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José de (1642) Mora Sold at Auction Prices


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        • Attributed to JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada, 1724). "Cardinal Cisneros". Polychrome carved wood. Attached report by Don José Carlos Perez. Presents restorations.
          Feb. 25, 2025

          Attributed to JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada, 1724). "Cardinal Cisneros". Polychrome carved wood. Attached report by Don José Carlos Perez. Presents restorations.

          Est: €14,000 - €16,000

          Attributed to JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada, 1724). "Cardinal Cisneros". Polychrome carved wood. Attached report by Don José Carlos Perez. Presents restorations. Measurements: 64 x 27 x 19 cm. In the study of Don José Carlos Perez on the work, he points out "The attire that we observe is identifiable of the high ecclesiastical dignity that it possesses, that of cardinal, the highest honorary title that can be granted by the Pope. In this case it is the coral habit, which is composed of cassock, muceta and coral cape, all in red, plus the white surplice. On his head we can see the skullcap, also in red, a silk skullcap used by bishops and cardinals who only take it off in the presence of the Pope as a symbol of respect. The overall composition is graceful and airy, not having exclusively a frontal point of view but to be appreciated from different perspectives. The position of arms and hands to hold the slender cross together with the turn of the head to be able to contemplate it and reflect on the transcendence of the Passion, accentuate the dynamism, which is also emphasized thanks to the advancement of the right leg that leaves the left one behind and markedly bent with the delightful detail of the subtle support of the tip of the shoe. The attire is worked on the basis of large planes, in some cases angular, which give the piece great volume and depth and whose textiles even seem to be "moved" by a non-existent wind that causes the cardinal to pick up part of his coral cloak with his left hand. We have no proof that this attribute is the original or a later addition. Looking at the face, his features indicate a restrained emotion. His expression seems absent while he contemplates the cross: low gaze with a slight arching of the eyebrows, long and straight nose together with a closed mouth that prevent us from immersing ourselves in his thoughts, making the work an expressively hermetic representation. The proposed iconographic identification is that of Don Gonzalo (later Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, better known as Cardinal Cisneros. Confessor and advisor to Queen Isabella the Catholic, we can highlight, within his cultural mission, the foundation of the Cisnerian University in Alcalá de Henares. The characteristics of the piece offer a determined and identifying aesthetic of some personal and concrete forms that refer us to the Granada school of sculpture, within which, it can be attributed to José de Mora. It is precisely the face where the sentimental focus of the figure is concentrated. We have to trace references in the work of José de Mora, specifically those where he poses a low and submissive gaze, in contrast to the supplicant ones that rise towards the sky. In this context, the example of the Dolorosa of the National Museum of Sculpture of Valladolid is useful". Presents restorations. Attached report of Don José Carlos Perez.

          Setdart Auction House
          May. 23, 2024


          Est: €12,000 - €15,000

          Important wooden sculpture in gilded, polychrome and sgraffito carving, Granada school from the 17th century. Measurements: 70 x 40 x 30 cm

          Templum Fine Art Auctions
        • Attributed to JOSE DE MORA (Baza, Granada 1642 - Granada, 1724) "Saint Francis of Assís"
          Mar. 14, 2024

          Attributed to JOSE DE MORA (Baza, Granada 1642 - Granada, 1724) "Saint Francis of Assís"

          Est: €6,000 - €7,000

          Attributed to JOSE DE MORA (Baza, Granada 1642 - Granada, 1724) "Saint Francis of Assís" Carved and polychromed figure 47 cm 6.000 - 7.000 €

          Bayeu Subastas
        • José de Mora (Granada 1642-1724) San Carlos Borromeo Sculpture of carved and polychrome wood.
          Dec. 14, 2022

          José de Mora (Granada 1642-1724) San Carlos Borromeo Sculpture of carved and polychrome wood.

          Est: -

          Attributed to José de Mora (Granada 1642-1724) "San Carlos Borromeo" Carved and polychrome wooden sculpture with polished carnations. The polychromy has been restored. Attached are writings from a professor at the University of Granada Domingo Sánchez-Mesa Martín and a professor at the University of Granada Juan Jesús López-Guadalupe Muñoz in which both attribute the carving to the great sculptor from Granada. The sculpture presents features of the Granada baroque for saints in contemplation such as the soft contrast and the lost gaze that denotes great spiritual concentration. It is the crossed hands on the chest, which demonstrate the tension and the great inner life of the saint. Resource according to López-Guadalupe very repeated by Mora. Unlike the traditional iconography of Carlos Borromeo with a red hood, as Archbishop of Milan, in this case it is bluish and under it is a roquette adorned with a lace border. It has been related to the San Bruno of the Sacristy of the Cartuja de la Asunción in Granada who also has his hands crossed on his chest and his gaze is high and lost, as well as with the saints on the altarpiece of the Church of San Anton de Granada: Holy Martyr and Holy Prelate on both sides of the Virgen de los Remedios. Height: 56 cm

          Subastas Segre
        • Attributed to JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada, 1724) "San Pedro de Alcantara". Carved and polychrome wood.
          Apr. 06, 2022

          Attributed to JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada, 1724) "San Pedro de Alcantara". Carved and polychrome wood.

          Est: €7,000 - €8,000

          Attributed to JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada, 1724) "Saint Peter of Alcántara". Carved and polychrome wood. Measurements: 61 x 24 x 21 cm. "Nobody wants to make amends and we all try to make amends to the others, so everything remains hopeless". These are the words written and clearly shown to the faithful or the spectator, in the book carried by the Saint who is the protagonist of this scene. The work stands out for its masterly technique in both the carving, with the face covered in realistic wrinkles, and the detailed polychromy, whose application to the protagonist's cloak lends great veracity to the aesthetic treatment of the carving. As for the saint depicted, his habit as a Franciscan and his aesthetic characteristics are reminiscent of Saint Peter of Alcántara, who decided to join the Franciscans at the age of 16 shortly after his stepfather sent him to university in Salamanca. Returning home, he became a Franciscan friar of the strictest Observance in the convent of Manxaretes, Extremadura, in 1515. At the age of twenty-two he was sent to found a new community of the Stricter Observance in Badajoz. He was ordained a priest in 1524, and the following year he was appointed Guardian of the convent of Santa María de los Ángeles in Robredillo, Old Castile. A few years later he began to preach with great success. He was known for his preference for preaching to the poor and his sermons were largely taken from the Prophets and Wisdom Books. Aesthetically this work continues with the stylistic guidelines that made the Mora family, and more specifically the figure of José de Mora, one of the most important workshops in Granada in the 17th century. The artistic legacy of this family of image-makers, which spanned from the last third of the 17th century to the second half of the 18th century, was a milestone in the Granada school. Influenced by the work of both Alonso Cano and Pedro de Mena, an influence which led him to create a very personal and characteristic style, the prolific sculptor José de Mora immortalised the theme of the Ecce homo and the Dolorosa on several occasions. Executed during his period of creative maturity, they achieved great success in terms of both the number of copies and the quality of the carving of this iconographic type. According to Álvaro Pascual in his study of the present works, during his time in Madrid, José de Mora executed the pair of Ecce homo and Dolorosa for the convent of Maravillas, similar to those he would later make for Granada. From then on, Mora created various types of busts of Dolorosas, which were usually of short format, without the hands, and which formed a pair with the Ecce homo. The melancholy, languid and strongly emotional air that Mora breathes into his bony faces, as well as the long-canoned heads with thin lips, arched eyebrows and pronounced cheekbones, are features that were accentuated and intensified in the stormy final years of his career after the death of his wife. With his exceptional technique, de Mora created a very particular aesthetic, style and models, deeply expressive and realistic in character, which led him to become one of the leading figures in Andalusian imagery.

          Setdart Auction House
          Oct. 14, 2021


          Est: €12,000 - €18,000

          Exceptional polychrome wood carving. José de Mora (Baza, Granada, 1642 - Granada, 1724), son of the sculptor Bernardo de Mora, was trained in his workshop together with Pedro de Mena and Alonso Cano. It was the latter who marked him decisively much more than his father or Mena. In 1669, two years after Cano's death, he went to Madrid, where he worked with Sebastián de Herrera Barnuevo, who had also been a disciple of Alonso Cano. In 1672 he was appointed chamber sculptor of Carlos II until 1680 who left Madrid and returned permanently to Granada. With a very complex and introverted personality, when his wife died and not having had children, he was left alone and became depressed. His sculpture travels parallel to his state of mind and creating an imagery of deep feeling, of infinite sensitivity that shows an inner pain, collected, intimate, in a state of absence of the worldly thing, quite possibly the sculptor is representing us the state of his own soul in Dolorosas as the Virgen de la Soledad from the Güell Collection, today in the Colegio de San Gregorio de Valladolid, or the Virgen de los Dolores of the Church of Santa Ana de Granada. He made a very measured sculpture, minimalist in the expressive and in the polychromy that he had learned from Cano, but which he executed with less virtuosity and greater austerity in a very personal style of great artistic efficiency. Measurements: 61 cm or the Virgen de los Dolores of the Church of Santa Ana de Granada. He made a very measured sculpture, minimalist in the expressive and in the polychromy that he had learned from Cano, but which he executed with less virtuosity and greater austerity in a very personal style of great artistic efficiency. Measurements: 61 cm or the Virgen de los Dolores of the Church of Santa Ana de Granada. He made a very measured sculpture, minimalist in the expressive and in the polychromy that he had learned from Cano, but which he executed with less virtuosity and greater austerity in a very personal style of great artistic efficiency. Measurements: 61 cm

          Templum Fine Art Auctions
        • Attributed to JOSÉ DE MORA. Granada, around 1700. "Ecce Homo and Dolorosa". Carved and polychrome wood. Later bases following old models.
          Jan. 20, 2021

          Attributed to JOSÉ DE MORA. Granada, around 1700. "Ecce Homo and Dolorosa". Carved and polychrome wood. Later bases following old models.

          Est: €14,000 - €15,000

          Attributed to JOSÉ DE MORA. Granada, around 1700. "Ecce Homo and Dolorosa". Carved and polychrome wood. Later bases following old models. Attached study by Álvaro Pascual Chenel. Measurements: 59 x 44 x 26 cm (each one). The couple of sculptures presented here follow the stylistic guidelines that made the Mora family, and more specifically the figure of José de Mora, one of the most important workshops in Granada in the 17th century. The artistic legacy of this family of sculptors, which spanned from the last third of the 17th century to the second half of the 18th century, was a landmark within the Granada school. Influenced by the work of both Alonso Cano and Pedro de Mena, an influence that led him to create a very personal and characteristic style, the prolific sculptor José de Mora immortalized the theme of Ecce homo and La Dolorosa on repeated occasions. Executed during his period of creative maturity, they achieved great success both for the number of copies and for the quality of carving of this iconographic type. According to Álvaro Pascual in the study of the present works, during his Madrid stage José de Mora executed the pair of Ecce homo and Dolorosa from the convent of Maravillas similar to those he will later do for Granada. From there, Mora created several types of Dolorosa busts that used to be short format, not including the hands, and that were a pair with Ecce homo. Due to their similarity with the pieces we are dealing with we can mention the examples of the Corpus Christi convent of Augustinian mothers, but especially those of the convent of Santa Isabel la Real and the convent of Santa Catalina de Zafra. To them we can add the version from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The melancholic, languid and strongly emotional air that Mora breathes into his bony faces, as well as the elongated canon heads and thin lips, the arched eyebrows or the marked cheekbones, are features that are accentuated and intensified in the stormy final years of his career after his wife's death. With his exceptional technique he created a very particular aesthetic, style and models of a deeply expressive and realistic nature with human types whose physiognomy is far from ideal.

          Setdart Auction House
        • JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada 1724) San Carlos Borromeo
          Jun. 04, 2019

          JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada 1724) San Carlos Borromeo

          Est: -

          JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada 1724) San Carlos Borromeo 58 x 17 x 26 cm

          Isbilya Subastas
        • Dolorosa
          Feb. 06, 2019


          Est: -

          Virgen de vestir realizada en madera tallada y policromada. Con rostrillo y ropajes en terciopelo, encajes y seda bordada. Dressed virgin made of carved and polychrome wood. With rostrillo and clothes in velvet, lace and embroidered silk.

          Isbilya Subastas
        • Dolorosa
          Oct. 25, 2018


          Est: -

          Dolorosa JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada 1724) Carved and polychrome wood 62 x 66 cm

          Isbilya Subastas
        • CIRCLE OF JOSÉ DE MORA, San Francisco de Paula. A polychrome carved wood figure
          Oct. 26, 2017

          CIRCLE OF JOSÉ DE MORA, San Francisco de Paula. A polychrome carved wood figure

          Est: -

          San Francisco de Paula CÍRCULO DE JOSÉ DE MORA 1642 Baza, Granada - 1724 Granada San Francisco de Paula El Santo aparece de pie con hábito estofado y medallón inscrito "charitas" sobre el pecho. Una cruz en la mano derecha y libro en la izquierda. Con peana de madera tallada y marmolizada.

          Isbilya Subastas
        • José de Mora. Holy Child
          Dec. 22, 2016

          José de Mora. Holy Child

          Est: -

          MORA, JOSÉ DE (1642 - 1724). "Niño de la Pasion". Talla de madera policromada. Bonita representación del Niño sentado en un sillón frailero, con gesto apenado, ojos de cristal y las lágrimas corriendo por sus mejillas acentuando éste sentimiento. Cabello ondulado y potencias (modernas) en plata, ley 925, con baño de oro. Se cubre púdicamente con un paño de terciopelo bordado en hilo de plata. Restauraciones (brazos, manos y pies). José de Mora, afamado imaginero y escultor granadino, marcha en 1666 a Madrid. Aunque es nombrado escultor del rey Felipe IV, vuelve a Granada para ocuparse del taller de su padre. Entre sus imágenes de pasión merece destacar el famoso San Bruno de Granada, el Cristo de la Misericordia y la Dolorosas del Convento de las Maravillas de Madrid

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • San Antonio
          Apr. 06, 2016

          San Antonio

          Est: -

          JOSÉ DE MORA (Baza, 1642 - Granada 1724), San Antonio 60 x 31 cm

          Isbilya Subastas
          Apr. 13, 2010


          Est: €6,000 - €9,000

          FRAGMENT EN BOIS SCULPTE PEINT POLYCHROME REPRESENTANT LA MATER DOLOROSA ENTOURAGE DE JOSE DE MORA (1642-1724), GRENADE, VERS 1730 Représentée la tête légèrement tournée à gauche, les yeux incrustés de verre; enchâssé dans un cadre d'époque postérieure en bois sculpté recouvert de soie noire Hauteur: 30 cm. (12 in.) ; Hauteur totale: 57 cm. (22½ in.)

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