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Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn Sold at Auction Prices

Portrait painter

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      • After Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn,  Portrait of Johan Ernst I, Count of Nassau-Siegen, with a white lace collar and orange sash 
        Mar. 12, 2025

        After Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn,  Portrait of Johan Ernst I, Count of Nassau-Siegen, with a white lace collar and orange sash 

        Est: £350 - £450

        After Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn,  Dutch c.1570-1657-  Portrait of Johan Ernst I, Count of Nassau-Siegen, with a white lace collar and orange sash;  oil on panel, bears faint numbering '2096' verso, 39 x 29.1 cm.  Provenance:  Private Collection, UK.  Note:  The present work is a copy after a portrait of Johan Ernst I (1582-1617) by the workshop of Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn which is now in the collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam [SK-A–531], with minor variations from the original, including the addition of an orange sash which gestures towards the sitter's connection with the House of Orange. 

      • Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn (Dutch, 1570 - 1657), Portrait of a gentleman in a blue sash
        Sep. 19, 2024

        Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn (Dutch, 1570 - 1657), Portrait of a gentleman in a blue sash

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn (Dutch, 1570 - 1657) Portrait of a gentleman in a blue sash Dated 1626 upper right, inscribed indistinctly Oil on canvas Inscribed verso, 'No. 187' Provenance: Chiswick Auctions, 16 May 2018, Lot 30.  Dimensions: (Canvas) 41 in. (H) x 33 in. (W) (Frame) 50 in. (H) x 42 in. (W)

        Sloane Street Auctions
      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague circa 1570-1657) Portrait of a gentleman, bust-length, in dark costume with white and gold striped sleeves and a pink sash
        Jul. 03, 2024

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague circa 1570-1657) Portrait of a gentleman, bust-length, in dark costume with white and gold striped sleeves and a pink sash

        Est: £10,000 - £15,000

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague circa 1570-1657) Portrait of a gentleman, bust-length, in dark costume with white and gold striped sleeves and a pink sash bears indistinct date 'A* 1627' (upper left) oil on panel 63.6 x 50.2cm (25 1/16 x 19 3/4in).

      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague circa 1570-1657) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in an embroidered dress and with honeysuckle in her hair
        Jul. 03, 2024

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague circa 1570-1657) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in an embroidered dress and with honeysuckle in her hair

        Est: £18,000 - £25,000

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague circa 1570-1657) Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in an embroidered dress and with honeysuckle in her hair bears monogram and date 'Anno 1607/JVR: Fecit' (upper right) oil on panel 68.2 x 56.9cm (26 7/8 x 22 3/8in).

      • Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn, um 1570 Den Haag – 1657 ebenda
        Mar. 21, 2024

        Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn, um 1570 Den Haag – 1657 ebenda

        Est: €9,000 - €12,000

        PORTRAIT EINER DAME IN DUNKLEM KLEID Öl auf Holz. Im Hochoval: 69,5 x 56,5 cm. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Wir danken Dr. Fred G. Meijer für freundliche Hinweise zur Katalogisierung. Vor dunklem Hintergrund das Brustbildnis der vornehmen Dame nach links in schwarzem Kleid mit weißem flachen Spitzenkragen, zudem mit vier Schleifen und zwei Goldketten verziert. Sie hat ein helles Inkarnat, trägt um den Hals eine doppelreihige Perlenkette und mit ihrem zarten Gesicht, den geröteten Wangen und den dunklen Augen sieht sie aufmerksam aus dem Bild heraus. Qualitätvolle, repräsentative Darstellung, die als Gegenstück zur Darstellung des edlen Herren nach rechts desselben Künstlers zu sehen ist. (13916937) (18)

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn, um 1570 Den Haag – 1657 ebenda
        Mar. 21, 2024

        Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn, um 1570 Den Haag – 1657 ebenda

