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Cheng Zhu Sold at Auction Prices


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      • ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Lotus and Mandarin Ducks
        Nov. 29, 2024

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Lotus and Mandarin Ducks

        Est: $20,000 - $30,000

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Lotus and Mandarin Ducks Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Menglu, with one artist's seal 230 x 58cm (90½ x 22⅞in)

        May. 17, 2024


        Est: £800 - £1,000

        TWO CIRCULAR INK PAINTINGS ATTRIBUTED TO ZHOU JUN (19TH CENTURY) AND ZHU CHENG (1826 -1900) 周峻款 《瀟湘煙雨》 及 朱偁款 荷塘鳥圖 水墨及設色絹本 立軸雙挖題識: 瀟湘煙雨 / 倣張靜之消寒?圖 / 丙戌八月逸屏五兄大人雅屬 / 重峯周峻鈐印: 周峻、沿湖石畔書齋題識: 星槎八兄大人壬屬 / 壬申秋八月夢盧廬朱偁正鈐印: 偁印the upper ink on silk, inscribed, signed and two seals of the artist, dated to the cyclical year of Bing Xu; the lower ink and colour on silk, inscribed, signed and sealed of the artist, dated to the year of Ren Shen, corresponding to 1872AD, mounted on one scroll  25cm diameter each 

        Lyon & Turnbull
      • Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Parrot and Chrysanthemum
        Apr. 17, 2024

        Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Parrot and Chrysanthemum

        Est: $800 - $1,200

        Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Parrot and Chrysanthemum Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Zhu Cheng, with one seal of the artist 110.0 x 54.0cm

      • ZHU CHENG (1826-1900), FLOWER AND BIRD
        Dec. 24, 2023

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900), FLOWER AND BIRD

        Est: -

        on paper, hanging scroll; 184×46cm; Partially damaged

        Fukuoka Yumekai Auction
        Sep. 29, 2022


        Est: €5,000 - €10,000

        ‘A SPRING OFFERING WITH AN ANCIENT GUI AND A STONE RUBBING OF A MYTHICAL BEAST’, BY WU CHANGSHUO (1844-1927) AND ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) China. Ink and watercolors on paper, mounted as a hanging scroll. Superbly painted with a vibrantly colored flower growing from a leafy stem inside an ancient gui bronze vessel above a stone rubbing depicting a legendary bovine animal surrounded by astrological symbols, below a lengthy inscription. Inscriptions: Center right, ‘Qingshan Qiaosu Cheng’, and one seal, ‘Zhu Cheng Zhi Yin’. Upper left, a text about the rubbing and the legendary animal it depicts, signed ‘Changshuo Wu Junqin’, and two seals, ‘Wu Jun Zhi Yin’ and ‘Cang Shi’. Provenance: From a noted private collector. Condition: Excellent condition with only minor wear and minimal soiling to mounting. Dimensions: Image size 99.7 x 32.5 cm, Size incl. mounting 181 x 47 cm Wu Changshuo (1844-1927) was a prominent Chinese painter, calligrapher, and seal artist of the late Qing Period. Initially, he devoted himself to poetry and calligraphy with a strong interest in early scripts. He also led the Xiling Seal Art Society, an academic organization for Hangzhou-based seal artists. Only later did he consider himself a painter associated with the ‘Shanghai School’. As a painter, he was noted for helping to rejuvenate the art of painting flowers and birds. Expert’s note: The calligraphy, the gui and the stone rubbing are by Wu Changshuo, whereas the flower is by Zhu Cheng. Artprice, the world-leading art database, has recorded a total of eight other noted artists from the period with whom Zhu Cheng (aka Zhu Menglu) had similar collaborations during his accomplished career. Auction result comparison: Type: Closely related Auction: Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 November 2012, lot 1259 Price: HKD 500,000 or approx. EUR 79,000 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing Description: Wu Changshuo (1844-1927), Bamboo and Bronze Expert remark: Compare the closely related motif. Note the smaller size (68.5 x 33.8 cm) 吳昌碩與朱偁款《土缶富貴花圖》 中國,紙本設色,掛軸。牡丹綻放盛開,花朵艷麗,在枝壯葉茂的映襯下顯得風姿綽約。牡丹栽种在一土缶里,下方为缶之拓片。 款識:左上:土缶雖無字,是漢是晉莫能必,然出土與黃龍磚同穴,其古可知。先師藐公嘗顔予齋曰缶廬。予亦珍若璆琳,不肯輕示人,而富貴人皆不以缶為室寳。翔兄命工拓出,補以富貴花,深恐遽有豪攫者,茲特其先兆耳。昌碩吳俊卿。鈴印:吳俊之印;蒼石 右上:青山樵叟偁;鈴印:朱偁之印 來源:知名私人收藏。 品相:品相良好,只有輕微的磨損和裝幀處小污漬。 尺寸:畫面99.7 x 32.5 厘米, 總181 x 47 厘米 專家注釋:書法、缶、拓片以及牡丹花為朱偁合作完成,兩位同爲晚清海派花鳥畫大師。 拍賣結果比較: 形制:非常相近 拍賣:香港佳士得,2012年11月27日,lot 1259 價格:HKD 500,000(相當於今日 EUR 79,000) 描述: 吳昌碩 (1844-1927)《竹與青銅器》 專家評論:比較非常相近的主題。請注意尺寸較小 (68.5 x 33.8 厘米)。

        Galerie Zacke
      • ZHU MENGLU (1826-1900) Flowers and Birds in Four Seasons A set of four han
        Sep. 01, 2022

        ZHU MENGLU (1826-1900) Flowers and Birds in Four Seasons A set of four han

        Est: $10,000 - $20,000

        ZHU MENGLU (1826-1900) Flowers and Birds in Four Seasons A set of four hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper Each scroll measures 181 x 41.5 cm. (71 1/4 x 16 3/8 in.) (4)

      • ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) / SHA FU (1831-1906) Flowers and Birds Three fan lea
        Mar. 02, 2022

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) / SHA FU (1831-1906) Flowers and Birds Three fan lea

        Est: $8,000 - $15,000

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) / SHA FU (1831-1906) Flowers and Birds Three fan leaves, mounted for framing, ink and colour on gold-flecked paper Each leaf approximately measures 18 x 52 cm. (7 1/8 x 20 1/2 in.) (3)

      • ZHU CHENG (1826 - 1899)
        Dec. 08, 2021

        ZHU CHENG (1826 - 1899)

        Est: €300 - €500

        ZHU CHENG (1826 - 1899) China, dated 1893 B. 48,5 cm Fan painting depicting a bird on flowering branches. Ink and colors on silk, mounted. Sign. fangcun sanxiong daren yashu guisi chuxia menglu zhu cheng xie (painted by Zhu Cheng with surname Menglu at the beginning of summer in the guisi year [1893] for the third elder brother Fangcun) with seal cheng yin. Old European private collection, collected before 2007 - Zhu Cheng (1826-1899) surnamed englu alias juewei from Jiaxiang, was a well-known painter of the Shanghai school Minor wear, little foxing

        Nagel Auction
      • ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Sailing on a River / Flowers and Birds Four fan leave
        Dec. 01, 2021

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Sailing on a River / Flowers and Birds Four fan leave

        Est: $8,000 - $15,000

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Sailing on a River / Flowers and Birds Four fan leaves, mounted for framing, ink on paper / ink and colour on gold paper / ink and colour on paper

