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Lot 30: André FREMOND (1884-1965)

Est: €400 EUR - €600 EURSold:
HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-CarloMonte Carlo, MonacoJanuary 29, 2020

Item Overview


André FREMOND (1884-1965)
Pope et marchands de fruits, marché de Gumindé (1916)


Signée et datée 1920 en bas à droite

56 x 46 cm

Artist or Maker

Payment & Shipping


Accepted forms of payment: MasterCard, Visa, Wire Transfer


The buyer may collect purchased lots only after all amounts due to Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo have been paid (hammer price plus buyer's premium and any applicable taxes and costs).
In accordance with Article 14 of French Act no. 2000-642 of July 10th 2000,
if the successful bidder fails to pay for an item after the issuance of a formal
demand that remains without effect, the item shall be re-auctioned at the
seller's request. If the price of the new bid is lower than the original false
bidder's price, the false bidder shall pay the difference. If the seller does not
make such a request within one month of the auction, the sale shall be
cancelled by operation of law, without prejudice to the damages payable by
the false bidder.
Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo reserves the right to claim the following from the false bidder:
- interest at the statutory rate,
- the reimbursement of the additional costs incurred by reason of his/her
- payment of the sale price or:
- the difference between this price and the resale price if the latter is
lower, as well as the costs incurred in relation with the re-auction.
- the difference between this price and the original false bidder's price
if the latter is lower, as well as the costs incurred by the re-auction.
Tajan also reserves the right to offset any amounts which the false bidder
owes to it.
HVMC reserves the right to ban any bidder who fails to comply with its general
terms and conditions of sale from attending any future auction.

Items that are not claimed within 14 calendar days of the auction will be moved to a third party warehouse at the buyer's risk and expense.

Auction Details


HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
January 29, 2020, 11:00 AM CET

