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Est: $100,000 USD - $150,000 USDPassed
James D. JuliaFairfield, ME, USOctober 06, 2010

Item Overview


James Butler Hickok was born in 1837 and met his early demise at the hands of an assassin in 1876. He was an extraordinarily historic and renowned Western Figure. Originally an American scout, later a Frontier law officer, and US Marshall in 2 notoriously violent frontier cattle towns. Monticello fryday evening, august 20 1858 I have raked And put up A tun (ton) of hay in an hour and a half and now I will write a little more to you if I can think of anything more to write you must not blame me if you cant read my writings for evry spare moment I have I sit down on my bed and put my paper on a Book and Write a few lines and then quit and that is the reason I don't write Better. I guess sitting Bent over Writing on ones nee (knee) aint a verry (very) nice way of resting ones self I dont think. I have to go mo (mow) one hundred tun (ton) of hay yet and mabee (maybe) too (two) hundred I dont no (know) yet exacly (exactly) how much I have got to mo (mow). thare (There) is considerable sickness in the teritory (territory) jest (just) now though there are but few deaths. Scarcely any one dies with the fevers that they have here. Write me all the news. When you Write again if you pleas (please) Let us all no (know) how the Corryel (corral) gets along for gerry want to no (know) verry (very) Bad. I guess he had told me to say that he had Writen (written) to you once Since he Came here. JM Hickok JM Hickok Monday Morning, 23 I would have finished this letter yesterday But I was not at home. I was over at John Owens. I go thare (there) when I get hungry jist (just) the same as I youst (used) to come home to mothers to get some thing good to eat. Mary Cut off A Lock of my hare (hair) yesterday and sayd (said) for me to send it to my mother or sisters if she had not thought a good deal of you all she woud (would) not have Cut it of (off) for she thinks A grate (great) deal of it At least she is allwais (always) Coming (combing) and Curling it that is when I am thare (there) James B. Hickok I may not write again for A few days so I will write a little more. I received A letter from celinda friday. Mary got it and read it for she reads evry (every) letter that I get and sayd (said) she would answer it for me and tell celind (a) all About that girl she spoke and tell hur (her) her name it is noon now and I am waiting for my diner (dinner). I promised gery that I would Come out to olatha and see him last Sunday but it rained all day and I did not go. James B. Hickok CONDITION: Presented in a special hardbound case with a Tipton image of Wild Bill Hickok. Generally very sound, Text: slightly faded and with scattered light stains. An exceedingly rare document. 4-40874 JJ2

Artist or Maker

Payment & Shipping


Accepted forms of payment: Discover, MasterCard, Money Order / Cashiers Check, Personal Check, Visa, Wire Transfer


If you are the successful bidder and are unable to attend the auction in person or pick up your item, we will pack and ship your item for you. The costs for shipping include labor at $22 per hour, packing material and cartons, insurance at $0.55 per $99 valuation, and actual invoiced shipping charges.

Auction Details

Extraordinary Firearms Auction, Day Two

James D. Julia
October 06, 2010, 10:00 AM EST

203 Skowhegan Road, Fairfield, ME, 04937, US


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


Terms and Conditions

Please be sure to read the conditions before participating in the sale. For years, we have worked hard to develop a reputation for honesty and fairness. We have tried to apply this same principle in preparing this particular sale. So that you might know what the limitations are for this sale, we have tried to clearly outline the conditions below, which will specifically indicate how various circumstances will be handled.
1. GUARANTEE -We have attempted to make a consistent effort in cataloging and correctly describing the property to be sold. The catalog descriptions carry a limited guarantee. It is a guarantee to protect you against major discrepancies that would have a major effect upon the value of the item. Under no circumstances do we guarantee against anything less than a major discrepancy that would have less than a major effect upon value. This limited guarantee covers authenticity. It also covers any major restoration or repair not described. Also we guarantee against fakes, reproductions or major fabrications. As outlined above, our guarantee is limited, however, it is almost unique in a business that operates "Caveat Emptor". This is not a perfect system, however, and it is important to be aware of that. Our intention is to be as fair as possible in our catalog descriptions but it is virtually impossible to adequately describe an antique or collectible item that has been used and shows signs of wear. If you are a discerning, highly particular customer, it is virtually impossible to adequately describe an antique item that has been used and shows signs of wear. Imperfections, slight damages, handling marks, etc., are commonplace with antiques and with most buyers it is understood and accepted. If, however, you are a very discerning buyer and wish to know exactly what the lot is and if imperfections, handling marks, small alterations are something that are of great concern to you, then expecting mint or near mint condition, it is advisable that you not ever submit absentee bids here or at any auction house without seeing the item in person, since your definition of condition might be far more particular than what any cataloger would have time or space to specify. The entire purpose of our catalog description is to give our customers a general description and idea of what the lot is and we will stand behind that description regarding a major discrepancy only. If the discrepancy is less than major, under no circumstances would any adjustment or refund be made. This means that if you are purchasing a gun and find a small undisclosed surface crack in the wood or a couple of small chips in the wood that were not disclosed, it would not qualify for a refund. If however the stock were broken through the wrist, that would constitute a major problem and qualify for a refund. If a small in use repair were incorporated in an antique gun and overlooked in a description, it would not qualify for a refund. However, if the barrel were cut or the gun serial numbers did not match, but described as "all matching serial numbers", obviously that would qualify as a major problem and subject to a cancellation. If the gun were described as excellent original blue and it was discovered to have been re-blued, it would qualify for a cancellation. In regards to assessments of quality or percentage of original finish; under no circumstances would we cancel the sale for a difference in assessment. If our cataloger states that the gun retains about 70% of its original blue on the barrel and in your assessment after you receive the gun you feel it's actually 60%, a refund would definitely not be considered. However, if our cataloger stated that there was 70% original blue and it turned out that it was re-blued, that's a major problem and it would qualify for a refund. As stated above, this is an imperfect system; the very best thing that a client can do is to attend the auction and view the goods in person or have an agent examine the things on their behalf. In lieu of that, should you elect to leave absentee bids, we will protect you on major problems, but under no circumstances will we cancel the sale for less than a major problem. The purpose of our guarantee is to protect our bidders from major problems that would have major effect upon the value of the firearm. It is impossible for us and it is not our intention to guarantee to satisfy everyone; it is important that one understands this before bidding absentee. Should the need arise, the auctioneer reserves the right to make verbal corrections and provide additional information from the block at the time of the sale. Absentee bids will not be executed on items that are found to be other than described in the catalog unless we were able to contact you prior to the lot being sold and advise of this discrepancy. If we are unable to reach you or if time does not permit, we will not execute your bid. Please Note: the only thing we guarantee is what is in print in the catalog and what is announced from the block at the time of sale. Absolutely nothing discussed over the telephone or in person prior to the auction shall be construed as part of the guarantee. Since opinions can differ, particularly in the matter of condition, the auctioneer will be the sole judge in the matter of refunds. This guarantee is limited to the following time duration and limits. Please read:
A. TIME LIMIT: For live bidders it is expected that you have examined the items before you purchased them and that as you pick them up, you will re-examine them one last time. If there is a problem regarding condition, it is expected that you would notify us immediately before leaving the auction facility. If you are an absentee bidder then it is your responsibility to examine the lot immediately upon receipt. If a major discrepancy should be discovered, it is your responsibility to contact us immediately. Please note: All guarantees and options for refunds or adjustment become null and void 44 days after the auction. We pay consignors on the 45th day. Once we have paid our consignors we no longer have control for the payment and under no circumstances can we consider any refunds. If you suspect that there is a major discrepancy or problem with authenticity of your lot, it is your responsibility to contact our office before the 44 days are up and let us know that you need some extra time. We can usually make arrangements to extend the guarantee for a few days if you personally advise us. Please note: If you pay late and thus, receive your items late, it does not qualify for special privileges. The guarantee is null and void 44 days after the auction. It is your responsibility to pay for and acquire your purchases in a timely fashion. So if there is a major discrepancy, you have time to notify our office. Please remember that if you call us 46 days after the auction, there is nothing we can do about a major discrepancy except apologize to you. If you want to be considered for an adjustment or refund, it is your responsibility to notify us within 44 days after the auction.