        Est: €7,000 - €9,000

        PORTRAIT EINES ELGANTEN MANNES Öl auf Holz. Im Hochoval 69 x 57 cm. In dekorativem, vergoldeten Rahmen. Wir danken Fred G. Meijer für freundliche Hinweise zur Katalogisierung. Vor grauem, von links nach rechts aufhellendem Hintergrund, das Brustbildnis eines Herren mit schulterlangen Haaren, edlem dunklen Gewand und weißem Flachkragen, der am Rand mit feiner Spitze besetzt ist. Er hat ein feines Gesicht mit leichtem Oberlippenbart und schaut mit seinen Augen aufmerksam aus dem Bild heraus. Repräsentative Darstellung in monochromer Farbgebung. (13916936) (18)

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        Sep. 20, 2023


        Est: CHF10,000 - CHF15,000

        JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN RAVESTEYN (1570 The Hague 1657) Portrait of Daniel de Ruyter. 1639. Oil on panel. Inscribed, dated and signed lower left: DANIEL DE RUYTER. AN DOM. 1639 PINGEBATAM VAN RAVESTEYN. 127.5 × 90 cm. Provenance: - Sale Christie's, London, 24.3.1972. - Private collection, Switzerland. - Sale Dobiaschofsky, Bern, 15.–18.05.2013, Lot 329. Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn came from a family of artists in The Hague and was probably a pupil of the Delft artist Michiel van Mierevelt (1566–1641), whose work was to strongly influence him. In 1598 Ravesteyn joined the Guild of St Luke in his home town and married Anna Arentsz. van Berendrecht in 1604. Ravesteyn became famous for his excellent group portraits and individual portraits, commissioned by the wealthy bourgeoisie and nobility. He passed on his skills to numerous pupils and also taught his son Arnold the art of portrait painting. In 1656, Ravesteyn was instrumental in founding the Confrérie Pictura, the ‘Brotherhood of Painting’, a breakaway group from the Guild of St. Luke, which was intended to strengthen the cohesion and protection of its members. Ravesteyn's works are characterised by the exceedingly detailed depiction of rich garments in a muted colouring typical of the period. The sitter of the present painting, Daniel de Ruyter (born probably in 1632) was the son of an important merchant family from Antwerp. The members of this family frequently had their portraits painted by Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn. A similar portrait of Daniel de Ruyter's elder brother Joannes was painted in 1632 (RKD no. 25330), and the portraits of David de Ruyter's parents in the Honolulu Museum of Art (inv. no. 3382.1) and Lucretia van der Meulens (RKD no. 4334) date from 1639. --------------- JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN RAVESTEYN (1570 Den Haag 1657) Bildnis von Daniel de Ruyter. 1639. Öl auf Holz. Unten links bezeichnet, datiert und signiert: DANIEL DE RUYTER. AN DOM. 1639 PINGEBATAM VAN RAVESTEYN. 127,5 × 90 cm. Provenienz: - Auktion Christie's, London, 24.3.1972. - Schweizer Privatsammlung. - Auktion Dobiaschofsky, Bern, 15.–18.05.2013, Los 329. Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn stammte aus einer Den Haager Künstlerfamilie und war vermutlich ein Schüler des Delfters Michiel van Mierevelt (1566–1641), dessen Werk ihn stark beeinflussen sollte. 1598 trat der Künstler der Lukasgilde seiner Heimatstadt bei und heiratete 1604 Anna Arentsz. van Berendrecht. Berühmt wurde Ravesteyn durch seine exzellenten Gruppenbildnisse und Einzelporträts, welche die reichen Bürger und Adligen bei ihm fertigen liessen. Sein Können gab er an zahlreiche Schüler weiter und unterrichtete auch seinen Sohn Arnold in der Kunst der Porträtmalerei. Ravesteyn war 1656 massgeblich an der Gründung der Confrérie Pictura, der "Bruderschaft der Malerei" beteiligt, einer Abspaltung der Kunstmaler der Lukasgilde, die den Zusammenhalt und Schutz der Mitglieder stärken sollte. Ravesteyns Werke zeichnen sich durch die überaus detaillierte Darstellung der reichen Gewänder in einem für jene Zeit typisch gedämpften Kolorit aus. Der im vorliegenden Gemälde dargestellte Daniel de Ruyter (geb. wohl 1632) war Sohn einer bedeutenden Kaufmannsfamilie aus Antwerpen, deren Mitglieder wiederholt von Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn porträtiert wurden. Ein ähnliches Bildnis von Daniel de Ruyters älterem Bruder Joannes entstand 1632 (RKD Nr. 25330), die Porträts der Eltern David de Ruyters im Honolulu Museum of Art (Inv.-Nr. 3382.1) und Lucretia van der Meulens (RKD Nr. 4334) datieren aus dem Jahr 1639. ---------------

        Koller Auctions
      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Portrait of a Lady of the De Pinto Family
        May. 20, 2023

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Portrait of a Lady of the De Pinto Family

        Est: €12,000 - €14,000

        Dated and inscribed upper right: Anno. 1641./ Ætatis.23 (only visible in UV light) A characteristic half-figure portrait of a woman by Jan van Ravesteyn, painted in 1641 and thus in his late creative phase. The sitter is a member of the de Pinto family, presumably Jewish emigrants from the Iberian Peninsula. Despite the noble simplicity of the depiction, details of the clothing, jewellery and accessories show the woman's affluence, such as the cloths layered over her chest, the rich lace trimmings, the pearl earrings, and the feather fan in her hand. There will have been a counterpart to this portrait showing the sitter's husband on the heraldic right.

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Two Portraits: Portrait of a Man in a black Robe with a white Collar, Portrait of a Woman in a dark Gown with Bows
        May. 20, 2023

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Two Portraits: Portrait of a Man in a black Robe with a white Collar, Portrait of a Woman in a dark Gown with Bows

        Est: €30,000 - €50,000

        Jan van Ravesteyn was described as an outstanding portrait painter by Karel van Mander as early as 1604. After a possible apprenticeship with Michiel van Mierevelt in Delft, he moved to The Hague, where he became one of the leading portraitists of the upper classes for almost half a century. Ravesteyn's portraits of local dignitaries, military leaders and groups are notable for their formal poses and meticulous rendering of costume details. In the present portraits of an unknown Dutch couple, the stylistic influence of Mierevelt is palpable, shaping Ravenstyn's work. In contrast to his teacher, Ravenstyn chooses a more elegant and idealised representation of his protagonists. The two portraits are comparable to a pair of portraits dated and signed 1637, offered at Sotheby's Amsterdam on 5th October 2005, lot 40 (see RKD, The Hague, picture number 135127).

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Portrait of a 76 year old Preacher
        May. 20, 2023

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Portrait of a 76 year old Preacher

        Est: €40,000 - €45,000

        Monogrammed and dated on the chair back: J R 1635. Inscribed upper right: AETATIS SUAE 76 The painting shows a three-quarter view of an elderly man sitting in an armchair. His gaze is turned towards the viewer, his right hand rests on a book, his left clasps a folded letter. So far we have not been able to establish the identity of the man, although the painter gives us a few clues: we know his age was 76 from the inscription at the top left and the address on the prominently staged letter is " A Sr Jan / Predicant", so we are also informed about the sitter's profession. Finally, the artist's monogram and the date are found on the back of the chair. Next to the seated figure of the preacher is a table covered with an oriental rug, on which another book and a round, wide-brimmed hat lie. Above it, a window opens with a lush red drapery as the usual sovereign motif in portrait painting. Our painting impresses above all with the meticulous depiction of the clothing, especially the radiant white millstone collar and the robe, which is shaded with the finest nuances of black and partly damascened with a floral pattern. Jan Anthonisz Ravesteyn, who was born in The Hague and, with the exception of a presumed trip to Italy, lived there all his life, is one of the most important Dutch portrait painters of the first half of the 17th century. In addition to individual portraits, he also painted group portraits and was particularly successful with his militia group portraits. He himself was portrayed in turn by Anthony van Dyck in a grisaille painting now in Boughton House, Northamptonshire, and in a chalk drawing owned by the Albertina, Vienna, after which the engraving for the Oconography, the collection of portraits of famous Flemish artists, was made (cf. ill. 1).

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • J. HOUBRAKEN (*1698) after RAVESTEYN (*1570), Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert, Copper engraving
        May. 06, 2023

        J. HOUBRAKEN (*1698) after RAVESTEYN (*1570), Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Jacobus Houbraken (1698 Dordrecht - 1780 Amsterdam) after Jan Anthoniszoon van Ravesteyn (around 1570 The Hague - 1657 ibid.): Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert (1557 - 1644), preacher of the Remonstrants, bust in oval in three-quarter profile to the left with fur-trimmed cloak and ruff, , Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Inscribed below the oval on the shield with the sitter's name: "Joannes Uytenbogaard, preacher of the Remonstrants in S'Hagen", signed below. Date: Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Netherlands,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • J. HOUBRAKEN (*1698) after RAVESTEYN (*1570), Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert, Copper engraving
        Dec. 10, 2022

        J. HOUBRAKEN (*1698) after RAVESTEYN (*1570), Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert, Copper engraving

        Est: €300 - €400

        Jacobus Houbraken (1698 Dordrecht - 1780 Amsterdam) after Jan Anthoniszoon van Ravesteyn (around 1570 The Hague - 1657 ibid.): Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert (1557 - 1644), preacher of the Remonstrants, bust in oval in three-quarter profile to the left with fur-trimmed cloak and ruff, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Inscribed below the oval on the shield with the sitter's name: "Joannes Uytenbogaard, preacher of the Remonstrants in S'Hagen", signed below. Date: 18th century Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Portraits, Netherlands,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
        Apr. 01, 2022


        Est: CHF8,000 - CHF12,000

        JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN RAVESTEYN (1570 The Hague 1657) Portrait of a gentleman in a lace collar. Oil on panel. 71 × 60.5 cm. Provenance: - Collection of Mme Bischofsberger (label verso). - Private collection, Switzerland. Our thanks to the RKD, The Hague for confirming the authenticity of this work on the basis of a photograph. --------------- JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN RAVESTEYN (1570 Den Haag 1657) Bildnis eines Herren mit Spitzenkragen. Öl auf Holz. 71 × 60,5 cm. Provenienz: - Sammlung Mme Bischofsberger (verso mit Etikett). - Privatsammlung Schweiz. Stilistisch und in der Ausführung des Spitzenkragens kann dieses Gemälde mit dem Bildnis von Nicolaas Pauw (1607–1640) von Jan van Ravesteyn in einer Privatsammlung verglichen werden (siehe RKD, Den Haag, Nr. 124434) oder mit dem Bildnis Karl van Cracow im Nationalmuseum in Stockholm (Inv.-Nr. NM 1677). Anhand der Kleidung, vor allem dem Kragen, und der Frisur des Porträtierten, kann das vorliegende Gemälde in der zweiten Hälfte der 1630er-Jahre datiert werden. Wir danken dem RKD, Den Haag für die Bestätigung der Autorschaft anhand einer Fotografie.

        Koller Auctions
      • RAVESTEYN,Jan Anthonisz van(1570 Den Haag - 1657 ebd.)
        Oct. 24, 2020

        RAVESTEYN,Jan Anthonisz van(1570 Den Haag - 1657 ebd.)

        Est: -

        RAVESTEYN, Jan Anthonisz van(1570 Den Haag - 1657 ebd.) Bildnis eines Adligen Öl/Kupfer. Holland. Unsigniert, oben und rechts Schriftzug "Exteriora Vides Interiora Latent Aetatis Suae: 27". Datiert: 1607. 20 x 16,5 cm. Gerahmt : 35 x 30 cm. Porträt eines jungen Mannes in fein gemalter, dunkler herrschaftlicher Kleidung mit Schwert . Niederländischer Maler, Mitglied der Lukasgilde in Den Haag.

        Auktionshaus Wendl
        Jun. 28, 2019


        Est: CHF8,000 - CHF12,000

        (um 1572 Den Haag 1657) zugeschrieben Portrait eines Mannes mit der Hochzeitsmedaille von Friedrich V. von der Pfalz und Elisabeth Stuart. Öl auf Holz. 62,5x49 cm.

        Schuler Auktionen
      • Huile sur toile marouflée sur toile "Portrait d'un gentilhomme de la famille Funck (?) âgé de 31 ans". Attribué à Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn et daté 1632. Ecole hollandaise. (Provenance: voir au dos, une étiquette de la galerie Arthur
        Mar. 27, 2018

        Huile sur toile marouflée sur toile "Portrait d'un gentilhomme de la famille Funck (?) âgé de 31 ans". Attribué à Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn et daté 1632. Ecole hollandaise. (Provenance: voir au dos, une étiquette de la galerie Arthur

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        Huile sur toile marouflée sur toile "Portrait d'un gentilhomme de la famille Funck (?) âgé de 31 ans". Attribué à Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn et daté 1632. Ecole hollandaise. (Provenance: voir au dos, une étiquette de la galerie Arthur Ackermann à Londres, fondée en 1783). Dim.:104x85,5cm.

      • JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN RAVESTEYN | Portrait of a man in a white ruff
        Jul. 06, 2017

        JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN RAVESTEYN | Portrait of a man in a white ruff

        Est: £8,000 - £12,000

        oil on oak panel

      • Jan Antonisz van Ravesteyn, attributed to, Portrait of a Lady in a Pearl Necklace
        Mar. 15, 2017

        Jan Antonisz van Ravesteyn, attributed to, Portrait of a Lady in a Pearl Necklace

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Remains of a signature and dated 1636 to the upper right.

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Portrait of a Young Lady
        Nov. 19, 2016

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Portrait of a Young Lady

        Est: €22,000 - €28,000

        Monogrammed and dated upper right: Anno 1631 JR: fWe no longer know the identity of this young lady portrayed in 1631 by Jan van Ravesteyn. The painting bears neither coat-of-arms nor inscription that would help us identify her. However, the clothing and jewellery mark her as a member of a wealthy Dutch burgher family. She wears a large ruff and tight black gown with long sleeves, a so-called “bouwen”, which indicates she is unmarried. Her hair is rigidly combed back and concealed by a lace bonnet. The stark black and white colour scheme of her clothing focusses attention on the golden chain at her neck and the one at her waist, visible at the lower edge of the work.A similar portrait painted by van Ravesteyn around two years earlier, showing a girl of a similar age, recently appeared on the international art market (cf. Japser Hillegars in: Salomon Lilian: Old Masters 2015. Amsterdam 2015, p. 46-51). The coat-of-arms and inscription on this work identify the sitter as Catharina van Beverwijck, daughter of a wealthy Dordrecht burgher. We can assume a similar situation for the present work, and thus the portrait must have been commissioned by a well-to-do patron wishing to have his unmarried daughter painted by the leading portrait painter in The Hague at around age 16.One is tempted to see in this work the face of a young girl looking somewhat timidly towards the beholder, her lips curled into a barely noticeable smile. It is impossible to say whether contemporary viewers regarded the work in the same way, but nevertheless it exhibits why Jan van Ravesteyn was so sought-after as a portrait painter both within and beyond the borders of The Hague. He has managed, despite the reduced palette and the austerity of the clothing, to depict the girl in the flower of her youth, with lively eyes, a pretty mouth and a fresh complexion.

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
        Jun. 14, 2016


        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        MANNER OF JAN ANTHONISZ VAN RAVESTEYN (dutch c. 1570-1657) PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH WHITE RUFF AND CAP, HOLDING A FLOWER, THREE-QUARTER LENGTH Oil on canvas 41 x 33 in. (104.1 x 83.8cm) provenance: Private Collection, Pennsylvania.

        Freeman's | Hindman
      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Portrait of a Young Lady
        Nov. 14, 2015

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn, Portrait of a Young Lady

        Est: €30,000 - €35,000

        Monogrammed and dated upper right: Anno 1631 JR: fWe no longer know the identity of this young lady portrayed in 1631 by Jan van Ravesteyn. The painting bears neither coat-of-arms nor inscription that would help us identify her. However, the clothing and jewellery mark her as a member of a wealthy Dutch burgher family. She wears a large ruff and tight black gown with long sleeves, a so-called “bouwen”, which indicates she is unmarried. Her hair is rigidly combed back and concealed by a lace bonnet. The stark black and white colour scheme of her clothing focusses attention on the golden chain at her neck and the one at her waist, visible at the lower edge of the work.A similar portrait painted by van Ravesteyn around two years earlier, showing a girl of a similar age, recently appeared on the international art market (cf. Japser Hillegars in: Salomon Lilian: Old Masters 2015. Amsterdam 2015, p. 46-51). The coat-of-arms and inscription on this work identify the sitter as Catharina van Beverwijck, daughter of a wealthy Dordrecht burgher. We can assume a similar situation for the present work, and thus the portrait must have been commissioned by a well-to-do patron wishing to have his unmarried daughter painted by the leading portrait painter in The Hague at around age 16.One is tempted to see in this work the face of a young girl looking somewhat timidly towards the beholder, her lips curled into a barely noticeable smile. It is impossible to say whether contemporary viewers regarded the work in the same way, but nevertheless it exhibits why Jan van Ravesteyn was so sought-after as a portrait painter both within and beyond the borders of The Hague. He has managed, despite the reduced palette and the austerity of the clothing, to depict the girl in the flower of her youth, with lively eyes, a pretty mouth and a fresh complexion.

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • RAVESTEYN, JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN (UMKREIS) (1570 Den Haag 1657)
        Mar. 25, 2015

        RAVESTEYN, JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN (UMKREIS) (1570 Den Haag 1657)

        Est: CHF3,000 - CHF5,000

        RAVESTEYN, JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN (UMKREIS) (1570 Den Haag 1657) Porträt eines Herren in Rüstung, ovaler Trompe-l'oeil Ausschnitt mit Wappen. Öl auf Leinwand. 93,5 x 55 cm. Provenienz: Schweizer Privatsammlung. Circle of RAVESTEYN, JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN (1570 The Hague 1657) Portrait of a man in armour, oval Trompe-l'oeil fragment with coat of arms. Oil on canvas. 93.5 x 55 cm. Provenance: Swiss private collection.

        Koller Auctions
      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague c.1572-1657)
        May. 04, 2012

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague c.1572-1657)

        Est: £5,000 - £8,000

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague c.1572-1657) Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, with a blue sash, a sword in his left hand, standing beside a draped table with a helmet, in an interior indistinctly signed 'JVR....' ('JVR' linked, upper right) and inscribed and dated 'Aetatis .. 1626' (upper right) oil on canvas 41½ x 33 in. (105.4 x 83.8 cm.)

      • Follower of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (Dutch,
        Feb. 21, 2012

        Follower of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (Dutch,

        Est: £1,200 - £1,500

        Follower of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (Dutch, 1570-1657) PORTRAIT OF AN OFFICER, POSSIBLY A MEMBER OF A CIVIC GUARD, THREE-QUARTER LENGTH, IN ARMOUR WITH A WHITE RUFF AND RED SASH Oil on canvas 108 x 79.5cm

      • Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague 1570-1657)
        Dec. 09, 2011

        Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague 1570-1657)

        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague 1570-1657) Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in a black coat, a glass roemer in his right hand and white glove in his left hand oil on panel 39¾ x 30¼ in. (100.6 x 76.8 cm.)

      • JAN ANTHONISZ VAN RAVESTEYN Portrait of a lady,
        Jun. 21, 2011

        JAN ANTHONISZ VAN RAVESTEYN Portrait of a lady,

        Est: €5,000 - €7,000

        JAN ANTHONISZ VAN RAVESTEYN Portrait of a lady, standing three-quarter length, in a red dress with a black coat with a lace collar and sleeves, holding a glove by a chair Oil on panel, cradled, 108 x 75cm

        Apr. 14, 2011


        Est: £20,000 - £30,000

        JAN ANTHONISZ. VAN RAVESTEYN THE HAGUE CIRCA 1572 - 1657 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN, HEAD AND SHOULDERS, WEARING A BLACK SHIRT AND WHITE RUFF inscribed, signed and dated upper right: An. o 1623 : Æta. 43 . / JVR (in ligature) avesteyn. F oil on panel 67 by 50 cm.; 26 3/8 by 19 5/8 in.

      • Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague c.1572-1657)
        Apr. 13, 2011

        Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague c.1572-1657)

        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague c.1572-1657) Portrait of a gentleman, bust-length, in a black embroidered coat, feigned oval oil on canvas 22½ x 16 7/8 in. (57.2 x 42.9 cm.)

      • circle of: Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn Dutch born (circa1570-1657) Oil on Canvas "Portrait" Good Relined Condition. Has Inpainting. Measures 22-1/2 Inches by 28 Inches, Frame Measures 31 Inches by 25-3/8 Inches. Shipping $175.00
        Nov. 10, 2010

        circle of: Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn Dutch born (circa1570-1657) Oil on Canvas "Portrait" Good Relined Condition. Has Inpainting. Measures 22-1/2 Inches by 28 Inches, Frame Measures 31 Inches by 25-3/8 Inches. Shipping $175.00

        Est: $800 - $1,000

        circle of: Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn Dutch born (circa1570-1657) Oil on Canvas "Portrait" Good Relined Condition. Has Inpainting. Measures 22-1/2 Inches by 28 Inches, Frame Measures 31 Inches by 25-3/8 Inches. Shipping $175.00

        Kodner Galleries
      • Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague circa 1570-1657) Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length,
        Jan. 20, 2010

        Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague circa 1570-1657) Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length,

        Est: £7,000 - £10,000

        Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in black damask costume with a white lace collar, standing before a column inscribed and signed 'Aetat.S.32.JVR fesÿt/Ao 1621' (on plinth, upper right) oil on panel 107 x 75.8cm (42 1/8 x 29 13/16in).

      • Jan Antonisz VAN RAVESTEYN (vers 1570-1657)
        Dec. 02, 2009

        Jan Antonisz VAN RAVESTEYN (vers 1570-1657)

        Est: €40,000 - €60,000

        Jan Antonisz VAN RAVESTEYN (vers 1570-1657) Portrait d'homme en habit noir tenant une miniature Panneau de chêne, partiellement parqueté. Au dos une marque de panneleur. Porte en haut à droite une inscription...

      • Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (Dutch, circa 1570-1657) A portrait of a gentleman 23 3/4 x 19 1/2in
        Jul. 19, 2009

        Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (Dutch, circa 1570-1657) A portrait of a gentleman 23 3/4 x 19 1/2in

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        A portrait of a gentleman oil on panel 23 3/4 x 19 1/2in

      • Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (Dutch, circa 1570-1657) A portrait of a gentleman 23 3/4 x 19 1/2in (60.4 x 49.5cm)
        Apr. 21, 2009

        Circle of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (Dutch, circa 1570-1657) A portrait of a gentleman 23 3/4 x 19 1/2in (60.4 x 49.5cm)

        Est: $4,000 - $6,000

        A portrait of a gentleman oil on panel 23 3/4 x 19 1/2in (60.4 x 49.5cm)

      • Portrait of a lady, three-quarter length, in a black slashed silk dress with lace collar and cuffs, a fan in her right hand
        Jul. 11, 2008

        Portrait of a lady, three-quarter length, in a black slashed silk dress with lace collar and cuffs, a fan in her right hand

        Est: £10,000 - £15,000

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague 1570-1657) Portrait of a lady, three-quarter length, in a black slashed silk dress with lace collar and cuffs, a fan in her right hand dated and signed with initial 'Anno. 1631 R. f:' (upper right) oil on panel 48 x 35¼ in. (121.9 x 92.1 cm.)

      • Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in a black coat and lace collar; and Portrait of a lady, three-quarter-length, in a black dress with gold trim and a lace collar and headdress
        Apr. 19, 2007

        Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in a black coat and lace collar; and Portrait of a lady, three-quarter-length, in a black dress with gold trim and a lace collar and headdress

        Est: $100,000 - $150,000

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn The Hague 1570-1657 Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in a black coat and lace collar; and Portrait of a lady, three-quarter-length, in a black dress with gold trim and a lace collar and headdress oil on panel 45¼ x 33 7/8 in. 115 x 86 cm.; 45 1/8 x 33½ in. 114.5 x 85 cm. a pair (2)

        Jun. 22, 2006


        Est: €30,000 - €50,000

        Portrait de dame; et Portrait d'homme le premier signé, daté et inscrit 'Anno 1632./Aetatis 47. JRavesteyn f.' (en haut à droite); Le second signé, daté et inscrit 'Anno 1632./Aetatis 49/JRavesteyn f.' (en haut à gauche) Huile sur panneau 68,2 x 58,5 cm. (26 7/8 x 23 in.), une paire (2)

      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague c.1572-1657)
        May. 10, 2006

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague c.1572-1657)

        Est: €40,000 - €60,000

        Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in a black costume and lace collar; and Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a black dress and lace collar, holding a fan in her right hand the first signed and dated 'Anno 1637 VRavestijn' (upper right); the second signed and dated 'Anno 1637 VR F.' (upper right) oil on panel 70.9 x 57.8 cm. both inscribed with the coat-of-arms of the De Kies von Wiesen family and the Van Kessel family a pair (2)

      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravensteyn (The Hague 1570-1657)
        Nov. 16, 2005

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravensteyn (The Hague 1570-1657)

        Est: €15,000 - €20,000

        Portrait of a gentleman, bust-length, in a black and gold embroidered costume with white lace collar signed with monogram and dated 'Anno 1622 JvR:f(?):' (upper left) oil on panel 62.1 x 49.3 cm.

      • Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (Den Haag 1572 - 1657)
        Apr. 14, 2005

        Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (Den Haag 1572 - 1657)

        Est: €15,000 - €18,000

        Bildnis einer jungen Dame mit Mühlsteinkrause, Perlenkollier und einem Diadem im Haar, rechts oben beschriftet “Aetatis. 20 A.1525”, Öl auf Leinwand, 65 x 51 cm, gerahmt, (Wo) Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn war ein bekannter Haager Maler von Bildnissen und Gruppenbildern in der Art des M. J. van Mierevelt und mit diesem leicht zu verwechseln. Er schuf hauptsächlich Porträts von vornehmen Persönlichkeiten, sowie Hof- und Kriegsleuten, die er mit verblüffender Wirklichkeitstreue wiedergab.

      • Studio of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague 1570-1657)
        Jan. 23, 2004

        Studio of Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn (The Hague 1570-1657)

        Est: $15,000 - $20,000

        Portrait of a boy, traditionally identified as Prince Rupert, half-length, in a red costume and white collar oil on panel 17 1/2 x 14 7/8 in. (44.5 x 37.8 cm.)

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