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Lu Zhi Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1496 - d. 1576

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      • 陸治  江南春色圖 | Lu Zhi, Spring Landscape
        Nov. 19, 2024

        陸治  江南春色圖 | Lu Zhi, Spring Landscape

        Est: $50,000 - $100,000

        陸治 1496-1575 江南春色圖 設色絹本 手卷 木盒題簽:明陸包山江南春色橫披。 木盒題跋:歲次丁巳仲秋節於江南之遊中,借觀題簽。海堂貫名翁。鈐印:海堂 釋文:暖日融沙圻菱笋,和風淡盪晨光靜。鴛鴦制羽醉芳洲,搖亂春魂蹴花影。舘娃人逺金釵冷,翠纈隂沉落䨇井。飛英撲面蒙衣巾,疑是當年香燼塵。錦帆遲簫鼓急,夾岸青山濛霧濕,十裡橫塘歸未及。飛輪忽墮霞天碧,繁燈閧酒趨花邑。當壚翠袖迎人立,紅鮮入市罥緑萍。金壺漏轉猶營營。象床凝香鬱蘭筍,阿閣逶迤緑牎靜。佳人夢轉抱餘眠,簷外朝曦徐度影。填城緑蓋朱宮冷,撲地紅煙花萬井。誰家遊冶紫綸巾,寳馬青絲起陌塵。傳花遲促羽急,酒酣淹淚青衫濕。新勸未終悲已及。油油芳草縈懷碧,長洲盡是呉都邑。帝子行宮隨處立,星移物換成飄萍。幙燕巢居還自營。右和倪雲林江南春,陸治。鈐印:陸氏叔平、陽城畫屋、包山子 鑑藏印:平階鑑賞之章、平原陸幔亭鑒藏印、李流芳 18.2 x 90 cm. 7⅛ x 35½ in. ---------------------------------------------- Lu Zhi Spring Landscape ink and colour on silk, handscroll signed Lu Zhi and with three seals of the artist with three other collectors' seals 18.2 x 90 cm. 7 1/8 x 35 1/2 in.

      • ATTRIBUTED TO LU ZHI (1496-1576) Old Pine, Plum, Birds and Narcissus, 1562
        Sep. 17, 2024

        ATTRIBUTED TO LU ZHI (1496-1576) Old Pine, Plum, Birds and Narcissus, 1562

        Est: $8,000 - $12,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO LU ZHI (1496-1576) Old Pine, Plum, Birds and Narcissus, 1562 Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed and dated renxu, signed Baoshan Lu Zhi, with two artist's seals and a collector's seal. 48 x 18 1/2in (122 x 47cm)

      • Lu Zhi Sen Statue Asian Ceramic Figurine
        May. 05, 2024

        Lu Zhi Sen Statue Asian Ceramic Figurine

        Est: -

        Pickup on Monday, May 6, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm All items are sold as-is. The absence of a condition report does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free of defects, imperfections, or wear and tear. The pickup address will be released on your invoice. Invoices are sent after the entire auction has ended. Be sure to bring boxes and packing material to pickup. If you purchase a large item, be sure to bring moving help. Large items cannot be shipped. Items not picked up by the pickup deadline, NOT requiring shipping will be forfeited and you will still be charged. Items cannot be held after the pickup date. Items not paid for will be automatically charged to the card on file.

        Aether Auctions
      • 陸治 長林新雨後圖|Lu Zhi, Mountains after Rain
        Apr. 07, 2024

        陸治 長林新雨後圖|Lu Zhi, Mountains after Rain

        Est: $100,000 - $200,000

        Property from a Private Hong Kong Collection, Lot 2566-2580 Lu Zhi (1496-1575) Mountains after Rain ink and colour on gold paper, fan leaf signed Lu Zhi and with 1 seal of the artist
with 2 collectors' seals, one illegible 16.5 x 50 cm. 6½ x 19⅝ in. ---------------------------------------------- 香港私人收藏,拍品編號2566-2580 陸治 長林新雨後圖 設色金箋 扇面 釋文:山齊午夢渺難尋,賦罷閒情自朗吟。正是長林新雨後,不妨分綠半床陰。陸治。鈐印:「陸治」 藏印:「雝希」、一印漫漶不辨 16.5 x 50 cm. 6½ x 19⅝ in.

