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Lot 458: Jules Edmond Cuisinier(1857-1917) zugeordnet: "Schloß von Chillon am Genfer See" und "Romantische Landschaft mit Figurenstaffage",Öl auf Leinwand,signiert mit Künstlername J.Guisin,2.Hälfte des 19.Jahrhunderts,ca.45x50cm,zusammen

Est: €200 EUR - €0 EURPassed
Auction PartnersKönigswinter, GermanyOctober 24, 2020

Item Overview


Jules Edmond Cuisinier(1857-1917) zugeordnet: "Schloß von Chillon am Genfer See" und "Romantische Landschaft mit Figurenstaffage",Öl auf Leinwand,signiert mit Künstlername J.Guisin,2.Hälfte des 19.Jahrhunderts,ca.45x50cm,zusammen

Artist or Maker

Payment & Shipping


Accepted forms of payment: MasterCard, Visa, Wire Transfer


The cost for packing and freight has to be payed fully by the succesful bidder. We normally use DHL as shipping company. For further information please contact DHL directly at https://www.dhl.de/en/privatkunden/pakete-versenden/weltweit-versenden/preise-international.html

Auction Details


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


Extended Bidding

5 minutes/bid

Conditions of Sale for Bidders

Conditions of Sale for Bidders

(The German version of these conditions is authoritative)
1. The auctioneer Dipl.Bw.Stephan Heine - AUCTION PARTNERS - ( hereafter "AUCTION PARTNERS" ) shall act at public voluntary auction on behalf of and for the account of the seller respectively the depositor (hereafter "the seller").
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8. With the fall of the hammer

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Stand 25.5.2018


The successful bidder has to pay the hammer price plus the premium of 17,85% the German VAT included plus the online bidding fee of 5% charged by invaluable
In the case that the buyer wish to pay with a Master or Visa credit card the premium will increase in total to 23% plus the online bidding fee of 5% charged by invaluable.


The successful bidder has to pay the hammer price plus the premium of 17,85% the German VAT included plus the online bidding fee of 5% charged by invaluable
In the case that the buyer wish to pay with a Master or Visa credit card the premium will increase in total to 23% plus the online bidding fee of 5% charged by invaluable.

Shipping Terms

The cost for packing and freight has to be payed fully by the succesful bidder. We normally use DHL as shipping company. For further information please contact DHL directly at https://www.dhl.de/en/privatkunden/pakete-versenden/weltweit-versenden/preise-international.html

Shipping Terms

The cost for packing and freight has to be payed fully by the succesful bidder. We normally use DHL as shipping company. For further information please contact DHL directly at https://www.dhl.de/en/privatkunden/pakete-versenden/weltweit-versenden/preise-international.html


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Since Auction Partners is only an intermediary of the offered objects, the bidder voluntarily renounces his rights according to the current German distance selling regulation.


Bidder cards may be charged 4 days after an invoice has been sent.
The bidder waives his right of return when paying by credit card and that he will in no case withdraw the amount paid with the credit card. If the bidder does not agree with this arrangement, Auction Partners only accepts payment by money transfer from the bank of the buyer to the bank account of Auction Partners in Germany.
Since Auction Partners is only an intermediary of the offered objects, the bidder voluntarily renounces his rights according to the current German distance selling regulation.