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Est: €2,500 EUR - €2,800 EURSold:
Aste Boetto SRLGenoa, ItalyOctober 28, 2019

Item Overview


GIUSEPPE BIASI (1885-1945)
Senza titolo (Paesaggio)
tempera su carta cm 23 8x39
firmato in basso a sinistra

Untitled (Landscape)
tempera on paper 9 37x15 35 in
signed lower left

Artist or Maker

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Boetto auction house doesn't transport but can give to customs national and international shippers' contacts

Auction Details

Modern and Contemporary Art and Photography Auction

Aste Boetto SRL
October 28, 2019, 03:00 PM CET

Mura dello Zerbino,10,, Genoa, 16122, IT


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


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