        Dec. 24, 2023


        Est: -

        on paper, hanging scroll; with box; 20×61cm 

        Fukuoka Yumekai Auction
      • Lu Zhi, Painting of Yunchuan | 陸治 雲川圖
        Oct. 07, 2023

        Lu Zhi, Painting of Yunchuan | 陸治 雲川圖

        Est: $10,000,000 - $15,000,000

        Lu Zhi 1496-1575 Painting of Yunchuan ink and colour on silk, handscroll (painting) signed Baoshan Lu Zhi, dated xinhai (1551) and with three seals of the artist (calligraphy) signed Peng Nian, dated the twenty-ninth year of Jiajing era (1550) and with four seals of the artist with four collector’s seals of the Qianlong Emperor, with two collector’s seals of the Jiajing Emperor, with one collector’s seal of the Xuantong Emperor and one collector’s seal of Xu Bangda Colophon by Xu Bangda (1911-2012), inscribed twice, dated yihai (1995) and xinsi (2001) separately, and with two seals of his in total calligraphy: 41.5 x 381.2 cm. 16⅛ x 150⅛ in. painting: 41.5 x 48.5 cm. 16⅜ x 19⅛ in. ---------------------------------------------- 陸治 1496-1575 雲川圖 設色絹本 手卷 雲川圖款識:嘉靖辛亥(1551)九日,包山居士陸治作。鈐印:陸氏叔平、包山子、陸生叔平  雲川記釋文: 雲川記。客有訊于余曰:「望白雲而怡悅,樂清泌而忘飢,非隱居閒曠者事乎?友人姚子世恩,少年俊敏,挾貨貲,飾冠劔,翱翔遠遊,炫燿大都,日且不遑給也。安所得清閒之燕,夷曠之暇,而以雲川自號耶?」余曰:「唯唯、否否。物之不齊,物之情也,人各有能有不能也,姚子嘗語我矣,其言曰:『世恩奉高堂之命,每有行役,浮江湖,越淮泗。洪河清濟,舟之航之,易稱利涉,實允蹈焉。爾其聯維鶯林,泊颿鷗渚,風恬浪戢,天水空明。白雲徐來,飄颻蕩潏,引領遐矚,悠然自得。於斯時也,心爲之融,體爲之舒,動與雲流,靜與川止,人也、境也,真相爲適也。乃援琴命酌,爲飛雲流波之操,鼓一再行,浩哥長嘯,恍若洞庭之瀰、具區之渺,遊魚仰聆,江妃出聽也。誠不知有跋涉之勞,塵俗之溷,役吾形而汨吾慮者矣。』姚子之言云,然則其以雲川自寓,曷足駭哉?物固不可齊,人固量不可也,世有儒外而賈內者,緣飾詩書,被服章黼,繩趨矩步,可謂賢矣。然而,勢利之嗜熬其胸,得失之危煎其腑。狐媚蠅附,巧取競襲,視仁義猶糞壤耳。天雲川水,又豈暇少寓目以寄賞哉?姚子方弱冠而抱奇志,敦行孝悌,傳以忠信,裕蠱以隆家,竭力以致養。親賢樂善,與高人勝士徜徉于山水間,不啻如飢渴飲食也。暇則攻書翰、覽載記,名帖佳繪,購而藏之。雖從事廢舉,往來都邑,而裘馬紛華之習無所慕,恂恂有廉退風,不亦賈外而儒內耶?雖謂之隱居閒曠,可也。」余方欲因其雲川之說而進之,客曰:「何如其進矣?」余曰:「子豈弗聞夫雲之生也,觸石而興,膚寸而合,不崇朝而雨天下。川之流也,混混沄沄,不舍晝夜,崎嶇萬折,必東歸海。此天地之性也,至理之形也,君子於是喻道焉。姚子之所樂,特其小者云。使其獲聞虖是,而執虛以保貞,含垢以弘量,謙而光也,柔而則也。全生以爲仁也,利物以爲義也,殆不必逃人羣而閒,棲海岳而曠。浮休清泠,雲與川常在我闥矣。隱不違親,貞不絕俗,聖門之所許也,姚子能弗自畫,其庶幾哉?」客曰:「善,退將朂諸姚子。」嘉靖二十九載(1550)夏五既望,彭年記。鈐印:彭年、隆池、彭氏孔加、飛雲閣 題跋(徐邦達): (一)彭年孔加中楷《雲川記》,陸治叔平補圖,書畫真迹,合璧一卷。乙亥(1995)閏八月,觀於京華客次,因記。東海徐邦達。鈐印:徐邦達珍賞印 (二)陸叔平山水,於文門子弟中如休承、德承,弟子中如叔寶、子朗輩,皆不能及。視此卷之勾皴勁健,設色之絢爛明朗,均高出人頭地,僅亞其師耳。況更有彭年正書記文為匹,真所謂合之雙美者也。辛巳(2001)春初再觀又記,蠖叟。鈐印:徐邦達印 鑑藏印 : (乾隆皇帝)石渠寶笈、寶笈三編、三希堂精鑑璽、宜子孫 (嘉慶皇帝)嘉慶御覽之寶、嘉慶鑒賞 (宣統皇帝)宣統御覽之寶 (徐邦達)邦達審定

      • LU ZHI (1496-1576) ATTR.
        Jun. 12, 2023

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) ATTR.

