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Battista Naldini Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Freskant, b. 1537 - d. 1591

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        Feb. 15, 2025


        Est: $100 - $150

        Color lithograph on paper. After a sanguine sketch by Giovanni Battista Naldini, 1535 to 1591, a late-Mannerist Italian painter active in Florence and Rome. The original is now in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. The artwork depicts a nude man sowing seeds. A crowned stamp in the lower left. White mat, golden frame. Collectible European Classic Graphic Art, Wall Prints.

        Antique Arena Inc
        Jan. 28, 2025


        Est: -

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (1537-1591) (attrib.), Mannerist artist in Florence, studied under Pontormo and worked for Vasari and the Medici. Study for a biblical scene, pen and ink and brush over pencil on laid paper, signed/inscribed ''Naldini'' in lower margin, 28 x 23.5 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 46 x 42 cm

        Historia Auctionata
        Sep. 03, 2024


        Est: -

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (1537-1591) (attrib.), Mannerist artist in Florence, studied under Pontormo and worked for Vasari and the Medici. Study for a biblical scene, pen and ink and brush over pencil on laid paper, signed/inscribed ''Naldini'' at lower margin, 28 x 23.5 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 46 x 42 cm

        Historia Auctionata
      • Ecce Homo
        Jul. 04, 2024

        Ecce Homo

        Est: £15,000 - £20,000

        Giovanni Battista Naldini Fiesole circa 1537–1591 Florence Ecce Homo oil on poplar panel unframed: 35.3 x 24.2 cm.; 13⅞ x 9½ in. framed: 53.3 x 43.2 cm.; 21 x 17 in.

      • Battista Naldini, 1537 Rom – 1591, Art des
        Dec. 07, 2023

        Battista Naldini, 1537 Rom – 1591, Art des

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        DIE HEILIGE FAMILIE MIT DEM JOHANNESKNABEN Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 125 x 94 cm. Der florentinische Malstil ist hier unverkennbar. Zudem ist insbesondere bei der Betrachtung der Gesichter, aber auch der Wiedergabe der kindlichen Gestalten die Nähe zu Battista Naldini zu sehen. Ein Gemälde desselben Themas von seiner Hand (Christie‘s, April 2021, Lot 24) zeigt deutliche Verwandtschaft, ebenso seine Werke in der National Gallery London. Maria ist hier als Madonna lactans gezeigt, mit wachendem Blick auf das Kind, während der Johannesknabe von rechts lächelnd heranschreitet, und Josef – wie üblich – im dunkleren Hintergrund erscheint. Die Beleuchtung, die ganz auf die Hauptfiguren gerichtet ist, aber auch die Körperhaltungen zeigen ganz deutlich den Einfluss des Manieristen Jacopo Pontormo, bei dem Naldini gelernt hat. A.R. Anmerkung: Maler der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts der Manier des Battista Naldini verpflichtet. Literatur: Vgl. Sydney J. Freedberg, Painting in Italy, 1500-1600. New Haven 1993, S. 610-611. (1380461) (11)

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • Circle of Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
        Jul. 05, 2023

        Circle of Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist

        Est: £10,000 - £15,000

        Circle of Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist oil on panel 71.2 x 55.3cm (28 1/16 x 21 3/4in).

      • ATTRIBUÉ À GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI (FLORENCE 1537-1591) Le martyre de sai
        Mar. 22, 2023

        ATTRIBUÉ À GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI (FLORENCE 1537-1591) Le martyre de sai

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        ATTRIBUÉ À GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI (FLORENCE 1537-1591) Le martyre de saint Laurent sanguine, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 18,8 x 16 cm (7 1/2 x 6 3/8 in.)

        Jan. 27, 2023


        Est: $40,000 - $60,000

        GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI (FIESOLE C. 1537-1591 FLORENCE) Christ Carrying the Cross GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI (FIESOLE C. 1537-1591 FLORENCE) Christ Carrying the Cross oil on copper, /tondo/ 5 1/2 in. (14 cm.), diameter

        Nov. 29, 2022


        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        (Firenze, 1553 - 1591) Morte della Vergine Tempera su tavola, cm 106X74 Giovanni Battista Naldini si formò nella bottega di Pontormo ma le sue prime opere rivelano una propensione post-tridentina secondo i modi del tardo Cinquecento toscano. Naldini frequentò anche la bottega di Giorgio Vasari e nel 1560 si recò a Roma cimentandosi nella pratica della copia guardando la statuaria, le opere di Raffaello, del Salviati e di Polidoro. Nella Città Eterna il pittore si recò ancora tra il 1577 e il 1580, lavorando per la chiesa di San Giovanni Decollato e a San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, oltre ad affrescare la cappella Altoviti a Trinità dei Monti. Nel decennio precedente, insieme a Francesco Morandini, Giovanni Stradano e Jacopo Zucchi, prese parte al prestigioso cantiere del salone dei Cinquecento e al contempo, nel 1566, affrescò la Deposizione nella chiesa fiorentina di San Simone, l'Andata al Calvario per la Badia Fiorentina e un ciclo di dipinti di piccolo formato destinato al duomo di Pistoia. Giunto all'ottavo decennio la carriera dell'artista ebbe pieno riconoscimento e in virtù delle due pale realizzate per Santa Maria Novella, la Deposizione datata al 1572, e la poco più tarda Natività conclusa nel 1573, furono elogiate da Raffaello Borghini (1584, p. 615), promuovendo l'artista come raffinato interprete di temi religiosi, determinando un incremento delle commissioni sacre che, a partire dalla metà dell'ottavo decennio, appaiono in costante crescita. Alla tarda maturità si colloca di conseguenza l'esecuzione della tavola in esame, valutandone altresì la prossimità con la Deposizione dalla croce eseguita fra il 1575 e il 1584 per la Cappella di Lodovico da Verrazzano in Santa Croce, anch'essa elogiata dal Borghini per le molte copiose figure e vaghissima di colorito. Bibliografia di riferimento: R. Borghini, Il Riposo (1584), I, Milano 1967, pp. 101, 112, 114, 190, 197, 205, 588, 613-619 Z. Wazbinski, Giorgio Vasari e Vincenzo Borghini come maestri accademici: il caso di Giovan Battista Naldini, in Giorgio Vasari tra decorazione ambientale e storiografia artistica. Convegno di studi, Arezzo 1981, a cura di G. C. Garfagnini, Firenze 1985, pp. 285-299

