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Utagawa Yoshitaki Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1841 - d. 1899

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      • Utagawa, Yoshitaki
        Feb. 16, 2025

        Utagawa, Yoshitaki

        Est: €80 - €120

        (1841-1899), Wakamurasaki - Kagaribi. 2 Farbholzschnitte. Japan, 1868-69 (Meiji 1-2). Chuban-Format (24,8 x 18,2 bzw. 24,8 x 36,2 cm). - Punktuell auf Träger montiert. - Aus der Serie "Imayo Genji Gojuyojo no uchi" (Moderner Genji in 54 Kapiteln), Kapitel 5 und 27. Herausgeber: Ishikawaya Wasuke. Zensursiegel: nicht vorhanden.

        Zisska & Lacher
        Jan. 25, 2025


        Est: £200 - £300

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play - Megumi Soga Homare no Fujiyama Publisher: Honya Yasubei Date: 1875 Size: (FL) 18.0 x 24.7, (L) 17.7 x 24.8, (CL) 17.8 x 24.7, (CR) 17.7 x 24.9, (R) 17.8 x 25.0, (FR) 17.6 x 24.7 cm Condition: Slightly trimmed, some wrinkles, minor stains, some colour running, some paper residue on the back. Ref: CMCA110

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban, ca. 1860
        Nov. 30, 2024

        Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban, ca. 1860

        Est: €60 - €100

        Porträt von drei Schauspieler vor blauem Grund in "Mitate shusse Taikoki", oben Schauspieler als Akeshi Samagoro. Sign.: Oju Yoshitaki hitsu. Exzellenter Druck mit Metallpigment, leicht verblasst und vergilbt, hinterlegt. (405)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Diptychon
        Nov. 30, 2024

        Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Diptychon

        Est: €70 - €140

        Aus der Diptychon-Serie "Mitate shiki no uchi" (In Analogie zu vier Jahreszeiten), Winter. Szene in "Honcho niju shiko", Brüderstreit im verschneiten Bambushain hinter dem Haus des Kansuke, Arashi Tokusaburo III als älterer Bruder Yokozo und Kataoka Gado II als jüngerer Jihizo. Sign.: Oju Yoshitaki hitsu. Verleger: Fujimasa. Holzschneider: Nakamura Shoshichi. Exzellenter farbfrischer Druck mit poliertem Schwarz und Goldbronzedruck, hinterlegt, angeschnitten, leicht verschmutzt. (406)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban, 1867
        Nov. 30, 2024

        Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban, 1867

        Est: €70 - €120

        "Mitate iroha tatoe" (Schauspieler in Analogie mit Iroha Sprichwörtern), Blatt "Ra". Drei Puppenspieler und ihre Puppen, Figur des Tokubei. Sign.: Yoshitaki hitsu. Exzellenter Druck mit poliertem Schwarz und Oxydation, Ränder angeschnitten, hinterlegt. (406)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Diptychon,
        Nov. 30, 2024

        Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Diptychon,

        Est: €60 - €140

        Blatttitel "Soga Monogatari", Schwertkampf auf Tempeltreppe zwischen Suketsune (Arashi Kichisaburo) und Kawazu Saburo (Arashi Rikan), Vater der Soga-Brüdern. Sign.: Yoshitaki ga. Exzellenter farbfrischer Druck mit poliertem Schwarz (Jacken) und Kupferdruck (Titelkartusche und Tsuba), hinterlegt, leicht verblasst. (406)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Diptychon, ca. 1863
        Nov. 30, 2024

        Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Diptychon, ca. 1863

        Est: €80 - €140

        Aus der Diptychon-Serie "Mitate shiki no uchi" (In Analogie zu vier Jahreszeiten), Herbst. Bandit Kidomaru (Jitsukawa Gakujuro) schleicht sich nachts im Moor hinter seinem Bruder Yasumasa, der auf dem Heimweg Flöte spielt. Sign.: Oju Yoshitaki hitsu. Verleger: Fujimasa. Holzschneider: Nakamura Shoshichi. Exzellenter farbfrischer Druck mit Blinddruck (Schwarze Pelzjacke) hinterlegt, Ecken und rechte Ecken mit Knicke und berieben, Eselsohr, Mittelfalte oben und unten angerissen. (406)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Pentaptychon
        Nov. 30, 2024

        Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Pentaptychon

        Est: €90 - €200

        Szene im Kieferhain vor der Okazaki-Burg, mittig Arashi Kichisaburo III auf Ross als Akabori Mizuemeon und rechts Jitsukawa Ensaburo I als Kataoka Ichizo, sechs weitere Figuren. Sign.: Yoshitaki ga. Sehr guter Druck mit Blindprägung, leicht verblasst, angeschnitten, Feuchtigkeitsflecken, poliertes Schwarz, sichtbare Holzmaserung, leicht verschmutzt. (405)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Japan Grafik, Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Triptychon, ca. 1858
        Sep. 14, 2024

        Japan Grafik, Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Triptychon, ca. 1858

        Est: €120 - €300

        Theaterstück "Keisei Setsugekka". Nächtliche Begegnung unter Kirschblüten, Bambus und Kiefer, links Arashi Rikaku als Mashiba Hisatsugu, mittig Arashi Rikan als Gosaku und rechts Ichikawa Takijuro als Hayawaza Masazaemon. Sign.: Yoshitaki ga. Deluxe Ausgabe, exzellenter farbfrischer Druck, diverse Metallpigmente, poliertes Schwarz (Rechte Figur), Glimmer (Felsenränder rechts), hinterlegt, zwei Ecke mit Knick, Blindprägung (Kirschblüten). (395)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Japan Grafik, Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Triptychon, ca. 1850
        Sep. 14, 2024

        Japan Grafik, Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban Triptychon, ca. 1850

        Est: €100 - €250

        Theaterstück "Kuruwa Bunsho", Fujiya Izaemon besucht seine Favoritin Yugiri im Yoshida- Vergnügungshaus, links Kizaemon. Sign.: Yoshitaki ga. Exzellenter farbfrischer Druck, hinterlegt, polierte schwarze Flächen, Oxydation, wenige Wurmlöcher. (395)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Japan Grafik, Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban, 1863
        Sep. 14, 2024

        Japan Grafik, Yoshitaki, Utagawa, tätig 1841-1899, Chuban, 1863

        Est: €60 - €120

        Aus der Serie "Mitate Gogyo no uchi" (In Analogie zu den fünf Elemente), Element "Kane" (Metal), Theaterstück Satomi Hakkenden. Porträt in runden Reserven des Otani Tomomatsu als Oboshi Samojiro und Nakamura Kanjaku als Musume Hamaji, weißer Hintergrund mit Sayagata Muster als Blindprägung. Sign.: Yoshitaki ga. Verlag: Ishikawaya Wasuke. Sehr guter farbfrischer Druck mit Metallpigmenten (Gold und Silber), poliertes Schwarz (Kragen), leicht verschmutzt, Feuchtigkeitsflecken. (394)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Japanische Holzschnitte, Yoshitaki, Utagawa tätig 1841-1899 Chuban, Serie ca. 1860
        Jun. 01, 2024

        Japanische Holzschnitte, Yoshitaki, Utagawa tätig 1841-1899 Chuban, Serie ca. 1860

        Est: €40 - €90

        Aus der Serie "Naniwa hyakkei" (100 Ansichten von Naniwa). "Nagahori ishihama" (Kanal in Nagahori). Friedhof, Wasserträger, Fischer und Wäscherinnen. Sign.: Yoshitaki ga. Verlag: Ishiwa han. Guter Druck, leicht verblasst, berieben, Ecken teils geknittert und mit Falten, restaurierte Heftlöcher, Ränder angeschnitten. (396)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Yoshitaki, Kabuki Play, Original Japanese Woodblock Print
        May. 18, 2024

        Yoshitaki, Kabuki Play, Original Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £150 - £260

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play, Sangokushi Engi Publisher: Honya Yasubei Date: 1874 Size: (L) 17.6 x 24.7, (C) 17.4 x 25.1, (R) 17.4 x 24.7 cm Condition: Light creases. Ref: CMCA114

        JG Auction
      • YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA (1841-1899): KABUKI THEATRE PLAY, OSAKA, three late 19th century original Japanese woodblock
        May. 14, 2024

        YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA (1841-1899): KABUKI THEATRE PLAY, OSAKA, three late 19th century original Japanese woodblock

        Est: £30 - £50

        YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA (1841-1899): KABUKI THEATRE PLAY, OSAKA, three late 19th century original Japanese woodblock prints, (3).

