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Kirill Zdanevic Sold at Auction Prices


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        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à. Composition abstraite.
          Dec. 14, 2024

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à. Composition abstraite.

          Est: €250 - €300

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à. Composition abstraite. Encre de chine sur papier, signée en cyrillique en bas à droite. 21 x 29,7 cm.

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à. Composition abstraite.
          Dec. 14, 2024

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à. Composition abstraite.

          Est: €200 - €300

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à. Composition abstraite. Encre de chine sur papier, porte une signature en cyrillique en bas à gauche. 27,7 x 19 cm (Déchirure)

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
          Oct. 20, 2024


          Est: $7,000 - $9,000

          Kirill Zdanevich (Russian, 1892-1969) gouache on board painting "Moscow-Paris Train." Signed in Cyrillic 'Kyr. Zdanevich' lower right. Provenance: Provenance: Private collection, Georgia.

          Helios Auctions
        • Attributed to Kirill Mikhailovitch Zdanevitch
          Oct. 02, 2024

          Attributed to Kirill Mikhailovitch Zdanevitch

          Est: $800 - $1,200

          Untitled (36) Inscribed and dated K. Zdanevich 1924 on the backing Ink on paper 7 x 5 1/4 inches (17.8 x 13.3 cm) (Framed 14 x 11 3/4 inches)

          DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
        • Kirill Zdanevich Star
          Jul. 28, 2024

          Kirill Zdanevich Star

          Est: $15,000 - $20,000

          Star 7.3x10in signed by artist mixed technique, pencil, watercolor on paper 1920

        • Kirill Zdanevich Painting
          Jun. 30, 2024

          Kirill Zdanevich Painting

          Est: $20,000 - $25,000

          Kirill Zdanevich, "Star".

          Jun. 30, 2024


          Est: $6,000 - $8,000

          Kirill Zdanevich (Russian, 1892-1969) gouache on board painting 'Moscow-Paris Train.' Signed in Cyrillic 'Kyr. Zdanevich' lower right. Provenance: Shapiro Auctions New York, Russian + International Fine Art, 02/16/2013, Lot #110.

          Helios Auctions
        • Kirill Mihailovich Zdanevich, 1892-1969, Russian
          Jun. 22, 2024

          Kirill Mihailovich Zdanevich, 1892-1969, Russian

          Est: €480 - €700

          Kirill Mihailovich Zdanevich, 1892-1969, Russian constructivist, gouache on paper, monogrammed KZ lower left, approx. 19.5x 14cm,etc., frame approx. 33x26cm . German Description: Kirill Mihailovich Zdanevich, 1892-1969, russischer Konstruktivist, Gouache auf Papier, links unten monogrammiert KZ, ca. 19 .5x 14cm, u.Gl., R. ca. 33x26cm

          Henry's Auktionshaus
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), attribu…
          Jun. 16, 2024

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), attribu…

          Est: €500 - €700

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), attribué à L'allure à la russe (1914) Encre sur papier 30x21 cm Signé en bas droite Кирилл Михайлович ЗДАНЕВИЧ (1892-1969), отнесено к Русский взгляд (1914) Бумага, чернила 30х21см Подпись внизу справа

        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), attribu…
          Jun. 16, 2024

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), attribu…

          Est: €500 - €700

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), attribué à Composition abstrait (1914) Encre sur papier 30x21 cm Signé et daté en bas droite Кирилл Михайлович ЗДАНЕВИЧ (1892-1969), отнесено к Абстрактная композиция (1914) Бумага, чернила 30х21см Подпись и дата внизу справа

        • Zdanevich, Kirill M. Ohne Titel.
          May. 11, 2024

          Zdanevich, Kirill M. Ohne Titel.

          Est: €400 - €600

          Zdanevich, Kirill M. Ohne Titel. (Szenographische Skizze, Tanzszene). Gouache auf Papier (Blatt aus einem Skizzenblock). Unten links signiert: "C. Zdanevitch". Wohl 1920er Jahre. Motivmaße: 21 x 14,5 cm. Blattmaße: 19,5 x 14, 5 cm. Kirill Zdanevich (1892-1969) war langjähriger Mitstreiter der künstlerischen Avantgarde, nicht nur als aktiver "Aufrührer" in Russland, sondern auch in seiner Heimat Georgien und in Frankreich, wo der Künstler sich wohl am intensivsten mit neuen Strömungen auseinandersetzte. Nach künstlerischer Ausbildung in Tiflis und später in Moskau und Petersburg arbeitete er als Maler und Illustrator mit bedeutenden Künstlern wie V. Tatlin, N. Goncharova und M. Larionov, Poeten wie A. Kruchenyh und I. Terent'ev, entdeckte den Maler N. Pirosmani. Zehn Jahre Straflager nach einer Denunziation unterbrechen das Schaffen des in Moskau und Tiflis lebenden Künstlers. Später rehabilitiert, nahm der Künstler seine in den Jahren 1913-1914 geknüpften Verbindungen nach Paris und zu seinem Bruder Il'ya wieder auf. Bedeutende internationale Museen besitzen Werke des Künstlers. - Papier leicht gebräunt, oberer Rand mit 2 kleinen Einrissen und kleineren Braunflecken im Blattrand nach Lösung aus der ursprünglichen Klammerung.

          Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
        • Zdanevich, Kirill M. Ohne Titel.
          May. 11, 2024

          Zdanevich, Kirill M. Ohne Titel.

          Est: €400 - €600

          Zdanevich, Kirill M. Ohne Titel. (Szenographische Skizze, Tanzszene). Gouache auf Papier (Blatt aus einem Skizzenblock). Unten rechts signiert: "C. Zdanevitch". Wohl 1920er Jahre. Motivmaße: 21 x 14,5 cm. Blattmaße: 19,5 x 14, 5 cm. Kirill Zdanevich (1892-1969) war langjähriger Mitstreiter der künstlerischen Avantgarde, nicht nur als aktiver "Aufrührer" in Russland, sondern auch in seiner Heimat Georgien und in Frankreich, wo der Künstler sich wohl am intensivsten mit neuen Strömungen auseinandersetzte. Nach künstlerischer Ausbildung in Tiflis und später in Moskau und Petersburg arbeitete er als Maler und Illustrator mit bedeutenden Künstlern wie V. Tatlin, N. Goncharova und M. Larionov, Poeten wie A. Kruchenyh und I. Terent'ev, entdeckte den Maler N. Pirosmani. Zehn Jahre Straflager nach einer Denunziation unterbrechen das Schaffen des in Moskau und Tiflis lebenden Künstlers. Später rehabilitiert, nahm der Künstler seine in den Jahren 1913-1914 geknüpften Verbindungen nach Paris und zu seinem Bruder Il'ya wieder auf. Bedeutende internationale Museen besitzen Werke des Künstlers. - Papier leicht gebräunt, oberer Rand mit kleinem Ausriss (ca. 1 x 1,5 cm) und geringfügigen Einrissen im Blattrand (Ausriss der ursprünglichen Klammerung), leicht knickspurig.

          Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (GEORGIE-RUSSIE/1892…
          Apr. 14, 2024

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (GEORGIE-RUSSIE/1892…

          Est: €800 - €1,200

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (GEORGIE-RUSSIE/1892-1969) Femme nue allongée (1914) Encre sur papier 29x22 cm Encadré SIgné et daté en bas à gauche. Kirill Zdanevich, né en Géorgie (1882-1970), fut un des pionniers du cubo-futurisme de l'avant-garde russe. En 1913, avec son frère et M. V. Le Dantu, il découvre la peinture de Niko Pirosmani. Il était proche de M. Larionov et N. Goncharova, et était membre des associations « Donkey Tail » et « Target ». A Paris, il étudie dans l'atelier de A. Archipenko et mérite les éloges de P. Picasso. En 1917-1920, il vécut en Géorgie indépendante, en 1920-1921 à Constantinople et à Paris, puis de nouveau à Tiflis. Il a participé aux activités des futuristes géorgiens et a conçu des spectacles de théâtre de Shota Rustaveli. Le 30 juillet 1949, il fut arrêté, condamné à 15 ans de prison et exilé à Vorkouta. Libéré le 25 février 1957, réhabilité en mars de la même année, rentre à Tbilissi. Кирилл Михайлович ЗДАНЕВИЧ (ГРУЗИЯ-РОССИЯ/1892-1969) Лежащая обнаженная женщина (1914) Бумага, чернила 29х22 см В раме. Подпись и дата внизу слева Кирилл Зданевич, родившийся в Грузии (1882-1970), был одним из пионеров кубофутуризма русского авангарда. В 1913 году вместе со своим братом М. В. Ле Дантю открыл для себя живопись Нико Пиросмани. Он был близок к М. Ларионову и Н. Гончаровой, был членом объединений «Ослиный хвост» и «Мишень». В Париже он учился в студии А. Архипенко и заслужил похвалу П. Пикассо. В 1917–1920 жил в независимой Грузии, в 1920–1921 – в Константинополе и Париже, затем снова в Тифлисе. Он участвовал в деятельности грузинских футуристов и оформлял театральные постановки Шота Руставели. 30 июля 1949 года он был арестован, приговорен к 15 годам лишения свободы и сослан в Воркуту. Освобожден 25 февраля 1957 г., реабилитирован в марте того же года и вернулся в Тбилиси.

        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969)
          Feb. 06, 2024

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969)

          Est: €300 - €400

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969) Cubist composition Ink on paper Signed and dated 1918 lower right 28.5 x 23 cm. à vue Composition cubiste Encre sur papier Signée et datée 1918 en bas à droite 28,5 x 23 cm. à vue

          Maison Verneuil
        • Attributed to Kirill Mikhailovitch Zdanevitch
          Dec. 06, 2023

          Attributed to Kirill Mikhailovitch Zdanevitch

          Est: $800 - $1,200

          Untitled (36) Inscribed and dated K. Zdanevich 1924 on the backing Ink on paper 7 x 5 1/4 inches (17.8 x 13.3 cm) (Framed 14 x 11 3/4 inches)

          DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
          May. 28, 2023


          Est: $1,000 - $1,500

          Kirill Mikhailovitch Zdanevitch (Russian, 1892 - 1969), oil on cardboard painting "Road in the hillside village." Signed in Cyrillic on the backside. Provenance: Shapiro Auctions New York, Gene Shapiro Auctions, LLC 04.23.2009, lot 192. Note: Kirill Zdanevich was a Russian and Soviet artist who worked across various genres. He painted murals in Tiflis's cafe-clubs, worked as a book illustrator and designed the interior of Ladia argonavtov [The Argonaut], where he staged his performances. In the 1920s he traveled to Paris where he learned further diverse styles of artistic expression, namely Cubism, Expressionism and Abstraction. There he met his fellow artists Larionov, Goncharova, Gudiashvili and Kakabadze. Zdanevich participated in activities of Georgian futurists; he was a member of the association Syndicate of Futurists; he was also one of the organizers of the futuristic group 41о (“41 degrees”). He also developed the theories of orchestral painting and everythingness.

          Helios Auctions
          Apr. 22, 2023


          Est: $100 - $150

          Kirill Mikhailovich Zdanevich, Russian, Soviet era, 1892 to 1969, gouache painting on paper depicting an abstract composition. Signed with initials lower right. Circa: 1920s. Inscribed, Cafe, upper to the center. Kirill Zdanevich was a Russian and Soviet artist who worked across various genres. He painted murals in Tifliss cafe clubs, worked as a book illustrator, and designed the interior of Ladia Argonavtov The Argonaut, where he staged his performances. In the 1920s he traveled to Paris where he learned further diverse styles of artistic expression, namely Cubism, Expressionism, and Abstraction. There he met his fellow artists Larionov, Goncharova, Gudiashvili and Kakabadze. Zdanevich participated in the activities of Georgian futurists; he was a member of the association Syndicate of Futurists; he was also one of the organizers of the futuristic group. He also developed the theories of Orchestral Painting and Everythingness. One of a kind artwork.

          Antique Arena Inc
          Apr. 22, 2023


          Est: $100 - $150

          Kirill Mikhailovich Zdanevich, Russian, Soviet era, 1892 to 1969, gouache painting on paper depicting an abstract composition with eyes. Signed with initials lower to the center. Circa: 1920s. Matted. Kirill Zdanevich was a Russian and Soviet artist who worked across various genres. He painted murals in Tifliss cafe clubs, worked as a book illustrator, and designed the interior of Ladia Argonavtov The Argonaut, where he staged his performances. In the 1920s he traveled to Paris where he learned further diverse styles of artistic expression, namely Cubism, Expressionism, and Abstraction. There he met his fellow artists Larionov, Goncharova, Gudiashvili and Kakabadze. Zdanevich participated in the activities of Georgian futurists; he was a member of the association Syndicate of Futurists; he was also one of the organizers of the futuristic group. He also developed the theories of Orchestral Painting and Everythingness. One of a kind artwork.

          Antique Arena Inc
          Feb. 19, 2023


          Est: $2,500 - $3,500

          Kirill Mikhailovitch Zdanevitch (Russian, 1892 - 1969) black gouache on paper painting depicting an abstract composition. Signed with the initials 'KZ' on the lower center. Note: Kirill Zdanevich was a Russian and Soviet artist who worked across various genres. He painted murals in Tiflis's cafe-clubs, worked as a book illustrator and designed the interior of "Ladia Argonavtov" (The Argonaut), where he staged his performances. In the 1920s he traveled to Paris where he learned further diverse styles of artistic expression, namely Cubism, Expressionism and Abstraction. There he met his fellow artists Larionov, Goncharova, Gudiashvili and Kakabadze. Zdanevich participated in the activities of Georgian futurists; he was a member of the association Syndicate of Futurists; he was also one of the organizers of the futuristic group 41о (“41 degrees”). He also developed the theories of orchestral painting and everythingness.

          Helios Auctions
          Feb. 19, 2023


          Est: $2,500 - $3,500

          Kirill Mikhailovitch Zdanevitch (Russian, 1892 - 1969) black gouache on paper painting depicting an abstract composition inscribed 'CAFE' on the upper right. Signed with the initials 'KZd' on the lower right. Note: Kirill Zdanevich was a Russian and Soviet artist who worked across various genres. He painted murals in Tiflis's cafe-clubs, worked as a book illustrator and designed the interior of Ladia Argonavtov [The Argonaut], where he staged his performances. In the 1920s he traveled to Paris where he learned further diverse styles of artistic expression, namely Cubism, Expressionism and Abstraction. There he met his fellow artists Larionov, Goncharova, Gudiashvili and Kakabadze. Zdanevich participated in the activities of Georgian futurists; he was a member of the association Syndicate of Futurists; he was also one of the organizers of the futuristic group 41о (“41 degrees”). He also developed the theories of "orchestral painting" and "everythingness".

          Helios Auctions
        • Kirill Mihailovich Zdanevich, 1892-1969, Russian
          Feb. 17, 2023

          Kirill Mihailovich Zdanevich, 1892-1969, Russian

          Est: €480 - €900

          Kirill Mihailovich Zdanevich, 1892-1969, Russian constructivist, gouache on paper, monogrammed KZ lower right, approx. 19.5x 14cm, bottom left, frame approx. 33x26cm . German Description: Kirill Mihailovich Zdanevich, 1892-1969, russischer Konstruktivist, Gouache auf Papier, rechts unten monogrammiert KZ, ca. 19.5x 14cm, u.Gl., R. ca. 33x26cm

          Henry's Auktionshaus
        • Attrib: Kirill Zdanevitch (1892 - 1969)
          Dec. 16, 2021

          Attrib: Kirill Zdanevitch (1892 - 1969)

          Est: $100 - $500

          Attributed To: Kirill Mikhailovitch Zdanevitch, Russian (1892 - 1969) Pencil on Paper "Geometric Composition" Signed Lower Right. Measures 10-3/4" x 7-3/4", frame measures 14-3/4" x 10-3/4". A work listed as "attributed to:" the respective artist has not been authenticated by a recognized expert on the artist in question. We offer such a work without warranty as to authenticity. Condition: Some wear along the edges, slight creases otherwise good condition. Estimate: $100.00 - $500.00 Domestic Shipping: $88.00

          Kodner Galleries
        • Kyril ZDANEVITCH 1892 - 1969 Portrait de Sofia Georgievna Melnikova et d'Illia Zdanevitch - circa 1919 Aquarelle et crayon sur papie..
          Dec. 08, 2021

          Kyril ZDANEVITCH 1892 - 1969 Portrait de Sofia Georgievna Melnikova et d'Illia Zdanevitch - circa 1919 Aquarelle et crayon sur papie..

          Est: €2,000 - €3,000

          Kyril ZDANEVITCH 1892 - 1969 Portrait de Sofia Georgievna Melnikova et d'Illia Zdanevitch - circa 1919 Aquarelle et crayon sur papier fort h: 33,50 w: 19,20 cm Provenance : Fille de l'artiste Vente Londres, Phillips, 27 novembre 1989, lot 12 Collection Claude Leclanche-Boulé, Paris Commentaire : Watercolor and pencil on thick paper Estimation 2 000 - 3 000 €

        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Paysage cubiste
          Nov. 20, 2021

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Paysage cubiste

          Est: €300 - €500

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Paysage cubiste Pastel sur carton, signé en bas à droite en cyrillique 34 x 24,7 cm

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attrib.à Composition abstraite
          Nov. 20, 2021

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attrib.à Composition abstraite

          Est: €250 - €300

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attrib.à Composition abstraite Encre de chine sur papier, signée en cyrillique en bas à droite 21 x 29,7 cm

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Composition abstraite
          Nov. 20, 2021

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Composition abstraite

          Est: €200 - €300

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Composition abstraite Encre de chine sur papier, porte une signature en cyrillique en bas à gauche 27,7 x 19 cm (déchirure)

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
          Nov. 14, 2021


          Est: $8,000 - $11,000

          Kirill Zdanevich (Russian, 1892-1969) gouache on board painting 'Moscow-Paris Train.' Signed in Cyrillic 'Kyr. Zdanevich' lower right. Provenance: Shapiro Auctions New York, Russian + International Fine Art, 02/16/2013, Lot #110.

          Helios Auctions
        • Kirill Mikhailovich Zdanevich
          Oct. 30, 2021

          Kirill Mikhailovich Zdanevich

          Est: $1,500 - $2,000

          Man with Red Flag, ink and watercolor on paper, 41X24 cm. Signed.

          Tiroche Auction House
        • Kirill Mikhailovich Zdanevich
          Aug. 23, 2021

          Kirill Mikhailovich Zdanevich

          Est: -

          Kirill Mikhailovich Zdanevich (1892-1969) (attrib.), futuristic composition with female nude, red chalk on light brown, light cardboard, monogr. ''KZ'' lower right, 34 x 36 cm, framed behind glass a. passepartout 60 x 66 cm

          Historia Auctionata
        • KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969)
          Jul. 31, 2021

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969)

          Est: $30,000 - $40,000

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969) Composition watercolor on paper 42 x 33 cm (16 1/2 x 13 in.) [full sheet] initial right center PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the artist's family by the present owner CONDITION Observed in frame, the painting appears in good condition. Minor cracking along the upper left edge, lower left corner and most notably to the upper right center, measuring 5 cm (2 in.) in length. Not inspected under UV. framed dimensions: 55 x 45 cm (21 5/8 x 17 3/4 in.) N.B. All lots are sold in as-is condition at the time of sale. Please note that any condition statement regarding works of art is given as a courtesy to our clients in order to assist them in assessing the condition. The report is a genuine opinion held by Shapiro Auctions and should not be treated as a statement of fact. The absence of a condition report or a photograph does not preclude the absence of defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. Shapiro Auctions, LLC., including its consultants and agents, shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

          Shapiro Auctions LLC
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attrib.à Composition abstraite
          Jun. 19, 2021

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attrib.à Composition abstraite

          Est: €250 - €300

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attrib.à Composition abstraite Encre de chine sur papier, signée en cyrillique en bas à droite 21 x 29,7 cm

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attrib.à Composition abstraite
          Jun. 19, 2021

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attrib.à Composition abstraite

          Est: €200 - €300

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attrib.à Composition abstraite Encre de chine sur papier, porte une signature en cyrillique en bas à gauche 27,7 x 19 cm (déchirure)

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
        • Attrib: Kirill Zdanevitch (1892 - 1969)
          Apr. 28, 2021

          Attrib: Kirill Zdanevitch (1892 - 1969)

          Est: $300 - $500

          Attributed To: Kirill Mikhailovitch Zdanevitch, Russian (1892 - 1969) Pencil on Paper "Geometric Composition" Signed Lower Right. Measures 10-3/4" x 7-3/4", frame measures 14-3/4" x 10-3/4". A work listed as "attributed to:" the respective artist has not been authenticated by a recognized expert on the artist in question. We offer such a work without warranty as to authenticity. Condition: Some wear along the edges, slight creases otherwise good condition. Estimate: $300.00 - $500.00 Domestic Shipping: $88.00

          Kodner Galleries
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à
          Mar. 20, 2021

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à

          Est: €200 - €300

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Composition abstraite Crayon noir sur papier, signé du monogramme K.Z et daté en bas à droite 21 x 29,5 cm

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
        • KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969)
          Nov. 07, 2020

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969)

          Est: $1,000 - $2,000

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969) Futurist Color Study, watercolor on paper 27.9 x 18.4 cm (11 x 7 1/4 in) PROVENANCE Barry Friedman Ltd, New York CONDITION N.B. All lots are sold in as-is condition at the time of sale. Please note that any condition statement regarding works of art is given as a courtesy to our clients in order to assist them in assessing the condition. The report is a genuine opinion held by Shapiro Auctions and should not be treated as a statement of fact. The absence of a condition report or a photograph does not preclude the absence of defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. Shapiro Auctions, LLC., including its consultants and agents, shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

          Shapiro Auctions LLC
        • KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969)
          Jul. 25, 2020

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969)

          Est: $2,000 - $4,000

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969) Cubo-Futurist Nude pen and india ink on paper 27.9 x 21.6 cm (11 x 8 1/2 in) PROVENANCE Arkansas Arts Center, 44th Collector's Show and Sale, New York, 2012 Barry Friedman Ltd, New York CONDITION N.B. All lots are sold in as-is condition at the time of sale. Please note that any condition statement regarding works of art is given as a courtesy to our clients in order to assist them in assessing the condition. The report is a genuine opinion held by Shapiro Auctions and should not be treated as a statement of fact. The absence of a condition report or a photograph does not preclude the absence of defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. Shapiro Auctions, LLC., including its consultants and agents, shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

          Shapiro Auctions LLC
        • KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969)
          Jul. 25, 2020

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969)

          Est: $2,000 - $3,000

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969) Futurist Color Study watercolor on paper 27.9 x 18.4 cm (11 x 7 1/4 in) PROVENANCE Barry Friedman Ltd, New York CONDITION Observed in frame, the work is in overall good condition. One vertical tear running from the lower edge, approximately 6 cm long. Lost corners. Otherwise no issues apparent to the naked eye. N.B. All lots are sold in as-is condition at the time of sale. Please note that any condition statement regarding works of art is given as a courtesy to our clients in order to assist them in assessing the condition. The report is a genuine opinion held by Shapiro Auctions and should not be treated as a statement of fact. The absence of a condition report or a photograph does not preclude the absence of defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. Shapiro Auctions, LLC., including its consultants and agents, shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

          Shapiro Auctions LLC
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Nature morte au poisson
          Mar. 28, 2020

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Nature morte au poisson

          Est: €300 - €500

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Nature morte au poisson Encre sur papier , signé en cyrillique en bas à gauche 35 x 31,8 cm

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
          Nov. 11, 2019


          Est: €2,000 - €2,500

          ”Operai al lavoro in fonderia” Russia 1923 Tecnica mista su cartoncino 51x24 cm Opera con expertise del 04-10-2017 redatta da Giovanni Boschetti.

          Lucas Aste
        • Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Nature morte au poisson
          Oct. 26, 2019

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Nature morte au poisson

          Est: €300 - €500

          Kirill Mikhailovich ZDANEVICH (1892-1969), Attribué à Nature morte au poisson Encre sur papier , signé en cyrullique en bas à gauche 35 x 31,8 cm

          Louiza Auktion & Associés
          Mar. 22, 2019


          Est: CHF500 - CHF700

          (Kojori 1892–1969 Tiflis) wohl Kleine Skizze. Bleistift auf Papier. Unten rechts in Bleistift signiert und unleserlich datiert. Blattgrösse 21x13,3 cm (gefaltet). -Blatt gebräunt. Hellerer Lichtrand. Ränder und Ecken bestossen. Knitter. Verso an den linken Ecken an Rückkarton montiert.

          Schuler Auktionen
          Mar. 22, 2019


          Est: CHF700 - CHF1,000

          (Kojori 1892–1969 Tiflis) wohl Akt. Bleistift auf Papier. Blattgrösse 17,8x24,5 cm. -Blatt leicht gebräunt und wenig fleckig. Am linken Rand mit Klebrestspuren. Verso am oberen Rand an Rückkarton montiert.

          Schuler Auktionen
        • KIRILL ZDANEVICH | Celebration Table
          Nov. 27, 2018

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH | Celebration Table

          Est: £4,000 - £6,000

          gouache on paper

        • KIRILL ZDANEVICH | Futuristic Nude
          Nov. 27, 2018

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH | Futuristic Nude

          Est: £6,000 - £8,000

          pencil and coloured pencil on paper

        • KIRILL ZDANEVICH | Still Life with Pumpkin
          Nov. 27, 2018

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH | Still Life with Pumpkin

          Est: £4,000 - £6,000

          ink on graph paper

        • KIRILL ZDANEVICH | Still Life with Grapes and Pears
          Nov. 27, 2018

          KIRILL ZDANEVICH | Still Life with Grapes and Pears

          Est: £2,000 - £3,000

          pencil and coloured pencil on paper

        • ZDANEVICH KIRILL MIKHAÏLOVITCH (1892-1969) / Зданевич, Кирилл Михайлович (1892-1969)
          Nov. 06, 2018

          ZDANEVICH KIRILL MIKHAÏLOVITCH (1892-1969) / Зданевич, Кирилл Михайлович (1892-1969)

          Est: €500 - €700

          ZDANEVICH KIRILL MIKHAÏLOVITCH (1892-1969) / Зданевич, Кирилл Михайлович (1892-1969) Projet d’affiche. Gouache sur trait de crayon et annotations à l’encre sur carton. Inscription et signature au crayon au dos. Datée « 27/II/19 » en bas à droite. 13 x 23,5 cm. Provenance : Collection privée, Paris. Ce projet de Kirill Zdanévitch est un des rares témoins de son oeuvre d’illustration publicitaire. Зданевич, Кирилл Михайлович (1892-1969) Проект афиши гуашь, карандаш, чернила, надпись и подпись карандашом на оборотной стороне, дата справа внизу «27/II/19» Провенанс: Частная коллекция, Париж

          Leclere - Maison de ventes
          Oct. 06, 2018


          Est: $1,000 - $1,500

          KIRILL MIKHAILOVICH ZDANEVICH (GEORGIAN 1892-1969) Cosmic Abstraction, ink on paper 30.2 x 21.2 cm (11 7/8 x 8 3/8 in.) PROVENANCE Collection of the granddaughter of the artist

          Shapiro Auctions LLC
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