10-12 Quai Antoine 1er, Monte Carlo, 98000, MC


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


General terms and conditions of sale

L'Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo intervient comme mandataire du vendeur. Il n'est
pas parti au contrat de vente qui relie le vendeur et l'acheteur.
Les conditions suivantes de vente, et tout ce qui se rapporte à la vente, sont régies par le
droit monégasque. Toute action judiciaire relève de la compétence exclusive des
tribunaux de la Principauté de Monaco.
La vente s'effectue au comptant et la devise utilisée est l'euro (€).
Les désignations portées au catalogue sont établies par l'Hôtel des Ventes de MonteCarlo s'il n'y a pas d'assistance d'expert, et exclusivement par l'expert qui l'assiste le cas
échéant. Si nécessaire, des rectifications sur la désignation ou l'estimation pourront être
apportées au moment de la présentation de l'objet, signalées aux acquéreurs potentiels
et portées au procès-verbal de la vente. Dans le cadre de l'assistance d'un expert, celui-ci
assume l'entière responsabilité des désignations initiales ou modifications portées au
procèsverbal. La responsabilité de l'Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo ne saurait être
engagée dans le cas d'un litige portant sur l'authenticité ou l'état d'un bien, l'Hôtel des
Ventes de Monte-Carlo n'étant tenu que par une obligation de moyens.
Sur l'état des lots présentés, l'absence de référence à l'état dans la désignation portée
au catalogue n'implique aucunement que l'objet soit exempt de défauts, et certaines
restaurations qui ne modifient pas sa nature et son époque ne peuvent être une cause
de litige. Le bien, en l'absence de mention, est considéré comme vendu dans l'état.
Les experts sont à la disposition des clients de l'Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
préalablement à chaque vente pour répondre à toute question dans ce domaine.
Aucune réclamation ne sera admise une fois l'adjudication prononcée.
Les meubles, les tableaux et les objets sont vendus dans l'état.
Sur un meuble ou un objet, la restauration ou le remplacement d'éléments qui ne
modifient pas la nature et le caractère authentique du meuble ou de l'objet, sont
considérés comme des entretiens d'usage.
Sur un tableau, le ré-entoilage, le doublage ou le parquetage sont des
mesures conservatoires et ne constituent pas un vice s'ils ne sont pas
signalés. Les dimensions sont fournies à titre indicatif.
Un certain nombre de pierres précieuses ont été professionnellement traitées pour les
embellir (traitement thermique et huilage pour les gemmes, blanchiment pour les
perles). Ces opérations sont traditionnellement admises par les négociants
internationaux en joaillerie.
Pour certains bijoux et avec l'accord du client vendeur, l'Hôtel des Ventes de MonteCarlo peut obtenir des rapports provenant de laboratoires de gemmologie de réputation
internationale qui, si cela est demandé, peuvent indiquer la présence ou l'absence de
tout traitement thermique.
Pour les pierres précieuses importantes et les perles fines, l'Hôtel des Ventes met à
disposition des clients des certificats établis préalablement par des laboratoires de
renommée internationale. Si l'acheteur souhaite un certificat différent, émanant d'un
laboratoire de son choix, il doit le demander dans un délai de 30 à 10 jours avant la
vente. Aucune réclamation concernant les certificats fournis ne peut être admise a
posteriori de la vente.
Le corail, l'ivoire, l'écaille de tortue et tous les matériaux en provenance d'espèces en
voie de disparition peuvent passer en vente publique aux enchères tant qu'ils font partie
intégrante de bijoux anciens. Ces matériaux présents sur des bijoux modernes ne seront
pas admis.
Les bijoux ornés de rubis ou de jadéite birmans ne peuvent être exportés vers les Etats
Unis. Toutefois s'ils sont accompagnés d'un certificat ou d'une facture, antérieurs à
octobre 2007, ils peuvent entrer sur le sol américain. Dans la communauté européenne,
les rubis et les jadéites birmans peuvent circuler librement.
Tous les lots sont vendus dans l'état. Aucune réclamation ne pourra être engagée contre
l'Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo et son expert, sur la présence d'une réparation
ancienne, sur l'étanchéité initiale ou sur le fonctionnement. L'acquéreur potentiel
pourra réclamer un état de condition avant la vente auprès de l'expert.
Tout acheteur potentiel doit s'identifier préalablement à l'aide d'un formulaire
d'enregistrement mis à sa disposition à l'entrée de la salle par le personnel de l'Hôtel
des Ventes de Monte-Carlo. Il doit fournir une pièce d'identité en cours de validité et,
sur demande, justifier de références bancaires. Un carton portant un numéro
correspondant à l'enregistrement sera remis à l'acquéreur qui devra le restituer en
quittant la salle. Il est strictement personnel et permet à celui-ci d'enchérir pendant la
Les enchères suivent l'ordre de numérotation du catalogue, sauf modification d'ordre
décidée à la libre appréciation de l'Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo.
L'adjudicataire est le plus offrant et dernier enchérisseur. Au moment de l'adjudication,
dans le cas d'une contestation, principalement si plusieurs enchérisseurs déclarent avoir
porté simultanément une enchère équivalente, et si le fait est établi clairement, et même
si le mot « Adjugé » a été prononcé, l'objet est remis instantanément aux enchères au
dernier montant obtenu et l'ensemble des personnes présentes autorisées à enchérir à
nouveau. Les mentions d'identité portées sur le bordereau d'adjudication seront
identiques à celles portées sur le formulaire d'enregistrement. Aucune modification
d'identité ne pourra être opérée sans l'accord des dirigeants de l'Hôtel des Ventes de
Monte-Carlo. Une fois l'adjudication prononcée, l'acquéreur est responsable de
l'intégrité de l'objet acquis et de son assurance.
Tout acquéreur potentiel identifié par l'Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo pourra
enchérir par téléphone pendant la vente. Les demandes de lignes téléphoniques
devront, pour être recevables, être formulées par écrit, accompagnées d'une pièce
d'identité en cours de validité et d'un relevé d'identité bancaire. L'Hôtel des Ventes de
Monte-Carlo se chargera de contacter par téléphone durant la vente l'enchérisseur mais
décline toute responsabilité en cas d'erreur ou d'omission dans le cadre de ce service.
Devant chaque lot dans le catalogue, une estimation est portée, qui ne comprend ni les
frais à la charge de l'acheteur, ni la TVA éventuelle en cas d'importation temporaire.
Sauf précision, tous les lots sont offerts avec un prix de réserve contractuellement établi
avec le vendeur en dessous duquel le bien ne peut être adjugé. En l'absence de prix de
réserve fixé avec le vendeur, aucune contestation ne pourra être formulée par celui-ci
dans l'hypothèse où l'objet serait adjugé en dessous de la fourchette de l'estimation.
L'Etat Monégasque peut exercer un droit de préemption sur les œuvres d'art mises en
vente dans la Principauté de Monaco. L'Etat se substitue au dernier enchérisseur. La
décision de préemption est portée à la connaissance de l'huissier aussitôt après le
prononcé de l'adjudication. Elle est mentionnée au procès-verbal de celle-ci. Elle doit
être confirmée dans un délai de quinze jours. En l'absence de confirmation à compter
de ce délai, l'objet revient au dernier enchérisseur.
Article 2-1 loi n°1.014 du 29/12/1978 concernant les ventes publiques de meubles
? Les dépôts précédés de ce sigle sont en importation temporaire d'un pays hors CEE.
Leur prix d'adjudication sera majoré de la TVA à 5.5 % (?) ou à 20% (?) en sus des frais
légaux. Cette TVA sera récupérable en cas de réexportation hors CEE dans un délai
d'un mois sur présentation du document douanier prouvant leur réexportation.
Les formalités douanières seront requises pour l'envoi d'œuvres d'art dans des pays hors
Union Européenne. Il convient à l'acheteur de vérifier préalablement à l'achat les règles
en vigueur dans le pays de destination.
Si une œuvre d'art doit être livrée en France ou dans d'autres pays de l'Union
Européenne, il n'y aura aucune formalité douanière. En dehors de l'Union Européenne,
les règles douanières seront celles en vigueur dans le pays de destination de l'œuvre.
Pour la vente aux enchères "HVMC vide ses entrepôts" du 21 janvier 2020, les frais sont
de 25% HT.
La vente se fait expressément au comptant. L'acquéreur doit régler le prix d'achat qui
comprend le montant de l'adjudication, les frais et taxes éventuels :
- Par chèque bancaire certifié en euro
- Par virement bancaire en euro
- Par carte bancaire Visa ou Mastercard avec justificatif d'identité
- En espèces en euro jusqu'à un montant égal ou inférieur à 30 000 €
Tout règlement par carte American Express fera l'objet d'une majoration de 2.75% de
frais. Les chèques émis sur une banque étrangère ne seront acceptés qu'à la seule
discrétion des dirigeants de l'Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo.
Si l'acquisition n'est pas réglée au comptant, l'objet ne pourra être délivré à l'acquéreur.
Le transfert de propriété du vendeur vers l'acquéreur ne s'effectue qu'une fois que
l'Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo en a perçu le prix, commission comprise.
A défaut de paiement par l'acquéreur et après une mise en demeure restée infructueuse
et au terme d'un mois révolu à compter de l'adjudication, l'Hôtel des Ventes de MonteCarlo se réserve le droit d'annuler la vente et d'engager des poursuites en dommages et
intérêts contre l'acquéreur défaillant.
En raison des difficultés qui ont fréquemment été rencontrées à l'occasion de ventes
antérieures d'œuvre d'artistes notamment russes et/ou chinois dont l'authenticité a été
injustement contestée, il est expressément stipulé que l'Hôtel des Ventes de MonteCarlo a décidé de ne plus garantir celle des œuvres marquées du sigle (**) qui renvoie à
la consultation des présentes conditions générales de vente.
Leurs acquéreurs sont donc informés qu'aucune réclamation ne saurait être admise
relativement à une telle authenticité.
Agence : CFM Albert 1er
Adresse Agence : 11, Boulevard Albert 1er, MC 98000 Monaco
Numéro de Compte : 05567300000
IBAN : MC58 1273 9000 7005 5673 0000 071
The auction house Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo acts as agent for the seller. It is not
a party to the contract of sale that binds the buyer and seller.
The following terms and conditions of sale, as well as everything related to the sale, are
governed by Monegasque law. All legal actions are within the jurisdiction of the Courts
of the Principality of Monaco.
The sale takes place for payment in full and the currency is the Euro (€).
The descriptions in the catalogue are established by the Hôtel des Ventes de MonteCarlo if no expert appraiser has assisted, and exclusively by the expert appraiser who
assists as required. If necessary, corrections of the description or estimate can be made
upon presentation of the object, which shall be pointed to potential purchasers and
noted in the record of the sale. In the framework of assistance by an expert appraiser,
said latter assumes full responsibility for initial descriptions or modifications made to
the report. The liability of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo cannot be engaged in
the event of dispute regarding the authenticity or condition of an item, since the Hôtel
des Ventes de MonteCarlo is bound by an obligation of means.
As concerns the condition of the lots offered, note that the lack of reference to the
condition in the description given in the catalogue does not imply that the item is free
from defects, and certain restorations that do not change its nature and period cannot
be a cause of dispute. The item, in the absence of any mention, is considered sold in the
state in which it is found. Experts are available to customers of the Hôtel des Ventes de
MonteCarlo prior to each sale to answer any questions concerning such matters. No
claim shall be accepted once the hammer falls.
Furniture, paintings and art objects are sold in the state in which they are found.
The restoration or replacement of elements on furniture or an object that do not
change the nature and authenticity of the furniture or object are considered usual
upkeep. Re-backing, doubling, and parquetry on a painting are protective measures
and do not constitute defects if they are not reported. Dimensions are provided for
reference only.
A number of precious stones have been professionally treated for their embellishment
(heat treatment and oiling for the gems, whitening of pearls). These operations are
traditionally accepted by international jewelry traders.
For certain pieces of jewelry and with the client-seller's agreement, the Hôtel des Ventes
de Monte-Carlo may obtain reports from gemological laboratories of international
repute, which, if requested, may indicate the presence or absence of any heat treatment.
For large gemstones and pearls, the Hôtel des Ventes will provide its clients with
certificates established by internationally renowned laboratories prior to their sale. If