        John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
        Mar. 21, 2024


        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        GOSŌTEI HIROSADA (DIED CIRCA 1865), KAISHUNTEI SADAYOSHI (ACTIVE 1837-1853), KUNISHIGE (ACTIVE 1847-1855), HASEGAWA MUNEHIRO (ACTIVE 1848-1867), UTAGAWA KUNISADA (UTAGAWA TOYOKUNI III, 1786-1865), NAKAI YOSHITAKI (1841-1899), AND HIRONOBU (ACTIVE CIRCA 1850-1870) A Group of 72 Woodblock Prints Edo period (1615-1868) or Meiji era (1868-1912), 19th century Comprising 66 chūban tate-e and 6 kōban tate-e portraits of actors in various roles (72) 9 5/8 x 7in (24.4 x 17.7cm) each approximately; koban: 7 x 4 5/8in (17.7 x 10.1cm) each approximately

      • Utagawa Yoshitaki, drei Farbholzschnitte, Japan um 1860/70
        Mar. 09, 2024

        Utagawa Yoshitaki, drei Farbholzschnitte, Japan um 1860/70

        Est: €500 - €600

        Utagawa Yoshitaki, drei Farbholzschnitte, Japan um 1860/70 Ichiyosai Yoshitaki, 1841-1899, drei Kabuki-Szenen, jeweils Doppelblätter im zweifachen Chuban-Format (sichtbar 24 x 36 cm), Blätter einzeln signiert, unter Glas und Passepartout in drei artgleichen Rahmungen Utagawa Yoshitaki, three colour woodcuts, Japan c. 1860/70 Ichiyosai Yoshitaki, 1841-1899, three Kabuki scenes, each double sheet in double Chuban format (visible 24 x 36 cm), sheets individually signed, under glass and passepartout in three identical frames

        K&K – Auktionen in Heidelberg
        Dec. 15, 2023


        Est: €300 - €350

        4 prints in 2 diptychs, artist’s signature: Yoshitaki-ga/ Yoshitaki-hitsu, details embossed and printed in lacquer pigment, underlaid with Japanese paper, 24 x 18 cm. Very good condition. - Ôsaka-school. Right bottom of the print: Kabuki actor Onoe Tamizo (left) is in the role of Doguya Jinzo choking Shohachi (played by Ichikawa Ebijuro) under a flowering cherry tree.

        Arenberg Auctions
      • Yoshitaki Utagawa, Samurai, Actor, Original Japanese Woodblock Print
        Oct. 14, 2023

        Yoshitaki Utagawa, Samurai, Actor, Original Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £80 - £100

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play, Udonge no Kameyama Act.12 Publisher: No seal Date: 1861 Size: (R)25 x 18.7 (L)25 x 18.3 cm Ref: JG0221YAM06-2

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki Utagawa, Soga Brothers, Original Japanese Woodblock Print
        Oct. 14, 2023

        Yoshitaki Utagawa, Soga Brothers, Original Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £80 - £100

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Story of Soga Brothers Date: late 19th century Size: (R) 18.5 x 25.4 x (L) 18.5 x 25.9 cm Ref: JG111656-8

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki Utagawa, Kabuki, Diptych, Original Japanese Woodblock Print
        Oct. 14, 2023

        Yoshitaki Utagawa, Kabuki, Diptych, Original Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £80 - £100

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play: Akiba Gongen Kaisen Banashi Publisher: No seal Date: c. 1850-1860s Size: (R) 25.1 x 18.8, (L) 25 x 18.4 cm Ref: JG0221YAM06-4

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki Utagawa, Kabuki Actors, Original Japanese Woodblock Print
        Oct. 14, 2023

        Yoshitaki Utagawa, Kabuki Actors, Original Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £80 - £100

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Actors Onoe Tamizo, Arashi Rikan, and Ichikawa Udanji in a Play Publisher: Awaya Bunzo and Ishikawaya Wasuke Date: c.1874-1875 Size: (L) 17.4 x 24.4, (C) 18.1 x 24.3, (R) 17.5 x 24.4 cm Ref: CMCA368

        JG Auction
      • Utagawa Yoshitaki (1841-1899) "Kawaguchi und Zakoba Tsukiji", aus der Serie: "100 Ansichten von Naniwa (Naniwa hyakkei)", Farbholzschnitt, sign. Yoshitaki ga, Verleger Ishikawa-ya Wasuke, 25,1x17,7cm, leichte Altersspuren
        Sep. 30, 2023

