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Lot 268: Peter Downsbrough (b.1940) Photograph

Est: €200 EUR - €260 EURPassed
P55 - Second Hand LuxuryMatosinhos, PortugalApril 14, 2016

Item Overview


Peter Downsbrough (b.1940) Photograph Dim. Max.: Peter Downsbrough (b.1940) Photograph Untitled, New York, 1980. Original photo. "Havas Media" exclusive edition. Chemical process on photographic paper for black and white, "Ilford Ilfo Speed Resin Coated, Pearl". Signed and dated November 2009 on verso. With certificate of authenticity. Prints by "Sabate Photo Lab & Digital Print de Barcelona" atelier. The edition consists of 625 examples with 30 x 40 cm, signed by the artist.

Artist or Maker

Payment & Shipping


Accepted forms of payment: Visa


Auction House will help arrange shipment, at buyer's expense.
Transportation is the sole responsibility of the buyer, and it shall be considered that any aid provided by P55 is a gesture of courtesy and cannot be the source of any liability.

Auction Details

Art and Decoration Auction

P55 - Second Hand Luxury
April 14, 2016, 09:15 PM GMT

R. Brito Capelo, 1147, Matosinhos, Porto, 4450-078, PT


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


P55 Business Conditions

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ART. 10 - If the buyer fails to pay the full amount of the sale within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the item auction, P55 may, at any time, for itself and on behalf of the seller and without any possibility of the buyer to demand any compensation or reparation for this fact:
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ART. 13 - Once a relevant discrepancy is verified involving a significant change in the value of the item between the description and its reality at the time of the auction, the buyer, and only him, may, for a period of three years from the date of auction, request the reimbursement of the full amount of the sale through the return of the item, in the condition it was at the time of the auction.
13.1 - The buyer will not be entitled to any compensation, damages or interests;
13.2 - It is the buyer's burden of proof to demonstrate the existence of the relevant discrepancy between the description and the reality of the item, under the terms and for the purpose of the preceding articles and paragraphs.
ART. 14 - P55 may require the plaintiff buyer to file a written statement with an attached expert opinion signed by a recognized expert in domestic or international markets, without prejudice to its right, in any case, and at all time, to oppose to the expert opinion presented with another of equivalent value.
ART. 15 - The photographs or representations of the items in the catalog are intended solely for identification of the items subject to sale.
ART. 16 - P55 is not liable before the buyer for an item that, for reasons attributable to the seller or a third party, is subject to claims or grievances and / or seized, provisionally or permanently, by the competent authorities, regardless of the date in which the complaint, claim or seizure has been determined or enforced, and the nature or amount of any loss or damage that may arise there from, which shall be claimed by the buyer directly to the seller or third party that caused them.
ART. 17 - P55 is also not liable before the buyer of an item that is prohibited from leaving the country or subject to any encumbrance, charge or restriction, related to its holding, use, enjoyment or transmissibility, including under legislation protecting cultural heritage, regardless of the date of its classification, inventory or enrollment and of the nature or amount of any loss or damage that may arise to the buyer from such restriction, which must be claimed by the buyer directly to the seller or third party who caused it.
17.1 -Similarly, it is the buyer's responsibility to obtain any licenses and other formalities or restrictions on exports from Portugal to the country of intended destination by the purchaser, and licenses and other formalities or restrictions on importation into the country of intended destination by the purchaser.
ART. 18 - Except in case of willful misconduct, the liability of P55 before the buyer is, in any case, limited to the amount actually paid for the purchase of the item.
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ART. 20 - The seller of an item and P55 are bound to each other from the moment a provision of services contract, hereinafter referred to as the "Contract", is signed by both parties.
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a) The full name of the seller and, if applicable, his representative;
b) The identification and description, though brief, of the item;
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ART. 22 - By signing the Contract, the seller:
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b) Guarantees not to have omitted any facts or information that, if disclosed, are likely to change P55's will to enter into the Contract or change the description of the item and / or the value attributed to it;
c) Undertakes the obligation to deliver the items or to keep them at the disposal of P55 and buyer as soon and whenever requested to do so.
22.1 - In case the seller is represented by a third party, the provisions set forth in the preceding article apply to the latter, with the due adaptations, and the third party further undertakes the obligation to present the documents that prove its relationship with the seller;
22.2 - P55 reserves the right to ask for documents that prove the lawful and legitimate ownership and possession of the item, including documents that prove its acquisition or title of possession by the seller;
22.3 - P55 also reserves the right, at all times, to perform or to order examinations and / or tests to the item in order to confirm or deny its description made in the Contract;
22.4 - If such examinations or tests reveal that the Contract is not materially correct, P55 may terminate or cancel it, and if the seller acted with willful misconduct or gross negligence in its negotiation and conclusion, it shall indemnify for the damages suffered by the latter, including image damage if the sale of the item has already been publicized;
22.5 - P55 may also terminate or cancel the Contract, without thereby entitling the seller to any compensation, in the event such tests or examinations are not conclusive but there are persistent grounds for to doubt the material correctness of the Contract.
ART. 23 - The seller expressly authorizes P55 to photograph, publicize, publish and use, in any form, for commercial, cultural, academic or other purposes, the image and description of all items subject of the Contract.
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ART. 25 - In case the seller fails to comply with its obligations under the Contract, including, among others, the obligation to provide the item, the latter may notify the seller to remedy the breach within a reasonable and useful deadline.
25.1 - In case the non-compliance persists after said deadline, P55 has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effects, and still be entitled to claim from the seller, as a penalty clause, a sum equivalent to the commissions that would be payable by the seller and the buyer in the event of the sale of the item by the reservation value stipulated in the Contract, plus any other amounts owed by the seller under the Contract, without prejudice to any surplus damages.
ART. 26 - Transportation to, as well as the deposit of the item in P55 facilities, and / or as its subsequent withdrawal and transportation in case of no sale, are the sole responsibility of the seller, and it shall be considered that any aid provided by P55 is a gesture of courtesy and cannot be the source of any liability.
26.1 - The indication of a company or person to do so also excludes any liability of P55.
ART. 27 - Any loss or damage, including theft and robbery, which may occur regarding an item while it is held by the seller, even after signing the Agreement, are the seller's sole responsibility, the latter being obliged to compensate P55 and / or the buyer for all damages and losses arising there from.
ART. 28 - Without prejudice to the aforesaid cases where the liability has already been transferred to the buyer and where the liability was reverted to the seller, P55 can only be held liable for items that are deposited in its facilities after the respective Contract has been duly signed by the parties or in case the items were formally entrusted to for identification and evaluation purposes.
28.1 - The responsibility of P55 for any loss or damage, including theft and robbery, which may occur regarding the items that have been formally entrusted to it is covered by insurance for the reserve amount agreed.
ART. 29 - The seller expressly authorizes P55 to deduct from the hammer price:
a) The commission due to it under the Contract, plus VAT at the statutory rate; and
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ART. 30 - In case of sale of the item, and provided that the buyer has already paid the full amount of the sale without any delay, P55 undertakes to pay the amount of the sale to the seller, deducted from the applicable commissions, service fees and taxes, within thirty (30) days after the date of the last session of the respective auction, or the date of effective, final and totally due payment by the buyer;
30.1 - The seller shall contact P55 for this purpose.
ART. 31 - In case the item sold is an original work of art, in the meaning of Art. 54 of the "Copyright and Related Rights Code" (in the version amended by Law no. 24/2006, of 30 June), the net amount receivable by the seller comprehends the amount due to the author or, if applicable, to the author's heirs, as a resale right;
31.1 - The seller is obliged to retain such amount and pay it to the author or, if applicable, to its heirs, upon their request or upon the request of any persons or entity validly representing them;
31.2 - As an exception to the provisions of the preceding rules, in case the author, the author's heirs or whomever validly represents them requests such payment from P55 before payment has been made to the seller, the seller expressly authorizes P55 to deduct the amount due in respect of the resale right from the net amount which would be due under Article 29;
31.3 - The seller further authorizes P55 to deduct any amounts owed by the said seller as a buyer of other items from the net amount which would be due under Article 29, operating, to that extent, the applicable set-off;
31.4 - Once the deadline referred to in Article 30 has passed and P55 has not received the full amount of the sale from the buyer, it must inform the seller of that fact and that it took or intends to take legal action to recover the full amount of the sale or cancel the sale;
31.5 - If the reaction against the buyer needs the intervention of the seller, the latter should empower P55 to perform all the actions deemed necessary or appropriate.
31.6 - In case P55 succeeds, either judicially or extra-judicially, in recovering the credit over the buyer, it shall deliver the amount due to the seller within five (5) business days following the effective collection.
ART. 32 - If an item is not sold in auction, and within one (1) month after the last session of the auction, the seller undertakes to:
a) Pay P55 what is stipulated in the Contract, the seller is not entitled to any compensation or damages by reason of not having sold the item;
b) Withdraw the item.
32.1 - It is up to the seller to contact P55 to acknowledge the sale or no sale of the item, so that, in the latter case, it can timely fulfill the above obligations.
ART. 33 - P55 reserves the right to sell any item not sold in auction out of auction, for the minimum sale price agreed plus commission and tax due, at any time before actual withdrawal of the item by the seller, except if the seller, when entering into the Contract or at a later stage, has expressly indicated that it only intends to sell the item at auction.
ART. 34 - Once the period set forth in Article 32 has elapsed without the withdrawal of the item by the seller, title of ownership over the item shall be deemed reversed for all legal purposes, notwithstanding the fact that the seller shall become liable for any loss or damage, including theft and robbery, which may occur regarding the item;
34.1 - Consequently, P55 will not be liable for that eventuality;
34.2 -The seller will also be responsible for all item removal, storage and insurance costs that may be due.
ART. 35 - Ninety (90) days after completion of the period referred to in Article 32, and in case the seller has not voluntarily complied with the obligations established therein, P55 may place the item for auction again, without being subject to the minimum sale price agreed;
35.1 - P55 shall then be entitled to receive the commission and the fees set in the Agreement and also to deduct any amounts owed by the seller.

ART. 36 - For the resolution of any dispute between the parties concerning the interpretation or validity of the Contract, including the present business conditions, as well as its implementation and enforcement, the court of the district of Porto shall be exclusively competent.
FINAL NOTE: CITES - Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of WILD Fauna and Flora
Each and every one of the items in this catalog incorporating materials of wild fauna and flora protected species has been previously certified in accordance with the provisions of CITES.

Shipping Terms

Auction House will help arrange shipment, at buyer's expense.
Transportation is the sole responsibility of the buyer, and it shall be considered that any aid provided by P55 is a gesture of courtesy and cannot be the source of any liability.