      • Zhu Cheng
        Sep. 23, 2021

        Zhu Cheng

        Est: $4,000 - $6,000

        Zhu Cheng (Chinese, 1926-1900) Four Loose Leaves Depicting Flowers (1) ink and color on gilt paper, folding fan leaf signed and dated year xinwei (1871), with one artist seal, Menglu xie sheng, two collectors' seals, Xiyu lou cang, Chen Yisheng. (2) ink and color on gilt paper, folding fan leaf signed and inscribed, with a dedication, one artist seal, Menglu, two collectors' seals, Xiyu lou cang, Chen Yisheng. (3) ink and color on paper, loose leaf signed with a dedication, dated year gengchen (1880), with one artist seal, Cheng yin, and one collector's seal, Chen Yisheng. (4) ink and color on silk, loose leaf signed with a dedication, dated year gengchen (1880), with one artist seal, Menglu. 朱偁 (清晚期,1826-1900) (1)桃花麻雀 金箋設色,鏡片 款識:辛未(1871)重九日夢廬朱偁寫。 鈐印:夢廬寫生、喜雨樓藏、陳毅生、 (2)桃花麻雀 金箋設色,鏡片 款識:月乍上,夢正幽,▯▯一片繞羅羅,浮看化小鳥,多情福穩睡,都無▯夜憂。調寄桂殿秋寫▯。迪生二兄大方家之教。玉溪釣史朱偁作於中江客次。 鈐印:夢廬、喜雨樓藏、陳毅生 (3)花蝶圖 紙本設色,鏡片 款識:心源一兄大人雅屬,庚辰(1880)首夏夢廬朱偁。 鈐印:偁印、陳毅生藏 (4)牡丹圖 絹本設色,鏡片 款識:少梅仁兄大人法正,庚辰(1880)秋八月夢廬朱偁寫于滬上。 鈐印:夢廬 Smaller square painting: 11 x 11 in., 27.9 x 27.9 cm. Property from the Collection of Leung Kum Wah, Ontario, Canada Ex. Collection of Afonso Chen, Canada Mr. LEUNG KIM WAH, an investment banker and avid collector, integrates his passion for art with his cultural activities. He has resided in Canada for four decades where he has held senior positions with major Canadian banks, and currently sits on the board of governors of the Chinese Culture Centre of Greater Toronto, as well as boards of Crown corporations of Canada. Mr. Leung regularly makes charitable contributions to universities, hospitals and Chinese communities.Mr. Leung has developed close relationships with other collectors, having acquired fan paintings and many scroll paintings from the collection of the late Afonso Chen(陳毅生), a prominent attorney in Macau. Several paintings from this collection have been exhibited at the Royal Ontario Museum and illustrated in the accompanying catalogue More Than Keeping Cool: Chinese Fans and Fan Painting . Other pieces in Mr. Leung’s collection were purchased through the Chen family, well-known Southeast Asian collectors of paintings and calligraphy from the Lingnan and other schools, who also resided in Canada.Mr. Leung’s commitment to the preservation of cultural heritage and legacy is evident in his collecting across categories; since the 1990s, Mr. Leong has developed a significant collection of Chinese painting and other arts. 梁錦華先生是著名的華裔投資銀行家,歷任加拿大主要銀行證券部執行董事及國營企業公司董事。在旅居加拿大的四十年中,先後被政府委以重要經貿公職。梁先生亦長期擔任大多倫多中華文化中心監事會委員,致力於推動本地文教及公益事業。 梁先生是一名資深收藏家。90年代起他受澳門大律師陳毅生先生影響接觸到中國書畫,從此開始系統性收藏。本次上拍的一部分扇面小品及捲軸即陳毅生律師之舊藏,其中不少曾借展于皇家安大略省博物館2001-2002年間舉辦的《中國扇》 (More Than Keeping Cool: Chinese Fans and Fan Painting) 大展,並著錄于該展圖錄。梁先生的另一批書畫來自東南亞名門陳氏家族,該家族以收藏嶺南派著稱,現旅居加拿大及東南亞兩地。

      • Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Peony, Magnolia and Bird, 1869
        Sep. 20, 2021

        Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Peony, Magnolia and Bird, 1869

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Peony, Magnolia and Bird, 1869 Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist and dated jisi and signed Menglu Zhu Cheng with two artist's seals Menglu huishu tu zhang and yipin and two collector's seals. 53 7/8 x 23 1/8in (136.9 x 58.8cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

        Mar. 14, 2021


        Est: $300 - $500

        A Chinese ink painting on paper by Zhu Cheng of a bird on bamboo with flowers. It has an inscription, three seals, and is mounted on a silk backing with dowels. Dimensions are: 36 1/2 inches tall X 16 inches wide, 92.7 cm X 40.6 cm. All measurements are approximate. High resolution images can be found here

        Oakridge Auction Gallery
      • Zhu Cheng (1826-1900), Garden Rock with Lily and Flying Bird, dated 1881. Fan painting, framed under glass, 18,5 x 50 cm
        Dec. 09, 2020

