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Chengyao (1898) Yu Sold at Auction Prices


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      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993)
        Dec. 01, 2024

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993)

        Est: NT$100,000 - NT$200,000

        草書自作詩 Poem in Cursive Script 釋文:朝來霧散遠雲輕,一水南流萬里行 此去波濤千百變,好看海月更圓明 款識:庚午冬日舊作,余承堯 鈐印:余承堯印 Signed Yu Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Nov. 30, 2024

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$20,000 - NT$40,000

        草書自作詩 Calligraphy in Cursive Script 釋文:靜裡深居薄世塵,吟詩禮佛振清神。胸中具有無愁曲,一笑花開盡是春。 款釋:丁卯春日晤荊南先生於其寓所所呈。荊南先生正之。余承堯時年八十有九。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 03, 2022

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$40,000 - NT$80,000

        書賀知章《回鄉偶書》 Calligraphy in Cursive Script 釋文:少小離家老大回,鄉音無改鬢毛催。 兒童相見不相識,笑問客從何處來。 款釋:余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 03, 2022

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$40,000 - NT$80,000

        草書書法 Calligraphy in Cursive Script 釋文略 款釋:余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 03, 2022

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$220,000 - NT$360,000

        山水 Landscape 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Jun. 04, 2022

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$220,000 - NT$360,000

        山水 Landscape 鈐印:琴禪(朱文) With one seal of the artist 「將軍畫家」余承堯戎馬倥傯二十餘年,於退役後的下半生才提筆作畫。憑藉著與生俱來的藝術天分,以自然為師,把年輕時走遍的大江南北山勢,自創亂筆皴法表現於山水畫。1980年台灣藝壇的鼎盛時期,余承堯已被廣泛關注,曾被藝術家王季遷譽為「可能是王蒙第二」,後來於《自由中國評論》發表的〈余承堯的才華與靈視〉專文,重新引起國內外畫壇的重視,曾於美國、法國舉辦個展或聯展發表,為台灣現代水墨畫帶領至國外。 此畫由多重視覺編排而成,上半部分自山腰嶙峋岩壁陡峭而立,遠處淡墨隱約染出岩峰輪廓屹立天際。近觀山壁斷崖險峻,以亂筆交錯刻畫岩石嶙峋的質感,筆勢得篆書之蒼拙,草書之速度,筆墨紛亂的表現,隨著濃淡的墨韻,帶出節奏與韻律,奏出生命力的樂章。淡褐色的峭壁以綠黃色相間點染,為納悶枯燥的山石,增添山林葳蕤的意味。畫面的中下段從爬山者的視覺俯瞰悠悠流動的小河流,為靜謐的山景,帶來澹泊文人雅致。 Known as a general-painter, Yu Cheng-yao began his artistic career after 20 years of serving as a general of the army. With his talents and observation of nature, he reinvented cun strokes to depict the majestic landscapes he visited at his early age. In the 1980s when the art market flourished in Taiwan, Yu Cheng-yao was widely known for his artistic talents. C. C. Wang praised Yu as an artist with the style of old master Wang Meng. Yu was also widely analyzed in the Free China Review, arousing interests from the local and international art circles. Yu was featured in solo and joint exhibitions in France andthe US, leading the modern Taiwanese ink art towards the international art scene. This painting was composed with multiple perspectives with the upper half of the panel featuring rugged mountains looming over the panel. Light ink brushes across the back forming layers of mountainous rocks. The rugged cliff was enhanced by intersecting lines highlighted with the sturdiness of seal script and the rapid movement of cursive script. Various gradations of ink enhance the tone and rhythmic representation of this symphony of life. Light ochre enlivened by yellow and green among the rocks, representing the vivid nature of luscious forest. The lower panel was depicted from the perspective of a hiker looking down towards the gentle stream, enlivening the tranquil surroundings on the panel.