        Utagawa Yoshitaki (1841-1899) "Kawaguchi und Zakoba Tsukiji", aus der Serie: "100 Ansichten von Naniwa (Naniwa hyakkei)", Farbholzschnitt, sign. Yoshitaki ga, Verleger Ishikawa-ya Wasuke, 25,1x17,7cm, leichte Altersspuren

        Est: -

        Utagawa Yoshitaki (1841-1899) "Kawaguchi und Zakoba Tsukiji", aus der Serie: "100 Ansichten von Naniwa (Naniwa hyakkei)", Farbholzschnitt, sign. Yoshitaki ga, Verleger Ishikawa-ya Wasuke, 25,1x17,7cm, leichte Altersspuren Utagawa Yoshitaki (1841-1899) "Kawaguchi and Zakoba Tsukiji", from the series: "100 views of Naniwa (Naniwa hyakkei)", colour woodblock print, sign. Yoshitaki ga, publisher Ishikawa-ya Wasuke, 25,1x17,7cm, slight signs of age

      • Utagawa Yoshitaki (1841-1899) Tryptichon "Drama mit Schauspielern Nakamura Nakasuke (Mitte)", Farbholzschnitt, sign. Yoshitaki ga (rechts und Mitte), Ichiyôtei Yoshitaki ga (links), 25x54,4cm, leichte Altersspuren
        Sep. 30, 2023

        Utagawa Yoshitaki (1841-1899) Tryptichon "Drama mit Schauspielern Nakamura Nakasuke (Mitte)", Farbholzschnitt, sign. Yoshitaki ga (rechts und Mitte), Ichiyôtei Yoshitaki ga (links), 25x54,4cm, leichte Altersspuren

        Est: -

        Utagawa Yoshitaki (1841-1899) Tryptichon "Drama mit Schauspielern Nakamura Nakasuke (Mitte)", Farbholzschnitt, sign. Yoshitaki ga (rechts und Mitte), Ichiyôtei Yoshitaki ga (links), 25x54,4cm, leichte Altersspuren Utagawa Yoshitaki (1841-1899) Tryptichon "Drama with actors Nakamura Nakasuke (centre)", colour woodcut, sign. Yoshitaki ga (right and centre), Ichiyôtei Yoshitaki ga (left), 25x54,4cm, slight signs of ageing

      • Utagawa, Yoshitaki (Osaka 1841-1899),
        Jul. 05, 2023

        Utagawa, Yoshitaki (Osaka 1841-1899),

        Est: €60 - €100

        Ein Schauspieler in der Rolle der Hofdame Iwafuji. Farbholzschnitt. Sign. Japan, um 1880. Chuban-Format (Blattmaß: 23,4 x 17,4 cm). (131) Siegel Ichiyo.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Utagawa, Yoshitaki (Osaka 1841-1899),
        Jun. 23, 2023

        Utagawa, Yoshitaki (Osaka 1841-1899),

        Est: €60 - €100

        Ein Schauspieler in der Rolle der Hofdame Iwafuji. Farbholzschnitt. Sign. Japan, um 1880. Chuban-Format (Blattmaß: 23,4 x 17,4 cm). (131) Siegel Ichiyo.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Yoshitaki, Osaka-e, Original Japanese Antique Woodblock Print
        Jun. 17, 2023

        Yoshitaki, Osaka-e, Original Japanese Antique Woodblock Print

        Est: £30 - £50

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki play, Taruya Osen Date: late 19th century Size: 25 x 36.4 cm Ref: JG111656-2

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki, Yakusha-e, Original Japanese Antique Woodblock Print
        Jun. 17, 2023

        Yoshitaki, Yakusha-e, Original Japanese Antique Woodblock Print

        Est: £50 - £100

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Osaka Yakusha-e Publisher: Honya Isuke Date: c.1860-1870s Size: (L) 26.2 x 19.3, (C) 26.3 x 19.1, (R) 25.8 x 18.8cm Ref: CMNV35

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki, Kabuki Play, Original Japanese Woodblock Print
        Apr. 15, 2023

        Yoshitaki, Kabuki Play, Original Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £30 - £40

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play: Sesshu Watanabe Hashi Kuyo Publisher: No seal Date: 1860 Size: (L)25 x 18.2, (R)25 x 18.7 cm Ref: JG0221YAM04-4

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki, Osaka-e, Original Japanese Woodblock Print
        Apr. 15, 2023