        Zhu Cheng (1826-1900), Garden Rock with Lily and Flying Bird, dated 1881. Fan painting, framed under glass, 18,5 x 50 cm

        Est: €500 - €800

        Provenance: Former old European private collection, assembled prior 1990 - Private property Frankfurt - Minor wear and very minor traces of age

        Nagel Auction
      • 清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900) 桃花燕來图 Qing Dynasty Zhu Cheng Swallow and Plum Blossoms
        Aug. 29, 2020

        清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900) 桃花燕來图 Qing Dynasty Zhu Cheng Swallow and Plum Blossoms

        Est: $4,000 - $6,000

        清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900) 桃花燕來图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:普广朱偁写 钤印:(朱偁)(梦庐) 题跋: 日暖风柔逞艳姿, 溪上桃花春可怜; 赤栏桥畔忆游仙。 岁次戍子年易人 (易人)(长弓) Qing Dynasty Zhu Cheng Swallow and Plum Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Zhu Cheng, with two artist seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • Zhu Menglu (1826-1900)
        Nov. 11, 2019

        Zhu Menglu (1826-1900)

        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        Zhu Menglu (1826-1900), Light-vented bulbul, ink and colour on paper, framed, signed Meng Lu and with two seals of the artist, picture size 94cm x 20cm朱梦庐(1826-1900) 《仿南田先生画法》

        Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
      • Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Plum Blossoms, Bamboo, and Magpies, 1894
        Dec. 18, 2018

        Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Plum Blossoms, Bamboo, and Magpies, 1894

        Est: $1,200 - $1,800

        Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Plum Blossoms, Bamboo, and Magpies, 1894Ink and color on paper, mounted, framed and glazed, dedicated to Haifeng, dated jiawu qiu jiu yue (1894 autumn, ninth month) and signed Juewei Zhu Cheng at age sixty-nine with two artist's seals reading Zhu Cheng suo zuo and Menglu you hao Juewei. 14 1/4 x 20 3/8in (36.2 x 51.8cm)

      • ECOLE CHINOISE, Attribuée à ZHU CHENG 诸昇
        Dec. 14, 2018

        ECOLE CHINOISE, Attribuée à ZHU CHENG 诸昇

        Est: €800 - €1,500

        ECOLE CHINOISE, Attribuée à ZHU CHENG 诸昇 Bambous Encre et lavis d’encre sur soie Montée en kakemono (orientation portrait, pour suspension) Elle est inscrite d’un colophon en kaishu sur deux colonnes en partie droite la datant cycliquement d’une année XINYU / 辛酉 : 辛酉 仲春 寫於 墨 x 堂 / 錢唐 諸昇 Deux sceaux / cachets rouges à ses côtés : « 諸昇 之印» et « 曦庵» La monture est marouflée d’une étiquette inscrite ainsi : « 諸 日如 先生 绢本 墨竹 , 祝三 氏 藏 »Dimensions (l’œuvre seule) : 156 x 78,5 cm (pliures, petits trous, restauration cf. coin inférieur gauche etc. œuvre vendue en l’état / retranscription des caractères non garantie) Provenance: Collection Y.C.B. - Constituée sur une période de vingt ans, dans les années 1970 et 1980. Pièces acquises, pour l'essentiel, auprès de Jean et Henri B., diplomates de carrière, le second ayant été, inter alia, Ambassadeur en Chine et en Corée. D'autres furent achetées auprès de M. Carlos Atalaya, alors antiquaire à Tanger et Marbella. AN INK ON SILK DEPICTING BAMBOOS ATTRIBUTED TO ZHU CHENG 诸昇, MOUNTED AS A KAKEMONO / KAKEJIKU China

      • Zhu Cheng Qing Dynasty Swallow and Plum Blossoms 清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900) 桃花燕來图
        Dec. 12, 2018

        Zhu Cheng Qing Dynasty Swallow and Plum Blossoms 清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900) 桃花燕來图

        Est: $4,000 - $6,000

        清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900) 桃花燕來图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:普广朱偁写 钤印:(朱偁)(梦庐) 题跋: 日暖风柔逞艳姿, 溪上桃花春可怜; 赤栏桥畔忆游仙。 岁次戍子年易人 (易人)(长弓) Zhu Cheng Qing Dynasty Swallow and Plum Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Zhu Cheng, with two artist seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • ZHU CHENG 1826-1900 | FLOWER AND BIRD
        Sep. 15, 2018