the buyer wishes to have a different certificate from a laboratory of their choice, they
must request it between 30 and 10 days prior to the sale. No claims regarding the
certificates provided can be accepted after the sale.
Coral, ivory, tortoiseshell and all materials from endangered species can be sold in a
public auction as long as they are an integral part of antique jewelry. Such materials
present on modern jewelry will not be admitted.
Jewelry studded with Burmese rubies or jadeite cannot be exported to the United States.
However if they are accompanied by a certificate or an invoice, dated prior to October
2007, they may enter the American territory. Burmese rubies and jadeite can move
freely in the European community.
All lots are sold in the state in which they are found. No claims may be brought against
the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo and its expert based on the presence of an old
repair, on the initial sealing, or its functioning. The potential buyer may request a
condition report from the expert before the sale.
All potential buyers must identify themselves beforehand using a registration form
made available at the entrance to the room by the staff of the Hôtel des Ventes de
Monte-Carlo. She/he must provide a valid piece of identity and, if requested, proof of
their bank details. A card bearing a number corresponding to the registration will be
delivered to a buyer who will restore it when leaving the room. It is personal and allows
the individual to bid during the sale.
The auction follows the numerical sequence of the catalogue, unless said order is
modified at the discretion of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo.
The successful bidder is the highest and last bidder. In the case of a challenge at the
time of award, especially in the case where several bidders claim to have made the same
bid simultaneously, and the event is clearly established, although the word "Sold" was
pronounced, the object is immediately put back on auction starting at the last amount
obtained and those present shall be allowed to bid again.
References concerning the identity entered on the bid summary shall be identical to
those made in the registration form. No changes of identity can be made without
approval of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo managers.
Once the hammer falls, the buyer is responsible for the integrity of the object acquired,
as well as its insurance.
All potential buyers identified by the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo may bid by
telephone during the sale. In order to be admissible, requests for telephone lines must
be made in writing, accompanied by a valid piece of identity and a RIB (bank account
information certificate). The Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo will contact the bidder by
telephone during the auction; however, it declines all liability for any error or omission
in connection with said service.
? Deposits preceded by this symbol are temporary imports from a non EU country.
Their allocated price will be subject to VAT at 5.5 % (?) or 20% (?) in addition to legal
costs. The VAT is recoverable in the event of re-export outside the EU within one
month on presentation of a customs document as evidence of re-export.
An estimate, which does not include costs borne by the purchaser or possible VAT in
case of temporary importation, is given in front of each lot in the catalogue. Unless
otherwise noted, all lots are offered with a reserve price established by contract with the
seller under which the item cannot be awarded. In the absence of a reserve price fixed
with the seller, no objection may be made by said latter in the event that the object
would be awarded under the estimate range.
The Monegasque State may exercise an option to purchase works of art offered for sale
in the Principality of Monaco. The state replaces the last bidder. The pre-emption
decision is made known to the bailiff immediately after the hammer falls. Said preemptive right must be confirmed within two weeks. In the absence of confirmation
within said period, the object shall return to the last bidder.
Article 2-1 of Law No. 1014 of 29/12/1978 relative to the auction of furniture
Customs formalities are required for sending works of art to countries outside of the
European Union. The buyer must check the rules in force in the destination country
before making a purchase.
There are no customs formalities for works of art to be delivered in France or other
countries of the European Union. Outside of the European Union, customs rules will be
those in force in the country of destination of the work.
For the auction "HVMC vide ses entrepôts" of January 21, 2020, the costs are 25%
excluding taxes.
The sale is strictly carried out for payment in full. The buyer must pay the purchase
price, which includes the amount of the hammer price, fees, and taxes, if any:
- By certified bank check in Euro
- By bank transfer in Euro
- By Visa or MasterCard with proof of identity
- In cash in Euro up to an amount equal to or less than € 30,000
In case of payment by American Express a fee of 2.75% will be added.
Checks drawn on foreign banks will be accepted at the sole discretion of the managers
of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo.
If the acquisition is not paid in full, the item cannot be handed over to the buyer.
The transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer occurs only after the Hôtel
des Ventes de Monte-Carlo has received payment, including commission.
The Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo reserves the right to cancel the sale and file a
claim to seek damages against the defaulting buyer in the absence of payment by the
buyer, after formal notice has remained without answer, and after a month has passed
since the bid was accepted by fall of the hammer.
Owing to the problems often met with in previous sales of the works of artists, especially
Russian and/or Chinese, whose authenticity has been unfairly disputed, it is explicitly
stated that Monte-Carlo Auction House has decided it will no longer guarantee the
authenticity of works marked (**) indicating that these general conditions of sale should
be consulted. Their purchasers are therefore informed that no claim will be accepted
relating to an issue of authenticity of this kind.
Branch: CFM Albert 1er
Branch Address: 11, Boulevard Albert 1er, MC 98000 Monaco
Account Number: 05567300000
IBAN : MC58 1273 9000 7005 5673 0000 071 BIC : CFMOMCMXXXX

La Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo interviene come mandatario del venditore. Non fa parte
del contratto di vendita che collega il venditore con l'acquirente.
Le seguenti condizioni di vendita e tutto ciò a cui la vendita fa riferimento, sottostanno
al diritto monegasco. Qualsiasi azione giudiziaria è soggetta alla competenza esclusiva
dei tribunali del Principato di Monaco.
La vendita si realizza a vista e la valuta utilizzata è l'euro (€).

Le designazioni riportate nel catalogo sono stabilite dalla Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo
in assenza di consulenza da parte di un esperto, ed esclusivamente da parte
dell'esperto che assiste, se presente. Se necessario, si potranno segnalare rettifiche
alla designazione o stima, al momento della presentazione dell'oggetto presentato ai
potenziali acquirenti e applicarle nel procedimento verbale della vendita. In caso di
consulenza di un esperto, quest'ultimo assume la completa responsabilità delle
designazioni iniziali o modifiche apportate nel procedimento verbale. La
responsabilità della Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo viene sollevata nel caso di un
contenzioso riguardante l'autenticità o lo stato di un bene, essendo la Casa d'Aste di
Monte-Carlo vincolata solo da un obbligo di mezzi. Sullo stato dei lotti presenti,
l'assenza di riferimento allo stato nella designazione presentata nel catalogo non
implica in nessun modo che l'oggetto sia esente da difetti. Alcuni lavori di restauro
che non ne abbiano modificato la natura e l'epoca non possono essere causa di
Il bene, in assenza di citazione, è considerato come venduto nello stato in cui si trova.
Gli esperti sono a disposizione dei clienti della Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo prima di
ogni vendita per rispondere a tutti gli eventuali quesiti. Non saranno ammessi reclami
una volta pronunciata l'aggiudicazione.
I mobili, quadri e oggetti sono venduti nello stato in cui si trovano.
Su un mobile o un oggetto, il restauro o la sostituzione di elementi che non ne abbiano
modificato la natura o il carattere autentico del mobile o dell'oggetto, sono da
considerarsi come opere di manutenzione dovute all'uso.
Su un quadro, la rintelatura, il rifodero o la parchettatura sono misure conservatrici e
non costituiscono errore di diritto se non segnalati. Le dimensioni sono fornite a titolo

Alcune pietre preziose sono state trattate professionalmente per migliorarne l'aspetto
(trattamento termico e oliatura per le gemme, sbiancatura per le perle). Queste
operazioni sono tradizionalmente ammesse dai negozianti internazionali in gioielleria.
Per alcuni gioielli e con l'accordo cliente-venditore, la Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo può
richiedere il resoconto da parte di laboratori di gemmologia internazionalmente
riconosciuti, i quali, se richiesto, possono indicare la presenza o assenza di qualsiasi
trattamento termico.
Per le pietre preziose importanti e le perle fini, l'Hôtel des Ventes mette a disposizione
dei clienti dei certificati rilasciati preventivamente da alcuni laboratori di fama
internazionale. Qualora l'acquirente desideri un certificato diverso, proveniente da un
laboratorio di sua scelta, dovrà farne richiesta da 30 a 10 giorni prima della vendita.
Dopo la vendita non sono ammessi reclami relativi ai certificati forniti.
Il corallo, l'avorio, la tartaruga e gli altri materiali provenienti da specie in via
d'estinzione possono essere venduti all'asta perché appartengono alla categoria di
gioielli antichi. Questi materiali presenti su gioielli moderni non saranno ammessi.