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) ATTR. China, 16th c. 26,8 x 34,2 Meeting at Full Moon in Winter. Album Leaf, ink on paper. One seal of the artist: „Lu Shuping shi”. Two collectors’ seals on the mounting: “Yiwu xin shang”, “Pinshan caotang zhenshang”. On the corresponding colophon paper a calligraphy by Cai Yu (died 1541), signed “Yu”. One seal of the artist: “Linwu shanren”. Old and important European private collection, assembled before 1930 and between 1950 and 1980 An official with a servant at his side and a scholar meet in the night at full moon in a snowy landscape with bare trees. The painting is done with dry brush strokes in very light ink and looks almost like a drawing. Lu Zhi, style name Shuping, was one of the most famous painters in Suzhou. He was a student of Wen Zhengming (1470-1559) and a typical literati painter. A descendant of a wealthy family he declined to become an official and devoted his life to painting and calligraphy. In later years he retreated to the foot of the Zhixing Mountain where he lived in poverty with hundreds of kinds of flowers. He is mostly admired for his paintings of flowers but did also landscapes in a very elegant and dry literati style as is seen in this album leaf. Cai Yu, style name Linwu shanren, lived at the Dongting Lake near Suzhou and was a noted calligrapher in regular and cursive script with an elegant yet strong brush stroke. A handscroll with calligraphy by him dated 1523 is now kept in the Palace Museum in Peking. His vigorous calligraphic style fits perfectly to the sparse literati painting of Lu Zhi

        Nagel Auction
      • IN THE STYLE OF LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        Jun. 13, 2022

        IN THE STYLE OF LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: €1,500 - €2,500

        IN THE STYLE OF LU ZHI (1496-1576) China, 17th/18th ct. 93 x 32 cm, R. Auspicius cranes and deer. Ink and colors on silk, framed under glass. Inscription by the artist, signed: "Three days after the Double Nine in the yiwei year of the Jiajing era (1535) painted and inscribed by Shuping jushi Lu Zhi in Wu". Two seals of the artist: luzhi zhi yin, baoshanzi. Property from a German private collection Minor traces of age

        Nagel Auction
      • SIGNED PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794)
        Jun. 13, 2022

        SIGNED PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794)

        Est: €4,500 - €6,500

        SIGNED PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) China, Qing dynasty 68 x 33 cm Scholar’s Study in a Mountain Cliff by a Lake. Hanging scroll, ink and light colors on paper. Inscription and Signature of the artist at the upper right: “Copy by Lu Shuping (Lu Zhi, 1496-1577) of the painting ‘Scholar’s Study Between Trees in a Mountain Cave’ by Guo Heyang. … In the second month of the xinhai year (1791) copied by Lian jushi Gongshou.” One seal of the artist: “Pan shi Shenfu”. Three collectors’ seals. On the upper left a poetic inscription by Wang Wenzhi (1730-1802), signed: “Written by Wenzhi.” Two seals: “Seal of Wang Wenzhi” (Wang Wenzhi yin), “Once crossed the wide sea” (Ceng jing cang hai). From a private collection in southern Germany, acquired in the 1980s from Wolfram von Stockhausen, Munich Pan Gongshou, style name Shenfu, was from Dantu (today Zhenjiang) in Jiangsu province. He was a well known painter of landscapes, flowers and Buddhist figures. His paintings were frequently inscribed by his friend Wang Wenzhi who was also from Dantu and a famous calligrapher Minor damage due to age, little stained

        Nagel Auction
      • ANONYMOUS (18TH CENTURY) Ducks and Hibiscus, After Lu Zhi (c.1496-1576)
        May. 10, 2022

        ANONYMOUS (18TH CENTURY) Ducks and Hibiscus, After Lu Zhi (c.1496-1576)

        Est: £600 - £800

        ANONYMOUS (18TH CENTURY) Ducks and Hibiscus, After Lu Zhi (c.1496-1576) Ink and pigment on paper, three red seals, mounted as a hanging scroll. 130cm (51 1/4in) high x 39cm (15 3/8in) wide For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

        Apr. 16, 2022


        Est: $1,200 - $1,800

        Chinese 20th Century Republic Period, Lu Zhi flowers vases painting. The panel hand painted with various three vases, flowers full bloom, fresh green foliage beside rocky rock. Calligraphy Chinese lettering inscriptions poems, followed with artist's signature and iron-red seals on the upper right side. The color is bright, smooth, natural and gorgeous with unique charm.

        Lauren Gallery
        Feb. 27, 2022


        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Ink and Color on Silk. Hanging scroll. Butterflies and Flowers. Inscribed and signed Lu Zhi with two seal marks, with one colophons and one title slip inscriptions both signed and with seal mark. Character Height: 7 2/8 in (18.4 cm) Length: 2 in (5.1 cm) Painting Height: 11 2/8 in (28.6 cm) Length: 12 in (30.5 cm)

        California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
      • Lu Zhi
        Sep. 23, 2021

        Lu Zhi

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Lu Zhi (Chinese, 1496-1576) Chinese Hwamei in the Style of Yi Yuanji ink and color on paper, hanging scroll signed and inscribed, with two artist's seals, Lu Zhi zhi yin, Baoshan, three collector's seals, 陸治 (明,1496-1576) 畫眉圖 紙本設色,立軸 款識:画眉聲裏秋風早,摧放東籬無數花。擬易慶之筆意。 鈐印:陸治之印、包山 鋻藏印:宋氏牧仲鑒藏古今書畫金石文字印章、宋氏珍藏、趙聲佰 Image height 40 x width 13 in., 102 x 33 cm. Acquired from Guangdong Province Antique Store.

        Jul. 17, 2021


        Est: $1,500 - $2,000

        Ink and Color on Silk. Hanging scroll. Butterflies and Flowers. Inscribed and signed Lu Zhi with two seal marks, with one colophons and one title slip inscriptions both signed and with seal mark.

        California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
        Apr. 17, 2021


        Est: $1,500 - $2,000

        Chinese 20th Century Republic Period, Lu Zhi flowers vases painting. The panel hand painted with various three vases, flowers full bloom, fresh green foliage beside rocky rock. Calligraphy Chinese lettering inscriptions poems, followed with artist's signature and iron-red seals on the upper right side. The color is bright, smooth, natural and gorgeous with unique charm.

        Lauren Gallery
      • LU ZHI (attributed, 1496-1576).
        Feb. 16, 2021

        LU ZHI (attributed, 1496-1576).

        Est: £1,500 - £2,000

        LU ZHI (attributed to, 1496 – 1576). Landscape. Chinese ink and colour on silk, 90.5 x 34.5cm painting, with colophons attributed to Feng Ning Zhu Xiong (1801 – 1864), Aixinjueluo Yizhen (1840 – 1891), Wu Yun (1811 – 1883), Jin Kun (1662 – 1722), , 120 x 35cm. 陸治(傳) 山水圖 設色絹本 立軸 款識:嘉靖乙丑年仲秋,包山陸治寫。 鈐印:「臣治」 題跋:(馮寧)嘉靖乙丑年仲秋,包山陸治寫。鈐印:「馮寧之印」 (朱熊)算回千峰還,筆下幾生輝。肚收難入景,唯有小影記。鈐印:「朱熊之印」 (爱新觉罗·奕譞)仙家妙筆。鈐印:「繪翰連珠醇親王書」 (吳雲)前峰突兀后峰攒,万木彫残景色阑。仙馆无人磐杳瑤。鈐印:「吳雲敬觀」「松叟」 (金昆)。矗雲古樹鬱蒼蒼,隨碧煙光無限青。數峰橫翠黛一逕入層,倚波風月好,瞻對使人憐。鈐印:「金昆」

        Chiswick Auctions
      • Bearing Signature of Lu Zhi (1496-1576), Mountain landscape with prunus tree and figure, ink and color on dark beige silk ground, be...
        Nov. 15, 2020

        Bearing Signature of Lu Zhi (1496-1576), Mountain landscape with prunus tree and figure, ink and color on dark beige silk ground, be...

        Est: $400 - $600

        Bearing Signature of Lu Zhi (1496-1576), Mountain landscape with prunus tree and figure, ink and color on dark beige silk ground, bearing a colophon signature Bao Shan Zi and seal, image size 59.5"h x 17"w, overall 90"h x 19.5"w

        Clars Auctions
      • LU ZHI (1496-1576) - Pavilion on a Cliff
        Nov. 25, 2019

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) - Pavilion on a Cliff

        Est: $300,000 - $600,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Pavilion on a Cliff Folding fan, ink and colour on gold paper 16 x 46 cm. (6 ¼ x 22 in.)

      • Attributed to Lu Zhi (1496-1576) and He Ruiguang Landscape Bird and Flower
        Sep. 09, 2019

        Attributed to Lu Zhi (1496-1576) and He Ruiguang Landscape Bird and Flower

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Attributed to Lu Zhi (1496-1576) and He Ruiguang Landscape Bird and Flower Two fan paintings, the landscape framed and glazed, ink and color on gold-flecked paper, inscribed and signed Baoshan Lu Zhi, dated yichou (1565), with one artist's seal Baoshanzi; the second of a bird perching on the tree, mounted, ink and color on gold-flecked paper, with a dedication, inscribed and signed He Ruiguang, dated xinwei, with one seal illegible. 7 1/8 x 22in (18 x 55.7cm); 7 x 19 5/8in (17.7 x 49.9cm) (2). (傳) 陸治 青山泛舟 設色金箋 扇面鏡框 何瑞光 鳥語花香 設色金箋 扇面

      • After Lu Zhi (1496-1576) (19th or 20th century) Four Figural Scenes
        May. 13, 2019

        After Lu Zhi (1496-1576) (19th or 20th century) Four Figural Scenes

        Est: £800 - £1,200

        After Lu Zhi (1496-1576) (19th or 20th century) Four Figural ScenesInk and pigment on silk, comprising four separate scenes, with two colophons on paper bearing signatures of Xu Wei, inscriptions and red seals, all mounted as a hand scroll.Each scene: 81.5cm (32in) x 26cm (10 1/4in)

      • Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Butterfliers 明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 留得滕王蛱蝶图
        Mar. 18, 2019

        Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Butterfliers 明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 留得滕王蛱蝶图

        Est: $20,000 - $30,000

        明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 留得滕王蛱蝶图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 拟宋人笔意 包山子陆治画 钤印:(陆氏叔平) 鉴藏印: 清宫藏印十一方 安岐 (安)(仪周鉴赏) 吴荣光(荷屋鉴赏) 卞永誉(卞令之鉴定) 缪荃孙(缪荃孙藏) 载铨 (曾存定府行有恆堂) 方濬颐(曾存方梦园家) 伍元蕙(南海伍元蕙宝玩) 王养度(曾藏荆门王氏处) Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Butterfliers Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed with one artist seal Eleven Emperors’ seals Nine collectors’ seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • Lu Zhi (Luk Pao San) Sparrow on Plum Blossoms
        Jan. 20, 2019

        Lu Zhi (Luk Pao San) Sparrow on Plum Blossoms

        Est: ₱3,000,000 - ₱3,900,000

        Lu Zhi (Luk Pao San)Sparrow on Plum Blossoms ink and color on paper in scroll 36” x 15 1/2” (91 cm x 40 cm) signed Lu Zhi dated 1571

        Leon Gallery
      • Lu Zhi 陆治 (1496-1576) - Two partridges on the mountain
        Nov. 05, 2018

        Lu Zhi 陆治 (1496-1576) - Two partridges on the mountain

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        Painting on silk depicting two partridges pecking in the tall grass on a mountainside. Seal: 陆氏叔平 Lù shì shū píng

      • Lu Zhi, Chinese Painting明代-陸治(自號包山) 嘉靖年畫群仙賀壽(肅親王藏)
        Aug. 25, 2018

        Lu Zhi, Chinese Painting明代-陸治(自號包山) 嘉靖年畫群仙賀壽(肅親王藏)

        Est: -

        Ming Dynasty, 89.5*40.5 cm

        Dasing Auction
      • Chinese Fan Paintings, Manner of Wenjia and Lu Zhi, Landscape
        Jun. 16, 2018

        Chinese Fan Paintings, Manner of Wenjia and Lu Zhi, Landscape

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Chinese fan paintings, Landscape, ink on gilt paper, the first, manner of Wenjia (Chinese, 1501-1583), of pine trees and rocks; the second, manner of Lu Zhi (1496-1576); each with signature, artist''s seal and collector''s seals, painting: 9''''h x 19.5''''w, overall(frame): 28.5''''h x 24.25''''w

        Clars Auctions
      • WITH SIGNATURE OF LU ZHI FLOWERS AND INSECTS Hanging scroll, ink and colour on s
        May. 15, 2018

        WITH SIGNATURE OF LU ZHI FLOWERS AND INSECTS Hanging scroll, ink and colour on s

        Est: £5,000 - £8,000

        WITH SIGNATURE OF LU ZHI FLOWERS AND INSECTS Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk Inscribed and spuriously signed Lu Zhi (1496- 1576), with one seal of the artist 19th century 40 1/4 x 18 7/8 in. (102 x 48 cm.)

      • Attributed to Lu Zhi(1496-1576)
        Jan. 06, 2018

        Attributed to Lu Zhi(1496-1576)

        Est: $1,000 - $1,600

        Lu Zhi(1496-1576).Ink and color on silk,framed. signed by Lu Zhi with one seals.

        Getty's Auction & Gallery
      • Attributed To Lu Zhi (1496-1576) Ink And Color On Paper
        Dec. 17, 2017

        Attributed To Lu Zhi (1496-1576) Ink And Color On Paper

        Est: $100 - $300

        Attributed To Lu Zhi (1496-1576) Ink And Color On Paper,Hanging Scroll, Signed And Seals 132 X 66.5 cm 傳-陸治(1496-1576)松鷹圖 約5.7平尺 軸心:設色紙本 款識:包山子陸治製鈐印:陸治之印 Provenance 來源:舊金山華人藏家多年前的藏品 $100

        Golden State Auction Gallery
      • Attributed to Lu Zhi(1496-1576)
        Nov. 19, 2017

        Attributed to Lu Zhi(1496-1576)

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Lu Zhi(1496-1576).Ink and color on silk,framed. signed by Lu Zhi with one seals.Size:Long 14 in,wide 14 in, Provenance:From Bonhams auction San Francisco.

        Getty's Auction & Gallery
      • LU ZHI (1496-1576) Landscape Ink and colour on paper, fan leaf, framed
        May. 26, 2017

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Landscape Ink and colour on paper, fan leaf, framed

        Est: HKD60,000 - HKD80,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Landscape Ink and colour on paper, fan leaf, framed Inscribed and signed Lu Zhi, with one seal of the artist and one seal of the collector 16.5cm x 52cm (6½in x 20½in).

      • LU ZHI 1496-1576 | Mountains after Rain
        Apr. 03, 2017

        LU ZHI 1496-1576 | Mountains after Rain

        Est: $420,000 - $520,000

        signed Lu Zhi, with one seal of the artist with one collector's seal and one illegible seal 

      • 明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 留得滕王蛱蝶图 Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Butterfliers
        Sep. 17, 2016

        明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 留得滕王蛱蝶图 Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Butterfliers

        Est: $40,000 - $50,000

        明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 留得滕王蛱蝶图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:拟宋人笔意 包山子陆治画 钤印:(陆氏叔平) 鉴藏印: 清宫藏印十一方 安岐 (安)(仪周鉴赏) 吴荣光(荷屋鉴赏) 卞永誉(卞令之鉴定) 缪荃孙(缪荃孙藏) 载铨 (曾存定府行有恆堂) 方濬颐(曾存方梦园家) 伍元蕙(南海伍元蕙宝玩) 王养度(曾藏荆门王氏处) Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Butterfliers Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed with one artist seal Eleven Emperors’ seals Nine collectors’ seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • LU ZHI 1496-1575 | LANDSCAPE
        Sep. 15, 2016

        LU ZHI 1496-1575 | LANDSCAPE

        Est: $15,000 - $25,000

        signed Baoshanzi Lu Zhi, dated dingwei of the Jiajing reign (1547), with two seals of the artist, lu sheng shu ping, bao shan zi Inscribed on poetry hall by Ma Jian (1883-1959), signed Ma Jian, dated renchen (1952), the eighth lunar month, with three seals, ji ming, ma jian, gui wei sheng; with two collectors' seals of Hua Xia (16th Century), zi zi sun sun yong bao, hua shi bu an, and two collector's seals of Wu Ting (17th Century), wu ting zhi yin, yong qing shi

      • After LU Zhi (1496-1576), Painting with Birds and Lychee, Qing
        Aug. 02, 2016

        After LU Zhi (1496-1576), Painting with Birds and Lychee, Qing

        Est: €2,000 - €2,600

        Ink and colors on silk and paper Mounted as vertical scroll painting in a silk brocade frame China, Qing dynasty (1644-1911) Painting: attributed to Lu Zhi (1496-1576) 陆治 - Chinese landscape painter, calligrapher and poet Front page: attributed to Wen Jia (1501-1583) 文嘉 - Chinese painter, calligrapher, poet and the second son of the famous painter Wen Zhengming Depicted is a lychee tree branches with sumptuous fruits In between various chinese Huamei and white dog roses Front page: Meishou Lizhen 眉寿利贞 Long life, harmony and sincerity Signed: Maoyuan Wen Jia 茂苑文嘉 Seal: Wenshui Daoren 文水道人, Wen Xiucheng 文休承 Painting: Signed at the left edge: 庚午仲春包山陆治 Baoshan Lu Zhi in the spring of Gengwu Artists label Baoshanzi 包山子, Dongting Lu Zhi 洞庭陆治 Colophons: Signed by Sun Kehong (1532/33 - 1611) 孙克弘, calligrapher, painter and collector of the Ming dynasty Collectors seal: Xueju 雪居 Signed by Wen Peng (1498 - 1573) 文 彭, calligrapher, painter and seal artist of the Ming dynasty Collectors seal: Sanqiao jushi 三桥居士 Inscribed on the outside of the scroll painting Dimensions of the front page: c. 26,5 x 69 cm Image dimensions: c. 27 x 210.5 cm Good condition Provenance: Collection of Dr. Viktor Brodnig, President of the Austrian-Chinese Society The huawei are here with the character ‘mei’ (eyebrows) a symbol for long life. The lychees are, because of the character ‘li’ in the name of a sign of harmony and sincerity. The symbolism in the painting was highlighted by the title page Meishou Lizhen. Lu Zhi (1496-1576) was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, and was a landscape painter, calligrapher and poet during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). He was best known for his atmospheric landscapes, bird and flower images. The work shows a naturalistic and detailed representation with flowers, fruits and birds. The strong colors blend harmoniously in the work and they are characterized by the gradations. The plumage of the birds is distinctly fine elaborated, whereby the artist reveals his sensitive sense of colors and shapes. Condition: The work is in good condition with only slight signs of age and wear. Little stains and small crease marks. The image dimensions are 27 x 210.5 cm. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Attribute To Lu Zhi (1496-1576)
        Mar. 23, 2015

        Attribute To Lu Zhi (1496-1576)

        Est: $1,500 - $6,000

        Attribute To Lu Zhi (1496-1576) Ink And Color On Paper, Hanging Scroll. Signed And Seals. 137 x 43 cm. (54 x 17 in.) 傳 陸冶(1496-1576) 約5.3 平方尺 軸心:設色紙本 款識:包山子陸治 鈐印:包山子,陸治 Provenance 來源:廣東新㑹陳玉泉先生(1870-1963)舊藏

        Golden State Auction Gallery
      • Attributed to Lu Zhi (1496-1575) Chinese Art from the Scholar's Studio
        Mar. 16, 2015

        Attributed to Lu Zhi (1496-1575) Chinese Art from the Scholar's Studio

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Landscape Hanging scroll, ink and light color on paper, inscribed and dated Longqing gengwu (1570), bearing a signature reading Baoshan Lu Zhi with two seals reading Lu Shuping shi and Baoshan zi and three collector's seals, one partial, one reading Wang Shijing yinzi wei jun dou. 36 5/8 x 11 1/2in (93 x 29.2cm)

      • LU ZHI (1496-1575) Poem in Running Script
        Nov. 23, 2014

        LU ZHI (1496-1575) Poem in Running Script

        Est: HKD120,000 - HKD320,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1575) Poem in Running Script

      • 明 陸治(1496 - 1576)流水山居掩柴門 Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Mountain Humble Abode
        Jun. 08, 2014

        明 陸治(1496 - 1576)流水山居掩柴門 Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Mountain Humble Abode

        Est: $40,000 - $50,000

        明 陸治 (1496 - 1576) 流水山居掩柴門 設色水墨紙本立軸 1564 年作 款識: 山居惟愛靜, 白石掩柴門; 寡合人多忌, 無求道(自)尊。 鷃鵬俱有意, 蘭艾不同根; 安得蒙莊叟, 相逢與細論。 甲子五月既望 包山陸治畫並題 鈐印:(陸氏叔平) 鑑藏印: 汪士元:(向叔審定真跡) 吳榮光:(荷屋鑒賞) 于騰: (飛卿過眼) 沈樹鏞:(韻初審定) 王養度:(曾藏荊門王氏處) 邵松年:(海虞邵氏珍藏金石書畫之印) Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Mountain Humble Abode Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1564 Inscribed and signed Lu Zhi, with one artist seal Six collectors’ seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • 明 陸治(1496 - 1576)幽鳥早春圖 Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Morning Ducks
        Jun. 08, 2014

        明 陸治(1496 - 1576)幽鳥早春圖 Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Morning Ducks

        Est: $50,000 - $60,000

        明 陸治 (1496 - 1576) 幽鳥早春圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識: 孤煙雙鳥下, 幽趣迫疏林; 晴氣欲又喧, 幽鳥鳴春早。 包山子陸治 鈐印: (包山子) (陸治之印 Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Morning Ducks Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signedLu Zhi, with two artist seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • Lu Zhi (1496-1576) and Qing for flowers
        Jun. 02, 2014

        Lu Zhi (1496-1576) and Qing for flowers

        Est: ¥100,000 - ¥150,000

        Age: Boxer (1540) for Inscription: Jia Jinggeng child Kasuga write. Bun land governance. Tiba: Nianba and the first six decades Autumn Houguan He then painted park concept in the name. Seals: He then printed explanatory: Lu Zhi, word Shuping, because by Bun, since the number Bun Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Well as poetry and prose speech, good deeds, Kai, especially heart through painting. Evaluation on tour, Wen Zhengming door, which in Dan's school, works out of his chest odd, sometimes better known, and a few text Houle. Meticulous painting was Xu Huang left Italy. Dianran bird Takeishi, often made in heaven.

        Beijing International Auction Co., Ltd. From afar
      • Lu Zhi (1496-1576) Landscape
        May. 12, 2014

        Lu Zhi (1496-1576) Landscape

        Est: ¥60,000 - ¥80,000

        Inscribed: Jia Jing Xin Mao twelfth lunar month of June, Bun land governance. Seals: Miss conquer India (white), Bun (Zhu) Lu Zhi, word Shuping, Jiangsu Wuxian (now Suzhou), because living in the Taihu Lake bun, No. Bun son, after hiding in the mountains branch whetstone. He is a martial art everyone Wu Wen Zhengming important protégé, poetry, literature, books, paintings have considerable attainments.

        Auction Co., Ltd. Fujian China
      • Lu Zhi (1496-1576) attributed, 'Birds on Cherry Tree Branch'
        Jun. 14, 2013

        Lu Zhi (1496-1576) attributed, 'Birds on Cherry Tree Branch'

        Est: €2,400 - €3,000

        Silk painting, mounted on paper; wooden handles China, probably Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) - painted in the year Xin You, 1561 Attributed to Lu Zhi (1496-1576) - Chinese landscape artist, calligrapher and poet Measurements total: 48 x 153 cm Measurements of the painting: 40 x 107.5 cm This scroll painting probably dates to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and was made by the artist Lu Zhi according to its seal and signature. Lu Zhi is particularly known for the finesse of his landscape paintings. He is also renowned for the delicacy of his depictions of birds and flowers; for their exquisite playfulness and high artistic quality. This particular scroll painting too, is of the highest quality. Several sparrows sit in a flowering cherry tree, which is captured in great detail. The beholder can almost hear the birds sing. The poem written along the upper margin has an allegorical note to it; it is analogous to 'after rain, there comes sun'. The scroll painting shows evident signs of age and wear. It has tears, material loss and a few points of breakage. The colours, on the other hand, have kept well. Some parts have been stabilized with tape unprofessionally. The painting should be professionally restored. It measures 48 x 153 cm in total with the mount and the painting alone measures 40 x107.5 cm. Lu Zhi (1496-1567) Lu Zhi was born in the Ming Dynasty and painted mostly landscapes. He is especially well known for his fine depictions of birds and flowers. Stylistically he follows Zhu Yunming and Wen Zhenming.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
        Feb. 01, 2013