        ZHU CHENG 1826-1900 | FLOWER AND BIRD

        Est: $5,000 - $7,000

        signed, with one seal of the artist

      • Chinese Set of 4 Scroll Paintings depicting seasons by Zhao Ruhu (Bitcoin Accepted)
        May. 12, 2018

        Chinese Set of 4 Scroll Paintings depicting seasons by Zhao Ruhu (Bitcoin Accepted)

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Four ink and color paintings on paper depicting the different seasons, each with different animals. Zhao Ruhu was born in Shanghai and became a pupil of the noted artist Zhu Cheng (1826-1899) Images: To view larger images, please visit https://bit.ly/2jd6dbR.

        Revere Auctions
        Feb. 24, 2018


        Est: $200 - $300

        Long: 55.00 inch - Width: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • ZHU CHENG (1826-1900)
        Dec. 19, 2017

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900)

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Plum Blossoms, Bamboo, and Magpies, 1894 Ink and color on paper, mounted, framed and glazed, dedicated to Haifeng, dated jiawu qiu jiu yue (1894 autumn, ninth month) and signed Juewei Zhu Cheng at age sixty-nine with two artist’s seals reading Zhu Cheng suo zuo and Menglu you hao Juewei. 14 1/4 x 20 3/8in (36.2 x 51.8cm)

      • REN XUN (1835-1893) AND ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Figures and Mandarin Ducks
        Nov. 27, 2017

        REN XUN (1835-1893) AND ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Figures and Mandarin Ducks

        Est: HKD60,000 - HKD80,000

        REN XUN (1835-1893) AND ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Figures and Mandarin Ducks Ink and colour on gold paper, folding fan Inscribed and signed Ren Xun, with one seal of the artist and one collector’s seal Dated yihai year (1875) The reverse, inscribed and signed Menglu, with two seals of the artist and one collector’s seal Dated jiaxu year (1874) 19cm x 51cm (7½in x 20in).

      • ZHU CHENG (1826-1900), BIRD AND FLOWER
        Oct. 16, 2017

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900), BIRD AND FLOWER

        Est: $600 - $1,000

        Ink on paper. Hanging scroll. 61.5 x 16.5 in. (156.2 x 41.9 cm.)

        China Arts Auction
        Sep. 30, 2017


        Est: €150 - €300

        Ink and color on paper, mounted as a scroll painting. China, 20th century Depiction of an elegant slender bird with lavender blue feathers, with his thin long legs standing on a tree trunk. His neck and head turned slightly downwards and his wings half-raised. The long tail hanging to the right. Above leafy branches with small brown fruits. Inscribed in the painting at the upper right side in Chinese and signed with one artist seal: ‘Luanfeng heming / Yuxi sanren Zhu Cheng hua yu Shenjiang’ (=mythical bird Luan and phoenix are in harmony / Yuxi sanren Zhu Cheng painted in Shenjiang.’ ‘Zhu Cheng’ refers to the painter Zhu Cheng (1826—1900). Shape: Rectangular vertical shape Dimensions: 172 x 47 cm (painting size) Condition: Heavy age-related condition, partly cracks and wear, the mounting and the lower part of the painting slightly ripped Provenance: Austrian Private Collection 二十世紀仿朱偁水墨設色紙本鸞鳳和鳴立軸 品相與時代相符,部分裂縫,下方與裝幀処有撕裂 奧地利私人收藏

        Galerie Zacke
      • ZHU CHENG (1826-1900), BIRD AND FLOWER
        Jun. 25, 2017

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900), BIRD AND FLOWER

        Est: $500 - $800

        Ink on paper. Hanging scroll. 61.5 x 16.5 in. (156.2 x 41.9 cm.)

