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Abraham Willemsens Sold at Auction Prices


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    • Attributed to ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (Antwerp, 1605 - 1672) "Christ on the way to Calvary"
      Mar. 04, 2025

      Attributed to ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (Antwerp, 1605 - 1672) "Christ on the way to Calvary"

      Est: €2,500 - €3,000

      Attributed to ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (Antwerp, 1605 - 1672) "Christ on the way to Calvary" Oil on copper Signed with initials A. W. IN. F 59,5 x 77 cm 2.500 - 3.000 €

      Bayeu Subastas
      Oct. 23, 2024


      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (ANVERS 1614-1672) LE RETOUR D’ÉGYPTE Cuivre Restaurations anciennes Return from Egypt, copper, with restorations 70 x 87 CM - 27,6 x 34,3 IN.

    • Abraham Willemsen
      Oct. 22, 2024

      Abraham Willemsen

      Est: €15,000 - €25,000

      (Antwerp 1614–1672) A farmyard scene, oil on canvas, 96.5 x 125 cm, framed Provenance: with Galerie Leger, London & Brussels, 1953; where acquired by the grandfather of the present owner Exhibited: Zurich, Kunsthaus Zürich - Musée des Beaux-Arts, on loan between 1975–1988; Winterthur, Museum Stiftung Jakob Briner, on loan between 1990–1991 We are grateful to Fred Meijer for suggesting the attribution on the basis of a photograph. With its carefully arranged still life of fresh vegetables in the foreground of the composition, the present work relates to a painting offered in these rooms in 2013 (see sale, Dorotheum, Vienna, 15 October 2013, lot 844). The scene of the 2013 painting is set on a similar southern countryside farm, lit by comparable warm and gentle Mediterranean sunlight. Abraham Willemsen was born in Antwerp in 1614. In 1627/28 he became a pupil of Guilliam Anthoni (Antonissens) and is recorded in the Antwerp Guild of Saint Luke, later becoming elected as dean in 1645. He was recorded in Paris the same year. It is assumed that he operated a large workshop of his own to supply the export market, notably to Spain, where many of his paintings can still be found. Later falling into obscurity, the painter was virtually unknown until the discovery in the early 1990s of a painting signed in full. Since then, his oeuvre has gradually been reconstituted.

    • ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS Ameberes (1610) / (1672) “Entry of Christ into Jerusalem”
      Sep. 24, 2024

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS Ameberes (1610) / (1672) “Entry of Christ into Jerusalem”

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      Oil on copper Signed with initials in the lower left corner Measurements: 60 x 78 cm

      Dec. 13, 2023


      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (ANVERS 1614-1672) LE RETOUR D'ÉGYPTE Cuivre Restaurations anciennes Return from Egypt, copper, old restorations 70 x 87 CM - 27,6 x 34,3 IN.

    • Abraham Willemsens
      Oct. 25, 2023

      Abraham Willemsens

      Est: €12,000 - €15,000

      (Antwerp 1614–1672) The Adoration of the Shepherds, oil on copper, 69.5 x 88 cm, framed We are grateful to Bert Schepers of the Centrum Rubenianum, Antwerp, for endorsing the attribution of the present painting to Abraham Willemsens on the basis of a photograph and for his kind assistance in cataloguing this lot. This charming scene relates closely to an engraving dated 1620 by Lucas Vorsterman I (1595–1675) after the Adoration of the Shepherds by Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640) conserved in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen (inv. no. 1803.6). Willemsens has expanded the composition on the right to include the dog taken from another print by Vosterman after the Adoration of the Shepherds conserved in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Marseille (inv. no. BA 102). Copies of Rubens’ oil sketches and paintings were in continuous demand by his contemporaries and appear in the stock lists of a number of prominent seventeenth-century art dealers, including the celebrated dealers Guillam Forchondt and Matthijs Musson. Willemsens, Victor Wolfvoet II, Willem van Herp, among others, produced the majority of such copies for this lucrative branch of the Antwerp art market and helped spread the Flemish Baroque style internationally. Indeed, the individual styles of Willemsens and Van Herp are often confused with one another, a problem further complicated by their occasional collaboration, with Willemsens adding some figures to Van Herp’s paintings and vice versa. Abraham Willemsen was born in Antwerp in 1614. In 1627/28 he became a pupil of Guilliam Anthoni (Antonissens) and is recorded in the Antwerp Guild of Saint Luke, later becoming elected as dean there in 1645. He was recorded in Paris the same year. It is assumed that he operated a large workshop of his own to supply the export market, notably in Spain, where many of his paintings can still be found. Later falling into obscurity, the painter was virtually unknown until the discovery in the early 1990s of a painting signed in full. Since then, his oeuvre has gradually been reconstituted.

    • Abraham Willemsens (active in Antwerp 1627-1672) Interior scene with a woman spinning yarn by a cradle
      Sep. 13, 2023

      Abraham Willemsens (active in Antwerp 1627-1672) Interior scene with a woman spinning yarn by a cradle

      Est: £4,500 - £5,500

      Abraham Willemsens (active in Antwerp 1627-1672) Interior scene with a woman spinning yarn by a cradle oil on panel 53.7 x 75.2cm (21 1/8 x 29 5/8in).

    • ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (ANTWERP 1614-1672) The Sacrifice of Isaac oil on copper
      Jul. 07, 2023

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (ANTWERP 1614-1672) The Sacrifice of Isaac oil on copper

      Est: £7,000 - £10,000

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (ANTWERP 1614-1672) The Sacrifice of Isaac oil on copper 9 1/2 x 18 in. (25 x 45.6 cm.)

      Jun. 20, 2023


      Est: €700 - €1,000

      Huile sur cuivre "Abraham recevant la visite de trois anges". Attribué à Abraham Willemsens. Ecole flamande. Dim.:+/-50x30cm.

    • Abraham Willemsen: The Holy Family with the Angel
      May. 15, 2023

      Abraham Willemsen: The Holy Family with the Angel

      Est: €4,500 - €6,000

      WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM Antwerp 1610 - 1672 Title: The Holy Family with the Angel. Technique: Oil on copper. Measurement: 17 x 20cm. Frame: Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Germany. We are grateful to Fred G. Meijer, Amsterdam, for confirming the attribution of the present painting on the basis of a high-resolution digital photograph. Explanations to the Catalogue

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • Jan Brueghel I Circle (Brussels, 1568 - Antwerp, 1625)
      Mar. 30, 2023

      Jan Brueghel I Circle (Brussels, 1568 - Antwerp, 1625)

      Est: €12,000 - €15,000

      Jan Brueghel I Circle (Brussels, 1568 - Antwerp, 1625) “Vertumnus and Pomona” Oil on copper. 73 x 93,5 cm. As the RKD indicates for the cataloguing of the work, our copper could be attributed to more than one master. Dr Angela Jager, Curator of the RKD, proposes to catalogue the landscape in the painting as "follower of Jan Brueghel I", while the attribution of the human figures remains uncertain. Besides, the work "Garden with Vertumnus and Pomona" was auctioned at Christie's London auction on 12/12/1975, as a Jan van Balen and Jan van Kessel copper, both disciples of Jan Brueghel, father and son, with whom they collaborated on numerous occasions (Jan van Kessel was, in fact, the grandson of Jan Brueghel the Elder on his mother's side). This copper has an enormous resemblance to ours, since the composition is very similar, as it can be seen in the attached image. The figure group of Vertumnus and Pomona in our painting, without Cupid, is comparable to that in a copper attributed to Frans Wouters, which was auctioned at Christie's in Paris on 30/3/2015 (https://rkd.nl/explore/images/265477). Por lo que al tema se refiere, nuestra pintura representa Vertumno y Pomona, dioses de la mitología romana. Vertumno, dios romano de origen etrusco del cambio y la mutación de la vegetación durante el transcurso de las estaciones; y Pomona, diosa de la fruta y de los árboles frutales y jardines, cuyos atributos principales son la hoz o el cuchillo de podar, que sujeta con su mano en nuestro cuadro. Pomona rechazaba cualquier atención masculina pero Vertumno, locamente enamorado de la diosa romana, la cortejó largamente cambiando su aspecto al de una vieja mujer, felicitándola por las frutas de sus árboles y terminando por seducirla definitivamente al mostrarle de nuevo su verdadero rostro, joven y sano. Este mito aparece en el libro XIV de “Las Metamorfosis” de Ovidio (621-696 y 764-770). Ambas deidades, añade la Dra. Angela Jager, “regularly feature as staffage in paintings of gardens and orchards, and as such, they sometimes allegorize autumn and harvest in Flemish seventeenth-century painting”. An interesting feature is the interchange of looks that can perceived between the characters. The dog that is in the lower margin of the painting directs its gaze to the group of Vertumnus and Pomona. One looks at the other and the second at the first and it is there that the viewer's eyes rest. For his part, Cupid looks directly at the viewer. We would like to thank Dr. Angela Jager, Curator of Dutch and Flemish Old Master Paintings in the RKD, for identifying and cataloguing this work.

      La Suite Subastas
    • Abraham Willemsen
      Dec. 04, 2022

      Abraham Willemsen

      Est: €11,000 - €22,000

      (1614 Antwerpen - 1672 ebenda) Die Heilige Cäcilia an der Orgel In eine Parklandschaft komponierte, in fein lasierender Malerei ausgeführte Szene. Die junge, kostbar geschmückte Heilige als Schutzpatronin der Kirchenmusik in einem reichen, rosafarbenen und blauen Gewand, an der Orgel sitzend und in die Musik vertieft zur linken Seite blickend; flankierend zwei große, andächtig lauschende bzw. singende Engel, deren goldgelbe und blaue Gewänder ebenso von der Musik bewegt zu sein scheinen wie sie selbst; im Himmel ein kleiner schwebender Engel mit einem Kranz aus Rosen, von dem mystische Strahlen auf Cäcilia gerichtet sind, hinter ihr eine an einem Spalier hochrankende Rose. Der flämische Maler Adriaen Willemsen gehörte zu den angesehenen Künstlern in Antwerpen zur Zeit von Jan Brueghel dem Jüngeren: Er betrieb eine florierende Werkstatt und wurde zum Dekan der Gilde gewählt, seine Werke wurden u. a. von dem bedeutenden dortigen Kunsthändler Guillam Forchondt vermittelt. Er malte sowohl auf Kupfer als auch auf Leinwand, meist Genreszenen und religiöse Motive, die er dominant in den Vordergrund von Landschaften komponierte. Beeinflusst und inspiriert wurde Willemsen hierbei wohl durch Peter Paul Rubens ebenso wie durch Hendrick van Balen, Gerard Seghers, Jan Brueghel dem Älteren und Jüngeren und Frans Francken. Ein in Motiv, Stil, Komposition und Größe durchaus vergleichbares, ebenfalls auf Kupfer ausgeführtes Gemäldepaar Willlemsens mit der Flucht nach Ägypten befindet sich im Prado in Madrid. Öl/Kupfertafel. L. u. sign. "A.W.IN.F.". 59,2 cm x 77,5 cm. Rahmen. Oil on copper panel. Signed.

      Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
      Nov. 25, 2022


      Est: €2,000 - €4,000

      Work: 101,5 x 81 cm Frame: 116 x 95,5 cm Ref.: - A very similar painting attributed to Abraham Willemsens is part of the collection of Barbara Piasecka Johnson, Princeton, New Jersey ( link).

      Coronari Auctions
    • ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS Ameberes (1610) / (1672) "Rest on the flight to Egypt"
      Jul. 19, 2022

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS Ameberes (1610) / (1672) "Rest on the flight to Egypt"

      Est: €2,250 - €3,000

      Oil on copper Signed in the lower left corner with initials: "AW IN F." Matías Diaz Padrón initially cataloged a series of Flemish works traditionally attributed to Artus Wolfordt, such as Anagramist AW Later Enrique Valdivieso (Valdivieso, E. «Two paintings by Abraham Willemsen in the Prado Museum and other works by this painter in Spain», Bulletin of the Prado Museum, vol. VII, n .º 21, Madrid, 1986, pp. 166-172.) identified the Anagramist AW with Abraham Willemsem (Antwerp?, h. 1610-1672). A disciple of Willen Antonissens in Antwerp and documented in 1645 in Paris, Willemsen's style, more advanced than Wolfordt's, is anecdotal and descriptive, derived from Brueghel de Velois, Francken II and van Balen. In Spain, thanks to the work of the dealers Forchaud and Musson, we find a large number of landscapes painted on copper, animated with religious figures like this one, although he also painted mythological and genre scenes. In the Prado Museum there are two works by Willemsen, which were part of the royal collections: "The Flight into Egypt" (oil on copper plate, 58 x 77 cm) and "Rest on the Flight into Egypt", (oil on copper sheet, 58 x 77 cm), also signed in a similar way. Measurements: 70 x 86 cm In the Prado Museum there are two works by Willemsen, which were part of the royal collections: "The Flight into Egypt" (oil on copper plate, 58 x 77 cm) and "Rest on the Flight into Egypt", (oil on copper sheet, 58 x 77 cm), also signed in a similar way. Measurements: 70 x 86 cm In the Prado Museum there are two works by Willemsen, which were part of the royal collections: "The Flight into Egypt" (oil on copper plate, 58 x 77 cm) and "Rest on the Flight into Egypt", (oil on copper sheet, 58 x 77 cm), also signed in a similar way. Measurements: 70 x 86 cm

    • Abraham Willemsens (1610-1672) (attribué à / toegeschreven aan)Robbers playing cards
      Jun. 14, 2022

      Abraham Willemsens (1610-1672) (attribué à / toegeschreven aan)Robbers playing cards

      Est: €3,500 - €5,000

      Oil on canvas. Huile sur toile.

      Brussels Art Auctions
    • Abraham Willemsen, The Virgin with Jesus, Saint John and the Lamb
      May. 21, 2022

      Abraham Willemsen, The Virgin with Jesus, Saint John and the Lamb

      Est: €8,000 - €10,000

      Certificate Dr. Klaus Ertz 2021. Klaus Ertz dates the painting to around 1640.

      Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    • Huile sur panneau de chêne aux "Mains" de la Ville d'Anvers "Mate
      Feb. 15, 2022

      Huile sur panneau de chêne aux "Mains" de la Ville d'Anvers "Mate

      Est: €700 - €1,000

      Huile sur panneau de chêne aux "Mains" de la Ville d'Anvers "Maternité au joueur de cornemuse". Entourage d'Abraham Willemsens. Ecole flamande. Epoque: vers 1640. Voir au dos une marque de pannelier L.B. Une composition similaire exposée au Musée de Grenoble est répertoriée sur le site de la RKD. Dim.:+/-42,5x58,5cm.

    • ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (? 1605/1610-1672 ANTWERP) The Nativity oil on canvas 34
      Dec. 08, 2021

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (? 1605/1610-1672 ANTWERP) The Nativity oil on canvas 34

      Est: £6,000 - £8,000

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (? 1605/1610-1672 ANTWERP) The Nativity oil on canvas 34 ½ x 44 ¾ in. (87.6 x 113.6 cm.)

    • Abraham Willemsen – Maria mit Jesus, Johannes und dem Lamm (The Virgin with Christ, John the Baptist with the lamb)
      Nov. 24, 2021

      Abraham Willemsen – Maria mit Jesus, Johannes und dem Lamm (The Virgin with Christ, John the Baptist with the lamb)

      Est: €9,000 - €12,000

      Oil on copper, cradled panel. (Around 1640). 24.2 x 28.4 cm. Framed. With an expertise and photo expertise by Dr. Klaus Ertz, dated 11.10. 2021.

      Karl & Faber
    • ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (? C. 1605/10-1672 ANTWERP) Saint Cecilia at the organett
      Oct. 14, 2021

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (? C. 1605/10-1672 ANTWERP) Saint Cecilia at the organett

      Est: $8,000 - $12,000

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (? C. 1605/10-1672 ANTWERP) Saint Cecilia at the organetto in a garden oil on metal 23 ¼ x 30.5 in. (59.2 x 77.5 cm.)

    • ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (attr. a)
      Mar. 18, 2021

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (attr. a)

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      (Anversa, 1605 - 1672) Adorazione dei pastori Olio su tavola, 70X100 Il dipinto è desunto verosimilmente da una stampa di Vorsterman eseguita nel 1620 da un dipinto di Pietro Paolo Rubens del 1619 e oggi conservato al Musée des Beaux-Arts di Marsiglia (cfr. M. Jaffè, Rubens, Milano 1989, n. 482f). Una simile composizione è registrata nella collezione Barbara Piasecka Johnson di Princeton (New Jersey) e proveniente da un'asta di Christie's Londra, 13 luglio 2001 lotto 20, esitato con attribuzione a Willen Van Herp ma ora ricondotto ad Abraham Willemsen(cfr. https://rkd.nl/explore/images/248809). L'artista dovrebbe essersi formato nella città natale, dove nel 1627 è registrato alla Gilda di San Luca, come allievo di Gilliam Antonissens, di origini francesi. La sua attività fu notevole e si suppone che nella sua bottega si dipingessero molte opere destinate all'esportazione e in particolare in Spagna. Sappiamo che la sua attività era coadiuvata dai più importanti mercanti d'arte d'Anversa come Guillam Forchondt e Matthijs Musson e che Willemsen stesso si dedicasse al medesimo commercio. Si comprende allora come molte sue tavole furono riferite a Willen Van Herp, anch'esso impegnatissimo a produrre opere sull'esempio di Rubens e destinate ai mercati spagnoli e d'oltremare.

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Abraham Willemsen, 1605/10 Antwerpen – 1672 ebenda
      Aug. 24, 2020

      Abraham Willemsen, 1605/10 Antwerpen – 1672 ebenda

      Est: -

      Öl/Kupfer. Darstellung der Mariä Heimsuchung. Das Fest erinnert an den Besuch der Gottesmutter Maria bei ihrer Cousine Elisabet. Die schwangere Maria macht sich auf den Weg, um ihre Verwandte Elisabet zu besuchen und die Freude über die Schwangerschaft mit ihr zu teilen. Die detailreiche Ausführung, die Naturtreue sowie das Monogramm - A.W. IN. F. - führten zur Zuschreibung von Willemsen. Er war ein flämischer Maler bekannt durch seine Historien- und Genrebildern. Seine Genreszenen erinnerten an den Stil der Brüder Le Nain. Er fertigte auch Kopien von den Werken Rubens an. Altersbedingte Erhaltung. Niederlande, 17. Jh. H x B ca. 58,5 x 73,5 cm. Prächtig ger.

      Kunst & Auktionshaus Walter Ginhart
    • Abraham Willemsen, 1605/10 Antwerpen – 1672 ebenda
      Jul. 25, 2020

      Abraham Willemsen, 1605/10 Antwerpen – 1672 ebenda

      Est: -

      Öl/Kupfer. Darstellung der Mariä Heimsuchung. Das Fest erinnert an den Besuch der Gottesmutter Maria bei ihrer Cousine Elisabet. Die schwangere Maria macht sich auf den Weg, um ihre Verwandte Elisabet zu besuchen und die Freude über die Schwangerschaft mit ihr zu teilen. Die detailreiche Ausführung, die Naturtreue sowie das Monogramm - A.W. IN. F. - führten zur Zuschreibung von Willemsen. Er war ein flämischer Maler bekannt durch seine Historien- und Genrebildern. Seine Genreszenen erinnerten an den Stil der Brüder Le Nain. Er fertigte auch Kopien von den Werken Rubens an. Altersbedingte Erhaltung. Niederlande, 17. Jh. H x B ca. 58,5 x 73,5 cm. Prächtig ger.

      Kunst & Auktionshaus Walter Ginhart
    • Abraham Willemsen
      Jun. 09, 2020

      Abraham Willemsen

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      Please note the exact Buyer’s Premium charges which can be found in the Conditions of Sale in the Terms below. (Antwerp 1610–1672) An Italianate market scene, signed lower left: Willemsen, oil on canvas, 40 x 56 cm, framed Provenance: sale, Dorotheum, Vienna, 15 October 2013; Private collection, Austria

    • *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) (atelier)
      May. 06, 2019

      *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) (atelier)

      Est: €8,000 - €10,000

      *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) (atelier) De Bespotting van Christus. Rust tijdens de vlucht naar Egypte. Koper. Een paar. 73 x 96 (114 x 127) French Translation *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) (atelier) La Dérision du Christ. Le Repos pendant la Fuite en Egypte. Cuivre. Une paire. 73 x 96 (114 x 127) English Translation *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) (workshop) The Mocking of Christ. Rest on the flight to Egypt. Copper. A pair. 73 x 96 (114 x 127)

      Bernaerts Auctioneers
    • ATRIBUIDO A ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (Amberes, 1610-1672) Camino del Calvario Lienzo Óleo sobre lienzo de 50 x 80.5 cm. Restos de firma AW
      Dec. 19, 2018

      ATRIBUIDO A ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (Amberes, 1610-1672) Camino del Calvario Lienzo Óleo sobre lienzo de 50 x 80.5 cm. Restos de firma AW

      Est: -

      ATTRIBUTED TO ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (Antwerp, 1610-1672) Camino del Calvario Oil on canvas 50 x 80.5 cm. AW Signature Remains

      Sala Retiro Subastas
    • ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS | Interior with a mother spinning yarn by a cradle
      May. 02, 2018

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS | Interior with a mother spinning yarn by a cradle

      Est: £4,000 - £6,000

      oil on oak panel

    • Abraham WILLEMSENS (Anvers v. 1610 - 1672) Crucifixion entre la Vierge, saint Jean, sainte Marie-Madeleine Crucifixion with the Virgin
      Mar. 22, 2018

      Abraham WILLEMSENS (Anvers v. 1610 - 1672) Crucifixion entre la Vierge, saint Jean, sainte Marie-Madeleine Crucifixion with the Virgin

      Est: €2,500 - €3,500

      Abraham WILLEMSENS (Anvers v. 1610 - 1672) Crucifixion entre la Vierge, saint Jean, sainte Marie-Madeleine Crucifixion with the Virgin, St John, St Mary-Magdalena, copper, monogranned lower right: a.w.in.f 27 3/8 X 33 7/8 IN. € 2,500-3,500 Abraham WILLEMSENS (Anvers v. 1610 - 1672) Crucifixion entre la Vierge, saint Jean, sainte Marie-Madeleine Cuivre Monogrammé en bas à droite : a.w.in.f Restaurations anciennes et petits manques 69,5 x 86 cm.

    • ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) 2/2 XVII (?) workshop
      May. 02, 2017

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) 2/2 XVII (?) workshop

      Est: €600 - €800

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) 2/2 XVII (?) workshop Farmer's interior with motherly love scene. Panel. Touch-ups and cracks. 52 x 75 DUTCH ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) 2/2 XVII (?) atelier Moederliefde in gestoffeerd boereninterieur. Paneel. Retouches en opstuwingen. 52 x 75 FRENCH ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) 2/2 XVII (?) atelier Intérieur paysan avec amour maternel. Panneau. Retouches et quelques soulèvements. 52 x 75

      Bernaerts Auctioneers
    • *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) to be attributed to
      Dec. 12, 2016

      *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) to be attributed to

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) to be attributed to The presentation of Mary in the temple. Copper. Not signed. Minor dent in the upper left. The present composition ressembles a painting by Willem Van Herp (1613-1677) (copper, 85 x 113 cm, Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova, inv. nr. 16791). 81 x 101.5 *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) toe te schrijven aan Presentatie van Maria in de tempel. Koper. Niet getekend. Deukje linksboven. Dit werk vertoont grote gelijkenissen met een compositie van Willem van Herp (1613-1677) (koper, 85 x 113 cm, Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genua, inv. nr. 16791). 81 x 101.5 *ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN (1605-1672) à attribuer à La Présentation de Marie au temple. Cuivre. Pas signé. Petite bosse en haut à gauche. Cette oeuvre ressemble à une composition de Willem Van Herp (1613-1677) (cuivre, 85 x 113 cm, Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova, nr. 16791). 81 x 101.5

      Bernaerts Auctioneers
      Sep. 24, 2016


      Est: -

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSEN Um 1605/10 - 1672 Antwerpen (attr.) HOFSZENE MIT BAUERNFAMILIE UND FEDERVIEH Öl auf Leinwand. 54 cm x 68 cm. Links unten monogrammiert 'TB'. Min rest., rechts unten leicht besch. Rahmen. Herzlichen Dank an Ellis Dullaart und Fred G. Meijer vom RKD in Den Haag für die Einschätzung, dass das Gemälde von der Hand des südniederländischen Genremalers Abraham Willemsen entstanden sein könnte. Expertise: Beigefügte Stellungnahme von Ellis Dullaart und Fred G. Meijer vom RKD (Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie) in Den Haag. Provenienz: Privatsammlung südliches Rheinland.

      Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
      Sep. 21, 2016


      Est: CHF4,000 - CHF7,000

      WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM (ATTRIBUTED) (1610 Antwerp 1672) Saint Augustine with a boy: Allegory of the Trinity. Oil on copper. 70.5 x 88 cm. Provenance: - Hôtel Drouot sale, Paris, 27.10.2000, Lot 62 (as Gerard de la Vallée). - Art dealer, Jean Ouvry, Suaux. - Private collection, Switzerland. The present painting is registered at the RKD, The Hague, as a work by the hand of Abraham Willemsen. --------------- WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM (ZUGESCHRIEBEN) (1610 Antwerpen 1672) Heiliger Augustinus mit einem Knaben: Allegorie der Dreifaltigkeit. Öl auf Kupfer. 70,5 x 88 cm. Provenienz: - Auktion Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 27.10.2000, Los 62 (als Gerard de la Vallée). - Kunsthandel Jean Ouvry, Suaux. - Privatsammlung Schweiz. Der Legende nach ging der Heilige Augustinus am Meer entlang und dachte über das Geheimnis der göttlichen Dreifaltigkeit nach. Da begegnete er einem Knaben, der mit seinem Löffel Wasser aus dem Meer in eine Grube schöpfte. Augustinus fragte das Kind, was seine Absichten seien, woraufhin dieses antwortete, dass es versuche das Meer in seinen Teich zu schöpfen. Da lachte Augustinus und erklärte, dass ihm das nie gelingen würde. Der Knabe konterte jedoch und tadelte Augustinus' Versuch im Gegenzug mit dem begrenzten Verstand der Menschheit das Geheimnis der Dreifaltigkeit Gottes zu begreifen. Das Gemälde ist im RKD, Den Haag, als ein eigenhändiges Werk von Abraham Willemsen archiviert.

      Koller Auctions
      Mar. 18, 2016


      Est: CHF7,000 - CHF9,000

      WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM (ATTRIBUTED) (1610 Antwerp 1672) Saint Augustine with a boy: Allegory of the Trinity. Oil on copper. 70.5 x 88 cm. Provenance: - Hôtel Drouot auction, Paris, 27.10.2000, Lot 62 (as Gerard de la Vallée). - Art dealer, Jean Ouvry, Suaux. - Private collection, Switzerland. The present painting is registered at the RKD, The Hague, under inventory number 41501 as a work by the hand of Abraham Willemsen. --------------- WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM (ZUGESCHRIEBEN) (1610 Antwerpen 1672) Heiliger Augustinus mit einem Knaben: Allegorie der Dreifaltigkeit. Öl auf Kupfer. 70,5 x 88 cm. Provenienz: - Auktion Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 27.10.2000, Los 62 (als Gerard de la Vallée). - Kunsthandel Jean Ouvry, Suaux. - Privatsammlung Schweiz. Der Legende nach ging der Heilige Augustinus am Meer entlang und dachte über das Geheimnis der göttlichen Dreifaltigkeit nach. Da begegnete er einem Knaben, der mit seinem Löffel Wasser aus dem Meer in eine Grube schöpfte. Augustinus fragte das Kind, was seine Absichten seien, woraufhin dieses antwortete, dass es versuche das Meer in seinen Teich zu schöpfen. Da lachte Augustinus und erklärte, dass ihm das nie gelingen würde. Der Knabe konterte jedoch und tadelte Augustinus' Versuch im Gegenzug mit dem begrenzten Verstand der Menschheit das Geheimnis der Dreifaltigkeit Gottes zu begreifen. Das Gemälde ist im RKD, Den Haag, unter der Inventarnummer 41501 als ein eigenhändiges Werk von Abraham Willemsen archiviert.

      Koller Auctions
    • Abraham Willemsens, dit le Maître aux béguins Actif de 1627 à 1672 Vieille femme dans un intérieur de cuisine Huile sur toile
      Nov. 18, 2014

      Abraham Willemsens, dit le Maître aux béguins Actif de 1627 à 1672 Vieille femme dans un intérieur de cuisine Huile sur toile

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      Abraham Willemsens, dit le Maître aux béguins Actif de 1627 à 1672 Vieille femme dans un intérieur de cuisine Huile sur toile 'OLD WOMAN IN A KITCHEN', OIL ON CANVAS, BY A. WILLEMSENS h: 47 w: 55,50 cm Provenance : Chez Philippe Vichot, Paris ; Acquis auprès de celui-ci par l'actuel propriétaire en 2008 ; Collection particulière, Paris

      Apr. 01, 2014


      Est: €20,000 - €30,000

      ABRAHAM WILLEMSENS (MORT EN 1672 A ANVERS) >La famille de paysans, dit aussi <i>Le Bénédicité<i> >huile sur toile <br>52,5 x 63 cm.

    • Attributed to WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM(circa 1610
      Sep. 20, 2013

      Attributed to WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM(circa 1610

      Est: CHF15,000 - CHF20,000

      Attributed to WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM (circa 1610 Antwerp 1672) Bacchus and his entourage. Oil on copper. 47 x 63 cm. WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM (ZUGESCHRIEBEN) (um 1610 Antwerpen 1672) Bacchus und Gefolge. Öl auf Kupfer. 47 x 63 cm.

      Koller Auctions
    • WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM(1610 Antwerpen 1672)Heiliger
      Mar. 22, 2013

      WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM(1610 Antwerpen 1672)Heiliger

      Est: CHF10,000 - CHF15,000

      WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM (1610 Antwerpen 1672) Heiliger Augustinus mit einem Knaben: Allegorie der Dreifaltigkeit. Öl auf Kupfer. 70,5 x 88cm. Provenienz: - Auktion Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 27.10.2000, Los 62 als Gerard de la Vallée. - Kunsthandel Jean Ouvry, Suaux. - Privatsammlung Schweiz. Das Gemälde ist im RKD, Den Haag, unter der Inventarnummer 41501 als ein eigenhändiges Werk von Abraham Willemsen archiviert. Der Legende nach ging der Heilige Augustinus am Meer entlang und dachte über das Geheimnis der göttlichen Dreifaltigkeit nach. Da begegnete er einem Knaben, der mit seinem Löffel Wasser aus dem Meer in eine Grube schöpfte. Augustinus fragte das Kind, was seine Absichten seien, woraufhin dieses antwortete, dass es versuche das Meer in seinen Teich zu schöpfen. Da lachte Augustinus und erklärte, dass ihm das nie gelingen würde. Der Knabe konterte jedoch und tadelte Augustinus' Versuch im Gegenzug mit dem begrenzten Verstand der Menschheit das Geheimnis der Dreifaltigkeit Gottes zu begreifen. WILLEMSEN, ABRAHAM (1610 Antwerp 1672) Saint Augustin with a boy: Allegory of the trinity. Oil on copper. 70.5 x 88cm. Provenance: - Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 27.10.2000, Lot 62 as Gerard de la Vallée. - Jean Ouvry art dealer, Suaux. - Private collection Switzerland. The painting is registered at the RKD, The Hague, under number 41501 as by the hand of Abraham Willemsen.

      Koller Auctions
      Nov. 17, 2012


      Est: €25,000 - €30,000

      The work of the Antwerp genre painter Abraham Willemsen has only been more clearly defined within art history within the last 20 years. Our painting was only known of until now from copies and is probably identical with the one found in the Degenhardt Collection in Wuppertal, documented in the archives of the RKD. The number of famous copies suggests it was one of Willemsen's major works (for example Christies's Amsterdam,14.11.1991, lot 40, and Van Ham, Cologne, 2002, and described as by a 'German master'). Willemsen worked for a long period in France, in close proximity to the Le Nain brothers and worked collaboratively on paintings with Jan van Kessel in Antwerp including a 'gallery picture' which can be found today in the Staatliche Kunsthalle in Karlsruhe. A microscopic examination found that the monogram KD (Karel Dujardin) under Willemsen's monogram was a later addition.

      Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    • Attributed to Abraham Willemsens (active in
      Oct. 12, 2011

      Attributed to Abraham Willemsens (active in

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      Attributed to Abraham Willemsens (active in Antwerp 1627-1672) A peasant interior with an old woman and a young boy eating Oil on canvas 50 x 41 cm (19? x 16? in)

      Dreweatts 1759
    • Abraham Willemsens (active 1627-1672)
      Nov. 07, 2001

      Abraham Willemsens (active 1627-1672)

      Est: $13,050 - $17,400

      A peasant family in a yard oil on canvas 95.8 x 120.8 cm EXHIBITION Mainz, Landesmuseum, 1998-2001 (on loan, as by Le Nain). NOTES The present, unpublished painting is an addition to the oeuvre of Abraham Willemsens as compiled by G. Martin, "The MaŒtre aux b‚guins; A proposed identification", Apollo, February 1991, pp.112-115, and "Abraham Willemsens (again); more news of attributions in Flemish painting", Apollo, February 1993, pp. 97-101. Its authenticity has been confirmed by Gregory Martin after inspection of the original. Characteristic of the artist are the sturdy monumentality of the figures and the treatment of the younger women with their full cheeks, large eyes and heavily textured drapery. Also typical of the artist is the course linen of the canvas support. As this kind of support was also widely used by the Brothers le Nain, who concentrated on the same subjects, Willemsen's pictures, including the present work, have often been miscatalogued in the past as by their hand. The composition and style of the present lot are comparable with those in the picture of A woman selling fruit in the Huntarian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow (G. Martin, op. cit., 1991, p.112, ill.) and of the two pendant pictures Farmyard with a sleeping peasant and Farmyard with a woman and child feeding poultry in a private collection (G. Martin, op. cit., 1993, p.97, ill.). Little is known of the artist. He was recorded as an apprentice in the Antwerp guild of St. Luke in 1627/8, and is recorded as having taken on apprentices in 1651/2 and in 1653/4. Willemsens is known to have provided pictures to the most celebrated art dealers of Antwerp in the 1650s and 1660s: Musson and Forchoudt. Willemsens died in Antwerp in 1672.

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