - $7,500

        REN YI (1840-1896) Roosters, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemums, 1879 Ink and color on silk, mounted, framed and glazed, dated jimao dong ri (1879, winter), signed Bonian Ren Yi with two artist’s seals reading Ren Bonian and Ren Yi yin and one collector’s seal possibly reading Wang shi. 18 1/2 x 33 1/4in (47 x 84.4cm)

        Jun. 25, 2017


        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. 54 x 13.5 in. (137.2 x 34.3 cm.)

        Linwoods Auction
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