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European Coins

Coin, Money & Stamp Categories

Prior to 2002, European currency featured many diverse coins, as few nations in the continent used the same currency. In 2002, however, the European Union introduced the euro, a universal coin that is legal tender in any of the member countries. Euro coins feature a uniform reverse, depicting the value of the coin and the outline of Europe. Each member nation chooses an obverse design that is unique to their country.

Not every European country is a member of the European Union, of course, so collectors may seek out European coins that are not euros. European coinage also has a vast history, offering centuries of collectible coins.

One of the most interesting aspects of European coinage is the political atmosphere's effect on currency over time, especially influences from wars. The history of the continent can be traced through its coinage, perhaps more true in Europe than anywhere else in the world.

Quick Facts

  • European coins minted after World War II but before 2002 have become a flash concern for coin collectors. The transition to the Euro rendered many of these coins worthless and has led to many being discarded or destroyed
  • In 2008, an Italian 1864 50-lire gold coin sold at auction for $384,000. This year is one of the most sought after among Italian coins
  • After World War I, Germany's economy suffered from tremendous inflation. This led Germany to mint 200- and a 500-mark coins, which are oddities today

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