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Jun. 04, 2022

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$750,000 - NT$1,200,000

        蜀山舊懷 Reminiscence of Shushan 釋文:蜀山向遠峻,處處峰尖情。今日重近憶,徒增思舊懷。 款識:余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist 余承堯自青年投筆從戎,軍旅二十三年,十九歲加入反抗北洋軍閥,後來遠赴日本早稻田大學修讀經濟,後轉入日本陸軍士官學校。學成回國後擔任黃埔軍校擔任戰術教官,曾參與多場戰役,歷任高級軍職,目睹中國華夏各種磅礴山川,這些山勢重現於後來的書畫創作裡。余承堯於1954年開始執筆畫畫,雖無師承,其創作風格獨特無二,創新的墨點線條在書畫藝壇為之一亮,以錯綜的山石紋理和延綿重疊的山巒突顯藝術家詮釋的山水景象,也對應藝術家面對著河川山脈的感情與回憶。 自中年退出商場,余承堯提筆作畫,雖無師承,師從自然,其筆墨卻在自我領悟的過程中孕育自我風格,詮釋山河的雄奇壯麗。「畫幅要畫得滿滿的,天空也不可留太多」屏棄傳統文人畫的大幅留白的做法,讓余承堯的山水作品主題集中描繪山形地勢與大自然,直指萬物繁盛與生命力本心,是藝術家最大自然最坦誠率真的表現。此幅畫面以三分之二的篇幅描繪四川地形陡峭險峻及層巒疊嶂的山勢,是余承堯從軍時期對蜀山的回憶與情懷。峻奇雄偉的山勢之下以密結紛亂的筆觸描繪山林葳蕤,左下方的樹林白花盛開,彷彿回憶在蜀山時期看到當地的白辛樹繁花盛開,春風送來百鳥高歌,看似無序的亂筆,描繪的卻是草木繁盛的生命力。山河自峭壁悠悠流向下游,堅硬頑強的石頭冒出水面,呼應山上的寥寥數間村屋與蜿蜒曲折的山路,反映萬物與大自然和諧共存與互相尊敬的態度,也是藝術家對大自然的緬懷與敬仰。 Yu Cheng-yao joined the army from a young age at 19 and pursued his studies in Japan on economics. He joined the military school in Japan, and later returned to Huangpu Military school as a professor. With years of experience as a senior official in the army, Yu visited the majestic landscapes of China, which later appeared in his artwork. Yu started painting in 1954 without following classical practice. Hence his works are unique in composition and representation. The texture of rocks and the layers of hills are represented in his works as a tribute towards his passion towards the landscape. At an mature age, Yu Cheng-yao started drawing with the Nature as his teacher. The brush and ink allowed Yu to express his unique character and his own interpretation of the landscape. "The painting has to be full framed without much space for the sky." By wiping out blank spaces, Yu allowed his work to focus on the landscape and the vibrancy of Nature, making his work the most genuine representation. Using two thirds of the panel describing the landscape of Sichuan, its ruggedness with overlapping layers. This is Yu's impression and passion of Sichuan or Shushan. The majestic view was enhanced with vibrancy by the criss cross strokes. Trees on the lower left blossom with white flowers, as if Yu was recalling the typical trees of Shushan. The intersecting lines depicted the lively growth of trees, as it echoes with the sounds of spring birds. As the stream flows downwards, rocks arise in their rigid rugged forms, echoing with the cottages along the meandering roads. Their composition highlights the respect of people towards nature, which echoes with the artist's love for nature.

      • YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) Landscape Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper
        May. 29, 2022

        YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) Landscape Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper

        Est: $100,000 - $150,000

        YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) Landscape Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 136 x 56 cm. (53 1/2 x 22 in.)

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 04, 2021

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$800,000 - NT$1,200,000

        劍門天下險.偶爾記前遊 Precipitous Mountain 釋文:劍門天下險,偶爾記前遊。 款識:​余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 04, 2021

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$700,000 - NT$1,000,000

        連山絕壑 Overlapping Mountains 款識:​余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯YU Cheng-yao(Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Jul. 17, 2021

        余承堯YU Cheng-yao(Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$220,000 - NT$360,000

        山水 Landscape 鈐印:余承堯(白文) With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯YU Cheng-yao(Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Jul. 17, 2021

        余承堯YU Cheng-yao(Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$90,000 - NT$180,000

        草書自作詩 Poem in Cursive Script 釋文:朝來霧散遠雲輕,一水南流萬里行。此去波濤千百變,好看海月更圓明。 款識:庚午冬日舊作,余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白) Signed Yu Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯YU Cheng-yao(Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Jul. 17, 2021

        余承堯YU Cheng-yao(Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$40,000 - NT$80,000

        草書歸園田居 Calligraphy in Cursive Script 釋文:少無適俗韻,性本愛丘山。誤落塵網中,一去三十年。羈鳥戀舊林,池魚思故淵。開荒南野際,守拙歸田園。方宅十餘畝,草屋八九間。 款識:甲午朔,余承堯書於台北寓所。 鈐印:余承堯(白文) Signed Yu Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 05, 2020

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$50,000 - NT$100,000

        楷書滿江紅 Calligraphy in Regular Script 釋文:雨霽山晴,光生也,無邊翠綠,胸次郎談詞,惠我明窗,細讀唐宋聲音時,不做元明雅麗,今無復最難能,繼起著清輝,冥中燭黃鐘,亂清微覆,宮調廢從無樂,但閩南絃管仍傳遺曲,漢魏清商思恍惚,柳周令犯臨存續,願詞家重拍舊紅牙,新絲竹。 款識:滿江紅。代柬謝殿魁先生贈所著《談詞》一卷。余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed Yu Cheng-Yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist 註:上款人「殿魁先生」即為李殿魁,字任之,上海人,畢業於台灣師範大學、中國文化大學文學博士,曾師事臺靜農,並曾任中國文化大學中文系教授兼系主任,現任國立台北藝術大學傳統藝術研究所兼任教授。

      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 05, 2020

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$60,000 - NT$120,000

        草書李白秋登宣城謝脁北樓 Calligraphy in Cursive Script 釋文:江城如畫裡,山曉望晴空。兩水夾明鏡,雙橋落彩虹。人煙寒橘柚,秋色老梧桐。誰念北樓上,臨風懷謝公。 款識:太白《秋登宣城謝眺北樓》,余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed Yu Cheng-Yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 05, 2020

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$70,000 - NT$140,000

        草書王之渙涼州詞 Calligraphy in Cursive Script 釋文:黃河遠上白雲間,一片孤城萬仞山。羌笛何須怨楊柳,春風不度玉門關。 款識:庚午夏日書,王之渙《涼州詞》,絕句七言一首,余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed Yu Cheng-Yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 05, 2020

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$220,000 - NT$360,000

        山水 Landscape 鈐印:琴禪(朱文) With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Dec. 05, 2020

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$150,000 - NT$240,000

        山水 Landscape 款識:余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed Yu Cheng-Yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Jul. 18, 2020

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$190,000 - NT$300,000

        款識:余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU CHENG-YAO in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Jul. 18, 2020

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$40,000 - NT$80,000

        釋文:詩乃文章最美文,真情實語掃浮雲。名公傳世千秋作,快意高吟一室芬。 款識:壬申五月舊作讀詩,余承堯時年九十四。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU CHENG-YAO in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • Qingzhang Mountain
        Jul. 12, 2020

        Qingzhang Mountain

        Est: $80,000 - $120,000

        inscribed and signed in Chinese (upper right) one seal of the artist

        Poly Auction Hong Kong
      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Nov. 30, 2019

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$160,000 - NT$260,000

        魏文帝雜詩兩首 Calligraphy of Poems from Emperor Wen of Wei 釋文:漫漫秋夜長,烈烈北風涼。展轉不能寐,披衣起彷徨。 彷徨忽已久,白露沾我裳。俯視清水波,仰看明月光。 天漢回西流,三五正縱橫。草蟲鳴何悲,孤雁獨南翔。 鬱郁多悲思,綿綿思故鄉。願飛安得翼,欲濟河無梁。 向風長嘆息,斷絕我中腸。西北有浮雲,亭亭如車蓋。 惜哉時不遇,適與飄風會。吹我東南行,行行至吳會。 吳會非我鄉,安得久留滯。棄置勿復陳,客子常畏人。 款識:庚午OO 書魏文帝雜詩二首,余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU CHENG-YAO in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Nov. 30, 2019

