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Lot 36: Lodewyk Toeput (c.1550 - c.1603) - Musical Scene

Est: €10,000 EUR - €15,000 EURSold:
Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.Prague, Czech RepublicMay 09, 2020

Item Overview


Subject and scenery are typical for the artist’s oeuvre and we know several paintings of similar subjects by the artist such as Concert in the Villa Garden, held at the municipal museum of Treviso or Outdoor Concert held at the same gallery. The stylistic influence of the School of North Italy or Venice can always be perceived. The present painting is related to the colour and design conception of the Bassano family. Overall Pozzoserrato greatly influenced the work of the subsequent painter generation such as Joos de Momper the Younger (1564-1635), Tobias Verhaecht (1561-1631) or Lucas van Valckenborch (ca. 1535-1597).


131 x 121 cm

Artist or Maker


Oil on canvas

Condition Report

Expert analysis: Dario Succi, Gorizia

Payment & Shipping

Accepted forms of payment: Wire Transfer


The Buyer is entitled to ask the Auction House in writing (by e-mail) to send the auctioned item to the place designated by the Buyer. The price for sending the auctioned item is contractual. The cost of transporting the auctioned item shall be borne by the Buyer and shall be paid in advance. The risk of damage to the auctioned item passes to the Buyer upon handover to an external carrier. The Auction House reserves the right to decide, for security reasons, which auctioned item can be delivered by an external carrier, and when it is necessary to personally receive the auctioned item.

Auction Details

Old Masters Paintings & Sculptures

Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
May 09, 2020, 05:00 PM CET

Lázenská 287/4 Malá Strana, Prague, 11800, CZ


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


Extended Bidding

5 minutes/bid

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In Prague 01.05. 2020


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The Buyer is entitled to ask the Auction House in writing (by e-mail) to send the auctioned item to the place designated by the Buyer. The price for sending the auctioned item is contractual. The cost of transporting the auctioned item shall be borne by the Buyer and shall be paid in advance. The risk of damage to the auctioned item passes to the Buyer upon handover to an external carrier. The Auction House reserves the right to decide, for security reasons, which auctioned item can be delivered by an external carrier, and when it is necessary to personally receive the auctioned item.

Shipping Terms

The Buyer is entitled to ask the Auction House in writing (by e-mail) to send the auctioned item to the place designated by the Buyer. The price for sending the auctioned item is contractual. The cost of transporting the auctioned item shall be borne by the Buyer and shall be paid in advance. The risk of damage to the auctioned item passes to the Buyer upon handover to an external carrier. The Auction House reserves the right to decide, for security reasons, which auctioned item can be delivered by an external carrier, and when it is necessary to personally receive the auctioned item.