        Yoshitaki, Osaka-e, Original Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £30 - £40

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play: Iro Kurabe Kokonoe Nishiki Publisher: No seal Date: 1861 Size: (L) 24.9 x 18.2, (R) 24.8 x 18.6 cm Ref: JG0221YAM05-2

        JG Auction
      • Y. UTAGAWA (1841-1899), Actors in "Yoshitsune senbon zakura", Color woodcut
        Feb. 18, 2023

        Y. UTAGAWA (1841-1899), Actors in "Yoshitsune senbon zakura", Color woodcut

        Est: €300 - €400

        Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841 Osaka - 1899 ibid.): The actors Bandô Hikosaburô and Nakamura Kanjaku in the play "Yoshitsune senbon zakura", 19th century, Color woodcut Technique: Color woodcut on Paper Date: 19th century Description: In the centre, a coloured woodcut composed of two sheets joined vertically, depicting the two actors Bandô Hikosaburô and Nakamura Kanjaku in the play "Yoshitsune senbon zakura" by the Osaka-based woodcutter, painter and newspaper illustrator Utagawa Yoshitaki. Keywords: Actor, Portrait, Japan, Woodcut, Theatre, Osaka, 19th century, Romanticism, People, Japan, Osaka,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • Ostasien - Japan - Utagawa, Yoshitaki (Osaka 1841-1899),
        Dec. 14, 2022

        Ostasien - Japan - Utagawa, Yoshitaki (Osaka 1841-1899),

        Est: €80 - €120

        Ein Schauspieler in der Rolle der Hofdame Iwafuji. Farbholzschnitt. Sign. Japan, um 1880. Chuban-Format (Blattmaß: 23,4 x 17,4 cm). (87) - Siegel Ichiyo.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Ostasien - Japan - Utagawa, Yoshitaki (Osaka 1841-1899),
        Dec. 02, 2022

        Ostasien - Japan - Utagawa, Yoshitaki (Osaka 1841-1899),

        Est: €80 - €120

        Ein Schauspieler in der Rolle der Hofdame Iwafuji. Farbholzschnitt. Sign. Japan, um 1880. Chuban-Format (Blattmaß: 23,4 x 17,4 cm). (87) - Siegel Ichiyo.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Japanese Woodblock Print, Yoshitaki, Utagawa Activ 1841-1899 Osakae, Meishoe (Chuban, Serie c. 1860)
        Nov. 26, 2022

        Japanese Woodblock Print, Yoshitaki, Utagawa Activ 1841-1899 Osakae, Meishoe (Chuban, Serie c. 1860)

        Est: €120 - €160

        From the series "Naniwa hyakkei" (100 views of Naniwa). "Nagahori ishihama" (Canal in Nagahori). Fortified river bank, water carriers, fishermen and washerwomen. Sign.: Yoshitaki ga. Publisher: Ishiwa han. Good impression, slightly faded, rubbed, corners partly creased and with folds, restored stitching holes, margins partly trimmed. (367)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA (1841-1899)
        Nov. 17, 2022

        YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA (1841-1899)

        Est: £150 - £200

        YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA (1841-1899) Meiji period, 19th Century Six Japanese woodblock prints, chuban tate-e, depicting kabuki actors on stage, framed and glazed (2)

        Chiswick Auctions
      • Japanese Woodblock Print Utagawa Yoshitaki
        Nov. 12, 2022

        Japanese Woodblock Print Utagawa Yoshitaki

        Est: $80 - $100

        Japanese Woodblock Print by Utagawa Yoshitaki Three Warriors Diptych

        Woodblock Prints World
      • Japanese woodblock print Yoshitaki, Utagawa Activ 1841-1899 Osakae (Chuban, Serie 1855-60)
        Jun. 25, 2022

        Japanese woodblock print Yoshitaki, Utagawa Activ 1841-1899 Osakae (Chuban, Serie 1855-60)

        Est: €100 - €200

        From the series "Naniwa hyakkei" (100 views of Osaka), the sheet "Noda fuji" (Wisteria in Noda). Sign.: Yoshitaki hitsu. Publisher: Ishiwa. Good impression, faded, fold at right, rubbed, lightly creased and soiled, restored wormholes. (360)

        Signens Kunstauktionen
      • Yoshitaki, Senbonzakura, Japanese Woodblock Print
        May. 21, 2022

        Yoshitaki, Senbonzakura, Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £70 - £90

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play, Senbonzakura Publisher: No seal Date: 1859 Size: (L) 23.1 x 17.5cm, (R) 23.5 x 17.8cm Ref: CMDE94

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki, Kabuki Play, Japanese Woodblock Print
        May. 21, 2022

        Yoshitaki, Kabuki Play, Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £30 - £50

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play, Iro Kurabe Kokonoe Nishiki Publisher: No seal Date: 1861 Size: (L)24.9 x 18.2, (R)24.8 x 18.6 cm Ref: JG0221YAM05-2

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki, Keisei, Japanese Woodblock Print
        May. 21, 2022

        Yoshitaki, Keisei, Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £40 - £60

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play, Keisei Honare no Sukedachi Publisher: No seal Date: 1860 Size: (L)24.9 x 18.3, (R)25.1 x 19 cm Ref: JG0221YAM04-3

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki, Nozaraete, Japanese Woodblock Print
        May. 21, 2022

        Yoshitaki, Nozaraete, Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £40 - £60

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play, Nazoraete Yuki no Kikusui Publisher: No seal Date: 1861 Size: (L)24.9 x 18.3, (R)25 x 18.5 cm Ref: JG0221YAM04-1

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki, Kabuki, Japanese Woodblock Print
        May. 21, 2022

        Yoshitaki, Kabuki, Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £40 - £60

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play, Sesshu Watanabe Hashi Kuyo Publisher: No seal Date: 1860 Size: (L)25 x 18.2, (R)25 x 18.7 cm Ref: JG0221YAM04-4

        JG Auction
      • Yoshitaki, Iro Kurabe, Japanese Woodblock Print
        May. 21, 2022

        Yoshitaki, Iro Kurabe, Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £50 - £70

        Artist: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki Play, Iro Kurabe Kokonoe Nishiki Publisher: No seal Date: 1861 Size: (L)24.9 x 18.3, (R)24.9 x 18.8 cm Ref: JG0221YAM05-1

        JG Auction
      • YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA (1841 – 1899).
        May. 17, 2022

        YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA (1841 – 1899).

        Est: £200 - £300

        YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA (1841 – 1899). Meiji period, 19th Century. Six Japanese woodblock prints, chuban tate-e, depicting kabuki actors on stage, framed and glazed. (2)

        Chiswick Auctions
        Apr. 07, 2022


        Est: £50 - £75


        Hannam's Auctioneers
        Mar. 20, 2022


        Est: $600 - $800

        Utagawa Yoshitaki (1841-1899), Samurai, colorful Japanese woodcut on delicate rice paper, three pages: triptych, decorated with hand painting, marked on each of the boards (by cutting), given inside a passe partout envelope, measurements: 25X55 cm. Flaws to the third symbolic board: several tears and light lacks.

        The Bidder
      • Yoshitaki Utagawa, Kabuki Actors, Japanese Woodblock Print
        Aug. 21, 2021

        Yoshitaki Utagawa, Kabuki Actors, Japanese Woodblock Print

        Est: £80 - £100

        Actor: Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-1899) Title: Kabuki actors, Onoe Tamizo, Arashi Rikan and Ichikawa Sadanji as Buddhist deities Date: 1850-1899 Size: (R) 18.7 x 26.4 (C) 19 x 26.1 (L) 25.7 x 18.9 cm Ref: JG111656-9

        JG Auction
      • FIVE JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD WOODBLOCK PRINTS BY YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA ( 1841 - 1899 ), each depicting kabuki theatr
        Jun. 16, 2021

        FIVE JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD WOODBLOCK PRINTS BY YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA ( 1841 - 1899 ), each depicting kabuki theatr

        Est: £40 - £60

        FIVE JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD WOODBLOCK PRINTS BY YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA ( 1841 - 1899 ), each depicting kabuki theatre performance. (5)

        John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
      • FIVE JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD WOODBLOCK PRINTS BY YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA ( 1841 - 1899 ), each depicting kabuki theatr
        Jun. 16, 2021

        FIVE JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD WOODBLOCK PRINTS BY YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA ( 1841 - 1899 ), each depicting kabuki theatr

        Est: £40 - £60

        FIVE JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD WOODBLOCK PRINTS BY YOSHITAKI UTAGAWA ( 1841 - 1899 ), each depicting kabuki theatre performance. (5)

        John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
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