B. LIMIT OF RESTITUTION: Under no circumstances will the auctioneer be responsible for lost profits or other financial damages. Refunds requested on the grounds of authenticity must be accompanied by at least a supporting written statement from an authority recognized by the auctioneers. Auctioneer will not be responsible for shipping costs, after auction appraisal fees, testing or any other post auction costs. If it is agreed that an item may be returned, it is the buyer's responsibility to return it in the same condition as received.
C. TYPE OF RESTITUTION: An item that qualifies for an adjustment is limited to one of the following options: 1) Major problems, (i.e. fakes, significant alteration, major unannounced restoration, etc.) will result in a refund in sale price, adjustment in sale price, or repair by the auctioneer. The auctioneer shall be the judge as to the final resolve. 2) Less than major problems or discrepancies are not part of the guarantee and no refund or adjustment will be considered for less than major problems.
2. RECEIPT OF GOODS - All goods sold will be tagged and can be claimed upon presentation of paid receipts ONLY. All items to be wrapped will be wrapped by the purchaser, unless the items are to be shipped.
3. PROTESTED BIDS - In case of a disputed bid, the Auctioneer is the sole determinant as to who is the successful bidder and at his discretion may re-offer and resell the article in dispute.
4. TAX - State of Maine sales tax is 5% and will be collected at time of payment unless a current sales tax certificate is on file or if shipped out of the State of Maine.
5. NOMINAL BIDS - The Auctioneer may reject nominal bids, small opening bids or very nominal advances made with purpose of disparaging an item. If a lot fails to open for 25% to 30% of the low estimate, the item may be passed from the block by the Auctioneer and may not be re-offered until a later sale.
6. ABSENTEE BIDS - Phone, fax or mail bids will be accepted with a 20% deposit, late bids or last minute bids can be confirmed with a Visa or MasterCard number, in many cases. In such case, the bookkeeper will execute such bids competitively. It is entirely possible to buy items by absentee bid for less than your top bid price. Please Note: Absentee bids are a service provided to our customers free of charge. Every effort is made to execute all absentee bids; however, you must know that this is not a perfect system neither here nor at any other auction house. In the event of an error of omission or failure to properly execute absentee bids, the auctioneer shall not be held liable.
7. TERMS - All items are to paid for in American funds at the day of the auction. Non-residents who have not established an account with us and wish to pay by check, must do so prior to the beginning of the auction by presenting a current letter of reference from their bank or by providing references which are suitable to the auctioneer. Absentee Bidders - Directly after the auction a bill will be sent to you for the items you purchased and a total amount due. This bill is due upon presentation and must be paid immediately. The auctioneer reserves the right to hold merchandise purchased by personal check until the check has cleared the bank, if the auctioneer deems such action necessary to protect his interest. For bidders located outside of the United States we only accept payment by checks drawn on U.S. banks or wire transfer.
8. INTEREST AND DEFAULT - Payment is due upon receipt. If the buyer's invoice is not paid in full within 15 days of the auction, James D. Julia, Inc. has the right and will charge the buyer's credit card of record on file for the total invoice amount. Interest will be charged on all balances not paid at the rate of 1-1/2% monthly (18% APR) effective 15 days from the date of purchase/auction. Should the buyer not comply with any of the Conditions of Sale, the damage recoverable from the defaulter shall include any loss arising on the resale of the lot, together with the charges and expenses in respect of both sales as well as any legal or collection fees incurred. James D. Julia, Inc. shall hold any money deposited in partial payment on account of any liability of the defaulted item.
9. RESERVES - Some items in this auction may carry a conservative reserve. Therefore, the auctioneer may bid on behalf of the owner or for the auction house. The purchaser will be the highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer. Please note that when a lot carries a reserve, the reserve is usually somewhere below the low estimate in the catalog. Actual reserve figures cannot be divulged, but we will tell you if an item carries a reserve should you ask.
10. WITHDRAWAL - We reserve the right to withdraw any property before sale and shall have no liability whatsoever for such withdrawal.
11. TITLE - A title passes upon the fall of the Auctioneer's hammer. It will then be the responsibility of the buyer to make full payment prior to removing the goods from the premises. It is both the buyer's risk and expense for removal and must be made at the conclusion of the sale unless other arrangements are made with the Julia's Operations Manager. Please note any lots we might make arrangements for moving or storing are solely at the risk of the owner and any damage or loss occurring after the fall of the hammer becomes that of the buyer.
12. PHONE BIDS - At the discretion of the auctioneer, phone bidding may be arranged on more expensive items, (i.e. $500 or more). In order to make arrangements to bid on the telephone at the time a lot is being sold, you must contact our office in advance of the auction. We will make arrangements to call you just prior to the lot being sold so that you may bid over the telephone. There are usually a limited number of phone lines available into the room, so if you wish to bid over the telephone, it is important for you to make your arrangements early. "Cover-me Bids": if you wish to bid by telephone, you might also want to consider a "cover-me bid" at the time you make arrangements for phone bidding. A "cover-me bid" allows your phone contact here at Julia's to still execute a predetermined bid amount for you in the case that they cannot get through to you on the telephone. Your phone agent is the only person who will have this bid and will only use it to bid in the event that he/she cannot reach you. Assuming you are reached via telephone, they would not use your bid, but rely on your verbal instructions. "Cover-me bids" are not mandatory, you can place one at your discretion, they are simply a safety device in the event you cannot be reached by telephone in time.
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18. MAINE AUCTIONEER RULES AND REGULATIONS - The Maine Auctioneer Rules and regulations are regulated by the Maine Board of Licensing of Auctioneers, 35 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333.
19. AUCTIONEER'S LICENSE NUMBERS: Auctioneer: James D. Julia ME License #AR83; NH License #2511 Mass. License #1406

Payment Information

All items are to paid for in American funds at the day of the auction. Non-residents who have not established an account with us and wish to pay by check, must do so prior to the beginning of the auction by presenting a current letter of reference from their bank or by providing references which are suitable to the auctioneer. Absentee & online Bidders - Directly after the auction a bill will be sent to you for the items you purchased and a total amount due. This bill is due upon presentation and must be paid immediately. The auctioneer reserves the right to hold merchandise purchased by personal check until the check has cleared the bank, if the auctioneer deems such action necessary to protect his interest.

Shipping Information

If you are the successful bidder and are unable to attend the auction in person or pick up your item, we will pack and ship your item for you. The costs for shipping include labor at $22 per hour, packing material and cartons, insurance at $0.55 per $99 valuation, and actual invoiced shipping charges.

Buyer's Premium

Shall be reduced to 15% of the final bid price, to be paid by the buyer as part of the purchase price. This is assuming the account is paid by check, cash or any equivalent of cash. If you settle your account by credit card the buyer's premium then shall be the standard 17% of the final bid price which will be applied to each lot sold to be paid by the buyer as part of the purchase price.

Taxes on your purchase

State of Maine sales tax is 5% and will be collected at time of payment unless a current sales tax certificate is on file or if shipped outside the state of Maine.

Condition Statement

We have attempted to make a consistent effort in cataloging and correctly describing the property to be sold. The catalog descriptions carry a limited guarantee. It is a guarantee to protect you against major discrepancies that would have a major effect upon the value of the item. Under no circumstances do we guarantee against anything less than a major discrepancy that would have less than a major effect upon value. This limited guarantee covers authenticity. It also covers any major restoration or repair not described. Also we guarantee against fakes, reproductions or major fabrications. As outlined above, our guarantee is limited, however, it is almost unique in a business that operates "Caveat Emptor". This is not a perfect system, however, and it is important to be aware of that. Our intention is to be as fair as possible in our catalog descriptions but it is virtually impossible to adequately describe an antique or collectible item that has been used and shows signs of wear. If you are a discerning, highly particular customer, it is virtually impossible to adequately describe an antique item that has been used and shows signs of wear. Imperfections, slight damages, handling marks, etc., are commonplace with antiques and with most buyers it is understood and accepted. If, however, you are a very discerning buyer and wish to know exactly what the lot is and if imperfections, handling marks, small alterations are something that are of great concern to you, then expecting mint or near mint condition, it is advisable that you not ever submit absentee bids here or at any auction house without seeing the item in person, since your definition of condition might be far more particular than what any cataloger would have time or space to specify. The entire purpose of our catalog description is to give our customers a general description and idea of what the lot is and we will stand behind that description regarding a major discrepancy only. If the discrepancy is less than major, under no circumstances would any adjustment or refund be made. This means that if you are purchasing a gun and find a small undisclosed surface crack in the wood or a couple of small chips in the wood that were not disclosed, it would not qualify for a refund. If however the stock were broken through the wrist, that would constitute a major problem and qualify for a refund. If a small in use repair were incorporated in an antique gun and overlooked in a description, it would not qualify for a refund. However, if the barrel were cut or the gun serial numbers did not match, but described as "all matching serial numbers", obviously that would qualify as a major problem and subject to a cancellation. If the gun were described as excellent original blue and it was discovered to have been re-blued, it would qualify for a cancellation. In regards to assessments of quality or percentage of original finish; under no circumstances would we cancel the sale for a difference in assessment. If our cataloger states that the gun retains about 70% of its original blue on the barrel and in your assessment after you receive the gun you feel it's actually 60%, a refund would definitely not be considered. However, if our cataloger stated that there was 70% original blue and it turned out that it was re-blued, that's a major problem and it would qualify for a refund. As stated above, this is an imperfect system; the very best thing that a client can do is to attend the auction and view the goods in person or have an agent examine the things on their behalf. In lieu of that, should you elect to leave absentee bids, we will protect you on major problems, but under no circumstances will we cancel the sale for less than a major problem. The purpose of our guarantee is to protect our bidders from major problems that would have major effect upon the value of the firearm. It is impossible for us and it is not our intention to guarantee to satisfy everyone; it is important that one understands this before bidding absentee. Should the need arise, the auctioneer reserves the right to make verbal corrections and provide additional information from the block at the time of the sale. Absentee bids will not be executed on items that are found to be other than described in the catalog unless we were able to contact you prior to the lot being sold and advise of this discrepancy. If we are unable to reach you or if time does not permit, we will not execute your bid. Please Note: the only thing we guarantee is what is in print in the catalog and what is announced from the block at the time of sale. Absolutely nothing discussed over the telephone or in person prior to the auction shall be construed as part of the guarantee.