I gioielli decorati in rubino o giadeite birmani non possono essere esportati verso gli
Stati Uniti. Tuttavia, se accompagnati da un certificato o una fattura, con data anteriore
al mese di Ottobre 2007, possono entrare in territorio americano. Nella comunità
europea, i rubini e giadeite birmani possono circolare liberamente.
Tutti i lotti sono venduti nello stato in cui si trovano. Non si accetteranno reclami
contro la Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo o il suo esperto in caso di
vecchia riparazione, sull'impermeabilità iniziale o sul meccanismo. L'acquirente
potenziale potrà richiedere all'esperto un resoconto sullo stato delle condizioni prima
della vendita.

Qualsiasi acquirente potenziale dovrà identificarsi previamente attraverso un modulo di
registrazione a disposizione all'entrata della sala del personale della Casa d'Aste di
MonteCarlo. Dovrà fornire un documento d'identità valido e, a richiesta, giustificare i
riferimenti bancari. Gli sarà consegnato un cartoncino con il numero corrispondente
sua registrazione: l'acquirente dovrà poi restituirlo all'uscita dalla sala. Questo
cartoncino è strettamente personale e permette di aumentare l'offerta durante l'asta.
Le aste seguiranno l'ordine di numerazione del catalogo, eccetto in caso di modifiche
all'ordine stabilito decise in modo arbitrario dalla Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo.
L'aggiudicatario è colui che offre di più e per ultimo. Al momento dell'aggiudicazione,
in caso di contestazione, e soprattutto se più di un offerente ha dichiarato un'offerta
simultanea ad un'altra equivalente, e in caso di stabilire l'accaduto in modo chiaro, e
pur avendo pronunciato la parola "Aggiudicato", l'oggetto sarà rimesso all'asta
immediatamente all'ultimo importo ottenuto e tutte le persone presenti autorizzate
dovranno realizzare di nuovo la propria offerta.
I dati relativi all'identità apportati nell'aggiudicazione dovranno essere gli stessi
presenti nel modulo di registrazione. Non sarà possibile applicare modifiche all'identità
senza la previa autorizzazione dei dirigenti della Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo.
Una volta pronunciata l'aggiudicazione, l'acquirente è responsabile dell'integrità
dell'oggetto acquisito e della relativa assicurazione.

Qualsiasi acquirente potenziale identificatosi presso la Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo potrà
proporre offerte per telefono durante la vendita. Le richieste di linea telefonica devono
essere formulate per iscritto, accompagnate da documento d'identità valido e dei dati
bancari. La Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo contatterà per telefono il potenziale acquirente
durante l'asta ma si dichiara esente da qualsiasi responsabilità in caso di errori o
omissioni nell'ambito del servizio.
? I depositi preceduti da questa sigla sono in importazione temporanea da un paese non
appartenente alla CEE. Il loro prezzo di aggiudicazione verrà maggiorato dell'IVA al 5,5
% (?) o al 20% (?) oltre alle spese legali. Tale IVA sarà recuperabile in caso di
riesportazione al di fuori della CEE entro un mese presentando il documento doganale
comprovante la riesportazione.
In corrispondenza di ogni lotto nel catalogo, si trova una stima che non include nè i
prezzi a carico dell'acquirente nè l'IVA eventuale in caso di importazione temporanea.
Salvo precisazioni, tutti i lotti sono offerti ad un prezzo di riserva contrattualmente
stabilito con il venditore, sotto il quale il bene non può essere aggiudicato. In assenza di
prezzo di riserva fissato con il venditore, non si potranno formulare contestazioni da
parte del venditore stesso nell'ipotesi in cui l'oggetto fosse aggiudicato al ribasso
rispetto al prezzo stimato.
Lo Stato Monegasco può esercitare un diritto di prelazione sulle opere d'arte messe in
vendita nel Principato di Monaco. Lo stato si sostituisce all'ultimo offerente. La
decisione di prelazione viene comunicata all'usciere subito dopo aver pronunciato
l'aggiudicazione. Viene citata nel procedimento verbale della stessa. Deve essere
confermata entro quindici giorni. In assenza di conferma durante questo periodo di
tempo, l'oggetto ritorna all'ultimo offerente.
Articolo 2-1 legge n°1.014 du 29/12/1978 sulla vendita pubblica di mobili
Saranno richieste le formalità doganali per la spedizione di opere d'arte nei paesi fuori
dall'Unione Europea. Si consiglia all'acquirente di verificare, prima dell'acquisto, le
norme in vigore nel paese di destinazione.
Se un'opera d'arte dovrà essere consegnata in Francia o in un altro paese dell'Unione
Europea non vi sarà nessuna formalità doganale. Fuori dall'Unione Europea, le norme
doganali saranno quelle in vigore nel paese di destinazione dell'opera.
Per l'asta "HVMC vide ses entrepôts" del 21 gennaio 2020, le commissioni sono del 25%
tasse escluse.
La vendita si realizza esclusivamente a vista. L'acquirente deve far fronte al prezzo
d'acquisto che include l'importo dell'aggiudicazione, le spese e le eventuali tasse:
- Con assegno bancario certificato in euro
- Con bonifico bancario in euro
- Con carta di credito Visa o Mastercard con documento d'identità
- In contanti in euro fino ad un importo uguale o inferiore di 30 000 €
Una commissione di 2.75% verrà aggiunta per ogni pagamento con carta American
Express. Gli assegni emessi da banca straniera saranno accettati solo a discrezione della
Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo.
Se l'acquisizione non viene regolarizzata a vista, l'oggetto non potrà essere consegnato
Il passaggio di proprietà dal venditore all'acquirente si effettua solo una volta che la
Casa d'Aste di Monte-Carlo ha ricevuto il pagamento, commissione inclusa.
In mancanza di pagamento da parte dell'acquirente e una volta trascorso il periodo di
mora infruttuosa e scaduto il termine di un mese dalla data dell'aggiudicazione, la Casa
d'Aste di Monte-Carlo si riserva il diritto di annullare la vendita e intraprendere misure
ai danni dell'acquirente insolvente.
Per colpa delle difficoltà spesso incontrate riguardo alle vendite di alcuni artisti russi e/o
cinesi, la cui autenticità è stata ingiustamente contestata, HVMC ha deciso di non
garantire le opere segnate da (**) che si riferiscono alle presenti condizioni di vendita.
Gli acquirenti sono dunqui informati che nessuna denuncia verrà ricevuta,
relativamente a tale autenticità.
Filiale: CFM Albert 1er
Indirizzo di Filiale: 11, Boulevard Albert 1er, MC 98000 Monaco
Numero di conto: 05567300000
IBAN: MC58 1273 9000 7005 5673 0000 071


The auction house Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo acts as agent for the seller. It is not a party to the contract of sale that binds the buyer and seller.

The following terms and conditions of sale, as well as everything related to the sale, are governed by Monegasque law. All legal actions are within the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Principality of Monaco.

The sale takes place for payment in full and the currency is the Euro (€).

Execution of the sale and auction

All potential buyers must identify themselves beforehand using a registration form made available at the entrance to the room by the staff of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo. She/he must provide a valid piece of identity and, if requested, proof of their bank details. A card bearing a number corresponding to the registration will be delivered to a buyer who will restore it when leaving the room. It is personal and allows the individual to bid during the sale.
The auction follows the numerical sequence of the catalogue, unless said order is modified at the discretion of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo.
The successful bidder is the highest and last bidder. In the case of a challenge at the time of award, especially in the case where several bidders claim to have made the same bid simultaneously, and the event is clearly established, although the word "Sold" was pronounced, the object is immediately put back on auction starting at the last amount obtained and those present shall be allowed to bid again.
References concerning the identity entered on the bid summary shall be identical to those made in the registration form. No changes of identity can be made without approval of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo managers.
Once the hammer falls, the buyer is responsible for the integrity of the object acquired, as well as its insurance.

Telephone Bids
All potential buyers identified by the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo may bid by telephone during the sale. In order to be admissible, requests for telephone lines must be made in writing, accompanied by a valid piece of identity and a RIB (bank account information certificate). The Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo will contact the bidder by telephone during the auction; however, it declines all liability for any error or omission in connection with said service.


The sale is strictly carried out for payment in full. The buyer must pay the purchase price, which includes the amount of the hammer price, fees, and taxes, if any:
- By certified bank check in Euro
- By bank transfer in Euro
- By Visa or MasterCard with proof of identity
- In cash in Euro up to an amount equal to or less than € 30,000
In case of payment by American Express a fee of 2.75% will be added.
Cheques drawn on foreign banks will be accepted at the sole discretion of the managers of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo.
If the acquisition is not paid in full, the item cannot be handed over to the buyer.
The transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer occurs only after the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo has received payment, including commission.
The Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo reserves the right to cancel the sale and file a claim to seek damages against the defaulting buyer in the absence of payment by the buyer, after formal notice has remained without answer, and after a month has passed since the bid was accepted by fall of the hammer.

Storage and Shipping

The buyer may collect purchased lots only after all amounts due to Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo have been paid (hammer price plus buyer's premium and any applicable taxes and costs).
In accordance with Article 14 of French Act no. 2000-642 of July 10th 2000,
if the successful bidder fails to pay for an item after the issuance of a formal
demand that remains without effect, the item shall be re-auctioned at the
seller's request. If the price of the new bid is lower than the original false
bidder's price, the false bidder shall pay the difference. If the seller does not
make such a request within one month of the auction, the sale shall be
cancelled by operation of law, without prejudice to the damages payable by
the false bidder.
Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo reserves the right to claim the following from the false bidder:
- interest at the statutory rate,
- the reimbursement of the additional costs incurred by reason of his/her
- payment of the sale price or:
- the difference between this price and the resale price if the latter is
lower, as well as the costs incurred in relation with the re-auction.
- the difference between this price and the original false bidder's price
if the latter is lower, as well as the costs incurred by the re-auction.
Tajan also reserves the right to offset any amounts which the false bidder
owes to it.
HVMC reserves the right to ban any bidder who fails to comply with its general
terms and conditions of sale from attending any future auction.

Items that are not claimed within 14 calendar days of the auction will be moved to a third party warehouse at the buyer's risk and expense.


In addition to the hammer price, the buyer must pay a fee of 25% HT excluding VAT

Taxes and VAT

Customs formalities are required for sending works of art to countries outside of the European Union. The buyer must check the rules in force in the destination country before making a purchase.
There are no customs formalities for works of art to be delivered in France or other countries of the European Union. Outside of the European Union, customs rules will be those in force in the country of destination of the work.


The descriptions in the catalogue are established by the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo if no expert appraiser has assisted, and exclusively by the expert appraiser who assists as required. If necessary, corrections of the description or estimate can be made upon presentation of the object, which shall be pointed to potential purchasers and noted in the record of the sale. In the framework of assistance by an expert appraiser, said latter assumes full responsibility for initial descriptions or modifications made to the report. The liability of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo cannot be engaged in the event of dispute regarding the authenticity or condition of an item, since the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo is bound by an obligation of means.
As concerns the condition of the lots offered, note that the lack of reference to the condition in the description given in the catalogue does not imply that the item is free from defects, and certain restorations that do not change its nature and period cannot be a cause of dispute. The item, in the absence of any mention, is considered sold in the state in which it is found. Experts are available to customers of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo prior to each sale to answer any questions concerning such matters.
No claim shall be accepted once the hammer falls.

Furniture, paintings and art objects

Furniture, paintings and art objects are sold in the state in which they are found.
The restoration or replacement of elements on furniture or an object that do not change the nature and authenticity of the furniture or object are considered usual upkeep.
Re-backing, doubling, and parquetry on a painting are protective measures and do not constitute defects if they are not reported.
Dimensions are provided for reference only.

Jewellery and watches
Coloured stones and pearls
A number of precious stones have been professionally treated for their embellishment (heat treatment and oiling for the gems, whitening of pearls). These operations are traditionally accepted by international jewellery traders.
For certain pieces of jewellery and with the client-seller's agreement, the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo may obtain reports from gemological laboratories of international repute, which, if requested, may indicate the presence or absence of any heat treatment.
For large gemstones and pearls, the Hôtel des Ventes will provide its clients with certificates established by internationally renowned laboratories prior to their sale. If the buyer wishes to have a different certificate from a laboratory of their choice, they must request it between 30 and 10 days prior to the sale. No claims regarding the certificates provided can be accepted after the sale.

Animal materials
Coral, ivory, tortoiseshell and all materials from endangered species can be sold in a public auction as long as they are an integral part of antique jewellery. Such materials present on modern jewellery will not be admitted.

Burmese stones
Jewellery studded with Burmese rubies or jadeite cannot be exported to the United States. However if they are accompanied by a certificate or an invoice, dated prior to October 2007, they may enter the American territory. Burmese rubies and jadeite can move freely in the European community.

All lots are sold in the state in which they are found. No claims may be brought against the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo and its expert based on the presence of an old repair, on the initial sealing, or its functioning. The potential buyer may request a condition report from the expert before the sale.

Non liability cause
Owing to the problems often met with in previous sales of the works of artists, especially Russian and/or Chinese, whose authenticity has been unfairly disputed, it is explicitly stated that Monte Carlo Auction House has decided it will no longer guarantee the authenticity of works marked (**) indicating that these general conditions of sale should be consulted.
Their purchasers are therefore informed that no claim will be accepted relating to an issue of authenticity of this kind.