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Andries Both Sold at Auction Prices


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      Dec. 18, 2024


      Est: €6,000 - €6,200

      Oil on wood Signed 36x29 cm.

    • Attributed to Andries Both (c. 1612/13-1642)
      Mar. 20, 2024

      Attributed to Andries Both (c. 1612/13-1642)

      Est: £500 - £800

      Attributed to Andries Both (c. 1612/13-1642) Peasants at rest with a dog and a woman playing with a small boy pen and ink and wash over black chalk 9.5 x 18cm Provenance: Sir Bruce Ingram (1877-1963), From whom acquired in 1954 by Michael Ingram, By whose executors sold, London, Sotheby's, The Ingram Collection: Drawings and Watercolours from the Collection of the Late Michael Ingram, 8 December 2005, lot 38, Where acquired by Alan Barlow (1926-2005), Thence by descent to the present owner The present drawing is listed in the RKD database, as attributed to Andries Both, entry 116536. 36 x 42cm framed

      Mar. 11, 2023


      Est: €4,000 - €8,000

      ANDRIES BOTH 1611/12 Utrecht - 1642 Venice BARBER AND FARMER, CA. 1635-1641 Oil on copper. 18 x 22 cm (F. 29,5 x 33,5 cm). Lower left in the stone remains of the monogram: 'AB'. Min. old rest.,. Frame. Expertise: Statement by Ellis Dullaart of the RKD in The Hague dated 12 August 2016. Ellis Dullaart vom RKD in Den Haag bemerkt, dass neben der hier aufgeführten Arbeit zwei Ellis Dullaart of the RKD in The Hague notes that in addition to the work listed here, two other versions of this composition are documented. One, which is now in the art collection of the University of Göttingen, and another version which came up for auction in London on 7 July 1993 at Sotheby's auction house (Sale London, Sotheby's, 7 July 1993, lot 254). Ellis Dullaart further assumes that the painting is a late work by Andries Both, which was created between 1635 and 1641, during Both's stay in Rome. Dissertation Yale University 1978, Ausg. 1, S. 82f., Ausg. 2., S. 15f., Nr. A7. - L. Literature: - T. Kren, Jan Miel (1599-1664), A Flemish painter in Rome, dissertation Yale University 1978, ed. 1, p. 82f., ed. 2, p. 15f., no. A7. - L. Trezzani, L. Laureati & G. Briganti, The Bamboccianti: the painters of everyday life in seventeenth century Rome, Rome 1983, pp. 200, 202, ill. p. 211. - E. Mai (ed.), I Bamboccianti: Dutch painter rebels in Baroque Rome, Milan 1991, p. 132, no. 4.2 (with a coloured illustration of the Göttingen version). - B. Schnackenburg, 'The beginnings of Thomas Adriaensz. Wyck (c. 1620-1677) as draughtsman and painter', Oud Holland 106 (1992), p. 153, ill. - K. Weick-Joch, Kulturtransfer im Rom des 17. Jahrhunderts: die Malerei der Bamboccianti, Weimar 2015, p. 77, note 294 (with a colour illustration of the Göttingen version). des Werks an Andries Both sowie die Aufnahme dessen in die Datenbank des RKD als We sincerely thank Ellis Dullaart of the RKD in The Hague (Rijksbureau voor kunsthistorische Documentatie) for the extremely insightful analysis and the attribution of the work to Andries Both as well as the inclusion of it in the database of the RKD as an authentic work of Both (https://rkd.nl/en/explore/images/278064). Provenance: Rhenish private collection. Previously: Important old German private collection; Julius Böhler in Munich (1975). ANDRIES BOTH 1611/12 Utrecht - 1642 Venedig BARBIER UND LANDWIRTE, CA. 1635-1641 Öl auf Kupfer. 18 x 22 cm (R. 29,5 x 33,5 cm). Links unten im Stein Reste des Monogramms: 'AB'. Min. altrest. Rahmen. Expertise: Stellungnahme von Ellis Dullaart vom RKD in Den Haag vom 12. August 2016. Ellis Dullaart vom RKD in Den Haag bemerkt, dass neben der hier aufgeführten Arbeit zwei weitere Versionen dieser Komposition dokumentiert sind. Eine, die sich heute in der Kunstsammlung der Universität in Göttingen befindet sowie eine weitere Version, die am 7 Juli 1993 in London, im Auktionshaus Sotheby's zum Aufruf kam (Sale London, Sotheby's, 7. July 1993, lot 254). Weiterhin vermutet Ellis Dullaart, dass das Gemälde ein Spätwerk Andries Boths ist, welches zwischen 1635 und 1641, während Boths Aufenthalt in Rom, entstand. Literatur: - T. Kren, Jan Miel (1599-1664), A Flemish painter in Rome, Dissertation Yale University 1978, Ausg. 1, S. 82f., Ausg. 2., S. 15f., Nr. A7. - L. Trezzani, L. Laureati & G. Briganti, The Bamboccianti: the painters of everyday life in seventeenth century Rome, Rom 1983, S. 200, 202, Abb. S. 211. - E. Mai (ed.), I Bamboccianti: Niederländische Malerrebellen im Rom des Barock, Milan 1991, S. 132, Nr. 4.2 (mit einer farbigen Abbildung der Göttinger Version). - B. Schnackenburg, 'Die Anfänge von Thomas Adriaensz. Wyck (um 1620-1677) als Zeichner und Maler', Oud Holland 106 (1992), S. 153, Abb. - K. Weick-Joch, Kulturtransfer im Rom des 17. Jahrhunderts: die Malerei der Bamboccianti, Weimar 2015, S. 77, Anm. 294 (mit einer farbigen Abbildung der Göttinger Version). Herzlich danken wir Ellis Dullaart vom RKD in Den Haag (Rijksbureau voor kunsthistorische Documentatie) für die äußerst aufschlussreiche Analyse und der Zuweisung des Werks an Andries Both sowie die Aufnahme dessen in die Datenbank des RKD als authentisches Arbeit Boths (https://rkd.nl/en/explore/images/278064). Provenienz: Rheinische Privatsammlung. Zuvor: Bedeutende altdeutsche Privatsammlung; Julius Böhler in München (1975).

      Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
    • Both, A. (1612-1642) (attrib.). (Interior of an inn).
      Nov. 25, 2022

      Both, A. (1612-1642) (attrib.). (Interior of an inn).

      Est: €600 - €800

      Both, A. (1612-1642) (attrib.). (Interior of an inn). Drawing on 2 attached lvs., pen and brown ink and grey wash, 18,1x35,7 cm. - A few tiny closed holes/ tears along outer margins. = With attribution in later hand on verso. With the collector's stamp of A. Mouriau on verso (Lugt 1829).

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • Andries Dirksz Both (Dutch, 1611-1641) A Drover with his animals, beneath a ruin
      Jun. 03, 2022

      Andries Dirksz Both (Dutch, 1611-1641) A Drover with his animals, beneath a ruin

      Est: $4,000 - $6,000

      Andries Dirksz Both (Dutch, 1611-1641) A Drover with his animals, beneath a ruined castle Oil on canvas 21 x 24-1/8 inches (53.3 x 61.3 cm) Signed lower right: A. Both Property from the Estates of Ramon Osuna and Robert Lennon, Washington, D.C. HID01801242017

      Heritage Auctions
    • After Andries Dircksz Both (1612-1650), the pipe smokers, 19thC, oil on panel, 23,5 x 31 cm
      Mar. 15, 2022

      After Andries Dircksz Both (1612-1650), the pipe smokers, 19thC, oil on panel, 23,5 x 31 cm

      Est: €600 - €800

      After Andries Dircksz Both (1612-1650), the pipe smokers, 19thC, oil on panel, 23,5 x 31 cm No visible signature.

      Carlo Bonte Auctions
    • Andries Both, Nicolas Viennot, Poor painter with family in his atelier.
      Mar. 03, 2022

      Andries Both, Nicolas Viennot, Poor painter with family in his atelier.

      Est: €175 - €275

      Poor painter with family in his atelier. After a painting of Andries Both (1612-1642). Engraving made by Nicolas Viennot ca 1630. Published by André Basset( 1749-1787) in Paris ca 1770-1787. LeBlanc 9, Unknown second state with the address of Basset in Paris. Engraving in very good condition, printed on laid paper with 5-20 mm margins. Good dark/grey impression.

      Old Master Print
    • Andries Dirsksz BOTH (1611/12 –1642)
      Nov. 29, 2019

      Andries Dirsksz BOTH (1611/12 –1642)

      Est: €150 - €300

      Andries Dirsksz BOTH (attributed) (Dutch, born Utrecht, 1611/12 – died Venice 1642) “Peasants” Pen and black ink, wash, on buff paper, Artist information: Andries Both was a Dutch genre painter and the son of a glass painter. He studied under Abraham Bloemaert. He was the brother of Jan Both, also a genre and landscape painter. The brothers lived and worked on the Via Vittoria in the parish of San Lorenzo in Lucina and both may have joined the Academia di San Luca and the group of mainly Dutch and Flemish artists active in Rome called the Bentvueghels, who painted scenes from the everyday life of the lower classes in Rome and its countryside.

      Duveen Auctions B.V.
    • Andries Dirsksz BOTH (1611/12 –1642)
      Aug. 31, 2019

      Andries Dirsksz BOTH (1611/12 –1642)

      Est: €300 - €500

      Andries Dirsksz BOTH (attributed) (Dutch, born Utrecht, 1611/12 – died Venice 1642) “Peasants” Pen and black ink, wash, on buff paper Artist information: Andries Both was a Dutch genre painter and the son of a glass painter. He studied under Abraham Bloemaert. He was the brother of Jan Both, also a genre and landscape painter. The brothers lived and worked on the Via Vittoria in the parish of San Lorenzo in Lucina and both may have joined the Academia di San Luca and the group of mainly Dutch and Flemish artists active in Rome called the Bentvueghels, who painted scenes from the everyday life of the lower classes in Rome and its countryside.

      Duveen Auctions B.V.
    • Andries Dirksz Both, (1612/13 - 1642), Dutch Schoo
      Apr. 15, 2019

      Andries Dirksz Both, (1612/13 - 1642), Dutch Schoo

      Est: £3,000 - £4,000

      Andries Dirksz Both, (1612/13 - 1642), Dutch School, Pen and brown ink and wash, Peasant figures as characters in a popular theatrical performance engaged in some form of bawdy joke. The man on the left is carrying a pitchfork over his right shoulder and a full net bag in his left hand. The other man is dancing before him, speaking and gesticulating. Above each figure is an inscription in brown ink in ancient Flemish. Over the man on the left it says ''Ribbe de klootenbacher'' - translating as ''Ribbe the testicles baker'' which explains the contents of the mesh bag. Over the man on the right is the wording ''Self toer maeken'' - the translation of which has not been possible though it would appear to be some sort of pun. There is a much later inscription in the lower margin ''Original drawing by Jacques Callot 1593 + 1635 given by Lady Barbara Eyre to M Finegan about 1830''. This, however appears to be an erroneous assignation and the drawing is very close in style to another by Andries Both sold at Sothebys, New York, 26th January 2011, lot 617 which also bore an attribution to Callot. It seems possible that Andries Both may have given his contemporary Jacques Callot these drawing at some stage. Another similar drawing, appearing to be one of this series by Andries Both, was sold at Sotheby's, 22 July 1965, lot 174

      Claydon Auctioneers
    • Andries Both (Utrecht 1611/12 - Venezia 1641), Scena di popolani con vendita di castagne
      Oct. 10, 2018

      Andries Both (Utrecht 1611/12 - Venezia 1641), Scena di popolani con vendita di castagne

      Est: €1,500 - €1,800

      olio su tela, cm 57x46

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Andries BOTH (Utrecht 1612 – Venise 1642)
      Mar. 26, 2018

      Andries BOTH (Utrecht 1612 – Venise 1642)

      Est: €30,000 - €40,000

      Andries BOTH (Utrecht 1612 – Venise 1642) Paysage à la vieille chaumière Aquarelle sur traits à la pierre noire 19 x 43 cm Signé en bas vers le centre A Both watercolor, black chalk, 7 7/16 x 16 15/16 in

      Leclere - Maison de ventes
    • Andries Both (Utrecht 1611/12 - Venezia 1641), Scena di popolani con vendita di castagne
      Nov. 15, 2016

      Andries Both (Utrecht 1611/12 - Venezia 1641), Scena di popolani con vendita di castagne

      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      olio su tela, cm 57x46

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Both, Andries: Baumstudie
      May. 29, 2015

      Both, Andries: Baumstudie

      Est: €450 - €600

      Baumstudie. Schwarze Kreide, Feder und Pinsel in Grau und Braun. 38,3 x 27,9 cm. Verso mit einer zeitgenössischen Bezeichnung in Graphit: "Buyten Bamberg Both f.". Der flotte zeichnerische Duktus und die Behandlung der Baumstämme sowie des Laubes sind charakteristisch für Andries Both (vgl. beispielweise Ausst. Kat. Tekenen van Warmte, hrsg. von Peter Schatborn, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, 2001, S. 91). Both trat Anfang der 1630er Jahre die Reise nach Italien an. Seine Reiseroute ist nur lückenhaft dokumentiert. Es wird angenommen, dass Both über Frankreich nach Italien gereist ist. Eine Zeichnung in Weimar trägt die Inschrift und das Datum "Rouen 1633", die Bezeichnung dürfte möglicherweise jedoch von einer anderen Hand stammen (Schatborn, 2001, S. 89). Die Inschrift auf unserem Blatt besagt, dass die Studie in der Nähe der Stadt Bamberg entstanden ist und Both demnach die Route über Deutschland gewählt haben dürfte.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • École hollandaise - Dessin - [Attribuable à BOTH, Andries 1612/1613-1642].- Groupe de paysans.
      Mar. 17, 2015

      École hollandaise - Dessin - [Attribuable à BOTH, Andries 1612/1613-1642].- Groupe de paysans.

      Est: €600 - €800

      (École hollandaise) - Dessin - [Attribuable à BOTH, Andries (1612/1613-1642)].- Groupe de paysans. Dessin original, plume à l'encre noire, lavis à l'encre grise, papier vergé non filigrané, 16,4 x 12,4 cm, fixé par les coins gauches sur f. de support (pet. perforation au milieu à dr.).

      Arenberg Auctions
    • Andries Both (Utrecht c. 1612-1641 Venice)
      Dec. 02, 2014

      Andries Both (Utrecht c. 1612-1641 Venice)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      Andries Both (Utrecht c. 1612-1641 Venice) Two peasants drinking at a table, in an interior oil on copper 8 5/8 x 6½ in. (22 x 16.5 cm.)

    • Both, Andries: zugeschrieben. Maultier mit Geschirr
      May. 30, 2014

      Both, Andries: zugeschrieben. Maultier mit Geschirr

      Est: €700 - €900

      zugeschrieben. Maultier mit Geschirr. Grauer Stift, Kohle, grau laviert. 22,8 x 14,5 cm. - Provenienz: Aus den Sammlungen Karl Eduard von Liphart (Lugt 1687) und dessen Enkel Freiherr Reinhold von Liphart (Lugt 1758).

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Both, Andries: Baumstudie
      May. 30, 2014

      Both, Andries: Baumstudie

      Est: €1,800 - €2,400

      Baumstudie. Schwarze Kreide, Feder und Pinsel in Grau und Braun. 38,3 x 27,9 cm. Verso mit einer zeitgenössischen Bezeichnung in Graphit: "Buyten Bamberg Both f.". Der flotte zeichnerische Duktus und die Behandlung der Baumstämme und des Laubes sind charakteristisch für Andries Both (vgl. beispielweise Ausst. Kat. Tekenen van Warmte, hrsg. von Peter Schatborn, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, 2001, S. 91). Both trat Anfang der 1630er Jahre die Reise nach Italien an. Seine Reiseroute ist nur lückenhaft dokumentiert. Es wird angenommen, daß Both über Frankreich nach Italien gereist ist. Eine Zeichnung in Weimar trägt die Inschrift und das Datum "Rouen 1633", die Bezeichnungt dürfte möglicherweise jedoch von einer anderen Hand stammen (Schatborn, 2001, S. 89). Die Inschrift auf unserem Blatt besagt, dass die Studie in der Nähe der Stadt Bamberg entstanden ist und Both demnach die Route über Deutschland gewählt haben dürfte.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Both, Andries: Die betrunkenen Bauern am Tisch
      May. 29, 2014

      Both, Andries: Die betrunkenen Bauern am Tisch

      Est: €3,000 - €4,500

      Die betrunkenen Bauern am Tisch. Radierung. 17,4 x 22,5 cm. Hollstein 10 II. Der Maler und Radierer Andries Both, kam um 1612/13 als Sohn des Utrechter Glasmalers Dirck Both zur Welt. Nachdem er zuerst von seinem Vater ausgebildet wurde, ging er 1624 bei Abraham Bloemaert in die Lehre. Bevor er um 1633 mit seinem Bruder Jan nach Italien aufbrach, war er schon ein gestandener Künstler, wie das malerische und zeichnerische Werk aus dieser Periode belegt. Both spezialisierte sich auf das Bauerngenre und malte später in Rom Szenen aus dem italienischen Volksleben in der Art der Bamboccianti. Sein druckgraphisches Œuvre verzeichnet nur wenige Blätter und ist sehr selten. Boths Radierungen stammen noch aus der Zeit vor der Italienreise; in stilistischer Hinsicht stehen sie den Radierungen des Utrechter Meisters Joost Cornelis Droochsloot sehr nahe. Andries Both sollte nicht in die Niederlande zurückkehren. Nachdem er gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder einige Jahre als Maler in Rom gelebt und gearbeitet hatte, ist er, wie Sandrart berichtet, wohl 1642 in Venedig ertrunken (siehe E. de Jongh, G. Luijten, Spiegel van Alledag. Nederlandse genreprenten 1550 - 1700, Amsterdam 1997, Nr. 48, S. 241 ff.). Ganz ausgezeichneter, toniger Druck mit feinem Rändchen. Verso vereinzelte dünne Papierstellen, sonst vorzüglich erhalten.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • BOTH, ANDRIES 1612 Utrecht - 1642 Venedig Vor der Hufschmiede. Feder, laviert auf Papier. 15,5 x 24cm. Rahmen. RÜckseitig: Drei Sammlerstempel. Provenienz: - ehemals Sammlung Dr. Spira, Prag (Lugt, Suupl. 2306a); - Französische Privatsammlung; -
      Nov. 15, 2013

      BOTH, ANDRIES 1612 Utrecht - 1642 Venedig Vor der Hufschmiede. Feder, laviert auf Papier. 15,5 x 24cm. Rahmen. RÜckseitig: Drei Sammlerstempel. Provenienz: - ehemals Sammlung Dr. Spira, Prag (Lugt, Suupl. 2306a); - Französische Privatsammlung; -

      Est: €1,800 - €2,500

      BOTH, ANDRIES 1612 Utrecht - 1642 Venice In front of the Farriery. Washed ink pen on paper. 15,5 x 24cm. Framed. Verso: Three collector's stamps Provenance: Previously Dr. Spira collection, Prague (Lugt, Suppl. 2306a) French private collection Lempertz Auction, Cologne, Auction 766, Lot 1240 Exhibition: Cologne, Kunsthalle, Wahre Wunder -Sammler & Sammlungen im Rheinland, Nov. 2000, catalogue no. C 10. In a letter dated February 12, 1999, Dr. Dittrich of the Kupferstichkabinett Dresden assessed the present sheet as an excellent work by Andries Both. He dates the creation of the sheet back to ca. 1640 and compares it to a drawing held by the Kabinett (inv. no. 1244).

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • Andries BOTH (Utrecht 1612 - 1641) Scène d'aumône Toile 33,5 x 43,5 cm
      Feb. 20, 2013

      Andries BOTH (Utrecht 1612 - 1641) Scène d'aumône Toile 33,5 x 43,5 cm

      Est: €3,000 - €4,000

      Andries BOTH (Utrecht 1612 - 1641) Scène d'aumône Toile 33,5 x 43,5 cm

      Europ Auction
      Mar. 29, 2012


      Est: €7,000 - €10,000

      ANDRIES DIRKSZ BOTH (UTRECHT ca.1612-1641 VENISE) Une scène de marché avec un charlatan avec inscription 'ABoth fecit' (au verso du montage) pierre noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun-rouge, traits d'encadrement à l'encre brune 200 x 272 mm.

      Jul. 07, 2011


      Est: £3,000 - £4,000

      UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE TWO PEASANT CHARACTERS FROM POPULAR THEATRE Pen and brown ink and wash; inscribed in brown ink by each figure: Ribbe de klootenbacker (figure on the left) and Self toer maeken (figure on the right); pasted to an album page; bears an inscription, lower margin:  Original Drawing by 'Jacques Callot' 1593 + 1635, given by Lady Barbara Eyre / to Mυrs Finegan / about 1830 150 by 187 mm

    • Andries Both (1612- circa 1650)
      Jul. 07, 2011

      Andries Both (1612- circa 1650)

      Est: £800 - £1,200

      Andries Both (1612-circa 1650) Three Peasants at the Table, with a Harlot (B., Holl. 9) etching, on laid paper, without watermark, second, final state, trimmed to the platemark, remains of red album paper and hinges verso, otherwise in good condition S. 176 x 225 mm.

    • ANDRIES DIRKSZ BOTH (1608-1641)
      Jun. 21, 2011

      ANDRIES DIRKSZ BOTH (1608-1641)

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      ANDRIES DIRKSZ BOTH (1608-1641) Personnages devant une auberge avec inscriptions 'A. Both' (en bas à gauche) pierre noire 6,17 x 19,1 cm. (6 1/8 x 7½ in.)

      Jan. 28, 2011


      Est: $12,000 - $16,000

      ANDRIES BOTH UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE PASTORAL LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS signed A. Both ( lower right) oil on canvas 21 1/4 by 24 1/8 in.; 54 by 61.4 cm.

      Jan. 26, 2011


      Est: $8,000 - $12,000

      ANDRIES BOTH UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE TWO CHARACTERS FROM POPULAR THEATRE: 'NIJKODEMUS' AND 'MUYSELAER THE PIPER' Pen and brown ink and wash; inscribed in brown ink, by each figure: Nijkodemus and Muijselaer / den pijper / Muijselaer ; pasted to an album page; bears a long inscription in Italian in the margin, attributing the drawing to Callot, and giving a biography of that artist, inscribed with a poem in English, in the same hand, on the reverse of the sheet 150 by 189 mm; 6 by 7 1/2 in

      Jan. 26, 2011


      Est: $8,000 - $12,000

      ANDRIES BOTH UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE STUDY OF FARM BUILDINGS Black chalk 180 by 203 mm; 7 1/8 by 8 in

    • Circle of Andries Both (Utrecht c. 1612-1641 Venice)
      Dec. 08, 2010

      Circle of Andries Both (Utrecht c. 1612-1641 Venice)

      Est: £8,000 - £12,000

      Circle of Andries Both (Utrecht c. 1612-1641 Venice) The Senses: Hearing; Taste; Touch; and Sight oil on copper 8½ x 6½ in. (21.6 x 16.5 cm.) in Bolognese carved and gilded 17th Century frames, each bearing the old inscription 'Craudina' (upper left, on the versi) four (4)

    • ANDRIES BOTH (c 1608-c 1649), 'Landscape with
      Nov. 07, 2010

      ANDRIES BOTH (c 1608-c 1649), 'Landscape with

      Est: £150 - £300

      ANDRIES BOTH (c 1608-c 1649), 'Landscape with figures before a castle', engraving, 20cm x 27cm, framed.

      Lots Road Auctions
      Jul. 06, 2010


      Est: £3,000 - £4,000

      ANDRIES BOTH UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE AN OLD PEASANT WOMAN PLAYING THE VIOLIN Black chalk, within brown ink framing lines, on vellum; bears inscription in brown ink, verso : E.S. 2004 . 149 by 130mm

      Jul. 06, 2010


      Est: £4,000 - £6,000

      ANDRIES BOTH UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE THREE STANDING FIGURES Pen and brown ink and wash, over traces of black chalk 160 by 245 mm

      Jul. 06, 2010


      Est: -

      ANDRIES BOTH UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE RUSTIC INTERIOR WITH CAROUSING PEASANTS Quantity: 5 Pen and brown ink with two tones of brown wash, over black chalk 156 by 203 mm

    • Andries Dirsksz Both (Utrecht 1611-1641 Venice) The Drunkards Etching, on laid, 177 x 225mm (7 x 8 3/4in)(PL)
      Jul. 14, 2009

      Andries Dirsksz Both (Utrecht 1611-1641 Venice) The Drunkards Etching, on laid, 177 x 225mm (7 x 8 3/4in)(PL)

      Est: £500 - £700

      The Drunkards (Bartsch 10) Etching, on laid, 177 x 225mm (7 x 8 3/4in)(PL)

    • Attributed to Andries Dirksz. Both (Utrecht 1612-1642 Venice)
      Dec. 02, 2008

      Attributed to Andries Dirksz. Both (Utrecht 1612-1642 Venice)

      Est: £400 - £600

      Attributed to Andries Dirksz. Both (Utrecht 1612-1642 Venice) Dancing devils with inscription 'no=12' black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash 7¼ x 11¼ in. (184 x 286 mm.)

    • Andries Both Utrecht circa 1612/13 - 1642 Venice , a scene of diablerie black chalk, with a further slight figure study in red chalk in the top right corner
      Jul. 04, 2007

      Andries Both Utrecht circa 1612/13 - 1642 Venice , a scene of diablerie black chalk, with a further slight figure study in red chalk in the top right corner

      Est: £3,500 - £4,500

      black chalk, with a further slight figure study in red chalk in the top right corner

    • The Temptation of Saint Anthony: A diablerie
      Jul. 03, 2007

      The Temptation of Saint Anthony: A diablerie

      Est: £5,000 - £7,000

      Andries Dirksz. Both (Utrecht 1612-1641 Venice) The Temptation of Saint Anthony: A diablerie pen and brown ink, pen and brown ink framing lines 7 1/8 x 11 in. (182 x 279 mm.)

    • Both, Andries 1612 Utrecht - 1642 Venice - Circle
      Apr. 20, 2007

      Both, Andries 1612 Utrecht - 1642 Venice - Circle

      Est: €2,800 -

      Oil on canvas. Relined. 48,5 x 65,5cm. Literature:

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • Property from the Arthur Feldman Collection ANDRIES BOTH UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE
      Jul. 06, 2005

      Property from the Arthur Feldman Collection ANDRIES BOTH UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE

      Est: £2,500 - £3,500

      Property from the Arthur Feldman Collection ANDRIES BOTH UTRECHT CIRCA 1612/13 - 1642 VENICE RUSTIC INTERIOR WITH CAROUSING PEASANTS AND A RESTING DOG pen and brown ink and two tones of brown wash over black chalk PROVENANCE Brno/Feldmann inventory number 3268 EXHIBITED Brno, Moravská Galerie, Nizozemská Kresba 16.-18. století ze sbírek Moravské Galerie v Brne, 1987, p.20, cat. no. 61

    • Andries Both (Utrecht 1612-1642 Venice)
      Nov. 03, 2004

      Andries Both (Utrecht 1612-1642 Venice)

      Est: €1,000 - €1,500

      A ruined gate with travellers, a village beyond signed and dated 'AB 1639' (recto) and with calculations (verso) pen and grey ink, grey wash, pen and brown ink framing lines 159 x 140 mm.

    • Andries Both (Utrecht 1612 - 1641 Venedig / Venice), follower of
      Sep. 29, 2004

      Andries Both (Utrecht 1612 - 1641 Venedig / Venice), follower of

      Est: €3,000 - €5,000

      Spectacle vendor, oil on panel, 35 x 44 cm, framed, (Wo) Literature: Medizin in Historie und Kunst, p. 17, repr. p. 18

      May. 05, 2004


      Est: €12,000 - €18,000

      traces of a signature lower centre on the table: A.. oil on panel

    • *Andries Both (circa 1612-1641) diablerie: a satire on the medical profession. Inscribed: wanneer
      Jan. 23, 2001

      *Andries Both (circa 1612-1641) diablerie: a satire on the medical profession. Inscribed: wanneer

      Est: $15,000 - $20,000

      *Andries Both (circa 1612-1641) diablerie: a satire on the medical profession. Inscribed: wanneer de doctors kloeck/ versoecken de pasienten/ maer menschen loofse niet/ het sijn als dese venten. Pen and brown ink. 178 by 281mm. Although Both was trained in Utrecht by Abraham Bloemaert, this drawing is strongly influenced by the diableries of Jacques de Gheyn, who settled in Haarlem before Both was born. It is one of a small handful of similarly executed diableries by Both, which may have been created as a series; another is in the Lugt Collection (Institut Neerlandais, Paris, inv.6633), and two more were sold, Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, 19 February 1942, lot 413, and in these Rooms, 13 January 1989, lot 28. Three further drawings in Berlin (Bock-Rosenberg, p.90, nos.5 *Andries Both (circa 1612-1641) diablerie: a satire on the medical profession. Inscribed: wanneer de doctors kloeck/ versoecken de pasienten/ maer menschen loofse niet/ het sijn als dese venten. Pen and brown ink. 178 by 281mm. Although Both was trained in Utrecht by Abraham Bloemaert, this drawing is strongly influenced by the diableries of Jacques de Gheyn, who settled in Haarlem before Both was born. It is one of a small handful of similarly executed diableries by Both, which may have been created as a series; another is in the Lugt Collection (Institut Neerlandais, Paris, inv.6633), and two more were sold, Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, 19 February 1942, lot 413, and in these Rooms, 13 January 1989, lot 28. Three further drawings in Berlin (Bock-Rosenberg, p.90, nos.551, 2265, and 5442), though different in subject-matter (representing Saint John the Baptist Preaching, a Peasant Interior, and A Peasant Standing on a Barrel Disclaiming) are drawn in exactly the same manner, and one of these (Bock-Rosenberg 551) is signed with Both's distinctive monogram, thus confirming the attribution to the artist of the whole of this group of drawings. The inscription on this drawing is a satire on doctors as quacks: 'if doctors dapper urge (invite) the patients, but people don't praise them, they are like these creatures'. *Andries Both (circa 1612-1641) diablerie: a satire on the medical profession. Inscribed: wanneer de doctors kloeck/ versoecken de pasienten/ maer menschen loofse niet/ het sijn als dese venten. Pen and brown ink. 178 by 281mm. Although Both was trained in Utrecht by Abraham Bloemaert, this drawing is strongly influenced by the diableries of Jacques de Gheyn, who settled in Haarlem before Both was born. It is one of a small handful of similarly executed diableries by Both, which may have been created as a series; another is in the Lugt Collection (Institut Neerlandais, Paris, inv.6633), and two more were sold, Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, 19 February 1942, lot 413, and in these Rooms, 13 January 1989, lot 28. Three further drawings in Berlin (Bock-Rosenberg, p.90, nos.551, 2265, and 5442), though different in subject-matter (representing Saint John the Baptist Preaching, a Peasant Interior, and A Peasant Standing on a Barrel Disclaiming) are drawn in exactly the same manner, and one of these (Bock-Rosenberg 551) is signed with Both's distinctive monogram, thus confirming the attribution to the artist of the whole of this group of drawings. The inscription on this drawing is a satire on doctors as quacks: 'if doctors dapper urge (invite) the patients, but people don't praise them, they are like these creatures'.

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