        Linwoods Auction
        Jun. 25, 2017


        Est: $300 - $450

        Long: 55.00 inch x Width: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)
        May. 28, 2017

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)

        Est: $600 - $900

        Long: 55.00 inch; Width: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)
        Apr. 29, 2017

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)

        Est: $300 - $450

        Long: 55.00 inch ; Width: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)
        Jan. 29, 2017

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)

        Est: $600 - $900

        Long: 55.00 inch; Width: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • 清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900) 桃花燕來图 Zhu Cheng Qing Dynasty Swallow and Plum Blossoms
        Dec. 10, 2016

        清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900) 桃花燕來图 Zhu Cheng Qing Dynasty Swallow and Plum Blossoms

        Est: $5,000 - $6,000

        清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900) 桃花燕來图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:普广朱偁写 钤印:(朱偁)(梦庐) 题跋: 日暖风柔逞艳姿, 溪上桃花春可怜; 赤栏桥畔忆游仙。 岁次戍子年易人 (易人)(长弓) Zhu Cheng Qing Dynasty Swallow and Plum Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Zhu Cheng, with two artist seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Willows and Swallows
        Nov. 25, 2016

        Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Willows and Swallows

        Est: HKD70,000 - HKD90,000

        Zhu Cheng (1826-1900) Willows and Swallows

      • Flower & Bird Painting by Zhu Menglu (1826-1900)
        Nov. 12, 2016

        Flower & Bird Painting by Zhu Menglu (1826-1900)

        Est: $200 - $300

        Flower and bird painting by Zhu Menglu (1826- 1900). It is painted on paper that is mounted on a fabric and paper handscroll. It is signed and has two seals, and is 47 inches long by 18 inches wide. All measurements are approximate. Condition: It is in good condition. There are spots that look like the artist applied extra white paint, and a number of spots where the top layer of paint is missing. Condition applies only to the art or calligraphy, and not to the backing, frame, or mounting. Provenance: From a Vancouver estate. High resolution images can be found at: https://file.ac/hrnmBXJ3DKU/

        Oakridge Auction Gallery
      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)
        Oct. 30, 2016

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)

        Est: $300 - $450

        Long: 55.00 inch -Width: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • Zhu Cheng Among Others, 6 Floral Painting on Silk, 20th C
        Oct. 22, 2016

        Zhu Cheng Among Others, 6 Floral Painting on Silk, 20th C

        Est: €550 - €715

        Ink and colors on silk Mounted in a silk brocade frame China, 20th century Painted by Zhu Cheng and other artists Included are six different depictions such as flowers, flowering branches, butterflies and birds Harmonious paintings with fine details Each with inscription and seals Total dimensions: c. 43 x 55.5 cm Image size: c. 32.5 x 43 cm Good condition Condition: The paintings are in good condition with only few signs of wear. The total dimensions are c. 43 x 55.5 cm. Peony In China the peony, called fuguihua, is regarded as a symbol of nobility, wealth, honor as well as rank and is especially loved for its size and color. The flower colors ranging from white to yellow and dark violet. There are two main types of peonies - the ‘herbaceous species’ and the ‘woody species’. One type, also known as the ‘king of flowers’, is mostly depicted with large, red petals, and usually shown in connection with phoenixes. The other type is represented with large pink and reddish ruffled blossoms and is often found as a motif on porcelain, textiles and in paintings. During the Tang dynasty the peony was the favorite flower of the Emperor Gaozong and his consort Wu Zetian. This popularity continued to the Ming dynasty. The peony appears in many combinations with other flowers and animals. In the variant with lotus flowers they are symbols of glory, rank, power and wealth. Butterflies Butterflies are a symbol of summer, beauty, romance and dreams in Chinese art. Paired with the plum they are a symbol of longevity and pure beauty. In combination with flowers they depict a lasting feeling of connectedness, whereas a pair of butterflies is considered a signifier of fidelity. A popular motif is also the ‘100 butterflies’, expressing the desire for ‘100 blessings’. (lvp) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • ZHU MENGLU | Perching by the Blossoms
        Oct. 04, 2016

        ZHU MENGLU | Perching by the Blossoms

        Est: $25,000 - $35,000

        signed ZHU CHENG, dated 1895, with a dedication, one seal of the artist, and one collector's seal

      • Zhu Cheng Among Others, 6 Floral Painting on Silk, 20th C
        Sep. 30, 2016