        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        Qing Dynasty (18th/19th century) copy of Ming dynasty artist Lu Zhiís ìYuan ye yan ji tu juanî (Handscroll of Banquet on the Night of the Lantern Festival). Ink and color on paper, finely depicting the gathering of Lu Zhi, Wang Shou, Peng Nian, Wang Guxiang, Wen Peng, amongst others, at Wen Zhengmingís residence on the night of the Lantern Festival. Inscribed with a seven-character quatrain poem, ìAbove the sky the blue clouds belong to no one; The lamp lights in every house competing with the brilliance of shining stars Mount Jiuhua; Tonight at this literary gathering, in memory of our poet; I take the brush and gracefully paint this picture.î ìThe horses tread heavily on the silver flowers and raise abundant red dust; In the pavilion on the high cliff, fragrant wine in the green pottery is served; In the presence of brilliant starts, a lovely arbor appears; At the depth of night, being intoxicated, I returned to the city.î Also inscribed, ìOn the 15th day (lantern festival), in company with Hanfeng (Wang Shou) and others who assembled at banquet in the house of Hengweng (Wen Zhengming), the Literary Chancellor. Each wrote poems for remembrance on this occasion, and I, at the last moment, could not refuse to do the same and keep in harmony with their original rhyme, I completed two stanzas. And Yuanzhou (Lu Shidao), well-known scholar asked me to paint this picture and on it the poem is inscribed. For my humble scholarship, I wish to apologize to him. This was done during the cyclical year of dingwei (1547) of the reign of Jiajing Emperor (1522-1566). Signed ìLu Zhi.î With eight spurious collectorís seals of Xiang Yuanbian: ìZui Li,î ìXiang mo lin fu mi ji zhi yin,î ìZi sun yong bao,î ìShen you xin shang,î ìZi jing suo cang,î ìXiang Yuanbian yin,î and two half seals ìXu lang,î and ìQi.î **Note: The original work of ìYuan ye yan ji tu juanî by Lu Zhi (1495-1576) is currently in the collection of Shanghai Museum. The original bears the artistís seals ìShu,î ìPing,î and ìBao shan zi,î with colophons by Wen Zhengming, Wang Shou, Peng Nian, Wang Guxiang, Wen Peng, and collectorís seals of Sun Chengze, Liu Shu, and colophons by Wu Hufan. SIZE: 10-3/4" x 44-3/4". PROVENANCE: Purchased from Frank Caro C. T. Loo Chinese Art in March 1956, with copy of original purchase paperwork. CONDITION: Tear to the silk mounting; surface abrasion, minor loss, and smoke stain to the painting. Remounted by Frank Caro. 7-73148

        James D. Julia
      • LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        Nov. 28, 2011

        LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: $70,000 - $90,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Poems in Small Standard Script Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink on paper 16.8 x 50.5 cm. (6 5/8 x 19 7/8 in.) Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist One collector's seal of Gong Ben'ang (1821-1874)

      • LU ZHI 1496-1575
        Sep. 13, 2011

        LU ZHI 1496-1575

        Est: $40,000 - $60,000

        A WOODCUTTER RETURNING HOME ON A SNOWY PATHWAY signed Lu Zhi, dated xinmao (1531), inscribed 'On the sixth day of the twelfth month of the year xinmao (January 12, 1532), Jiajing reign, [I] depicted the painting A Woodcutter Returning Home on a Snowy Pathway, Lu Zhi.', and with one artist's seal, bao shan zi ink and colors on gold paper, fan painting 18.2 by 54.3 cm. 7 1/8 by 21 3/8 in.

      • ATTRIBUTED TO LU ZHI 1496-1575
        Sep. 13, 2011

        ATTRIBUTED TO LU ZHI 1496-1575

        Est: $20,000 - $30,000

        CAMELLIA AND JADE BIRD signed Lu Zhi, dated yiwei (1535), and with an artist's seal, wang chong si yin, and a collector's seal, gong zi xing yu fu gong xin shang ink and colors on gold paper, fan painting 16.5 by 45.5 cm. 6 1/2 by 17 7/8 in.

      • LU ZHI 1496-1575
        Sep. 13, 2011

        LU ZHI 1496-1575

        Est: $25,000 - $35,000

        HIBISCUS AND WILLOW signed baoshan Lu Zhi, with an artist's seal, shu ping, and one collector's seal, ling tai jian ding zhen ji ink and color on gold paper, fan painting 15.5 by 46.9 cm. 6 1/8 by 18 1/2 in.

      • Chinese Paintings
        Jun. 21, 2011

        Chinese Paintings

        Est: $3,000 - $5,000

        Landscape 19th Century Handscroll, ink and color on paper, now mounted, framed and glazed; bearing a signature reading Bao Shan Lu Zhi with five seals, followed by a colophon bearing a signature reading mao yuan Wen Jia with four seals. 55 x 9 1/2in (139.5 x 24cm)

      Lots Per Page: