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Xizai Wu Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1799 - d. 1870

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    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870). Calligraphy in Running Script. Hanging scroll, ink on
      Dec. 12, 2024

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870). Calligraphy in Running Script. Hanging scroll, ink on

      Est: $30,000 - $50,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870). Calligraphy in Running Script. Hanging scroll, ink on paper 121 x 32 cm. (47 5⁄8 x 12 5⁄8 in.).

    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870). Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Scrip
      Aug. 27, 2024

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870). Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Scrip

      Est: $20,000 - $30,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870). Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script. A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 152 x 29.1 cm. (59 7⁄8 x 11 ½ in.) (2).

    • Wu Xizai (1799-1870), attributed to, Calligraphy Long Scroll
      Jul. 05, 2024

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870), attributed to, Calligraphy Long Scroll

      Est: $20,000 - $30,000

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870), attributed to, Calligraphy Long Scroll Dimension: 520 x 42 cm (204 4/16 x 16 8/16 in.) All measurements are approximate.

      China Arts Auction
    • Wu Xizai, Calligraphy in Seal Script | 吳熙載 篆書五言聯
      Oct. 07, 2023

      Wu Xizai, Calligraphy in Seal Script | 吳熙載 篆書五言聯

      Est: $20,000 - $40,000

      Wu Xizai 1799 - 1870 Calligraphy in Seal Script ink on gold-flecked paper, a pair of hanging scrolls signed Rangzhi Wu Xizai and with two seals of the artist 87 x 16.2 cm. 34¼ x 6⅜ in. (2) ---------------------------------------------- 吳熙載 1799-1870 篆書五言聯 水墨灑金箋本 對聯 釋文:松竹有本性,林園無俗情。讓之吳熙載。鈐印:吳熙載印、讓之

    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870), CALLIGRAPHY, SET OF THREE HANGING SCROLLS 吳熙載 書法三條屏「送劉太沖序」
      May. 28, 2023

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870), CALLIGRAPHY, SET OF THREE HANGING SCROLLS 吳熙載 書法三條屏「送劉太沖序」

      Est: -

      117×28cm×3;. on paper ,hanging scroll, with box

      Fukuoka Yumekai Auction
      Apr. 03, 2023


      Est: -

      Wu Xizai(1799-1870): ''Chicken family under flowering oleander'', dated 1864, ink and colors on paper, inscription, three seals, from an important German private collection of the 50s/60s, 133x32cm, 22/83 Wu Xizai(1799-1870): ''Hühnerfamilie unter blühendem Oleander'', dat. 1864, Tusche und Farben auf Papier, Aufschrift, drei Siegel, aus einer bedeutsamen deutschen Privatsammlung der 50er/60er Jahre, 133x32cm, 22/83

      Historia Auctionata
    • 吳熙載(吳讓之) Wu Xizai(1799-1870):
      Nov. 03, 2022

      吳熙載(吳讓之) Wu Xizai(1799-1870):

      Est: -

      吳熙載(吳讓之) Wu Xizai(1799-1870): ''Chicken family under flowering oleander'', dated 1864, ink and colours on paper, inscription, three seals, from an important German private collection of the 1950s/60s, 133x32cm, 22/83

      Historia Auctionata
    • Wu Xizai 吳熙載 - Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script 行書七言聯
      Apr. 27, 2022

      Wu Xizai 吳熙載 - Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script 行書七言聯

      Est: $20,000 - $40,000

      Wu Xizai 1799 - 1870 Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script ink on paper, a pair of hanging scrolls signed Rangzhi Wu Xizai, with a dedication and with two seals of the artist 121.5 x 27.6 cm. 47⅞ x 10⅞ in.(2) -------------------------------------------- 吳熙載 1799-1870 行書七言聯 水墨紙本 一對 釋文:種來松樹高於屋,聞道梅花瘦似詩。露文四兄正,讓之吳熙載。鈐印:廷颺、熙載 121.5 x 27.6 cm. 47⅞ x 10⅞ in.(2)

    • Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Small Seal Script (6)
      Mar. 21, 2022

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Small Seal Script (6)

      Est: $12,000 - $18,000

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Small Seal Script A set of six hanging scrolls, ink on paper, comprising a poem by Yan Yanzhi (384-456), inscribed with a dedication to Bianqing, signed Wu Rangzhi with two artist's seals Xizai zhiyin and Wu shi Rangzhi. 64 3/4 x 14in (164 x 41cm), each panel (6). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Seven-characters Calligraphic Couplet in Running Scri
      Mar. 02, 2022

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Seven-characters Calligraphic Couplet in Running Scri

      Est: $40,000 - $60,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Seven-characters Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 134.8 x 29.5 cm. (53 1/8 x 11 5/8 in.)

    • Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Seasonal Flowers
      Jun. 01, 2021

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Seasonal Flowers

      Est: $80,000 - $120,000

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Seasonal Flowers Ink and colour on paper, set of four hanging scrolls Each scroll inscribed, signed Rangzhi Wu Xizai and Rangzhi, with a total of five seals of the artist and four collector's seals of Xi Xifan (1863-1933) Dated renzi (1852) year 117 x 29.8cm (46 x 11¾in) each (4) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870) - Blossoming Flowers
      May. 26, 2021

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) - Blossoming Flowers

      Est: $80,000 - $100,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Blossoming Flowers A set of four hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper Two scrolls measure 67.5 x 31 cm. (26 5/8 x 12 ¼ in.) Two scrolls measure 67.5 x 34 cm. (26 5/8 x 13 3/8 in.) (4)

    • Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Small Seal Script
      Nov. 30, 2020

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Small Seal Script

      Est: $200,000 - $300,000

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Small Seal Script Set of six hanging scrolls, ink on paper, signed by the artist Wu Rangzhi, with a dedication to Bianqing and two artist's seals reading Xizai zhi yin and Wu shi Rangzhi. 166 x 41.5cm (65⅜ x 16⅜in) each (6) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      Jun. 05, 2020


      Est: $18,000 - $28,000

      ink on paper, a pair of hanging scrolls signed Wu Rangzhi and with two seals of the artist Annotation by Zhu Yanren (1925-?), dated guiyou (1993) and with two seals of the artist

    • Peonies
      Dec. 05, 2019


      Est: €400 - €500

      WU, XIZAI 1799 Jiangsu - 1870 - zugeschrieben China. 19th c. Ink and light colors on paper. 134.5x38cm. Sign.: Xizai Wu Tingyang. Seal: Xizai, Wu Rangzhi. Collector's seal unread. Mounted as hanging scroll. Small tear. Condition B. Supplement: Hanging scroll with peonies and singing bird. Ink and colors on paper. 131x32,5cm. Seal and sign. Small tear. Provenance: -Estate Andreas Holter. Andreas Holter Collection Part II. Explanations to the Catalogue Xizai Wu China Asian Art 19th C. Asian Art - Chinese Paintings 19th century Hanging Scroll Painting China "

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870) - Cursive Script Calligraphy/Narcissus and Plum Blossom
      Nov. 25, 2019

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) - Cursive Script Calligraphy/Narcissus and Plum Blossom

      Est: $40,000 - $60,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Cursive Script Calligraphy/Narcissus and Plum Blossom A pair of fan leaves, mounted for framing, ink/ink and colour on gold-flecked paper Calligraphy measures 17.5 x 53 cm. (6 7/8 x 20 7/8 in.) Painting measures 19.7 x 56 cm. (7 ¾ x 22 in.) (2)

    • Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Running Script
      Sep. 09, 2019

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Running Script

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Running Script Folding fan, matted for framing, ink on gold-flecked paper, with a dedication, inscribed and signed Xizai, with one artist's seal Rangzhi zhi ci, one seal illegible. 7 5/8 x 22 1/4in (19.3 x 56.6cm) 吳熙載 行書 水墨洒金箋 扇面鏡片

    • A Shoushan Seal Carved with Three Mountain Goats, Calligraphy inscribed after Wu Xizai [1799-1870], dated 1859
      Dec. 02, 2018

      A Shoushan Seal Carved with Three Mountain Goats, Calligraphy inscribed after Wu Xizai [1799-1870], dated 1859

      Est: $300 - $500

      A Shoushan Seal Carved with Three Mountain Goats, Calligraphy inscribed after Wu Xizai [1799-1870], dated 1859 Seal inscribed Guang Ming Lei Luo, honourable & straightforward Provenance: The Property of a Gentleman H 14 cm 5 cm sq

      Theodore Bruce Auctioneers & Valuers
    • WU QIANZHI   (attributed to, 1799 – 1870) Lotus Flower Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll paintings signed Qianzhi, with one seal of the artist 100 x 33cm. Provenance: London private collection. 吳謙之(傳)   荷花
      Nov. 12, 2018

      WU QIANZHI   (attributed to, 1799 – 1870) Lotus Flower Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll paintings signed Qianzhi, with one seal of the artist 100 x 33cm. Provenance: London private collection. 吳謙之(傳)   荷花

      Est: £200 - £300

      WU QIANZHI   (attributed to, 1799 – 1870) Lotus Flower Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll paintings signed Qianzhi, with one seal of the artist 100 x 33cm. Provenance: London private collection. 吳謙之(傳)   荷花 設色紙本   立軸 款識:仿十三峰草堂寫意謙之 鈐印:「吳氏謙之」 簽條:吳謙之荷花

      Chiswick Auctions
    • A Carved Shoushan Seal with Three Goats on the Top, Calligraphy inscribed after Wu Xizai [1799-1870], dated 1859
      Nov. 11, 2018

      A Carved Shoushan Seal with Three Goats on the Top, Calligraphy inscribed after Wu Xizai [1799-1870], dated 1859

      Est: $600 - $800

      A Carved Shoushan Seal with Three Goats on the Top, Calligraphy inscribed after Wu Xizai [1799-1870], dated 1859 Seal inscribed Guang Ming Lei Luo, honourable & straightforward Provenance: The Property of a Gentleman H 14 cm 5 cm sq

      Theodore Bruce Auctioneers & Valuers
    • A Carved Shoushan Seal with Three Goats on the Top, Calligraphy inscribed after Wu Xizai [1799-1870], dated 1859
      Oct. 14, 2018

      A Carved Shoushan Seal with Three Goats on the Top, Calligraphy inscribed after Wu Xizai [1799-1870], dated 1859

      Est: $500 - $800

      A Carved Shoushan Seal with Three Goats on the Top, Calligraphy inscribed after Wu Xizai [1799-1870], dated 1859 Seal inscribed Guang Ming Lei Luo, honourable & straightforward Provenance: The Property of a Gentleman H 14 cm 5 cm sq

      Theodore Bruce Auctioneers & Valuers
    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Seal Script Folding fan mounted for framing, ink
      Sep. 10, 2018

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Seal Script Folding fan mounted for framing, ink

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Seal Script Folding fan mounted for framing, ink on paper, dedicated to Mengxing, inscribed and signed Rangzhi Wu Xizai, with one seal of the artist Rangzhi, and two collector’s seals. 7 1/2 x 20 3/4in (19 x 52.5cm)

    • WU XIZAI (1799-1871) Running Script Calligraphic Couplet A pair of hangin
      May. 28, 2018

      WU XIZAI (1799-1871) Running Script Calligraphic Couplet A pair of hangin

      Est: $30,000 - $50,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1871) Running Script Calligraphic Couplet A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on dragon-phoenix-bat-and-cloud patterned coloured paper Each scroll measures 130.5 x 32.5 cm. (51 3/8 x 12 3/4 in.) (2)

    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Calligraphy
      May. 29, 2017

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Calligraphy

      Est: $25,000 - $50,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Calligraphy Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink on paper 15.7 x 52.2 cm. (6 1/8 x 20 5/8 in.) Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

      Mar. 13, 2016


      Est: $6,000 - $8,000

      Hanging scroll. Length: 70 5/8 in. Width: 18 in.

      Dynasty Auctions International
      Sep. 17, 2015


      Est: $6,000 - $9,000

      signed Zhenzhou Wu Rangzhi, at the age of seventy, dated the seventh year of the Tongzhi reign, (1868), the fifth lunar month, Summer, with two seals of the artist, wu shi rang zhi, wan xue sheng

    • WANG SU, (1794-1877), illustrations of the begging professions
      Sep. 12, 2015

      WANG SU, (1794-1877), illustrations of the begging professions

      Est: $6,000 - $8,000

      WANG SU (1794-1877)/span illustrations of the begging professions Title slip by Wu Xizai (1799-1870) with two seals, twelve album-sized paintings, ink and color on paper, followed by five calligraphic panels amd two signed colophons. Albums each W: 10 1/4 inches H: 7 3/4 inches provenance: /spanProperty of a Philadelphia Gentleman Purchased in 1974 from a Stockholm estate auction Publication: Pankenier, David W. (1994): 'Wang Su's Illustrations of the Begging Professons', in Enwall Joakim (ed): Outstretched Leaves on His Bamboo Staff. Studies in Honor of Gröan Malmqvist on His 70th Birthday. Stockholm: The Association of Oriental Studies, pp.230-246.

      Freeman's | Hindman
      Mar. 18, 2015


      Est: $2,500 - $4,000

      WU XIZAI (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1799-1870) SEVEN-CHARACTER COUPLET IN CLERICAL SCRIPT Each: 57 1/2 x 15 9/16 in. (146 x 39.5 cm) (2)

    • Plum Blossoms; Plum Blossoms; Loquats
      Nov. 25, 2014

      Plum Blossoms; Plum Blossoms; Loquats

      Est: $50,000 - $70,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Plum Blossoms; Plum Blossoms; Loquats Inscribed with a poem, dedicated to Ronggu, with two seals of the artist Inscribed and signed, dedicated to Qinchuan, with two seals of the artist Inscribed with a poem and signed, dedicated to Jishu, with one seal of the artist(3) Fan leaf, mounted as a hanging scroll, ink on paper Fan leaf, mounted as a hanging scroll, ink on paper Fan leaf, mounted as a hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 19.3 x 56.5 cm. (7 5/8 x 22 1/4 in.) 18.5 x 52.7 cm. (7 1/4 x 20 3/4 in.) 19.5 x 52 cm. (7 3/4 x 20 1/2 in.) 19th Century (3)

    • Wu Xizai (1799-1870)
      Sep. 15, 2014

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870)

      Est: $5,000 - $7,000

      Hollyhocks and Rock Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist and signed Xizai, followed by an artist's seal reading Wu Rangzhi. 51 1/8 x 15 3/8in (130 x 39cm)

    • Wu Xi load (1799-1870) CALLIGRAPHY
      Aug. 21, 2014

      Wu Xi load (1799-1870) CALLIGRAPHY

      Est: ¥20,000 - ¥30,000

      Inscription: Let's Wu XIZAI. Seal of the artist: Wu XIZAI India (white), so that the (Zhu) Wu Xi load, let the word No. Let Weng, Jiangsu Yizheng (now Yangzhou) people. Bao apprentice. Qing and seal, calligrapher, good books each body, especially workers seal, scribe. Seal and learn Deng Shiru its official script, running script and regular script emulated Bao, since a face carving, stone carving in the Ming and Qing dynasties in the history of the genre has a pivotal position.

      Xiamen Gu Yun Xuan Culture and Arts Co., Ltd.
    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870)
      May. 26, 2014

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870)

      Est: ¥20,000 - ¥30,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) >Chrysanthemum<br>Hanging scroll >ink and colour on paper<br>118 x 33.5 cm. (46 1/2 x 13 1/2 in.) >Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist<br>Dedicated to Tizhai >One collector's seal<br>

    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870)
      May. 26, 2014

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870)

      Est: ¥10,000 - ¥20,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) >Flowers<br>Album of twelve loose leaves >ink and colour on silk<br>Each leaf measures 26.6 x 46.6 cm. (10 1/2 x 18 1/4 in.) >Three leaves inscribed and signed, eight leaves singed, with a total of twelve seals of the artist<br>

    • 雞血石方印章連上雕螭龍蓋盒 A Square Jixue Stone Seal Inside a Chi Dragon Relief Carved Circular Box with Cover
      Mar. 16, 2014

      雞血石方印章連上雕螭龍蓋盒 A Square Jixue Stone Seal Inside a Chi Dragon Relief Carved Circular Box with Cover

      Est: $1,500 - $2,500

      雞血石方印章連上雕螭龍蓋盒 (吳熙載印) (群鴻戲海雲鶴游天印) A Square Jixue Stone Seal Inside a Chi Dragon Relief Carved Circular Box with Cover Ascribed to Wu Xizai

      Gianguan Auctions
    • Wu Xizai (1799-1870)
      Mar. 20, 2013

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870)

      Est: $3,000 - $4,000

      Two Folding Fans The first of loquats, ink and color on paper, with a dedication, signed Rangzhi with one seal of the artist reading Xizai, reversed with calligraphy in running script dedicated to the same recipient, signed Rangzhi with two seals of the artist reading Rangzhi and Wu Xizai, the bamboo frame carved with a figural scene; the second fan ink on gold paper, a landscape in the style of Shen Zhou, dedicated to Zihong, and signed Xizai followed by one seal of the artist reading Rangzhi, reversed by calligraphy in running script, with a dedication to Zihong, dated wuwu (1858), the bamboo fan frame carved with inscriptions from bronze vessels. 21 5/8in (55cm), 21 1/2in (54cm)

    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870)
      May. 28, 2010

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870)

      Est: $35,000 - $45,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Seal Script A set of four hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 132.7 x 30 cm. (52 1/4 x 11 3/4 in.) Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Xiao Zhai (4)

    • WU XIZAI (1799-1870)
      Dec. 02, 2008

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870)

      Est: $40,000 - $60,000

      WU XIZAI (1799-1870) Calligraphy in Running Cursive Script Hanging scroll, ink on paper 136.2 x 30 cm. (53 5/8 x 11 1/4 in.) Signed, with one seal of the artist

    • Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Lichee Hanging scroll
      Apr. 04, 2006

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Lichee Hanging scroll

      Est: $1,500 - $2,000

      Wu Xizai (1799-1870) Lichee Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper Inscribed with a poem, signed painted by Langzhi, two seals of the artist: Xizai Ci Han; Langzhi Suo Hua Provenance: Chrisitie''s, New York, Fine Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, December 4, 1989, lot 188 Estimate $1,500-2,000 very good

      Doyle New York
    Lots Per Page: