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Political Autographs

Whether collected to celebrate a landmark election or symbolize the acceptance of a significant edict, political autographs reflect the dynamic history of international relations and politics. Political autographs for sale on the market today celebrate this variety while also commemorating the careers of some of history's most notable figures.

Political autographs began as a means of signing important documents, but by the 19th century, followers of prominent politicians independently solicited their autographs. By the midpoint of the century, autograph enthusiasts in the United States were so keen on acquiring signatures that they would send letters to the President requesting his autograph.

The demand for autographs was particularly steep for popular presidents. Abraham Lincoln, for instance, received so many requests by mail that he had his assistants write responses that he could sign them just prior to mailing. Such excitement is still strong today, with collectors clamoring for the autographs of prominent political figures whenever they appear on the open market.

Quick Facts

  • Many United States presidents since the '50s have used autopen technology for their signatures, creating robotic replicas of the leader's autograph in ink
  • One of President John F. Kennedy's final autographs appears scrawled upon an edition of the "Dallas Morning News" from November 22, 1963, the day Kennedy was assassinated. This historic signature sold for $39,000
  • One record-setting presidential signature belongs to Abraham Lincoln. His autograph, appearing on one of only 48 signed copies of the Emancipation Proclamation, sold in 2010 for $3,700,000

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