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Lot 195: Original 1918 WALTER DITZ WW I Propaganda Poster

Est: €160 EUR - €250 EURSold:
Jörg Weigelt AuktionenHannover, GermanyFebruary 25, 2012

Item Overview


Ditz, Walter 1888 - 1925. Opfertag. Lithographie 1918. 49.2 x 35.4 in. (125 x 90 cm). Druck/Printer: Wolf u. Sohn, München . Details: (B+/B) wg (was folded), Einrisse und kleine Ausrisse an den Rändern, unten etwas fleckig


49.2 x 35.4 in. (125 x 90 cm)

Artist or Maker


Lithographie 1918

Condition Report

(B+/B) wg (was folded), Einrisse und kleine Ausrisse an den Rändern, unten etwas fleckig


poster auction

Payment & Shipping

Accepted forms of payment: Wire Transfer


Shipping (based on 1-3 posters, insurance is extra):
Germany - approx. EURO 25-32
Europe (via private service) - EURO 35-40
USA/Overseas (via FedEx) - EURO 70-80
Insurance is extra. EURO 1.70 per 1000 insurance coverage.

Versand (ca. 1-3 Plakate)
Deutschland - EURO 25-32
Europa (privater Vesandservice) - EURO 35-40
USA/Übersee (FedEx) - EURO 70-80
Versicherungskosten zusätzlich. EUR 1.70 pro 1000.

Auction Details

Auktion 72 - Internationale Plakate / International Posters

Jörg Weigelt Auktionen
February 25, 2012, 12:30 PM CET

Ebelingstr. 21, Hannover, D-30659, DE


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


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By bidding at auction, whether present in person or by agent, by written, telephone or online bid, or by any other means, the buyer agrees to be bound by these Conditions of Sale.

Methods of Payment

Payment by wire transfer or EURO checks.
NO credit cards or PayPal !

Shipping Options

Shipping (based on 1-3 posters, insurance is extra):
Germany - approx. EURO 25-32
Europe (via private service) - EURO 35-40
USA/Overseas (via FedEx) - EURO 70-80
Insurance is extra. EURO 1.70 per 1000 insurance coverage.

Versand (ca. 1-3 Plakate)
Deutschland - EURO 25-32
Europa (privater Vesandservice) - EURO 35-40
USA/Übersee (FedEx) - EURO 70-80
Versicherungskosten zusätzlich. EUR 1.70 pro 1000.

Buyer's Premium 18%

The Buyer's Premium is 18%


European VAT apply for all European buyers.

Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.

Description of the Posters

The condition of each poster/poster
lot in the catalog is described in detail. It is stated whether a
poster is mounted on linen or rice paper, or whether it is not
mounted. Potential flaws, such as creasing, tears or losses are
noted. In addition, all lots are rated with a letter-code from A
(flawless) to D (bad). Please make sure to read our
<a target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none" href="auctions/description.shtml">
Condition Rating Guide</a>