        Zhu Cheng Among Others, 6 Floral Painting on Silk, 20th C

        Est: €550 - €715

        Ink and colors on silk Mounted in a silk brocade frame China, 20th century Painted by Zhu Cheng and other artists Included are six different depictions such as flowers, flowering branches, butterflies and birds Harmonious paintings with fine details Each with inscription and seals Total dimensions: c. 43 x 55.5 cm Image size: c. 32.5 x 43 cm Good condition Condition: The paintings are in good condition with only few signs of wear. The total dimensions are c. 43 x 55.5 cm. Peony In China the peony, called fuguihua, is regarded as a symbol of nobility, wealth, honor as well as rank and is especially loved for its size and color. The flower colors ranging from white to yellow and dark violet. There are two main types of peonies - the ‘herbaceous species’ and the ‘woody species’. One type, also known as the ‘king of flowers’, is mostly depicted with large, red petals, and usually shown in connection with phoenixes. The other type is represented with large pink and reddish ruffled blossoms and is often found as a motif on porcelain, textiles and in paintings. During the Tang dynasty the peony was the favorite flower of the Emperor Gaozong and his consort Wu Zetian. This popularity continued to the Ming dynasty. The peony appears in many combinations with other flowers and animals. In the variant with lotus flowers they are symbols of glory, rank, power and wealth. Butterflies Butterflies are a symbol of summer, beauty, romance and dreams in Chinese art. Paired with the plum they are a symbol of longevity and pure beauty. In combination with flowers they depict a lasting feeling of connectedness, whereas a pair of butterflies is considered a signifier of fidelity. A popular motif is also the ‘100 butterflies’, expressing the desire for ‘100 blessings’. (lvp) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)
        Aug. 26, 2016

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)

        Est: $600 - $900

        Long: 55.00 inch - Width: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • 3 Framed Chinese Works
        Aug. 19, 2016

        3 Framed Chinese Works

        Est: $300 - $500

        3 Framed Chinese Works. 2 lithographs by Zhu Menglu (1826-1900), Birds & Prunus Flowers, and the other, a painting of quails. Largest Size: 47.25" x 14.25", 120 x 36 cm (frame).

        Material Culture
      • Six Flower-and-Bird Paintings on Silk, China, 20th C.
        Aug. 16, 2016

        Six Flower-and-Bird Paintings on Silk, China, 20th C.

        Est: €450 - €585

        Ink and colors on silk Mounted in a silk brocade frame China, 20th century Painted by Zhu Cheng and other artists Six album leaves with flower-and-bird paintings Each with inscription and seals, verso sealed Total dimensions: c. 43 x 55.5 cm, image size: c. 32.5 x 43 cm Good condition Condition: The paintings are in good condition with only few signs of usage. Minimal color wear and small handling creases. The total dimensions are c. 43 x 55.5 cm. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)
        Jun. 26, 2016

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)

        Est: $600 - $900

        Long: 55.00 inch x Wide: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)
        May. 01, 2016

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)

        Est: $600 - $900

        Long: 55.00 inch x Wide: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
        Jan. 31, 2016


        Est: $1,240,000 - $1,846,500

        Possibly Song Dynasty, High: 4.8 inch x Diameter:7.08 inch. Property of Private collector in China.

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Eagle, Pine and Narcissus
        Nov. 30, 2015

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Eagle, Pine and Narcissus

        Est: -

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Eagle, Pine and Narcissus

      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)
        Oct. 24, 2015

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899), Long: 55.00 inch x Wide: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO 1826 - 1900)
        Jul. 25, 2015

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO 1826 - 1900)

        Est: $300 - $450

        L:52.4in X W:13.0in

        William's Auctions, LLC
      • ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Plum Blossoms and Birds ink and colour on silk 133 x
        Jun. 01, 2015

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Plum Blossoms and Birds ink and colour on silk 133 x

        Est: $20,000 - $30,000

        ZHU CHENG (1826-1900) Plum Blossoms and Birds ink and colour on silk 133 x 37.5 cm. (52 3/8 x 14 3/4 in.)

      • ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)
        Apr. 25, 2015

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899)

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        ZHU CHENG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1826 - 1899), Long: 55.00 inch x Wide: 16.00 inch

        William's Auctions, LLC
      Lots Per Page: