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Lodewyk Toeput Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Landscape painter, Etcher, b. 1550 - d. 1605

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        Dec. 04, 2024


        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO LODEWIJK TOEPUT, IL POZZOSERRATO (ANTWERP 1550-1605 TREVISO). A wooded coastal landscape. pen and brown ink, brown wash on paper, unframed.

      • Ludovico Pozzoserrato: Distinguished Lady at the Spinet
        Nov. 17, 2023

        Ludovico Pozzoserrato: Distinguished Lady at the Spinet

        Est: €10,000 - €15,000

        POZZOSERRATO, LUDOVICO ('Lodewijk Toeput') ca. 1550 Antwerp - ca. 1605 Treviso attributed Title: Distinguished Lady at the Spinet. Technique: Oil on canvas. Mounting: Relined. Measurement: 86 x 76cm. Frame: Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Indonesia (formerly Germany). Venetian society during the Renaissance was very ambivalent. On the one hand, there were the narrow moral barriers erected by society and the church. On the other, the "Serenissima" offered a legalised system of permissive entertainment to the crowds who visited it as travellers, merchants and pilgrims. The courtesans - more than ordinary prostitutes - were hierarchically divided into classes. At their head were the "cortigiane oneste", the respectable courtesans; ladies educated in music, poetry and dance, who were generously kept by one or more suitors. They inspired painters and poets and were - at least superficially - integrated into society. Such a "Cortigiana onesta" is presented as a half-figure in this painting. The richly adorned and finely dressed young woman is making music on a keyboard instrument. She has turned her head to the side and is looking out of the picture at an angle with a dreamy gaze. Behind her chair stands a bearded man holding a coin, a gold ecu, between his fingers in his left hand. He holds his right hand in front of his neck with the palm facing his body so that his index and middle fingers are under his throat. Over his dark clothes with a white collar he wears a brown cowl, not quite defined. The background of the room is covered by a green curtain. Only at the right edge of the picture is a carefully decorated fruit platter with a high-stemmed tazza on a white table. This still life is - apart from stylistic features - a clue that led to the possible attribution of the painting to Lodovico Pozzoserrato. This painter, born Lodewijk Toeput in the Netherlands, travelled to Italy in the 1570s after training with Marten de Vos. He worked in Tintoretto's studio and finally settled in Treviso, not far from Venice, at the beginning of the 1580s, after working in Florence and Rome. Gallant scenes, mostly in front of spacious garden, terrace or landscape backgrounds, were his speciality and he liked to compose these Venetian social scenes with still lifes in the Dutch manner. The scene presented cannot be interpreted quite clearly. The man looks greedily at the courtesan. The gesture with his hand under his throat and the slightly open mouth seem to illustrate his rising lust, the anticipation of sex for sale. The sweet and juicy fruits of the still life can equally be seen as symbols of the physical pleasures of love. If the coverlet worn by the man is interpreted as a cleric's robe, the event takes on yet another moral connotation. Explanations to the Catalogue Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction.

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      • Lodewyk Toeput, um 1515 Antwerpen – um 1603/ 1605 Treviso, zugeschrieben
        Jun. 29, 2023

        Lodewyk Toeput, um 1515 Antwerpen – um 1603/ 1605 Treviso, zugeschrieben

        Est: €35,000 - €45,000

        SUSANNA UND DIE BEIDEN ALTEN Öl auf Leinwand. 56 x 106 cm. Ohne Rahmen, nur feine Rahmenleiste. Das betonte Breitformat lässt das Gemälde als Supraporte aus höfischem Zusammenhang annehmen, was auch in der Symmetrie der Komposition zum Ausdruck kommt. Die biblische Geschichte wurde durch aramäische Fassung überliefert. Gezeigt ist die Szene, wonach Susanne im Bad von den beiden Alten bedrängt wird. Um sie verführen zu können, drohen sie mit der Erpressung, gegenseitig Zeugen dafür zu sein, Susanna hätte eingewilligt. Erst der Prophet Daniel als Richter bewies ihre Unschuld aufgrund getrennter Befragung der Alten. Somit gilt die Legende – neben dem „Salomonischen Urteil“ – als historisches Zeugnis der frühen, antiken Wahrheitsfindung und Rechtsgeschichte. In auffälliger Symmetrie sind die drei Figuren in eine hochbarocke Parkanlage gesetzt. Ein dichtes Baumspalier umzieht den intimen Gartenbereich, wobei die Pflanzungen im Labyrinth-Schema vielleicht auch symbolisch gemeint sind, um gedanklich auf die widersprüchlichen Aussagen zu deuten. Die Figur der Susanna beherrscht in der betonten Beleuchtung das Bildzentrum. Sie hält ihr langes Haar mit der rechten Hand zusammen. Dies wurde noch in der Zeit der Entstehung des Bildes als Ausdruck züchtigen Verhaltens gesehen, da aufgelöstes Haar stets als tugendlos galt. Am Beckenrand Badeutensilien, wie Kamm, Kanne, Spiegel, Schwamm und Schere. Rechts das abgelegte Kleid, dessen weiße Farbe ebenfalls auf Unschuld weist. Wie in einer Verklammerung bedrängen die beiden Alten die Unschuldige. Deren Handgesten sind als die in der Bibel geschilderten Worte zu verstehen. Links im Bild ein Brunnenbecken mit Steinfigur eines pissenden Putto, der auch aus seinen Brüsten Wasser speit, was zudem zu deuten wäre. Aus einem rundbogigen Laubeneingang rechts treten mehrere Personen in den Gartenraum, die den Verführungsversuchen ein Ende bereiten. Das Gemälde steht thematisch in Verwandtschaft mit mehreren Gemälden des Malers. So ist eine weitere Darstellung des Susanna-themas bekannt, ebenfalls in einen Park mit Hecken gesetzt. Darüber hinaus hat Toeput vor allem für seine weiteren biblischen Themen Parkhintergründe gewählt, aber auch für sein „Bankett im Park“. Das Labyrinth-Thema findet sich in seinem bekannten „Vergnügungsgar-ten mit Labyrinth“, das sich im Hampton Court Palace in London befindet. Der flämische Maler verdankt seinen Zunamen „il Pozzoserrato“ der Übertragung ins Italienische. Ausgebildet wurde er in Italien. Der zeitgenössische Biograph Karlel van Mander nannte Mechelen als seinen Geburtsort, wogegen andere Quellen für Antwerpen sprechen. Ferner berichtet er, er wäre ihm in Venedig begegnet, wohin er wahrscheinlich um 1573-74 zog. Der venezianische Biograph Carlo Ridolfi (1594-1658) schrieb, Toeput habe in Venedig anfänglich im Atelier des Tintoretto gearbeitet, zusammen mit seinem Landsmann Pauwels Franck (Paolo Fiammingo). Die Figur der Susanna weist hier auch auffällig stilistischen Bezug zu den Susanna-Darstellungen Tintorettos auf. In Florenz dürfte er in den 1570er Jahren gewirkt haben, während ein Aufenthalt in Rom nicht gesichert ist. Die Gilde Venedigs war ihm verschlossen, was ihn veranlasste, nach Treviso zu ziehen, wo er sogleich genügend Auftraggeber- auch etwa für Fresken in Villen, oder Ausstattungsmalereien für die Monte di Pietá fand. Die Räume der berühmten Villa Maser von Palladio freskierte er zusammen mit Alessandro Varotari. Zahlreiche seiner bekannten Werke befinden sich in Oberitaliens Kirchen, viele davon verschollen. Im vorliegenden Gemälde dürfte die stilistische Verwandtschaft zur Schule der Bassano deutlich erkennbar sein, auch was die Farbcharakteristik betrifft. Die sogenannte „Nordisch-Venezianische“ Malerei hat in Toeput wohl ihren bedeutendsten Meister gefunden. Dem Gemälde ist eine Analysenbegutachtung mit ausführlicher Bibliografie und zahlreichen Detailabbildungen beigegeben, ausgestellt von Laura Voltolina und Paolo Proiette. Flämischer Maler, der sich in Italien ausbilden ließ und längere Zeit in Venedig aufhielt, um bei Veronese und Tintoretto zu studieren, Florenz und Rom besuchte, sich aber überwiegend in Treviso aufhielt. Er gilt als Hauptmeister der sog. nordisch-venezianischen Landschaftsmalerei. Zahlreiche Bilder seiner Hand befinden sich in Kirchen Oberitaliens, viele davon verschollen. Zusammen mit Varotari freskierte er die berühmte Villa Maser von Palladio. Literatur: Luigi Menegazzi, Ludovico Toeput (il Pozzoserrato), in: Saggi e Memorie di Storia dell’Arte No. 1 (1957), Anne-Sophie Banner, Les jardins dans l’oeuvre de Lodewijk Toeput : entre tradition flamande et culture vénitienne.En vue de l’obtention du grade Maître (M.A.) en histoire de l’art, Décembre 2014, p. 21 Teréz Gerszi, The Draughtsmanship of Lodewijk Toeput, Master Drawings Vol. 30, No. 4 (Winter, 1992), pp. 367-395 Teréz Gerszi. „Toeput, Lodewijk.“ Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 19 September 2020 A.R. (1361661) (11) Lodewyk Toeput, ca. 1515 Antwerp – ca. 1603/ 1605 Treviso, attributed SUSANNA AND THE TWO ELDERS Oil on canvas. 56 x 106 cm. An analysis report with extensive bibliography and numerous detailed pictures by Laura Voltolina and Paolo Proiette is enclosed.

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • ATTRIBUTED TO POZZOSERRATO, FLEMISH CIRCA 1550-1605, A ROOFTOP VIEW OF A CITY possibly TREVISO, Pen and ink, brown wash on paper with blaue watermark on laid paper, Sheet: 4 x 7 1/2 in. (10.2 x 19.1 cm.), Frame: 11 1/8 x
        Jun. 15, 2023

        ATTRIBUTED TO POZZOSERRATO, FLEMISH CIRCA 1550-1605, A ROOFTOP VIEW OF A CITY possibly TREVISO, Pen and ink, brown wash on paper with blaue watermark on laid paper, Sheet: 4 x 7 1/2 in. (10.2 x 19.1 cm.), Frame: 11 1/8 x

        Est: $1,000 - $1,400

        ATTRIBUTED TO POZZOSERRATO FLEMISH, CIRCA 1550-1605 A ROOFTOP VIEW OF A CITY possibly TREVISO Pen and ink, brown wash on paper with blaue watermark on laid paper Verso inscribed: Claude Lorraine; verso copy of auction sale Ader-Picard-Tajan du 22 mars 1991, lot 173

        Potomack Company
      • Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato), Paesaggio montuoso con fiume e città
        May. 23, 2023

        Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato), Paesaggio montuoso con fiume e città

        Est: €180 - €360

        Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato), Paesaggio montuoso con fiume e città Penna e inchiostro bruno, pennello e acquerello marrone chiaro, carta vergellata color avorio priva di filigrana. mm 190x124. Il disegno è pervenuto con assegnazione al Pozzoserrato, in basso sul montaggio moderno è presente altra indicazione a matita "Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi". Provenienza: Igino Cerastico (Trieste 1925 – Lugano 1979), noto personaggio dell'ambiente imprenditoriale-finanziario milanese, editore nonché collezionista d'arte. Italia, collezione privata. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato), Paesaggio montuoso con rovine e due figure sedute.
        May. 23, 2023

        Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato), Paesaggio montuoso con rovine e due figure sedute.

        Est: €380 - €760

        Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato), Paesaggio montuoso con rovine e due figure sedute. Penna e inchiostro bruno, pennello e acquerello seppia, tracce di matite di grafite, rialzi in bianco su carta vergellata color avorio. mm 235x345. All'angolo inferiore destro marchio della collezione di Paul Mathias Polakovits (Budapest 1921-Paris 1987), Lugt 3561. Provenienza: Sotheby's, Amsterdam, 15/11/1995, lotto 52. Christie's, South Kensington, 09/07/2009, lotto 532. Italia, collezione privata. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Il castigo dei vecchioni
        May. 07, 2023

        Il castigo dei vecchioni

        Est: -

        Il castigo dei vecchioni Olio su tela, 68x97 cm; entro cornice antica. Ludovico Pozzoserrato è uno dei più interessanti pittori fiamminghi attivi in Italia al tempo del tardo rinascimento. Pittore ma anche incisore e poeta, fu forse allievo di Hans Bol. Si trasferì quindi in Italia, soggiornando per un certo periodo a Venezia e compiendo viaggi a Firenze e Roma. Si stabilì quindi nel 1582 a Treviso dove svolse gran parte della sua attività. La sua alta qualità pittorica è corroborata da una ampia fortuna critica e commerciale raggiunta precocemente a Venezia, dove fu considerato uno degli artisti più importanti della sua epoca. Il pittore fu molto lodato dal Van Mander per i suoi bellissimi paesaggi (cfr. Karel van Mander, Le vite degli illustri pittori fiamminghi, olandesi e tedeschi, Roma 2000). Il Pozzoserrato seppe adattare la propria formazione nordica al paesaggio veneto, giungendo a una sintesi di rara intelligenza. Questo singolare artista seppe evocare non solo gli aspetti della natura, ma anche le suggestioni dei giardini delle ville venete, animati da banchetti e concerti. Ludovico fu anche in grado di comprendere e rilanciare a livello europeo il carattere internazionale e di altissima qualità del manierismo di Tintoretto, Veronese e dei Bassano. Il pittore fu affiancato da una ampia ed attiva bottega. Le due tele qui presentate sono parti del racconto della storia della casta Susanna narrata nel Libro di Daniele (capitolo XIII). Mentre la scena di Susanna al bagno è nota e dipinta da moltissimi pittori, molto meno praticata è quella del secondo quadro con il castigo dei due vecchioni che, smascherati, vengono condannati a morte per lapidazione è molto rara in ambito artistico.

        Meeting Art Casa D'Aste
      • Susanna e i Vecchioni
        May. 07, 2023

        Susanna e i Vecchioni

        Est: -

        Susanna e i Vecchioni Olio su tela, 68x97 cm; entro cornice antica. Ludovico Pozzoserrato è uno dei più interessanti pittori fiamminghi attivi in Italia al tempo del tardo rinascimento. Pittore ma anche incisore e poeta, fu forse allievo di Hans Bol. Si trasferì quindi in Italia, soggiornando per un certo periodo a Venezia e compiendo viaggi a Firenze e Roma. Si stabilì quindi nel 1582 a Treviso dove svolse gran parte della sua attività. La sua alta qualità pittorica è corroborata da un'ampia fortuna critica e commerciale raggiunta precocemente a Venezia, dove fu considerato uno degli artisti più importanti della sua epoca. Il pittore fu molto lodato dal Van Mander per i suoi bellissimi paesaggi (cfr. Karel van Mander, Le vite degli illustri pittori fiamminghi, olandesi e tedeschi, Roma 2000). Il Pozzoserrato seppe adattare la propria formazione nordica al paesaggio veneto, giungendo a una sintesi di rara intelligenza. Questo singolare artista seppe evocare non solo gli aspetti della natura, ma anche le suggestioni dei giardini delle ville venete, animati da banchetti e concerti. Ludovico fu anche in grado di comprendere e rilanciare a livello europeo il carattere internazionale e di altissima qualità del manierismo di Tintoretto, Veronese e dei Bassano. Il pittore fu affiancato da una ampia ed attiva bottega. Le due tele qui presentate sono parti del racconto della storia della casta Susanna narrata nel Libro di Daniele (capitolo XIII). Mentre la scena di Susanna al bagno è nota e dipinta da moltissimi pittori, molto meno praticata è quella del secondo quadro con il castigo dei due vecchioni che, smascherati, vengono condannati a morte per lapidazione è molto rara in ambito artistico. Il contesto paesaggistico delle due scene è molto ampio, particolarmente felice nella tela con Susanna al bagno.

        Meeting Art Casa D'Aste
      • ATTRIBUTED TO POZZOSERRATO, FLEMISH CIRCA 1550-1605, A ROOFTOP VIEW OF A CITY possibly TREVISO, Pen and ink, brown wash on paper with blaue watermark on laid paper, Sheet: 4 x 7 1/2 in. (10.2 x 19.1 cm.), Frame: 11 1/8 x
        Apr. 05, 2023

        ATTRIBUTED TO POZZOSERRATO, FLEMISH CIRCA 1550-1605, A ROOFTOP VIEW OF A CITY possibly TREVISO, Pen and ink, brown wash on paper with blaue watermark on laid paper, Sheet: 4 x 7 1/2 in. (10.2 x 19.1 cm.), Frame: 11 1/8 x

        Est: $1,500 - $3,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO POZZOSERRATO FLEMISH, CIRCA 1550-1605 A ROOFTOP VIEW OF A CITY possibly TREVISO Pen and ink, brown wash on paper with blaue watermark on laid paper Verso inscribed: Claude Lorraine; verso copy of auction sale Ader-Picard-Tajan du 22 mars 1991, lot 173

        Potomack Company
        Mar. 31, 2023


        Est: CHF900 - CHF1,200

        LODEWYK TOEPUT IL POZZOSERRATO, attributed to (Antwerp, c. 1550–c. 1603 Treviso) Landscape with trees and a monastery in the background. Pen and brown ink. 19.7 x 16 cm. Provenance: - Philipp Herrmann (1899-1968) Karlsruhe, Lugt 1352a. --------------- LODEWYK TOEPUT IL POZZOSERRATO, zugeschrieben (Antwerpen, um 1550–um 1603 Treviso) Landschaft mit Bäumen und einem Kloster im Hintergrund. Feder in Braun. Mit brauner Feder auf der Rückseite bezeichnet (nicht identifiziert). 19,7 x 16 cm. Provenienz: - Philipp Herrmann (1899-1968) Karlsruhe, Lugt 1352a. ---------------

        Koller Auctions
      • Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Anversa o Malines 1550 ca. - Treviso 1605) bottega/cerchia di
        Feb. 21, 2023

        Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Anversa o Malines 1550 ca. - Treviso 1605) bottega/cerchia di

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Anversa o Malines 1550 ca. - Treviso 1605) bottega/cerchia di Festa galante in un parco Olio su tela 71 x 94 cm Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Antwerp or Malines ca. 1550 - Treviso 1605) workshop/circle of A gallant party in a park Oil on canvas 71 x 94 cm

        Lucas Aste
      • attribuito a Toeput Lodewijk, detto Ludovico Pozzoserrato PA
        Dec. 15, 2022

        attribuito a Toeput Lodewijk, detto Ludovico Pozzoserrato PA

        Est: €4,500 - €6,000

        attribuito a Toeput Lodewijk, detto Ludovico Pozzoserrato PAESAGGIO FLUVIALE CON VEDUTA DI CITTA' olio su tela, cm 172x126,5 Provenienza Collezione privata Christie's East, New York, 26 febbraio 1997, lotto 164, ivi acquistato dall'attuale proprietario

      • "Antonio Tempesta (scuola di) (Firenze, 1555 - Roma, 1630) Scena di caccia al cervo e al cinghiale fine XVI secolo Olio su tela cm 165x198; con cornice cm 200x200"
        Jul. 06, 2022

        "Antonio Tempesta (scuola di) (Firenze, 1555 - Roma, 1630) Scena di caccia al cervo e al cinghiale fine XVI secolo Olio su tela cm 165x198; con cornice cm 200x200"

        Est: €5,000 - €8,000

        Olio su tela cm 165x198; con cornice cm 200x200 Presenta sulla zampa posteriore del cavallo un taglio della tela di circa cm. 5 Sul telaio presenta etichetta con scritto "Zeri" Cornice non pertinente con melagrane e pigne a  rilievo

        Gliubich Casa d'Aste
      • Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato), Paesaggio montuoso con fiume e città.
        Jun. 08, 2022

        Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato), Paesaggio montuoso con fiume e città.

        Est: €480 - €960

        Penna e inchiostro bruno, pennello e acquerello marrone chiaro, carta vergellata color avorio priva di filigrana. mm 190x124. Il disegno è pervenuto con assegnazione al Pozzoserrato, in basso sul montaggio moderno è presente altra indicazione a matita "Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi". Provenienza: Igino Cerastico (Trieste 1925 - Lugano 1979), noto personaggio dell'ambiente imprenditoriale-finanziario milanese, editore nonché collezionista d'arte. Italia, collezione privata. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato) [attribuito a], Paesaggio montuoso con rovine e due figure sedute.
        Jun. 08, 2022

        Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato) [attribuito a], Paesaggio montuoso con rovine e due figure sedute.

        Est: €800 - €1,600

        Penna e inchiostro bruno, pennello e acquerello seppia, tracce di matite di grafite, rialzi in bianco su carta vergellata color avorio. mm 235x345. All'angolo inferiore destro marchio della collezione di Paul Mathias Polakovits (Budapest 1921-Paris 1987), Lugt 3561. Provenienza: Sotheby's, Amsterdam, 15/11/1995, lotto 52. Christie's, South Kensington, 09/07/2009, lotto 532. Italia, collezione privata. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Antwerp 1550 - Treviso 1605) , circle of, Concert in villa
        Feb. 02, 2022

        Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Antwerp 1550 - Treviso 1605) , circle of, Concert in villa

        Est: €300 - €600

        Oil on copper, with gilded frame

      • attribuito a Toeput Lodewijk, detto Ludovico Pozzoserrato (1550 - 1605) PAESAGGIO FLUVIALE
        Dec. 22, 2021

        attribuito a Toeput Lodewijk, detto Ludovico Pozzoserrato (1550 - 1605) PAESAGGIO FLUVIALE

        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        attribuito a Toeput Lodewijk, detto Ludovico Pozzoserrato (1550 - 1605) PAESAGGIO FLUVIALE CON VEDUTA DI CITTA' olio su tela, cm 172x126,5 Provenienza Collezione privata Christie's East, New York, 26 febbraio 1997, lotto 164, ivi acquistato dall'attuale proprietario

      • LODEWIJK TOEPUT, IL POZZOSERRATO (Antwerp 1550-1605 Treviso) A Hermit Seated in a Forest.
        Nov. 03, 2021

        LODEWIJK TOEPUT, IL POZZOSERRATO (Antwerp 1550-1605 Treviso) A Hermit Seated in a Forest.

        Est: $700 - $1,000

        LODEWIJK TOEPUT, IL POZZOSERRATO (Antwerp 1550-1605 Treviso) A Hermit Seated in a Forest. Pen and brown ink and wash and red chalk on cream laid paper. 150x115 mm; 6x4 1/2 inches. Provenance: Unknown collection, violet ink stamp with the initials TG and a crown (Lugt 3340, lower right recto); private collection, Massachusetts.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • ATTRIBUE A LODEWYK TOEPUT DIT POZZOSERRATO (VERS 1550 - 1604/1605) L’Enlèvement d’Europe Toile Sans
        Oct. 31, 2021

        ATTRIBUE A LODEWYK TOEPUT DIT POZZOSERRATO (VERS 1550 - 1604/1605) L’Enlèvement d’Europe Toile Sans

        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        ATTRIBUE A LODEWYK TOEPUT DIT POZZOSERRATO (VERS 1550 - 1604/1605) L’Enlèvement d’Europe Toile Sans cadre Hauteur : 75 cm Largeur : 94.5 cm Restaurations anciennes

      • Lodewijk Toeput (1550 - 1605) PAESAGGIO FLUVIALE CON VEDUTA DI CITTA'
        Jul. 08, 2021

        Lodewijk Toeput (1550 - 1605) PAESAGGIO FLUVIALE CON VEDUTA DI CITTA'

        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        Lodewijk Toeput (1550 - 1605) PAESAGGIO FLUVIALE CON VEDUTA DI CITTA' olio su tela, cm 172x126,5 Provenienza Collezione prvata Christie's East, New York, 26 febbraio 1997, lotto 164,ivi acquistato dall'attuale proprietario

        Jun. 19, 2021


        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        ATTRIBUE A LODEWYK TOEPUT DIT POZZOSERRATO (VERS 1550 - 1604/1605) L’Enlèvement d’Europe Toile Sans cadre Hauteur: 75 cm Largeur: 94.5 cm Restaurations anciennes

        Mar. 24, 2021


        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        LOEDEWIJK TOEPUT, DIT IL POZZOSERRATO (ANVERS VERS 1550-1604 OU 1605 TRÉVISE) Paysage montagneux avec un pont au-dessus de la rivière plume et encre brune, lavis gris bleu, rehaussé de blanc, sur papier bleu, traits d'encadrements à la plume et encre brune 15,6 x 20,7 cm (6 1/8 x 8 1/8 in.)

        Dec. 21, 2020


        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        (Anversa o Mechelen, ca. 1550 - Treviso, 1604/1605) Scena allegorica con nereidi e tritoni Olio su tela, cm 85X118 Giunto a Treviso intorno al 1582, Ludovico Pozzoserrato viaggiì lungo la Penisola soggiornando a Firenze, Roma e Venezia. La sua valenza pittorica è ben evidenziata dalla fortuna critica e commerciale raggiunta precocemente nella città lagunare, tanto da poterlo considerare uno degli artisti più importanti della sua epoca e lodato dal Van Mander per i suoi squisiti paesaggi (cfr. Karel van Mander, Le vite degli illustri pittori fiamminghi, olandesi e tedeschi, Roma 2000, p. 359). Il talento del pittore si comprende osservando la capacità di adattare la propria nordica formazione al paesaggio veneto, giungendo a una sintesi di rara maestria e sensibilità, evocando non solo gli aspetti della natura, ma anche a descrivere e influenzare la cultura del giardino all'italiana, protagonista di sue moltissime composizioni. Possiamo altresì dire che Ludovico fu in grado di cogliere il carattere internazionale del manierismo elegante e colto di Jacopo Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese e in particolare dei Bassano, che troveranno in lui un interlocutore colto e utilissimo per aggiornare la loro visione della natura.

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Toeput, Lodewijk: Eine Voralpenlandschaft mit einer allegorischen Szene
        Nov. 25, 2020

        Toeput, Lodewijk: Eine Voralpenlandschaft mit einer allegorischen Szene

        Est: €300 - €400

        zugeschrieben. Eine Voralpenlandschaft mit einer allegorischen Szene. Radierung. 9,6 x 12,9 cm. Unbeschrieben. Das anmutige Blatt zeigt zwei Jäger bei der Hasenjagd. Vorne steht ein Jäger neben der erlegten Beute, während sein Pferd eine steinerne Wand durchbricht. Die Landschaftsauffassung ist ganz in der Tradition Tizians. Als Autor des sehr seltenen Blattes käme möglicherweise Lodewijk Toeput, genannt Pozzoserrato in Betracht. Ausgezeichneter, toniger Druck mit feinem Rändchen. Minimale Altersspuren, sonst vorzüglich erhalten. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Ludovico Pozzoserrato: Pomona Lying on the Waterfront in Front of a Moated Castle
        Nov. 19, 2020

        Ludovico Pozzoserrato: Pomona Lying on the Waterfront in Front of a Moated Castle

        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        Ludovico Pozzoserrato ('Lodewijk Toeput') ca. 1550 Antwerp - ca. 1605 Treviso - attributed Oil on canvas. Relined. 69,5 x 55,5cm. Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Germany. Lodewijk Toeput, also known as Lodovico Pozzoserrato, was a Flemish artist who lived and worked in Italy for many years. After leaving his hometown (Antwerp or Malines), he moved to various Italian centres such as Venice, Florence and Rome and finally settled in Treviso in the early 1580s. Although he executed frescoes, portraits and altarpieces for local churches, he specialized in landscape painting and, together with Paolo Fiammingo, became one of the leading painters for this typology. His soft and delicate style and his articulated compositions, which earned him the praise of Karel Van Mander in his famous Schilder-Boeck (\"Book of Painters\"), were inspired by the two famous Venetian painters of the time: Paolo Veronese and Tintoretto. This painting, which for stylistic reasons can be traced back to the hand of Lodovico, unites both the peculiarities of the artist: elegance in composition and skill in landscape painting. It depicts Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit, the olive tree and the vine. This mythological figure, like other deities rejected in the Middle Ages, reappeared in the Renaissance as the protagonist of numerous pictorial and statuary representations. She is always depicted as a young woman with a horn of plenty or, as in this case, fruits. Explanations to the Catalogue Ludovico Pozzoserrato Flanders Italian School 16th C. Old Masters Mythology Painting Estimated Shippingcost for this lot: Germany: 42,02 Euro plus 7,98 Euro VAT EU: 79,83 Euro plus 15,17 Euro VAT Worldwide: 134,45 Euro plus 25,55 Euro VAT additional shipping insurance

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
        Sep. 24, 2020


        Est: €3,000 - €7,000

        (Anversa o Mechelen, ca. 1550 - Treviso, 1604/1605) Scena di caccia Sul retro è posta una etichetta del Sze´pmu¨ve´szeti Mu´zeum di Budapest Olio su tavola, cm 15,5X38,5 Giunto a Treviso intorno al 1582, Ludovico Pozzoserrato viaggiì lungo la Penisola soggiornando a Firenze, Roma e Venezia. La sua valenza pittorica è ben evidenziata dalla fortuna critica e commerciale raggiunta precocemente nella città lagunare, tanto da poterlo considerare uno degli artisti più importanti della sua epoca e lodato dal Van Mander per i suoi squisiti paesaggi (Cfr. Karel van Mander, Le vite degli illustri pittori fiamminghi, olandesi e tedeschi, Roma 2000, p. 359). Il talento del pittore si comprende osservando la capacità di adattare la propria nordica formazione al paesaggio veneto, giungendo a una sintesi di rara maestria e sensibilità, evocando non solo gli aspetti della natura, ma anche a descrivere e influenzare la cultura del giardino 'all'italiana', protagonista di sue moltissime composizioni. Possiamo altresì dire che Ludovico fu in grado di cogliere il carattere 'internazionale' del manierismo elegante e colto di Jacopo Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese e in particolare dei Bassano, che troveranno in lui un interlocutore colto e utilissimo per aggiornare la loro visione della natura.

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Lodewijk TOEPUT, dit Ludovico POZZOSERRATO Anvers, vers 1550 - Trévise, vers 1605 Scène de déjeuner dans un parc Huile sur toile
        Jun. 16, 2020

        Lodewijk TOEPUT, dit Ludovico POZZOSERRATO Anvers, vers 1550 - Trévise, vers 1605 Scène de déjeuner dans un parc Huile sur toile

        Est: €10,000 - €15,000

        Lodewijk TOEPUT, dit Ludovico POZZOSERRATO Anvers, vers 1550 - Trévise, vers 1605 Scène de déjeuner dans un parc Huile sur toile An elegant company in a park, oil on canvas, by L. Pozzoserrato h: 73,50 w: 112,50 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Paris, Hôtel Drouot, Me Pruvost, 19 juin 1942, n° 59 (comme Sebastian Vrancx) ; Acquis à cette occasion par Monsieur Viger, selon une annotation sur un ancien catalogue de vente ; Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Élève à Anvers de Martin de Vos, Ludovic Toeput entreprend sur les conseils de son maître un voyage en Italie. Dans un premier temps actif à Venise dans l'atelier de Tintoret, il se rend ensuite à Rome et à Florence où il s'initie au dessin de ruines antiques. Il s'établit enfin à Trévise où il fait carrière en tant que décorateur. Réalisant fresques et grands décors, il devient l'un des créateurs du paysage maniériste, toujours empreint de fantaisie poétique. Joos de Momper aurait d'ailleurs été son élève à Trévise dans les années 1580. Notre composition est caractéristique de l'œuvre italianisante et de maturité de Toeput : l'intérêt porté pour l'art des jardins et plus généralement l'art de vivre à travers l'élégance des personnages. Ces éléments reflètent les apports de la Renaissance qui invite les plaisirs à l'extérieur de la Domus comme ici dans cette salle à manger d'extérieur. Entre buffet d'eau et buffet de victuailles, une élégante compagnie s'adonne à des plaisirs courtois qui, en raison des divergences sociales apparentes, ne seront peut-être pas tous avouables. Estimation 10 000 - 15 000 €

      • Pomona Lying on the Waterfront in Front of a Moated Castle
        May. 28, 2020

        Pomona Lying on the Waterfront in Front of a Moated Castle

        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO ('Lodewijk Toeput') ca. 1550 Antwerp - ca. 1605 Treviso attributed Title: Pomona Lying on the Waterfront in Front of a Moated Castle. Technique: Oil on canvas. Mounting: Relined. Measurement: 69,5 x 55,5cm. Frame/Pedestal: Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Germany. Lodewijk Toeput, also known as Lodovico Pozzoserrato, was a Flemish artist who lived and worked in Italy for many years. After leaving his hometown (Antwerp or Malines), he moved to various Italian centres such as Venice, Florence and Rome and finally settled in Treviso in the early 1580s. Although he executed frescoes, portraits and altarpieces for local churches, he specialized in landscape painting and, together with Paolo Fiammingo, became one of the leading painters for this typology. His soft and delicate style and his articulated compositions, which earned him the praise of Karel Van Mander in his famous Schilder-Boeck ("Book of Painters"), were inspired by the two famous Venetian painters of the time: Paolo Veronese and Tintoretto. This painting, which for stylistic reasons can be traced back to the hand of Lodovico, unites both the peculiarities of the artist: elegance in composition and skill in landscape painting. It depicts Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit, the olive tree and the vine. This mythological figure, like other deities rejected in the Middle Ages, reappeared in the Renaissance as the protagonist of numerous pictorial and statuary representations. She is always depicted as a young woman with a horn of plenty or, as in this case, fruits.

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      • Lodewyk Toeput (c.1550 - c.1603) - Musical Scene
        May. 09, 2020

        Lodewyk Toeput (c.1550 - c.1603) - Musical Scene

        Est: €10,000 - €15,000

        Subject and scenery are typical for the artist’s oeuvre and we know several paintings of similar subjects by the artist such as Concert in the Villa Garden, held at the municipal museum of Treviso or Outdoor Concert held at the same gallery. The stylistic influence of the School of North Italy or Venice can always be perceived. The present painting is related to the colour and design conception of the Bassano family. Overall Pozzoserrato greatly influenced the work of the subsequent painter generation such as Joos de Momper the Younger (1564-1635), Tobias Verhaecht (1561-1631) or Lucas van Valckenborch (ca. 1535-1597).

        Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
      • Lodewyk Toeput, genannt „Ludovico Pozzoserrato“, um 1550 Antwerpen – um 1603 Treviso
        Dec. 05, 2019

        Lodewyk Toeput, genannt „Ludovico Pozzoserrato“, um 1550 Antwerpen – um 1603 Treviso

        Est: €15,000 - €20,000

        KONZERT IM FREIEN VOR EINEr PALASTFASSADE Öl auf Leinwand. 131,5 x 121,5 cm. Dem Gemälde ist eine ausführliche Expertise von Dario Succi, Gorizia, beigegeben mit mehreren Bildvergleichen (in Kopie vorliegend). Nicht weniger als elf Musiker, darunter zwei Sängerknaben, haben sich vor einer rechts hochziehenden Palastfassade zusammengefunden und musizieren mit Laute, Gambe, Flöten und Posaunen. Im Vordergrund ein Herr, der seine Finger auf die Tastatur eines Klavikords gelegt hat und als einziger der Gruppe aus dem Bild herausblickt. Die Szenerie ist im Abendlicht wiedergegeben, wobei die Fassade noch durch die schlierigen Lichtstreifen am fernen Horizont im Hintergrund markant beleuchtet wird. Auffallend die nahezu einheitliche Bekleidung der Musikanten, jeweils in schwarzem Wams mit kurzen weißen Halskrausen, was darauf schließen lässt, dass der flämische, in Italien weitgehend ausgebildete und wirkende Maler das Bild für einen Auftraggeber nördlich der Alpen geschaffen hat. Bildthema und Szenerie sind typisch für das Werk des Künstlers, von dem wir mehrere Themenverwandte Werke kennen, wie etwa das „Konzert in einem Villengarten“, das sich im Stadtmuseum von Treviso befindet oder das „Konzert im Freien“ in der nämlichen Galerie. Stets ist in seinem Werk die Vorliebe für höfische Festlichkeit zu finden und dies sowohl in seinen religiösen Motiven als auch in der Figurenstaffage seiner Landschaften. Ausserdem ist der stilistische Einfluss der norditalienischen/venezianischen Malerei zu erkennen. Beim vorliegenden Bild ist die Verwandschaft der Farb- und Bildauffassung der Bassano-Familie zu erkennen. Insgesamt hat Pozzoserrato wesentlich auf das Werk der nachfolgenden Malergeneration, wie Joos de Momper d. J. (1564-1635), Tobias Verhaecht (1561-1631) oder Lucas van Valckenborch (um 1535-1597), eingewirkt. Der Künstlerbiograph des 16. Jahrhunderts, Carel van Mander, berichtet von einer Begegnung mit dem Maler in Venedig und hat als dessen Geburtsort die Stadt Mechelen angegeben. Ferner wird berichtet, dass er in Antwerpen bei Marten de Vos (1532-1603) studiert hatte, einem früheren Meister, der ebenfalls in Italien gelernt hatte. Dass der Maler des vorliegenden Gemäldes anfänglich in der Werkstatt von Domenico Robusti Tintoretto (1560-1635) gewirkt hat, zeigt sich nicht zuletzt auch in der Hell-Dunkel-Auffassung der Bilddarstellung. Bilder seiner Hand finden sich in zahlreichen öffentlichen und privaten Sammlungen, wie dem Musei civici di Treviso, der Gallerie dell‘Accademia in Venedig, dem Niedersächsichen Landesmuseum in Hannover oder der Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlungen in München. A.R. Provenienz: Privatsammlung. (12103416) (11) Lodewyk Toeput, also known “Ludovico Pozzoserrato” ca. 1550 Antwerp – ca. 1603 Treviso OPEN AIR CONCERT OUTSIDE THE PALACE FRONT Oil on canvas. 131.5 x 121.5 cm. A copy of the detailed expert’s report by Dario Succi, Gorizia, is enclosed with image comparisons. Subject and scenery are typical for the artist’s oeuvre and we know several paintings of similar subjects by the artist such as Concert in the Villa Garden, held at the municipal museum of Treviso or Outdoor Concert held at the same gallery. The stylistic influence of the School of North Italy or Venice can always be perceived. The present painting is related to the colour and design conception of the Bassano family. Overall Pozzoserrato greatly influenced the work of the subsequent painter generation such as Joos de Momper the Younger (1564-1635), Tobias Verhaecht (1561-1631) or Lucas van Valckenborch (ca. 1535-1597). Paintings by him are held in numerous public and private collection such as the Musei civici di Treviso, the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice, the Niedersächsiches Landesmuseum in Hannover or Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen in Munich. A.R. Provenance: Private collection.

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
      • LODEWIJK TOEPUT, IL POZZOSERRATO (ATTRIBUTED TO) (Atwerp 1550-1605 Treviso) A Mountainous Italianate Landscape.
        Nov. 05, 2019

        LODEWIJK TOEPUT, IL POZZOSERRATO (ATTRIBUTED TO) (Atwerp 1550-1605 Treviso) A Mountainous Italianate Landscape.

        Est: $700 - $1,000

        LODEWIJK TOEPUT, IL POZZOSERRATO (ATTRIBUTED TO) (Atwerp 1550-1605 Treviso) A Mountainous Italianate Landscape. Pen and brown ink and brown and gray washes on cream laid paper. 110x207 mm; 4 1/2x8 1/4 inches.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • Lodewyk Toeput (c.1550 - c.1603) - Musical Scene
        Sep. 30, 2019

        Lodewyk Toeput (c.1550 - c.1603) - Musical Scene

        Est: Kč500,000 - Kč650,000

        Oil on canvas. Flemish artist Lodewyk Toeput worked mainly in Italy. In addition to landscapes, his favorite themes include various receptions, parties and musical scenes. His work had a great influence on the next generation of Flemish artists (Joos de Momper, Gillis and Tobias Verhaecht, and Frederik van Valckenborch). In 1573 he arrived in Venice, where he worked in Tintoretto's studio and had his first meeting with Paolo Fiammingo, with whom he subsequently cooperated. Later he also visited Florence and Rome. The subject of the painting is a group of musicians performing on a city street. A hazy sky in the background, interwoven with silver and pinkish clouds, introduces a vague sense of unrest to the painting. All characters are fully focused on playing – only one glances straight at the viewer and one player throws a sideways glance which frames the entire figural scene in a semicircle. (expert opinion: Dario Succi, Gorizia)

        Arcimboldo Auctions
      • Lodewyk Toeput (c.1550 - c.1603) - Musical Scene
        Sep. 14, 2019

        Lodewyk Toeput (c.1550 - c.1603) - Musical Scene

        Est: Kč500,000 - Kč650,000

        Oil on canvas. Flemish artist Lodewyk Toeput worked mainly in Italy. In addition to landscapes, his favorite themes include various receptions, parties and musical scenes. His work had a great influence on the next generation of Flemish artists (Joos de Momper, Gillis and Tobias Verhaecht, and Frederik van Valckenborch). In 1573 he arrived in Venice, where he worked in Tintoretto's studio and had his first meeting with Paolo Fiammingo, with whom he subsequently cooperated. Later he also visited Florence and Rome. The subject of the painting is a group of musicians performing on a city street. A hazy sky in the background, interwoven with silver and pinkish clouds, introduces a vague sense of unrest to the painting. All characters are fully focused on playing – only one glances straight at the viewer and one player throws a sideways glance which frames the entire figural scene in a semicircle. (expert opinion: Dario Succi, Gorizia)

        Arcimboldo Auctions
      • Toeput Lodewijk detto Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Anversa 1550 - Treviso 1605), Mosè ritrovato dalle figlie del faraone
        Jun. 12, 2019

        Toeput Lodewijk detto Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Anversa 1550 - Treviso 1605), Mosè ritrovato dalle figlie del faraone

        Est: €8,000 - €10,000

        olio su tela, cm 76x107

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO (Amberes o Malinas, 1550-Treviso, 1604/5) Bodegón con mono, pavos y frutas sobre fondo de escalinata Lienzo Oleo sobre lienzo de 104 x 154 cm. Lodewijk Toeput, conocido como Ludovico Pozzoserrato, flamenco activo en Véneto, está considerado como el principal exponente de la pintura trevisana. Un mismo lienzo, reúne figuras, bodegones y paisaje, creando una obra plenamente ornamental y decorativa alejada de los bodegones tradicionales. Como si de un escenario se tratase, esta escena de preparación para banquete, sitúa y enmarca a los dos protagonistas de la pintura en una gran balconada con un frondoso paisaje como telón de fondo. Ambos personajes, perfectamente ataviados a la manera de la época, interactúan con el espectador, llamando nuestra atención y mostrándonos los animales y víveres que van a participar en el banquete. Este flamenco italianizado nos sumerge e
        Dec. 19, 2018

        LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO (Amberes o Malinas, 1550-Treviso, 1604/5) Bodegón con mono, pavos y frutas sobre fondo de escalinata Lienzo Oleo sobre lienzo de 104 x 154 cm. Lodewijk Toeput, conocido como Ludovico Pozzoserrato, flamenco activo en Véneto, está considerado como el principal exponente de la pintura trevisana. Un mismo lienzo, reúne figuras, bodegones y paisaje, creando una obra plenamente ornamental y decorativa alejada de los bodegones tradicionales. Como si de un escenario se tratase, esta escena de preparación para banquete, sitúa y enmarca a los dos protagonistas de la pintura en una gran balconada con un frondoso paisaje como telón de fondo. Ambos personajes, perfectamente ataviados a la manera de la época, interactúan con el espectador, llamando nuestra atención y mostrándonos los animales y víveres que van a participar en el banquete. Este flamenco italianizado nos sumerge e

        Est: -

        LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO (Antwerp or Mechelen, 1550-Treviso, 1604/5) Still life with monkey, turkeys and fruit on the background of a stairway Canvas Oil on canvas of 104 x 154 cm. Lodewijk Toeput, known as Ludovico Pozzoserrato, active flamenco in Veneto, is considered to be the main exponent of Trevisan painting. The same canvas, brings together figures, still lifes and landscape, creating a fully ornamental and decorative work away from traditional still lifes. As if it were a stage, this scene of preparation for a banquet locates and frames the two protagonists of the painting on a large balcony with a lush landscape as a backdrop. Both characters, perfectly attired in the manner of the time, interact with the viewer, drawing our attention and showing us the animals and provisions that will participate in the banquet. This Italianized flemish immerses us in

        Sala Retiro Subastas
      • LODEWIJK TOEPUT CALLED IL POZZOSERRATO (1550–1605) - ATTRIBUTED - Enamored Musical Couple
        Nov. 18, 2018

        LODEWIJK TOEPUT CALLED IL POZZOSERRATO (1550–1605) - ATTRIBUTED - Enamored Musical Couple

        Est: Kč200,000 - Kč240,000

        Oil on canvas. 76 x 105 cm. The author of this typically Venetian work is probably Flemish artist Lodewijk Toeput, who worked for some time in Venice. A similar painting is in the collection of the museum in Treviso. Toeput painted mythological themes, biblical themes, and genre scenes of Venetian social life, but also made many religious paintings for Venetian churches. However, he was known primarily for his landscape frescoes and canvasses that combine Flemish and Venetian style.

        Arcimboldo Auctions
        Oct. 18, 2018


        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        "Lo scherzo della fontana", oil on canvas, framed

        Colasanti Casa d'Aste
      • LODEWIJK TOEPUT, CALLED POZZOSERRATO | A Capriccio view of Rome
        Jul. 04, 2018

        LODEWIJK TOEPUT, CALLED POZZOSERRATO | A Capriccio view of Rome

        Est: £8,000 - £12,000

        Pen and brown ink and brown and blue wash

      • Lodewijk Toeput called Il Pozzoserrato (1550-1605)attributed
        Jun. 27, 2018

        Lodewijk Toeput called Il Pozzoserrato (1550-1605)attributed

        Est: €4,000 - €8,000

        Lodewijk Toeput called Il Pozzoserrato(1550-1605)-attributed ,Pair of large paintings with court scenes in landscape and palace. Oil on canvas.

        Deutsch Auktionen
        Dec. 04, 2017


        Est: €40,000 - €44,500

        TOEPUT LODEWYK detto POZZOSERRATO (1550-1605) 'Feste in giardino' coppia di olii cm. 158x208

        Aste Boetto SRL
      • Lodewijk Toeput, called il Pozzoserrato (c. 1550-1603)-studio
        Nov. 21, 2017

        Lodewijk Toeput, called il Pozzoserrato (c. 1550-1603)-studio

        Est: €1,600 - €3,500

        Lodewijk Toeput, called il Pozzoserrato (c. 1550-1603)-studio, Pair of monumental paintings showing Diana and a court couple and a Countess with feasting people; oil on canvas; a pair.

        Deutsch Auktionen
      • LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO (Antwerp or Malinas, 1550-Treviso, 1604/5) Still Life. Oil on canvas
        Oct. 18, 2017

        LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO (Antwerp or Malinas, 1550-Treviso, 1604/5) Still Life. Oil on canvas

        Est: -

        LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO (Amberes o Malinas, 1550-Treviso, 1604/5) Bodegón con mono, pavos y frutas sobre fondo de escalinata Oleo sobre lienzo de 104 x 154 cm. Lodewijk Toeput, conocido como Ludovico Pozzoserrato, flamenco activo en Véneto, está considerado como el principal exponente de la pintura trevisana. Un mismo lienzo, reúne figuras, bodegones y paisaje, creando una obra plenamente ornamental y decorativa alejada de los bodegones tradicionales. Como si de un escenario se tratase, esta escena de preparación para banquete, sitúa y enmarca a los dos protagonistas de la pintura en una gran balconada con un frondoso paisaje como telón de fondo. Ambos personajes, perfectamente ataviados a la manera de la época, interactúan con el espectador, llamando nuestra atención y mostrándonos los animales y víveres que van a participar en el banquete. Este flamenco italianizado nos sumerge en esta extraordinaria e interesante obra en la que nada se presta al azar, dominando el uso de los colores y el detalle, tratando con gusto y sutileza la luz y defendiendo una perspectiva la cual da paso a los personajes principales que nos buscan y miran intentando traspasar el lienzo.

        Sala Retiro Subastas
      • Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato) [attribuito a], Paesaggio fantastico con torrione.
        Oct. 09, 2017

        Lodewijk Toeput (Il Pozzoserrato) [attribuito a], Paesaggio fantastico con torrione.

        Est: €380 - €760

        Pennello e acquerello seppia su tracce di matita nera, sottile carta vergellata priva di filigrana. mm 140x235.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO (Antwerp or Malinas, 1550-Treviso, 1604/5) Still life with Monkey, Turkeys and Fruits
        Nov. 30, 2016

        LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO (Antwerp or Malinas, 1550-Treviso, 1604/5) Still life with Monkey, Turkeys and Fruits

        Est: -

        LUDOVICO POZZOSERRATO (Amberes o Malinas, 1550-Treviso, 1604/5) Bodegón con mono, pavos y frutas sobre fondo de escalinata, Oleo sobre lienzo de 104 x 154 cm.Lodewijk Toeput, conocido como Ludovico Pozzoserrato, flamenco activo en Véneto, está considerado como el principal exponente de la pintura trevisana.Un mismo lienzo, reúne figuras, bodegones y paisaje, creando una obra plenamente ornamental y decorativa alejada de los bodegonestradicionales.Como si de un escenario se tratase, esta escena de preparación parabanquete, sitúa y enmarca a los dos protagonistas de la pintura en unagran balconada con un frondoso paisaje como telón de fondo. Ambospersonajes, perfectamente ataviados a la manera de la época,interactúan con el espectador, llamando nuestra atención ymostrándonos los animales y víveres que van a participar en elbanquete.Este flamenco italianizado nos sumerge en esta extraordinaria einteresante obra en la que nada se presta al azar, dominando el uso delos colores y el detalle, tratando con gusto

        Sala Retiro Subastas
        Sep. 24, 2016


        Est: -

        LODEWIJK TOEPUT Um 1550 Antwerpen - 1603/05 Treviso (attr.) CHRISTUS UND DIE SAMARITERIN Öl auf Leinwand (altdoubl.). 65 cm x 100 cm. Das Gemälde ist als Lodewijk Toeput (attr.) in der Datenbank des RKD (Niederländisches Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Den Haag) unter der Nummer 264159 gelistet. Min. rest. Rahmen.

        Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
      • Ludovico Pozzoserrato (ca.1550–ca.1603) Konzert in Renaissancegarten
        Jun. 22, 2016

        Ludovico Pozzoserrato (ca.1550–ca.1603) Konzert in Renaissancegarten

        Est: CHF25,000 - CHF30,000

        Ludovico Pozzoserrato (ca.1550–ca.1603) Konzert in Renaissancegarten Öl auf Leinwand 105.5 x 152 cm

        Artcurial Beurret Bailly Widmer
      • Drawing, Attributed to Ludwig Toeput
        Feb. 20, 2016

        Drawing, Attributed to Ludwig Toeput

        Est: $200 - $400

        Attributed to Lodewyk Toeput (Pozzoserrato) (Flemish, 1550 - 1603), Figures in a Landscape (recto), Figures Beside Ruins (verso), pen, brown ink and wash, unsigned, overall (with mat): 8"h x 10.5"w. Provenance: Barclay Simpson Fine Arts Gallery (Lafayette, CA)

        Clars Auctions
      • TOEPUT DETTO IL POZZOSERRATO LODEWIJK (1550 - 1605) Banquet in a palace garden.
        Dec. 09, 2015

        TOEPUT DETTO IL POZZOSERRATO LODEWIJK (1550 - 1605) Banquet in a palace garden.

        Est: €35,000 - €45,000

        TOEPUT DETTO IL POZZOSERRATO LODEWIJK (1550 - 1605). Banquet in a palace garden.. Cm 203,00 x 123,00.

        Capitolium Art
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