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Lot 365: Hewitt, John

Est: €350 EUR - €450 EURPassed
Czerny's International Auction HouseSarzana (SP), ItalyJune 02, 2012

Item Overview


Hewitt, John Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe, John Henry and James Parker, Oxford and London, MDCCCLX; two volumes, I and II; 386 and 410 pages with several b/w illustrations, hard, blue gabric covers with gilt imprints and title. At the inside the ex libris "The UNITED UNIVERSITY CLUB LIBRARY 1822" with purchase stamp dated 1894".
dimensions: height 22,5 cm.
provenance: England
dating: third quarter of the 19th Century

Artist or Maker

Payment & Shipping


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Auction Details

An important Spring Sale of Fine Antique Arms & Armour I/II

Czerny's International Auction House
June 02, 2012, 02:30 PM CET

Piazza V. Veneto, 17 - 19, Sarzana (SP), 19038, IT


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


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