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Circle of Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
        Apr. 12, 2022

        Circle of Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist

        Est: £4,000 - £6,000

        Circle of Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist oil on panel 71.2 x 56.3cm (28 1/16 x 22 3/16in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre
        Mar. 23, 2022

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre

        Est: €10,000 - €15,000

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre Un cachet à la cire rouge au verso The repentant Magdalene, oil on softwood panel, by G. B. Naldini h: 83 w: 67,50 cm Provenance : Acquis par le père de l'actuel propriétaire dans les années 1980-90 ; Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Formé par Pontormo et actif à ses côtés jusqu'à la mort du maître en 1557, Naldini part à Rome vers 1560 où il s'imprègne des modèles raphaélesques et de la manière de Michel-Ange. A son retour en Toscane son style a profondément évolué et il devient à partir de 1563 l'un des artistes qui, avec Vasari, collabore aux prestigieuses commandes médicéennes. Il participe en 1564 au décor des solennelles obsèques de Michel-Ange à San Lorenzo, puis travaille au décor du salon des Cinq-Cents au Palazzo Vecchio et à celui du studiolo de Francesco Ier de Médicis. La décennie 1570 est celle des grandes commandes religieuses pour Santa Maria Novella notamment. Notre Marie-Madeleine appartient à la dernière décennie de la carrière de l'artiste, celle durant laquelle il travaille principalement pour les églises de Florence et du grand-duché de Toscane. Nous pouvons d'ailleurs rapprocher le visage de Marie-Madeleine de celui de la figure qui se trouve au centre de la Présentation de la Vierge au Temple du Duomo de Volterra qui fut peinte par Naldini en 1590. La tension dans la psychologie du modèle, les couleurs acidulées et recherchées, le puissant dessin sous-jacent et la vivacité du pinceau dans l'exécution contribuent à faire de notre panneau un petit chef-d'œuvre du second maniérisme florentin. Nous remercions Monsieur Michele Danieli de nous avoir aimablement confirmé l'authenticité de ce tableau d'après une photographie ainsi que pour son aide à la rédaction de cette notice. Estimation 10 000 - 15 000 €

      • Circle of Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
        Dec. 08, 2021

        Circle of Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist

        Est: £8,000 - £12,000

        Circle of Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist oil on panel 71.2 x 56.3cm (28 1/16 x 22 3/16in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (1535 - 1591) - Saint John the Baptist as a Child
        Nov. 27, 2021

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (1535 - 1591) - Saint John the Baptist as a Child

        Est: €15,000 - €20,000

        By choosing to depict the sculpted figure of a young Saint John the Baptist standing out against a dark background, enveloped in an intense light, Naldini referring directly to the opening passage from the Gospel of John, which focuses on the Baptist’s role as a forerunner of Christ, and a prophet of his coming: “There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.” (John 1,6-8). On his body, represented on the back, we can glimpse a bright red drapery and the robe made of camel hair. The latter, together with the cane crucefix, are the iconographic symbols of the Saint. The naturalistic rendering of the face seems almost a study of a live model. The beautiful head of the young man with a proud gaze, thick and curly hair, and bare skin recall Naldini`s model.

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
        Nov. 26, 2021


        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        (Firenze, 1535 - 1591) Compianto Olio su tavola, cm 45,5X40 Attribuita da Giuseppe Fiocco a Tommaso Manzuoli detto Maso di San Friano (Firenze, 1531 - 1571), lo studioso ne specificava una datazione precoce, indicando le influenze di Andrea del Sarto e Mariotto Albertinelli. Tuttavia, si deve ad Alessandro Nesi il corretto riconoscimento a Giovanni Battista Naldini, artista che si formò nella bottega di Pontormo e il cui stile iniziale, specialmente nelle prove grafiche, mostra l'interesse verso le composizioni del maestro e di Andrea del Sarto, mentre le prime opere rivelano una propensione post-tridentina secondo i modi del tardo Cinquecento toscano. Naldini frequentò anche la bottega di Giorgio Vasari e nel 1560 si recò a Roma cimentandosi nella pratica della copia guardando la statuaria, le opere di Raffaello, del Salviati e di Polidoro. Nella Città Eterna il pittore si recò ancora tra il 1577 e il 1580, lavorando per la chiesa di San Giovanni Decollato e a San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, oltre ad affrescare la cappella Altoviti a Trinità dei Monti. Ma nel decennio precedente, insieme a Francesco Morandini, Giovanni Stradano e Jacopo Zucchi, prese parte al prestigioso cantiere del salone dei Cinquecento e al contempo, nel 1566, affrescò la Deposizione nella chiesa fiorentina di San Simone, l'Andata al Calvario per la Badia Fiorentina e un ciclo di dipinti di piccolo formato destinato al duomo di Pistoia. Giunto all'ottavo decennio la carriera dell'artista ebbe pieno riconoscimento e in virtù delle due pale realizzate per Santa Maria Novella, la Deposizione datata al 1572, e la poco più tarda Natività conclusa nel 1573, furono elogiate da Raffaello Borghini (1584, p. 615), promuovendo l'artista come raffinato interprete di temi religiosi, determinando un incremento delle commissioni sacre che, a partire dalla metà dell'ottavo decennio, appaiono in costante crescita. A questo momento Alessandro Nesi colloca l'esecuzione della tavola in esame, valutandone altresì la prossimità con la Deposizione dalla croce eseguita fra il 1575 e il 1584 per la Cappella di Lodovico da Verrazzano in Santa Croce, anch'essa elogiata dal Borghini per le molte copiose figure e vaghissima di colorito. L'opera è corredata da una scheda critica di Alessandro Nesi e una perizia su fotocopia di Giuseppe Fiocco Bibliografia di riferimento: R. Borghini, Il Riposo (1584), I, Milano 1967, pp. 101, 112, 114, 190, 197, 205, 588, 613-619 Z. Wazbinski, Giorgio Vasari e Vincenzo Borghini come maestri accademici: il caso di Giovan Battista Naldini, in Giorgio Vasari tra decorazione ambientale e storiografia artistica. Convegno di studi, Arezzo 1981, a cura di G. C. Garfagnini, Firenze 1985, pp. 285-299 A. Giovannetti, in La pittura in Italia. Il Cinquecento, Milano 1987, II, pp. 779

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Marriage of the Virgin r
        Oct. 14, 2021

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Marriage of the Virgin r

        Est: $40,000 - $60,000

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) The Marriage of the Virgin red chalk and red wash, on two sheets joined vertically at right 10 ¾ x 10 ¼ in. (27.3 x 25.7 cm)

        Sep. 28, 2021


        Est: €4,000 - €4,500

        GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI (1537-1591) 'Il transito della Vergine' olio su tavola cm. 103x74

        Aste Boetto SRL
        Sep. 21, 2021


        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        (Firenze, 1535 - 1591) La Temperanza Olio su tela, cm 103X72 Lo stile e la composizione del dipinto suggeriscono l'attribuzione al pittore fiorentino Giovanni Battista Naldini. L'artista si formì nella bottega di Pontormo i cui anni di lavoro sono documentati grazie ai disegni custoditi al Gabinetto disegni e stampe degli Uffizi, nel Département des arts graphiques del Louvre, al Fogg Art Museum e allo Staatliche Museen, Kupferstichkabinett di Berlino. Si tratta di fogli che documentano l'interesse dell'artista verso le composizioni del maestro e di Andrea del Sarto, mentre le prime opere mostrano una propensione devozionale post-tridentina, secondo i modi del tardo Cinquecento toscano. Naldini frequentì successivamente la bottega di Giorgio Vasari e nel 1560 si recì a Roma cimentandosi nella pratica della copia guardando la statuaria, le opere di Raffaello e del Salviati. Nella Città Eterna, Naldini si recì ancora tra il 1577 e il 1580 dove lavorì a San Giovanni Decollato e a San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, oltre ad affrescare la cappella Altoviti a Trinità dei Monti. A questo momento storico, per analogie cromatiche e impostazione, dimostrandosi un sofisticato pittore da cavalletto dipingendo eleganti scene mitologiche e allegoriche come questa in esame. Bibliografia di riferimento: R. Borghini, Il Riposo (1584), I, Milano 1967, pp. 101, 112, 114, 190, 197, 205, 588, 613-619 A. Giovannetti, in La pittura in Italia. Il Cinquecento, Milano 1987, II, pp. 779

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • NALDINI BATTISTA (1537 - 1591) Study of a male nude.
        Jun. 17, 2021

        NALDINI BATTISTA (1537 - 1591) Study of a male nude.

        Est: €600 - €800

        NALDINI BATTISTA (1537 - 1591). Study of a male nude.. Cm 13,00 x 18,00.

        Capitolium Art
      • Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 Recto : Homme songeant ; Verso : Homme à son bureau Sanguine et crayon noir
        Jun. 09, 2021

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 Recto : Homme songeant ; Verso : Homme à son bureau Sanguine et crayon noir

        Est: €25,000 - €35,000

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 Recto : Homme songeant ; Verso : Homme à son bureau Sanguine et crayon noir Papier filigrané Recto: Man dreaming ; Verso: Man at his desk, red and black chalk, by G. B. Naldini h: 30 w: 20 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Paris, Millon & Associés, 25 juin 2010, n° 21 (comme attribué à) ; Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Naldini entre dans l'atelier de Pontormo vers 1549 et y reste jusqu'en 1556. Il conservera tout au long de sa vie des influences de son maître, surtout dans sa manière de dessiner, comme au recto de notre dessin avec les yeux ronds et vides ou la main qui soutient le menton1. Le traitement vigoureux, presque brutal, de la sanguine est aussi caractéristique de la technique utilisée par Naldini. Au verso, l'homme à son bureau semble être en train de dessiner. Il s'agit surement d'un moment croqué au sein de l'atelier. Nous pouvons retrouver cette atmosphère de 'studiolo' dans la fameuse gravure de " l'Académie de Bandinelli ", où la pose et l'attitude du jeune dessinateur au centre de la planche sont proches de celle de notre dessinateur (fig. 1). 1. Voir J. Cox-Rearick, 'The drawings of Pontormo', New York, 1981, n°245, fig. 243. Estimation 25 000 - 35 000 €

      • GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI (FIESOLE C. 1537-1591 FLORENCE) Madonna and Child
        Apr. 22, 2021

        GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI (FIESOLE C. 1537-1591 FLORENCE) Madonna and Child

        Est: $60,000 - $80,000

        GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI (FIESOLE C. 1537-1591 FLORENCE) Madonna and Child with the infant Saint John the Baptist oil on panel 30 ¼ x 23 7/8 in. (76.5 x 59.5 cm.)

      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) An extensive view of Rome w
        Dec. 08, 2020

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) An extensive view of Rome w

        Est: £40,000 - £60,000

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) An extensive view of Rome with the Ponte Rotto, seen from the Aventine... black chalk, pen and brown ink, traces of red chalk, watermark crossed arrows and a star (cf. Heawood 40, Rome, 1561) 8 ½ x 12 ¾ in. (21.7 x 32.3 cm)

      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole c. 1537-1591 Florence), after Michelangelo - The Rape of Ganymede
        Oct. 15, 2020

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole c. 1537-1591 Florence), after Michelangelo - The Rape of Ganymede

        Est: $70,000 - $100,000

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole c. 1537-1591 Florence), after Michelangelo The Rape of Ganymede oil on silvered copper 13 ¾ x 10 ½ in. (34.9 x 26.6 cm.)

      • Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre,
        Sep. 29, 2020

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre,

        Est: €15,000 - €20,000

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre, un cachet à la cire rouge au verso h: 83 w: 67,50 cm Provenance : Acquis par le père de l'actuel propriétaire dans les années 1980-90 ; Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Formé par Pontormo et actif à ses côtés jusqu'à la mort du maître en 1557, Naldini part à Rome vers 1560 où il s'imprègne des modèles raphaélesques et de la manière de Michel-Ange. A son retour en Toscane son style a profondément évolué et il devient à partir de 1563 l'un des artistes qui, avec Vasari, collabore aux prestigieuses commandes médicéennes. Il participe en 1564 au décor des solennelles obsèques de Michel-Ange à San Lorenzo, puis travaille au décor du salon des Cinq-Cents au Palazzo Vecchio et à celui du studiolo de Francesco Ier de Médicis. La décennie 1570 est celle des grandes commandes religieuses pour Santa Maria Novella notamment. Notre Marie-Madeleine appartient à la dernière décennie de la carrière de l'artiste, celle durant laquelle il travaille principalement pour les églises de Florence et du grand-duché de Toscane. Nous pouvons d'ailleurs rapprocher le visage de Marie-Madeleine de celui de la figure qui se trouve au centre de la Présentation de la Vierge au Temple du Duomo de Volterra qui fut peinte par Naldini en 1590. La tension dans la psychologie du modèle, les couleurs acidulées et recherchées, le puissant dessin sous-jacent et la vivacité du pinceau dans l'exécution contribuent à faire de notre panneau un petit chef-d'œuvre du second maniérisme florentin. Nous remercions Monsieur Michele Danieli de nous avoir aimablement confirmé l'authenticité de ce tableau d'après une photographie ainsi que pour son aide à la rédaction de cette notice. Estimation 15 000 - 20 000 €

        Sep. 24, 2020


        Est: €1,500 - €2,500

        (Firenze, 1535 - 1591) Compianto su Cristo morto Olio su tela, cm 116X95 Lo stile e la composizione del dipinto suggeriscono l'attribuzione al pittore fiorentino Giovanni Battista Naldini e in modo particolare grazie al confronto con le tele di medesimo tema custodite nelle chiese di Santa Maria Novella e di Santa Croce a Firenze. Il carattere di queste opere bene risponde al sentimento devozionale post-tridentino incoraggiato da Cosimo I e che segnerà la produzione artistica tardo cinquecentesca toscana. Il paragone con le opere citate fa supporre una datazione alla seconda metà del secolo, verosimilmente dopo il soggiorno romano dell'artista avvenuto intorno al 1575. Nella Città Eterna, Naldini lavorì a San Giovanni Decollato e a San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, oltre ad affrescare la cappella Altoviti a Trinità dei Monti. A questo momento storico, per analogia cromatica e regia scenica, possiamo, con la dovuta prudenza, datare la tela in esame. Anche se una maggiore corrispondenza si coglie osservando la Deposizione dalla croce eseguita dal pittore fra il 1575 e il 1584, per la Cappella di Lodovico da Verrazzano in Santa Croce, elogiata dal Borghini 'per le molte copiose di figure e vaghissima di colorito', secondo una riscontrabile scelta narrativa. Bibliografia di riferimento: R. Borghini, Il Riposo (1584), I, Milano 1967, pp. 101, 112, 114, 190, 197, 205, 588, 613-619 A. Giovannetti, in La pittura in Italia. Il Cinquecento, Milano 1987, II, pp. 779

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (Firenze 1535-1591), attribuito a, S. Caterina e S. Apollonia
        Jun. 30, 2020

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Firenze 1535-1591), attribuito a, S. Caterina e S. Apollonia

        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        coppia di dipinti ad olio su tela, cm 30x21 entro cornice dorata, Il pendant è accompagnato dall'expertise del Prof. Mario Bucci a sostegno dell'attribuzione.

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre
        Jun. 16, 2020

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre

        Est: €20,000 - €30,000

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre Un cachet à la cire rouge au verso The Penitent Magdalen, oil on panel, by G. B. Naldini h: 83 w: 67,50 cm Provenance : Acquis par le père de l''actuel propriétaire dans les années 1980-90 ; Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Formé par Pontormo et actif à ses côtés jusqu''à la mort du maître en 1557, Naldini part à Rome vers 1560 où il s''imprègne des modèles raphaélesques et de la manière de Michel-Ange. A son retour en Toscane son style a profondément évolué et il devient à partir de 1563 l''un des artistes qui, avec Vasari, collabore aux prestigieuses commandes médicéennes. Il participe en 1564 au décor des solennelles obsèques de Michel-Ange à San Lorenzo, puis travaille au décor du salon des Cinq-Cents au Palazzo Vecchio et à celui du studiolo de Francesco Ier de Médicis. La décennie 1570 est celle des grandes commandes religieuses pour Santa Maria Novella notamment. Notre Marie-Madeleine appartient à la dernière décennie de la carrière de l''artiste, celle durant laquelle il travaille principalement pour les églises de Florence et du grand-duché de Toscane. Nous pouvons d''ailleurs rapprocher le visage de Marie-Madeleine de celui de la figure qui se trouve au centre de la Présentation de la Vierge au Temple du Duomo de Volterra qui fut peinte par Naldini en 1590. La tension dans la psychologie du modèle, les couleurs acidulées et recherchées, le puissant dessin sous-jacent et la vivacité du pinceau dans l''exécution contribuent à faire de notre panneau un petit chef-d''œuvre du second maniérisme florentin. Nous remercions Monsieur Michele Danieli de nous avoir aimablement confirmé l''authenticité de ce tableau d''après une photographie ainsi que pour son aide à la rédaction de cette notice.

        Mar. 05, 2020


        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        (Firenze, 1535 - 1591) Compianto sul Cristo morto Olio su tela, cm 116X94 Lo stile e la composizione del dipinto suggeriscono l'attribuzione al pittore fiorentino Giovanni Battista Naldini e in modo particolare grazie al confronto con le tele di medesimo tema custodite nelle chiese di Santa Maria Novella e di Santa Croce a Firenze. Il carattere di queste opere bene risponde al sentimento devozionale post-tridentino incoraggiato da Cosimo I e che segnerà la produzione artistica tardo cinquecentesca toscana. Il paragone con le opere citate fa supporre una datazione alla seconda metà del secolo, verosimilmente dopo il soggiorno romano dell'artista avvenuto intorno al 1575. Nella Città Eterna Naldini lavorò a San Giovanni Decollato e a San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, oltre ad affrescare la cappella Altoviti a Trinità dei Monti. A questo momento storico, per analogia cromatica e regia scenica, possiamo, con la dovuta prudenza, datare la tela in esame. Anche se una maggiore corrispondenza si coglie osservando la Deposizione dalla croce eseguita dal pittore fra il 1575 e il 1584, per la Cappella di Lodovico da Verrazzano in Santa Croce, elogiata dal Borghini 'per le molte copiose di figure e vaghissima di colorito', secondo una riscontrabile scelta narrativa. Bibliografia di riferimento: R. Borghini, Il Riposo (1584), I, Milano 1967, pp. 101, 112, 114, 190, 197, 205, 588, 613-619 A. Giovannetti, in La pittura in Italia. Il Cinquecento, Milano 1987, II, pp. 779 E. Capretti in Il Cinquecento a Firenze. Maniera moderna e controriforma, catalogo della mostra a cura di C. Falciani e A. Natali, Firenze 2107

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) - An equestrian battle scene (recto); Two studies of the head of Lorenzo...
        Jan. 28, 2020

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) - An equestrian battle scene (recto); Two studies of the head of Lorenzo...

        Est: $15,000 - $20,000

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Florence 1537-1591) An equestrian battle scene (recto); Two studies of the head of Lorenzo... black chalk, pen and brown ink (recto), red chalk (verso) 8 ¾ x 12 3/8 in. (22.2 x 31.5 cm)

      • Giovanni Battista NALDINI (Fiesole 1537-1591) Étude d’homme en buste tenant une tablette
        Nov. 14, 2019

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI (Fiesole 1537-1591) Étude d’homme en buste tenant une tablette

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI (Fiesole 1537-1591) Étude d’homme en buste tenant une tablette Sanguine Annoté à la plume et encre brune, en bas au centre Girolama Muziano Collé sur les bords, petit trou en bas à gauche Study of a man in a bust holding a tablet, sanguine, annotated in pen and brown ink, bottom center Girolama Muziano 9,2 x 7,2 CM • 3 5/8 X 2 7/8 IN. €2,000-3,000 Provenance: Ancienne collection Hone, son cachet en bas à droite (L.2793)

      • Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre
        Mar. 27, 2019

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre

        Est: €30,000 - €40,000

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI Florence, 1535 - 1591 La Madeleine repentante Huile sur panneau de bois tendre Un cachet à la cire rouge au verso The Penitent Magdalen, oil on panel, by G. B. Naldini h: 83 w: 67,50 cm Provenance : Acquis par le père de l'actuel propriétaire dans les années 1980-90 ; Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Formé par Pontormo et actif à ses côtés jusqu'à la mort du maître en 1557, Naldini part à Rome vers 1560 où il s'imprègne des modèles raphaélesques et de la manière de Michel-Ange. A son retour en Toscane son style a profondément évolué et il devient à partir de 1563 l'un des artistes qui, avec Vasari, collabore aux prestigieuses commandes médicéennes. Il participe en 1564 au décor des solennelles obsèques de Michel-Ange à San Lorenzo, puis travaille au décor du salon des Cinq-Cents au Palazzo Vecchio et à celui du studiolo de Francesco Ier de Médicis. La décennie 1570 est celle des grandes commandes religieuses pour Santa Maria Novella notamment. Notre Marie-Madeleine appartient à la dernière décennie de la carrière de l'artiste, celle durant laquelle il travaille principalement pour les églises de Florence et du grand-duché de Toscane. Nous pouvons d'ailleurs rapprocher le visage de Marie-Madeleine de celui de la figure qui se trouve au centre de la Présentation de la Vierge au Temple du Duomo de Volterra qui fut peinte par Naldini en 1590 (fig.1). La tension dans la psychologie du modèle, les couleurs acidulées et recherchées, le puissant dessin sous-jacent et la vivacité du pinceau dans l'exécution contribuent à faire de notre panneau un petit chef-d'œuvre du second maniérisme florentin. Estimation 30 000 - 40 000 €

      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (1535-1591), Presentazione al tempio
        May. 30, 2018

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (1535-1591), Presentazione al tempio

        Est: €8,000 - €10,000

        olio su tavola, cm 26,5x15,5

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Attribué à Giovanni Battista Naldini Florence, 1535 - 1591 Académie d'homme Plume et encre brune sur trait de sanguine
        Mar. 21, 2018

        Attribué à Giovanni Battista Naldini Florence, 1535 - 1591 Académie d'homme Plume et encre brune sur trait de sanguine

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        Attribué à Giovanni Battista Naldini Florence, 1535 - 1591 Académie d''homme Plume et encre brune sur trait de sanguine (Restaurations, plusieurs petits manques dus à l''encre ferrogalique) Sans cadre Male nude, pen and brown ink, red chalk, attr. to G. B. Naldini h: 27,50 w: 19,70 cm Provenance : Collection Alain et Catherine Monbeig Goguel, Paris

      • GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI | Study of a figure holding a board
        Jan. 31, 2018

        GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI | Study of a figure holding a board

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Red chalk; bears old attribution and numbering in pen and brown ink on the mount:  Girolamo Muziano . 12

        Mar. 31, 2017


        Est: CHF8,000 - CHF12,000

        NALDINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1537 Florence 1591) An apostle preaches at a burial. Brown pen and red chalk. Old mount. Inscribed on the mount in black pen: Barol: Suardi, detto Bramantino. 19.7 x 28.2 cm. Provenance: - Collection of J. Richardson Sen. (1665-1745), London, Lugt 2184. - Collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792), London, Lugt 2364. - Collection of J. Thane (1748-1818), London, Lugt 1544. - Mount by W.Y.Ottley (1771-1836), London, Lugt 2664, with attribution 'Bartol. Guardi, detto Bramantino'. - T. Philipe, 17. June 1814, lot 1310. - collection of W. Esdaile(1758-1837), London, Lugt 2617. Attribution verso 'Formerly in the coll. of Sr. Jos: Reynolds/1814 WE P00 N400'. - Christie's, 18. June 1840, lot 192. - Christie's. 3. July 1990, lot 30. - Private collection Switzerland. --------------- NALDINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1537 Florenz 1591) Ein Apostel predigt bei einem Begräbnis. Feder in Braun, Rötel. Alte Montierung. Dort mit schwarzer Feder bezeichnet: Barol: Suardi, detto Bramantino. 19,7 x 28,2 cm. Provenienz: - Sammlung J. Richardson Sen. (1665-1745), London, Lugt 2184. - Sammlung Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792), London, Lugt 2364. - Sammlung J. Thane (1748-1818), London, Lugt 1544. - Montierung von W.Y.Ottley (1771-1836), London, Lugt 2664, mit der Zuschreibung 'Bartol. Guardi, detto Bramantino'. - T. Philipe, 17. Juni 1814, lot 1310. - Sammlung W. Esdaile(1758-1837), London, Lugt 2617. Seine Zuschreibung von Hand auf der Rückseite 'Formerly in the coll. of Sr. Jos: Reynolds/1814 WE P00 N400'. - Christie's, 18. Juni 1840, lot 192. - Christie's. 3. Juli 1990, lot 30. - Privatbesitz Schweiz.

        Koller Auctions
      • Battista NALDINI (Italian 1537 - 1591)
        Dec. 02, 2015

        Battista NALDINI (Italian 1537 - 1591)

        Est: $2,500 - $3,500

        TWO STANDING FIGURES; a study after Andrea del Santo's painting of John the Baptist, sanguine on paper, unsigned. Visible: 11" x 4 1/2" / 28cm x 10.8cm. Framed: 18 1/2" x 12 1/2" / 47cm x 31.8cm. Provenance: A. Maggiore, 1794, later, Dean Field, The Real and Rare Gallery, Toronto.

        A. H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals
      • Apr. 10, 2013

        Est: -

        Giovanni Battista NALDINI (Fiesole CIRCA 1537-1591 Florence) Cheval vu de profil (recto); Cheval vu de trois-quart (verso) sanguine, estompe 250 x 380 mm.

      • Giovanni Battista Naldini
        Apr. 13, 2011

        Giovanni Battista Naldini

        Est: €50,000 - €60,000

        Giovanni Battista Naldini

      • Attribué à Giovanni Battista NALDINI (Fiesole 1537
        Jun. 25, 2010

        Attribué à Giovanni Battista NALDINI (Fiesole 1537

        Est: €8,000 - €10,000

        Attribué à Giovanni Battista NALDINI (Fiesole 1537 - 1591) Recto : jeune rêveur accoudé Verso : jeune homme étudiant à une table Sanguine, estompe de sanguine et crayon noir 31 x 21 cm Petites rousseurs, taches, pliures, petit manque en bas à gauche et restes de papier bleu sur les bords du verso. Naldini fut élève de Pontormo vers 1545-1548. On retrouve des influences pontormesques comme les yeux ronds et vides ou la main qui soutient le menton. (voir J. Cox-Rearick, The drawings of Pontormo, éd. Hacher Art Books, New York, 1981, n°245, repr. fig. 243). Le traitement rigoureux, presque brutal de la sanguine, est caractéristique de la technique propre à Naldini.

        Millon & Associes
      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole 1537-1591 Florence)
        Jan. 27, 2010

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole 1537-1591 Florence)

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole 1537-1591 Florence) A standing bearded man with a subsibiary study of a head of a youth (recto); A fragmentary sketch of figures (verso) black chalk (recto); pen and brown ink (verso), watermark encircled device 7 7/8 x 5 3/8 in. (20.1 x 13.4 cm.)

      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole c. 1537-1591 Florence)
        Jan. 27, 2009

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole c. 1537-1591 Florence)

        Est: $4,000 - $6,000

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole c. 1537-1591 Florence) Lorenzo de Medici, after Michelangelo black and red chalk on brown prepared paper 11 x 6 7/8 in. (276 x 173 mm.)

      • Florentine c. 1540 (Circle of Battista Naldini
        Oct. 13, 2008

        Florentine c. 1540 (Circle of Battista Naldini

        Est: $500 - $1,000

        Florentine, c. 1540 (Circle of Battista Naldini (?) 1537-1591). graphite, brown ink and gouache with white chalk, 8 3/8" h. x 10 13/16" w., several creases running through imaged with some horizontal minor paper loss mostly along left margin. [Proceeds to the Paul W. Zimmerman Trust, which will benefit four fine art institutions.] All sales are subject to a 20% BUYER'S PREMIUM to be paid by the buyer as part of the purchase price. Purchases are subject to Connecticut State sales tax except for individuals with a valid resale certificate on file with Winter Associates, Inc. CONDITION: Any condition statement is given as a courtesy to a client, it is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. Winter Associates, Inc. and any of it's subsidiaries shall have no responsibility for any error or omission. The absence of a condition statement does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free from wear and tear, imperfections or the effects of aging. All lots are sold "as is". Please be sure to call or email for more information on an item BEFORE bidding. OTHER NOTES: FIVE VERY IMPORTANT THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND: 1. PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT ITEMS BEFORE YOU BID 2.PLEASE PAY WITHIN 4 BUSINESS DAYS (IF THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE PLEASE DO NOT BID) 3.WE DO NOT ACCEPT PAYPAL 4. PLEASE SPEAK TO US REGARDING ANY CONCERNS, WE WILL WORK WITH YOU IN ANYWAY WE CAN TO RESOLVE ANY ISSUES THAT MAY ARISE 5. WE DO NOT HANDLE ANY PACKING OR SHIPPING.

        Winter Associates, Inc.
      • The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and the Infant Saint John the Baptist
        Jul. 09, 2008

        The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and the Infant Saint John the Baptist

        Est: £20,000 - £30,000

        Attributed to Giovanni Battista Naldini, called Battista degli Innocenti (Fiesole c. 1537-1591 Florence) The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and the Infant Saint John the Baptist oil on panel 29½ x 23½ in. (75.9 x 59.7 cm.)

        Mar. 13, 2008


        Est: CHF18,000 - CHF25,000

        NALDINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1537 Florence 1591) An apostle preaching at a burial. Pen in brown and red chalk. 19.7 x 28.2 cm. Provenance. - collection of J. Richardson Sen. (1665-1745), London, Lugt 2184 - collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792), London, Lugt 2364 - collection of J. Thane (1748-1818), London, Lugt 1544 - mounted by W.Y.Ottley (1771-1836), London, Lugt 2664,with attribution 'Bartol. Guardi, detto Bramantino' . - T. Philipe, 17. June 1814, lot 1310 - collection of W. Esdaile(1758-1837), London, Lugt 2617. - Christie's, 18. June 1840, lot 192 - Christie's. 3. July 1990, lot 30 - private collection, Switzerland NALDINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1537 Florenz 1591) Ein Apostel predigt bei einem Begräbnis. Feder in Braun, Rötel. 19,7 x 28,2 cm.

        Koller Auctions
        Jan. 26, 2006


        Est: $80,000 - $120,000

        THE PROPERTY OF FRENCH AND COMPANY THE LAMENTATION measurements note 3 by 9 in.; 7.6 by 22.9 cm. oil on panel PROVENANCE Sir Frederick Lucas Cook, 2nd Bt., (1844 - 1901), Doughty House, Richmond, thence by descent to his son; Sir Herbert Frederick Cook, 3rd Bt., (1868 - 1939), Doughty House, Richmond, thence by descent to his son; Sir Francis Ferdinand Maurice Cook, 4th Bt., (1907 - 78), Doughty House, Richmond; His sale, London, Sotheby's, June 25, 1958, lot 12, to Agnew's; With Thos. Agnew and Sons, London; Anonymous sale, London, Sotheby's, April 8, 1981, lot 100, to French and Company. LITERATURE T. Borenius, A Catalogue of the Paintings in the Collection of Sir Frederick Cook, Bart., 1913, vol. I, p. 114, no. 99, (as by Parmigianino); L. Fröhlich-Bume, in Burlington Magazine, vol. XLVI, London 1925, p. 88, (rejects attribution to Parmigianino); M. W. Brockwell, Abridged Catalogue of the Pictures at Doughty House, Richmond, London 1932, p. 68, under no. 99, (as attributed to Parmigianino). NOTE Giovanni Battista Naldini's career is marked by a high degree of artistic independence and originality. He was Jacopo Pontormo's leading student and artistic heir, and traveled between Rome and Florence throughout his career. The present panel is a superb example of Naldini's dense compositions, in which the figures are strongly delineated in contour. This picture was purchased at the turn of the 20th century by Sir Frederick Cook, son of Sir Francis Cook, 1st Baronet and owner of Doughty House (see Provenance). It hung for more than fifty years in the Garden Gallery at Doughty House, on the wall facing the windows, where it was surrounded by paintings of the Italian school by such masters as Annibale Carracci, Giorgione, Paolo Veronese and Jacopo Tintoretto (see M.W. Brockwell in Literature). The Cook collection was formed in the 1840's, when Sir Francis Cook (1817-1901) was traveling on the continent and began purchasing ancient sculptures and some Italian pictures. Later in his collecting career, Sir Francis received advice from Sir Charles Robinson, who had been Surveyor of Pictures for Queen Victoria. At his death, Sir Francis' painting collection was bequeathed to his elder son, Frederick, who carried on the family's collecting tradition by adding the present picture, among many others, to the collection.

        Jul. 07, 2005


        Est: £150,000 - £250,000

        PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE COLLECTION GIOVANNI BATTISTA NALDINI FIESOLE CIRCA 1537 - 1591 FLORENCE THE LAMENTATION OVER THE DEAD CHRIST oil on poplar panel PROVENANCE Major J.C. Harford, Blaise Castle, Bristol, by 1880 (see under Exhibited below); By whom sold, London, Christie's, 23 January 1920, lot 119 (as by Daniele da Volterra); Acquired by the father of the present owner during the mid-20th century; Thence by descent. EXHIBITED London, Royal Academy of Arts, 1880, no. 109 (as by Daniele da Volterra), lent by J.C. Harford. LITERATURE AND REFERENCES A. Graves, A Century of Loan Exhibitions 1813-1912, London 1914, p. 1589 (as by Daniele da Volterra). CATALOGUE NOTE Naldini was one of Florence's leading mannerist painters and he is perhaps better known today as a prolific draughtsman, largely due to the fact that the majority of his paintings remain in situ in the churches for which they were originally painted. As a young man - prior to 1549, that is - Naldini, together with Francesco Morandini called il Poppi, appears to have enjoyed the protection of Vincenzo Borghini in Florence. From the age of twelve Naldini entered the workshop of Jacopo Pontormo and remained there until the latter's death in 1556. After a trip to Rome in the late 1550s Naldini returned to Florence, where he was to remain for the rest of his life, and where he painted numerous works for the Medici (in particular Francesco) and collaborated on a number of projects in the Palazzo Vecchio with the painter and biographer Giorgio Vasari. This painting almost certainly dates from around the same time as Naldini's work in the Studiolo at Palazzo Vecchio, that is circa 1572-73. The composition is closely related to Naldini's large altarpiece of 1572 in the Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence (see fig. 1; also reproduced in A. Venturi, Storia dell'Arte Italiana. La Pittura del Cinquecento, vol. IX, part V, Milan 1932, p. 266, fig. 150). This panel is to be considered an independent work, however, and not just a replica of the Santa Maria Novella painting. Given its dimensions and the numerous (but not insignificant) small differences, it was most likely painted by the artist as a ricordo intended for a private patron. The refined palette, with the pastel hues so typical of Tuscan mannerist painting, and the astonishingly free handling of paint reveal Naldini to be not only a skilled colourist but also technically brilliant. The peripheral figures in this composition, as well as in the other two altarpieces Naldini painted for the same church (The Nativity and The Presentation of Christ at the Temple; both reproduced A. Venturi, op. cit., figs. 145 and 146), demonstrate Naldini's departure from the stiffness of comparable figures in works by Alessandro Allori. The painting illustrates the stylistic affinity between Naldini's works and those of Giorgio Vasari, but at the same time it reveals him to be a much less academic and far more spirited painter (perhaps in part due to his training with Pontormo). The composition here is extremely complex and at the same time very sophisticated, with numerous figures assembled around the dead Christ who is dramatically placed in the centre of the picture space. Naldini almost certainly conceived the painting's design through numerous preparatory studies, and indeed many sheets of drawings of this subject survive (though they cannot be directly linked to this composition but are more likely preparatory for his painting in San Simone, Florence): see, for example, the drawing in the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin (reproduced in Firenze e la Toscana dei Medici nell'Europa del Cinquecento. Il primato del disegno, Florence 1980, p. 151, no. 327). The use of repoussoir figures at the outer edges of the composition is not only a motif typical of Naldini's multi-figural compositions (compare, for example, his Pietà in the Molinari Pradelli collection; reproduced in Firenze e la Toscana...(op. cit.), p. 150, no. 323) but it is also characteristic of Florentine mannerist painting in general. A drawing of this composition, formerly believed to be by Naldini and considered preparatory for the Santa Maria Novella painting, was correctly identified by Popham as a work by Naldini's pupil and collaborator, Giovanni Balducci called il Cosci, based on Naldini's altarpiece (British Museum, London, inv. 1950.4.1.5; see N. Turner, Florentine Drawings of the sixteenth century, exh. cat., London, British Museum, 1986, p. 229, cat. no. 178, reproduced in colour p. 230). It should be noted that both Balducci's drawing and Naldini's altarpiece in Santa Maria Novella are of a more elongated upright format than the present panel (which is squarer in shape); another reason for which one would assume that the composition was adapted specifically by the artist for a separate private commission.

      • Giovanni Battista Naldini (circa 1537-1591)
        Mar. 17, 2005

        Giovanni Battista Naldini (circa 1537-1591)

        Est: €2,500 - €3,500

        La Deposition (recto); La Visitation (verso) craie rouge (recto); craie rouge et noire (verso), le coin supérieur gauche coupé 204 x 262 mm.

        Jul. 04, 1994


        Est: -

        Pen and brown ink. 102 by 227 mm.

      Lots Per Page: