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Lot 19: Immagine tra i veli, 1929. tempera on cardboard,

Est: €5,000 EUR - €6,000 EURSold:
Porro & C.Milano, ItalyMay 18, 2010

Item Overview


Immagine tra i veli, 1929. tempera on cardboard, cm 50x35. Signed lower left: Diulgheroff. Titled, dated and signed at the reverse: „Immagine tra i veli" 1929, Diulgheroff


cm 50x35

Artist or Maker




circa 1929



Payment & Shipping

Accepted forms of payment: Money Order / Cashiers Check, Personal Check, Wire Transfer


Porro&C. will see to the shipping of the purchased lot only if requested in writing by the bidder, subject to complete payment of the purchased lot and following presentation of any necessary EXPORT LICENSE. This might take up to 40 days! Packaging and shipping will be at the bidder’s own expense, risk, and danger. (Pursuant to Art. 1737 of the Italian Civil Code).

Purchased lots will be available to customers for pick up the day following the sale, subject to any payment due. As long as the purchased lot stays at the office of Porro&C.,the latter is exonerated from any obligation to insure. If requested in writing by the bidder, or if, by its unquestionable choice, Porro&C., considers insuring the lot for the award value on behalf of and at the cost of the bidder, the lot will be delivered to the bidder only after the latter has completely reimbursed Porro&C. for all of the storage costs and possible transport, insurance and any other expenses incurred. Starting from the deadline, pick up will be agreed with a representative of Porro&C. and storage costs will be charged.

In no case will Porro&C. assume the responsibility for errors on the part of packing or transport staff.In case of complaint due to delay in shipment, shortage of or damage to the goods occurring during transport, the bidder shall address the carrier or whoever for this. Any insurance coverage of the property in transit shall be agreed upon among the bidder and the carrier, without any responsibility to Porro&C.

Auction Details

Modern & Contemporary Art

Porro & C.
May 18, 2010, 06:00 PM CET

Piazza Sant'Ambrogio, 10, Milano, 20123 , IT


Live bidding may start higher or lower

Buyer's Premium

€1 - 199,999:27.0%

Bidding Increments


Sale Conditions

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Diritto di Seguito Il 9 aprile 2006 è entrato in vigore il Decreto Legislativo
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