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$260,000 - NT$420,000

        高山鳴泉 Landscape 釋文: (一)奉和,肖麟老兄七十感懷原均,日征月邁道茫茫,海國能 居笑虎狼,絕意繁華何偉大,蘊心迥奧耻輕狂,幽寥可語傾肝膽, 金石為交自鐵腸,研討雕鎪吟且善,高詞今已見非常,客路悠悠 渡歲年,羈人多病竟無氈,嚴霜酷雪辭家室,正國離鄉立海天, 亂世將難修故業,誓江何易執先鞭,如今七十精神爽,朗氣新秋 助壽筵。 (二)巖石永固,松柏長青。 款識: (一)余承堯。 (二)肖麟老兄七十華誕留念,余承堯作。 鈐印: (一)余承堯印(白文) (二)余承堯印(白文) Signed YU CHENG-YAO in Chinese With two seals of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)
        Nov. 30, 2019

        余承堯 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

        Est: NT$850,000 - NT$1,300,000

        九曲溪山 Winding River by the Hills 釋文:九曲溪山雲不遙 款識:余承堯作 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) Signed YU CHENG-YAO in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • YU CHENGYAO | Landscape
        Oct. 06, 2019

        YU CHENGYAO | Landscape

        Est: $70,000 - $120,000

        executed in 1989

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993)
        Jun. 02, 2019

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993)

        Est: NT$190,000 - NT$280,000

        山水 Landscape 簽名右上:余承堯作 鈐印右上:余承堯印 Signed upper right YU Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist

      • 余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993)
        Jun. 02, 2019

        余承堯 YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993)

        Est: NT$850,000 - NT$1,000,000

        溪山悠居 Leisurely Life in Mountain 簽名左上 : 余承堯作於甲寅夏月 鈐印左上 : 余承堯印 Signed upped left Yu Cheng Yao With one seal of artist

      • YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯
        Dec. 02, 2018

        YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯

        Est: NT$260,000 - NT$360,000

        Green Landscape 青松勁節 With 3 seals of the artist, the artist's studo and He huai-shuo in Chinese 鈐印右上:澀盦 鈐印左下:何懷碩 鈐印左中:余承堯印

      • YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯
        Dec. 02, 2018

        YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯

        Est: NT$260,000 - NT$360,000

        Landscape 山水 Signed upper center Yu Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist 簽名中上:植槐先生正之 余承堯 鈐印中上:余承堯印

      • YU CHENGYAO | Cliff Standing Thousand Feet Above Ground
        Apr. 01, 2018

        YU CHENGYAO | Cliff Standing Thousand Feet Above Ground

        Est: $180,000 - $280,000

        ink and colour on paper

        Mar. 24, 2018


        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        signed, with three seals of the artist

      • YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯
        Dec. 03, 2017

        YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯

        Est: NT$400,000 - NT$750,000

        YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993) Landscape 余承堯 山水 With one seal of the artist 鈐印左下:余承堯印 This painting is to be sold with the certificate of authenticity issued by Chen Mei-Er. 附立陳美娥開立之原作保證書

      • YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯
        Dec. 03, 2017

        YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯

        Est: NT$190,000 - NT$280,000

        YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993) Calligraphy – Two Poems of Li Po 余承堯 書法-李白絕句二首 Signed lower left Yu Cheng-yao and dated Summer of genwu year in Chinese With one seal of the artist 簽名左下:庚午夏日書李白之絕句 余承堯 鈐印左下:余承堯印

      • YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯
        Dec. 03, 2017

        YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯

        Est: NT$130,000 - NT$220,000

        YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993) Calligraphy in Running Script 余承堯 行書-自作七言絕句六首 Signed lower left Yu Cheng-yao in Chinese With one seal of the artist 簽名左下:余承堯敬祝 鈐印左下:余承堯印

      • YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯
        Dec. 03, 2017

        YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯

        Est: NT$600,000 - NT$700,000

        YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993) Landscape 余承堯 山水圖 Signed upper center Yu Cheng-yao, titled Landscape and inscribed created at my residence in Taipei all in Chinese With one seal of the artist 簽名中上:余承堯誌 題識中上:山水圖作於臺北寓所 鈐印中上:余承堯印

      • YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯
        Dec. 03, 2017

        YU CHENG-YAO (TAIWANESE, 1898 - 1993) 余承堯

        Est: NT$550,000 - NT$850,000

        YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993) Untitled (Landscape) 余承堯 無題(山水) With one seal of the artist 鈐印右上:余承堯印 This painting is to be sold with the certificate of authenticity issued by Chen Mei-Er. 附立陳美娥開立之原作保證書

      • YU CHENGYAO | Blue Sky and White Stone
        Apr. 03, 2017

        YU CHENGYAO | Blue Sky and White Stone

        Est: $400,000 - $600,000

        ink and colour on paper

      • YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) | Mountain Greenery
        Apr. 03, 2017

        YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) | Mountain Greenery

        Est: $350,000 - $450,000

        ink and colour on paper

      • YU CHENGYAO | Ink Landscape
        Apr. 04, 2016

        YU CHENGYAO | Ink Landscape

        Est: $350,000 - $450,000

        signed, dated, and inscribed in Chinese, stamped with the artist's seal 

      • YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) Rushing Water amidst Towering Peak
        Nov. 30, 2015

        YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) Rushing Water amidst Towering Peak

        Est: -

        YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) Rushing Water amidst Towering Peak

      • YU CHENGYAO | Landscape
        Oct. 05, 2015

        YU CHENGYAO | Landscape

        Est: $220,000 - $300,000

        signed YU CHENGYAO, inscribed and with one seal of the artist

      • YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) Lofty Mountain Embraced by Trees Ink on paper 68.5 x 69 cm. (26 7/8 x 27 1/8 in.)
        Jun. 01, 2015

        YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) Lofty Mountain Embraced by Trees Ink on paper 68.5 x 69 cm. (26 7/8 x 27 1/8 in.)

        Est: $120,000 - $150,000

        YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) Lofty Mountain Embraced by Trees Ink on paper 68.5 x 69 cm. (26 7/8 x 27 1/8 in.)

      • Yu Chengyao (1898-1993) Dreamland
        May. 31, 2015

        Yu Chengyao (1898-1993) Dreamland

        Est: -

        Yu Chengyao (1898-1993) Dreamland

      • Landscape
        Nov. 24, 2014


        Est: $120,000 - $180,000

        YU CHENGYAO (1899-1993) Landscape Hanging scroll Ink on paper 68.5 x 44 cm. (27 x 17 3/8 in.) 20th Century

      • Yu Chengyao (1898-1993) Art of Asia from the Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter Collection
        Oct. 09, 2014

        Yu Chengyao (1898-1993) Art of Asia from the Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter Collection

        Est: HKD50,000 - HKD80,000

        Landscape Ink on paper, framed Inscribed and signed Yu Chengyao, with one seal of the artist 34cm x 34.5cm (13¼in x 13½in).

      • YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993)
        Mar. 19, 2014

        YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993)

        Est: $8,000 - $10,000

        YU CHENGYAO (1898-1993) >ROCKY MOUNTAINS IN SHADES OF BLUE AND PINK <br>Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper >Inscribed and signed by the artist, with one seal<br>46¾ x 22¾ in. (119 x 58 cm.)

        Nov. 25, 2012


        Est: $35,000 - $55,000

        YU CHENGYAO (YU CHENGYAO, Chinese, B. 1898-1993) LANDSCAPE signed in Chinese (Lower right) ink and colour on paper, mounted on paper with silk image: 34.7 x 33.5 cm (13 5/8 x 13 1/8 in.) Painted circa 1980s one seal of the artist

        May. 27, 2012


        Est: $150,000 - $200,000

        YU CHENGYAO (Chinese, 1898-1993) Magnificent Landscape signed in Chinese (upper left) ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll image: 116 x 59 cm. (45 5/8 x 23 1/4 in.) one seal of the artist; two collector's seal

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