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Adam Willaerts Sold at Auction Prices

Naval painter, b. 1577 - d. 1664

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        • ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664) Shipwreck scene Oil on panel si
          Dec. 01, 2024

          ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664) Shipwreck scene Oil on panel si

          Est: €6,000 - €8,000

          ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664) Shipwreck scene Oil on panel signed with the initials "AW" and dated 1653 H: 36.5 x W: 54.5 cm Provenance: Collection of Baronne de P. ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664) Scène de Naufrage Huile sur panneau signé avec les initiales "AW" et daté 1653 H: 36,5 x L: 54,5 cm Provenance: Collection Baronne de P.

          Antenor Auction
        • Willaerts, Adam (attr.)
          Nov. 13, 2024

          Willaerts, Adam (attr.)

          Est: €2,800 - €4,000

          Willaerts, Adam (attr.) Antwerpen 1577 - Utrecht 1664 60 x 92 cm Dutch warships at the Norwegian coast. Oil/cradled panel. Harry G. Sperling, New York; Southern German private collection. Lit.: Five Centuries of Marine Painting; Detroit 1942, Kat.-Nr. 13. and Taf. I. Adam Willaerts is a representative of the older Flemish style of painting and still depicts the sea with somewhat stiff, schematically drawn waves. Willaerts is first mentioned in 1602 in Utrecht, where he and his fellow painter Salomon Vredeman de Vries were commissioned to decorate one of the organs in the cathedral. A member of the Guild of St Luke in 1611 and later several times its dean, he spent his entire artistic career in Utrecht, where he maintained a large studio and trained numerous pupils, including his three sons Abraham, Cornelis and Isaac. Willaerts, Adam (attr.) Antwerpen 1577 - Utrecht 1664 60 x 92 cm Holländische Kriegsschiffe an der norwegischen Küste. Öl/Holz, rückseitig parkettiert. Harry G. Sperling, New York; Süddeutsche Privatsammlung. Lit.: Five Centuries of Marine Painting, Detroit 1942, Kat.-Nr. 13. und Taf. I. Adam Willaerts ist als Vertreter der älteren flämischen Malweise zu betrachten und stellt das Meer noch mit etwas steifen, schematisch gezeichneten Wellen dar. Im Jahr 1602 wird Willaerts zum ersten Mal in Utrecht erwähnt, wo er zusammen mit seinem Malerkollegen Salomon Vredeman de Vries den Auftrag zur Dekoration einer der Orgeln in der Kathedrale erhielt. 1611 Mitglied der Lukasgilde und später mehrfach deren Dekan verbrachte er seine gesamte künstlerische Laufbahn in Utrecht wo er ein großes Atelier unterhielt und zahlreiche Schüler ausbildete, darunter auch seine drei Söhne Abraham, Cornelis und Isaac.

          Nagel Auction
        • Adam Willaerts (1577-1664)
          Nov. 12, 2024

          Adam Willaerts (1577-1664)

          Est: €18,000 - €22,000

          Coastal scene with lively folk ashore, signed with initials and dated 'A.W.F. 1647' (lower centre), oil on panel, 58x91 cm, Provenance: -Auction, Köller, Zürich, 9 June 1983, lot 5057, with expertise Ellen Bernt München, April 1993. -Auction, Dobiaschofsky, Bern, 21 October 1998, lot 1053. -With Kunsthandel Douwes, Amsterdam, 1999, where acquired by the family of the present owner (lot with a copy of the invoice, dated 29 March 1999),

          Venduehuis der Notarissen
        • Adam Willaerts
          Apr. 24, 2024

          Adam Willaerts

          Est: €12,000 - €15,000

          (Antwerp 1577–1664 Utrecht) A coastal landscape with fishermen unloading their catch, monogrammed lower left: AW, oil on panel, 36 x 50.5 cm, framed Provenance: Private collection, Germany We are grateful to Gerlinde de Beer for endorsing the attribution of the present painting on the basis of a photograph. She suggests a date of execution around the second half of the 1620s. This bustling coastal scene with fishermen and women laying out their catch on the foreshore is a typical example of the marine painting that Willaerts specialised in and earned him early acclaim. The carefully arranged composition of the imposing panoramic coastal landscape and the refined treatment of the vessels, figures and garments, show an artist at the peak of his creative abilities. In the present painting Willaerts brings natural forms, narrative and the genre element of his coastal scenes into particular focus and helps attract and hold the viewer’s attention. Adam Willaerts was one of the central figures of Dutch marine painting. However, only little is known about his origin and family. Since he stated that he was from London when he married in 1605, it can be assumed that his family had emigrated to England due to the conquest of Antwerp by the Spanish in 1585. In 1602 Willaerts is first mentioned in Utrecht where received the commission for the decoration of one of the organs in the cathedral together with his painter colleague Salomon Vredeman de Vries. The artist spent his career there and held leading positions in the Guild of Saint Luke, running a busy studio where he trained numerous pupils, including his three sons Abraham, Cornelis and Isaac.

        • WILLAERTS Adam (1577 - 1664) Huile sur toile ma…
          Apr. 16, 2024

          WILLAERTS Adam (1577 - 1664) Huile sur toile ma…

          Est: €3,000 - €5,000

          WILLAERTS Adam (1577 - 1664) Huile sur toile marouflée sur toile "La bataille navale". Signé en bas à gauche sur le rocher A. Willaerts et daté en bas 1624. Ecole hollandaise. Voir au dos une étiquette de chez De Vuyst. Dim.:+/-102x163,5cm.

        • Dutch Ships off a Rocky Coast with a Fishmarket on the Beach
          Feb. 01, 2024

          Dutch Ships off a Rocky Coast with a Fishmarket on the Beach

          Est: $200,000 - $300,000

          Property of a Private European Collector Adam Willaerts Antwerp 1577 - 1664 Utrecht Dutch Ships off a Rocky Coast with a Fishmarket on the Beach signed and dated lower right: A willarts / 1620 oil on panel panel: 23 by 43 ½ in.; 58.4 by 110.5 cm. framed: 32 by 52 in.; 81.3 by 132.1 cm.

        • WILLAERTS ADAM (1577 - 1664) - Attributed to. A sea landscape with Dutch vessels
          Dec. 13, 2023

          WILLAERTS ADAM (1577 - 1664) - Attributed to. A sea landscape with Dutch vessels

          Est: €3,000 - €5,000

          WILLAERTS ADAM (1577 - 1664). Attributed to. A sea landscape with Dutch vessels. 30,80 x 41,00 cm.

          Capitolium Art
        • Adam Willaerts (1577-1664)
          Nov. 14, 2023

          Adam Willaerts (1577-1664)

          Est: €6,000 - €8,000

          A rocky coastal landscape with a fish market and two Dutch ships at anchor, signed and dated 'A. Willarts. 1618' (lower right, signature possibly strengthened), Provenance:-Private collection, Sweden.-With Kunsthandel P. de Boer, Amsterdam, 10 September 1998, where acquired by the family of the present owner. ,

          Venduehuis der Notarissen
        • Tableaux WILLAERTS Adam (1577 - 1664) Huile sur panneau de chêne "Le
          Nov. 14, 2023

          Tableaux WILLAERTS Adam (1577 - 1664) Huile sur panneau de chêne "Le

          Est: €10,000 - €15,000

          Tableaux WILLAERTS Adam (1577 - 1664) Huile sur panneau de chêne "Le naufrage". Monogrammé en bas à gauche sur le morceau de bois A.W pour Adam Willaerts et daté 1653 . Ecole hollandaise. Epoque : XVIIème. Voir au dos une ancienne étiquette ainsi qu'un cachet de collection à la cire rouge. Dim.:+/-36,5x54,5cm.

        • Adam Willaerts. Marine with dutch landscape
          Jan. 25, 2023

          Adam Willaerts. Marine with dutch landscape

          Est: -

          Oil on canvas. Signed and dated (AW 1655 FC) in the lower right corner. The present work combines the Dutch landscape with maritime scenes, which in Utrecht, were specially cultivated by the Willaert family, uniting two genres of Dutch painting. the navy and the genre scene. Its origin may be found in similar compositions by Hendrik Cornelisz Vroom (1566-1640) although Adam Willaerts places the horizon line even lower, giving the work greater spatial depth that is accentuated, also by the strip of sea blue placed just below the horizon. The scene represented may describe the arrival of the catch of the day. With the drawing of small human figures, Willaerts generates a sensation of life and movement in the work and especially highlights the beauty of the integrated landscape so that the sea does not take away from it. Adam Willaerts was a founding member of the Guild of Saint Luke in Utrecht where he repeatedly held the position of Dean. Despite having always worked in Utrecht, he specialized in scenes of beaches, views of ports and sea storms with a clear influence from Vroom. He had a large workshop in which his three sons worked: Abraham, Cornelis and Isaak and, from 1650, his son-in-law Willem Ormea.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664)
          Dec. 05, 2022

          ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664)

          Est: €8,000 - €10,000

          Harbour view with Dutch galleons at sea, fishermen on the beach and figures on a wooden pier near a castle, 1633. Panel. Signed with monogram 'A.W.' and dated 1633 (difficult to read). Retouching. Provenance and certificate: Gallery Florence de Voldère, Paris, 19.4.2007 Adam Willaerts was born in London in 1577 to Flemish parents who had fled to England because of the persecution of Protestants in the Southern Neterlands. At the age of 25, Willaerts settled in Utrecht where, in 1611, he became the co-founder of the local St Luke's guild. There, he concentrated mainly on painting town-, seaside- and beachscapes. His compositions in the Flemish style contain a lot of narrative and imagination. On the left, for example, we see the farewell of the departing sailors with their families. Before boarding the sloop, they embrace their children and wife one last time. In addition to his paintings, Willaerts also receives several decorative commissions, such as those from the city of Dordrecht in 1626 and from Kronborg Castle in Denmark. Willaerts lived and worked in Utrecht until his death in 1664. Description FR Vue portuaire avec des galions hollandais, des pêcheurs sur la plage et des personnages sur une estacade en bois près d'un château, 1633. Panneau. Signé de son monogramme 'A.W.' et daté de 1633 (difficile à lire). Retouches. Provenance et certificat photo: Galerie Florence de Voldère, Paris, 19.4.2007 Adam Willaerts est né à Londres en 1577 de parents flamands qui avaient fui en Angleterre en raison de la persécution des protestants. À l'âge de 25 ans, Willaerts s'installe à Utrecht où, en 1611, il devient le cofondateur de la guilde locale de St Luc. Là, il se concentre principalement sur la peinture de paysages de villes, de bords de mer et de plages. Ses compositions dans le style flamand sont narratives et imaginatives. À gauche, par exemple, nous voyons les adieux des marins de leurs familles. Avant de monter à bord de la chaloupe, ils embrassent une dernière fois leurs enfants et leur épouse. Outre ses peintures, Willaerts reçoit également plusieurs commandes de décoration, comme celles de la ville de Dordrecht en 1626 et du château de Kronborg au Danemark. Willaerts a vécu et travaillé à Utrecht jusqu'à sa mort en 1664. Beschrijving NL Havengezicht met Hollandse galjoenen op zee, vissers op het strand en figuren op houten staketsel nabij burcht, 1633. Paneel. Moeilijk leesbaar getekend met monogram 'A.W.' en gedateerd 1633. Retouches. Herkomst en fotocertificaat: Galerie Florence de Voldère, Parijs, 19.4.2007 Adam Willaerts wordt geboren in Londen in 1577 bij Vlaamse ouders die waren uitgeweken naar Engeland vanwege de protestantenvervolging. Op 25-jarige leeftijd vestigt Willaerts zich in Utrecht waar hij in 1611 de medeoprichter werd van de plaatselijke Sint-Lucasgilde. Daar legt hij zich voornamelijk toe op het schilderen van stads-, zee- en strandgezichten. Zijn composities in Vlaamse stijl zijn verhalend en fantasievol. Zo zien we links het afscheid van de vertrekkende zeelui met hun familie. Voor ze de sloep instappen, omhelzen ze hun kroost en vrouw nog een laatste keer. Naast zijn schilderijen krijgt Willaerts ook verscheidene decoratieve opdrachten zoals die van de stad Dordrecht in 1626 en van het kasteel Kronborg in Denemarken. Willaerts leeft en werkt in Utrecht tot zijn dood in 1664.

          Bernaerts Auctioneers
        • Adam Willaerts: Coastal Scene with Sailing Ships in Front of a Harbour
          Nov. 17, 2022

          Adam Willaerts: Coastal Scene with Sailing Ships in Front of a Harbour

          Est: €25,000 - €30,000

          WILLAERTS, ADAM 1577 Antwerpen - 1664 Utrecht Title: Coastal Scene with Sailing Ships in Front of a Harbour. Technique: Oil on wood. Mounting: Parquetted. Measurement: 46 x 84cm. Notation: Monogrammed and dated lower right: A.W. F. 1642. Frame: Framed. Provenance: VAN HAM Kunstauktionen, Cologne, 13.05.2016, lot 508; Private ownership, Germany. The painting is illustrated and documented in the online database of the RKD, The Hague, under ill. no. 260079. There are public state art collections and institutional art collections and private art collections and collections of artists and - let us call it - an "accumulation" of perhaps alleged art objects. With the following works of art, however, we have the pleasure of presenting to you a very extraordinarily exciting collection from southern Germany. The collector, an extremely successful architect, has remained faithful to his study focus on "Creative Design" at the Technical University in Darmstadt throughout his professional life. As a student in the 1960s, he travelled to West Africa and the Orient, to countries such as Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq. He spent three months working and studying in Nigeria - and it was here that his passion for collecting works of art began, a passion that still burns within him today. A chance encounter with the young painter Michael Engelhardt (1952), a master student of Rudolf Hausner (1914 - 1995), the artist of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism, led to his burning interest in the so-called "Feinmalerei" (fine art painting). He not only immersed himself in the fascinating technique but also studied the actual origins of this skill among the Dutch in the 16th century up to the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century. Without any fear of contact, but instead with an irrepressible curiosity, he collects the finest works from this period with an unerring sense of quality. We are now pleased to offer you these crowning pieces here and invite you to immerse yourself in the incredible details of the landscapes and village scenes. For centuries, the artistry of this style of painting has enthralled art connoisseurs, and no significant art collection should be without this particular style of art to this day. Among the works in this collection that stand out for their special quality are landscapes created by painters who took their cue from Jan Brueghel, the undisputed master of landscape painting of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Adam Willaerts is best known for his landscapes of architecture, seascapes, beach and coastal views, proving to be very adept at perspective. The sea was one of the undisputed protagonists in his works. Unlike other artists of his time who limited themselves to purely seascapes, he also realised subjects from the biblical tradition related to the sea, such as Jonah and the Whale, The Miraculous Catch of Fish, The Praying Christ on the Sea of Galilee. His later maritime production echoes Jan Brueghel and Joos de Momper. The painting offered here (lot 649), depicting a coastal scene populated by numerous figures immortalised in their daily activities, is likely to fall into this category. Explanations to the Catalogue

          Van Ham Kunstauktionen
        • Adam Willaerts
          Nov. 09, 2022

          Adam Willaerts

          Est: €30,000 - €40,000

          (London 1577–1664 Utrecht) Dutch ships in front of a rocky coast with figures, buildings beyond, monogrammed and dated lower centre left: A. W 1633, oil on canvas, 99 x 117 cm, framed bears an old inventory number on the reverse: Bema B/01124 Provenance: Private European collection Bustling harbor scenes, full of genre-like details, such as the present, were a specialty of Adam Willaerts and earned him early recognition. Here, the artist shows three large ships, so called man o’ wars, with Dutch flags on a choppy sea, under a cloudy sky. Next to them, two smaller boats are anchored in front of a rocky coast. The figures in the left foreground, who seem to have just stepped off a boat, appear on the shore in various scenes of greeting; a young man embraces his beloved, next to him a man holds out his hand to his wife, and the simple barefoot shepherd tips his hat to the figure on horseback. Willaerts combines influences from Southern Netherlandish art, especially Jan Brueghel the Elder and Hendrick Vroom, thereby forming his own unmistakable pictorial language. The stylised rendition of the figures and many details, such as the small white-crested waves, the trees and the fortifications add a naïve charm to the painting’s appeal. Adam Willaerts was one of the central figures of Dutch marine painting. However, only little is known about his origin and family. Since he stated that he was from London when he married in 1605, it can be assumed that his family had emigrated to England due to the conquest of Antwerp by the Spanish in 1585. In 1602 Willaerts is first mentioned in Utrecht where received the commission for the decoration of one of the organs in the cathedral together with his painter colleague Salomon Vredeman de Vries. The artist spent his career there and held leading positions in the Guild of Saint Luke, running a busy studio where he trained numerous pupils, including his three sons Abraham, Cornelis and Isaac.

        • ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664). "Marine". Oil on canvas. No signature. It presents typical craquelure of the time. It needs cleaning.
          Oct. 26, 2022

          ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664). "Marine". Oil on canvas. No signature. It presents typical craquelure of the time. It needs cleaning.

          Est: €14,000 - €16,000

          ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664). "Marina. Oil on canvas. Unsigned. Crackle typical of the period. It needs cleaning. Measurements: 34 x 52 cm, 55 x 70,5 cm (frame). Adam Willaerts was a Dutch painter specialised in marine paintings. Willaerts was baptised in 1577 in London, although other sources suppose him to have been born in Antwerp, where his parents were originally from, who would have left the city for religious reasons. In 1585 the family settled in Leiden and in 1597 Adam took up residence in Utrecht, where he was to remain until his death. In 1611 he joined the guild of Saint Luke in the city, of which he was elected dean in 1620. His sons Cornelis, Abraham and Isaac continued their father's profession, although they diversified the genres they painted. He painted seascapes, whether of landings, battles or fishing, often seen from the beach where other genre scenes, such as fish markets, are depicted, but his painting always adhered to traditional formulations, such as the balance between the planes of the composition and the schematic depiction of the sea waves, which was alien to the new naturalistic trends. Occasionally his seascapes reflected historical events, such as the naval confrontation between the Dutch and Spanish off Gibraltar, depicted in The Defeat of the Spanish off Gibraltar by a fleet commanded by Jacob van Heemskerk, 25 April 1607 and in Allegory of the Victory of the Dutch over the Spanish Fleet at Gibraltar, 25 April 1607, both in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, or in The Battle of Gibraltar, 25 April 1607, entered in 2000 in the Prado Museum, and deposited in the Naval Museum in Madrid.

          Setdart Auction House
        • Adam Willaerts. Marine with dutch landscape
          Oct. 25, 2022

          Adam Willaerts. Marine with dutch landscape

          Est: -

          Oil on canvas. Signed and dated (AW 1655 FC) in the lower right corner. The present work combines the Dutch landscape with maritime scenes, which in Utrecht, were cultivated especially by the Willaert family, uniting two genres of Dutch painting. the navy and the genre scene. It is possible that its origin can be found in similar compositions by Hendrik Cornelisz Vroom (1566-1640) although Adam Willaerts places the horizon line even lower, giving the work greater spatial depth that is accentuated, in addition, by the strip of sea blue placed just below the horizon. The scene depicted may describe the arrival of the day's catch. With the drawing of small human figures, Willaerts generates a sensation of life and movement in the work and especially highlights the beauty of the integrated landscape so that the sea does not take away its prominence. Adam Willaerts was a founding member of the Utrecht St. Luke's Guild in which he repeatedly held the position of Dean. Despite always having worked in Utrecht, he specialized in scenes of beaches, port views and sea storms with a clear influence from Vroom. He had a large workshop in which his three sons worked: Abraham, Cornelis and Isaak and, from 1650, his son-in-law Willem Ormea.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • ADAM WILLAERTS (attr. a)
          Jun. 09, 2022

          ADAM WILLAERTS (attr. a)

          Est: €4,000 - €7,000

          (Londra o Anversa, 1577 - Utrecht, 1664) Veduta costiera con navi alla fonda e figure Olio su tela, cm 90X134 Adam Willaerts è considerato uno dei grandi pionieri della pittura olandese di marina e la sua arte denota in particolare l'influenza di Jan Brueghel il Vecchio e Hendrick Vroom. L'artista svolse la sua attività prevalentemente a Utrecht, ricoprendo più volte incarichi di primo piano nella corporazione dei pittori e guidò una bottega di numerosi allievi, tra i quali i tre figli Abraham, Cornelis e Isaac, che sarebbero diventati pittori. La tela in esame, trova confronto con quella esitata presso la Sotheby's di New York il 2 aprile 1996 lotto 28 e attribuita al pittore che raffigura con poche varianti la medesima conformazione paesistica e narrativa.

          Wannenes Art Auctions
        • Willaerts Adam
          Jun. 04, 2022

          Willaerts Adam

          Est: CHF12,000 - CHF15,000

          Unten mittig monogrammiert. Verso alte Etiketten und Reste eines Rotlacksiegels

          Auktionshaus Zofingen
        • Adam Willaerts. Marine with dutch landscape
          Apr. 27, 2022

          Adam Willaerts. Marine with dutch landscape

          Est: -

          Oil on canvas. Signed and dated (AW 1655 FC) in the lower right corner. The present work combines the Dutch landscape with maritime scenes, which in Utrecht, were cultivated especially by the Willaert family, uniting two genres of Dutch painting. the navy and the genre scene. It is possible that its origin can be found in similar compositions by Hendrik Cornelisz Vroom (1566-1640) although Adam Willaerts places the horizon line even lower, giving the work greater spatial depth that is accentuated, in addition, by the strip of sea blue placed just below the horizon. The scene depicted may describe the arrival of the day's catch. With the drawing of small human figures, Willaerts generates a sensation of life and movement in the work and especially highlights the beauty of the integrated landscape so that the sea does not take away its prominence. Adam Willaerts was a founding member of the Utrecht St. Luke's Guild in which he repeatedly held the position of Dean. Despite always having worked in Utrecht, he specialized in scenes of beaches, port views and sea storms with a clear influence from Vroom. He had a large workshop in which his three sons worked: Abraham, Cornelis and Isaak and, from 1650, his son-in-law Willem Ormea.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664)
          Mar. 30, 2022

          ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664)

          Est: €15,000 - €20,000

          Harbour view with Dutch galleons at sea, fishermen on the beach and figures on a wooden pier near a castle, 1633. Panel. Signed with monogram 'A.W.' and dated 1633. Retouching. Provenance and certificate: Gallery Florence de Voldère, Paris, 19.4.2007 Adam Willaerts was born in London in 1577 to Flemish parents who had fled to England because of the persecution of Protestants. At the age of 25, Willaerts settled in Utrecht where, in 1611, he became the co-founder of the local St Luke's guild. There, he concentrated mainly on painting town-, seaside- and beachscapes. His compositions in the Flemish style are narrative and imaginative. On the left, for example, we see the farewell of the departing sailors with their families. Before boarding the sloop, they embrace their offspring and wife one last time. In addition to his paintings, Willaerts also receives several decorative commissions, such as those from the city of Dordrecht in 1626 and from Kronborg Castle in Denmark. Willaerts lived and worked in Utrecht until his death in 1664. Description FR Vue portuaire avec des galions hollandais, des pêcheurs sur la plage et des personnages sur une estacade en bois près d'un château, 1633. Panneau. Signé de son monogramme 'A.W.' et daté de 1633. Retouches. Provenance et certificat photo: Galerie Florence de Voldère, Paris, 19.4.2007 Adam Willaerts est né à Londres en 1577 de parents flamands qui avaient fui en Angleterre en raison de la persécution des protestants. À l'âge de 25 ans, Willaerts s'installe à Utrecht où, en 1611, il devient le cofondateur de la guilde locale de St Luc. Là, il se concentre principalement sur la peinture de paysages de villes, de bords de mer et de plages. Ses compositions dans le style flamand sont narratives et imaginatives. À gauche, par exemple, nous voyons les adieux des marins de leurs familles. Avant de monter à bord de la chaloupe, ils embrassent une dernière fois leurs enfants et leur épouse. Outre ses peintures, Willaerts reçoit également plusieurs commandes de décoration, comme celles de la ville de Dordrecht en 1626 et du château de Kronborg au Danemark. Willaerts a vécu et travaillé à Utrecht jusqu'à sa mort en 1664. Beschrijving NL Havengezicht met Hollandse galjoenen op zee, vissers op het strand en figuren op houten staketsel nabij burcht, 1633. Paneel. Getekend met monogram 'A.W.' en gedateerd 1633. Retouches. Herkomst en fotocertificaat: Galerie Florence de Voldère, Parijs, 19.4.2007 Adam Willaerts wordt geboren in Londen in 1577 bij Vlaamse ouders die waren uitgeweken naar Engeland vanwege de protestantenvervolging. Op 25-jarige leeftijd vestigt Willaerts zich in Utrecht waar hij in 1611 de medeoprichter werd van de plaatselijke Sint-Lucasgilde. Daar legt hij zich voornamelijk toe op het schilderen van stads-, zee- en strandgezichten. Zijn composities in Vlaamse stijl zijn verhalend en fantasievol. Zo zien we links het afscheid van de vertrekkende zeelui met hun familie. Voor ze de sloep instappen, omhelzen ze hun kroost en vrouw nog een laatste keer. Naast zijn schilderijen krijgt Willaerts ook verscheidene decoratieve opdrachten zoals die van de stad Dordrecht in 1626 en van het kasteel Kronborg in Denemarken. Willaerts leeft en werkt in Utrecht tot zijn dood in 1664.

          Bernaerts Auctioneers
        • Adam Willaerts. Marine with dutch landscape
          Nov. 24, 2021

          Adam Willaerts. Marine with dutch landscape

          Est: -

          Óleo sobre lienzo. Firmado y fechado (A.W. 1655 F.C.) en el ángulo inferior derecho. La presente obra combina el paisaje holandés con escenas marítimas, que en Utrecht, fueron cultivadas especialmente por la familia Willaert uniendo dos géneros de la pintura holandesa. la marina y la escena de género. Es posible que su origen se encuentre en composiciones similares de Hendrik Cornelisz Vroom (1566-1640) aunque Adam Willaerts sitúa la línea del horizonte aún más baja, dotando a la obra de mayor profundidad espacial que se ve acentuada, además por la franja de mar azul colocada justo debajo del horizonte. La escena representada puede describir la llegada de la pesca del día. Con el dibujo de pequeñas figuras humanas Willaerts genera sensación de vida y movimiento en la obra y especialmente destaca la belleza del paisaje integrado de forma que el mar no le quite protagonismo. Adam Willaerts fue miembro fundador del gremio de San Lucas de Utrecht en el que ocupó repetidamente el cargo de Deán. A pesar de haber trabajado siempre en Utrecht, se especializó en escenas de playas, vistas de puertos y tempestades marinas con clara influencia de Vroom.Tuvo un gran taller en el que trabajaron sus tres hijos: Abraham, Cornelis e Isaak y, a partir de 1650, su yerno Willem Ormea.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • ADAM WILLAERTS (1577 / 1664) "St. Augustine and the mystery of the Trinity"
          Sep. 30, 2021

          ADAM WILLAERTS (1577 / 1664) "St. Augustine and the mystery of the Trinity"

          Est: €21,000 - €28,000

          Signed with initials "A.W" and dated 162? in the lower right corner Provenance: -Christie's, "Important Old Master Pictures", London, 1993, lot 134, where it was acquired by the present owners. - Private collection, Madrid . Oil on board.28 x 45,5 cm

          May. 08, 2021


          Est: €12,000 - €18,000

          Work: 66,5 x 37 cm

          Coronari Auctions
        • Adam Willaerts, 1577 Antwerpen - 1664 Utrecht
          Mar. 25, 2021

          Adam Willaerts, 1577 Antwerpen - 1664 Utrecht

          Est: €12,000 - €15,000

          STRANDSZENE MIT FISCHERN UND ALTER TURMRUINE Öl auf Leinwand, auf Platte, mit Leinwand hinterlegt. 83,5 x 123 cm. Rechts unten signiert „AD. Willarts.“ und datiert „1614“. Blick von erhöhtem Standpunkt auf einen Strand und dahinter das große türkisfarbene Meer, auf dem einige Segelschiffe zu sehen sind, unter hohem blauen Himmel mit teils großen grau-weißen Wolken. Am Strand zahlreiche Figuren zu sehen, unter anderem ein Mann, der zwei erlegte Hasen auf einer Stange davonträgt, ein Bettler, ein Mann mit kleinem Pferdefuhrwerk, drei Reisende, die in Richtung Ufer zu einem der angelegten Boote eilen, sowie eine Frau, die am Strand Fische ausgebreitet hat und einem Paar zum Verkauf anbietet. Angelegt am Strand haben gerade zwei Segelboote mit Besatzung, dabei je einer der Männer im Wasser stehend. Auf der linken Bildseite die weit in den hohen Himmel reichende, alte Ruine eines steinernen Rundturms, zu dessen Eingang eine hohe Holztreppe führt. Strandszene in der typischen Manier des Künstlers, in teils zurückhaltender Farbigkeit. Rest., Retuschen. (1251701) (1) (18) Adam Willaerts, 1577 Antwerp - 1664 Utrecht BEACH SCENE WITH FISHERS AND OLD RUIN OF A TOWER Oil on canvas, on panel, lined with canvas. 83.5 x 123 cm. Signed “AD. Willaerts.” and dated “1614” lower right.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664) Marine aux naufragés
          Dec. 10, 2020

          ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664) Marine aux naufragés

          Est: €14,000 - €18,000

          ADAM WILLAERTS (1577-1664) Marine aux naufragés Huile sur panneau de chêne signé au monogramme A.W. en bas à droite. Réputé pour ses marines aux voiliers, Willaert nous présente une intéressante composition montrant les secours impuissant face à la forte tempête. Dimensions : 37 x 66,5 cm Peintre anversois de marines né à Londres, il est d'abord influencé par Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom mais son style se rapproche ensuite de celui de Bruegel de Velous. Fondateur de la Guilde de Saint-Luc d'Utrecht, ses fils Abraham et Isaac seront peintres également. On lui doit essentiellement des vues de rivières, de canaux, de paysages côtiers, de marchés de poissons, de procession, de scènes de genre mais également de quelques batailles navales.

          Accademia Fine Art
        • Adam Willaerts, 1577 Antwerpen - 1664 Utrecht
          Dec. 03, 2020

          Adam Willaerts, 1577 Antwerpen - 1664 Utrecht

          Est: €25,000 - €35,000

          STRANDSZENE MIT FISCHERN UND ALTER TURMRUINE Öl auf Leinwand, auf Platte, mit Leinwand hinterlegt. 83,5 x 123 cm. Rechts unten signiert „AD. Willarts.“ und datiert „1614“. Blick von erhöhtem Standpunkt auf einen Strand und dahinter das große türkisfarbene Meer, auf dem einige Segelschiffe zu sehen sind, unter hohem blauen Himmel mit teils großen grau-weißen Wolken. Am Strand zahlreiche Figuren zu sehen, unter anderem ein Mann, der zwei erlegte Hasen auf einer Stange davonträgt, ein Bettler, ein Mann mit kleinem Pferdefuhrwerk, drei Reisende, die in Richtung Ufer zu einem der angelegten Boote eilen, sowie eine Frau, die am Strand Fische ausgebreitet hat und einem Paar zum Verkauf anbietet. Angelegt am Strand haben gerade zwei Segelboote mit Besatzung, dabei je einer der Männer im Wasser stehend. Auf der linken Bildseite die weit in den hohen Himmel reichende, alte Ruine eines steinernen Rundturms, zu dessen Eingang eine hohe Holztreppe führt. Strandszene in der typischen Manier des Künstlers, in teils zurückhaltender Farbigkeit. Rest., Retuschen. (1251701) (1) (18) Adam Willaerts, 1577 Antwerp - 1664 Utrecht BEACH SCENE WITH FISHERS AND OLD RUIN OF A TOWER Oil on canvas, on panel, lined with canvas. 83.5 x 123 cm. Signed “AD. Willaerts.” and dated “1614” lower right.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Adam Willaerts (London 1577 - Utrecht 1664)
          Nov. 16, 2020

          Adam Willaerts (London 1577 - Utrecht 1664)

          Est: €15,000 - €25,000

          Ships in a Breeze off a Rocky Coast Signed with initials and dated 1640 lower centre Oil on panel, 28.7 x 41.2 cm Provenance: - Collection Bernard Houthakker, Amsterdam - Private collection, the Netherlands Faults or imperfections are not recorded in the lot description. We encourage you to inspect the lots during our viewing days. Condition reports are available upon request.

          AAG Auctioneers
        • Adam Willaerts, Jesus Preaching by the Sea of Galilee
          Nov. 14, 2020

          Adam Willaerts, Jesus Preaching by the Sea of Galilee

          Est: €60,000 - €80,000

          Monogrammed lower right: A.W.f Adam Willaerts was born in London in 1577 and not in Antwerp, as stated in older literature. His parents had fled from Antwerp to London for religious reasons. Later they settled in Leiden in Holland. Adam Willaerts, already trained as a painter, settled in Utrecht in 1597, where he lived until his death in 1664. He is considered one of the most important early painters of maritime scenes in the Netherlands. Not only a brilliant colourist, but also an imaginative narrator, Adam Willaerts began to integrate biblical subjects into his coastal landscapes in the 1620s, as is the case in the present work. Jesus stands at the bow of a fishing boat in a red cloak. Although he is the main subject of the painting, we find our eyes distracted by the many other figures in the composition - for example, the fishermen laying out their catch, the group of three Africans or the group of fancifully dressed horsemen. By placing the biblical story in such a contemporary setting, with some figures dressed in robes in the style of the time of Christ and others in 17th century garments, Willaerts shows his audience the current relevance of the biblical story (the scene illustrated can be found in Matt. 14:34-36). The painter also provides us with a further nod towards the contemporary in the background of the work, for the modern warship is a casual, but unambiguous, remark on its time - an era when the supremacy of the Dutch naval fleet was at its height. When it was auctioned in 2007, this work was attributed to Abraham Willaerts (1603-1669), one of Adam's sons. However, in the RKD, where it is listed under the number 213409, it is identified as a work by Adam Willaerts.

          Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
        • Adam Willaerts, 1577 Antwerpen – 1664 Utrecht
          Jul. 02, 2020

          Adam Willaerts, 1577 Antwerpen – 1664 Utrecht

          Est: €18,000 - €22,000

          STRANDSZENE MIT ZWEI REITERN UND FISCHERN Öl auf Holz. Parkettiert. 56,3 x 76,5 cm. Unsigniert. In gestuftem Rahmen mit Profilleisten. Das vorliegende Gemälde ist gut vergleichbar mit einem Bild, welches bei Lempertz , Köln am 17. November 2001 unter Lot 1181 angeboten wurde und ebenfalls in die Umgebung von Adam Willaerts weist. Neben der ähnlichen kompositorischen Grundstruktur fallen auch die ähnliche Figurenverteilung und deren Tätigkeiten auf. Die Bucht des vorliegenden Gemäldes ist jedoch enger aufgefasst, die angelandeten Boote erscheinen relativ nah. Rest. Anmerkung: Das Gemälde wird beim RKD Den Haag unter Nummer 27271 als „Trant van Adam Willaerts“ geführt. (12301614) (1) (13) Adam Willaerts, 1577 Antwerp – 1664 Utrecht BEACH SCENE WITH TWO RIDERS AND FISHERMEN Oil on panel. Parquetted. 56.3 x 76.5 cm. Unsigned. In stepped frame with profile moulding. The present painting easily compares with a painting offered for sale at Lempertz, Cologne on 17 November 2001 with lot 1181 and was there also attributed to the circle of Adam Willaerts. Restored. Notes: The painting is listed at the RKD The Hague with no. 27271 as by “Trant van Adam Willaerts”.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Adam Willaerts (Londra 1577 - Utrecht 1664), Marinai e pesca
          Jun. 30, 2020

          Adam Willaerts (Londra 1577 - Utrecht 1664), Marinai e pesca

          Est: €7,000 - €9,000

          olio su tela, cm 89x133

          Cambi Casa d'Aste
          Mar. 29, 2019


          Est: CHF70,000 - CHF100,000

          ADAM WILLAERTS (London 1577 – 1664 Utrecht) River mouth with galley ships. 1620. Oil on panel. Signed and dated lower left: A.willarts.1620. 41.5 x 69.7 cm. Provenance: - Christie’s, London, 23.1.1953, Lot 109. - European private collection. This painting is archived at RKD, The Hague as by the hand of Adam Willaerts under number 217635 . --------------- ADAM WILLAERTS (London 1577 – 1664 Utrecht) Flussmündung mit Galeere. 1620. Öl auf Holz. Unten links signiert und datiert: A.willarts.1620. 41,5 x 69,7 cm. Provenienz: - Auktion Christie’s, London, 23.1.1953, Los 109. - Europäischer Privatbesitz. Diese charakteristische Flussmündung mit einer Galeere ist vergleichbar mit einer Marinelandschaft von Adam Willaerts, welche sich in der Kunsthalle in Hamburg befindet (siehe Giltay, J. / Kelch, J.: Lof der Zeevaart, De Hollandse zeeschilders van de 17e eeuw, Ausst. Kat. Rotterdam / Berlin 1996, S. 114 – 6, Kat. Nr. 12, Abb. S. 113). Adam Willaert, dessen Familie urspünglich aus Antwerpen stammte und der in London geboren wurde, gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Marinemaler des Goldenen Zeitalters in den Niederlanden. Er wanderte Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts in die nördlichen Niederlande aus und spezialisierte sich auf Genre- und Marinemalerei. 1611 trat er in Utrecht als einer der Gründungsmitglieder der Lukasgilde in Erscheinung, wo er als Dekan von 1620 – 1622, 1624 – 1631 und letzlich von 1636 – 1637 fungierte. Auch seine beiden Söhne Abraham (1603 – 1669) und Isaac (1620 – 1693), deren Lehrmeister er war, folgten dem Vater in der Spezialisierung auf Marinemalerei. Das Gemälde ist im RKD, Den Haag, als ein eigenhändiges Werk von Adam Willaerts unter der Nummer 217635 archiviert.

          Koller Auctions
        • Adam Willaerts (1577-1664), Ritrovamento di Mosè e Rebecca al pozzo
          May. 30, 2018

          Adam Willaerts (1577-1664), Ritrovamento di Mosè e Rebecca al pozzo

          Est: €6,000 - €8,000

          coppia di dipinti olio su tavola, cm 35x54

          Cambi Casa d'Aste
        • ADAM WILLAERTS | A fortified coastal town with fishermen unloading their catch and larger vessels offshore
          May. 03, 2017

          ADAM WILLAERTS | A fortified coastal town with fishermen unloading their catch and larger vessels offshore

          Est: £20,000 - £30,000

          oil on oak panel, reduced

        • ADAM WILLAERTS | A fortified coastal town with fishermen unloading their catch and larger vessels offshore
          Jul. 07, 2016

          ADAM WILLAERTS | A fortified coastal town with fishermen unloading their catch and larger vessels offshore

          Est: £40,000 - £60,000

          oil on oak panel, reduced

          May. 13, 2016


          Est: €20,000 - €25,000

          WILLAERTS, ADAM 1577 Antwerp - 1664 Utrecht Part of the Coast with Sailors in front of a Harbour. Oil on wood. Parqueted. 46 x 84cm. Monogrammed and dated lower right: A.W. F. 1642. Framed. The crests of the waves approach the coast in an almost ornamental manner. The sea is presented completely even, but still somehow troubled. At the coast and on the sailing ships, of which some have hoisted the sails, there are numerous figures. In the front margin these are arranged on the same level and, contrary to the figures in the back, they can easily be distinguished. The figures are fishermen who are depicted doing their daily work. The entire painting is kept in shades of light green and blue, and the depiction of the figures is subject to this concept of colouring. However, the figures have few red accents. Taken as a whole the painting creates a calm and colour-balanced atmosphere. Adam Willaerts (alias Willarts, Willers) was born to Flemish parents in London in 1577. For religious reasons his parents had fled from Antwerp. From 1597 until his death in 1664 he lived and worked in Utrecht and joined the Utrecht St. Lucas gild. His sons Cornelis, Abraham, and Isaac followed him. The painter family was known for depictions of riverscapes and canal landscapes as well as for seascapes, sea battles, and other genre scenes. The signature "A.W." indicates the authorship of either the father or the son Abraham. Abraham (ca. 1603-1669) created a large number of seascapes in a similar manner. In 1624 he became master of the Utrecht painter's gild. He was part of the entourage of Earl Johann Moritz von Nassau in Brazil. After returning to Holland in 1644 he spent some time at the architect Jacob van Campen's manor Randenbroek near Amersfoort, then he went on another journey and in 1659 he arrived in Rome where he joined the local association of Schilderbent under the name of "Indiaen". Whether the beach scenes of the Würzburg University and the Braunschweig Museum from the 50s, which are attributed to him, were created by him or by his father Adam cannot be determined, because not only the monograms of the two artists, but also their way of painting and their artistic concept resemble each other to the point that a definitive statement of the individual oeuvre has not yet been possible. Therefore the authorship of the present works cannot be precisely determined. Only the fact that the painting is dated to 1642 could shed light on this problem, because according to his biography Abraham was in Brazil at that time. We would like to thank Dr. Laurens Schoemaker, RKD The Hague, for his kind support.

          Van Ham Kunstauktionen
        • Adam WILLAERTS (Anvers 1577-Utrecht 1664 ou 1669) L’arrivée des pêcheurs Toile 54 x 73cm Importantes restaurations
          Oct. 15, 2015

          Adam WILLAERTS (Anvers 1577-Utrecht 1664 ou 1669) L’arrivée des pêcheurs Toile 54 x 73cm Importantes restaurations

          Est: €3,000 - €4,000

          Adam WILLAERTS (Anvers 1577-Utrecht 1664 ou 1669) L’arrivée des pêcheurs Toile 54 x 73cm Importantes restaurations

        • WILLAERTS, ADAM(Antwerpen 1577 - 16
          Sep. 18, 2015

          WILLAERTS, ADAM(Antwerpen 1577 - 16

          Est: CHF20,000 - CHF30,000

          WILLAERTS, ADAM (Antwerpen 1577 - 1664 Utrecht) Schiffe vor der Küste bei Utrecht mit dem Bijlhouwerstoren-Turm rechts. Um 1620. Öl auf Holz. Unten mittig signiert: A. Willarts. 20 x 26 cm. Provenienz: - Sammlung Bent Holstein, Kopenhagen. - Auktion Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, 1933, Los 47A. - Sammlung Bas de Geus van den Heuvel, Amsterdam / Nieuwersluis (verso Etikette). - Kunsthandel Robert Pintelon, Aalst, Belgien, 1996. - Schweizer Privatsammlung. Ausstellungen: - Tentoonstelling van Nederlandsche zee en riviergezichten uit de XVIIde eeuw, Museum Boijmans, Rotterdam, 22.12.1945-3.2.1946, Nr. 75 (verso Etikette). - Ons element, Dordechts Museum, Dordrecht, 23.6.1951-30.9.1951. - Schilderijen der Nederlandse- en Franse School uit de verzameling van B. de Geus van den Heuvel, Amsterdam: tweede gedeelte, Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam, 20.12.1952-18.1.1953, Nr. 64. - Collectie B. de Geus van den Heuvel te Nieuwersluis, Gemeentemuseum Arnhem, 1960/61, Nr. 80 (verso Etikette). Dr. Laurens Schoemaker vom RKD, Den Haag, bestätigt die Eigenhändigkeit dieses Gemäldes und datiert es um 1620 aufgrund einer Fotografie, wofür wir ihm danken. Er hebt zudem die Provenienz des Gemäldes aus der Sammlung des bedeutenden Kunstsammlers De Geus van den Heuvel (1886-1976) hervor. Adam Willaerts wurde 1611 Mitglied der Utrechter Lukasgilde und 1620 dessen Dekan. Er ist vor allem als Maler von Fluss- und Küstenlandschaften, Fischmärkten, Marineschlachten und Genreszenen bekannt. Seine Söhne Cornelis (1600-1666), Abraham (1603-1662) und Isaak (1620-1693) wurden ebenfalls Maler. WILLAERTS, ADAM (Antwerp 1577 - 1664 Utrecht) Ships off the coast of Utrecht, with the Bijlhouwerstoren tower on the right. Oil on panel. Signed lower centre: A. Willarts. 20 x 26 cm. Provenance: - Bent Holstein collection, Copenhagen. - Frederik Muller auction, Amsterdam, 1933, Lot 47A. - Bas de Geus van den Heuvel collection, Amsterdam / Nieuwersluis (label verso). - Robert Pintelon Gallery, Aalst, Belgium, 1996. - Swiss private collection. Exhibited: - Tentoonstelling van Nederlandsche zee en riviergezichten uit de XVIIde eeuw, Museum Boijmans, Rotterdam, 22.12.1945-3.2.1946, No. 75 (label verso). - Ons element, Dordechts Museum, Dordrecht, 23.6.1951-30.9.1951. - Schilderijen der Nederlandse- en Franse School uit de verzameling van B. de Geus van den Heuvel, Amsterdam: tweede gedeelte, Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam, 20.12.1952-18.1.1953, No. 64. - Collectie B. de Geus van den Heuvel te Nieuwersluis, Gemeentemuseum Arnhem, 1960/61, No. 80 (label verso). We are grateful to Dr. Laurens Schoemaker of the RKD, The Hague, for confirming the attribution of the present work and suggested a dating of c.1620 on the basis of a photograph. He also notes the significance provenance of the painting, hailing from the collection of the important collector De Geus van den Heuvel (1886-1976).

          Koller Auctions
        • Adam Willaerts (Antwerp 1577-1664 Utrecht) Dutch merchant ships
          Jul. 08, 2015

          Adam Willaerts (Antwerp 1577-1664 Utrecht) Dutch merchant ships

          Est: -

          Adam Willaerts (Antwerp 1577-1664 Utrecht) Dutch merchant ships in a harbour

        • Attributed To Adam Willaerts (Netherlands 1577 - 1669), 17th/18th Century oil on canvas, gathering on the shore line, 24-1/4" x 33"
          Jun. 02, 2015

          Attributed To Adam Willaerts (Netherlands 1577 - 1669), 17th/18th Century oil on canvas, gathering on the shore line, 24-1/4" x 33"

          Est: $8,000 - $12,000

          Attributed To Adam Willaerts (Netherlands 1577 - 1669), 17th/18th Century oil on canvas, gathering on the shore line, 24-1/4" x 33"

          Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
        • 1577 Antwerp - 1664 UtrechtPart of the Coast with Sailors in front of a Harbour.
          May. 15, 2015

          1577 Antwerp - 1664 UtrechtPart of the Coast with Sailors in front of a Harbour.

          Est: €50,000 - €60,000

          Oil on wood. Parqueted. 46 x 84cm. Monogrammed and dated lower right: A.W. F. 1642. Framed.

          Van Ham Kunstauktionen
        • Adam Willaerts (London 1577-1664 Utrecht)
          Dec. 10, 2014

          Adam Willaerts (London 1577-1664 Utrecht)

          Est: €15,000 - €20,000

          Adam Willaerts (London 1577-1664 Utrecht) View of Gibraltar signed with initials 'A.W., with inscription 'Gibralter' and with further inscription 'gibralter by hispanien door Willaarts' (verso) black chalk, pen and black ink, grey, brown and blue wash, black ink framing lines 10 5/8 x 16 3/8 in. (26.8 x 41.5 cm.)

        • Adam Willaerts (London 1577-1664 Utrecht) Fishermen bringing in the catch,
          Nov. 25, 2014

          Adam Willaerts (London 1577-1664 Utrecht) Fishermen bringing in the catch,

          Est: €70,000 - €100,000

          Adam Willaerts (London 1577-1664 Utrecht) Fishermen bringing in the catch, elegant figures purchasing fish on the bank oil on panel 69.2 x 98.9 cm.

        • Adam Willaerts, 1577 - 1664 An extensive river
          Jul. 09, 2014

          Adam Willaerts, 1577 - 1664 An extensive river

          Est: €2,000 - €3,000

          Adam Willaerts, 1577 - 1664 An extensive river landscape with castle and numerous figures in the foreground, Oil on panel, Signed with initials and dated 1637, Willaerts was born in London to Flemish parents. By 1585 the family were living in Leiden and from 1597 the artist had moved to Utrecht. He became a member of The Guild of St. Luke in that city in 1611. He painted battle scenes, coastal scenes and depictions of Dutch daily life. His works can be seen in The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Kunsthistoriches Museum in Vienna. The Metropolitan Museum, New York and The National Maritime Museum, London. 18¼ x 29¼ inches 45 x 73 cm.

        • Attributed to Adam Willaerts, 1577 - 1669
          Sep. 25, 2013

          Attributed to Adam Willaerts, 1577 - 1669

          Est: €4,000 - €6,000

          Attributed to Adam Willaerts, 1577 - 1669, Roadside gathering with castle and riverSigned oil on panel Dated 1637 (initials A.W)

          Jul. 04, 2013


          Est: £60,000 - £80,000

          PROPERTY  FROM  A  EUROPEAN  PRIVATE  COLLECTION ANTWERP  1577  -  1664  UTRECHT THE  ARRIVAL  IN  VLISSINGEN  OF  THE  RECENTLY  MARRIED  ELECTOR  PALATINE  FREDERICK  V  AND  ELIZABETH  STUART signed  and  dated  lower  left:  AWillarts.f.1633 oil  on  canvas 82.5  by  137  cm.;  32  1/2    by  54  in.

        • Adam Willaerts (Antwerp 1577-1664 Utrecht)
          Jan. 31, 2013

          Adam Willaerts (Antwerp 1577-1664 Utrecht)

          Est: $15,000 - $20,000

          Adam Willaerts (Antwerp 1577-1664 Utrecht) Dutch merchant ships in a harbor signed in monogram 'AD.W.F.' (lower right) oil on panel 19½ x 29¼ in. (49.6 x 74.3 cm.)

        • Adam WILLAERTS (Anvers 1577 - Utrecht 1664 ou 1669) Marine Panneau de chêne, parqueté 45,5 x 83 cm Signé et daté vers la gauche : A
          Dec. 12, 2012

          Adam WILLAERTS (Anvers 1577 - Utrecht 1664 ou 1669) Marine Panneau de chêne, parqueté 45,5 x 83 cm Signé et daté vers la gauche : A

          Est: €30,000 - €50,000

          Adam WILLAERTS (Anvers 1577 - Utrecht 1664 ou 1669) Marine Panneau de chêne, parqueté 45,5 x 83 cm Signé et daté vers la gauche : A. Willarts. f. / 1624 Fentes et restaurations

          Mar. 29, 2012


          Est: €2,000 - €3,000

          ATTRIBUE A ADAM WILLAERTS (ANVERS 1577-1664 UTRECHT) Vue présumée de Rhenen en Hollande pierre noire, craies de couleur, aquarelle, traits d'encadrement à l'encre noire, filigrane proche de Lindt nos. 116-7, non encadré 205 x 378 mm.

          Jan. 25, 2012


          Est: $8,000 - $12,000

          ANTWERP 1577 - 1664 UTRECHT VIEW OF A MEDITERRANEAN HARBOUR ('TRIPOLI') Brush and black and gray wash over black chalk, within brown ink framing lines; bears inscriptions in black chalk, verso: à Tripoli...Adam Willaerts 276 by 421 mm; 10 7/8 by 16 5/8 in

        Lots Per Page: